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Evolution of
Flowering Plants
ANGIOSPERM APOMORPHIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Sieve Tube Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
Flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Angiosperm Specializations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
Stamens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Reduced Male Gametophyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 ORIGIN OF ANGIOSPERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Carpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
REVIEW QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Two Integuments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Reduced Female Gametophyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 EXERCISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Endosperm Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

The owering plants, or angiosperms (also called Angiosper- a review of owering plant apomorphies and general evolu-
mae, Magnoliophyta, or Anthophyta), are a monophyletic tionary history.
group currently thought to be the sister group to the gymno-
sperms (Chapter 5). Angiosperms are by far the most numer-
ous, diverse, and successful e xtant plant group, containing ANGIOSPERM APOMORPHIES
well over 95% of all land plant species alive today. Flowering
plants grow in virtually every habitable region and are domi- FLOWER
nant in some aquatic and most terrestrial ecosystems, the Perhaps the most obvious distinguishing feature of angio-
notable exception to the latter being coniferous forests. sperms is the ower (Figure 6.2; see Chapter 9 for detailed
Angiosperms comprise the great bulk of our economically terminology of ower parts). A ower can be de ned as
important plants, including our most valuable food crops a modi ed, determinate shoot system bearing one or more
(Chapter 1). stamens, collectively called the androecium, and/or one or
Several apomorphies distinguish the angiosperms from all more carpels (making up one or more pistils), collectively
other land plants (Figure 6.1): (1) the ower, usually with an called the gynoecium (see later discussion). Most angiosperm
associated perianth; (2) stamens with two lateral thecae, each owers are bisexual (perfect), containing both stamens and
composed of two microsporangia; (3) a reduced, 3-nucleate carpels, but some are unisexual (imperfect), having only sta-
male gametophyte; (4) carpels and fruit formation; (5) ovules mens or carpels. In addition, most (but not all) owers have a
with two integuments; (6) a reduced, 8-nucleate female game- perianth, consisting of modi ed leaves at the base of the
tophyte; (7) endosperm formation; and (8) sieve tube members. shoot system.
Some of these apomorphic features, which represent the prod- The perianth of a ower both protects the other oral parts
uct of a unique evolutionary event, have become further modi- during oral development and functions as an attractant for
ed in particular lineages of angiosperms (see Chapters 7, 8). pollination (see later discussion and Chapter 13). Most ow-
Figure 6.1 shows a simpli ed cladogram of the major ers have a perianth of two discrete whorls or series of parts:
groups of anigosperms. The diversity and classi cation of an outer calyx and an inner corolla (Figure 6.3A). The calyx
these groups are discussed in Chapter 7 (Amborellales, is generally green and photosynthetic, composed of leaf-like
Nymphaeales, Austrobaileyales, Magnoliids, Ceratophyllales, sepals or (if these are fused) of calyx lobes. The corolla is
and Monocots) and Chapter 8 (Eudicots). The following is typically colorful, showy, and odoriferous and is composed

122 CHAPTER 6 evolution of flowering plants

Magnoliophyta - Angiosperms




sieve tube members with companion cells
endosperm and double fertilization
female gametophyte 8-nucleate
ovules with 2 integuments
carpel and fruit
male gametophyte 3-nucleate
stamens with 2 lateral thecae
flowers (generally with perianth)

Figure 6.1 Cladogram of the angiosperms, showing apomorphies and major taxonomic groups, the latter after APG II (2003).

of individual petals or (if these are fused) of corolla lobes. resembling leaves. Fusion of oral parts may occur after they
However, in some owering plants, there are two whorls of form, termed postgenital fusion. Alternatively, oral parts
parts, but the outer and inner whorl of perianth parts are not may appear to be fused at maturity but may actually develop
otherwise differentiated, resembling one another in color and as a single structure. For example, the basal tube of a corolla
texture. The term tepal is often used for such similar perianth in which the petals are fused (known as a sympetalous
parts, and one may refer to outer tepals and inner tepals for corolla; see Chapter 9) may form by vertical expansion of a
the two whorls (Figure 6.3B). More rarely, the perianth may ring of actively dividing tissue that develops beneath discrete
consist of a single whorl (this usually called the calyx, by primordia; only the upper corolla lobes may develop from
tradition) or of three or more discrete whorls (see Chapter 9). discrete primordia. Overall, the resemblance of oral organs
Finally, the perianth of some owers consists of spirally to leaves in terms of initiating lik e leaf primordia of a veg-
arranged units that grade from sepal-like structures on the etative shoot, being innervated by veins, and often having a
outside to petal-like structures on the inside, but with no clear dorsiventral shape is why these or gans sepals, petals,
point of differentiation between them; in this case, the units stamens, and carpels are thought to be homologous to
may be termed tepals, perianth parts, or perianth segments leaves (Chapter 2).
(Figure 6.3C). Ongoing studies of the molecular basis of development in
The components of a ower develop in a manner very sim- plants, especially those using the species Arabidopsis thali-
ilar to leaves. In early oral development actively dividing ana (termed the Drosophila of the plant world ), ha ve helped
regions of cells grow, forming bumplike mounds of tissue, to elucidate the genetic basis of oral development and the
the primordia. Typically, the primordia develop in whorls nature of these presumed homologies. Research in this eld
from outside to inside, in sequence as sepal (or outer tepal) is summarized in the ABC model of oral development, in
primordia rst, petal (or inner tepal) primordia second, which gene products of the so-called A, B, and C classes
stamen primordia third (often in two or more whorls), and combine to produce the four major oral organs: sepals,
carpel primordia last (Figure 6.4A C). Each primordium petals, stamens, and carpels (Figure 6.5). In this model, sepals
typically becomes innervated by one or more vascular bun- are expressed by A activity alone; petals by a combination of
dles (veins); primordia may also transform into a attened, or A and B activities, stamens by a combination of B and C
dorsiventral (having a dorsal and ventral side) shape, activities, and carpels by C activity alone (Figure 6.5).
Unit II evolution and diversity of plants 123

pollen tubes

stamen stigma
(of androecium) filament
style pistil
(of gynoecium)


(Pistil may
petal consist of
(of corolla) one or more
perianth receptacle (Perianth units carpels)
sepal ovules
termed tepals or
(of calyx) pedicel perianth se gments
if similar)
Figure 6.2 A typical (diagrammatic) ower, illustrating the parts.

In addition, genes of the so-called SEPALLATA class are the mechanisms of evolution that have given rise to the rich
needed in combination with those of the A, B, and C classes diversity of oral forms.
to effect proper oral organ identity (Figure 6.5). All of these The ower, with its typically showy and often scented peri-
oral organ identity genes work by producing transcription anth, evidently evolved in response to selective pressure for
factors in the proper location of the ower, i.e., in the the transfer of pollen by animals. Animal pollination appears
outermost, second, third, and innermost oral whorls. The to be the primitive condition in the angiosperms, separating
transcription factors induce the expression of other genes that them from the predominantly wind-pollinated gymnosperms
bring about the development of the four oral organs. Devel- (Chapter 5). Numerous, intricate pollination mechanisms have
opmental studies like these, in a wide range of species, will evolved in various angiosperm lineages. These pollination
help to understand both the molecular basis of homology and mechanisms have largely driven the evolution of innumerable



outer perianth
inner parts
tepal tepal
Figure 6.3 Various perianth types in owers. A. Perianth of two whorls, dissimilar in appearance: a calyx of sepals and a corolla of
petals (Ruta). B. Perianth of two whorls, similar in appearance: outer tepals and inner tepals (Lilium). C. Perianth undifferentiated, spiral
124 CHAPTER 6 evolution of flowering plants

st st st

se/ot st c
A B C st

Figure 6.4 Flower development. A. Early development of sepal/outer tepal (se/ot) primordia and petal/inner tepal (pe/it) primordia.
B. Later formation of stamen (st) primordia. C. More mature stamens and early initiation of carpel (c) primordia.

oral forms, accounting in large part for the distinctiveness then opens to the outside by a speci c dehiscence mecha-
of many angiosperm families (see Chapter 13 for oral nism, releasing the pollen (Figure 6.7E). (Note that anthers of
syndromes related to pollination biology). Animal pollina- some angiosperms are secondarily reduced to a single theca,
tors may include bees (Figure 6.6A), butter ies and moths known as monothecal or bisporangiate, a distinctive sys-
(Figure 6.6B), ies (Figure 6.6C), bats (Figure 6.6D,E), tematic character; see Chapters 7 9.)
and birds (Figure 6.6F). However, owers of many groups The adaptive value of the stamens of angiosperms over the
are quite reduced in size or structural complexity, often lack- microsporophylls of gymnosperms is likely connected with
ing a perianth altogether; these may be water pollinated selective pressures for the ower itself. Stamens are generally
(Figure 6.6G) or wind pollinated (Figure 6.6H). smaller and lighter than gymnosperm microsporophylls, and
stamens generally occur in bisexual owers, rather than in
STAMENS more massive, unisexual cones. Modi cations of the stamen
A distinctive apomorphy for the angiosperms is the stamen,
the male reproductive organ of a ower. Stamens are inter-
preted as modi ed microsporophylls, modi ed leaves that bears sepals petals stamens carpels
microsporangia (see Chapter 5). Microsporangia produce micro-
spores, which develop into pollen grains (Chapter 5; see later
discussion). Some stamens have a laminar (leaf-like) structure,
to which the anther is attached or embedded (Figure 6.7A).
However, the stamens of most owering plants have two
parts: a stalk, known as a lament, and the pollen bearing
part, known as the anther (Figure 6.7B). Some stamens lack
a lament (or lamina), in which case the anther is sessile,
directly attached to the rest of the ower. A C
The angiosperm anther is a type of synangium, a fusion AP1 AP2 AG
product of sporangia. Anthers are unique in (ancestrally) con-
taining two pairs of microsporangia arranged in a bilateral
symmetry (i.e., having two mirror image halves). Each pair SEP1 SEP2
of microsporangia is typically located within a discrete half SEPALLATA
of the anther called a theca (plural, thecae; Figure 6.7C).
Thus, such an anther consists of two thecae (termed bithecal),
each theca having two microsporangia for a total of four Figure 6.5 The ABC model of oral development. Within
(termed tetrasporangiate; Figure 6.7D). At maturity, the two each gene class are speci c genes (AP1, AP2, AP3, AG, PI, SEP1,
microsporangia of a theca typically coalesce into a single, SEP2, SEP3), identi ed in mutant forms in Arabidopsis thalliana.
contiguous chamber, called the anther locule; each theca (Diagram after Jack, 2001.)
Unit II evolution and diversity of plants 125





Figure 6.6 Flower modi cations. A. Ranunculus sp., buttercup, insect-pollinated. B. Calonyction sp., moon ower, moth-pollinated.
C. Stapelia sp., star ower, y-pollinated. D. Selenicereus, night-blooming cereus, bat-pollinated. E. Couroupida guianensis, cannonball
tree, bat-pollinated. F. Strelitzia reginae, bird of paradise, bird-pollinated. G. Phyllospadix torreyi, surf-grass, water-pollinated. H. Grass,
126 CHAPTER 6 evolution of flowering plants


lament anther locules

A B C E pollen

Figure 6.7 Stamen morphology. A. Laminar stamen, Nymphaea. B,C. Filamentous stamen, Aloe. Note anther composed of two thecae,
each with two microsporangia. D. Young anther in cross-section, showing four microsporangia. E. Cross-section of older anther at time of
dehiscence. Note that walls between adjacent microsporangia of each theca have broken down. Dehiscence line indicated by arrows.

have enabled the evolution of specialized pollination mecha- elongate pollen tube grows out of the pollen grain wall, a
nisms, such as those involving stamens of the proper length condition known as siphonogamy (Figure 6.8A,C,D). In
or orientation to transfer pollen to a speci c pollinator, ower gymnosperms the pollen tube develops after the pollen grains
heteromorphism (associated with stamens at different levels enter the micropyle of the ovule and functions as a haustorial
in the ower relative to differing style/stigma lengths), device (feeding from the tissues of the nucellus) for a long
trigger devices, and very modi ed stamens such as pollinia period of time (see Chapter 5). In contrast, the pollen tube of
(see Chapters 12 and 13 for more details). angiosperms forms immediately after transfer of pollen to the
stigma. The pollen tube of angiosperms elongates through
REDUCED MALE GAMETOPHYTE (and feeds upon) the tissues of the stigma and style of the
Another apomorphy for the angiosperms is a reduced, three- carpel and soon reaches the ovule, where it penetrates the
celled male gametophyte (Figure 6.8). No other plant group micropyle and transports the two sperm cells directly to
has a male gametophyte so reduced in cell number. After each the female gametophyte (see later discussion). The sperm
microspore is formed by meiosis within the microsporangium, cells of angiosperms lack agella or cilia and are thus non-
its single nucleus divides mitotically to form two cells: a tube motile, a derived condition among the land plants. The loss of
cell and a generative cell (Figure 6.8A,B). When this happens, motility may be a function of the direct transport of the sperm
the microspore is transformed to an immature, endosporic male cells to the micropyle of the ovule. The only other land plants
gametophyte or pollen grain (Chapter 5). The generative cell with nonmotile sperm cells are the gymnospermous conifers
divides one time, producing two sperm cells (Figure 6.8A). (including the Gnetales), which lost sperm motility indepen-
Pollen grains are shed in either a two- or three-celled condi- dently of owering plants.
tion, depending on whether the generative cell division occurs The adaptive signi cance of the reduced male gameto-
before or after the pollen grains are released. If pollen is phytes of angiosperms is probably correlated with the evolu-
released as two-celled, then the generative cell divides within tion of a reduced female gametophyte and relatively rapid
the pollen tube as it travels down the style (Figure 6.8A). seed development (discussed later). In gymnosperms fertil-
Whether pollen grains are 2- or 3-nucleate at release can be an ization of sperm and egg occurs long after pollination, some-
important taxonomic character (Chapter 11). times as long as a year; the male gametophytes must persist
The pollen grains of angiosperms, like those of gymno- during this long period, feeding off the tissues of the nucel-
sperms, germinate during development, meaning that an lus. In angiosperms, however, fertilization occurs very soon
Unit II evolution and diversity of plants 127

tube cell tube nucleus

2 sperm cells

tube nucleus
generative cell
2 sperm cells

pollen grain
(immature male pollen tube mature male
gametophyte) gametophyte

tube nucleus


B generative
cell C D
Figure 6.8 Angiosperm male gametophyte. A. Development of reduced 3-nucleate male gametophyte from pollen grain. B. Mature
binucleate pollen grain, with tube nucleus and generative cell. C. Germinating pollen grain, forming pollen tube. D. Tip of pollen tube,
housing nuclear material (nuclei types unclear in this image).

after pollination. Thus, angiospermous male gametophytes (Figures 6.9A D, 6.10A), with certain parts differentiating
are lean, apparently requiring a minimum number of cells into tissue for pollen reception and pollen tube growth,
and nuclei; they function to deliver sperm cells to the female typically forming an apical stigma and style (Figure 6.9D).
gametophyte and effect fertilization very rapidly compared At maturity the carpel body completely encloses the ovules
with gymnosperms. and seeds, accounting for the name angiosperm (Gr. angio,
vessel + sperm, seed).
CARPEL The sporophyll-like nature of the carpel is evident in that
A major apomorphy of angiosperms is the carpel. According (1) it may develop like a leaf, having an initially attened,
to the most widely accepted hypothesis, the carpel constitutes dorsiventral shape, with an adaxial (toward the top-center of
a modi ed, conduplicate megasporophyll bearing two, adax- the ower) and abaxial (away from the top-center of the
ial rows of ovules (Figure 6.9D). (Recall that a me gasporo- ower) surface; and (2) it has veins, typically one in the middle
phyll is a modi ed leaf that bears megasporangia, which termed the dorsal (median) vein or bundle, corresponding to
in the seed plants are components of the ovules and seeds; the midvein of a leaf, and two others near the two carpel mar-
see Chapter 5. Conduplicate means inw ardly folded longi- gins termed the ventral (lateral or placental) veins/bundles
tudinally and along the central margin; see Chapter 9.) (Figures 6.9D, 6.10A). Additional veins often occur between
This megasporophyll is modi ed in that the margins by the dorsal and ventral bundles (e.g., Figure 6.10B), and veins
virtue of the conduplicate folding come together and fuse will sometimes fuse together. The veins of a carpel are
128 CHAPTER 6 evolution of flowering plants

typically collateral (see Chapter 10), with xylem on the adax- or specialized, particularly in compound pistils (see later
ial side and phloem on the abaxial side. The ventral veins discussion). One type, known as an ascidiate carpel, develops
become inverted in orientation after carpel formation, with the from a ring of tissue that grows upward, sometimes assuming
xylem and phloem disposed 180° from their original orienta- a somewhat peltate form. However, taxa that lack a condupli-
tion, i.e., prior to conduplicate folding (Figure 6.9D). cate carpel development usually still have inverted ventral
The carpels of some angiosperm taxa show no evidence of veins, evidence of the ancestral condition.
a conduplicate, lea ike nature during development. It is gen- A given ower can have one to many carpels. If two or
erally accepted that these have become secondarily modi ed more carpels are present, they may be separate from one


dorsal style
vein ovary wall
adaxial c.s. ovary
D ventral

E c.s. c.s.

Figure 6.9 The carpel, an apomorphy of the angiosperms. A–C. Scanning electron micrographs of carpel development. A. Early
formation of three carpels, showing conduplicate formation. B. Intermediate developmental stage. Note lateral contact of the three carpels.
C. Mature stage, in which carpel margins have closed in and adjacent carpels have fused into a syncarpous gynoecium (compound pistil).
D. Diagram of carpel development from early stages to mature ovary, adaxial side below. Note dorsal and ventral veins (black=xylem;
white=phloem), the latter becoming inverted. E. Diagram illustrating evolutionary sequence of carpel fusion (dashed lines=carpel boundaries).

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