I. Find ONE Word To Complete The Following Sentences Exercise 1

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Find ONE word to complete the following sentences

Exercise 1.
We’ve all been there and come back with a T-shirt bearing a slogan about it – The Failed Holiday. The kids
are bored 1)______, you can’t find a decent restaurant for love or 2)______, the cafes are all full and you are
fed up. Tempers 3)______ and you are left wondering why you went away in the first place – hardly a good
way to spend precious holiday time. But there is a way of escaping the stresses of being away from home.
Staying in an all-inclusive hotel 4)______ you don’t have to plan meals, activities or night life, as everything
is catered for, leaving you to 5)______ back, relax and enjoy your holiday. Most importantly, all-inclusive
holidays 6)______ at all-inclusive prices, so you pay for everything before you go away. And don’t think
you’ll be 7)______ to one or two resorts. These days, holiday companies offer all-inclusive deals in every
main resort around the Mediterranean, as well as more exotic locations such as the Caribbean or the
Maldives. If you think this is the sort of holiday you are after, there are a few things to keep in 8)______.
Firstly, remember that you’ll be spending most of your time in the hotel, so make sure you choose one
which has the facilities you require. If you’ re travelling as a family 9)______, many hotels offer excellent
children’s facilities such as kid’s clubs, playgrounds and crèches. For older children, there are a number of
hotels offering supervised activities for teens while others offer 10)______ sport facilities including team
games, water sports and gym facilities.
Exercise 2:
There are techniques that exist which can improve memory, the most popular of which must be mnemonics,
or ways to 1)______ information into a form that aids retention in the brain. Those who have difficulty
memorising facts, for example can 2)______ the information by using a memorable phrase. A famous
example is “Richard of York gave battle in vain”, 3)______ each word replaces a colour of the rainbow
starting with the same colour. Mnemonics 4)______ because our brains find it easier to retain information
that is surprising, personal or humorous, than that 5)______ is abstract and impersonal. Association also
plays an important part in helping us recall information. This technique involves creating something
memorable to 6)______ the information you want. For instance, by 7)______ a picture or word in your
language to a word in the foreign language that you are trying to learn, the visual or verbal 8)______ can
help you remember the word. Recollection of facts is obviously easier if you know your particular learning
style so that you can 9)______ your clues. As anyone who has had to create a password knows, easily-
remembered information is information that is personally meaningful. The best passwords are those that
have a 10)______ significance for their users, but whose meaning would baffle anyone else. There are lots
of tricks to try; the most important thing is to remember to use them.
II. Give the correct form of words in capital
Exercise 1
The Best Medicine
If you feel stressed or unhappy, nothing, say researchers, is as therapeutic as laughing. A good, (1. HEART)
__________ laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes
afterwards. Not only that, laughing triggers the release of endorphins – the body’s ‘feel-good’ chemicals –
so it can provide temporary relief from pain. Laughter even increases infection-fighting antibodies, thus
improving your resistance to disease. But the best thing about this (2. PRICE) __________ medicine that
has so much power to heal and renew is that it’s fun, free, and available in abundance.
One of the best ways to increase the amount of time you spend laughing each day is to hang out with
entertaining, (3. MISCHIEF) __________ people. These are people who laugh easily – both at themselves
and at life’s absurdities. Laughter is contagious, so just hearing others laugh primes your brain and readies
you to smile. What’s more, the ‘feel-good’ emotion you get when you laugh will remain with you long after
your laughter (4. SIDE) _________.
The ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for (5. COME) __________ problems
and improving both physical and emotional health.
So, go on! Bring your body and mind back into (6. EQUAL) __________ - laugh!
Exercise 2
Centenarians (people aged 100+ years) exhibit (1. MARK) __________ delayed disability. It seems to
manifest only towards the end of their very long lives, at an average age of 93 years. In one study of
centenarians, 15% had no clinically (2. DEMONSTRATE) __________ disease at age 100 years and 43%
did not exhibit age-related disease until age 80 years or older. In short, living to 100 seems to be
advantageous not just in years of survival, but in years of quality life.
Interestingly, centenarians appear to have little in common, varying widely when it comes to diet, education,
ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Still, studies have revealed some (3. COMMON) __________. Very few
centenarians are obese. Most have first degree relatives who also achieve exceptional age, indicating genetic
factors are strongly involved in (4. LONG) __________. Substantial smoking history is usually rare. Finally,
most centenarians have the personality traits of (5. EXTRAVERT) __________ and serenity; despite life’s
ups and downs, they seem better able to maintain a positive outlook and handle stress better than the
majority of the population.
But one characteristic marks out centenarians (6. DISPUTE) __________ : gender. Some 85% of
centenarians are women. Among supercentenarians (those aged 110 or older), the figure is 90%.

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