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ECE 20001 Spring 2021 HW #9

Due: Monday, April 12th

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Instructions: You must do this HW with your group and upload full work with all steps on
Gradescope to get full credits for this HW. Only one pdf submission (scanned/annotated) per
group and the uploader of your team must connect the correct page to the correct problem
and select all team members during submission

Ideal Transformer Questions

Question #1 a) Explain, in words, what the dots on an ideal transformer represent? How does the dot
affect the ideal transformer equations?
b) The diagram below shows two cascaded ideal transformers. Write the equations necessary for solving for
Io in terms of I1 and I2. Be careful when it comes to signs!

Question #2 Find:
(a) The effective impedance seen by the source at the primary side of the ideal transformer, assuming the
fo port is unloaded.

(b) The output voltage V

fo .

20Ω j40Ω 60Ω j100Ω


120V + −j20Ω
− V

Question #3 Find:
(a) The effective impedance seen by the source at the primary side of the ideal transformer.

50Ω j100Ω 25Ω 400Ω Ieo

1:4 2:1

50Ω j100Ω

120V +

−j100Ω 100Ω

Semiconductor-related Questions

Question #4 Explain what a hole is as clearly as possible. You should address its properties and its
role in a semiconductor. Your explanation should be primarily verbal, but you may include equations and

Question #5 Explain the difference between the conduction band and the valence band in a semiconductor
as clearly as possible. Your explanation should be primarily verbal with diagrams to support the verbal.

Question #6 Fill in the missing entries in the table below for silicon (Si). The first line has been filled in
to provide guidance and values. You must provide all your calculation work or explanation to how you got
the answer for each box.

Question #7 Consider an n-type silicon for which the dopant concentration is ND = 1016 cm−3 . Find:
(a) Find the electron and hole concentration at T = 300K.
(b) Repeat the above for T = 500 K. Use the true ni value given in class.

Question #8 Estimate the amount of free electrons and holes in a N-doped Silicon wafer
(a) at room temperature with 1014 cm−3 doping level, and
(b) at 650 K with 1015 cm−3 doping level.

Question #9 As temperature increases for a doped semiconductor, what is the correct sequence of regions?
(a) intrinsic → extrinsic → freeze-out
(b) intrinsic → freeze-out → extrinsic
(c) extrinsic → intrinsic → freeze-out
(d) extrinsic → freeze-out → intrinsic
(e) freeze-out → intrinsic → extrinsic
(f) freeze-out → extrinsic → intrinsic

Question #10 As temperature increases, which electron is more likely to be released into the conduction
band first?
(a) 5th electron not bonded to a neighboring Silicon atom (i.e. dopant)
(b) An electron bonded between the n-type dopant and Silicon
(c) An electron bonded between two silicon atoms

Question #11 It is safe to say that column III and V elements in the periodic table contribute what?
(a) electrons and holes, respectively
(b) holes and electrons, respectively
(c) neither and holes, respectively
(d) neither and electrons, respectively
(e) holes and neither, respectively
(f) electrons and neither, respectively

Question #12 A photon with wavelength 950 nm impinges upon an intrinsic Silicon wafer (band gap
energy is 1.1 eV). It excites an electron from the valence band (previously bonding to Si atoms) into the
conduction band. What must be the kinetic energy of the this electron in the conduction band in Joules?
Ignore any thermal contributions.

Reflection questions :
a) Write about how each member of your team contributed to this HW?
(Talk about what you learned, what you helped solve in this HW, where you sought help to learn the
material needed to solve this HW, or if you did any admin work like compile/schedule meetings/did extra
reading/uploaded the HW etc)
b) What are you doing well as a team so far? What can you still improve?

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