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58120 Reversed and remanded

Appellate Court of Illinois, First District. Fourth Division

Nabozny v. Barnhill
31 Ill. App. 3d 212 (Ill. App. Ct. 1975) • 334 N.E.2d 258
Decided Jul 23, 1975

No. 58120 Reversed and remanded. In light of Pedrick v. Peoria Eastern R.R. Co.
(1967), 37 Ill.2d 494, 229 N.E.2d 504, our
213 July 23, 1975. *213
statement of facts reflects an examination of all of
APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Cook County; the evidence viewed in its aspect most favorable to
the Hon. DANIEL ROBERTS, Judge, presiding. plaintiff.

Albert F. Hofeld, of Chicago (William J. Harte, of A soccer match began between two amateur teams
counsel), for appellant. at Duke Child's Field in Winnetka, Illinois.
Plaintiff was playing the position of goalkeeper
Kirkland Ellis, of Chicago (Cornelius J.
for the Hansa team. Defendant was playing the
Harrington and Gary M. Elden, of counsel), for
position of forward for the Winnetka team.
Members of both teams were of high-school age.
Approximately 20 minutes after play had begun, a
Mr. JUSTICE ADESKO delivered the opinion of
Winnetka player kicked the ball over the midfield
the court:
line. Two players, Jim Gallos (for Hansa) and the
Plaintiff, Julian Claudio Nabozny, a minor, by defendant (for Winnetka) chased the free ball.
Edward J. Nabozny, his father, commenced this Gallos reached the ball first. Since he was closely
action to recover damages for personal injuries 214 pursued by the defendant, *214 Gallos passed the
allegedly caused by the negligence of defendant, ball to the plaintiff, the Hansa goalkeeper. Gallos
David Barnhill. Trial was before a jury. At the then turned away and prepared to receive a pass
close of plaintiff's case on motion of defendant, from the plaintiff. The plaintiff, in the meantime,
the trial court directed a verdict in favor of the went down on his left knee, received the pass, and
defendant. Plaintiff appeals from the order pulled the ball to his chest. The defendant did not
granting the motion. turn away when Gallos did, but continued to run
in the direction of the plaintiff and kicked the left
Plaintiff contends on appeal that the trial judge side of plaintiff's head causing plaintiff severe
erred in granting defendant's motion for a directed injuries.
verdict and that plaintiff's actions as a participant
do not prohibit the establishment of a prima facie All of the occurrence witnesses agreed that the
case of negligence. Defendant argues in support of defendant had time to avoid contact with plaintiff
the trial court's ruling that defendant was free from and that the plaintiff remained at all times within
negligence as a matter of law (lacking a duty to the "penalty area," a rectangular area between the
plaintiff) and that plaintiff was contributorily 18th yard line and the goal. Four witnesses
negligent as a matter of law. testified that they saw plaintiff in a crouched
position on his left knee inside the penalty zone.
Plaintiff testified that he actually had possession

Nabozny v. Barnhill 31 Ill. App. 3d 212 (Ill. App. Ct. 1975)

of the ball when he was struck by defendant. One 215 Dealers Mutual *215 Insurance Co. (La.App.
witness, Marie Shekem, stated that plaintiff had 1961), 131 So.2d 831.) We can find no American
the ball when he was kicked. All other occurrence cases dealing with the game of soccer.
witnesses stated that they thought plaintiff was in
This court believes that the law should not place
possession of the ball.
unreasonable burdens on the free and vigorous
Plaintiff called three expert witnesses. Julius Roth, participation in sports by our youth. However, we
coach of the Hansa team, testified that the game in also believe that organized, athletic competition
question was being played under "F.I.F.A." rules. does not exist in a vacuum. Rather, some of the
The three experts agreed that those rules restraints of civilization must accompany every
prohibited all players from making contact with athlete on to the playing field. One of the
the goalkeeper when he is in possession of the ball educational benefits of organized athletic
in the penalty area. Possession is defined in the competition to our youth is the development of
Chicago area as referring to the goalkeeper having discipline and self-control.
his hands on the ball. Under "F.I.F.A." rules, any
Individual sports are advanced and competition
contact with a goalkeeper in possession in the
enhanced by a comprehensive set of rules. Some
penalty area is an infraction of the rules, even if
rules secure the better playing of the game as a test
such contact is unintentional. The goalkeeper is
of skill. Other rules are primarily designed to
the only member of a team who is allowed to
protect participants from serious injury.
touch a ball in play so long as he remains in the
Restatement (Second) of Torts § 50, comment b
penalty area. The only legal contact permitted in
(4th ed. 1971).
soccer is shoulder to shoulder contact between
players going for a ball within playing distance. • 1, 2 For these reasons, this court believes that
The three experts agreed that the contact in when athletes are engaged in an athletic
question in this case should not have occurred. competition; all teams involved are trained and
Additionally, goalkeeper head injuries are coached by knowledgeable personnel; a
extremely rare in soccer. As a result of being recognized set of rules governs the conduct of the
struck, plaintiff suffered permanent damage to his competition; and a safety rule is contained therein
skull and brain. which is primarily designed to protect players
from serious injury, a player is then charged with a
The initial question presented by this appeal is
legal duty to every other player on the field to
whether, under the facts in evidence, such a
refrain from conduct proscribed by a safety rule. A
relationship existed between the parties that the
reckless disregard for the safety of other players
court will impose a legal duty upon one for the
cannot be excused. To engage in such conduct is
benefit of the other. "[M]ore simply, whether the
to create an intolerable and unreasonable risk of
interest of the plaintiff which has suffered invasion
serious injury to other participants. We have
was entitled to legal protection at the hands of the
carefully drawn the rule announced herein in order
defendant." Prosser, Law of Torts § 37, at 206 (4th
to control a new field of personal injury litigation.
ed. 1971).
Under the facts presented in the case at bar, we
There is a dearth of case law involving organized find such a duty clearly arose. Plaintiff was
athletic competition wherein one of the entitled to legal protection at the hands of the
participants is charged with negligence. There are defendant. The defendant contends he is immune
no such Illinois cases. A number of other from tort action for any injury to another player
jurisdictions prohibit recovery generally for that happens during the course of a game, to which
reasons of public policy. ( Eg., Gaspard v. Grain theory we do not subscribe.

Nabozny v. Barnhill 31 Ill. App. 3d 212 (Ill. App. Ct. 1975)

It is our opinion that a player is liable for injury in agreed that a player charging an opposition
a tort action if his conduct is such that it is either goaltender, under circumstances similar to those
deliberate, wilful or with a reckless disregard for which existed during the play in question, should
the safety of the other player so as to cause injury be able to avoid all contact. Furthermore, it is a
to that player, the same being a question of fact to violation of the rules for a player simply to kick at
be decided by a jury. the ball when a goalkeeper has possession in the
penalty area even if no contact is made with the
• 3 Defendant also asserts that plaintiff was
contributorily negligent as a matter of law, and,
therefore, the trial court's direction of a verdict in Using the standard set out in Pedrick v. Peoria
defendant's favor was correct. We do not agree. Eastern R.R. Co., 37 Ill.2d 494, 229 N.E.2d 504,
The evidence presented tended to show that for determining both freedom from negligence and
plaintiff was in the exercise of ordinary care for contributory negligence as matters of law, we
his own safety. While playing his position, he conclude that the trial court erred in directing a
remained in the penalty area and took possession verdict in favor of defendant. It is a fact question
of the ball in a proper manner. Plaintiff had no for the jury.
reason to know of the danger created by
This cause, therefore, is reversed and remanded to
216 defendant. Without this knowledge, *216 it cannot
the Circuit Court of Cook County for a new trial
be said that plaintiff unreasonably exposed himself
consistent with the views expressed in this
to such danger or failed to discover or appreciate
the risk. The facts in evidence revealed that the
play in question was of a kind commonly executed Reversed and remanded.
in this sport. Frank Longo, one of plaintiff's expert
DIERINGER, P.J., and JOHNSON, J., concur.
witnesses, testified that once the goalkeeper gets
217 *217
possession of the ball in the penalty area, "the
instinct should be there [in an opposing player
pursuing the ball] through training and knowledge
of the rules to avoid contact [with the
goalkeeper]." All of plaintiff's expert witnesses

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