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Andrea Paola Pabón Ortega

Daniel Arciniegas Orejuela

Uses of Like

 Like can be used in two different ways, as a
verb or preposition.
Uses of Like

 Like [Verb]

Use Like (Verb) to talk about things you like:

Use of Like

 Examples of the use of “Like“

What do you like doing in the evening?

I like going out at night
I like her
I like that book
I like the city
I like living in tokyo
Use of Like

 For not make the mistake:

1. I want to find a city that likes me. (Quiero encontrar una ciudad al
que le gusto). X
2. I like. X

 You have to Say:

 I like it.
 I like them.
 I like her.
 I like donuts.
 I like travel
Use of Like

 Another mistake:
• Do you like?
 The correct form:
 Do you like it?
 Do you like this?
 Do you like that?
 Do you like them?

Don´t forget the auxiliar.

Use of Like

 Cuando la cosa que te gusta (el objeto de tu apreciación)
es un verbo, se usa el infinitivo o el gerundio.
• I like running/I like to run. (Me gusta correr.)
• I like run. X
 Ten cuidado a la hora de enfatizar que te
gusta mucho algo. Por ejemplo,
• I like very much Tokyo. X
• I like a lot Tokyo. X
 I like Tokyo very much.
 I like Tokyo a lot.
 I really like Tokyo.
Use of Like

 Para decir que algo no te gusta en absoluto, usa at
 I don’t like it at all. (No me gusta nada.)
• I don’t like it nothing. X
 Para decir que una cosa te gusta más que otra se
puede usar better.
 I like Spanish beer, but I like German beer better. (Me
gusta la cerveza española, pero me gusta más la cerveza
Use of Like

 Be like [Preposition]

Use be Like (preposition) to ask for a description

verb + “like” + subst/pron

Use of Like

 Examples of the use of “Like“
 A: What´s it (the city) like?
 B: It´s a big city, with lots of traffic.
 She dances like a professional.
 Like me, my friend John loves the city.

 Be careful not to confuse the two forms

• Question: What´s it like?
• Answer: It´s a lovely city. NOT I like it very much
Use of Like

 Se utiliza "like" para decir que algo es típico de alguien.
 It's so like Ben to be late. (Es tan típico de Ben llegar tarde.)
 It's just like Helen to laugh in a traffic jam. (Es tan típico de
Helen reír en un trancon.)
 Cuando utiliza "like" con el verbo "look" significa
"parecer" or "parecerse".
 I look like my mother. (Me parezco a mi madre.)
 It looks like it is going to rain. (Parece que va a llover.)
 He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. (Él parece como que
no ha dormido en semanas.)
Use of Like

 También utilizamos "like" para presentar ejemplos.
 I play many sports like football, basketball and tennis. (Juego
muchos deportes como fútbol, baloncesto y tenis.)
 There are many things we can do to protect the
environment, like recycling or using renewable energy
sources. (Hay muchas cosas que podemos hacer para
proteger el medio ambiente, como reciclar o utilizar
fuentes de energía renovables.)
 Some people, like my friend Carol, don't like to
travel. (Algunas personas, como mi amiga Carol, no le
gusta viajar.)


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