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Name : Gigih Prayoga Adi Nugraha

NIM : 205300020

Comparison of Jean Piaget's Theory with Lev Vygotsky

Jean Piaget said that children can actively build their own cognitive world. In Piaget's view, there are two
processes that underlie the development of the individual world, namely organization and adaptation.

Meanwhile, Lev Vygotsky emphasized how mental development processes such as memory, attention,
and reasoning involve learning using societal findings such as language, mathematical systems, etc.

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

There are 6 aspects that need to be considered in Jean Piaget's theory

1) Intelligence.

According to him, intelligence is a form of equilibrium in the direction in which all structures that
produce perceptions, habits, and sensiomotor mechanisms are directed.

2) Organization.

Organization is a general tendency for all forms of life to integrate structures, whether psychological or
physiological in a higher system.

3) Schematic.

Scheme is a mental structure of a person where he intellectually adapts to the surrounding

environment. The schema will adapt and change during a person's cognitive development.

4) Assimilation.

Assimilation is a cognitive process in which a person integrates new perceptions, concepts or

experiences into existing schemes or patterns in his mind.

5) Accommodation.

Accommodation is the formation of a new scheme or changing an old scheme so that it fits with a new
stimulus, or modifying an existing scheme so that it fits into an existing stimulus.

6) Equilibration.

Equilibration is a balance between assimilation and accommodation, whereas discilibration is a state

where there is an imbalance between the assimilation and accommodation processes, equilibration can
make a person unify external experiences with internal structures.
Lev Vygotsky's Theory of Development

1. The Concept of the Zone of Proximal Development

The Zone of Proximal Development is Vygotsky's term for a series of tasks that are too difficult for a child
to master alone but can be learned with the help and guidance of a trained adult or child. This zone is
the gap between actual development and potential development, which is between whether a child can
do something without the help of an adult and whether a child can do something with adult direction or
cooperation with peers.

2. Scaffolding Concept

Scaffolding is changing the level of support. Scaffolding is a term related to cognitive development that
Vygotsky uses to describe changes in support during a learning session, where a more skilled person
changes guidance according to the child's ability level.

3. Language and Thought

According to Vygotsky, children use speech not only for social communication, but also to help them
complete tasks. Vygotsky believes that children at an early age use language to plan, guide and monitor
their behavior.

So, the point is that Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development puts back boundaries about children's
intelligence, knowledge and relationships with their environment. A comprehensive theory of
intellectual development, which reflects the strengths between biological & psychological functions. In
infancy, they are born with innate reflexes, schemes are modified and combined to form more complex
behavior. In childhood, children do not have a conception of a fixed object. He can only know the things
that are captured by his senses. The child has been able to know mathematical symbols, but has not
been able to deal with things that are abstract.

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