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1. Today, Wichner Industries announced 5. Magnum Plus cameras ------- very

that it ------ opening an office in Vienna popular right now because they are so
to coordinate its overseas operations. easy to use.
(A) be (A) became
(B) will be (B) are becoming
(C) is being (C) to become
(D) been (D) becomes

2. By the time Ms. Okada -------- in 6. Some officials still need ------- of the
Incheon for the sales meeting, she had importance of separate playing fields
already completed preliminary for young football and baseball players.
negotiations by telephone. (A) convince
(A) arrives (B) to be convinced
(B) arrived (C) be convincing
(C) has arrived (D) have convinced
(D) will arrive

3. Because the boardroom is being 7. The license for the trial version of
painted, the meeting this afternoon will - Exi 2.0 software is valid for the 30-day
----- in the conference room on the fourth period immediately ------- the date of
floor. issue.
(A) have held (A) will follow
(B) be holding (B) follows
(C) hold (C) followed
(D) be held (D) following

4. Many problems with locks ------- by a 8. It is imperative that the computer

simple repair or adjustment. password ------ kept confidential
(A) solved A. were
(B) could solve B. be
(C) can solve C. is
(D) can be solved D. had been

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 1

9. To save time and costs, Alberta 10. Ever since Mr. Derick joined the
Industries recommends that any staff, Mr. Zapata and Ms. Coleman
associates who travel for business ------- have -------- the marketing team for its
the amount of luggage they carry. excellent results.
(A) minimize (A) to be praised
(B) to minimize (B) praise
(C) have minimized (C) been praising
(D) minimizing (D) been praised

11. Liza Baley recently ------- positive 12. The technician ------- repairs on the
reviews for her performance in Mike machinery, so production of the X220
Keric's new drama, Nightfall. will resume when she has finished.
(A) receives A. making
(B) was receiving B. had made
(C) is received C. will have been made
(D) received D. have been making

13. Before ------- the envelope, please be 14. -------- in the late 1800's many of the
sure you have enclosed all of the coastlines lighthouses remain standing
documents listed in your orientation today, having withstood the forces of
packet. nature for decades.
(A) seal (A) Built
(B) sealing (B) Building
(C) is sealed (C) Been built
(D) was sealed (D) Having built

15. Civil engineer Lorenzo Raspallo ---- 16. The cost of repairing the water
--- as the guest speaker at the fifth annual damage to the museum after the storm -
Bridge Conservation Colloquium next ------ to be more than one million
month. dollars.
(A) to confirm (A) experts
(B) to be confirmed (B) is expecting
(C) has been confirmed (C) expected
(D) having been confirmed (D) is expected

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 2

17. To increase employee -------, Aelch 18. Funds raised by the local
Medical Supplies rewards employees for preservation society have helped --------
outstanding professional contributions. the historic Janesville train station.
(A) produced (A) restoring
(B) productivity (B) to restore
(C) productively (C) restored
(D) will produce (D) is restored

19. Larper Painting ------ a special sale 20. The Globe Lighting Supply
next month to celebrate its new store on handbook -------- a list of important
Abagael Avenue. company telephone numbers.
(A) had run (A) contain
(B) will be running (B) containing
(C) will be run (C) is contained
(D) ran (D) contains

21. A quarterly survey -------- by Car 22. If you wish to cancel your
Trade magazine shows that customers subscription to The Steele Lake Ledger,
prefer fuel-efficiency over size or price please be sure -------- for four weeks of
when purchasing a new automobile. processing time.
(A) performed (A) to allow
(B) performs (B) will allow
(C) had performed (C) be allowing
(D) to perform (D) having allowed

23. By the time Clear Blaze 24. Perhaps Ms. Hernandez would not -
Technology's word processing program ------- with such criticism if she had
goes on the market, software engineers - made her plans for the company clearer
------- its remaining flaws. to its stockholders.
(A) will have corrected (A) having confronted
(B) had been correcting (B) have been confronted
(C) are correcting (C) have confronted
(D) will correct (D) had been confronted

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 3

25. Despite -------- declines in revenue 26. Mr. Daniels has mentioned --------
over the past six months, the Mori & to retire from the board in November,
McGee firm intends to hire three new but so far, a successor has not been
patent lawyers next year. named.
(A) will experience (A) planned
(B) having experienced (B) plans
(C) has experienced (C) planner
(D) have been experiencing (D) was planning

27. Library patrons who fail to return 28. At the end of next month, Executive
any item by the due date -------- a fee. Chef Tracy Nakagawa ------ the kitchen
(A) charge at the Hokulea Café for about 10 years.
(B) will be charged (A) has supervised
(C) have charged (B) will have supervised
(D) are charging (C) had been supervising
(D) is supervising

29. Mr. Jung -------- his position as Chief 30. Maria Vega's keynote address at
Executive of Cosmic Gaming Company next month's Entrepreneurs Symposium
had the merger with Starzan Enterprises in Singapore -------- by a short video.
succeeded. (A) was preceded
(A) is being relinquished (B) will be preceded
(B) would have relinquished (C) would precede
(C) has been relinquishing (D) were to precede
(D) will be relinquished

31. Trains for Gruyville -------- at 9:00 32. The airport shuttle -------- every
A.M. Monday through Friday. hour from the hotel's front entrance.
(A) depart (A) depart
(B) is departed (B) was departed
(C) departs (C) are departing
(D) is departing (D) departs

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 4

33. Inclement weather and a reduced 34. Evelyn Chu's Web site provides
workforce -------- the greatest challenges consumers with reviews and price ------
to the renovation of the Kem Science -- of electronic devices currently on the
Center. market.
(A) have posed (A) compare
(B) is posing (B) comparisons
(C) does pose (C) have compare
(D) will have been posted (D) compares

35. The quality-control process will be 36. Guitarist Carlos Roldan -------- his
revised due to the large number of newest music at a fund-raising concert
product flaws -------- reported. in Madrid last month.
(A) is (A) performed
(B) are (B) performs
(C) were (C) performing
(D) being (D) will perform

37. The manufacturer -------- the 38. Stormy weather in Lorraine led to
warranty on its latest camera models by power outages last night, -------- some
twelve months. residents without electricity
(A) extend (A) will leave
(B) was extended (B) leaving
(C) extending (C) have left
(D) has extended (D) leaves

39. The use of flash photography is ------ 40. New software that should reduce
--in this building. employee training time --------.
(A) prohibited (A) to develop
(B) to have prohibited (B) developing
(C) been prohibiting (C) is being developed
(D) to prohibit (D) to be developed

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 5

41. According to the Harton Fashion 42. The engineers had only begun
Chronicle, many designers -------- green analyzing the problem when a new
and brown fabrics for their autumn discovery -------- their working model
collections this year. obsolete.
(A) to use (A) rendering
(B) are using (B) rendered
(C) had been used (C) renders
(D) are used (D) will render

43. Keyomon restaurants can be -------- 44. The Silvau Division is now --------
in wide variety of locations, from urban a full line of steel products at a new
centers to coastal towns. modern facility just outside the city.
(A) found (A) manufacturer
(B) finding (B) being manufactured
(C) having found (C) manufactured
(D) find (D) manufacturing

45. By the time Ms. Valspar retires as 46. Today Tenopy Tech announoed its
president of Movene Technologies, she - plans -------- with Shaffly Energy
------- to increase the company's market Systems to manufacture solar panels in
share significantly. Quito and Caracas.
(A) manages (A) to partner
(B) will have managed (B) be partnering
(C) managed (C) is partnered
(D) has been managing (D) will partner

47. This company has been a top leader 48. The Caver Community Center -----
in the technology industry ever since it - a special software training workshop
----- founded. for our new employees.
(A) will be (A) hosting
(B) is (B) to host
(C) were (C) will host
(D) had been (D) is hosted

Edited by Mr. Justin (Nino Toeic) 6

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