Topic: Survey Project Course: Introduction To Psycology Course Instructor: Ma'Am Syra

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Table of contents
 Objective
 Introduction
 Purpose
 Average
 Conclusion
 Limitation and suggestion
 Reference

Depression is a state of mental illness. It is characterized by deep long lasting
feelings of sadness or despaired. Depression can change individual thinking and
feeling, and it also effect someone social behavior. It is a common cold of mental
disorder. Depression is considered by number of common symptoms. These
include a sad anxious or empty mood, and feeling of hopeless last nearly every
day. For weeks on end. A person who is depressed also has feelings of guilt,
worthlessness and helplessness.
Executive summary
The individual and societal burden of depressive disorders is widely acknowledged, but treating
these disorders remains challenging. Clinical guidelines recommend that both pharmacotherapy
and psychotherapy should be considered as first-line treatments. 

1. Our main objective is to find out the reasons of depression in today’s youth.
2. In this survey we will find out what is the effects of depression in our life.
3. By this survey we will also found the symptoms of depression.
4. And we also to find that how depression can effect different persons with different mind sets
and personality.

Depression is one of the most prevalent problems and the leading cause of disability worldwide.
1. To be able to screen for and diagnose depression including:
a. Using current criteria and other diagnostic and functional assessment tools.
b. Mental status exam, including assessment of suicide/homicidal risk, and take appropriate
action where necessary.
2 .Identify high risk factors for depression and suicide.
3. Describe presentations of depressed patients.
4. Purpose of different diagnose

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel the way
you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities
once enjoyed. They are the great submerged problem, which shame keeps out of sight. But if you
mention them, you soon discover how many families are affected. According to research, one in
six of us would be diagnosed as having depression or chronic anxiety disorder, which means that
one family in three is affected. Depression might cause numerous undesirable personal and
professional consequences. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Now we have evidence-based
psychological therapies that can lift at least a half of those affected out of their depression. The
goal of this research is to obtain a baseline understanding of the general public’s perceptions of
depression and to capture the experiences of people living with depression.

Google form
Ques 1 Ques 2 Ques 3 Ques 4 Ques 5 Ques 6 Ques 7 Ques 8 Ques 9 Ques 10

Agree Neutral Disagree


1 68.9% 16.5% 14.6%
2 54.4% 34% 11.7%
3 33% 35.9% 31.1%
4 54.4% 29.1% 16.5%
5 41.7% 32% 26.2%
6 40.8% 35% 34.3%
7 59.2% 30.1% 10.7%
8 37.9% 35.9% 26.2%
9 35.9% 39.8% 24.3%
10 7.8% 5.8% 86.4%


1. Most of the people think that depression is a mental illness.

2. Most of the people think that depression could be caused by lack of illness.
3. Average of the people say that the reason behind most of the suicides is depression.
4. According to mostly people depression causes lack of concentration.
5. Due to depression people become angry and irritated easily.
6. Average people say that depression causes loss of appetite.
7. Mostly people say that depressed person would take more time to do the same task than a
normal person.
8. Average people say that the person suffering from depression have the feeling of
worthlessness and guilty.
9. Average people say that a person would feel tired and fatigued due to depression.
10. Most of the people are not satisfied with the idea of having suicidal thoughts due to

Limitations /suggestion

Survey showed that the main reasons of depression is being alone, overthinking, feeling useless
and not having any good social skills. So, the patients who are facing depression should go out
for a trip so that they can free their minds from useless thoughts. Meditation can also help the
patients because the main thing is freeing their minds from useless thoughts People in depression
needs moral support more than any medicine or cure that’s why their family should show more
love and affection to them so that they feel worthy.


1. Observation tool
2. Overt behaviour
3. Covert behaviour
4. Survey is designed using Google form.

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