Speech - Sarana Bsce 1b Final Output

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Ferose Jan E.

Saraña BSCE 1B

Women Empowerment

Women's traditional social roles include being the lady of the house, caring
for the home, and being concerned about their children's happiness. And in
this era of female empowerment, women are told they can do anything, but
can we?

The epitome of wealth and influence is a woman. Women play an essential

role in society, and the everyday activities of the entire family are dependent
on them. They simultaneously play the roles of mother, wife, mate, chef,
teacher, and nurse, all while catering to everyone's needs. Women are the ones
who take the lead in assisting their families in adapting to new realities and

As we celebrate "Women International Day." We shall encourage women

from all sections of society to make their own decisions. And empower our
rights as women in society with equal opportunities, equal pay, and equal
respect as equal to men. And let's all claim that we women can make a
difference and make our world become a better place.

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