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The thorns They are so busy

in the parable trying to get more

are like worldly
worries and the
love for money
money and other
things that they
leave God out of
that fill some
people's lives.
their lives.
19 20
But the seed that fell on good soil and gave a
good harvest is like the Word of God entering
These people serve and honor God. SEED
hearts and changing people's lives.

21 22
The crowds did not want to leave. Many wanted to
The Farmer and the Seed
follow God and please Him. Jesus' parables helped Written by Edward Hughes Illustrated by M. Maillot; Lazarus
them to understand how to obey God.
A story from God's Word, the Bible,
Adapted by E. Frischbutter; Sarah S.
is found in
Story 43 of 60
Matthew 13
Bible for Children, PO Box 3, Winnipeg MB R3C 2G1 Canada
License: You have the right to copy or print this story,
"The entrance of Your Words gives light."
as long as you do not sell it.
Psalm 119:130
English One day Jesus taught The crowd became
*RGNQRZV ZHKDYHGRQHEDGWKLQJVZKLFK+HFDOOV by the lake-side. Lots too large. What
VLQ7KHSHQDOW\IRUVLQLVGHDWK of people gathered would Jesus do?
to hear Him.


1 2
Seeing a boat nearby, Jesus Jesus began to tell parables - stories "A farmer scattered seed on his field." People could picture the farmer working
climbed aboard. Now He could see about ordinary things, that taught Jesus' story was like a picture with - they had seen it many times.
the people and they could see people about God. words instead of drawings.
and hear Him.

3 4 5 6
Some of the scattered Some seed landed on stony parts of Other seed had rooted among The rest of the seed fell on good
seed lay on a footpath. the field. They quickly grew into thorns. It didn't produce grain. ground. As time passed, the shoots became
Swoosh! Birds quickly swooped spindly puny plants. The hot sun soon The thorns crowded around the healthy plants bearing plenty of new grain. The
down to gobble it up. shriveled them up because they could young plants, blocking out farmer must have been very happy.
not root in the shallow soil. the needed sunshine
and rain.

7 8 9 10
At the end of the story, the disciples came to Jesus said parables help people understand about Jesus explained the parable. Satan makes them
Jesus. "Why do you teach in parables?" they asked. God if they really love Him. People who don't love He said the seed is God's Word. forget what God said.
God cannot understand parables.

Seed on the
footpath is
like somebody

but not
God's Word.
11 12 13 14
Some people quickly receive God's Word. But as soon as somebody mocks them or These same people who joyfully They don't want to pay the
They are like the seed on stony soil. makes things difficult because they started to follow Jesus turn away price of following God. How sad
love God, a sad thing happens. and stop obeying God's Word. that they should want to please
friends rather than God!

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