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Learning activity 4

Evidence: A scholarship for me

Fuente: SENA

Name of the program: Specialization in Children's Pedagogy

Content: The Specialization in Early Childhood
Pedagogy has been designed to meet the
training needs of professionals in initial,
preschool, basic education and related
professions, to promote high quality
education, taking into account the common
objectives proposed for educational levels,
established in the General Law of Education
(Law 115 of 1994).
Place: Cali- Face-to-face
Duration: 2 semesters
Requirements: Graduated from university profession
Coverage: National
Deadlines: September, 2021
• Why does this scholarship call your attention?

This specialization interests me, because it complements my education regarding

children's pedagogy, although I am an engineer by profession I have found that
teaching other people makes a radical change in their lives and if that change is
made at an early age (when teaches children) makes a change in society.

• How is it related to your career objectives?

This specialization is related to my career goals because I have a Kindergarten

where we teach and lay the foundations for the lives of children, for this reason
we must be very well trained to be able to take on the challenge with the greatest

• How is the content of the program structured?

This specialization contains two modules:

Module 1.

In this module we will work on textual comprehension and production, introducing

the theories of intellectual and affective development and emphasizing the
neurosychology of childhood learning as a fundamental basis.

Module 2.

Based on what was learned previously, new technologies are taught in early
childhood education along with the contemporary pedagogical and didactic
approach, and it ends with a praxis in child pedagogy to know how to put
everything learned into practice.

• What are the requirements to apply?

To access this specialization, in addition to the basic documents of forms, copies

of diplomas, certificates and identity documents, an admission interview must be
carried out with the program management.
• Which requirements do you already have and which do you need to

I have all the requirements to be able to access the specialization

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