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Effect of enzymatic and mechanical treatment on

combined desizing and bio-polishing of cotton fabrics
ab a a
Amirhossein Esfandiari , Elham Firouzi-Pouyaei & Parinaz Aghaei-Meibodi
Faculty of Technical and Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Published online: 05 Feb 2014.

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To cite this article: Amirhossein Esfandiari, Elham Firouzi-Pouyaei & Parinaz Aghaei-Meibodi (2014) Effect of enzymatic and
mechanical treatment on combined desizing and bio-polishing of cotton fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 105:11,

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The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2014
Vol. 105, No. 11, 1193–1202,

Effect of enzymatic and mechanical treatment on combined desizing and bio-polishing of

cotton fabrics
Amirhossein Esfandiaria,b*, Elham Firouzi-Pouyaeia and Parinaz Aghaei-Meibodia
Faculty of Technical and Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I.R. Iran; bYoung
Researchers and Elite Club, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I.R. Iran
(Received 27 September 2013; accepted 26 December 2013)

The main objective of this study was to improve the enzymatic effect by mechanical treatment on cotton fabric in
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combined desizing and bio-polishing. The purpose is to create a commercially and environmentally friendly process for
water and energy saving. The effect of mechanical treatment and different enzyme concentration was studied. Both
mechanical and enzymatic treatment effect were evaluated through measuring weight loss and light measurement of
fabric surface. Fabric surface evaluation also was done via photo micrographing. Fabric hairiness was illustrated on
captured photos of treated and untreated fabric. Finally, optimized data of treatment were obtained.
Keywords: cotton; desizing; enzyme; bio-polishing; weight loss

Introduction protruding surface fibres, and improved colour retention

The enzyme-application technology in textile wet is achieved after multiple launderings (Hauser &
processing is not a new phenomenon. From the 7000 Schindler, 2004).
known enzymes today, only 75 are normally used in Recent advances in bio-finishing of cellulosic fabrics
various processes of textile industry (Shamshad, Khatri, have led to multiple improvements of surface properties.
& Tanwari, 2011). The main objective of bio-finishing is to upgrade the
The use of enzymes in the textile industry is an fabric by removing the protruding fibres. The
example of white/industrial biotechnology, which allows conventional methods of removing the protruding fibres
the development of environmentally friendly employ a burning off process (singeing) or a chemical
technologies in fibre processing and strategies to treatment. The conventional methods are temporary,
improve the final-product quality. The consumption of potentially toxic and fibres return to the surface after a
energy and raw-materials, as well as increased awareness few washings and form fuzz. The fuzz on the surface of
of environmental concerns related to the use and the fabrics constitutes the major reason for customer
disposal of chemicals into landfills, water or release into dissatisfaction. However, using enzymes in the finishing
the air during chemical processing of textiles are the process, the protruding fibres can be permanently
principal reasons for the application of enzymes in removed from the fabric thus eliminating the fuzz. The
finishing process of textile materials (O’Neill, Araújo, enzyme treatment not only keeps the fabric looking new
Casal, Guebitz, & Cavaco-Paulo, 2007). after repeated washings, but enhances feel, colour,
The continuous popularity of it is due to the reason softness and drape ability which translates into a higher
that the enzyme technology has already been proven as quality textile or apparel product (Chikkodi, 1996).
environmentally friendly and economical (Shamshad The removal of cellulosic fibres to improve pilling
et al., 2011). performance, softens hand, and create an abraded
Bio-finishing, also called bio-polishing, is a finishing appearance requires not only enzymatic hydrolysis but
process applied to cellulosic textiles that produces also mechanical action to carry away reaction by-
permanent effects by the use of enzymes. Bio-finishing products physically. The final results from the hydrolysis
removes protruding fibres and slubs from fabrics, with respect to appearance and hand are affected just as
significantly reduces pilling, softens fabric hand and much by the mechanical components of the process as
provides a smooth fabric appearance, especially for by the chemical components. Therefore, laboratory
knitwear and as a pretreatment for printing. Second-rate evaluations of bio-finished goods can only produce
articles can obtain the high-value eye appeal of first-rate relative rather than absolute results (Hauser & Schindler,
ones by incorporating enzymes into detergents to remove 2004).

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2014 The World Bank

1194 A. Esfandiari et al.

For fabrics made from cotton or blends, the warp Enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate the
threads are coated with an adhesive substance known as rate of chemical reaction without themselves undergoing
‘size’ to lubricate and protect the yarn from abrasion any permanent chemical change. Enzymes have far greater
preventing the threads to break during weaving. Although reaction specificity than chemically catalyzed reactions.
many different compounds have been used to size Enzymatic catalysis takes place at atmospheric pressure,
fabrics, starch and its derivatives are the most common moderate temperature and mild pH conditions, thereby
because of their excellent film forming capacity, resulting in a reduction in production costs, improving
availability and relatively low cost (Feitkenhauer, Fischer, quality and functionality of the textile products as well as
& Fah, 2003). After weaving, the sizing agent and increasing the environmental friendliness. Enzymes are
natural non-cellulosic materials present in the cotton must principally classified and named according to the chemical
be removed in order to prepare the fabric for dyeing and reaction they catalyze. There are six classes of enzymes
finishing. Before the discovery of amylases, desizing namely: oxidoreductases, transeferases, hydrolyases,
used to be carried out by treating the fabric with acid, lyases, isomerases and ligases. Cellulases are the most
alkali or oxidizing agents at high temperatures. The successful enzymes used in textile wet processing,
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chemical treatment was not totally effective in removing especially finishing of cellulose-based textiles, with the
the starch, leading to imperfections in dyeing, and also goal of improved hand and appearance. Several attempts
resulted in a degradation of the cotton fibre – destroying have been made to explore the effect of degree and
the natural, soft feel of the cotton. Nowadays, amylases sequence of mechanical agitation on the efficiency of
are commercialized and preferred for desizing due to cellulose treatment (Ibrahim, EL-Badry, Eida, & salm,
their high efficiency and specificity, completely removing 2011).
the size without any harmful effects on the fabric Researchers have tried to apply enzymes into every
(Cegarra, 1996; Etters & Annis, 1998). step of textile wet processing, ranging from pretreatment,
During the processing of cotton fabrics, hydrophobic bleaching, dyeing to finishing, and even effluent
components of the outermost layer are eliminated in a treatment. Some applications have become well
scouring step, which improves their water absorbency, established and routine, while some have not yet been
bleach ability and dye ability (Wang, Fan, Hua, Gao, & successfully industrialized due to technical or cost
Chen, 2007). Non-cellulosic impurities of the cuticle constraints. One major benefit of enzymatic processing
and primary walls, such as waxes and pectin, can in textiles is its process integration potential. The
be removed by the action of enzymes under mild conventional processing technology for cellulose
reaction conditions (Durden, Etters, Sarkar, Henderson, materials include desizing, scouring, bleaching and
& Hill, 2001). dyeing of substrates. These processes consume enormous
A mature cotton fibre is composed of several amount of energy, water and chemicals. In terms of cost,
concentric layers and a central area called lumen. this series of processes is clearly more expensive than a
A cuticle, a primary cell wall, intermediary wall as one-step pretreatment (Mojsov, 2012).
well as secondary cell wall follow each other from
the outer to the inner part of the fibre. The whole
cotton fibre contains 88–96.5% of cellulose, the
rest are non-cellulosic substances, called incrusts
(Karmakar, 1999). The fabric used was a plain wave 100% cotton raw
Pectins, waxes, proteins, minerals and other organic fabric with surface density of 200g/m2 with equal weft
substances are classified as non-cellulosic substances. and warp count of 29.53 Tex (33 and 23 yarns cm−1 in
The larger part of these substances is found in the the warp and weft direction, respectively) The fabric was
cuticle and the primary cell wall. During the growth of sized with 100% starch sizing agent.
the fibres non-cellulosic substances, especially waxes, The Amylas enzyme, acetic acid, sodium hydroxide,
protect them against the loss of water, insects and other EDTA, sodium carbonate and non-ionic agent used were
outside influences that might damage the fibres. products of Merck. Rocolas enzyme supplied by
Furthermore, they also protect them against Taiwanian company.
mechanical damage that can occur as a result of
processing. Raw cotton fibres have to go through several
chemical processes to obtain properties suitable for use.
With scouring, non-cellulose substances (wax, pectin, Part 1: desizing and bio-polishing without mechanical
proteins, hemicelluloses, etc.) that surround the fibre process
cellulose core are removed, and as a result, fibres become Trials were performed according to the recipe listed in
hydrophilic and suitable for bleaching, dyeing and other Table 1 with fabric specimens of 2 g (10 × 10 cm2) at the
processing (Tavčer, 2011). liquor ratio 1:20.
The Journal of The Textile Institute 1195

Table 1. Recipe of combined desizing and bio-polishing. mechanical agitation was achieved by adding different
numbers of stainless steel balls (3, 5, 7) with diameter of
Without mechanical balls With mechanical balls
13 mm to the bottles. The enzymatic treatments were
Amylase: 4 g/L Amylase: 4 g/L carried out for varying lengths of incubation times (45
Rocolase: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 g/L Rocolase: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 g/L and 60 min) and at deferent enzyme concentration (2, 4,
CH3COOH (10%): 2 cc CH3COOH (10%): 40 cc
6, 8 and 10 g/L) of rocolase enzyme and 4 g/L of
NaOH (18%): 0.05 cc NaOH (18%): 1 cc
Non-ionic agent: 0.02 cc Non-ionic agent: 0.4 cc amylase enzyme (Figure 1).
EDTA: 0.02 g EDTA: 0.4 g In order to deactivating the enzyme and the end of
Sodium carbonate: 0.04 g Sodium carbonate: 0.8 g the both processes (Parts 1 and 2), the temperature
pH: 5_5.5 pH: 5_5.5 increased to 80°C for 10 min and 0.04 g of Na2CO3 was
added. The treated fabric samples, after washing, were
dried at 82°C for 10 min.
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 Weight loss of sample was analysed through the

difference between the fabric before and after the
enzymatic treatment. After treatment, fabric was
dried, weighed and then weight loss was
determined as per the Equation (1):

initial weight  final weight

Wt. loss ð%Þ ¼  100
Figure 1. Desizing and bio-polishing process. initial weight
Combined desizing and bio-polishing was performed
using different concentration (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 g/L) of  The reflectance value and whiteness degree were
rocolase enzyme and 4 g/L of amylase enzyme in 60 carried out by Gretag Macbeth Spectrophotometer
min. Color-Eye 7000A.
 The microscopic photos was taken by Jenoptik
Part 2: desizing and bio-polishing with mechanical Laser, Optic, Labomed USA-LX 4000-Livu 3000-
process 40 X.
Trials were performed according to the recipe listed in  Water absorbency of the fabric were determined
Table 1 with fabric specimens of 2 g (10 × 10 cm2) at the according to the standard method BS 4554 and were
liquor ratio 1:200. performed in five times. The photos of this
All of the enzymatic treatments were carried out in a experiment were taken by CCD Nikon L-120 (Made
Launder o meter machine (42 ± 2 rpm/min). Additional in Japan).

Figure 2. Wt. loss% of fabrics after enzymatic treatments (Time: 60 min).

1196 A. Esfandiari et al.
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Figure 3. Wt. loss% of fabrics after enzymatic treatments (Time: 45 min).

Table 2. Effect of enzymatic treatment on whiteness degree.

Whiteness degree
Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio-
Rocolase polishing without polishing with five polishing with three polishing with five polishing with seven
concentration mechanical process stainless steel balls stainless steel balls stainless steel balls stainless steel balls
g/L Time: 60 min Time: 60 min Time: 45 min Time: 45 min Time: 45 min
2 32.50 14.38 15.65 13.17 14.82
4 26.35 14.17 13.27 12.56 9.68
6 31.29 8.75 12.37 12.76 8.58
8 28.56 11.40 12.45 11.45 8.93
10 30.35 8.03 11 10.30 9.36
12 28.71 7.87 10.87 10.01 10.02
Note: Results are given in whiteness degree with 95% confidence interval.

Table 3. Effect of enzymatic treatment on time of drop water absorption.

Time of absorption of drop water (seconds)

Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio- Desizing and bio-
Rocolase polishing without polishing with five polishing with three polishing with five polishing with seven
concentration mechanical process stainless steel balls stainless steel balls stainless steel balls stainless steel balls
(g L–1) Time: 60 min Time: 60 min Time: 45 min Time: 45 min Time: 45 min
2 3.28 0.69 0.27 0.46 0.22
4 3 0.65 0.26 0.39 0.21
6 2.73 0.49 0.25 0.35 0.19
8 2.69 0.48 0.27 0.31 0.19
10 2.4 0.34 0.23 0.28 0.18
12 2.54 0.27 0.22 0.26 0.21
Note: Results are given in time of absorption with 95% confidence interval.

Result and discussion polishing without stainless steel balls. On the contrary, it is
Figures 2 and 3 show wt. loss% after enzymatic clear that wt. loss% is more desirable after desizing and bio-
treatments for 45 and 60 min. polishing with stainless steel balls for 45 min. Consequently,
It has been observed that wt. loss% has significantly the mechanical treatment should be done within 45 min.
increased after desizing and bio-polishing with stainless After the evaluation of the results, it was observed
steel balls for 60 min in comparison with desizing and bio- that when rocalase enzyme concentration increases, wt.
The Journal of The Textile Institute 1197
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Figure 4. Water absorption steps, desizing and bio-polishing without mechanical treatment (Rocolas concentration from top to
bottom: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 (g/L)).
1198 A. Esfandiari et al.


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a) 5 stainless steel balls – Rocolas concentration : 2

b) 5 stainless steel balls – Rocolas concentration : 4

c) 5 stainless steel balls – Rocolas concentration : 10

d) 3 stainless steel balls – Rocolas concentration : 2

e) 3 stainless steel balls – Rocolas concentration : 10

Figure 5. Water absorption steps, desizing and bio-polishing with mechanical treatment.

loss% has also gone up. Increasing the number of The results obtained here show that the high level of
stainless steel balls in mechanical treatment results in the beating effects enhanced enzymatic activity.
significant increase in wt. loss%. Starch molecule, used as sized agent, is a
Mechanical treatment results in more weight loss, macromolecule. Its molecular weight is more than
fibre being hydrolyzed and fragile. Furthermore, fabric 1000D.
surface is ruined. So fabric strength decreases and it is Fibre–metal interfriction and beating effects makes
not economical. physical fragmentation of starch molecules covered in
Mechanical treatment affects both hairiness and warp yarn. The smaller the molecules, the easier the wet
desizing by adding stainless steel balls to each bottles. treatment will be.
The mechanical effects in a Launder o meter machine Enzymatic treatment without metal balls caused
are of three types (Cavaco-Paulo,1998; Cavaco-Paulo, hairiness eliminating, reflection improving and significant
Almeida, & Bishop, 1996; Morgado, Cavaco-Paulo, & whiteness degree increasing (Table 2).
Rousselle, 2000) – fibre–fibre interfriction, fibre–metal Mechanical treatment makes whiteness degree
interfriction and beating effects – all of which are due to decrease. On average, when the number of balls increases,
gravitational forces during the vertical rotation of the mechanical agitation on yarn of the fabric surface also
treatment bottles. The beating effects are increased by increases and changes the fibre of the yarn cross-section,
small bath ratios and by the presence of balls in the so whiteness degree decreases more (Table 2).
The Journal of The Textile Institute 1199

Table 4. Photomicrograph of cotton surface (40×) effect of mechanical agitation and enzyme concentration.

Rocolase Desizing and Desizing and Desizing and Desizing and Desizing and
concentration Bio polishing Bio polishing Bio polishing Bio polishing Bio polishing
(g/L) without with 5 with 5 with 3 with 7
mechanical stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel
process in 60 ballsin 60 min ballsin 45 min ballsin 45 min ballsin 45 min

cotton fibre

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Figure 6. Desizing and bio-polishing without mechanical treatment in different rocolase concentration (Time: 60 min).
1200 A. Esfandiari et al.

Figure 7. Desizing and bio-polishing with five stainless steel balls in different rocolase concentration (Time: 60 min).
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Figure 8. Desizing and bio-polishing with five stainless steel balls in different rocolase concentration (Time: 45 min).

Figure 9. Desizing and bio-polishing with three stainless steel balls in different rocolase concentration (Time: 45 min).

By comparing Figures 4 and 5, the effect of

From Table 3, it is obvious that both scouring and mechanical treatment in water absorption is obvious.
desizing in one bath and removing some impurities By comparing photomicrograph of treated and
result in water absorption decrease. untreated cotton fabric surface, less hairiness of fabric
Mechanical treatment makes water absorption surface can be observed after mechanical treatment and
decrease to one second. enzyme concentration increase (Table 4).
The Journal of The Textile Institute 1201

Figure 10. Desizing and bio-polishing with seven stainless steel balls in different rocolase concentration (Time: 45 min).
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