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Learning Module
Reading and
writing skills

(Week 5)

Comprehension is the basic reason of reading. However, reading is beyond

understanding the words and what they mean – the reader has to engage himself with
the text he/ she reads to have a meaningful reading journey.

This module will assist the learners in reading critically and by asking questions
about what is being read. Thus, it becomes a good habit to examine what one is reading
critically and to advance one’s understanding.

Explains critical reading as looking for ways of thinking


a. read the passage critically
b. identify what the text says, what the text describes, and how the text is

What’s this?

What is Critical Reading?

• Reading critically is more than being critical of what you read. It is engaging in what
you read by asking yourself questions such as:

What is the author trying to say?

What is the main argument being presented?

Learning Module in Reading and Writing Skills

• As a critical reader you should reflect on:

What the text says

What the text describes
Interpretation of the text

What is Critical Thinking?

• Thinking critically involves a series of complex thought processes which allows
you to make reasoned judgments, assess the way you think, and solve problems

Reading The Text

Read the poem carefully.

Watch Me Grow

First you (1) babble and then you talk Like learning to talk and walk and run
You begin to crawl, before you walk Reading is supposed to be fun
And once you walk, you start to run So don’t be (4) worried if I cannot read
And soon you’ll find, to fly is fun More time may be what I need to succeed.

But as you (2) soar, you have to know You cannot run before you walk
The things you need to help you grow You have to babble before you talk
And since this process cannot be (3) rushed And reading is the same indeed
You’ll have to wait – don’t be crushed! Time and patience is all I need.

One day I will learn how to read

And I may even take the (5) lead
But for now the process may be slow
Just (6) encourage me and watch me grow!

Learning Module in Reading and Writing Skills

Activity 1 Words in Focus
Notice the underlined words in the poem. Find their meaning from the list
of words below.

inspire to talk nonsense bothered

foremost arise hurry struggle

1. ______________ _ 4. ______________
2. _______________ 5. ______________
3._______________ 6. ______________

Activity 2
Answer the following after the critical reading of the poem.
1. In the poem, to what is reading compared?
2. What does the poem say about learning how to read?
3. Explain the following lines taken from the poem:
a. And since this process cannot be rushed
You’ll have to wait – don’t be crushed!

b. You cannot run before you walk

You have to babble before you talk.

Learning Module in Reading and Writing Skills

c. But for now the process may be slow
Just encourage me and watch me grow!


Let us remember!

Critical Reading allows a reader to analyse and interpret the

reading material to know if it presents logical and connected
Critical thinking involves a series of complex thought processes
to make reasoned judgments and solve problems effectively.


I learned that _____________________________________________

because ____________________________________________________
Therefore, __________________________________________________

Learning Module in Reading and Writing Skills

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