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Negative Effects of Delayed Internet Connection to Academic Performance of the Senior High School

Students of Cabuyao Institute of Technology Since Year 2020-2021

What are the problems encountered by students during online learning with slow internet (or lack of) in
terms of?

1.1 Submission of Online Assignments

1.2 Attending Online Meetings

1.3 Real time Activities

What effects on academic performance does delayed internet connection cause among senior high
school students during online learning?

What are the problems encountered by students during online learning with slow internet (or lack of) in
terms of:

How often does delay in internet connection happen among the senior high school students during
online learning?

What are possible and practical solutions to solve or limit the negative effects on academic performance
due to delayed internet connection during online learning?

Is there significant relationship between the problems encountered by students during online learning
and the effects on academic performance due to delayed internet connection among the Senior High
School Students of Cabuyao Institute of Technology

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