Gepcomm Quiz

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Multiple Choice. ( TWO points each ) RIGHT MINUS WRONG applies.

Write A if the first statement is true and the second statement is false.

Write B if the second statement is true and the first statement is false.

Write C if both statements are true.

Write D if both statements are false.

Write E if no answer is applicable.

1. A. Context affect how your reader respond to your written communication because
people in a context that may influence the way they respond to your message.
B. Context include demographic factors, personality, values and beliefs, past
behavior, and client relationship.

2. A. The meaning that the reader usually gets is the meaning that the writer intended.
B. The meaning that the reader perceives lies beneath the meaning found in the
intersentential features of the language influenced by the writer’s culture.

3. A. Visual impact doesn’t really count as one of the main features of an effective
B. Visual impact coupled with style and organization are one of the main features that
an effective message must have.

4. A. Messages that are leaned towards courteousness build goodwill and incredibly
cements good relationship between the reader and the writer.
B. Positive image of the person writing and also the organization to which the person
belongs builds goodwill between writer and his / her audience.

5. A. To inform, to request or persuade, and to build goodwill are three basic purposes
of written communication in organizations.
B. When you are trying to advantages of the COVID vaccine in lieu with the
promotion of the drug, you are clearly violating some ethical standards in

6. A. Direct quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, outlining, and research writing are the
most widely used notetaking strategies in writing.
B. In direct quoting, it should be noted that only a phrase of about three to four
consecutive words should be quoted directly.
7. A. Paraphrasing is the process of interpreting another writer’s ideas and words by
simply replacing some words with synonymous terms.
B. APA style stands for American Psychological Association and is a citation style
commonly used in the social science excluding law and business.

8. A. When writing your advocacy letter, use active voice as much as possible and apply
a direct but tactful tone.
B. The letter must focus on the reader / s by using the “you” approach, meaning
writing in such a way that you are talking about your plans.

9. A. In order to achieve effective persuasiveness in speech and writing, words should be

toned, subtle, and moderate. How persuasiveness could be achieved include steps like
setting the tone, doing an analysis, and supporting the argument.
B. A good argument begins by turning skepticism into a feeling of confidence. This
confidence is founded upon the type of reasoning, the core of persuasion. An
argument expresses a position on an issue or problem and supports it with reasons
and evidence.

10. A. Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well – being for all at all ages while
eliminating racism in all its forms are part of the sustainable development goals.
B. UN SDGs are particularly designed for countries where more than 50% of the
population live below the poverty line.

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