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S: Disturbed Body image is Long term: Long Term:
-patient deals body image how a person feels (I) Client
with extreme secondary to about their body Client will 1. Acknowledge and Acceptance of these demonstrated
food control anorexia and what they do demonstrate accept expression of feelings as a normal enhanced body
nervosa as about those feelings of frustration, response to what image and self-
O: evidence by feelings. Some dependency, anger, grief, has occurred esteem as
-inadequate may feel inferior body image and hostility. Note facilitates evidence by
food intake about their bodies and self- withdrawn behavior and resolution. It is not verbalization of
-thin and try to improve esteem as use of denial. helpful or possible comfortable
appearance them through a evidence by to push client feeling of
-weight of 35 variety of means ability to look before ready to deal vocalizing
kg called appearance with situation. acceptance of
management at, touch, talk Denial may be body image.
behaviors. about, and prolonged and be
care for an adaptive Short term:
actual or mechanism because Client was able
perceived client is not ready to verbalize
to cope with understanding
altered body
personal problems. the need to
part or accept help and
function. 2. Recognize the Experiencing stages need to
normalcy of response to of grief over loss of participate in
Short term: the actual or perceived a body part or active health
change in body structure function is normal teachings as
After 1-2 hours or function. and typically evidence by
of nursing involves a period of client actively
intervention, the denial, the length of listening to nurse
client will which varies among health
individuals. instructions.
verbalize 3. Set limits on Client and SO tend
acceptance to maladaptive behavior. to deal with this
Maintain nonjudgmental crisis in the same
receiving help
attitude while giving way in which they
and guidance. care, and help client have dealt with
identify positive problems in the
behaviors that will aid in past. Staff may find
recovery. it difficult and
frustrating to
handle behavior
that is disrupting
and not helpful to
recuperation but
should realize that
the behavior is
usually directed
toward the situation
and not the

4. Support verbalization It is worthwhile to

of positive or negative encourage the client
feelings about the actual to separate feelings
or perceived loss. about changes in
body structure or
function from
feelings about self-
worth. Expression
of feelings can
enhance the client’s
coping strategies.
5. Assess the perceived Changes in body
impact of change on image can have an
ADLs, social behavior, impact on the
personal relationships, client’s ability to
and occupational carry out daily roles
activities. and responsibilities.

6. Help the client identify Clients may

actual changes. perceive changes
that are not present
or real, or they
place an unrealistic
value on a body
structure or

7. Teach the client about The client

the normalcy of body experiencing a
image disturbance and body image change
the grief process. needs new
information to
support cognitive
appraisal of the
1. Provide the client
behaviors help the
with health
client compensate
educations on
for the actual
different adaptive
changed body
structure and

2. Demonstrate positive Professional

caring in routine caregivers represent
activities. a microcosm of
society, and their
actions and
behaviors are
scrutinized as the
3. Administer
client plans to
return to home,
work, and other
4. Administer

1. Refer to physical and
occupational therapy,
vocational counselor,
counseling, clinical
specialist psychiatric
nurse, social services,
and psychologist, as
needed. These are helpful in
ways/devices to
regain and maintain
2. Refer the client and independence.
the caregivers to
support groups Client may need
composed of further assistance to
individuals with resolve persistent
similar alterations. emotional

Lay people in
similar situation
offer a different
type of support,
which is perceived
as helpful.

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