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I. Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop ______ excuse?”
A. having B. making C. doing D. taking
2. I got a new baseball ______ yesterday.
A. stick B. club C. racket D. bat
3. The villagers had to work hard in fields all day and could hardly _______ ends meet.
A. do B. know C. make D. fly
4. It was raining ______, so we couldn’t go out.
A. heavily B. silly C. strongly D. lazily
5. She finally achieved her ______ of visiting the USA.
A. objective B. target C. desires D. ambition
6. After a serious accident last month, the doctors are worried that he will suffer brain ______.
A. destruction B. damage C. disease D. injury
7. As a parent, you try to create a safe ______ environment for your children to grow up.
A. house B. homing C. housing D. home
8. Zoos are trying to increase the ______ expectancy of many animals.
A. life B. alive C. living D. lifetime
9. I got a new golf ______ yesterday.
A. stick B. club C. racket D. bat
10. If a defender ______ a foul within the five-meter area that prevents a likely goal, the attacking team
awarded a penalty throw or shot.
A. interferes B. commits C. punches D. touches
11. Her mother was a great support when she ______ into trouble last month.
A. took B. went C. got D. made
12. In the middle of the day, it’s just too scorching ______ to do anything but lie on the beach soaking up the
sunshine. This is the life!
A. warm B. cold C. freezing D. hot
13. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the ______ all the time.
A. field B. mood C. way D. go
14. He’d been planning to leave the team the ______ time, and hadn’t told anyone.
A. complete B. whole C. total D. full
15. Thanks for helping me. I’ll do the same for you in ______ sometimes.
A. grateful B. appreciate C. favor D. return
16. The ______ of the nuclear accident is still unknown.
A. reason B. cause C. base D. motive
17. It took him a long time to come to ______ with the fact that he was homeless.
A. acceptance B. terms C. tabs D. agreement
18. After the film director Peter Jackson started a(n) ______ diet, he lost over 30 kilos in just 10 months.
A. narrow B. strict C. mere D. considerate
19. The Women’s World Cup is ______ in popularity.
A. competing B. establishing C. advancing D. growing
20. Their washing machine was out of _________, so they couldn’t wash any clothes.
A. practice B. work C. order D. place
21. His name was on the ______ of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.
A. point B. edge C. tip D. top
22. The policeman looked me ______ several times and obviously disliked what he saw.
A. over and over again B. up and down C. from side to side D. in and out
23. She caught a _______of the thief as he made his get-away.
A. glance B. sight C. glimpse D. flash

24. I haven’t got the ______ idea what you’re talking about.
A. least B. slightest C. dimmest D. smallest
25. The shop assistant is ready to ______ me a helping hand. She was very nice.
A. provide B. take C. get D. lend
26. I was made ______ due to a personality clash with my boss.
A. resigned B. retiring C. sacked D. redundant
27. If you don’t stop smoking, you _______this risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run
28. Young children often express their anger by having temper ______.
A. attacks B. tantrums C. fits D. spells
29. The hotel is situated next to an 18-hole golf ______. sân golf
A. course B. court C. field D. pitch
29. Their company is on the ______ of bankruptcy.
A. verge B. edge C. rim D. border
30. Researchers have ______ to the conclusion that personality is affected by your genes.
A. come B. got C. reached D. arrived
31. Yesterday ______ weather conditions hit the south-west of England. Gale-force caused a lot of damage
to property.
A. high B. freak C. tricky D. thick
32. The city has ______ of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can, therefore, help industries
predict the potential risks and success of products.
A. a high rate B. a high proportion C. a high tendency D. a great level
33. He left the country _______ arrest if he returned.
A. in fear that B. with fear of C. under threat of D. with threat of
34. She ______ through the keyhole to see the present they were wrapping.
A. peeped B. peered C. stared D. gazed
35. Several hundred people signed the petition to put a ______ to the nuclear tests in the region.
A. stop B. finish C. break D. cease
36. To get their message across, animal activists are even willing to _______ the use of violence.
A. make use of B. take advantage of C. resort to D. make allowance for
37. The two nations came into _______ conflict over air pollution. The two governments solved the dispute
A. some B. the C. Ø D. a
38. You must mix the right _______ of soap and water if you want to blow bubbles that last longer.
A. percentage B. proportion C. propensity D. majority
39. The boy was punished for playing _______ from his physics lessons.
A. truant B. runaway C. absent D. joyride
40. As was___________observed, there is strong correlation between house prices and inflation.
A. closely B. critically C. early D. firmly
II. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is not correct in standard written English.
41. Mary tried (A) to take (B) the waiter’s attention (C) but she didn’t succeed (D).
42. I’m doing (A) an effort (B) to be nice (C) to her at (D) the moment.
43. Agriculture is (A) a key (B) factor in (C) economical (D) development.
44. Under no occasions (A) do they accept (B) your invitation (C) to (D) the party tonight.
45. In order to (A) build progress (B) in speaking skill (C), you need to practice (D) everyday.
46. We (A) didn’t run (B) at the station (C) in time to catch (D) the train.
47. Mom, I think (A) I have taken (B) a cold (C). I feel very tired (D).
48. Did (A) someone put fire to (B) the house (C) deliberately (D)?
49. These exercises (A) look easy (B), but they are very relatively (C) difficult for (D) us.
50. Foreign students who are doing (A) a decision about which (B) school to attend may not know (C) exactly
where the choices (D) are located. -----------------The end-----------------

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