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1. THE MIND Child of the union of the syphilitic and psoric Dull. Cross, irritable.

dyscrasias presents a picture of "the problem

child"-slow in comprehension, dull, unable to keep Oppression and anxiety at night. Oppression and anxiety when weather changes.
a line of thought. Unsocial keeps to himself and
Restless, mental spells; patient is Fits of anger. (R)
Mental activity.quick active. becomes sullen and morose. (R)
driven out of bed inducing symptoms of suicide. He is suspicious, the suspicion extends to the point
Prostrated easily from mental exertion or
where he dare not trust himself, and he must go
impressions; heat of wholebody after mental Patients are aggravated by perspiration. back and repeat what he has done or said and
impressions or exertions, anxious, filled with
wonders if he bas taid just what he means, he
forebodeings; fear of death or of illness, or that All symptoms are worse at night.
goes back and starts again. He is suspicious that he
their case is hopeless, incurable: mental
Mentally dull heavy, stupid and especially will be misunderstood, that his hearers will give
depression, despondency; timidity with a sense of
stubborn, sullen, morose and usually suspicious. the wrong meaning to what he is attempting to
latigue; vanishing of thoughts while reading or
Depressed but keep troubles to themselves and convey. This suspicion when turned upon ohers
writing: cannot control thoughts; at times scems
sulk over them. leads to tbe worst forms of jealousy of his friends,
deprived of thought; sadness. anxiety, and dread
for he knows full well that he is not understood,
of labour; great inward uneasiness, and
People who develop fixed ideas. (R)
anxiousness; repcated attacks of fearfulness
during the day with or without pain; oppresssion Slow in reaction. There is a peculiar tendency for making a secret of
and anxiety on waking in themorning. In restless, everything.
mental spells they must move about. Patient is They become melancholy and condemn
better for perspiration. The mental anxicty of themsclves. (R) Sycosis is ever anxious lest his secrels are out, lest
psora often makes its apearance around full moon he is found out. Just as he is himself anxious to
or at aproach of menses in women. Weeping often Fixed in moods. keep his mind from others, he thinks that others
palliates. Dread of labour, of being alone, of the are also of the same mentality and are trying to
dark; sudden transition from cheerfulness to keep things from him. Thus he is neccessarily
sadness, or to peevishness, without any apparent suspicious.
The latent syphilitic is dull, stupid. heavy and
cause. Melancholy violent beatings of the heart,
obstinate. Depressed . The patient keeps his
anxietyand extreme nervousness often follow the It he writes or says something he will repeat it
depression to himself. The first thing you know is
awakening of psoric patients from sleep. Pulsation over and over he always suspects that the idea has
that be has committed suicide. He is a closc
in differentparts of the body and a feeling not been correctly laid out.
mouthed fellow.
ofconstriction about different parts. This kind of
He broods over things. (B)
mental or moral discase originates from psora. A
certain feeling of insanity induces those patients Sycosis coupled with Psora is the basis of criminal
to kill themselves although they have no anxiety, insanity and of most suicides. (R)
no anxious thoughts and seem to enjoy their full
understanding. Nothing can save them except the When SYPHILIS and SYCOSIS are combined, these
Men and women who commit suicide to-day are
cure of psora. patients are sullen, smouldering, threatening to
mainly sycotics.
break out into dangerous manifestations. (R)
Easily frightened, often by trivial things fear often Degenerates are sycotic or syphilitic or result from
begins with trembling and shaking of body both. (R)
followed by great weakness and muscular
prostration, and copious perspiration often.
2. THE MIND ( continud)
Morose and mistrustful, Desire to escape, to get
They have chills or chilly sensations, fainting spells,
away from self. This often drives them to suicide
headaches, nausea, vomiting and a host of
symptoms follow attacks of fever, even to
convulsions, epilepsy and spasms. Idiocy. All quickness of thought is gone and there The sycotic taint develops the worst forms of
is a gradual ineapacity for understanding things degeneracy, because of the basic suspicion and
They become dizzy and faint in crowd, or when jealousy: patients will resort to any and atr means
and this makes him ninrose. It so comes about in
they meet strangers, of when any unusual ordeal of vindicating themselves in their own light. This is
course of time that his mind fails to travel from
is to take place, they have headaches, faint spells, the most markedly degenerate of the stigmata in
subject to subject, a quickness that is so
nausea, vomiting or they are suddenty taken with its suspicions, its quarrelsomeness, its tendeney to
prominent in Psora. Thus he grows into one
diarrhoea. They are easily bawildered, inclined to harm animals. This produces the worst forms of
wanting in attention and comprehension. If he
be Irritable, cross, or sensitive to many cruelty and cunning deceit and the worst forms of
reads a line he cannot understand its meaning and
impressions, such as odours of flowers, smell of mania of any of the stigmata . (R)
he has therefore to read it orer and over again.
cooking foods, atmospherlc changes, bad news,
The mind grows slow as if paralysed. (3)
joy; or they are very easily disturbed mentally. Syeosis is the most mischievous of all the miasms.
They easily fly into a passion yet in a moment He is ever bent upon the mischiefs and misdeeds..
again they weep and are penitent. In anger they The sycotic mind is so grosly debased.Sycosis
tremble with rage and when over they are greatly makes the victim devoid of all sense of
proctated and often sick for a time. The true psoric righteouseness. It makes him a liar and vicious
patient is bright active quick In movement. Usually seoundrel;makes him destitute of all love and
exalted Although when he has the dumps affection for others; makes him mean and
everybody knows it-he's a constant annoyance to selfish. All the vicious individuals on earth thieves,
his friends. They are often in trouble; often found robbers and murderers are the products of
complaining fault finding. Unsatisfied never well, Sycosis.It makes a beast out of man. (B)
and yet often quilteble to locate their troubles.
Chronic complainer chronic grumsler, never
satisfied with his conditions in life; they are
abused, neglected and yet at the same time one is
doing all one can for them.

Anxious when ill, Apprehensive, despondent,

melancholy sad. changeabel In their moods.
Moodiness, where they are very changeable, is
quite pathognomonic of psora.
Absent minded only in certain things.Forgets
Time goes too fat or too slow. Thoughts and ideas vanish away and he has not words, sentences and previous lines that he has
the mental ability to bring them back. He reads just read he wunders how the simplest words.
Absent minded general way.
but cannet retain it; there is a kind of mental.
Psora is full of fear; he fears everything. He fears
darkness, he fears to be alone, fears an ordinary
ailment, and thinks that something

3. THE MIND (continued)

serious would come on it. Fears what will happen “See note under "Syphilis." Paralysis he forgets what he is about to utter. are spelled; he has momentary loss of thought, or
in the future. Psora is restless, in thought, feeling Sometimes wc see this in TUBER CULAR children he loses the thread of his discourse frequently: he
and will and this lcads to restlessness in action. all through school days and often we attempt to is constantly stopping to find it, which causes him
There is an all round restlessness he is never whip them into line but it is constitutional to repeat. Often this is due to his inability to find
satisfled with the existing state of things. He things treatment they reed. the right words. If writing he is not certain of using
he is not rich enough and tries to acquire more the right words or he is in doubt about spelling. He
riches. He is never satisfied with his married wife drops words or letters or uses wrong ones.
and therefore seeks gratification in other Women-
and thus he acquires gonorrhoca and syphilis. Has difficulty in giving his case to the Physician-
There is no calmness, no peacefulness of mind; no afraid he will not give it correctly. In speaking,
The reasoning powers are slow and they are
quietude. It however follows that this restless afraid he will forget something. This is painful to
constantly condenining sclf. Cross and irritable and
state of mind has a keenness of intelligence, him and causes him much annoyance and
disposed to fits of anger.
because restlessness of mind means sensitivity, suffering.
and sensitivity is power of understanding things
in reading and any mental ellort causes pain in
easily. But this power of understanding or
keenness of Psora is of no use to the world
becausc it is perverse (B) Recollection of recent events difficult whilsi they
can recall things of the past.
In delusions or mania there is no end to his words:
These patients are better of their mental stress
words are multiplied and he has no trouble in
and disturbances, like Psora, by some cxiternal
finding them. His thoughts run so fast and words
Cxpression of the disease: for instance,
are so multiplied that he does not know what to
leucorrhocal or a gonnorihocal or catarrhal
do with them.
discharge of any form returncd, ameliorating a
He may be so depressed he cannot speak but sycotic patient at once.
when he is able to speak he is never at a loss for
words, infact they come to him in mental troubles
faster than he can speak them.

Mental delusions of all kinds. Temporary amelioration by offensive foot or

axillary sweat which when suppressed often
Delirium and action is often disgusting and they induccs lung irouble or some other severe discase.
have more foolish fancies than they would have in Patient is better of mental symptoms by an in the tertiary stage patient is better by an
true delirium. outbreak of an ulcer. eruption of warts. (See Provings of Murex)
Patients are better by psoric attacks of all kinds, by
diarrhoeas. copiousurination er perspiration.

4. THE MIND (continued)

Sudden anxiety with strong palpitations of the Mental conditions of sycosis are all better when
heart. With people suffering from gastric or liver warts or fibrous growths appear; they are always
troubles, the liver becomes inactive, often due to better in general from return or breaking open of
overeating. When patient becomes much old ulcers or old sores and markediy by return of
Quite often from suppression of both SYPHILIS or
depressed, irritable, disinclined to work, with acute gonorrhoeal manifestation. (R)
SYCOSIS a baisler meningitis is set up which
sudden loss of energy and no desire to do
induces all forms of mental aberrations. The
anything. This condition may be temporarily
degenerate and all his kin is either SYCOTIC or
improved by a cathartic.
SYPHILITIC usually SYCOTIC or deeply
The epilepsy of PSORA or the true insanity of impregnated with a SYCOTIC taint or a SYCO-
PSORA is usually of a TUBERCULAR nature, that is PSORIC one.
latent SYPHILIS and PSORA. Self condemnation which is the moral reaction to
the inception of the diseased state. (R)
Malignant cascs have all the miasms present

The mental symptoms arising from morul insanity

usually arise from a mixed miasm and SYCOSIS
combined with PSORA figures largely in the
criminality of our country.

To sum up, the mentality of Sycosis is suspicion,

mischievous, mean, selfish and forgetful. (B)

Vertigoes-in walking, moving. looking up quickly or Vertigoes beginning in the base of the brain are
rising from sitting or lying position. more apt to be of a SYCOTIC or SYPHILITIC nature
or may be of TUBERCULAR origin.
Whirling vertigo with nausea in bili ous subjects.

Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness

when things appear too large or too amall: vertigo
with eructations, with rush of blood to the head or
face, with headaches, prosapagia followed with
temporary blindness vertigo as if intoxicated:
especally is this true in the morning dullness of
intellect and confusion, with nausea, vomiting of
mucus only: vertigo when stooping and with light
neas of head as if swimming, sensations as if
floating in the air: sensetions as if the head were
larger than the body, as if turning in a circle;
vertigo with digestive disturbances of all kinds.
with nausea, vomiting, disturbances of the portal
system and constipation; vertigo on reading or
writing with confusion of mind or with specks or
stars before the eyes; or sensations ol a veil before
the eyes: vertigo on closing the eyes on falling
asleep; vertigo with sensation of falling or as if in a
boat; vertigo on riding in a boat or at sea, with
nausca and vomiting or when riding in a street car
or in a carriage.

Psoric patients cannot be disturbed much, they

prefer to remain quiet when sick unless the mind
is affected.

The brain becomes anaemic easily, therefore they

are subject to kinds of vertigoes, vertigo with
flashes of heat, and with perspiraton, which often
ameliorates; vertigo in a warm room or when the
air is not good.

Vertigo when stooping, when walking. with

roaring in the ears and confusion of the senses,
heaviness of the head and weakness of the lower

6. SENSORIUM (continued)
and palpitation of the heart. Vertigo on turning Headaches at night. Worse at night or approach of Headaches of sycotci children are more common
over in bed or closing the eyes. night. baisler. Thcy improve in the morning and than we think, worse at night. producing
Headuches occurring every Sunday or on rest remain better all day until evening when they feverishness, rest lessness, crying. fretting and
Head days. Worse riding in carriage. or are due to the worse as the nighi advances. Them they grow worrying. Better by motion. Headache in veriex or
least ünusual ordeal, as preparing for better towards morning. there may be a frontal headuche; these are worse
Morning headaches, constantly returning. exaniinations. meeting with strangers and enter lying down and at night, especially after midnight.
persisternt. usually frontal Usually worse as taining them. Headaches with deathly coldness of Dull, heavy or lanceolating. conslant. Persis (R)
morning approaches. These headaches grow hands and feet. With prostration, sadness and ent. Usualy baisier or linnieror one sided.
worse as the sun ascends and decrease as it general despondancy. This patient is restless and wants to be kept in
descends. Sharp. severe paroxysmal. Usuully Headaches worse warmth resi or while motion which ameliorates. (R)
frontal. temporal, or tempoparietal, sometiines on Headaches with red face and rush of blood to attempting to sleep
vertex. head, or at certain hours.ef the day. usually in the The liead symptoms resemble the Syphiltic in that
forenoon headaches better rest, quiet, Headaches worse on lying down and at night. they have the night aggtavation and there is the
Headaches with bilious attacks, nausea and sleep.eating. Generally headache baisler, worse at or after same type of vertigo at base of brain (R).
vomiting coming once or twice a month quiet rest midnight. Headaches worse on lying down and at night.
or sieep. Headache better noseblec anything better nose
bleed is tubercular.
Headaches better hot applications. quiet, rest,
sleep. Prosapalg.a or persistent headache not easily
ameliorated by treatment.
Temporal or frontal,

Headache with red face, throbbing. better reat,

quiet and sleep and better hot applications. (R) A TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC beadache will often
last for days and is very severe, often
In the SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR headaches of unendurable, sometimes with sensation of bands
children, they strike. knock or pound their heads Headaches usually worse riding. bet 2 better by
about the head. Many are due to effusion. Patient
with their hands or against some object. Great motion, worse by exertion either mental or
often has a weak feeling about the head-cannot
hunger before headaches. physical.
hold it up, and sometimes they are so severe as to
produce unconsciousness. rolling or boring of the Usually accompanied by coldness of body,
Headaches from repelled eruptions or suppression
head into the pillow, ocular paralysis moaning. sadness and prostration. (R)
of any skin eruptions, hunger before or during
with feverishness and restlessness or patient is
stupid, dull or listless, even semi-conscious. Rush
of blood to head, or face, with roaring in ears, with
determination of blood to chest, hot hands and
face, have to bathe them in cold water. See Phos
and Opium. Sometimes headaches are worse heat.
This shows the amelioration to be found in the
SYPHILITIC miasm by cold.


Hair dry lustreless, tangles easily breaks and splits.

Frontal or on vertes worse at or after midnight. Hair of head as if parched and dry (H).
Hair becomes white in spots.

Aversion to uncovering head, dry eruptions on

scalp; hair dry, deadlike, full of dry, scaly branlike
dandruff which cun be shaken out like a shower of Moist eruption in hair.
bran: hair falls out generally worse after acute
Severe itching of scalp with moist offensive,
fevers or acute diseases.
matted hair.
Hair falls out in bunches or in spots.
*Hair falls out after abdominal and chest diseases
Musty odour from hair like old hay Fetid, sour, oily
or after parturition. Hair falls out generally. USually beginning on the vertex (latent).
Hair of head frequently falls out; most in front, on Falling out of hair from lashes and eyebrows. A fishy odour from the hair Child smells sour.
Hair mats together. Hair a mass of thick.crusts of
crown, and top of head; bald spots or beginning
dried pus and excrement.
bald ness of certain spots, (H) Falling out of hair on sides of head and veriex
Eruptions in hair of true psora usually dry.
Hair falls out in beard due to skin eruptions
Severe itching of scalp with dryness. eruption.
Crooked, bent curved or broken eyelashes
imperfect lashes. Moist eruption in hair.
Under the skin are formed painful lumps which Hair fetid, oily, sour smelling. Fetid, sour, oily
come and pass away like bumps and round (child) latent.
tumours. (H)

A cold pressure on top of head, (H)

Hair comos grey too early.

Red eyelids. stubby, broken or,Stubby, dead,
broken hair in beard.


Hair dry like tow. Hair dry. Dead like hemp from Hair dry like tow (latent). Hair falls out in little circular patches. Dry scaly dandruff on scalp with much itching. Dry
old rope. Hair moist, glues together. Offensive crusty eruptions. (Scalp full of dandruff with or
odour, from head. Hair dry, dead, like hemp from an old rope without itching. H)
Hair very oily and greasy. Small papular eruptions on scalp.
Hair very oily and greasy (latent).
Dry eczematous eruptions. These eruptions are The sycotic scalp perspires but there are aot the
worse in open air Worse evenings and heat of bed. moist matting eruptions of syphilis, (R)
Better scratching but burning and itching follow. Scalp is moist, perspiring copiously………(children).
These eruptions do not suppurate but dry down
Head large, bulging. often open……...sutures,
and become dead scales. (R)
bones soft, cartiginous (children).
Scalp is dry. (Rarely perspiring. R)
Scalp eruptions moist with copious……...pus
Head normal size and colour. formation.

Scalp eruptions of true psora are usually dry A thick yellow heavy crust is apt to………….be
scales, and crusts of psora dry; it moist, discharge TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC in origin
is scanty and either of pare serum or bloody
serum. Pimples inflame and are very sensitive and
often painful bul they do not suppurate. Heat of head worse at night.
Heat of head. Aversion to having head uncovered.
Cannot comb hair until it is wet or momened as it
is so dry.

Cannot bear much heat on head. Scalp always

looks unclean.

Eruption on head, tinea capitus, malignant tinea

with crusts of greater or less thickness with
sensitive stitches when one of the places becomes
moist; when it becomes moist a violent itching and
the whole crown of tho head painfully sensitive to
the open air; with it hard swellings of the glands of
the neck. (H)

The hair of the head as if parched. Feeling of

contraction in the skin of the scalp and the face.

The hair falls out in circular spous; the hair of the

Moist thick crusts, beard falls. (R)
Pustular eruptions.
The cyeball is seldom allected very Profoundly.
Thick yellowish bland pus .
Psoric eye troubles are always accompanied by
Offensive discharges from behind and about the
iching and burning. (B)
ears. Moist eczematous eruptions about scalp.

Moist eczematous eruptions about Scalp.

Aversion to light, Photophobia but much more Dreads artificial light more than sunlight. Thick copious pus formalion or diacharges,
marked in TUBERCULOSIS and SYPHILIS. espectally if greenish nr yellowish-green, are
Disturbances in the glandulat structures or in the distinctly TLBERCULAR or SYCOTIC.
Eyes are mosi sensitive to daylight they are pained lachrymal apparatus.
by it and close in- voluntarily. (H)
Pustular diseases as found in many .casus of
The psoric eyc has a greal intolerance io dayligh or granular lids. Gout of the eyes
Ulcerations and specific inflammation…. eiliary Arthritic troublcs of the cyes are a combination
Eyelids, especially in the morning are as if closed: blepharitis, acute or chronic. Scaly red lids. angry SYCUSIS and PSORA: there are also neuralgias
he cannot open them (for minutes. yea even looking. which are worse un change of weather, worse
hours), the eyelids are heavy as if paralysed or change of barometer and worse rainy weather.
convulsively closed. (H) (R)

Ciliary neuraligia.
Thick copious formatan or discharges especially if
greenish or yellowish-green ate distinctly TUB Arthritic or rheumatic eye troubles are worse night
ERCULAR or SYCOTIC. or after sun sets and worse heat.
Ciliary neuralgia.

Arthritic or rheumatic eye troubles are worse light Sycotic pains may come on at any time but are
or after sunset and generally better hot worse by barometer changes or by moisture. rainy
applications. or stormy weather.

Styes on eyes. Babies born from sycotic parents sometimes have

ophthalmia neonatorium.
Paoric pains better heat and worse as morning
approaches, and as the sunrises towards the

10. EYES AND VISION (continued)

Astigmatism und other marked refractory..
changes due to malformation Spots before the eyes; this is charac teristic of
The miasm that makes serious inmads upon the Ulcerations and specific inflammation: corneul paora. (R)
Changes in the lens as in schleu, bojoid….ciliary structures of the cye. intlammation in young people children where
body and iris there is no trace of syphilis but based on Before the eyes there are floating as it were flies,
Tubercular diathesis. Sycosis never gives a true or black points or dark streaks or networks:
Processes that change organs and give us ulcer. especially when looking into eye (H)
…….perversions of form or shape and size.
Conjunctival troubles, often purely psoric,
especially when there is an ardent desire to rub
the eyes muchitching in canthi. constant not bette
by rubbing.

The canthi are full of pus-like mucus(eye-gum).


Inflammation of eyes of various (H)

Great dryness. itching und burning of

A chronic dilation of the pupil, in children or
The eyes lo be found frequently under psoru.
women. patients are affected with exanthematous
Edges of eyelids full of dry mucus. (H) fevers of any form there is a strong tendency to
inflammatory stasis of the eye. and serious eye
On the edges uf the eyelids inflammation no troubles are apt to follow.
single Meibomian glands, or of several of them.(H)

He cannot look long at anything. eisc

evrything flickers before him: objects seem to

move. (H)

Usually the inflammatory toubles involving the

eyes are accompanied with much itching and
burring of the lids with a great desire to rub them.
Fiery zig-zag appearance around the objects, or
dark spots followed with streaks of light,
unsteadiness of vision or the vision is blurred. I
etters run together in reading.

The pains and neuralgias are usually worse in the

morning or throughout the day and are better by

Preessive pain in the eyes. especially

11. EYES AND VISION (continued)

late in the evening. he must shut them. (H)

Sensation of cold in the eyes (H)

Yellowness around the eyes. and of the whites of

the eyes. (H)
Dim, upaque spots un cornea. (H)

Dropsy of the eye. (H)

Obscuration of the crystalline lens. cataract. (H)


Far Sightedness, he sees far in the distance, but

cunnot clearly distinguish smull objects held close.
Short sightedness. he cun see even small objects
by holding them close to the eye, but the more
distant the object is the more indistrinct it
appears; and at a great distance he does not see
it. (H)

False vision; he sees objects double or manifold

only the one half of them. (H)

The eyes seem to look through veior mist; the

sight becomes dim at certain times. (H)

Night blindness; he sees well in day time but in the

twilight he cannot see at all. (H)

Blindness by day, he can only see well during the

twilight. (H)

Amaurosis; uninterrupted dimness of vision

increased finally even to blind ness. (H)


Usually of a reflex origin or of a nervous character.

readily to the surface the form of suppuration of
the middle ear more frequently anoused by fever.

All blood vessels are abnormal from cupillaries to

arteries, their walls are all defective and usually All organic ear troubies.
unduly dilated.
Running from the car of thin, usually ill-smelling
pus. (H) Peculiar Carrion-like odour from these aural
abcesses very characteristic.

often discharges cheesy or curdled if free from

ear troubles these children invariably suffer fram
throat allections especially tonsils. They appear
well in the daytime and free from pain but at night
their suflerings begin, and they often scream with
ear-uche. They may begin as early as the first year
and go on until puberty. The least exposure to cold
or slightest draught brings on an attack.
Porches of the ear look dirty, dry and scaly. Occasionally we have proloaged fehrile attacks
with great sulfering, suddenly better for the
Auditory canal always dry and scaly
brealking of an abscess. Quite often their general
dry, bran-like scales constantly forming and falling health is better even when the ear is discharging
ofl intao the canal. copiously of this tubercular feul smelling pus.

Oveisensitiveness to sounds or neises. Ears Iook pale, white, often sold. and in………some
cases translucent, aimost with the blood vessels
enlarged. biuish mcolaur…… or bright red, and
their course traceable in the tissues.

All organic car troubies 13. EARS: HEARING (continued)

Suppurative processes and destruction of the The hearing is excessively irritable and sensitive;
osicles of the ears. she cannot bear to hear a bell ring without
trembling; he is thrown into convulsions by the
Ear often a safety valve in tubercular children. beating of a drum, etc.: many sounds cause pains
Abcesses relieve quite severe meningal difficulties. in the ear. (H)
They show up so frequently in meusles, scarlet
fever. ete, Here the tubercular element comes There are stitches in the ear out wardly (H)
Crawling sensation and itching in the ear. (H)

Dryness in the ear dry scabs within without any

earwax. (H)

Pulsation in car. (H)

Various sounds and noises in ear. (H) Deafness of

various degrees, even up to toal deafness, with or
without noises ears, Occasionally worse according
to the weather (H)

Swelling of the parotid glands, (H)

Gouty concretions in ears of body horn of sycotic 14. NOSE AND SMELL
Eczematous eruptions about the ears and Greatly increased scnsitivity of smell. Unusually
especially the humid eruptions. pustules, fissures affected by odours of any kind which will even
and incrustations behind the ear. awake them from sleep. Troubled with odours of
cooking smell of flowers, perfumes, paints, plants,
as they indace nausea, vomiting, headaches,
loathing of food, faintness sickness of stomach.
Vertigo loss of appetite, etc, etc.
Epistaxis more or less profusely more or less Nose haemorrhages are profuse, bright red,
frequently (H) difficult to arrest and are better cold applications.
Over heating. over exercise will often bring them
The nostrils as it were stuffed up. (H) Sensation ol on.
dryness in the nose, troublesome even when the
air passes freely. (H) The tubercular child will have a haemorrhage from
the nose on the slightest provocation-blowing the
Polypi of the nose, usually with loss of power of nose, a slight blow, or washing the face even will
smelling these may exlend also through he nasal produce it in some people.
passages into the fauces. (H)
Headaches, vertigoes and congestions to the brain
Sense of smwll weak, lost. (H) and head are ofien ameliorated by nose blceds Hay fever-nose clear one hour. The next he cannot
get a particle of air through his nasal passages.
ln worst forms of hay fever where there is much
sneezing and with much local trouble it often
depends on the tubercular taint with an acquired
latent SYCOSIS ingrafted. Discharge soon becomes
thick, purulent and sometimes bloody.

Hay fever is as expreasion of SYPHILIS and LATENT

SYCOSIS very often with PSORIC taint. (R)

15. NOSE AND SMELL (continued)

Loss of smell.
Loss of smell.
discharge is yellowish-green, scant except in fresh
winds when it is copious thin mucus.
The psoric cold begins with sneezing. redness.
heat. sensitiveness 1o touch when blown for some New babies of sycotic parents often get "snuffles"-
time: discharge thin, watery and acrid. nose dry, stuffed up: frequently child will scream
with anger in its attempt to breathe with its mouth
Painful boils, pimples and vesicles in septum: often Catarrhal discharge is thick, usually yellow and of
closed. May last few days or weeks but usually
extremely painful and sensitive and seldom break the odour of old cheese or sulphate of hydrogen,
displaced by something more serious capecially if
or discharge much pus. The septum looks dirty or and is constantly dropping down the throat
local measures are applied to relieve it.
sooty looking. Bones of nose destroyed.
Children from sycotic parents complicated with
In Rhinitis it is often dry, hot and burning. gout take cold easily at slightest exposure and
frequently suffer trom acute coryza discharge
from nose becomes copious. watery. and often

In lupus of the nose the three miasms are


Gouty concretion in nose.

A red nose with enlarged capillaries.

Rush of blood to surface inducing great heat. Snuffles in children. 16. FACE

Acne Rosacea. Ulceration, thick crusts (clinkers) often filling There may be no appearance of psora or it may be
Snuffles in children. This is unusually moist and
whole nasal cavity. The crusts are dark, greenish marked. Face pale, sallow, earthy, sometimes eyes
there is no ulceration and no crusts, or if purulent,
black or brown. thick and not always offensive. sunken with blue rings.
is very scanty and has the odour of fish brine or
stale fish. Hot flushes at climacteric,
The stoppage is due to local congestion and Red lips.
thickening of the membrane or enlargement of
the turbinated bodies due to congestion. the
Skin dry, rough and pimply, unwashed and unclean Deep fissures in lips. Grey, ashy appearunce on face of an infant. It
appearance Vesicles about the mouth, small looks oid, puckered, dried up. wrinkled like an old
white, transparent and accompanied with much man. Erisipelas of face. psoric and sycotic.
In tubercular fever face is pale or with All warty eruptions, moles. Papilomati.
Swelling and burning of lips. circumscribed red spots on cheeks.

Erysipelas of face, psoric and sycotic. Paleness of face on rising and even after eating
One cheek red, the other pale: one cheek hot, the
other cold. Tubercular face is round, skin fair
smooth and clear. with that waxy moothness of
In psoric fevers face becomes very red, hot and complexion eyes bright and sparkling, eyebrows
shiny. Paleness of face during first sleep with blue and eye-lashes soft, glossy. long and silken, thin
rings around eyes (H). Frequent redness of face lips.
and heat (H). Yellowish, yellow colour of face (H).
Sallow yellowish complexion. (H) or

We have the high cheek-bones, thick…. lips,

almost like an African; in some cuses.

the skin of the face is rough, voice……. coarse.

deep. often hollow. eyelids red. Inflamed, scaly,
crusty lashes. broken,…. stbby, irregularly curved
and imperfect.

In these cases the SYPHILITIC of……..

-TUBERCULAR element predominates in latent

The face and head is often seen to be in the shape

of a pyramid. with apex at the chin. The nose may
be well shaped, the features sharp, eyes unusually
bright and sparkling. Nostrils small, openings
narrow and the ieast obstruction in the nose
induces them to breathe through the mouth,
which causes an imperfect expansion and filling of
the lungs.
Eyes sunken with blue rings.
Face greyish, greasy appearance.
Circumscribed red spots on cheeks. Usually 17. FACE (continued)
appearing afternoon or evening.

Flashes of heat to face, head and chest

Red lips where blood is almost ready to ooze out,

Deep fissures in lips.
Reddish millet-sized papules on nose, cheeks, chin
and ulcers in corners of mouth. Moles and papilomati.

Thrush and stomatitis. Sordes about the mouth.(R)

We may not see the flashes of heat ot circulatory
expressions we see in the other expressions of the Swelling and burning about the lips rather than
tubercular face: indeed the face looks fairly well. fissures. (R)
even in the last stages of diseasc, when other
parts of the body become emaciated and show
marked signs of the disease.
tecth or they are soft and spongy. The dental arch
is imperfect, irregular,or teeth are imperfect in
form. club shaped, or they come in an imperfect
or irregular order, often decaying or becoming
Gouty concretions in mouth of young baby born of
carious before they are entirely through the gums.
sycotic parents.
They appear often with much pain and suffering,
accompanied with constitutional disturbances,
often of a marked degrce. such as diarrhoea.
dysentery. spasms, convulsions, febrile states,
abscesses of the middle ear. disturbance of
digestion, meningeal congestions, and meningeal
in lammations. These children cannot endure
EXTREMES of heat or cold.

True ulcers.
True ulcers. Sour, sweet, bitter or "a bad tastc. Bitter tasie
Swelling and induration of glands and…. -such (mostly in the morning (H) with yellow coated
pathological changes as we see taking place in the tongue
teeth or dental arches………. are of a SYPHILITIC or
TUBERCULAR diathesis. After cating sweet things. taste sour. Or patient
may lave a sweet, sour or bitter taste.

Intolerable sweet taste in mouth, almost costantly

Haemorrhage of mouth, excessive bleeding of Much pverseness of taste. breadtastes bitter,
gums (unless Syphilis is actually present)often they water has an abnormal taste, etc
will bleed at slightest touch. Gums recede from
Taxting of food recently eaten eructations, tasting All metallic tastes make us think of SYPHILIS or
of food or of grease. fals and oils. that the TUBERCULAR element is present.

Some are very sensitive to taste. Burnt taste ONLY

psoric Insipid,slimy taste (H)

VERY IMPORTANT. Tasie should ba netral ano any

prerversion of falsificatinn…… has a miasmatie
Any miasm may have a partial or complete loss of
taste. Foul taste of Nux-vom worse morning.

Bitter taste of Bryonia worse morning.

Nat mur and Phos, have a bloody taste.

A loes has a bitter taste yet cures inky taste.

Elaps cor has bloody taste before coughing.

Mercury has a metallic tastc

Hep. and Tub and Pyr. have taste of pus before


Putrid or taste of blood or pus. Expectoration of

pus that tastes sweet Salty taste or a rotton-egg Saliva is ropey, cottony, viscid, metallic or copper 20. DESIRES AND AVERSIONS
tasie. Taste of blood: it may or may not come tasting. A putrid, musty or fishy taste. Desires swces, acids and sour things. In fevers,
during menstrual period but is present frequently
craves buttermilk, acid things, pickles. cabbage
in morning.
and indigestible things.

Cravings for unusual things in pregeact state which

go after child is born; they are sometimes
conveyed to the child.

Sometimes desire for fats, greasy things, rich

pastry and sweetmeats, which when eaten will
induce bilious attacks and all gastric disturbances.
All toxic drugs become sooner or later prime
disturbers of psora or the chronic miasnis in
general but particularly PSORA.

Desires and cravings for the unnatural things to

eal, with desires and Cravings for narcotics such as
tea. coffee, tobacco and any other stimulants,
have often their origin in PSORA or PSEUDO

Loves sweets. sugar. candies and syrup.

Likes hot foods. (R)

Craves beer and whilst this is not a desirable Morbid or unnatural hunger.
element in his diet it causes much less aggravation
Extremists: like hot or realily coid things. than do wines. (R) Hunger at unnatural times- an hour or to before
eating, or hunger in night ofter sleeping: hunger
Long for indigestible things, chalk, lime, slate, (Meats arouse the latent sycosis as in psora. The immediately after eating; hunger not satisfied
pencils, etc. sycotic patient should take sparingly of meat and when stomach is full: hunger with weak, gone
should have more nuts. beans or cheese. Gouty sensation before eating: hunger with great
If the system is not assimilating a certain thing conditions cannot digest nut. (R) prostration after eating: eating makes them
Likes cold foods. (R)
they will crave it: this is seen more in young girls, sleepy: eating causes profuse perspiration: after
in children and in pregnant women. They are great eating much distention and dullness with
cravers for peculiar things salt -and will eat it flatulence and distention of gas; hunger that is not
alone from the dish. They eat more salt than all Desires ard aversions stand high in therapeutic satisfied by eating Ravenous hunger (canine
the family put together. Long for stimulants, beer, value as they are basic miasmatic symptoms next Likes either hot or cold foods, (R). hunger) especially carly in morning; he has to eat
wines or hot aromatic things. in importance to perverted mental phenomena in at once or else he grows faint, exhausted and
discase. shaky, or if in open air he has to lie down. (H)
Craves potatoes and meat.
Ravenous hunger with rumbling and grumbling in
abdomen. (H)

Appetite without hunger: she has a desire to

swallow down in haste various things without
there being any craving for them. (H)

A sort of hunger, but when she then eats ever so

little she feels at once satisied and fullL (H)

When she wants to eat she feels full io the chest

and her throat feels as if full of mucus. (H)

Want of appetite; only a sort of gnawing. turning

and writhing in the stomach urges her to eat. (H)

Faint if hunger is not satisfied or extreme hunger

with all gone, weak. emply feeling in the stomach 22. STOMACH SYMPTOMS
(but with psoric origin).
Weak, "all-gone" sensation.
They sometinmes have constant hunger and eat
beyond their capacity to digest, or they have no Hunger at night
appetite in the morning but hunger for other
meals. Great desire for certain things but when he Hunger soon after food. Hunger with "all-gone"
receives them he does not want them; in fact they sensation in pit of stomach 10 a.m. or between 10
are repugnant to him. (We see this perhaps more and 11 a.m. Fullness, bloating, great distention
in children than in adults). due to accurmulation of gases or to flatulent
conditions and food fomentations; rumblings,
gurglings, and all such commotion due to the
formation of gases are found, not only in the
stomach but throughout the entire gastro
intestinal tract.
Sour and bitter eructations conic up in the throat
frequently: sometimes these risings from the
stomach taste of food recently eaten, or they may
be oily or greasy: not infrequently they are
accompanied with heart-burn. with nausea, faint
feelings at the pit of the slomach, with a conflux of
saliva to the mouth, acid eructations with burning
in the oesophagus, with or without hunger, with
hunger it is better eating ever so little. This is
sometimes followed by fullness in the stomach,
chest or throat.

They want everything fried if possible and highly

seasoned but have a repugnance to boiled foods.

Constant gnawing at pit of stomach, cold or hot

sensations, sensation of weight, of fullness, of
tightness, of goneness; sensation of heavy weights
as of a stone or lump in stomach, beatings and
pulsations, throbbings sensations of constriction,
oppression after eating, shortness of breath,
vertigoes, giddiness. anxicty. Epigastric
tenderness, sweat breaks out after eating: falls
asleep, cannot keep awake after a meal; eating
causes pain, colic, nausea, vomiting or is followed
by diarrhoeas and gastro-intestinal disturbances of
many forms. Most a gravations are after eating
meals, patient has headaches. flatulence, or
latulent dyspepsia, wearI.

23. STOMACH SYMPTOMS (continued)

ness, sleepiness, vomiting. beating of the heart,

Weak. "all-gone" sensation. coughing, pains in different parta of the body,
especially in the region of the liver. In
hypochrondria or epigastrium they have pains of a
cutting or colicky nature; many of the stomach
symptoms are temporarily better by eating: by hot
Crave meat. drinks or hot applications: by belching of gas and
by gentle motion. This patient is afraid of being
touched-even slightest pressure cannot be

They can digest meat better than the Sycotic.

Crave sweets.
In febrile states or in liver, psoric patients often “The carvings and longings of the patient are basic
take a great aversion to sweets and crave acids of miastmatic phenomena of great therapeutic
all kinds fruit acids, lemonade and buttermilk value."
-otherwise they love sweets.
They are better for hot drinks and prefer food
Better hot drinks and prefer food warm. warm.

Children born of sycotic parents often suffer from

colic almost from the moment of birth; not the
ordinary flatulent colic but one of severe and
specific nature continuing often from One to three
months after birth. The sufferings that these
children have to undergo is simply indescribable;
they writhe and twist and squirm with pain,
drawing up their limbs and screaming often for
hours at a time. The pain usually comes in
paroxym or it is better by preassure or by the child
lying on the stomach or by being carried about;
shaking or rocking gently seems to modify things.
Heat gives temporary relief but all foods worsen
greatly, even the Mother's milk, although food
when first taken seems to give amelioration for
the time being. Gas is frequcntly expelled from the
stomach with great force and is often quite
pathognomonic, of sycotic colic. Many times relief
has been giveen with Lycopodium or Argentum
Nitricum, both remedies seem frequently

An aversion to meat.

Desire cold things to eat and drink. This patient. especially a child, is worse by eating 24. CHEST, HEART AND LUNGS
any kind of food whatever and is better by lying on
Psora itself gives us no physiological change of
stomach or by pressure over region of stomach,
structure-another miasm must be present in order
and by violent motion, walking, rocking, etc. Pains
to procure a physiological change in the structure
are always crampy or colicky, paroxysmal, and
Crave meat, many reject the fat. Thrive better on or shape of a part or organ.
better by hard pressure and motion.
fats and fat foods also require much salt. Starches
are not easily digested by them. Desires salty fish. Meat in sycotics stimulates or assists in developing
Desire cold things to eat and drink. the uric acid and gouty diathesis.

Prefer beer, rich gravies and fat meats-well

seasoned with salt and pepper.
inclined forward infringing on the chest area, and
the free lung action. Poor breathera, they have no
desire to take a full respiration, seldom do we and
them breathing diaphragmatically thus the lung
never comes to its fullest expansion and the air
cells are not brought inio use and simply become
diseased from lack of that life-giving principle they
should receive from oxygen. From lack of work
the atropby and become useless, the least
obstruction glues them together and destroys
their office.

Faulty nutrition.

Afraid of cold air.

Worse on ieast exposure to cold. Voice coarse,

deep with base-like chest tones, throat slightly
sore times, rawness and a croak-like sound
develops in voice, constant desire to hawk or clear
throat, of a viscid, scanty mucus

(Sore throats of Hep. and Phos.)

Phthisis-Pulmanalis tuberculosis- consumption. 25. CHEST, HEART AND LUNGS (continued)

The curves and lines of chest are imperfect, the
chest is often narrow, lacking not only width Coughs dry. teasy, spasmodic and annoying:
laterally, but depth anterio-posteriorly, the bronchial.
subelavicular spaces are hollow, or certain areas
sunken or depressed; quite often one lung is larger Expectoration mucus scanty, tasteless.
than the other, or the action of one is accelerated
and the other lessened: one side is fuller than the
other, showing a better development and a
greater respiratory area, often the expansive
power of the lung is greatly limited and the
amount of residual air lessened.

Breathing is not so full and resonant, although

there may be no impediment or obstruction in the
air cells or pasages. Shoulders are rounded,
Glandular changes in cervical region (this often Imperfect oxydation of food products and their
precedes the lung changes) Weakneu, anxiety, deposits in tissues in the form of gouty
difficult respiration. concretions and lithle formation

Sense of great exhaustion, easily made tired,

never seems to get rested: tiredi at night, tired
even afier sleep; as the day advances they become
better or as the sun a scends their strength re-
vives a little, as it descends they lose it again.

These patients are often worse in the night-which

they dread-and they long for morning (this comes
from the SYPHILIS part).

Look out for patieas with the nightly aggravation,

no matter what the pathology may be.

The non-resiatance of the tissues, the slightest

bruise suppurates the strong tendency is to
pustules. The same may be said of the
expectoration of the lungs-its pus-like nature and

Cough of sycosis has very little 26. THE HEART

Cough: one or two distinct barks like a dog. expectoration,usually of clear mucus occasionally
Cough deep prolonged, worse morning und when this is ropey and may also be of cottony nature. A Sensation of weakness, goneness, fullness,
patient first lies down in evening. Expectoration great deal of coughing is required to raise it, hence heaviness. and soreness about the head.
purulent. or muco-purulent and in advanced the prolonged teasing cough. Coughs of sycotics
cases, greenish yellow, often offensive and usually are usually bronchial. Always having bronchitis, Violent palpitations with beating of the whole
sweenish to taste, or salty (Dependable indications hard dry racking coughs often in early. Autumn body. Violent hammering and beating about the
of the combined psoric and syphilitic taints. (R)) and/or Winter. Often the troubles begin with heart due to relexes, such as gastric disturbances.
Sometimes it smells musty or ollensive; or it may coryza-much sneezing with profuse watery flow flatulence and uterline irritation.
be bloody or followed with haemorrhage. Cough from nose-in a few days it will go down to the
deep ringing. hollow, no expectoration or none to bronchii and they bave a week, ten days or longer Sensation of a band round the body in the region
speak of. of coughing spells. Expectoration scanty. In of the heart. The mental and ileart symptoms
Summer time usually free but always taking cold in often alternate and vie with each other.
Cough can be dry and tight and induce headacbe,
the head in least exposure to cold air or dampness
or whole body shaken by paroxysms. These people Anxiely. fear in heart diseases.
They cannot as a rule breathe through the nose.
are always full of hope-the last thing that they
think of is that they are incurable-or death. Always Many psoric heart troubles are functional,
planning for the future, building castles. accompanicd with much anxiety, mental distress,
with pain and neuralgia, often of a sharp piercing.
cutting nature. Oppression and anxiety are worse become dizzy and faint, often faioting away when
mornings and pains Worse motion laughing and they get to a rarified atmosphere. Brain becomes
coughing. The stitching pains almost kill the anaemic at a high altitude.
Patient when he moves.

Heart affections from fear. disappointment, loss

of friends. of overjoy. These patients think they
have heart trouhle and are going to die.

Heart trouhles from eating and drinking generally

worse evening and soon after eating.
Thesc patients usually deny they have any cardiac Fluttering and oppression and dillicult breathing ut
Heart difficulties, night palpitations lying down, troubles, or they are usually unaware of them. intervals Seldom much puin or suffering unless in
after eating or during digestion, better eructations rheumatic diliculties. When we may find savere
of gas hut wore on going to sleep and lying on pains, but not so constant or persistent as psoric.
hack; heart pulsations shake the body and are Much soreness and tenderness often worse
accompanied with great anxiety and sadness. motion of arms. Pains from shoulder to heart. or
from heurt io seapula in rheumatic cardiac

Sycosis produces the same from reflex rheumatic

troubles, especially it local applications are used to 27. THE HEART (continued)
A rush of blood to the chest especially in the relieve the pain.
young. Full. bounding pulse in psoric fevers.

The dyspnoea is often painful in PSORA or

PSEUDO-PSORA. The drop then sies or the
anasarcas of the PSORIC or PSEUDO-PSORIC are
always greater than SYCOTIC-they smother or
drown the patient before death takes place.

The SYPHILITIC and SYCOTIC heart conditions are

much more dangerous than the PSORIC. but the
Very little mentai disturbances in heart troubles,
PSORIC patient worries about his conditions takes
even at critical periods of the disease. They may
his Pulse frequently. fears death and remains
Heart troubles are accompanied with fainting, have heart trouble for years without causing them
quiet. In the combination of SYCOSIS and PSORA
temporary loss of vision, ringing in the ears, pallor any more than occasional dyspnoea or some pain.
we get the right soil for valvular and cardiac
and great weakness, worse sitting up and better They die suddenly without warning.
This heart patient is better motion as walking. disturbanccs with changes in organ structure;
lying down, usually. Cannot climb mountains as
riding or gentle excrcise. these are the conditions that cause the latalities
disturbed circulation affects brain and they
With these SYCOTIC heart conditions there is none
of the fear and apprehension that we find in Gout of the heart.
PSORIC patients. (R)

Small thread-like puise and quick.
Oten pulse is soft, slow and easily compressible.
Valves beconie Toughened due to acid condition
of system, the walls enlarged, the muscles flabby,
In these cases, there is a gradual falling away of soft and lacking power. Patients as a rule are
the flesh, rush of blood to the chest and face. fleshy and puffy. their obesity often lies at the Abdomen feels full after eating. Often
bottom of their dyspnoea, and they are constantly accompanied by a feeling of fullness or distention.
gaining in flesh. The pains are often found in children and are apt
to be worse in the morning. Empty, gone
Frequently face blue, synotic and apt to be venous sensations. offen soon after eating. Stuffy full
congestion or rather stagnation. These conditions feeling preventing patient from eating normal
are very much worse for high living rich spicy food amount of food. Sense of constriction of bands or
or spiritous liquor. (R) cords around abdomen, pressure in lower region
of liver, stitches on stooping or bending the body,
SYCOSIS and PSORA produce marked anasarce and audible rumblings in bowels, sensations as if
dropsical conditions (R) abdomen greatly distended or as if hanging down.
heavy dragging down sensation, crawling.
but seldom in SYCOTIC patients.
Creeping before a chill, sensations as if diarrhoea
would set in, especially in morning. rumbling and
gurgling in abdomen as soon us they eat or drink
anything: cramps from eating certain foods or
drink, such as the drinking of milk or cold water,
etc.. or the cating of potatoes, beans and many
other foods that do not agree with these patients
Many have a tubercular diathesis but psora the
basic principle of their disturbance.

All pains better heat and often hy gentle pressure.

Patients easily chilled about the abdomen causing

colic or diarrhoea. Dysentery and many severe
bowel troubles to follow.

We nften find the worst forms of constipation or

inactivity of the bowels in PSORIC and PSEUDO-
PSORIC patients.

Often heating or throbbing us of a pulse in


29. ABDOMEN (continued)

The sycotic colic is better doubling up. by motion

or hard pressure. Truc colic--colicky pains in bowel
troubles of children, Often the simplest form of
food produces colic and pain in abdomen or
Periotenal inflammations throughout the intestinal truct.

You can often feel the beating of the carotids

through abdominal wall.
saucer-shaped or as a large plate turned hottom
side up.


We have the same thing in a SYCOTIC child with Diarrhoeas often induced by over-eating: patient
the TUBERCULAR element present, but the pus is heing always hungry eats beyond capacity of
In children we find ulceration of umbilicus with a yellowish green, watery thin, excoriating and digestion: move-ments usually watery, or consist
yellowish discharge. which smells offensive offensive. often of a fishy or fish brine odour. of imperfectly digested food. Quite often they
carrion-like. have an offensive odour with colicky pains or
cutting colic, Occur usually in the morning (think of
diarrhoeas of Podophyllum, Sulphur and Aloes).
In menstrual ditliculties we may find reflex pains,
In bowel gone empty feelings in the
spasmodic symptoms and bearing down
abdominal region; sometimes it is a great
sensations, especially in tubercular paticnts. Skin is
weakness after stool, felt only in the region of the
pale with an underlying bluish tint showing the
abdomen. Spaamodic offensive diarrhoea which
venous stagnation.
usually ameliorates the patient but they have no

Hernia-seldom found outside the tubercular

organism. Usually found in flabby. soft-muscled
people. Hernia is due to this lack of tone in the
muscular system throughout the whole abdominal
region. The shape of the tubercular abdomen is
Ver. Alb. Arseo. Camphor and Cup Met, diarlcus
and dysenteries are so characteristic in tuberculur
patients They look well to-day,have a sudden
allack of dysentery and are dead within 48 hours.

Podophyllum has painless, cupious yellowish and

very offensive stool worse at night und morning
and worse dor milk. A tubercular child cannot
cow's milk ny shape. Least exposure to cold brings
on diarrhoes In tubercular children.

On beginning of eruption of the first teeth,

diarrhea starts in tubercular babies: plus at this
stage loss of power.

Colic rather than diarrhoea but if the latter it is 31. BOWELS AND INTESTINAL TRACT
spasmodic and of a colicky nature, accompanied (continued)
with slimy mucous stool and griping colic and
rectal tenesmus. Stools of Rheum Chamomilla and Diarrhocu coming on from fright, bad news, or any
Mag Carb are typical. ordeal, etc., also when preparing for an unusual
Morning aggravation in bowel troubIes. Still more event. Also from taking cold or from slightest
The mercuries represent Syphilis as fully as any These diarrhoeas have the most pain and stools
sensitive to cold. exposure.
remidies. are forcibly ejected from the rectum. Crotontig
General exhaustion or loss of strength a feeling as cham Laurocerasus and Colocynthis, etc are The true psoric stool may be any colour generally
if all vitality is leaving patient at each evacuation indicative. offensive and not very painful. It is worse cold
of the bowels. motaion eating and drinking cold things; betLer
Intestinal pain colicky and makes patient angry. warm drinks and hot things to eat, quite warm
True SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR -patients are Bowel troubles all produce irritability-they are applications to abdomen, Constipation marked:
worse at night; they are driven out of bed by their cross and irritable with their pains; stools are stubborn, persistent and there is no action of
diarrhoeas, sometimes this is accompanied with changeable, usually greenish yellow mucus, bowels whatever no desire to stool; stool is dry,
profuse warm or cold perspiration, which is very seldom bloody: greenish, watery, sour-smelling scanty, hard, difiecult to expel sometimes we have
exhausting and debilitating. It characteristic of with cutting colic-even the child smells sour in alternations of constipation and diarrhoea.
these tubercular children sullering from bowel marked cases of inherited sycosis.
troubles to develop a sudden brain stasis, or brain Constipation with pains remote: such as
metagtasis. Sometimes the tubercular headaches, pain in the liver or region of the liver;
manifestations in the brain alternate with a bowel constipation with drowsiness, sleepiness. stupor
difficulty. and heaviness, with no desire o work; const
ipation with foul breath, foul, coated tongue.
Nausea and loss nf appenite; constipation with
Stool with much slimy mucus, or where much
blood passes after stool.

In sycosis. these children want to be rocked 32. BOWELS AND INTESTINAL TRACT
constantly, or carried or moved about. The colics (continued)
to assimilate bane-making material in food. are better flrm pressure or lying on abdomen; they
are worse eating fruit. no stool lr days although frequent desire for stool.
Croton Tign: stool of tubercular children is strongly
tainted with SYCOSIS Sanguinaria. Phosphorus. Stool hard, comes in round balls like: the
Dulcamara has a typical sycotic stool. Diarrhoea excrement of sheep stoools look hard and dry as if
Kali-carb. Tuberculinum and Stannum are quite from getting wet. The grass green stools of Ipec..
typical of the tubercular discharges. brunt.
Magcarb, Croton-tig, Gratiolo, Arg-Nit etc., are apt
to be sycotic. Pin worms r intestinal worma but are found more
Sometimes in tubercular children stools are ashy
or grey in colour showing lack of bile matter. plentiful in children with TUBERCULAR taint.

Bloody stools. Sensation of crawing and creeping.

Child smells musty- mouldy.

In severe cases of bowel trouble child is fretful.

peevish and whiney, does not want to be touched
or looked at: prostration after stools marked.
They are worse milk. potantoes. Meat and worse
Looseness of bowels gives a weak and languid
Before stool there is often vomiting and retching. feeling which is better when constipated. (R)
Bleeding haemorrhoids Retention of urine in children when body becomes
chilled. In old people, great distention of bladder
Restal diseases alternating with heart chest or Pruritis and usually has scanty, thin watery with fullness as if extremely full: sense of
lung troubles especially of asthma and respiratory discharge oozing from rectum that has fishy or constriction.
difficulties e.g, haemorrhoids if operated on or fish-brine smell.
suppressed are followed by lung difficulties or Urine will pass off, frequently involuntarily, when
asthma and not infrequently by heart troubles. Strictures in the rectum, sinuses, fistules and sneezing coughing or laughing.
fistulous pockets are all of a TUBERCULAR origin or
Haemorrhage from rectum. of PSEUDO-PSORIC nature but are greatly Not much pain in passing urine, a slight smarting
magnified by SYCOSIS. due often to acidity in urine. After fevers in acute
Prolapsus of rectum in young children. The bowel diseases the deposit is usually white, or yellow ish-
difficulties are so frequently accompanied with white, phosphates and similar deposits,
febrile states delirium gastric disturbances occasionally it is pinkish or similar to iron rust.
vomiting purging with exhaustive purging stools.

Febrous changes in kidarys.

Csncerous affections, malignant growths and such

diseascs have as a rule ALL…………. the miasms
present, especially the SYCOTIC and the
TUBERCULAR combined. FSORA can never be left
out of malignancies, no matter………… what other
element may combine with it; it fathers them all.
Prostatic troubles in cases where we have Prostatic troubles where sycosis is the exciting
constant loss of the prostatic on seminal fluid, medium
consumption sometimes develops.

These patients live in gloom with depressed

spirits, gloomy forebodings. poor digestion, loss of
energy, want of memory. Livid or ashy
complexion. appetite often voracious as system
calls for more food than it can properly take care
of, when finally gastric derangements follow, until
the organism fails to perform any fusction in
proper manner

34. URINARY ORGANS (continued)

A sycotic element in children when they scream
when urinating (Lycsars) Many urinary symptoms are due to reflexes or
Anxiety and much loss of strength after urination. other diseased states, or to secondary causes,
Painfal spasms affecting urethra and bladder. especially in women.
Gout of the bladder.

Gouty concretions in urethra of young babies

In tubercular diathesis. especially in nervous or when born of sycotic parents.
neurotic patients,, urine is pale, colourless and
copious with very little solids pressnt. Fibrous changes in kidneys.

Diabetic patients are usually strongly tubercular

with diathesis strongly marked.

Bright's Disease.
If sycosis is present in these diabetic patients it is
more malignant and more fatal.

Urine offensive and easily decomposed. odour Bright's Disease.

musty, like old hay or foul smelling-even carrion
like. Febrous changes in kidneys.

In tubercular children urine may be involuntary at

night as soon as they fall asleep. Also copious. This
is why Cale Carb. cures so many as the pseudo-
peora must be tackled.

Idioputhic hydrocele.
Rectum-when there is an addition of the sycotic 35. THE SEXUAL SPHERE
stigma the conditions are greatly aggravated, and
there is much more tendency towards malignancy, Many psycho-pathic sexual perversions these may
for combinations of the tubercular diathesis with be even worse in the TUBERCULAR patient.
In rectum we find many conditions of tubercular
sycosis produce cancerous affections (R)
origin, as strictures, fistulae, sinuses and pockets. Functional disturbances of ovaries and uterus.
Menstrual period usually flows are bland.

Flow scanty of too shot duration: An intermittent

flow, it stops and starts.

Generally offensive.

Dysmenorrhoea shows itself very early, at

puberty, and at climatric Pains are usually sharp
but never colicky.

Sulphur probably gives us a broader conception of

the psoric diathesis than any other remedy.

The menstrual clots are small.

or watery leucorrhaeas. palpitation cf the heart.
Fainess and loss of vitality general later general
weakness, flushing in the face vertigo ringing in
the ears dry ticking spasmodie cough and finally a
tubercular condition develops often they are . sad
gloomy, anxious, full of fancifal notions,
forebodingp with.

36. THE SEXUAL SPHERE (continued)

Mensiruation. An exhaustiveand often prolonged Very often pains and diseases of uterus and Leucorrhoea scanty, not exhausting. nothing
and copiou. flow Haemorrhage bright red. reproductive organs It they are spasmodic, colicky. peculiar about colour.
Somctimes accompanied with vertigo, faintness, and often paroxysmal the acrid discharges, the
and with pallor, worse by rising from iccumbeat pruritis, paInful and often frequent urination, the
pesition. Frequently they are too soon, appearing fish-brine or stale fish odour of the catarrhal
every 2 to 3 weeks; they may or may not be discharges Menstrual flow acrid, excoriating biting
painful. but are always exhauraing Feels badly and burning the pudendum.
week before.
The meastrual pains of sycosis can well be
Suffering in many ways with haadache backaches. understood when we study remedies such as
gastric dislurbances, neuralgias, etc. Occasionally Colocynthus: Meg. Carb. Crocus. Sativa, Sepia. Lac
menses appear with diarrhoea, with epistaxis. Can, and Caulophyllum.
with febrile states, oplical illusions. roaring in the
ears, sensitiveness to noise, loss of appetite, Another class that represents the rheumatic
abnormal pains, nausea and bilter vomiting. After element are Rhus tox, Ac.- rac.. Bry, Cham. Colch,
the flow patient looks pale with dark rings: or Cyc. Dule, Gels, Phyt., Puls, etc.
circles about eyes: or hullow eycd With a worm,
These menstrual pains are spasmodie, extremely
exhausted look. Hysterical symptoms often arise,
sharp, colicky, coming in paroxysms-the flow ofien
of any form or degree in severiiy and often they
only with the puin, offensive. clotted, stringy.
are most difficult to treat.
large. dark, even black. Usually excoriating and
Flow is often pale watery and long sitting as seen acrid .
in Calc Carb. and ferrum, etc.

Extremitics are usually cold and often nenstruai

flow will induce general maenia in young women
from 17 to 21. They bgcome chlerotic.

Often coplexions become pale, as- suming

yellowish or ashen hue, ac companied by starchy
Labours at childbirth are often difficult, severe and The fish-brine odour is characteristic of the sycotic
prolonged and exhausting and many are unable to taint, and it may appear in all discharges, bul
feed their children. especially in the discharges of the genital tract. (R)

much fear, extreme sensitiveness, nervous Leucorrhoca thin, looks like dirty green water, 37. UPPER AND LOWER EXTREMITIES
irritability and inclination to weep. Menses flow sometimes greenish yellow; scantly, acid,
bright red. or light coloured and watery. We producing biting or itching and burning of parts. Neuralgia pains either PSORIC or PSEUDO-PSORIC
sometimes see nausea and vomiting. extreme Odour of stale fish or fish beine. May be pungent ueually beller by quiet rest and warmth. Often
purging of the bowels, with diarrhoea or or like that of decayed fish. Patient forever taking worse motion and better rest and warmth.
dysentery, fainting, cold sweat on forehead, but douches on account of odour and acridity of
flow is seldom if ever clotted: being usually fluid- discharge. Often this produces little vesicles of
like, profuse, light red, watery and seldom excoriations on the pudendum which are a source
offensive, and not infrequently it has the odour of of great annoyance to patient.
fresh blood.
Many of the ovarian or tubercular symptoms that
Leucorrhoea usually purulent but may be watery develop during menses are dependent more on
mucus. sycosis than any other miasm.

patient often debilitated and worse before flow or The most frequent location of the sycotic
immediately after it begins. manifestations in women is in the pelvic organs
Pelvic inflammation such as on inflammation of
Deep, thick yellow, or yellowish green. the ovaries, inflammation processes of the
Sometimes iumpy, thick, albuminous or purulent. fallopian tubes, in fact all of the inflammatory
Smelling musty. diseases of the female pelvs, may be traced to this
taint In the more chronic types we get cystic
degeneration of the ovaries, the uterus and the
Retroversiions and retroflexions and malpositions fallopain tubes.
of uterus.
Again the infection may pass on into the
In marked cases of this diathesis uterus is peritoneul cavity and we find general peritonitis
retroverted or retroflexed and many sufferings and general cellulitis.
date from puberty.
Appendicitis is directly traceable to sycotic
Relaxed muscular system throughout,easily infuences (R)
exhausied, easily tired, menses copious, too early
and long lasting accompanied with backache,
reflexes of all kinds, elc.
Tubercular joint troubles have increased in Pains in joints or periosteum are due to gouty
osseous tissue, nodular growth similar to syphilis. concretions or chalky deposits in the tissues
Bones are soft. rickety and curved. SYPHILITIC conveyed from culation.
element-feet become deformed because legs Hands and feet dry, hot. often with burning
cannot take weight of body. Shooting or tearing pains in the muscles or joints. sensations in palms and soles.
Pains in fingers or small joints Worse rest: patient
Stitching shooting or lancinating pains in the
The periosteal difficulties ake due to periosteal is better moving, by rubbing, stretching and better
periosteum or long bones of the upper or lower
inflammations or teiuary or tubercular changes in in dry, fair weather; worse at approach of storm or
extremities. Worse at night, or approach of night Cramp in lower extremities in calves of legs, in
the bones themselves. a damp, humid atmosphere, and a falling
worse change of weather; by cold and damp. feet, toes, ankles and in steps.
barometer, or becoming cold: hear does not
The TUBERCULAR and SYPHILITIC bone pains are always ameliorale.
very similar both as to their character and times of Burning of soles of feet, numbness of extremities
aggrayation. Stiffness and soreness, eapecially lameness, is very with tingling sensations. feeling as if parts were
characteristic of sycosis. Worse stooping. bending going to sleep. worse lying down or after sleep or
or beginning to move. if any oressure is brought to bear on the part, as
lying lightly on the arm or crossing the limbs, etc.;
In arthritis or rheumatism we have an infiltration pricking or tingling in fingers or extremities due to
of inflammatory deposists but it readily absorbs poor eirculation, coldness of single parts as knees,
and is never formative as we find in SYPHILITIC hands, feet, ears, nose, etc.
In nails we have many inflammatory and TUBERCULAR changes which are permanent
unless dissipated by treatment. Constant chilliness.
changes…….due to SYPHILIS and TUBERCULOSIS.
We have in both, true onychia ……....though not of
Rheumatic pains worse during cold damp. better
such specific char acter in the TUBERCULAR
moving or stretching . (R)
process as in ………...the tertiary SYPHILIS. Chilblains are based on all the miasm: we have the
Paronychia js tubercular as met with in pale- Arthritic-deformans-sycotic (R) PSEUDO-PSORIC taint………..with a SYCOTIC
skinned, anaemic tubercular subjects. Pustules element as a basis-that is why they prove such a
form often on lower extremities or about fingers Nails ridged or ribbed. dreadful disease producing agent when
or hands. suppressed by local measures.
The same re feet: Coldness of hands and feet is
very marked but the patient is not always
conscious of it Hang-nails.

We see such types in remedies such as Calc. Carb,

Baryta. Carb.. Baryta lod. lodine and Silica.

Warm air very annoying, cannot endure much cold

neither can they endure much heat.



Boils-they may depend on both PSORIC and

PSEUDO-PSORIC influences. Small, suppurative
and non-suppur ative boils.

The psoric patient can walk well but it kills him to


The nails of these patients are brittle break or split

easily, often hang-nails. Nails thin as paper, bend
easily and are………….Somelimes spoon-shaped-the
natura! convexity is reversed.

Spotted nails, or show white specks- sometimes

anterior edges are serrated or slightly scalloped.
Often pustular inflatmmation about the nail. Often
nails drop off and grow again.

Percosteal inflammation commonly known as

felon or periphalangeal cellulitis.

Fingers are long and do not taper gradually but are

blunt or club-shaped at "extremitics”. This long-
fingered individual with the lengths so irregularly
arranged is cbaracieristic. Often hand is thin, soft
and flabby and easily compressed, usually very
moist, or often cold, damp, perspiring profusely.
Corns. 40. THE SKIN
Gout: gouty diathesis rheumatic gout. Vesicle of the itch-voluptuous tickling itching.
Patient rubs and scratches, better for a few
Boils with much suppuration. moments after which there is a long continued
burning of the part affected. Late in the evening
Paralytic disease, edematous swellings anasarca
and before midnight this itching is more frequent
and most unbearable.
PSORIC. General muscular weakness and loss of
power in ankles. Skin is dry, rough, dirty or unhealthy looking-has
an unwashed appearance.
Clumsy-awkward, lack coordination-they are
always falling. They drop things. They tire easily Pruritis.
when walking and especially when climbing a
height. Very little suppuration in psoric skin discases-apt
to be dry with scanty suppuration scropurulent
This patient is short-winded, climbing stairs tires and occasionally bloody. Eruptions often papular
out the patient. in form accompanied by intense itching. Usually
colour of skin unless an inflammatory process is
White swellings of joints or ediopathic synovitis
present. Itching. Scales and crusts thin and light,
even rheumatic forms have this tubercular
fine and small, and usually quite general over
element very marked.
affected part.
Drop wrist-weakness or loss of power in tendons
about joints. In children and young people
ligaments about joints easily sprained, ankles turn
easily from the slightest mlsstep, wrists show the
same weakness: playing the piano or operating a Eczema-papular eruptions.
type writer causes swelling, soreness or pain in
wrist joints. Lack energy as well as strength.

Weakness of the ankle joints is a sure indication of Anidrosis

the presence of a SYPHILITIC taint in combination
with the PSORIC stigma. (R) Psoriasis Have a SYCO-PSORIC

Variola base.
Goose flesh

(Na.t Mur. Hep. and Sil, good examples).

41. THE SKIN (continued)

The malignancies of psora are prone to develop at

the age of 40.
Eruptions found about the joints. flexures of the Scales patchy and in circumscribed spots.
body, or arranged in circular groupings, ring or
Skin affections with glandular envolvment……. will segments of circles, Copper coloured or raw ham
necessarily have the SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR colour, brownish or very red at their base. No
element to…….. conform with the glandular itching and very little soreness.
Scales and erusts thick and heavy. patchy and in
In varicose veins the TUBERCULAR taint circumscribed spots.
predominates, and it is in these patients that we
see the varicose ulcers. the lost skin lesion to Eczema-exfoliata.
make its appearance in a case of ancient or
hereditary syphilis that has already become, and Circinnatus herpes and herpes zoster.
now is, largely PSEUDO-PSORA.
Gangrene or gangrenous spots (could be Lichen SYCOSIS AND PSEUDO-PSORA.
In ecchymosis or any form of purpora there is a TUBERCULAR). In dry gangrene, Syphilis is always
PSEUDO-PSORIC basis. present. Tinea barbae: Tinea tonsuraus.

Eczema-pustule.. Condylomata will reveal the presence of both Tinea vesicular.

SYPHILIS and $YCOSIS, also verruca accuminata,
Herpes. pointed papillary growths, coxcomb and warts. Warts and warty growths.


Hyperidrosis and Bromidrosis.


Abscess and ulcers


Fine, smooth, clear skin

The malignancies develop at any age.
Malignancies of the skin are more violent and
intractable in proportion as the sycotic taint is
increased (R). All forms of facial skin diseascs that
are contracted in Barbers shops.except Tinea

Ip scalp and beard Tinea circumscripta which

causes a form of alopecia.

42. THE SKIN (continued)

Abscess and ulcerations after injuries Skin lesions in lertiary stage, warty eruptions or
growths-verruca fillformis. verruca vulgaris, In ichthyosis (fish skin) we find all the chronic
Bee or bug affect these patients badly. Impetigo. verruca plana. miasms and where we find them…………. present,
we usually find an incurable skin discuse especially
The patients often have benign or malignant Verruca vulgaris found in children, suffer from if hereditary.
tumours. hereditary SYPHILIS.
In ichthyosis we see the dryness PSORA. the
In TUBERCULAR and SYPHILITIC……....patients we Verruca filiformis comes as a tertiary lesion in an squamae of SYPHILIS and ………….. oftan the
see much scarring and increase in cicatricial tissue. acquired form of Syphilis.
Leprosy. moles and warty eruptions of SYCOSIS.

In the lymphatic temperament we see the All miasms are present in erysipelas careinoma
The malignancies of Syphilis are prone to develop lupus…………..elephantlasls.
malignancies-we find here rich soil for Gonorrhoea Verruca plana is another hereditary form, found
at the age of 40.
and Syphilis. In tubercular patients we have so more or less upon the backs of hands and faces of
In nevus or congenital markings of the skin we
much difficulty in eradicating aoquired syphilis or children and young people.
have all the miasms as in.
The filiformis appears in adults with acquired
Gonorrhoea runs to gleety discharge and SYCOSIS who have had it suppressed. Usually
strictures, pockets and metastasis forms, or we appear on sexual organs, trunk of body-small in
have metastasis to ovaries. broad ligaments, diameter, one-eighth of an inch long. often
tubes. uterus, rectum and all such complications. shorter, brownish or grayish pointed with spindle-
It is the tubercular diatheais that complicates all like attachments.
our tkin diseases and makes them so dificult to

A form of acne-large red, angry. blunt pointed

looking papules at about menstrual period; they
do not suppurate. but are sore to touch and
sensitive-quite isolated and separate from each

Lupus-whether of erythematous or of the

common form belongs without doubt to the
tuhercular family of skin diseases wich a sycotic
element present.
Suppress any from of Ringworm and there often All forms of ringworm.
follows tubercular diseases. (Burnett)
The suppression of ringworm brings rheumatism,
chronic headaches, stomach troubles, chronic
bronchitis, chronic coughs, melancholia, mania,
hysteria in women and malignaneries Variola and
varicella in all their different forms have very
marked characteristics of the sycotic element
present, or of SYPHILIS and SYCOSIS combined.

The serum of vaccination has, without a doubt,

both of these elements present.

Erythematous eczema; erysipelas, especially in the

phlegmonous variety; herpes zoster and impetigo

Psoriasis has the gouty element so characteristic

of Sycosis.

The spider dot (tertiary) upper portion of face

usually about half an inch below the lower eyelid
or over cuntre of malur bone consists of little
sprangle of dilated capillarles, resembling
somewhat the meshes of the spider's web. In
children pale orbleached or quite red and
prominent. Red mole-a tertiary symptom. pinhead
to pea-smooth, round, shiny. often red as blood,
appearance ofpolka dot on skin.

If sycotic element is present, in abdominal

operations, the possibility of Stitch abscess iS

Condy lomata

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