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Group Members (Name): Marie Joy M.


Topic: Open System

1.Question: Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa and 400 K. The
mass flow rate of the air is 0.02 kg/s, and a heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the
process. Assuming the changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible,
determine the necessary power input to the compressor. 



W in m (h 2 h1 ) Q out
 
W in m (h 2 h1 )  mq out
State1 :
P1  100kPa  kJ
h1  280.13
T 1 280 K  kg

State 2 :
P 2  600kPa  kJ
h 2  400.98
T 2 400 K  kg

W in 0.02  400.98  280.13  16
W in 2.74kW
Answer: 2.74 kW
Topic: Open System
2.Question: Open system-Steam Plant Component
Primary fluid eneters the heat exchanger of a nuclear facility at 610℉ and leaves at
540℉. The flow rate is approxiamtely 1.38x10 ⁸ lbm/hr. If the specific heat of the fluid
is taken as 1.5 Btu/lbm℉,what is the heat transferred out of the stream generator?

 

min (h  PE  KE in)  Q  m out

(h  PE  KE out )  W
1. Neglecting PE and KE and assuming no work is done on the system,

 

m (hin )  Q  m (hout )

Q  m (h out hin )

mc p T c p
2. Substituting where specific heat capacity ( Btu/lbm℉ )

 m (c p )(T outT in)
 1.38  108 lbm / hr (1.5 Btm / lbm  F )(540  610F )
Q  1.45 1010 Btm / hr
Answer: -1.45x10^10 Btm/hr

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