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BBC Tech Associates

Chartered Engineer & Competent Person Authorized from U.P. Government under Factory Act- 1948
Add. - 28, J. J. Complex, E-mail -
Opp. - Allahabad Bank, Deva Road, ( 0522 3598781
Chinhat, Distt.- Lucknow (UP) 227105

Report of test /Examination of lifting Tools /Tackles

(under clause (a)(iii) of sub-section (1) of Section 28/29 of Factories Act- 1948)
1. Name of occupier (of the Factory) : M/s. Azazul Hasan Khan
2. Address of the Factory : Sayyed Nagar, Near Gala Mandi, Raebareli, (U.P.)
3. Distinguishing number of marks if any and : Name of Eqpt. : Farana
description sufficient to identify the lifting machine, Regd. No. : UP-33 BT-1885
chains, rope or the lifting tackle. Eng. No. : KDHM 114945
Chassis. No. : ACEOF210PK0947090
Cap. /S.W.L. : 20.0 Ton
Mfd. by : ACE, Location : Plant
Specification: Rope dia 13mm, No of fall 06
4. Date when the lifting machine, chain, rope or lifting : 2019
tackle was first taken into use in the factory.

5. Date and number of the certificate relation to any : First time tested by us
test and examination made under sub-rules (1) and
(7) together with the name and address of the
person who issued the certificate.
6. The date of each periodical thorough examination : Test load applied 1.5 Ton on radius 12.5mtr. and
made under clause (a) (iii) of sub-section (1) of found Ok
section 29 of the Act, and sub rule (6) and by whom
it was carried out.
7. Date of annealing or other heat treatment of the : Not applicable as per sub-rule (6) (iv) of Rule 55-
chain other lifting tackle made under sub-rule (5) A U.P. Factories rule’ 1950
and by whom it was carried out.
8. Particulars of any defects affecting safe working load : No such Defect was observed during thorough
found at any such thorough examination or after examination.
annealing and steps taken to remedy such defects.

9. Remarks:
1. The equipment has been found quite functional and in safe Working order.
2. The test status is to be displayed on the equipment.
3. All Safety devices like brakes, ratchet, jacks & locks have been found in working order, as applicable
4. The Equipment is not to be used on loose soil, muddy surface or water pits, as applicable
I/ we certify that on dt. 30/01/2021 the equipment described above was thoroughly cleaned and (so far as
construction permits) made accessible for thorough examination and for such tests as were necessary and that
on the said date. I thoroughly examination this equipment including its fittings and that the above is a true report
of my examination.
Certificate No: BBC/LKO/UP-57684/2020

Next examination due on or before: 29/01/2022

Signature & Seal

Sri Sanjay Srivastava

Chartered Engineer & Competent

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