Persepolis CH

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Persepolis Analysis Questions

Chapters 2 & 3: “The Bicycle” & “The Water Cell”

Directions: After reading and annotating each chapter, complete the two analysis questions
below. Your main objective is to display a broad, yet deep understanding of the chapter as a
whole, while accurately analyzing the specific authorial choices (AKA Craft) Satrapi makes to
convey these ideas to her audience. Each response should be at least 3-4 sentences.

Chapter 2: “The Bicycle”

Theme or Global Issue:

Justice/Community-The awful tragedy that occurs at the cinema unfortunately didn’t end with
the death of hundreds of people but the effects also blossomed out into the surrounding
communities. This shows how the injustice occurring at this time in Iran creates a big impact that
festers within communities through protests, fear and anger. Satrapi also is affected by making
her confused on why this is happening and why she isn’t able to participate because she is still a
child and is not able to comprehend the daggers of the revolution.

Insert picture of passage(s):

Wouldn't let me upload an image but it’s page 16-17

Explain how the passage(s) support the theme or global issue:

The passage shows Satrapi’s parents talking about what happened at the cinema and sharing how
they are getting involved in response to it. Satrapi then overhears about it and misinterprets the
severity of their situation by believing it was the same as her friends protesting in their square.
Her parents' reaction to her wanting to get involved deeply confuses and upsets her because she
can't understand the danger of demonstrating.

Authorial Choice #1 & Explanation:

The graphic weight that Satrapi uses throughout the panels on page 16-17 give a dark and
ominous tone after the tragedy that happened at the cinema. It also makes the situation more
serious by shrouding the characters in darkness compared to the lightness of their figures. This is
especially convincing in the ending panel where Satrapi is crying alone in her room surrounded
by darkness.

Authorial Choice #2 & Explanation:

Eminata is used in the last panel to show the distress that Satrapi is in. Not only does it show her
sadness but also her frustration at not being able to participate in the protest. She wants to help
her community but she’s too young to get involved.

Authorial Choice #3 & Explanation:

The use of icons in pages 16-17 is used to convey the militant influence on Satrapi when she uses
a hat often seen on dictators in turbulent times. The hat can be interpreted in different ways but it
creates the image of a young soldier which Satrapi glorifies and wants to become. She thinks her
ability to get involved in the revolution will prove her maturity and will allow her to help people.


Chapter 3: “The Water Cell”

Theme or Global Issue:

politics/power- The change in power in Iran’s history is seen through Satrapi’s family history and
still affects them and the country. She also gets exposed to the torturous methods that can be
imposed on someone for disagreeing with their government which is seen through her
grandfather. He was waterboarded for his outspoken distaste for the king and Satrapi is also able
to notice how this trauma is translated to her mother and grandmother.

Insert picture of passage(s):

Pages 24 and 25

Explain how the passage(s) support the theme or global issue:

The panels on these two pages expose the cruelty that Satrapi’s grandfather had to endure on a
daily basis. It also shows how it affected their entire family by making her grandmother and
mother anxious for the grandfather’s safety everytime someone would come to the door. Satrapi
reveals how deeply she wants to understand the situation by being exposed to the sadness of her
mother but unable to comprehend because of her naivety.

Authorial Choice #1 & Explanation:

The graphic weight used on the side of Satrapi’s and her mother’s face to show the absolute grief
they have over the torture of the grandfather. Her mother is reliving the traumatic experience of
her childhood and her constant fear that her father would be taken away or killed. Satrapi is
responding to this and while she doesn’t clearly understand what happened to him she can tell
that it is severe and horrible.

Authorial Choice #2 & Explanation:

Satrapi uses non sequitur panels at the bottom of page 24 that show the contrast between the
police and the lady at the door to convey how unsure their family was. Her mother never knew
when her father would be taken and this contrast shows how there was no way for her to tell. It
also conveys the fear that she was always in by being exposed to such a serious situation as a
young girl and having no ways to prevent or solve it.
Authorial Choice #3 & Explanation:
The eminata at the top of page 25 shows Satrapi’s mother crying over the torture her father had
to endure. She is reflecting on her childhood at this time and is reliving the trauma she
experienced as a young girl. Not only was her grief related to how her father was waterboarded
but it was also connected to the fear that she constantly experienced.

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