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Character Generation

Stat Points: Each character starts with 75 points for Statistics. At least 2 points must be
spent on each Stat, with a maximum of 10 points spent in any Stat. Stats are:

INT: Intelligence: Measure of problem solving ability, logic, and common

sense, as well as the ability to notice things and remember information.
TECH: Technical Ability: How well you relate to hardware, and how good you
are at working on and with machinery.
REF: Reflex: Basic dexterity and physical coordination.
Base: Your base Reflex, before cyberware and other modifiers.
Boost: Your level of Reflex Boost.
INIT: Initiative, including boost and Combat Sense.
COOL: Cool: How well you stand up to stress, fear, pressure, and pain, as well as
your force of personality.
Com. Mod: Combat Modifier is equal to your COOL subtracted from 12, +1
per term of military service/combat operations. This number is
subtracted from all combat rolls.
Fright: Total number of Fright Points you have built up.
Stress: Total number of Stress Points you have built up.
ATT: Attractiveness: A simple measure of how good you look.
Sculpt: Amount of ATT you gained/lost from body sculpting.
EMP: Empathy: How well you relate to others, and how far you are from
Base: Your base Humanity, before any loss (equal to EMP x 10).
Alien: Humanity lost to Alienation.
Ego: Humanity lost to Egotism.
Obsess: Humanity lost to Obsession.
Paranoia: Humanity lost to Paranoia.
Therapy: Humanity regained through therapy.
LUCK: Luck: A measure of how lucky you are.
Used: How much Luck you have used this session.
PSI: Psionic Potential: How much psionic power you might be able to wield, if
you knew how…
Type: The area of psionic ability you could manifest.
BODY: Body Type: Combined index of strength, toughness, and resistance to
Type: The body type: 2 or less: Very Weak; 3-4: Weak; 5-7: Average;
Strong; 10: Very Strong
Throw: Distance, in Meters, that you can throw a 1kg object. It is equal to
10 x BODY, and drops by 10m per kilogram greater than 1kg.
Lift: Dead lift capacity, equal to 40 x BODY in kilograms.
Carry: Carrying capacity, equal to 5 x BODY in kilograms.
BTM: Modifier subtracted from damage done to your character.
MA: Movement Allowance: How fast you can move.
Run: MA x 3 is the number of meters you may run in a round (3.2 sec.)
Leap: Run/4 is the distance you can jump with a running start. Half this
for a standing start, and quarter it for an upward leap.
Swim: Rate is equal to 1/2 MA.
Climb: For climbs with equipment, rate is equal to 1/2 MA. For climbs
without equipment, use 1/4 MA.

Not included in the points above is:

DED: Dedication: Your ability to follow the dictates of a belief system. A

positive DED shows a belief in the philosophy, while a negative number
indicates a strong opposition to the principles of a belief system. DED
must balance out, so an 8 Positive DED must be balanced by 8 points of
negative DED.

CHI: A derived stat, CHI is based on PSI + BOD. Characters will have two
kinds of
CHI, Yin and Yang, in relative balance (Each equal to CHI/2, with any
remainder assigned to one of the two types). A player may choose to have
a character with unbalanced CHI, but cannot start with a difference of
more than 3 points (If a character has 13 CHI, and decides to have
unbalanced Yang CHI, his maximum Yang CHI is 8, with a minimum Yin
CHI of 5). CHI can be raised by bonuses from Chi Mastery, Chi Strength,
and Specialization Chart bonuses for certain Special Abilities. If CHI is
ever dropped to zero or less (negative CHI), the character will be unable to
heal naturally (First Aid, Speedheal, medical treatment, and natural
recovery restore no Hits per day). Nanosurgeons or Enhanced Antibodies
will allow the recovery of .5 Hits/day, or 1 Hit/day if combined. Yin Chi
is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and
is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity and nighttime. Yang
Chi is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive; and is associated
with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime. Females with unbalanced
Yang Chi may seek careers that are traditionally male, and may be
considered tomboys and/or pushy, while males with unbalanced Yang Chi
are generally very aggressive, overbearing, and even violent, and tend
toward physical careers, usually with an element of danger. Males with
unbalanced Yin Chi may be seen as effeminate and passive, but will also
be nurturing and seek careers that are traditionally female, while females
with unbalanced Yin Chi may be complacent and unmotivated, under the
control of any strong personality around them.

Skill Points: Each character starts with 50 points for Career Skills (skills listed under the
specific career the character has chosen, Special Abilities other than the primary for the
career cost double). After these skill points have been allocated, the character gains 30
points to spend on Pick Up Skills, which may be freely chosen from among those not
included in the characters career. If the player chooses, the character may have a
Secondary Career, and may choose to spend Pick Up Skill points from among the skills
of the Secondary Career, including those normally unavailable as Pick Up Skills. Special
Abilities chosen as Pick Up Skills cost double.
General Character Stuff
Nomads and Pac Rim characters roll on their own charts (Pac Rim in the Pac Rim book).

1) Personal Style, Ethnicity, and

What do you look like?

Roll (d20) Clothes Affectations Hairstyle

1 Leathers Tattoos Mohawk

2 Denim/Jeans Shades/Glasses Long & Ratty

3 Corporate Suits Scaring/Branding Spiked

4 Coveralls/Jumpsuits Spiked Gloves Wild & All Over

5 Short, Open Earrings Bald/Shaved

6 High Fashion Long Fingernails Striped

7 Cammo’s Heels Tinted/Dyed

8 Normal Clothes Weird Lenses Short, Neat

9 Lingerie/Nude Fingerless Gloves Short, Curly

10 Tribal Dress Jewelry Long, Straight

11 Generic Piercing Dreads

12 Ethnic/Historical Hats/Caps Natural, Long

13 Kung-Fu Gi Gloves/Boots Braids, Wraps

14 Utilitarian Make-up/Face Shoulder Length


15 Leisure Wear Skin Tints Crew/Fade Cut

16 Urban Flash/Yakuza Goggles & Gear Slicked Back

17 Big Suits Androgynous Perm/Big Hair

18 Bag Lady Chic Bandanna/Hairband Tied

19 Paramilitary Waist Pouch Box Fade

20 Mixed (Roll 2) Mixed (Roll 2) Tech Cut

Ethnic Origin
Where is your family from?
Roll 1d100 for region of origin, and 1d100 for country within that region.
Expanded Country List
After choosing a country of origin, choose a relevant language. The languages listed below are only the
official languages, others may also be spoken
Country Official Languages (Others)
01-40 Canada English, French
41-100 United States of America English
11-20 EUROPE
01-02 Albania Albanian
03-04 Andorra Catalan
05-07 Armenia Armenian
08-09 Austria German
10-11 Belarus Belorussian, Russian
12-13 Belgium Flemish, French, German
14-16 Bosnia & Herzegovina Serbo-Croat
17-18 Bulgaria Bulgarian
19-21 Croatia Croatian
22 Cyprus Greek, Turkish
23-25 Czech Republic Czech
26-27 Denmark Danish
28 Estonia Estonian
29 Finland Finnish, Swedish
30-33 France French
34 Georgia Georgian
35-38 Germany German
39-41 Greece Greek
42-43 Hungary Hungarian
44 Iceland Icelandic
45-47 Ireland Irish, English
48-51 Italy Italian
52 Latvia Latvian
53 Liechtenstein German
54-55 Lithuania Lithuanian
56 Luxembourg French, Letzeburgish, German
57-58 Macedonia Macedonian
59 Malta Maltese, English
60 Moldova Romanian
61 Monaco French
62-63 Netherlands Dutch
64-65 Norway Norwegian
66-68 Poland Polish
69-70 Portugal Portuguese
71-73 Romania Romanian
74 San Marino Italian
75-77 Slovakia Slovak
78 Slovenia Slovene
79-80 Spain Spanish, Galician, Basque,
81 Sweden Swedish
82 Switzerland French, German, Italian
83-84 Turkey Turkish
85-86 Ukraine Ukrainian
87-96 United Kingdom English, Welsh (in Wales)
97 Vatican City Italian, Latin
98-100 Yugoslavia Serbo-croat
01-65 Australia English (Greek, Turk, Aborigine,
66-100 New Zealand Maori, English (Japanese, Chinese)
26-30 ASIA
01-05 Azerbaijan Azerbaijani
06-45 China Mandarin (Cantonese, Tibetan,
11 more)
46-50 Kazakhstan Kazakh
51-55 Mongolia Khalkha Mongol
56-60 Pakistan Urdu
61-100 Russian Federation Russian
01-20 Afghanistan Persian, Pashtu
21-40 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz, Russian
41-60 Tajikistan Tajik
61-80 Turkmenistan Turkmen
81-100 Uzbekistan Uzbek
01-70 Japan Japanese (English, Korean,
71-75 North Korea Korean (English)
76-100 South Korea Korean (English)
01-05 Brunei Malay (Arabic, English)
06-15 Myanmar (Burma) Myanmar/Burmese (English)
16-25 Cambodia Khmer (Vietnamese, French,
26-30 Indonesia Bahasa, Indonesian (Arabic, Timorese)
31-40 Laos Lao (Khmer)
41-45 Malaysia Malay, Bahasa (English, Chinese, Arabic)
46-50 New Philippines Filipino, English (Spanish, Cebuano,
51-55 Papua New Guinea English
56-60 Singapore Malay, Chinese, Tamil, English
61-80 Taiwan Mandarin Chinese
81-85 Thailand Thai (English, Malaysian,
86-100 Vietnam Vietnamese (French, English)
01-20 Bangladeshi Bengali
21-40 Bhutan Dzongkha
41-60 India Hindi, English
61-80 Nepal Nepali
81-90 Sri Lanka Sinhalese
01-05 Belize English
06-10 Costa Rica Spanish
11-20 El Salvador Spanish
21-25 Guatemala Spanish
26-30 Honduras Spanish
31-90 Mexico Spanish
91-95 Nicaragua Spanish
96-100 Panama Spanish
01-10 Argentina Spanish
11-20 Bolivia Spanish, Quechua, Aymará
21-30 Brazil Portuguese
31-40 Chile Spanish
41-50 Colombia Spanish
51-60 Ecuador Spanish
61-65 Guyana English
66-70 Paraguay Spanish
71-80 Peru Spanish, Quechua
81-85 Suriname Dutch
86-90 Uruguay Spanish
91-100 Venezuela Spanish, Amerindian languages
01-05 Bahrain Arabic
06-10 Iran Farsi
11-15 Iraq Arabic
16-40 Israel Hebrew, Arabic
41-45 Jordan Arabic
46-50 Kuwait Arabic
51-65 Lebanon Arabic
66-70 Oman Arabic
71-75 Qatar Arabic
76-85 Saudi Arabia Arabic
86-90 Syria Arabic
91-95 United Arab Emirates Arabic
96-100 Yemen Arabic
01-15 Burundi French, Kirundi
16-30 Central African Rep. French
31-60 Chad Arabic, French
61-80 Congo, Dem. Rep. French
81-100 Rwanda Rwandan, French
01-10 Algeria Arabic
11-65 Egypt Arabic
66-70 Libya Arabic
71-80 Mauritania Arabic, French
81-90 Morocco Arabic
91-100 Tunisia Arabic
01-10 Angola Portuguese
11-20 Botswana English
21-25 Lesotho Sesotho, English
25-35 Malwai English
36-45 Mozambique Portuguese
46-55 Namibia English
56-75 South Africa Afrikaans, English
76-80 Swaziland Siswati, English
81-90 Zambia English
91-100 Zimbabwe English
01-05 Benin French
06-10 Burkina French
11-15 Cameroon French, English
16-20 Cape Verde Portuguese
21-25 Congo French
26-30 Equatorial Guinea Spanish
31-35 Gabon French
36-40 Gambia English
41-45 Ghana English
46-50 Guinea French
51-55 Guinea-Bissau Portuguese
56-60 Ivory Coast French
61-65 Liberia English
66-70 Mali French
71-75 Niger French
76-80 Nigeria English
81-85 Sao Tome & Principe Portuguese
86-90 Senegal French
91-95 Sierra Leone English
96-100 Togo French
01-10 Djibouti Arabic, French
11-20 Eritrea Tigrinya, Arabic
21-40 Ethiopia Amharic
41-50 Kenya Swahili
51-70 Somalia Somali, Arabic
71-80 Sudan Arabic
81-90 Tanzania Swahili, English
91-100 Uganda English
01-05 Antigua & Barruda English
06-10 Bahamas English
11-15 Barbados English
16-35 Cuba Spanish
36-40 Dominica English
41-50 Dominican Republic Spanish
51-55 Grenada English
56-65 Haiti French, French Creole
66-80 Jamaica English
81-85 St. Kitts & Nevis English
86-90 St. Lucia English
91-95 St. Vincent & Grenadines English
96-100 Trinidad & Tobago English
01-20 Comoros Arabic, French
21-40 Madagascar French, Malagasy
41-60 Maldives Dhivehi
61-80 Mauritius English
81-100 Seychelles French Creole
01-10 Fiji English
11-20 Kiribati English
21-30 Marshall Islands Marshallese, English
31-40 Micronesia English
41-45 Nauru Nauruan
46-50 Palau Palauan, English
51-75 Samoa Samoan, English
76-85 Solomon Islands English
86-90 Tonga Tongan, English
91-95 Tuvalu English
96-100 Vanuatu Bislama, English, French
01-25 Antarctican Collective Spanish (English)
26-100 Low Earth Orbit The Word (French, German,

Roll 1d100 for the number of traits, and 1d100 for each trait to determine which chart to
01-60 1 Trait
61-90 2 Traits
91-00 3 Traits

01-75 Common
76-95 Uncommon
96-00 Rare

Common Traits
01-03: Cultural Purist: You feel that your culture is the best in the world, and
should remain free from “contamination” by other cultures. You may be a Native
American, a French Québécois, a Hasidic Jew, or an Aryan separatist, or any
other “pure” culture.
04-06: Good Luck Charm: You carry an item that you believe gives you good
luck. (It doesn’t, but no one can convince you otherwise.)
07-09: Fierce Rivalry: You have a rival. He/she competes with you in some
way. See the Rival Chart for more details.
10-11: Severe Allergy: You have an allergy to some substance. See the Allergy
Chart, but add +2 to the strength of the allergy.
12-14: Social Outcast: You are at -5 to all skills involving social interaction, but
+3 to resist such skills.
15-16: Social Animal: You are at +3 to all skills involving social interaction, but
at -5 to resist such skills.
17-21: Addict: You are at +3 to Resist Torture/Drugs, but are addicted to a
recreational drug (see Addiction table).
22-23: Internal Compass: You possess a skill, Direction Sense, at +3. This
skill allows you to find your way to any place that you have been from any
location, with a difficulty based on conditions in the new area (such as distance,
lighting, availability of landmarks, etc). The skill has an IP multiplier of x3
24-26: Weapon Specialist: You are at +2 to a single weapon type, but -1 to all
others. Types include Light Pistol, Heavy Pistol, Medium Machine Pistol, Melee,
Cyber Melee, etc….
27-29: Freaky: You have a peculiar and possibly illegal sexual preference or
fetish (details must be discussed with the referee).
30-34: Compulsive Disorder: You have a minor compulsion, and must make an
Average Cool test to resist it (see Mental Addiction table).
35-37: Unworldly: IP costs for languages outside your native family are
38-39: Bilingual: You speak a second language at +8.
40-41: Sterile: You are unable to father/bear children in the normal manner.
42-43: Bad Liar: You are at -1 to all attempts at twisting the truth, and -3 to
attempts at outright lying.
44-46: Favored: You are at +2 to all skills involving interaction with a specific
social or racial group (details must be discussed with the referee).
47-49: Hated: You are at -2 to all skills involving interaction with a specific
social or racial group (details must be discussed with the referee).
50-51: Natural Thief: You are at +2 to Pick Locks and Illegal Entry.
52-54: Fast Learner: You gain an extra +5 IP per week.
55-56: Nomad Scout: You are at +2 to all Drive, Motorcycle, and Survival
57-58: Natural Athlete: You are at +2 to Athletics, Endurance, and Str. Feat.
59-61: Pit Fighter: You are at +2 to all Melee and Hand to Hand attacks, but -1
to all ranged attacks.
62-64: Herbalist: You are at +2 to First Aid, Science: Herbalism, Survival, and
Pharmacology in wilderness environments.
65-69: Orphaned: Your parents are dead or missing. All information in your
lifepath indicating living parents actually refers to your adoptive parents.
70-74: Outcast/Exile: You have been cast out of a group, such as a religion, or
exiled from an area, such as a small country or large city/state (details must be
discussed with the referee).
75-76: Mutant: You are genetically different from the human baseline (see the
Mutation chart).
77-78: Tough: You are +2 to all Stun/Shock saves.
79-81: Trader: +2 to social interaction skills when trading/making purchases.
82-85: Smooth Operator: +3 to Seduction tests and social interaction skills used
while attempting to seduce someone.
86-88: Theorist: +3 to all Tech, Science, and Expert/SK skills used for pure
89-93: Natural Pilot: You are +1 to Pilot and Drive skills.
94-95: Local Champion: You are +3 to Athletics, and have a Rep of 2d3+2 as
the local champion of some sport (details must be discussed with the referee).
96-98: Bad Driver: You are -2 to all Drive/Pilot Skills.
99-00: Multiple Idiosyncrasies: Roll 2 Common Idiosyncrasies (re-roll results
of 99-100).

Uncommon Traits
01-03: Weak Immune System: You are at -3 to all attempts to resist infection
and disease.
04-06: Lucky Item: You own a good luck charm. If it is lost, you will suffer a –
1 to Luck for 3d3 days, when you find another item to replace it.
07-09: Lucky Item: You own a good luck charm. While you hold it, you have a
+1 to Luck, and all rolls non-skill rolls are moved 1 pip in your favor.
10-14: Lucky Item: Combines the effects of 04-06 and 07-09 above.
15-16: Lucky Item: You own a good luck charm. While you hold it, you have a
+2 to Luck, and all rolls non-skill rolls are moved 2 pips in your favor.
17-21: Kid-Friendly: You are +3 to social interactions with children (+8 if they
know you well).
22-25: Devout: You must have a 7 or higher DED, and are an adherent of a
specific religion.
26-28: Severely Phobic: See the Phobia chart for details, but add +5 to the level
of the phobia.
29-32: Avid Collector: You have a large collection of some kind, with a value
equal to a roll on the Wealth chart.
33-35: Lone Survivor: You have a Rival/Enemy that has killed your entire
family. Roll your Enemy on the Enemy chart (details must be discussed with the
36-37: Immune Hypersensitivity: You are 75% likely to reject implants,
cyberware, or transplanted organs. This penalty can be overcome by multiplying
the cost of such surgeries by 1d4+1, to cover expensive drugs,
immunosuppressant therapies, and special materials.
38-42: Dependant: You have a dependant. Roll on the Dependant chart (details
must be discussed with the referee).
43-46: Holographic Memory: You are +5 to recall the details of anything you
have seen or heard in the last month.
47-51: Legacy: You have been left a legacy by someone. Roll on the Legacy
chart (details must be discussed with the referee).
52-54: Absent Minded Professor: You have +2 in the Scientist special ability,
Scientific Method, and have a +3 in any Science: skill. You also suffer a -2 to
any attempts to remember any non-Science or Expert related information,
(appointments, dates, where you left your keys, etc…) and all Awareness/Notice
55-57: Drug Resistant: You are +3 to resist the effects of all drugs, including
medical ones meant to help you.
58-60: Drug Affected: You are -3 to resist the effects of all drugs.
61-63: Visually Oriented/Aurally Oriented: You are +2 to Awareness/Notice
tests based on vision, but -2 to tests based on hearing, or vice versa.
64-66: Driver/Pit Crew: You are +2 to all Pilot/Drive tests, and -2 to all Tech:
skills, or vice versa.
67-71: Fumbler: You critically fail on a 1-2 on one skill, but cannot critically
fail on another (must be from your basic career template).
72-76: Skilled: You critically succeed on a 9-10 on one skill, but cannot
critically succeed on another (must be from your basic career template).
77-81: Functionally Illiterate: You cannot read. Any skill based on reading for
success is +2 levels of difficulty, and any skill requiring reading for advancement
is +2 to its IP multiplier. You can learn to read, and overcome this disadvantage,
by spending 100 IP points.
82-83: All looks, no brains: APP is +8 (minimum/maximum 10), but all
INT based skills are 1 level higher in Difficulty.
84-85: Blindingly Quick: You are +2 to REF (minimum 4, maximum 12). You
must sleep 12 hours out of every 24, or loose this bonus for 1 day.
86-87: Unusual Joints: You have odd joint structure. This grants you +2 to
throw items, Pick Locks, Tech-based skills for repair, Play: any instrument, and a
+3 to Contortions. Because of the strange nature of your joints, they are sensitive
to impact. If you strike someone in Hand-to-Hand, or on landing after a fall, you
must roll a Stun save vs. a Serious wound. Failure indicates that you have
suffered such a wound.
88-89: Ham-handed: You are +2 to BOD for Str. purposes, however, you don’t
know your own strength. Anytime you handle a delicate object, shake hands, or
otherwise hold someone, you must roll 1d10. On a 1, you have damage the
object, person you were handling.
90-94: Loyal Pet: You have an animal companion. The animal can cost no more
than your salary for 1 month. It is incredibly loyal, willing to fight and die for
you. It is also well trained for an animal of its type (details must be discussed
with the referee).
95-96: Stunning Good Looks: You have an APP of +8 (minimum/maximum
97-98: Shockingly Ugly: You have a maximum APP of 1. Any bodysculpting
done to increase your APP costs x2.
99: 2 Common Traits: Roll twice on the Common Idiosyncrasies chart.
100: 2 Uncommon Traits: Roll twice on the Uncommon Idiosyncrasies
chart, ignoring any roll of 100.

Rare Traits
01-05: Pain Resistant: You automatically pass all Stun/Shock saves, but your
wounds advance in 1/2 the normal time.
06-10: Clotting Factors: Your wounds advance at ½ the normal rate, but you
save vs. Stun/Shock as if your wounds were 1 level higher..
11-15: Sixth Sense: You possess an innate sixth sense (as the Psi Skill) that is
usable once every 24 hours.
16-25: Child Prodigy: Age is 7+1d6 years. You may have no military-based
careers, and only roll lifepath for the 1d6 years you added to the base of 7.
26-30: 6-Digited Extremities: Your hands and feet have six digits each. You
are +1 to all Tech skills and Athletics, but must buy custom gloves and shoes at
2x the normal cost.
31-40: Charismatic: You have Charismatic Leadership at +3, but suffer a
-1 to Cool.
41-43: Acute Sense of Smell: You have an uncannily accurate sense of smell.
You gain a +5 to olfactory-based Awareness at 30m upwind, 500m downwind,
and 60m in still air. You are +3 to Tracking if you can catch the scent of your
target, and gain the skill Identify by Scent at +2 (x3 IP Mult., based on INT).
Your increased nasal enervation comes at the price of increased vascularization,
resulting in a propensity toward nosebleeds. These cause a -1 to all skill tests for
each 600m above sea level, with a maximum penalty of -5 for severe low-pressure
44-53: CIRS: Cybernetic Implant Rejection Syndrome causes all Humanity
Costs for non-nanotech cyberware to be doubled.
54-63: Implant Tolerance: Humanity costs for all Neuralware cybernetics is
64-66: Voice of Command: You are +2 to all skills used to vocally influence
another. The problem with this is that your throat is incredibly sensitive, and you
must make a monthly BOD +1d10 test vs. 18 Difficulty to avoid strep throat.
Should you fail, you cannot use this ability for the month.
67-74: Celebrity Look-Alike: You bear an uncanny resemblance to some
famous celebrity, and are treated as if you were him/her. You get free drinks,
great tables, and pestering fans and paparazzi. Milk it for all it’s worth.
75-89: Machine Link: You gain an additional +2 to the use of any interfaced
equipment you plug in to.
90-94: Infamous Look-Alike: You bear an uncanny resemblance to some
infamous person, and are treated as if you were him/her. You get spit in your
food, thrown out of honest establishments, and pestering police and investigative
reporters. Perhaps you should think of bodysculpting?
95-97: 2 Common Traits: Roll twice on the Common Idiosyncrasies chart.
98-99: 2 Uncommon Traits: Roll twice on the Uncommon Idiosyncrasies
100: 2 Rare Traits: Roll twice on the Rare Idiosyncrasies chart, ignoring any
roll of 100.

2) Family Background
Growing up ‘Punk:
The type of background you come from determines a lot about how you live the rest of
your life. You have your choice of several backgrounds, Street kid, Nomad brat, Normal
childhood, Pacific Rim, European, Spacer, or Aquacologist. Each has advantages and
disadvantages, so choose carefully.

Normal Childhood: You spent your formative years in the suburbs, a corporate
housing setup, or other quiet neighborhood. You went to a normal school, probably
completed High School, and maybe even went to college.
Awareness: +2
Athletics: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +4
Language: (IP Mult. <3) +2
Expert/S.K. Skill of Choice +2
Social Skill: +2
Teach: +2

Background Options: 1 from Status, 1 from Wealth, and 4 of choice.

Street Kid: You grew up on the harsh streets of the city, surviving by any means
you could. For most street kids, their only school is the school of hard knocks, and
college is just a dream. Maybe you were homeless, maybe you lived in the projects,
maybe you just ran around with a gang, but you learned different things than those so-
called “normal kids” you see in the mall-plex.
Awareness: +4
Athletics: +2
Brawling: +2
Stealth: +2
Fast Talk: +2
Melee: General: +2
Streetwise: +2

Background Options: 1 from Connections and 5 of choice.

Nomad Brat: You grew up on the road, part of the extended family that is a nomad
pack. They taught you how to get where you are going, and to get what you want when
you got there. Your school was held wherever the pack could find space, but nomads
value education greatly, so you learned a lot.
Awareness: +2
Athletics: +2
Brawling: +2
Drive: General: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +2
Melee, General: +2
Motorcycle: +2
Rifle: +2
Background Options: 1 from Connections, 1 from Training and 4 of choice.

European: You grew up in the European Economic Community, going to the best
schools in the world. You may notice a certain amount of prejudice from your American
colleagues, but it is likely due to their jealousy.
Awareness: +2
Athletics: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +4
Language: (European, IP Mult. <3) +2
Computer Use: +2
Social Skill: +2
Computer Programming: +2

Background Options: 1 from Training, 1 from Wealth and 4 of choice.

Pacific Rim: You grew up in the area known as the Pac-Rim, learning skills foreign
to your European and American contemporaries. Your education came from a
combination of school, street, and your relatives.
Awareness: +2
Athletics: +2
Bureaucracy: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +2
Martial Art: (IP Mult. <4) +2
Melee: General: +2
Social Skill: +2
Streetwise: +2

Background Options: 1 from Physical, 1 from Training and 4 of choice.

Aquacology: You grew up in one of the underwater communities spread across the
globe. Your schooling involved underwater survival, swimming, and SCUBA, as well as
some classroom study.
Awareness: +2
Athletics: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +2
Submarine Combat: +2
Nu-SCUBA: +3
Survival: Undersea: +3
Swimming: +2

Background Options: 1 from Physical, 1 from Training and 4 of choice.

Spaceborn: You lived most of your life in the space colonies. Your education was
mostly practical, concentrating on survival and technical schooling
Awareness: +2
Education/General Knowledge: +2
EVA: +2
Survival: Space: +2
Tech: Spacecraft: +2
Tech: Space Station: +2
Zero-Gee Combat: +2
Zero-Gee Maneuver: +2

Background Options: 1 from Physical, 1 from Training and 4 of choice.

Moreau: You were raised in a lab, trained by your nation’s military, and sent into
war. Finally, your people won the rights available to other sentients… Mostly.
Awareness: +4
Athletics: +2
Cadre Tactics +2
Language: (IP Mult. <3) +2
Melee: General +2
Rifle/Auto Rifle +2
Weapon Skill of Choice +2

Background Options: 1 from Combat, 1 from Physical, 1 from Training, and 1 of


Background Option Tables:


01 Fumbler: All attack rolls of 1-2 are considered fumbles.

02 Berserker: Difficult COOL test to resist going into Frenzy (Difficult Awareness
test to recognize friend from foe; will fight to the death against any perceived as a
foe; Ignores Stun/Shock for wounds that are less than Mortal, but wound states
advance normally). The Frenzy lasts for 1 Turn per point the test is failed by.
03 Pain Sensitive: Stun/Shock rolls are made as if the wound state were 1 level
higher. Pain Edit will eliminate this problem.
04 Overconfident: The character will remain in a conflict no matter the odds, and
will not give up on any task, no matter how hopeless it seems. If the situation is
truly suicidal, a V. Diff. COOL test will allow the character to realize his danger,
reacting as he chooses.
05 Coward: The character must make a Difficult COOL test to enter a combat,
and again if subjected to autofire, heavy weapons fire, or a successful attack from
any weapon. Failure indicates that the character makes all haste to avoid the
06 Fearless: The character must make a Difficult COOL test to avoid a potential
07 Chivalrous: The character will take no unfair advantage in a fight, such as
sniping, ambushing, or using mines or prepared defenses.
08 Passive: The character is at -2 to all attacks against foes who did not provoke him
by attacking first.
09 Bloodthirsty: The character must make a V. Difficult COOL test to avoid killing
any and all foes in a combat.
10 Code Against Killing: The character will avoid killing any sentient being,
suffering 1d6 Humanity loss should he violate his code.
11 Pacifist: The character will use no lethal weapons, and no martial art that
involves striking attacks.
12 Slow Reaction: The character always loses initiative (chance to Ambush is
13-14 Medal of Honor: You have received a Medal of Honor for service to your
country. You gain a positive Rep of 6 with veterans and military historians.
15-16 Combat Veteran: +2 to Rifle, +2 to Heavy/Assault Weapons, +1 to Expert:
Military Procedures, and +1 to Melee: General.
17-19 Body Damage Stabilization: You have the skill Body Damage Stabilization
at +2. If you take damage in combat, you may roll vs. Body Damage Stabilization
+ BOD to avoid unconsciousness and wound advancement. Difficulty is Average
vs. a Flesh Wound, Difficult vs. Serious, V. Difficult vs. Critical, and N. Imp. vs.
Mortal. Body Damage Stabilization has an IP Multiplier of 3.
20-22 Armor Use Skill: You have the skill Armor Use at +2. You may roll vs. Armor
Use + REF to overcome the EV of body armor. Difficulty is Difficult vs. an EV
of 1, V. Difficult vs. an EV of 2, N. Imp. vs. an EV of 3, and Imp vs. an EV of 4.
Armor Use has an IP Multiplier of 3.
23-25 EOD/Bomb Squad Technician: +2 to Demolition, +2 to all TECH-Based skills
used when working with explosives.
26-28 Combat Pilot: You were a combat fighter pilot or chopper pilot. You have
Aircraft Sense at +1 and Pilot: (any aircraft) at +2.
29-31 Brilliant Strategist: +2 to Cadre Tactics, Expert: Squad Tactics, Expert:
Strategy, and Expert: Wargames.
32-34 AFV Crewman: You served in the crew of an Armored Fighting Vehicle. You
gain Operate Heavy Machinery at +2, and a +2 to Initiative when operating AFV
weapon systems, and a +1 to Artillery, Heavy/Assault Weapons: Auto-cannon,
Heavy/Assault Weapons: Machine Gun, and Heavy/Assault Weapons: Missile
35-37 Cat’s Feet: +2 to Concealment, Hide/Evade, and Stealth.
38-40 Weapon’s Master: +2 to any weapon skill. For purposes of advancement, this
bonus is not added to the skill itself, but is treated as a bonus. The base skill may
be raised to 10, not including this bonus.
41-43 Judge of Arms: You may identify the +/- of any weapon, before or after any
modification is made.
44-46 Gymnastic Fighter: The character gains Gymnastics at +2. If he makes a Very
Difficult Gymnastics + REF test, and is within his Jump range of an opponent, he
may make a HtH or Melee attack at +5 to Initiative. Even if he fails to win
initiative, his attack counts as if it came from Ambush.
47-49 Leader: The PC is a natural leader. He gains Charismatic Leadership at +1,
and Leadership at +2. For purposes of advancement, these bonuses are not added
to the skills themselves, but are treated as bonuses. The base skills may be raised
to 10, not including these bonuses.
50-52 Evasive: You are hard to hit in Melee and HtH. You receive a +3 to Parry or
Dodge if this is your only action in the round.
53-55 Guerilla Tactician: You are experienced in guerilla warfare. You gain +2 in
Cadre Tactics, Concealment, and Hide/Evade.
56-58 Subconscious Preparation: The PC has an almost preternatural sense for trouble,
and always counts as having his weapon readied at the beginning of combat.
59-61 Natural Martial Artist: -1 to the IP Multiplier of Martial Arts you study
(Minimum of x1). You also receive a +2 in one Martial Art of choice. For
purposes of advancement, this bonus is not added to the skill itself, but is treated
as a bonus. The base skill may be raised to 10, not including this bonus.
62-64 Commando: You have trained as a commando. You receive Melee: General,
Submachine Gun, and Survival: Wilderness at +2 each, and Stealth and
Hide/Evade at +1 each.
65-67 Heavy Weapons Gunner: You have trained with a variety of Heavy/Assault
Weapons. You gain each of the Heavy/Assault Weapons skills at +2, Artillery at
+2, and Heavy Beam at +2, with a +2 to Initiative when using any of these skills.
68-70 Disarming: You are skilled at disarming your opponents. If your damage from a
Very Difficult called shot attack (any type) exceeds your opponents BOD, he is
71-73 Pain Tolerant: you have a high pain threshold. When making Stun/Shock rolls,
all wounds are counted one level lower.
74-76 Adrenal Defense: You may develop the IP x5 skill of “Adrenal Defense”, which
allows you to dodge your opponents point of aim. The skill starts at +2, and
forces any attempt to hit the target to become a contest of skill between the
attacker’s weapons skill and the defenders Adrenal Defense. Only attacks that the
target is aware of may be dodged using this skill, though Combat Sense may be
used to detect attacks.
77-79 Missile Artillery: You are trained as a missile launch technician. +2 to Artillery
when using Missiles/Rockets, +2 to Heavy/Assault Weapons: Missile/Rocket
Launcher, and +2 to any Tech-based skills used for designing or repairing
Missiles or Rockets.
80-82 Terrorist: Some call you a freedom fighter, others know better. You gain a +2 to
Cadre/Indoctrinate, Demolition, Expert: Propaganda, and Submachine Gun, and a
+1 to the Special Ability Hayduking.
83-85 Gunslinger: You are known to be good with a pistol. +2 to Fast Draw and Pistol.
For purposes of advancement, these bonuses are not added to the skills
themselves, but are treated as bonuses. The base skills may be raised to 10, not
including these bonuses. You also have a REP of 2d3 as a Gunslinger.
86-88 Street Fighter: You are a knock-around guy. You gain Brawling at +2, and the
skill advances for ½ the normal IP cost. For purposes of advancement, this bonus
is not added to the skill itself, but is treated as a bonus. The base skill may be
raised to 10, not including this bonus. You also gain a +2 bonus to Melee:
General when using improvised weapons, at the Referee’s discretion.
89-91 Hitman: You worked as a professional killer at some time in your career. +2 to
Hide/Evade, Rifle, Sniper, and Stealth.
92-94 Assassin Training: You are a trained assassin. You gain +2 to Expert: Poisons,
Slight of Hand and Stealth, and a +1 to the Special Ability Combat Sneak.
95-97 TIER Training: You have learned how to use a TIERing module. Thought
Interface Electronic Resonance modules enhance and project the user’s natural
psychic energy as a wave of kinetic force. This allows the user to make an attack
causing damage equal to 1d6 per 2 levels of the user’s skill in TIERing, rounded
down, at a range of 10m per level. The skill is IP x5, and starts at +2. If the user
has any Telekinetic attack skills, the range of those attacks is multiplied by 5, and
the damage increased to 150%.
98-100 Adrenal Maneuvering: You can call upon reserves of adrenalin and concentration
beyond the norm. You gain a +2 to Athletics tests involving balance, leaping, or
landing from a fall, and increase your jump range by 150%.


Each connection starts at Level 2. Roll 1d3+3 for the level of the connection’s Special
Ability, and determine skills based on the connections sub-class.

01-15 Aerojock (1d10: 1-4: General; 5: Delta Jock; 6-9: Ex-Military;

10: Space Pilot)
16-25 Aquacologist (1d10: 1-4: General; 4-6: Marine; 7-8: Pilot;
9-10: Tech)
26-35 Arco-runner (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Aquacology; 4-5: B&E Specialist;
6-7: Demolition; 8: Space Bourne; 9-10: Tunnel Rat)
36-40 Astronaut (2d10: 2-4: General; 5: Delta Jock; 6: High Rider;
7: Mecha Pilot; 8: Null Boxer; 9-10: Pilot; 11-12: Procurer;
13-14: Space Cop; 15-16: Technician; 17-18:
Workganger, Construction; 19-20: Workganger, Technition)
41-50 Beasti-boy (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Biophysicist; 5-6: K-9 Officer;
7-8: Marine Bio-Tech; 9-10: Veterinarian)
51-65 Beaver-Brat (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Assassin; 4-5: B&E Specialist;
6-7: Cat Burglar; 8: Intelligence; 9-10: Thief)
66-80 Board-Punk (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: AeroBoarder; 4: Biker;
5: Boarder; 6: Courier; 7: HydroBoarder; 8: PowerBoarder;
9: Skater; 10: HydroBoarder)
81-95 Boat Jockey (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Blue Water;
7-8: Brown Water; 9-10: Scout)
96-105 Braindancer (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Action/Adventure;
4-6: ‘Dancer; 7-8: Music; 9-10: X-Rated)
106-120 Con Man (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Art Curator; 4-6: Casanova;
7-8: High Stakes; 9-10: Street Hustler)
121-140 Cop (2d10: 2: General; 3: Academy Graduate; 4: Airborne Patrol; 5:
Cruiser Patrol; 6: Cyberpsycho Squad; 7: Detective (1d10: 1-3:
Robbery; 4-6: Vice; 7-9: Homicide; 10: SVU); 8:
Forensics; 9:Internal Affairs; 10: Investigator (1d10: 1-3:
Robbery; 4-6: Vice; 7-9: Homicide; 10: SVU); 11:
Max-Tac; 12: Net-Sec; 13: UN Peacekeeper; 14: Powered Armor
Tactical/Assault; 15: Psychologist; 16: RPV Patrol; 17:
Surveillance; 18: SWAT; 19: Traffic; 20: Undercover)
141-160 Corporate (2d10: 2-3: General; 4: Attorney; 5: Bodyguard;
6-7: Bureaucrat; 8: Corp Brat; 9-10: Dept Head;
11: Net Node; 12: Ornament; 13-14: PR Agent;
15-16: Security; 17-18: Street Agent; 19-20: Wage Slave)
161-170 Covert Specialist (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Assassin; 4: Demo Specialist;
5: Extraction Ops; 6: Infilitration; 7: Intrusion Ops;
8: Overland Ops; 9: Silent Weapons; 10: Sniper/Hit Man)
171-190 Crook (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: B&E Specialist; 4: Cat Burglar;
5: Ex-Con; 6: Intelligence; 7: Recon; 8-9: Thief;
10: Tunnel Runner)
191-200 Crystal Jock (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Cred Shark; 4: Cypherpunk;
5: H@4k]r; 6: Librarian; 7: Military; 8-9: Programmer;
10: Trasher)
201-215 Dive Master (1d10: 1-3: General; 4: Animal Handler; 5: Deepwater
Specialist; 6-8: Dive Tech; 9: Marine/SEAL; 10: Miner)
216-225 Eco-Raider (1d10: 1-6: General; 7-10: Saboteur)
226-235 Facer (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Con Artist; 5: M.I.6 “00” Agent;
6-7: Poser-ganger; 8-9: Poseur; 10: Spy)
236-260 Fixer (1d100: 1-6: General; 7-8: Black Market Generalist;
9-10: Black Market, Generic; 11-12: Black Market, Body Parts;
13-14: Black Market, Braindance/VR; 15-16: Black
Market, Cars; 17-18: Black Market, Computer Hardware;
19-20: Black Market, Cyberware; 21-24:
Black Market, Drugs; 25-26: Black Market, Electronics; 27:
Black Market, Slaves; 28-29: Black Market, Software; 30-31:
Black Market, Vehicles; 32-35: Black Market, Weapons; 36:
Black Market, Wetware; 37-38: Bookie; 39-40: Broker; 41:
42-43: Cred Shark; 44-45: Data Courier; 46-47: Factor;
48-49: Fence; 50-51: Horse; 52-53: Info Broker; 54: Jamaicans;
55-56: Junker; 57-58: Loan Shark; 59-60: Merchant;
61: Mobster; 62-63: Negotiator; 64-65: Owner; 66: Pimp;
67-68: Procurer; 69-70: Pusher; 71-74: Racketeer;
75-76: Scavenger; 77-80: Service Broker; 81: Shoe Maker;
82-85: Sleaze; 86-87: Sniffer; 88-89: Talent Agent/Manager;
90-93: Talent Scout; 94-95: Thirdman; 96: Tong; 97-98: Trader;
99: Triad; 100: Yakuza)
261-280 Gang Banger (1d100: 1-4: General; 5-8: Booster; 9-12: Chromer;
13-16: Combat; 17-20: Convict; 21-24: Dorpher;
25-28: Gang Soldier; 29-32: Gothiks; 33-36: Guardians;
37: Inquisitors; 38: Inquisitor Predato Nosferatu; 39-42: Martial
Artist; 43-46: Militia; 47-50: Mosher; 51-54: Outlaw Biker;
55-58: Poser; 59-62: Protection; 63-66: Sewer; 67-70: Skater;
71-74: Streetkid; 75-80: Street Punk; 81-84: Transient;
85-88: Tribal; 89-92: Vigilante; 93-96: Wirehead;
97-100: Zoomer)
281-290 Glitterkid (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Actor; 5: Clergyman/Cult Leader;
6: Famous Glam Rocker; 7-8: Musician; 9: Political Hack;
10: Writer/Author)
291-305 Go-Ganger (1d10: 1-3: General; 4-5: Bozozuka; 6: Dreadnok;
7: Knight Sabers; 8-9: Motorcycle Club; 10: Road Knight)
306-315 Golden Kid (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Antiquarian/Collector;
7-10: Dilettante)
316-330 Goths (1d10: 1-3: General; 4-5: Blood Doll; 6: Ghoul; 7: Fanatic/
Nihilist; 8-9: Vampire Poseur; 10: Terrorist)
331-345 Government Administrator (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Agent;
4: Bureaucrat; 5: Department Head; 6: Investigator;
7: Official; 8: Pacific Rim; 9: Representative;
10: Street Recruiter)
346-365 Guardian (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Ex-Cop; 5: Gotham Knight;
6-7: Martial Artist; 8: Pacifist; 9-10: Street Samurai)
366-370 High Rider (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Colony Pilot;
7-10: Delta Jock)
371-390 Jockey (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Cabbie; 7-8: Panzer Jockey;
9-10: Runner)
391-400 Lawyer (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Corporate; 7: Judge; 8: Labor
Relations; 9: Prosecutor; 10: Sleazy)
401-415 Looker (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-7: Actor; 8-10: Model)
416-430 Mallbrat (1d10: 1-4: General; 5: Braindance/VR/Chipware;
6: Computers/Decks; 7: Cyberware; 8: Guns; 9: Software;
10: ‘Tronics)
431-435 Mecha-Pilot (1d10: 1-4: General; 5: Assault; 6-7: Construction;
8: Scout; 9-10: Space)
436-445 Media (1d100: 1-10: General; 11-13: “Action” Reporter; 14-16: Actor;
17-19: Anchor; 20-22: Artist; 23-25: Braindance Editor; 26-28:
Celebrity Hunter; 29-31: Combat Photographer; 32-34: Combat
Reporter; 35-37: Embedded Police Reporter; 38-44: Investigative
Reporter; 45-51: Investigative Reporter; 52-54: Military
Correspondent; 55-61: News Investigator; 62-64: Police Beat; 65-
67: Professor; 68-70: Public Relations; 71-73: Sensationalist; 74-
76: Spin Doctor; 77-79: Social Reporter; 80-82: Tabloid Media;
83-85: Tabloid-Monger; 86-88: Talking Head/On-Air Star; 89-91:
TV Personality; 92-97: Undercover Reporter; 98-100: War
446-465 Medtech (1d100: 1-9: General; 10-16: Biochemist; 17-23: Chemist;
24-30: Chop-Doc; 31-37: Combat Medic; 38-44: Cyber Doc; 45-
51: Drug Cooker; 52-58: Field Medic; 59-65: Medical Examiner;
66-72: Military Medic; 73-79: Paramedic; 80-86: Researcher; 87-
93: Ripper-Doc; 94-100: Trauma/Combat Specialist)
466-480 Mega-Violent (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Bouncer; 4: Brawler;
5: Bruiser; 6: Frother; 7: Headbanger; 8: Roadie; 9-10: Street
481-495 Mobster (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Columbians; 4: Jamaicans;
5: Mafia; 6: Organizatskiya; 7: Ornament; 8: Tong, Criminal; 9:
Triad; 10: Yakuza/Boryokudan)
496-510 Mosher (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-7: Punk Band; 8-10: Thief)
511-525 Neo-Pioneer (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-7: Farmer; 8-10: Scout)
526-545 Netrunner (1d10: 1: General; 2: Combat ‘Runner; 3:
Corporate; 4: Covert Ops; 5: Deck Designer; 6: Info Fixer; 7:
Military; 8: Netwatch; 9: Programmer; 10: Rogue Hunter)
546-560 Networker (1d100: 1-16: General; 17-23: Bodyshops/Ripperdocs;
24-30: Computer Hardware; 31-37: Corporations; 38-44:
Cyberware; 45-51: Drugs; 52-58: Electronics; 59-65: Gangs; 66-
72: Government Ops; 73-79: Occult; 80-86: Organized Crime;
87-93: Weapons; 94-100: Wetware)
561-565 Ninja (1d10: 1-3: General; 4-10: Modern)
566-590 Nomad (1d10: 1: General; 2: Antartic Collective; 3:
Catholic Priest; 4: Outrider, Car; 5: Outrider, Motorcycle; 6:
Scout, Point; 7: Scout, Support; 8: Teacher; 9: Tech; 10:
591-605 Panzerboy (1d10: 1-6: General; 7-10: Driver)
606-615 Pirate (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Blue Water; 5-6: Brown Water; 7-8:
Pirate Crewman; 9-10: Scout)
616-625 Powered Armor Trooper (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Corporate Merc; 5-6:
Roadstriker; 7-8: Military; 9-10: Scout)
626-640 Private Investigator (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Bounty Hunter; 4-5:
Detective; 6: ELINT Ops; 7: Ex-Cop; 8: Gumshoe; 9:
Parapsychologist; 10: Surveillance)
641-655 Professional Lover (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Exotic Dancer;
5-6: High Class Stripper; 7-8: House Girl; 9-10: Street Walker)
656-665 Prowler (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Ex-Con; 5-6: Recon; 7-8: Tunnel
Rat; 9-10: Tunnel Runner)
666-680 Rad (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Activist; 5: Aid Worker; 6: Politician;
7-8: Troublemaker; 9: Union Organizer; 10: Violent Radical)
681-695 Reaper (1d10: 1-3: General; 4-5: Body Snatcher; 6-8: Bounty Hunter;
9-10: Repo-Man)
696-710 Rocker (1d10: 1: General; 2: Athelete; 3: Clergyman/
Cult Leader; 4: Eco-Front Spokesperson; 5: Military Commander;
6: Musician; 7: National Leader; 8: Politician; 9: Revolutionary;
10: Street Poet)
711-725 RPV Pilot (1d10: 1-2: General; 3: Covert Ops; 4: Media; 50: Military;
6: Salvage; 7: Security; 8: Space Salvage; 9: Spacer; 10:
726-730 Salvager (1d10: 1-7: General; 8-10: Heavy Salvage)
731-740 Scientist
741-755 Scout (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Navy SEAL; 5-6: Nomad Outrider; 7-8:
Nomad Pathfinder; 9-10: Nomad Scout)
756-770 Shaman/Doctor (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Doctor; 5: Herbalist; 6-7:
Nomad Doctor; 8-9: Nomad Spiritual Leader; 10: Pacific Rim
771-780 Shinobi
781-820 Soldier (1d100: 1-2: General; 3-4: Aerospace Force; 5-6: Army;
7-8: Coast Guard; 9-10: Marines; 11-12: Navy; 13-14: ACPA
Pilot; 15-16: ACPA Scout; 17-18: Blue Water Navy/Coast Guard;
19-20: Combat Engineer; 21-22: Combat Medic; 23-24:
Computer Operator; 25-26: Corpsman; 27: Delta Jock; 28-29:
Demolitions Engineer; 30-31: Elite Cyber-Soldier; 32-33: Elite
Military; 34-35: Explosives Engineer; 36-37: EOD; 38-39:
Grunt; 40-41: Heavy Weapons Specialist; 42-43: Infiltration; 44-
45: Intel; 46: Mars Force; 47: Mecha Assault; 48: Mecha Scout;
49: Mecha Space; 50-51; Military Pilot; 52-53: Military RTO; 54-
55: Military Scout; 56-57: Military Special Forces; 58-59:
Military Tech; 60: Moon Force; 61-62: Navy/Coast Guard Scout;
63-64: Navy SEAL Recon; 65-66: Net Operations; 67-68: OCS
Graduate; 69-70: Overland Ops; 71-72: PA/Mech Tech; 73-74:
Panzerboy; 75-76: Recondo; 77-78: Riverine Patrol; 79-80:
Roadstriker Pilot; 81-82: RPV Pilot; 83-84: SEAL Diver; 85-86:
Silent Weapons; 87-88: Sniper; 89: Space ACPA Trooper; 90:
Space Marine; 91: Space Pilot; 92: Sonar Tech; 93-94: Sub Jock;
95-96: Trauma/Combat Specialist; 97-98: Tunnel Rat; 99-100:
Tunnel Recon)
821-835 Solo (1d100: 1-20: General; 21-23: Blade Runner;
24-26: Bodyguard, General; 27-29: Bodyguard, High Profile; 31-
33: Body Guard, Low Profile; 34-36: Bounty Hunter; 37-39:
Brawler; 40-42: Cleaner; 43-45: Combat Engineer; 46-48:
Corporate Op; 49-51: Cyber-Soldier; 52-54: Elite Cyber-Soldier;
55-57: Elite Military; 58-60: Gunslinger; 61-63: Heavy Weapons
Specialist; 64-66: Hitman; 67-69: IPC Corpsman; 70-72:
Manhunter; 73-75: Military Medic; 76-78: Military Special
Forces; 79-81: Nomad; 82-84: Pit Fighter; 85-87; Sanctioned
Operative; 88-90: Specialist; 91-93: Street Ronin/Ninja; 94-96:
Street Samurai; 97-98: Trauma Team; 99-100: Tunnel Rat)
836-840 Space Marine (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-6: Mars Based; 7-8: Moon Based;
9-10: PA Trooper)
841-850 Spook (1d10: 1-6: General; 7-10: Trasher)
851-865 Squat (1d10: 1-3: General; 4: Refugee; 5-6: Scrounger; 7: Scavenger;
8-9: Unemployed; 10: Vagabond)
866-875 Streetfighter (1d10: 1-5: General; 6: Aiki-Do; 7: Assassin; 8: Karateka;
9: Lin Kuei; 10: Nullboxer)
876-885 Subjock (1d10: 1-3: General; 4: Aquacology Sub Pilot; 5: Cargo
Hauler; 6: Flight Sub; 7-8: Military; 9: Pirate; 10: Sonar Tech)
886-895 Synner (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Action/Adventure; 5: Drama; 6:
Music; 7-8: Music Video; 9: VR Artist; 10: X-Rated)
896-905 Tagger
906-910 Tatsugin (1d10: 1-6: General; 7-10: Aiki-Do)
911-935 Tech (1d100: 1-10: General; 11-16: Chip Tech; 17-22: Combat Tech;
23-28: Corporate Tech; 29-34: Demolitions; 35-40: Emergency
Services; 41-46: Lighting/FX; 47-52: Military Tech; 53-58: Net
Tech; 59-64: PA/Mech Tech; 65-70: Production Manager; 71-76:
Prowler; 77-82: Repo-Man; 83-88: RPV Tech; 89-94: Security
Tech; 95-100: Sound Tech)
926-960 Tinker (1d100: 1-12: General; 13-20: Aquacology Engineer;
21-28: Chip Designer; 29-36: Combat Engineer; 37-44:
Designer; 45-52: FX Engineer; 53-60: Military Engineer; 61-68:
PA/Mech Engineer; 69-76: RPV Engineer; 77-84: Security
Engineer; 85-92: Sound Engineer; 93-100: Space Engineer)
961-965 Tribal (1d10: 1-3: General; 4: Garou; 5: Military Scout; 6: Scout; 7:
Shaman; 8: Traditionalist; 9-10: Warrior)
966-970 Trog (1d10: 1-4: General; 5-7: B&E Specialist; 8-10: Tunnel Rat)
971-975 Vidiot (1d10: 1-2: General; 3-4: Interviewer; 5-6: Military RTO;
7-8: Pirate Radio/TV; 9-10: Surveillance)
976-980 V-Punk
981-985 Warrior
986-999 Workganger (1d10: 1-3: General; 4-5: Dock Worker; 6: Labor Rep; 7-8:
Laborer; 9: Space Construction; 10: Space Technition)
1000 A.I. (1d10: 1-4: Corporate; 5-7: University; 8-9: Military; 10:
Regional) Roll 1d10; on a 10, the A.I. is a Rogue System (Regional A.I.’s
cannot be rogue)


01-05 Own a car with a value of 20k EB or less

06-10 Own a motorcycle with a value of 6500 EB or less
11 Access to a Panzer (15 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Panzerboy
Lvl. 2)
12 AV-7 or AV-3 (Company car if employed, leased otherwise)
13-15 Access to a Speedboat (10 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Pirate or
Smuggler Lvl. 2); the boat holds four, and 1 ton of cargo or 8 extra passengers
16 Access to a Hydrofoil (15 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Pirate or
Harbor Police Lvl. 2); the boat holds eight, and 5 tons of cargo or 40 extra
17 Own a civilian jetpack
18 Access to a Small plane, AV-4, AV-6, or AV-9 (Employer owned if employed, or
15 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Jockey or AV’s Owner Lvl. 2)
19 Access to a Helicopter/gyrocopter (Employer owned if employed, or
15 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Jockey or AV’s Owner Lvl. 2);
The vehicle is an unarmed civilian helo/gyro, with a passenger capacity no greater
than 8.
20 Access to an OTV (Employer owned if employed, or 20 +1d3x5 Difficulty to
access, using Contact: Astronaut Lvl. 2)
21-30 2d3 Acres of undeveloped land (Worth 500 EB per acre, though there is a 10%
chance each month the value increases by 5%)
31-34 Own a 4d3 Room house in the combat zone (Equity is 1d10x1800 per room,
payments are 150 EB per room per month; the home is N. IMP to sell). Your
payments are current for the next 3 months.
35-38 Lease a 2d3 Room apartment in the combat zone (Rent is 200 EB per month per
room). Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
39-40 Own a 3d3 Room house in the Moderate zone (Equity is 1d10x3600 per room,
payments are 300 EB per room per month; the home is Average difficulty to sell).
Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
41-42 Lease a 2d3 Room apartment in the Moderate zone (Rent 400 EB per room per
month). Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
43-44 Own a 4d3 Room house in the Corporate zone (Equity is 1d10x5400 per room,
payments are 600 EB per room per month; the home is Difficult to sell). Your
payments are current for the next 3 months.
45 Lease a 3d3 Room apartment in the Corporate zone (Rent is 800 EB per room per
month). Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
46 Own a 6d3 Room house in the Executive zone (Equity is 1d10x10800 per room,
payments are 1200 EB per room per month; the home is Very Difficult to sell).
Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
47 Lease a 4d3 Room apartment in the Executive zone (Rent is 1200 EB per room
per month). Your payments are current for the next 3 months.
48-57 1d3x500 in Body Armor
58-60 One piece of equipment is equipped with a 5-charge Taser trap (1d6 Damage per
charge; Save vs. Mortal or pass out, with a -1 per charge expended)
61-63 One piece of equipment, with a base value of less than 10,000 EB, has a skill
bonus of +1
64-66 One piece of equipment, with a base value of less than 5,000 EB, has a skill bonus
of +2
67-69 One piece of equipment, cyberware, or a weapon, with a base value of less than
10,000 EB, has a skill bonus of +1
70-72 One piece of equipment, cyberware, or a weapon, with a base value of less than
5,000 EB, has a skill bonus of +2
73-75 1d10x1000 in free cyberware, courtesy of your former employer (guaranteed trap-
76-80 3d10 doses of any drug
81-83 A domestic animal (non-enhanced) as a loyal pet
84-86 Stock Braun Mini-mech
87-88 Recombinant DNA non-domestic animal as a loyal pet
89-92 Own a stock computer worth up to 10k EB (Not a cyberdeck)
93-95 Stock cyberdeck with up to 5d3x1000 EB in improvements and peripherals
96-99 2d3x 1000 in computer or cyberdeck programs
00 Access to a powered armor (An unarmed, de-milled Grasshopper, or access to an
employer owned suit with a 20 +1d3x5 Difficulty to access, using Contact: Suit’s
Owner Lvl. 2)


01 Neurological Disorder: See Subtable.

02 Mental Illness: See Subtable.
03 Violent Temper: Very Difficult COOL + EMP test to resist lashing out at any
frustrating stimuli.
04 Phobia: See Subtable.
05 Mental Addiction: See Subtable.
06 Bigot: The character is prejudiced against a prominent group.
07 Insensitivity: The PC is -2 to all EMP-based skills.
08 Dullard: The PC is -2 to all INT-based skills.
09 Shallow: The PC is -2 to all COOL-based skills.
10 Technically Inept: The PC is -2 to all TECH-based skills not covered by Med-
11-13 Light Sleeper: The PC has no Awareness penalty in the round he wakes up.
14-16 Intuitive: -1 level to the Difficulty of TECH-based tests to diagnose and find
17-19 Creative: +2 to 3 Artist, Compose, or Computer Programming skills.
20-23 Witty: The character’s smart-ass comments will not offend anyone, unless he is
directly insulting to someone.
24-26 Inspiring: PC raises the morale of his group by +2 through his sheer presence.
27-30 Temporal Sense: The PC may develop a skill of Temporal Sense (x3 IP). The
skill starts at +2, and allows the PC to guess the time of day to within 30 minutes -
a LUCK + Temporal Sense + 1d10 roll.
31-33 Excellent Memory: The PC may develop a skill of Mnemonics (x4 IP). The
skill starts at +2, and allows the PC to recall anything seen, read, or heard within
the last Mnemonics + INT + 1d10 hours.
34-36 Logical: PC’s uncanny problem solving ability halves the time needed to figure
out math problems, complex logic puzzles, or debugging programs.
37-40 Clear Headed: The PC can ignore the first three points of Concentration
41-42 Gifted: +8 Pick up skill points.
43-46 Compass Sense: The PC may develop a skill of Compass Sense (x3 IP). The
skill starts at +2, and allows the PC to find and orient from magnetic North on a
V. Diff LUCK + Compass Sense + 1d10 roll.
47-49 Mathematician: +2 to Mathematics, +1 to Science: Physics, and the PC takes
1/2 the normal time to do math problems.
50-52 Strong Will: The PC receives +2 in all contests of Will.
53-56 Hawkeyes: +2 to Awareness tests based on vision.
57-59 Ignorance of Physical Being: The PC suffers no skill test penalties for injury or
lack of food or water.
60-62 Speed Reader: Read at 5 times the normal rate.
63-66 Natural Linguist: All Languages are at 1/2 IP cost.
67-70 Wolf’s Ears: +2 to Awareness tests based on hearing.
71-73 Superior Senses: +2 to Awareness. For purposes of advancement, this bonus is
not added to the skill itself, but is treated as a bonus. The base skill may be raised
to 10, not including this bonus.
74-79 Intriguing Personality: +2 to the Special Ability Vamp.
80-84 Magnetic Sense: The PC may develop a skill of Magnetic Sense (x5 IP). The
skill starts at +2, and allows the PC to find and orient from magnetic North on a
V. Diff LUCK + Magnetic Sense + 1d10 roll, and to locate magnetic fields and
gauge their strength with a difficulty determined by the referee.
85-88 Mechanically Inclined: IP is halved for all Tech skills (minimum x1)
89-92 Interrogation Resistant: +5 to resist attempts to gain information from the subject.
93-94 Photographic Memory: Allows the PC to recall anything seen, read, or heard.
95-97 Mental Endurance: The PC suffers only 1/2 Damage from mental attacks and
mind-effecting Black ICE, with two resistance rolls allowed.
98-99 2-Track Mind: The PC can concentrate on two different tasks at the same time,
but suffers double from Distraction penalties.
100 3-Track Mind: The PC can concentrate on three different tasks at the same time,
but suffers double from Distraction penalties.


01 Physical Handicap: See Subtable.

02 Genetic Flaw: See Subtable.
03 Allergy: See Subtable.
04 Addiction: See Subtable.
05 Susceptibility: Use Immunity subtable, counting bonuses as penalties.
06 Uncoordinated: The character is -2 to all Athletics tests.
07 Poor Stamina: Carry weight and activity time are halved.
08 Slow Healer: The character heals at 1/2 the normal rate.
09 Weak: The character is -1 to all strength-based BOD skills.
10 Vulnerability: PC increases the level of wounds by one from one attack form
(1d10: 1-3: Piercing attacks and bullets; 4-6: BFT; 7-9: Slashing attacks; 10:
Energy Weapons).
11-13 Portage: The PC multiplies his Carry rating by 1.5.
14-16 Attractive: +2 to ATT-based skills
17-19 Great Stamina: Carry weight and activity time are doubled.
20-22 Constitution of a Horse: +1 to BOD for Wound determination and Constitution-
based skills.
23-25 Mind Over Matter: PC does not advance wound states as long as he is conscious.
26-28 Strong as a Horse: +1 to BOD for Carry/Lift and Strength-based skills.
29-31 Balance: +1 to all balance-based skills.
32-34 Slow Aging: PC appears to be 1/2 his actual age over 20 (30 appears 25, 50
appears 35, etc…).
35-37 Agility: +1 to REF for movement-based skills.
38-40 High-G Training: +1 to BOD.
41-43 Quickness: +1 to REF for speed-based skills
44-46 Ambidextrous
47-49 Constitution of a Ox: +2 to BOD for Wound determination and Constitution-
based skills.
50-52 Ignorance of Surroundings: You can ignore deprivation that would kill other
men. You are +1 to all Survival skills.
53-55 Strong as a Horse: +2 to BOD for Carry/Lift and Strength-based skills.
56-58 Natural Physique: All wounds count as 1 level lower. Wounds resulting in an
instant kill are reduced by 6 points (if they are still a kill, too bad). Add 50% to
Lift and Carry.
59-61 Drug Tolerance: +3 to resist one category of drugs.
62-64 Agile: +2 to REF for movement based skills.
65-67 Flexibility: +1 to Athletics skill.
68-70 Quick: +2 to REF for speed based skills.
71-73 Subdual Resistance: You make all Stun/Shock rolls.
74-76 Superior Reflexes: You gain +1 to Initiative and +5 to attacks when you win
77-79 Shock Resistance: +2 to all Death or Shock saves.
80-82 Life Extension: The PC can go into Mortal 10+ BOD and still be revived.
83-85 Accelerated Healing: The PC heals at twice the normal rate.
86-88 Stunner Resistant: The PC doubles his BOD vs. stunning attacks (Tazer, Black
Zap, etc…).
89-91 Grounded: The PC takes only 1/2 damage vs. Electricity.
92-94 Strong Immune System: +2 to Saves vs. Poisons and Disease.
95-97 Cat’s Eyes: The PC has Low Lite vision naturally.
98-100 Immunity: See Subtable


01-40 +2 to one Pick-Up Skill of choice

41-55 Learn one Pick-Up Skill (non-Career skill) at ½ IP Cost
56-65 +2 to two Pick-Up Skills (non-Career skills)
66-75 +2 to one Career Skill of choice
76-85 Learn one Career skill at ½ IP Cost
86-95 +2 to two Career skills
96-100 +2 to a Special Ability; or +2 to three Career skills; or +2 to five Pick Up Skills
(non-Career skills)

01-05 You may never refuse an offer of hospitality, no matter the source or
06-10 You are generally unkempt, and suffer a -5 to ATT-based skills
11-15 You may never befriend an animal, and are -4 to influence them
16-20 You have a dark family secret (see sub-table)
21-23 You may not refuse a plea for help from the helpless or an underdog, even if you
endanger your own life or must intervene against an ally. You receive a +2 to all
Special Ability tests during this endeavor.
24-26 You tithe 20% of your income to charity, and give at least 10% of any money you
have on hand to any collector for charity that you come across.
27-36 You may not refuse a dare or personal challenge, no matter how foolish.
However, you receive a +2 to all Special Ability tests for actions related to the
dare or challenge.
37-40 You are on probation. If you are caught committing a crime you will do 2d3
months in Braindance in addition to any penalty assessed for the new crime.
41-45 You are compelled to pay back any loan you receive three-fold
46-50 You have a bad reputation (REP 3d3) as a welcher on loans, debts, and bets
51-53 You are an avowed pacifist, and will not attack any intelligent being who has not
first attacked you, an ally/employer, or an innocent.
54-56 Braindance conditioning has been used to prevent you from entering any part of
the city other than the combat zone (Resist Torture/Drugs test at Difficulty
15+1d3x 5; this must be checked every hour. A skill to resist this specific
conditioning may be purchased (IP x1), and added to the test).
57-66 Wanted for a crime (see subtable)
67-76 Powerful enemy (see subtable)
77-81 Exceptionally impoverished family background. All monies at start came from
questionable sources. +2 to Streetwise, and Criminal Mind, Con, or Sneak at +1.
82-86 Police record/jail time. Pick 2 skills from the Ex-con template, each at +2.
87-95 Driven to revenge (roll for an enemy on the Powerful Enemy Subtable, but you
are the injured party). You receive a +2 to Special Ability tests when directly in
pursuit of this vengeance.
96-100 Uncivilized Culture. You are from a culture with rituals or attitudes
looked down on by “normal” 2020 culture. +2 to any Survival skill, but -2 to all
Social skills.
101-135 Organized Crime family. You have connections to an organized crime
network, and know recognition phrases and passwords to make contact (+2
Streetwise, and 1 level of Familia).
136-170 Guild or Union member. You are/were involved with a group of
merchants, specialists, or techs. You carry a device/card/symbol of
membership/recognition (2 levels of Family).
171-270 Corporate Background. You were employed by a major corporation, and
maintain those ties (1 level of Contacts, and one Contact: Corp (Resources
1d3+3) at +2).
271-305 Conspiratorial/Subversive background. You are/were connected to a
conspiracy or subversive group. You carry a recognition device, and know codes
and passwords to make contact (2 Levels of Organize).
306-350 Multi-cultural background. You spent your formative years in many
foreign lands. You speak 2d3 languages at 1d3+3, and have half that level in
Culture for each language.
351-385 You have a mentor or teacher (see Subtable)
386-420 Wealthy family (make a free roll on the Wealth table at +25).
421-455 Extremely Lucky. You receive a bonus of +/-2 to any roll not involving
the use of skills (Con. Saves, Luck tests, area hit, etc…)
456-490 Political Connections. You know a player on the political stage (Contact:
Politician at +2. His/Her Special Ability level is 2d3+2.). Roll 1d10 for what
kind of connection you have: 1-4: Local; 5-7: State; 8-9: Federal (Legislative);
10: Federal (Executive) or Federal (other nation).
491-525 Honorable Discharge. You are a veteran, and receive 2500 EB per month
in pension, free standard medical coverage, and are employed on a 1-5 on 1d6.
526-560 You are a Blank. You have no computer records, SIN or Social Security
Number. You cannot hold a legal job, have no GARC, and receive no
government benefits. To gain any of the advantages of not being a blank, you
must obtain a temporary identity.
561-595 Social Chameleon. All Social skills cost ½ IP.
596-630 Favored by a mid-level Corp. (Connection: Corp at +2. His/Her
Resources are 1d3+5)
631-685 Informant. The Police look to you for information. 2 Connections with
(roll 1d6): 1-3: A Detective; 4-5: SIn; 6: LEDiv. Each Contact is +2, with their
Special Ability level at 1d3+3.
686-700 Good Contacts. Contacts at level 1, and two Connections a +2 each (roll
on subtable). They are willing to supply their level (1d3+3) halved in Resources
(monetary or equipment) per month.
701-735 You deal well with the upper classes. +2 Social: Wealthy, and +2 to deal
with “wealthy” people.
736-770 You champion a cause. +1 to DED for that cause, +2 to Expert/Specific
Knowledge of your chosen cause.
771-805 Major contacts on the Black Market. +2 to Streetwise, and all BMAC’s
are cut in half, to a minimum of 1.
806-820 Not quite human. See Subtable.
821-860 Ex-military officer. +2 Tactics and +2 Social: Military
861-895 Political Reputation. You have a Rep of 2d3 as an accomplished local
politician. You have Charismatic Leadership at level 1 and +2 to Bureaucracy.
896-930 Excellent Credit Ranking. You have outstanding credit, with a monthly
limit of 3x your current income. You must pay at least 20% of your
balance monthly, or you may make no new charges.
931-965 Sybil. You have 2d3 fully established aliases, each at Impossible (35)
difficulty to penetrate. You have ID, necessary permits, and accounts
under each name.
966-1000 Famous in your field. You have Celebrity at level 1, and a REP of 2d3+4
in your career field.

01 Jinx: Add or subtract (whichever is bad) the PC’s LUCK from all random (non-
Skill Test) rolls made within 5m.
02 Unlucky: All personal random (non- Skill Test) rolls made by the PC are
penalized by LUCK/2.
03 Out of Touch: -2 to all concentration-based skill rolls.
04 Clumsy: -1 to all skills involving manual dexterity.
05 Bad First Impression: -2 to all social interaction skills.
06 Mechanically Inept: -2 to all TECH-based repair skills.
07 Untalented: -2 to all performance skills.
08 Short Attention Span: The character must make a Difficult COOL test on each
hour of a long project.
09 Imprecise: The character is -2 to all attacks beyond medium range, and Sniper,
Navigation and Astrogation tests.
10 Imperceptive: -2 to Awareness tests.
11-12 Vocational Training: +2 to one TECH skill.
13-14 Outdoorsman: The PC gains +3 to Survival: Wilderness, and +2 to Hide/Evade,
Stealth and Tracking/Countertracking in the wilderness.
15-16 Lucky: All personal random (non-Skill Test) rolls made by the PC are +/-1 in his
17-18 Combat Driver: +2 Vehicle Zen for ground vehicles only.
19-20 Artistic: +2 to one and +1 to a second Artist skill, or +2 to a Perform skill.
21-22 Instructor: +2 to Teach. For purposes of advancement, this bonus is not added to
the skill itself, but is treated as a bonus. The base skill may be raised to 10, not
including this bonus. Also, +2 to Computer Use.
23-24 Linguist: Gain 2 languages at +2 and half all language IP costs (minimum of x1).
25-26 Hunter: Gain Tracking/Countertracking at +2, and Hide/Evade, Stealth and
Trapworks vs. Animals.
27-28 Musician: gain +2 Composition, Play Instrument, and Sing, and a +1 to Tech
skills related to music recording or performance.
29-30 Researcher: +2 to the Special Ability Scientific Method and the skill Computer
Use, and +1 to General Knowledge.
31-32 Gymnast: +2 to Acrobatics and Gymnastics.
33-34 Architect: +2 to Artist: Drafting, Artist: Modeling, and Expert: Architecture, as
well as +1 in Expert: Municipal/Utility Systems and Expert: Structural
35-36 Photographer: +2 to Photo/Film, +1 to the Special Ability Commo.
37-38 Atmospheric Pilot: +2 to Pilot: (any aircraft) and Navigation, and +1 to the
Special Ability Aircraft Sense.
39-40 Historian: +1 to General Knowledge and +2 to any Expert skill dealing with
41-42 Manager: +2 to Bureaucracy and Computer Use, +1 to Accounting,
Administration and Leadership.
43-44 Programmer: +2 to Computer Programming, Expert: (class) Programs, Expert:
Programming (Computer Language) and System Knowledge.
45-46 Marine Pilot: +2 to Navigation, Pilot: Boat, Pilot: PWC, and Seamanship.
47-48 Entertainer: +2 to Oratory, +1 to 3 Performance Skills, and +1 to the Special
Ability of Celebrity.
49-50 Criminal Experience: +2 Streetwise, +1 Criminal Mind.
51-52 Hobbyist: +2 to 2 Expert Skills related to a hobby (Referee’s discretion).
53-54 Security Operative: +2 to Expert: Security Procedure and ‘Tronic Security, +1 to
TECH-based skills for dealing with security systems.
55-56 Space Pilot: +2 to 2 Pilot skills involving spacecraft, and +1 to Aircraft Sense in
spacecraft only.
57-58 Military Academy: +2 to Expert: Military History, Expert: Military Procedures,
Leadership and Tactics, and +1 to Expert: War Games and Rifle.
59-60 Broadcaster: +2 to Composition and Oratory, and +1 to the Special Ability of
61-62 Police Academy: +2 to Expert: Law, Expert: Police Procedure, and Pistol, and
+1 to TECH skills used for investigations.
63-64 Survivalist: +2 to all Survival skills, and +1 to Hide/Evade and Stealth.
65-66 Economist: +2 to Accounting, and +1 to Administration and Stock Market skills.
67-68 Socialite: +2 to social interaction skills.
69-70 Politician: +2 to Expert: Politics and Oratory, and +1 to Leadership and
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk.
71-72 Counselor: +2 to the Special Ability Counsel.
73-74 Inventor: +2 to the Special Ability Kit Bash.
75-76 Investigator: +2 to the Special Ability Research.
77-78 Astrogator: +2 Astrogation and Navigation, +1 to Computer Use.
79-80 Con Artist: +2 to the Special Ability Con.
81-82 Astronaut: +2 to the Special Ability 0-G Acclimatization.
83-84 Cryogenics Tech: +2 to Cryotank Operation, and First Aid, and +2 to Med Tech
rolls when dealing with cryogenics patients.
85-86 Animal Care Tech: +2 to the Special Ability Daktari.
87-88 Merchant: +2 to Streetdeal for purposes of making sales.
89-90 Cartographer: +2 to Cartography, Navigation and Orienteering.
91-92 Communications Tech: +2 to the Special Ability Commo.
93-94 Escape Artist: +2 to Contortions and Pick Lock.
95 Rescue Training: +2 Expert: Hazard Control and First Aid.
96 Tech School: Learn 1 TECH-based skill at 1/2 IP (Minimum x1).
97 Law School: +2 to the Special Ability Reason.
98 Med School: +2 to the Special Ability Med Tech.
99 Masters Degree: +3 to one Expert, Science, or Tech Skill of choice.
100 PhD: +4 to one Expert, Science, or Tech Skill of choice.


01-05 500eb Starting Funds

06-10 1000eb Starting Funds
11-15 2000eb Starting Funds
16-20 2500eb Starting Funds
21-25 3000eb Starting Funds
26-30 4000eb Starting Funds
31-35 5000eb Starting Funds
36-40 500eb Starting Funds, 500eb per month income
41-45 1000eb Starting Funds, 500eb per month income
46-50 1500eb Starting Funds, 1000eb per month income
51-55 2000eb Starting Funds, 1000eb per month income
56-65 3000eb Starting Funds, 1500eb per month income
66-75 3500eb Starting Funds, 2000eb per month income
76-85 5000eb Starting Funds, 1000eb per month income
86-95 5000eb Starting Funds, 2000eb per month income
96-100 5000eb Starting Funds, 2500eb per month income

Addiction Sub Table

01-15 Steroids: The PC is addicted to custom steroids, and must spend 1d3x200eb per
week on them. He does gain a +2 to BOD, max 12, but will lose this bonus if he
misses his weekly dose. Each dose, roll over HI on 1d100 or lose 1d6 HI
(regained if the PC breaks the addiction or receives therapy).
16-30 Alcohol: The PC is an alcoholic. He must have a drink every hour, suffering a
temporary loss of 1point of COOL and EMP for each drink he misses. Alcohol
affects him normally, causing intoxication and reductions to INT and TECH.
31-44 Hallucinogens: The PC is addicted to a hallucinogen.
45-58 Recreational Drugs: The PC is addicted to Pot, Smash, or other drug of choice
(Referee’s discretion), with all that that entails.
59-72 Speed: The PC is addicted to Methamphetamine, with all that that entails.
73-86 Narcotics: The PC is addicted to an Opiate, with all that that entails.
87-100 Cocaine: The PC is addicted to cocaine, or a cocaine analog, with all that that

Allergy Sub Table

(Starred * items are correctable through nanotech surgery at 10000eb. + Items are treatable through
Toxin Binders or Nasal Filters)

01-08 *Plastics: The PC is allergic to plastics of all types, a great hindrance in a world
of synthetic clothing, polymer guns, and artificial limbs. All Cyberware other
than nanotech costs x3, all other items normally made of plastic (GM’s discretion)
can be purchased at x2 normal cost. Otherwise, the PC experiences a skin allergy
on exposure, with a penalty of (rolled at creation) 1d3+2 to all tasks due to
extreme itching and discomfort if he fails an Average BOD test.
09-16 +Hallucinogens: The PC has an adverse reaction to any hallucinogenic drugs,
treating them as a poison of a Str. equal to the drugs normal rating +4. Each point
of failure on the save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
17-24 +Depressants: The PC has an adverse reaction to any depressant drugs, treating
them as a poison of a Str. equal to the drugs normal rating +4. Each point of
failure on the save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
25-32 +Stimulants: The PC has an adverse reaction to any stimulant drugs, treating
them as a poison of a Str. equal to the drugs normal rating +4. Each point of
failure on the save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
33-40 *Synthetic Foods: The PC is allergic to SCOP and other artificial foods,
treating them as a poison of a Str. equal to 1d3+4. Each point of failure on the
save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
41-48 +Animals: The PC is allergic to all fur-bearing mammals, taking a -2 penalty to
all actions performed within 3m of such an animal if he fails an Average
BOD test..
49-56 +Pollen: The PC is allergic to all flowering plants, taking a -2 penalty to all
actions performed within 10m of such a plant. He must additionally make an
Average BOD test each day to avoid hay fever, suffering a -2 to all actions for the
57-64 +Dust: The PC is allergic to household dust, taking a -2 penalty to all actions
performed in a dusty environment (Referee’s discretion) if he fails an Average
BOD test.
65-74 +Speed Heal: The PC has an adverse reaction to any healing drugs, treating them
as a poison of a Str. equal to the drugs normal rating +4. Each point of failure on
the save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
75-82 +Pain Relievers: The PC has an adverse reaction to any pain drugs, treating them
as a poison of a Str. equal to the drugs normal rating +4. Each point of failure on
the save results in 1d6 of Damage assessed against the character.
83-90 +Cosmetics: The PC is allergic to Cosmetics of all types. The PC experiences a
skin allergy on exposure, with a penalty of (rolled at creation) 1d3+2 to all tasks
due to extreme itching and discomfort if he fails an Average BOD test.
91-100 Psionics: The characters PSI is added to the level of any psionic attack directed
at him, due to his extreme susceptibility to these attacks.

Crimes Sub Table

01-05 Murder (1d10: 1-5: Murder 3, Depraved Indifference; 6-8: Murder 2, Not
Premeditated; 9: Murder 1, Premeditated Murder; 10: Murder 1 with Special
06-10 Forgery (1d10: 1-6: Checks, documents, etc.; 7-9: Identification and Official
Documents; 10: Counterfeiting)
11-15 Rape (1-6: Date Rape; 7-9: Statutory Rape; 10: Violent Rape)
16-40 Theft (1d10: 1-6: Petty Theft; 7-9: Embezzlement; 10: Grand Larceny)
41-45 Fraud (1d10: 1-6: Insurance Fraud; 7-9: Running a Con Game; 10: Medical or
other serious fraud)
46-55 Netrunning (1d10: 1-6: Electronic Trespass; 7-9: Wire Fraud; 10: Electronic
Espionage and Data Theft)
56-65 Possession of a Controlled Substance (1d10: 1-6: Possession; 7-9: Possession
with Intent to sell; 10: Illegal Drug Sales)
66-70 Prostitution (1d10: 1-6: Soliciting; 7-9: Pandering; 10: Slavery for Profit)
found out.
71-90 Assault (2d10: 2-7: Simple Assault; 8-12: Assault and Battery; 13-15:
Aggravated Assault; 16-17: Spousal Battery; 18-19: Assault with Intent to do
Bodily Harm; 20: Attempted Murder)
91-100 Weapons Violations (1d10: 1-6: Illegally Carrying a Restricted Weapon; 7-9:
Possession of an Unlicensed Weapon; 10: Violation of Federal Weapons Laws)

Family Secret Sub Table

01-05 Related to an infamous mobster. Your family’s name has been changed, but the
resemblance is still there, and some authorities may be keeping tabs on you
anyway. If it comes out, it is a 1d3+1 Rep, negative for law enforcement and the
family’s enemies, but positive for the organization they were involved with.
06-10 Federal Witness Protection hid your family so well, you barely remember being
someone else. A major criminal enterprise would love to see you and all your
relatives dead.
11-15 Your (1d6: 1-4: Parent, 5-6: Grandparent) committed war crimes. If they are
found they will be tried, and you will be humiliated (Negative Rep 2d4).
16-40 Minority bloodline. Your family is from a racially conscious area, and is of
mixed ancestry. If it comes out, they will be ostracized (Rep 2d3, negative with
narrow-minded bigots and racial purists).
41-45 One of your parents (based on previous rolls, or roll 1d6: odd: Father; Even:
Mother) killed the other.
46-55 One of your parents (based on previous rolls, or roll 1d6: odd: Father; Even:
Mother) was/is a known criminal (See Sub-Table). You gain a negative Rep 1d3
if you are found out.
56-60 Your parents were part of a lifestyle that was “alternative” at best. Negative Rep
of 1d3 if you are found out.
61-65 Your parent’s family tree doesn’t branch enough. Negative Rep of 1d3 if you are
found out.
66-75 You were raised in a religion most consider a cult, or worse. Negative Rep of 1d3
if you are found out.
76-80 Your family has a long history of severe mental illness. Negative Rep of 1d3+1 if
you are found out.
81-90 Your parents are unknown to you, as the people who raised you kidnapped you as
a young child.
91-100 Your parents are sterile, and you were conceived through artificial means.

Dependant Sub Table

01-25 Lover/Spouse: Roll as a Connection, but the character has only 60 points for
Attributes, 40 for career skills, and 25 for Pick Up skills.
26-40 Child: As above, but the character has only 40 points for Attributes (Maximum
6 in any attribute), no career skills, and 20 for pick up skills. They are 3d6-2
years old, and may not be your child (young sibling, foundling, etc…). 50%
chance for each that there is another (stop when you roll 51+)
41-55 Sibling: Roll as spouse. 50% chance for each that there is another (stop when
you roll 51+)
56-65 Roommate. Your long-time roomie and friend. Roll as spouse.
66-85 Parent(s)/Grandparent(s)/Other Relatives: Roll as spouse, but has 40 Pick Up
86-90 Foreigner: You feel responsible for this new arrival to America’s shores. Roll as
a spouse.
91-95 Ill/Wounded Person: Roll again, re-rolling this result, and assign an injury from
the Subtable.
96-100 Retarded/Insane Person: Roll again, re-rolling this result.

Genetic Flaw Sub Table (Starred * items are correctable through nanotech surgery at
10000eb. + Items are treatable through Toxin Binders or Nasal Filters)

01-07 Genetic Disease: See sub table

08-14 Hermaphrodite: The PC shows traits of both sexes, with the phenotype of the sex
chosen for the character dominant.
15-21 *Congenital Heart Defect: On any fumbled BOD-based test, the PC must make a
Mortal 1 save, or suffer a heart attack. The heart may be replaced.
22-28 Genetically-based Physical Handicap: See Physical Handicap subtable.
29-35 Achondoplasia (Dwarfism): The PC is a Dwarf (Armor and clothing costs 150%)
36-42 Polydactyly: The PC has six-fingered hands. The sixth finger may be removed.
43-49 Albinism: The PC is an albino, and treats normal sunlight as a level 3 poison.
Simple skin alteration (Tech Skin) can be performed to alleviate this disorder.
50-63 *Color Blind: (1d10: 1-5: Red-Green; 6-9: Blue Green; 10: Total).
64-70 Skin Color Anomaly: The PC has a birthmark. Roll on the to-hit chart for
location. Body Sculpting (1000eb) will remove it.
71-77 *Hair Deficiency: The PC has a distinct lack of hair. He is not totally bald, but
his hair grows in sickly patches, and is sparse and unhealthy.
78-84 Eye Color Variation: The PC has two different colored eyes.
85-92 Near-Sighted: The PC suffers a -5 to long-distance (10m or more) visual
Awareness tests without corrective lenses or surgery (2000eb).
93-100 Far-Sighted: The PC suffers a -5 to short-distance (within 1m) visual
Awareness tests without corrective lenses or surgery (2000eb).

Genetic Disease Sub Table (Starred * items are correctable through nanotech surgery at

01-09 Usher’s Syndrome: The PC was born deaf. He gains American Sign Language
at +6, and can benefit from Cyberaudio if he pays 200eb for a special neural co-
10-16 *Retinitis Pigmentosa: The PC is going blind. Replacement of the eyes will halt
the condition, otherwise resulting in a penalty to visual Awareness tests equal to
the PC’s age/2.
17-23 Down’s Syndrome: All IP multipliers for skills are raised by 1 (minimum x2)
24-30 Dysautonomia: Maximum BOD is 6, but PC is not required to make Stun saves.
He also has no taste sensation, and unstable temperature and blood pressure.
31-40 *Hemophilia: The PC advances wound states in 1/2 the normal time.
41-47 Cooley’s Anemia: Maximum BOD is 8, and the PC must save vs. a Serious
wound each time he is struck with BFT, or suffer a broken bone. Muscle and
Bone Lace will alleviate the symptoms, and raise the base BOD.
48-54 *Phenalketonuria: The PC must eat a special diet (equal to good pre-pack) or
suffer a -1 INT for each week he is off his diet.
55-61 Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa: Non-Scarring (50%) force the PC to make an
Average BOD test each week to avoid a low-level skin infection. Scaring (51+)
forces the same tests, and reduces ATT by 2.
62-70 Osteogenesis Imperfecta: The PC has brittle bones, with a maximum BOD of 6,
and an Average BOD Save to resist bone breakage each time he is struck in
combat, or severely jostled (DM’s discretion). Muscle and Bone Lace will
alleviate the symptoms, and raise the base BOD.
71-77 *Sickle Cell Anemia: The PC has a maximum BOD and MA of 8.
78-84 Cystic Fibrosis: The PC has a maximum BOD of 8. Nanosurgeons will alleviate
the symptoms.
85-91 Muscular Dystrophy: The PC is cursed to a short, painful life. He has 2d10 years
to live, half of them bed-ridden. Body plating or full conversion can relieve the
disease, and the PC has double the usual chance to be accepted for full conversion
92-100 *Diabetes Mellitus: The PC is diabetic, and must follow a special diet (equal to
good pre-pack) or suffer a -1 BOD for each week he is off his diet. The disease is
easily relieved with a pancreas transplant or artificial pancreas.

Immunity Sub Table

01-09 Antibiotics: The PC is +5 to Save vs. Poisons, but must save vs. antibiotics used
to relieve infection. If successful, the antibiotic has no effect, and the poison has
the effect it normally has on a successful save.
10-16 Hallucinogens: The PC has +3 to save vs. any hallucinogenic drugs.
17-23 Depressants: The PC has +4 to save vs. any depressant drugs.
24-30 Stimulants: The PC has +3 to save vs. any stimulant drugs.
31-39 Poison: The PC has +5 to save vs. a specific poison of choice.
40-46 Sopoforics: The PC has +4 to save vs. any sleep drugs.
47-55 Pain Relievers: The PC must save at +3 vs. pain relievers used to relieve his pain.
If successful, the analgesic has no effect.
56-61 Subliminals: The PC has +4 to save vs. subliminal messages.
62-68 Speed Heal: The PC must save at +3 vs. healing drugs used to treat his injuries.
If successful, the drug has no effect.
69-75 Neurotoxins: The PC has +3 to save vs. neurotoxins such as nerve gas and
Biotoxin I and II.
76-85 Circulatory Poisons: The PC has +3 to save vs. poisons in the blood stream.
86-92 Respiratory Poisons: The PC has +3 to save vs. inhaled poisons.
91-100 Psionics: The PC has +5 to save vs. any non-physical psionics (Pyrokenesis and
similar powers actually effect the physical world around the subject, and are not
resisted with PSI).

Legacy Sub Table

01-45 You strive to follow your parent/sibling/mentor’s example.

46-70 You attempt to complete your parent/sibling/mentor’s great work or quest.
71-75 You are prophesied as a hero/savior/innovator/ruler by some religious sect.
76-85 Bodily mark has some superstitious significance (50-50 whether it is good or
86-90 You acquired your mentor/trainer’s secret notes/journals/diaries.
91-100 Your predecessor vanished mysteriously; roll again, ignoring this result.

Mental Addiction

01-08 Superstitious: The PC is highly superstitious, and carries lucky charms with him
wherever he goes.
09-16 Sleep: The PC takes every opportunity to doze off, and is -5 to actions taken in
the first turn after waking.
17-25 Auspex/Braindance: The PC cannot get enough of Virtuality. He spends at least
1/2 his income on Braindance and Auspex games and equipment.
26-33 Dieting: The PC is consistently on some new fad diet (equivalent to good pre-
34-41 Gossip: The PC must make an Average COOL test to avoid spreading any and all
rumors he has heard to any who will listen.
42-50 Miser: The PC lives on as little of his income as he possible can.
51-58 Religious Fanatic: The PC has a DED of 10, and follows the restrictions of his
religion… religiously. He loses 1d3 HI each time he violates a stricture of his
59-66 Eating: The PC likes to eat. He must pay for Fresh Food monthly, and take every
opportunity to eat out that he can.
67-75 Non-addictive Drug: The PC is psychologically addicted to a normally non-
addictive drug (Referee’s discretion).
76-83 Shopping: The PC spends like there is no tomorrow. 1/3 of the PC’s income is
frittered away on unneeded items. Consider it lost.
84-91 Wirehead: The PC needs at least 5 minutes of wirehead stimulus per hour, or
suffers a -1 to all actions for each ten minutes he has missed his does by.
92-100 Gambling: The PC gambles like it’s someone else’s money. 1/2 of the PC’s
income is lost each month, though if he makes a N. Imp. Gamble + LUCK + 1d10
test he actually doubles this months income. Even a fool can win, sometimes.

Mental Illness

01-06 Homicidal: The PC is easily angered and frustrated, and acts out against the
source of his rage by trying to kill it. Make an average COOL test to avoid
killing anyone who upsets you, or anyone who is around if you are upset by
circumstance or inanimate objects.
07-12 Suicidal: The PC is easily depressed and frustrated, and acts out against the
source of his feelings by trying to kill himself. Make an average COOL test to
avoid killing yourself whenever things go wrong. You will plan out your suicide,
so your friends should have ample warning and time to stop you (1d100 hours).
13-18 Dissociative Identity Disorder: 1d4 identities (roll lifepath and background
separately for each) may manifest under stress. The class for each is rolled as a
connection, though the personalities have none of the actual skills of those
classes. Skills shared by the primary personality, and Pick Up skills, are as
normal. Make an average COOL test to avoid switching personalities whenever
under stress (Referee’s discretion).
19-24 Stupifaction: The PC is cracks under stress, becoming “shell-shocked” and
unable to take voluntary action. Make an average COOL test to avoid “spacing
out” for 5 minutes per point of failure.
25-32 Catatonia: The PC is cracks badly under stress, assuming the fetal position and
unable to take any action. Make an average COOL test to avoid rolling into a
ball for 5 minutes per point of failure.
33-38 Pyromaniac: The PC must make a daily Average COOL test to avoid setting fire
to some flammable object or edifice.
39-46 Paranoid: The PC suffers from paranoid fantasies (loose 3d10 HI from Paranoia).
47-52 Schizophrenic: The PC lives in his own little fantasy world. With meds (200eb
monthly), he functions just fine. Without them, he must make an Average COOL
test to recognize anything in the real world.
53-60 Sadistic: The PC is a sadist, and must make an Average COOL test to avoid
causing pain or using torture whenever he has the opportunity.
61-66 Masochistic: The PC is a masochist, and must make an Average COOL test to
avoid experiencing pain or self-torture whenever he has the opportunity.
67-72 Obsessive: The PC must make an Average COOL test to avoid wasting 1d3
rounds in meaningless ritual for each action he wishes to take.
73-80 Kleptomania: The PC is a klepto, and must make an Average COOL test to
avoid stealing small objects whenever he has the opportunity.
81-88 Incorrigible Liar: The PC is a liar, and must make an Average COOL test to
avoid lying about any subject.
89-94 Possessive: The PC must make an Average COOL test to share anything he
has, or the time of any of his associates. If his friends or lovers pay attention to
anyone else, he will react with fits of jealosy.
95-100 Depressive: The PC is clinically depressed, and must make an average COOL
test to take any action not directly related to survival.

Mentor/Teacher Sub Table

A Mentor is a special form of contact, sharing the same Class as the PC, but not
necessarily the same subclass. A Mentor starts as a Contact Level 2, as usual, but is not
treated the same as a normal contact. Mentors start with 80 points for Statistics. At least
2 points must be spent on each Stat, with a maximum of 10 points spent in any Stat. The
Mentor also starts with 60 points for Career Skills (skills listed under the specific career
of the Mentor, Special Abilities other than the primary for the career cost double). After
these skill points have been allocated, the Mentor gains 50 points to spend on Pick Up
Skills, which may be freely chosen from among those not included in the Mentor’s
career. Special Abilities chosen as Pick Up Skills cost double.

01-05 The Mentor is a pre-adult prodigy aged 10+2d3 years.

06-15 The Mentor is a young adult aged 16+2d3 years.
16-30 The Mentor is a mature adult aged 22+2d3 years.
31-65 The Mentor is middle aged at 28+4d6 years.
66-95 The Mentor is an older adult aged 52+4d6 years.
96-100 The Mentor is a venerable adult aged 76+4d6 years.

Mentors have 4d3 Contacts, each with a level of 1d4+2, and get 2 rolls on the Wealth
chart at +25 each. They may use their wealth to help their protégés, but will expect some
form of repayment, such as the PC mentoring of someone else. The difficulty of
contacting the Mentor is as follows (1d10):

01-04 30
05-07 25
08-09 20
10 15

This is rolled as a Test vs. Mentor + EMP + 1d10 (Streetdeal and Contacts do not add to
this roll.)

Mutant Sub Table

01-10 Skin Discoloration, Patches: Roll 1d8 for number of locations, and lose 1 point
of ATT per 2 locations. May be corrected with bodysculpting.
11-15 Skin Discoloration, Odd Color (roll 1d6 for tinge of skin: 1: Red; 2: Orange; 3:
Yellow; 4: Green; 5: Blue; 6: Violet).
16-20 Shock-resistant Skeleton: Only 50% of indicated fractures actually result in a
broken bone.
21-22 Semi-flexible Bones: +3 to Contortions and Acrobatics.
23-24 Brittle Bones: +1 level of wound severity to any BFT-type injuries.
25-29 No Body Hair
30-34 Unnaturally Hirsute
35-39 All hair is white
40-44 Oddly Colored Irises: The characters irises are a non-human color.
45-47 Facial Disfigurement: The PC is at -1d6 ATT, correctible with Bodysculpting.
48-53 Webbed Phalanges: +3 to Swimming.
54 Extra Limb: The PC has an extra arm (10% chance it is functional), which may be
removed through surgery.
55-64 Double Jointed: +1 to all manual dexterity tasks.
65 Vestigial Tail
66-70 Gigantism: The PC adds +2 to BOD, with a maximum of 12, and is 200 + 6d10
centimeters tall. Armor and clothing cost 150% of normal.
71-75 Midget: The PC is a little person. Armor and clothing cost 150% of normal.
76-78 Rapid Metabolism: The PC heals at twice the normal rate, but must eat twice as
much and halves the duration of drugs.
79-80 Hard Skin: The PC has the natural equivalent of 4 SP Skinweave.
81-83 Immune Deficiency: -5 to resist Poisons and Disease.
84-85 Immune Proficiency: +5 to resist Poisons and Disease.
86-88 No Tactile Nerve Endings: The PC never needs to make a Stun Save.
89-92 Unusual Leg Structure: Run is x1.5.
93-96 Tough: The PC is +2 to Stun/Shock saves.
97-100 Wimp: The PC is -1 to Stun/Shock saves.

Neurological Disorders Sub Table (Starred * items are correctable through nanotech
surgery at 10000eb; +Items are correctable through neurological cyberware, see the referee)

01-09 +Tourette Syndrome: The PC has a variety of facial and vocal tics. He is -2 in
all social situations.
10-18 Slow Learner: The PC must pay more IP to raise his skills (+1 IP Multiplier,
minimum x2).
19-27 *Huntington’s Disease, Adult Onset: The PC will die at an early age (2d10 years
from now), and will suffer a -1 to REF for each decade of life.
28-36 +Epilepsy: The PC suffers from seizures in any stressful situation (Difficult
COOL test to avoid).
37-45 Mood Swings: The PC suffers from mood swings (Role play this one).
46-54 +Nervous Tics: The PC suffers from tics in any stressful situation (Average
COOL test to avoid). He is at -4 to all actions during an attack.
55-63 +Stuttering: The PC stutters in any stressful situation (Average COOL test
to avoid). He is at -5 to social skills during an attack.
64-72 +Amnesiac: The PC forgets things in any stressful situation (Average COOL
test to avoid). Lost time equals 1 hour per point of failure.
73-81 Nervous Twitching: The PC suffers from twitching in any stressful situation
(Difficult COOL test to avoid). If he fails, he suffers a -2 to all activity.
82-91 Severe Stutter: The PC stutters in any stressful situation (Difficult COOL test
to avoid). During an attack he is at -1 to social skills per point of failure.
92-100 +Severe Headaches: The PC suffers from migranes in any stressful situation
(Difficult COOL test to avoid). If he fails, he suffers a -3 to all activity.

Not Quite Human Sub Tables


01-20 Hybrid: You have genetic material that is not human. You may choose skills
from psionicist careers as pick up skills.
21-80 Moreau: You are a genetically modified animal. Set up a moreau template with
the referee.
81-90 Non-terran: You are an escaped representative of a foreign world. While you
are 99.8% human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors
were earthbound. If you are discovered by the government, you may be shipped
back to your world of origin.
91-100 Jaffa: You are a former slave-soldier of the Goa’uld. While you are 99.8%
human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors were
earthbound. You have the equivalent of Nanosurgeons and Toxin Binders for as
long as you bear a Goa’uld symbiote, but will die within 2d3+1 days if it is killed
(20% chance on a Mortal Wound to areas 3-4) or removed.


01-20 Hybrid: You have genetic material that is not human. You may choose skills
from psionicist careers as pick up skills.
21-40 Moreau: You are a genetically modified animal. Set up a moreau template with
the referee.
41-50 Replicant: You are the result of illegal human DNA experimentation, and will be
put to death if discovered. All of your background rolls must be from physical,
mental, or training, and negative rolls of under 10/100 are rerolled.
51-60 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being, and the
downloading of that person’s memories. Your original is dead, and you are
replacing them. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends) may
respond to you strangely if they knew the deceased was dead.
61-70 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being, and the
downloading of that person’s memories. Your original is still alive, so your
existence is illegal. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends)
may respond to you strangely, as you may not remember interacting with them
(your original did).
71-80 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being with a false
set of constructed memories. Your original is still alive, so your existence is
illegal. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends) may respond to
you strangely, as you have no memory of them. If discovered, you will be treated
as a replicant.
81-90 Non-terran: You are an escaped representative of a foreign world. While you
are 99.8% human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors
were earthbound. If you are discovered by the government, you may be shipped
back to your world of origin.
91-100 Jaffa: You are a former slave-soldier of the Goa’uld. While you are 99.8%
human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors were
earthbound. You have the equivalent of Nanosurgeons and Toxin Binders for as
long as you bear a Goa’uld symbiote, but will die within 2d3+1 days if it is killed
(20% chance on a Mortal Wound to areas 3-4) or removed.

01-20 Hybrid: You have genetic material that is not human. You may choose skills
from psionicist careers as pick up skills.
21-30 Moreau: You are a genetically modified animal. Set up a moreau template with
the referee.
31-40 Replicant: You are the result of illegal human DNA experimentation, and will be
put to death if discovered. All of your background rolls must be from physical,
mental, or training, and negative rolls of under 10/100 are rerolled.
41-50 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being, and the
downloading of that person’s memories. Your original is dead, and you are
replacing them. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends) may
respond to you strangely if they knew the deceased was dead.
51-60 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being, and the
downloading of that person’s memories. Your original is still alive, so your
existence is illegal. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends)
may respond to you strangely, as you may not remember interacting with them
(your original did).
61-70 Clone: You are the result of the cloning of another human being with a false
set of constructed memories. Your original is still alive, so your existence is
illegal. Others who knew you (connections, contacts and friends) may respond to
you strangely, as you have no memory of them. If discovered, you will be treated
as a replicant.
71-80 Non-terran: You are an escaped representative of a foreign world. While you
are 99.8% human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors
were earthbound. If you are discovered by the government, you may be shipped
back to your world of origin.
81-90 Cyber-Evolved: You have contracted the Carbon Plague, and are no longer
considered human. Do to the nature of the plague, its virulence, and the
inhumane nature of its sufferers, you may be targeted for capture,
experimentation, or even summary execution.
91-100 Jaffa: You are a former slave-soldier of the Goa’uld. While you are 99.8%
human, you are slightly different from those humans whose ancestors were
earthbound. You have the equivalent of Nanosurgeons and Toxin Binders for as
long as you bear a Goa’uld symbiote, but will die within 2d3+1 days if it is killed
(20% chance on a Mortal Wound to areas 3-4) or removed.

Physical Handicap Sub Table (Starred * items are correctable through nanotech surgery
at 10000eb; +Items are correctable through cyberware, see the referee)

01-08 +Quadriplegia: The PC is paralyzed from the neck down.

09-16 +Paraplegia: The PC is paralyzed from the waist down.
17-20 +Blind in One Eye: The eye may be replaced.
21-24 +Blind in Both Eyes: The eyes may be replaced.
25-28 +Deaf: Cyberaudio will cure the problem.
29-32 *Deaf: Nerve damage renders cyberaudio useless without nano-surgery.
33-40 +Mute: Cyber-vocal enhancements will repair this.
41-48 Hunchback: The PC suffers from a hunched back, reducing ATT by 2.
49-55 *Paralyzed Limb: 25% chance for each, due to nerve damage.
55-71 +Missing Limb: The PC is missing one or more limbs (1d10: 1-4: 1 limb; 5-7:
two limbs; 8-9: 3 limbs; 10: all 4 limbs). They may be replaced with
72-79 +Severe Limp: The PC suffers from a severe limp, reducing his MA by 1+1d4.
80-87 *Brain Damage: The PC’s TECH and INT are reduced by 2 each, but these
points may be regained through expensive nano-surgery.
88-95 +Asthma: The PC suffers from asthma in any stressful situation (Average COOL
test to avoid). He is at -4 to BOD and MA during an attack (1d4+1 Minutes).
96-100 +Blind and Deaf: The PC is both blind and deaf.

Powerful Enemy/Rival Sub Table

Roll 1d10: Odd is Male, Even is Female

01-07 Ex-Friend. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).

08-15 Ex-Lover. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character, do not roll for sex).
16-23 Sibling/Relative Rivalry. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
24-30 Childhood Enemy/Rival/Bully. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
31-38 Person Working for You. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
39-45 Person You Work for/Employer/Superior/Patron. (Roll as a Mentor).
46-52 Partner/Co-Worker. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
53-60 Booster Gang Member. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
61-68 Corporate Executive. (Roll as a Mentor).
69-75 Government Official. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
76-83 Professional Rival. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
84-90 Underworld/Extortion Enemy. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
91-100 Random/Unknown/Stranger/Psychotic. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).

Whose fault was it?

01-04 You started it.
05-08 They started it.
09-10 Who cares? You both hate each other, and that’s just the way it is (You’ve
essentially forgotten who was at fault…).

The Cause
01-10 Embarrassed/Humiliated/Caused the other to lose “face” or status.
11-20 Caused the loss of a lover/friend/relative.
21-30 Chauvinistic disagreement (Racial/religious/political/etc…).
31-40 Accused the other of cowardice/other personal flaw.
41-50 Caused a physical handicap (see Subtable).
51-60 Deserted or betrayed the other.
61-70 Turned down the others offer of a job or romantic involvement.
71-80 You just didn’t like each other/had a falling out.
81-90 You were romantic rivals/in a love triangle.
91-100 Foiled the other’s plan.

Who has their back?

01-30 No body he knows (He can always pay cash, though…).
31-50 He has a few friends (2d3 Average NPC’s).
51-70 A small gang/squad/office/family (2d3 Minor Supporting Characters and 2d3+6
Average NPC’s).
71-80 A large gang/unit/division/family/pack (2d3 Major Supporting Characters, 2d3+6
Minor Supporting Characters, and 1d3x10 Average NPC’s).
81-90 The resources of a moderate multinational corporation/military unit/nomad
pack/crime syndicate/multi-city gang.
91-100 Government Agency/Zaibatsu/Armed Force/etc…

What do they plan to do about it (assuming it’s not you who’s pissed)?
01-20 Go into a murderous, killing rage and rip the other’s face off.
21-40 Avoid the scum.
41-60 Backstab the other indirectly.
61-80 Ignore the scum.
81-100 Rip into the other verbally.

Background Tables
Parents: If nothing happened to them yet, roll 1d10:
1-6: Both Living, go to Family Status
7-10: Something has happened to one or both parents, go to Something Happened

Something Happened, roll 1d10:

1: Parent(s) died in a war
2: Parent(s) died in an accident
3: Parent(s) were murdered
4: Parent(s) lost you, and have no idea who or where you are
5: You never knew your parent(s)
6: Parent(s) are in hiding to protect you
7: Parent(s) are missing, but your extended family raised you
8: Parent(s) are missing in action, and you grew up on the street
9: Parent(s) gave you up for adoption
10: Parent(s) sold you for money
Now, go to Family Status

Family Status, roll 1d10:

1-6: Your family status is in danger, go to Family Tragedy
7-10: Everything is fine, go to Childhood Environment
Family Tragedy, roll 1d10:
1: Family lost everything through betrayal
2: Family lost everything through bad management
3: Family exiled or otherwise driven from their original home/nation/corporation
4: Family imprisoned, you alone escaped
5: Family vanished, you alone remain (do not roll for Family Contact)
6: Family murdered/killed, with you as the lone survivor (do not roll for Family
Contact or Siblings)
7: Family involved in a long-term conspiracy, organization or association, with you
on the outside
8: Family scattered to the winds do to misfortune
9: Family is cursed with a hereditary feud that has lasted for generations
10: You are the inheritor of a family debt; you must honor this debt before moving on
with your life
Now, go to Childhood Environment

Childhood Environment
Roll 1d10:
1-2: Childhood Trauma, Roll 1d10:
1: Was in a terrible accident
2: Mistreated/abused by parents.
3: Parent(s) lost their job.
4: Became violently ill with some disease.
5: Was horribly humiliated in front of peers.
6: Home destroyed in fire/war/riots/disaster.
7: Was tormented by gang/police.
8: Witnessed as close friend/family member was killed.
9: Held hostage for short period of time.
10: Hunted by stalker.
Go to Environment
3-10: Everything was basically OK; Go to Environment

Roll 1d10
1: Spent on the street with no adult supervision.
2: Spent at home with little adult supervision.
3: Grew up working for parents from very young age.
4: Grew up hanging out with the local youth gang.
5: Grew up hanging out with tight group of close friends.
6: Under the supervision of older sibling or relative.
7: Grew up in boarding school/with mentor or teacher.
8: Grew up under the close supervision of a 'nanny'.
9: Under the close supervision of a restrictive family.
10: Under the close supervision of a loving family.
Now, go to Family Contact
Family Contact
1: 5+ years no contact with any family members.
2-3: Only annual contact with one family member.
4-5: Only annual contact with core family.
6: Regular contact (monthly) with one family member.
7: Regular contact with core family.
8: Regular contact with core family & close contact with one family member.
9: Close contact with core family.
10: Close contact with core and extended family.
Go to Siblings

You may have up to 7 brothers/sisters. Roll 1d10: On a 1-7 you have that many
siblings, an 8-10 indicates an only child.
1) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for sex: Odd is male, even female.
2) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for age:
1-5: Older
6-9: Younger
10: Twin/Multiple
3) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for their opinion of you:
1-2: Dislikes you
3-4: Likes you
5-6: Neutral
7-8: Hero worships you
9-10: Hates you

3) Motivations
Roll 1d100 for Ex-Mode, or how the character portrays themselves in public:
01-03: Antisocial/Solitary
04-06: Spacey
07-09: Shy/Secretive
10-12: Shy/Quiet
13-15: Rebellious/Antisocial/Violent
16-18: Intellectual/Detached/Sober
19-21: Moody/Rash/Headstrong
22-24: Intuitive/Spiritual
25-27: Picky/Fussy/Nervous
28-34: Diplomatic/Courteous
35-37: Silly/Manic/Fluffheaded
38-40: Sneaky/Deceptive
41-43: Friendly/Helpful
44-46: Friendly/Outgoing/Sociable
47-50: Arrogant/Rude/Proud and Aloof
51-60: Forceful/Aggressive
61-70: Suspicious/Nervous
71-75: Guilty/Depressive
76-82: Antagonistic/Hostile
83-90: Cheerful/Fluff-headed
91-95: Angry/Quick-Tempered
96-00: Assured/Stylish
Go to In-Mode

Roll 1d100 for In-Mode, or how the character thinks and acts in private:
01-03: Optimist
04-06: Pessimist
07-09: Hedonist
10-12: Suspicious
13-15: Egotist
16-18: Mischievous
19-21: Curious
22-24: Moody
25-27: Trusting
28-30: Opinionated
31-33: Treacherous
34-36: Malevolent
37-39: Forgiving
40-42: Unforgiving
43-45: Vengeful
46-48: Jealous
49-51: Lazy
52-54: Driven
55-57: Cowardly
58-60: Brave
61-63: Honest
64-66: Ponderous
67-69: Scheming
70-72: Skeptic
73-75: Manipulative
76-78: Greedy
79-81: Pious
82-84: Lustful
85-88: Perverse
89-91: Nihilistic
92-94: Honorable
95-99: Compassionate
100: Sociopath
Go to Personal Values

Roll 1d10 for your personal values:

1: Money is your god
2: Honor or “Face” is everything
3: Your word; once given it will never be broken
4: Honesty and integrity
5: Knowledge is power
6: Vengeance; you will make them pay
7: Love is all you need
8: Power, at whatever cost
9: A good time; if it isn’t fun, why do it?
10: Friendship
Go to Who You Value Most

Roll 1d10 for who you value most:

1: A parent, or someone like a parent to you
2: A sibling, or someone you think of that way
3: Your lover
4: A friend
5: Yourself
6: A pet
7: A teacher or mentor
8: A public figure
9: A personal hero
10: No one, everyone has the same intrinsic worth
Go to Most Valued Possession

Roll 1d10 for your most valued possession:

1: A weapon
2: A tool of your trade (non-weapon)
3: A piece of clothing
4: A Photograph
5: A book or diary
6: A recording
7: A musical instrument
8: A piece of jewelry
9: A toy
10: A letter
Go to How You View Most People

Roll 1d10 for how you view most people:

1-2: Neutral, judge them as they come
3: You like most everyone
4: You hate most everyone
5: People are tools; you use them for your own goals, and discard them when they
are no longer useful
6: Every person is a valuable individual, with their own intrinsic worth
7: People are obstacles to be destroyed if they get in your way
8: People are untrustworthy. You don’t depend on anyone
9: They are all scum. Wipe ‘em out and give the place to the cockroaches
10: People are wonderful; you love the infinite variety

4) Life Events
Roll 1d10 for each year of life, starting at age 17:
1-4 Friends and Enemies
1-4: Make a Friend
5-8: Make an Enemy
9-10: Lose a Friend (Sadly, if you have made no friends, roll as Make an
5-6: Romantic Involvement
7-10: Big Problems/Big Wins
1-5: Disaster Strikes
6-10: You Get Lucky

Make a Friend:
Roll for sex (1d10): Odd male, even female, then roll 1d10:
1: Like a big brother/sister
2: Like a kid brother/sister
3: A teacher or mentor
4: Partner or Co-worker
5: A former lover (do not roll sex)
6: A former enemy (Pick one)
7: Like a foster parent to you
8: A relative
9: Re-connect with a childhood friend
10: Meet through common interests

Make an Enemy and Powerful Enemy/Rival Sub Table

Roll 1d10: Odd is Male, Even is Female

01-07 Ex-Friend. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).

08-15 Ex-Lover. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character, do not roll for sex).
16-23 Sibling/Relative Rivalry. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
24-30 Childhood Enemy/Rival/Bully. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
31-38 Person Working for You. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
39-45 Person You Work for/Employer/Superior/Patron. (Roll as a Mentor).
46-52 Partner/Co-Worker. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
53-60 Booster Gang Member. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
61-68 Corporate Executive. (Roll as a Mentor).
69-75 Government Official. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
76-83 Professional Rival. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
84-90 Underworld/Extortion Enemy. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
91-100 Random/Unknown/Stranger/Psychotic. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
Go to Whose Fault Was It

Whose fault was it?

01-04 You started it (Go to What do they plan to do about it).
05-08 They started it (Go to The Cause).
09-10 Who cares? You both hate each other, and that’s just the way it is (You’ve
essentially forgotten who was at fault…(Go to What do they plan to do about

What do they plan to do about it (assuming it’s not you who’s pissed)?
01-20 Go into a murderous, killing rage and rip the other’s face off.
21-40 Avoid the scum.
41-60 Backstab the other indirectly.
61-80 Ignore the scum.
81-100 Rip into the other verbally.
Go to The Cause

The Cause
01-10 Embarrassed/Humiliated/Caused the other to lose “face” or status.
11-20 Caused the loss of a lover/friend/relative.
21-30 Chauvinistic disagreement (Racial/religious/political/etc…).
31-40 Accused the other of cowardice/other personal flaw.
41-50 Caused a physical handicap (see Subtable).
51-60 Deserted or betrayed the other.
61-70 Turned down the others offer of a job or romantic involvement.
71-80 You just didn’t like each other/had a falling out.
81-90 You were romantic rivals/in a love triangle.
91-100 Foiled the other’s plan.
Go to Who Has Their Back

Who has their back?

01-30 No body he knows (He can always pay cash, though…).
31-50 He has a few friends (2d3 Average NPC’s).
51-70 A small gang/squad/office/family (2d3 Minor Supporting Characters and 2d3+6
Average NPC’s).
71-80 A large gang/unit/division/family/pack (2d3 Major Supporting Characters, 2d3+6
Minor Supporting Characters, and 1d3x10 Average NPC’s).
81-90 The resources of a moderate multinational corporation/military unit/nomad
pack/crime syndicate/multi-city gang.
91-100 Government Agency/Zaibatsu/Armed Force/etc…

Lose a Friend:
Choose from among the friends you have, and roll 1d10:
1: Died in an accident (Roll for the responsible party as if for an Enemy)
2: Mysteriously vanished
3: Just drifted apart
4: A personal goal or vendetta came between you
5: Kidnapped (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
6: Went insane (Roll on the Mental Illness subtable)
7: Committed suicide
8: Turned on you (Roll as an Enemy)
9: Imprisoned or exiled (Roll on the Crimes subtable for the charge)
10: Killed in a fight (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)

Romantic Involvement:
Roll 1d10:
1-4: Happy love affair
5: Tragic love affair (Go to Tragedy)
6-7: Love affair with problems (Go to Problems)
8-10: Fast affairs and hot dates

Roll 1d10:
1: Died in an accident (Roll for the responsible party as if for an Enemy)
2: Mysteriously vanished
3: It “didn’t work out”
4: A personal goal or vendetta came between you
5: Kidnapped (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
6: Went insane (Roll on the Mental Illness subtable)
7: Committed suicide
8: A rival cut you out of the action (Roll as an Enemy, they caused it, love triangle)
9: Imprisoned or exiled (Roll on the Crimes subtable for the charge)
10: Killed in a fight (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
(Go to Feelings)

Roll 1d10:
1: They still love you (if alive)
2: You still love them (or their memory)
3: You still love each other (if they are alive)
4: You hate them (or their memory)
5: They hate you (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
6: You hate each other (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
7: You’re still friends (if they are alive)
8: No feelings either way, it’s just over
9: You like them, they hate you (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
10: You hate them, they like you (if they are alive)

Roll 1d10:
1: Their friends/relatives hate you (roll as an Enemy, but add +20 to the What do
they plan to do about it roll)
2: Their friends/relatives would do anything to be rid of you (roll as an Enemy, but
they plan to kill you)
3: Your friends/relatives hate your lover
4: One of you has a romantic rival
5: You are separated in some way
6: You fight constantly
7: You are professional rivals
8: They are insanely jealous
9: One of you is “messing around”
10: You have conflicting backgrounds and families

Disaster Strikes:
Roll 1d10:
1: Financial loss or debt: You owe out 1d10 x100eb. Pay out of starting cash, or
start looking over your shoulder…
2: Imprisonment: You have been imprisoned or held hostage (add 1d10 for age,
rolling Prison events during this time).
3: Illness or addiction: Roll on the Addiction table, or lose a point of REF, BOD,
or MA (your choice) due to the long term effects of your illness.
4: Betrayal: You are betrayed. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Blackmail; 4-7: A secret was
exposed (roll on the Dark Family Secrets table); 8-10: Betrayed by a friend in
either romance or career (You choose).
5: Accident: You were in an accident. 1-4: Roll on the Physical Handicap table;
5-6: Hospitalized and in therapy for 1d10 months; 7-8: Lost 1d10 months in a
coma; 9-10: Nightmares of the accident cause loss of sleep on 8 of 10 nights.
6: Lover, friend or relative killed (you choose). Roll 1d10: 1-5: Died in an
accident; 6-8: Murdered by parties unknown; 9-10: Murdered, and you know
who did the deed, you just need proof (as an Enemy, they did it, caused loss of
lover or friend).
7: False Accusation: Roll 1d10: 1-3: Theft; 4-5: Cowardice; 6-8: Murder; 9:
Rape; 10: Lying or betrayal.
8: Hunted by the law: Roll on the Crimes table for why, and 1d10 for who: 1-3: A
couple of local cops think you did it; 4-6: The whole local force; 7-8: State cops;
9-10: FBI or other national police agency.
9: Hunted by a Corporation: Roll 1d10: 1-3: Small, local company; 4-6: Slightly
larger, with statewide offices; 7-8: Big, national corporation, with offices across
the country; 9-10: Huge zaibatsu, with armies, ninjas, and spies everywhere…
10: Mental or Physical incapacitation: You have experienced some type of mental or
physical breakdown. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Physical injury (roll on the Physical
Handicap table); 4-7: Mental breakdown (roll on the Mental Illness table); 8-10:
Tragic injury (roll once on the Physical Handicap table and once on the
Neurological Disorders table).

You Got Lucky:

Roll 1d10:
1: Powerful Connection in the city gov’t. (roll as an Connection, Government
Admin. Level 1d3+1)
2: Financial Windfall: 1d10x100eb
3: Big Score on job or deal: 1d10x50 x Special Ability
4: Find a Sensei: Gain a Martial Art at +2, or add +1 to an existing Art
5: Find a Teacher: Gain a non-combat skill at +2, or add +1 to an existing skill
6: Powerful Corporate Exec owes you a favor (As Connection, with Resources of
7: Nomad Pack befriends you. Gain Kith at +4
8: Friend on the Police Force (Roll as a Connection)
9: Local Booster Gang befriends you (roll as a Connection)
10: Find a Combat Teacher: Gain a Weapon Skill at +2, or add +1 to an existing Skill

Roll 1d10 for each year of life, starting at enlistment:
1-4 Friends and Enemies
1-4: Make a Friend
5-8: Make an Enemy
9-10: Lose a Friend (Sadly, if you have made no friends, roll as Make an
5-6: Romantic Involvement
7-10: Big Problems/Big Wins
1-5: Disaster Strikes
6-10: You Get Lucky

Make a Friend:
Roll for sex (1d10): Odd male, even female, then roll 1d10:
1: Like a big brother/sister
2: Like a kid brother/sister
3: A teacher or mentor
4: Partner or Co-worker
5: A former lover (do not roll sex)
6: A former enemy (Pick one)
7: Like a foster parent to you
8: A relative
9: Re-connect with a childhood friend
10: Meet through common interests

Make an Enemy and Powerful Enemy/Rival Sub Table

Roll 1d10: Odd is Male, Even is Female

01-07 Ex-Friend. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).

08-15 Ex-Lover. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character, do not roll for sex).
16-23 Relative. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
24-30 Childhood Enemy/Rival/Bully. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
31-60 Squad Mate. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
61-75 Commanding Officer. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
76-83 Other Officer. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
84-90 Squad Sergeant. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
91-100 Random/Unknown/Stranger/Psychotic. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
Go to Whose Fault Was It

Whose fault was it?

01-04 You started it (Go to What do they plan to do about it).
05-08 They started it (Go to The Cause).
09-10 Who cares? You both hate each other, and that’s just the way it is (You’ve
essentially forgotten who was at fault…(Go to What do they plan to do about

What do they plan to do about it (assuming it’s not you who’s pissed)?
01-20 Go into a murderous, killing rage and rip the other’s face off.
21-40 Avoid the scum.
41-60 Backstab the other indirectly.
61-80 Ignore the scum.
81-100 Rip into the other verbally.
Go to The Cause

The Cause
01-10 Embarrassed/Humiliated/Caused the other to lose “face” or status.
11-20 Caused the loss of a lover/friend/relative.
21-30 Chauvinistic disagreement (Racial/religious/political/etc…).
31-40 Accused the other of cowardice/other personal flaw.
41-50 Caused a physical handicap (see Subtable).
51-60 Deserted or betrayed the other.
61-70 Turned down the others offer of a job or romantic involvement.
71-80 You just didn’t like each other/had a falling out.
81-90 You were romantic rivals/in a love triangle.
91-100 Foiled the other’s plan.

Go to Who Has Their Back

Who has their back?

01-30 No body he knows (He can always pay cash, though…).
31-50 He has a few friends (2d3 Average NPC’s).
51-70 A small gang/squad/office/family (2d3 Minor Supporting Characters and 2d3+6
Average NPC’s).
71-80 A large gang/unit/division/family/pack (2d3 Major Supporting Characters, 2d3+6
Minor Supporting Characters, and 1d3x10 Average NPC’s).
81-90 The resources of a moderate multinational corporation/military unit/nomad
pack/crime syndicate/multi-city gang.
91-100 Government Agency/Zaibatsu/Armed Force/etc…

Lose a Friend:
Choose from among the friends you have, and roll 1d10:
1: Died in an accident (Roll for the responsible party as if for an Enemy)
2: MIA
3: Transferred or Shipped Home
4: A personal goal or vendetta came between you
5: Kidnapped (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
6: Went insane (Roll on the Mental Illness subtable)
7: Committed suicide
8: Turned on you (Roll as an Enemy)
9: POW
10: KIA

Romantic Involvement:
Roll 1d10:
1-4: Happy love affair
5: Tragic love affair (Go to Tragedy)
6-7: Love affair with problems (Go to Problems)
8-10: Fast affairs and hot dates

Roll 1d10:
1: Died in an accident (Roll for the responsible party as if for an Enemy)
2: Mysteriously vanished
3: It “didn’t work out”
4: A personal goal or vendetta came between you
5: Kidnapped (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
6: Went insane (Roll on the Mental Illness subtable)
7: Committed suicide
8: A rival cut you out of the action (Roll as an Enemy, they caused it, love triangle)
9: Imprisoned or exiled (Roll on the Crimes subtable for the charge)
10: Killed in a fight (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
(Go to Feelings)

Roll 1d10:
1: They still love you (if alive)
2: You still love them (or their memory)
3: You still love each other (if they are alive)
4: You hate them (or their memory)
5: They hate you (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
6: You hate each other (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
7: You’re still friends (if they are alive)
8: No feelings either way, it’s just over
9: You like them, they hate you (if alive, roll as an Enemy, ex-lover, loss of lover)
10: You hate them, they like you (if they are alive)

Roll 1d10:
1: Their friends/relatives hate you (roll as an enemy, but add +20 to the What do
they plan to do about it roll)
2: Their friends/relatives would do anything to be rid of you (roll as an Enemy, but
they plan to kill you)
3: Your friends/relatives hate your lover
4: One of you has a romantic rival
5: They’re back in “The World”
6: You fight constantly
7: You are professional rivals
8: They are insanely jealous
9: One of you is “messing around”
10: Your on opposite sides

Disaster Strikes:
Roll 1d10:
1: Financial loss or debt: You owe out 1d10 x100eb. Pay out of starting cash.
2: In the Brig: You have been imprisoned or held hostage (add 1d10 for age,
rolling Prison events during this time).
3: Illness or addiction: Roll on the Addiction table, or lose a point of REF, BOD,
or MA (your choice) due to the long term effects of your illness. You also cannot
test for Promotion or Special Forces this year.
4: Betrayal: You are betrayed. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Blackmail; 4-7: A secret was
exposed (roll on the Dark Family Secrets table); 8-10: Betrayed by a friend in
either romance or career (You choose).
5: Injury: You were injured. 1-4: Military surgeons cost you -2 ATT; 5-6:
Hospitalized and in therapy for 1d10 months; 7-8: Lost 1d10 months in a coma;
9-10: Nightmares of the accident cause loss of sleep on 8 of 10 nights, and you
flashback on a failed Easy COOL test if under stress. You also cannot test for
Promotion or Special Forces this year.
6: Lover, friend or relative killed (you choose). Roll 1d10: 1-5: Died in an
accident; 6-8: Murdered by parties unknown; 9-10: Murdered, and you know
who did the deed, you just need proof (as an Enemy, they did it, caused loss of
lover or friend).
7: False Accusation: Roll 1d10: 1-3: Theft; 4-6: Cowardice under fire; 7-8: Black
Marketeering; 9: Rape; 10: Murder. You also cannot test for Promotion or
Special Forces this year.
8: Dishonorable Discharge: Lose all privileges of rank, and you are mustered out
with only 1000eb. Obviously you cannot test for promotion or Special Forces.
9: Honorable Discharge: You muster out immediately with all normal benefits.
10: Mental or Physical incapacitation: You have experienced some type of mental or
physical breakdown. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Physical injury (roll on the Physical
Handicap table); 4-7: Mental breakdown (roll on the Mental Illness table); 8-10:
Tragic injury (roll once on the Physical Handicap table and once on the
Neurological Disorders table). You also cannot test for Promotion or Special
Forces this year.

You Got Lucky:

Roll 1d10:
1: Powerful Connection. Roll A 1d10: 1-4 Fixer/Black Marketeer, buy Military
Equipment at half price; 5-7: Make a friend in the Brass, +5 to Promotion tests;
8-10: Special Forces officer, +5 to Special Forces entry tests.
2: Financial Windfall: 1d10x100eb
3: Cyber Windfall: 1d10x100 in cash, or twice that in cyberware.
4: Find a Sensei: Gain a Martial Art at +2, or add +1 to an existing Art
5: Find a Teacher: Gain a non-combat skill at +2, or add +1 to an existing skill
6: Ranker owes you a favor (As Connection, with Rank of
7: Mercenary Unit befriends you. You have a Connection at +2, or can call in the
favor once.
8: Friend in Military Intelligence (Roll as a Connection)
9: Heroism: Advance 1 Rank automatically, and earn 1d10x100eb in bonus.
10: Find a Combat Teacher: Gain a Weapon Skill at +2, or add +1 to an existing Skill
1) Personal Style, Ethnicity, and Idiosyncrasies
What do you look like?

Roll (1d10) Clothes Affectations Hairstyle

1 Tribal Dress Scaring/Branding Dreads

2 Paramilitary Tattoos Shaved

3 Leathers Jewelry Natural, Long

4 Denim Piercings Short, Neat

5 Generic Chic Hats/Caps Colored

6 Coveralls Gloves/Boots Braids/Wraps

7 Ethnic Dress Face Paint/Makeup Wild and All

8 Short, Open Skin Tints Spiked

9 Normal Clothes Goggles and Gear Shoulder Length

10 Mixed Styles (roll 2) Mixed (roll 2) Mohawk

Ethnicity and Idiosyncrasies are rolled on the standard charts

2) Family Background
Growing up ‘Punk:
Use the Nomad Brat, with standard Background tables, but roll other
information on the following:
Parents: If nothing happened to them yet, roll 1d10:
1: Child of a single mother, father unknown, go to Family Status
2: Child of a widow(er)/divorcee, go to Family Status
3: Two parent family, go to Family Status
4: Child of a group marriage arrangement, go to Family Status
5: Orphan, Refugee, or runaway, go to Family Status
6: Feral Child, go to Family Status
7-10: Something has happened to one or both parents, go to Something Happened

Something Happened, roll 1d10:

1: Parent(s) died in a war
2: Parent(s) died in an accident
3: Parent(s) were murdered
4: Parent(s) lost you, and have no idea who or where you are
5: You never knew your parent(s)
6: Parent(s) are in hiding to protect you
7: Parent(s) are missing, but your extended family raised you
8: Parent(s) are missing in action, and you grew up on the street
9: Parent(s) gave you up for adoption
10: Parent(s) sold you for money
Now, go to Family Status

Family Status, roll 1d10:

1-8: Your family status with the clan is fine, go to Childhood Environment
7-10: Your family is not in good standing with the pack, go to Family Tragedy

Family Tragedy, roll 1d6:

1: Family expelled from the pack for breaking the Code
2: Family are the last survivors of some small pack
3: Family was unable to travel with the pack
4: Family was separated from the pack somehow
5: Family held responsible for some misfortune that struck the pack
6: Family involved in an intra-pack fued
Now, go to Childhood Environment

Childhood Environment
Roll 1d10:
1-2: Childhood Trauma, Roll 1d10:
1: Was in a terrible accident
2: Mistreated/abused by parents.
3: Parent(s) lost their job.
4: Became violently ill with some disease.
5: Was horribly humiliated in front of peers.
6: Home destroyed in fire/war/riots/disaster.
7: Was tormented by gang/police.
8: Witnessed as close friend/family member was killed.
9: Held hostage for short period of time.
10: Hunted by stalker.
Go to Environment
9-10: No major trauma; Go to Environment

Roll 1d6
1: Spent happily, doing the Nomad thing.
2: Spent unhappily, do to circumstances beyond your control.
3: Spent away from your family (use the standard Environment chart).
4: Spent away from the main body of the pack.
5: Spent in a juvenile institution (use the standard Environment chart).
6: Spent on the street (use the standard Environment chart).
Now, go to Family Contact

Family Contact
1: 5+ years no contact with any family members.
2-3: Only annual contact with one family member.
4-5: Only annual contact with core family.
6: Regular contact (monthly) with one family member.
7: Regular contact with core family.
8: Regular contact with core family & close contact with one family member.
9: Close contact with core family.
10: Close contact with core and extended family.

You may have up to 7 brothers/sisters. Roll 1d10: On a 1-7 you have that many
siblings, an 8-10 indicates an only child.
1) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for sex: Odd is male, even female.
2) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for age: Odd is younger, even older
3) For each sibling, roll 1d10 for their opinion of you:
1-2: Dislikes you
3-4: Likes you
5-6: Neutral
7-8: Very close
9-10: Hates you

3) Motivations
Roll 1d100 for Ex-Mode, or how the character portrays themselves in public(these
are more limited, as antisocial and rebellious members either choose to leave or are
forced out of the tightly-bound network of the pack):
01-04: Neutral
05-08: Shy/Secretive
09-12: Shy/Quiet
13-15: Compulsive
16-18: Intellectual/Detached/Sober
19-21: Moody/Rash/Headstrong
22-24: Intuitive/Spiritual
25-27: Picky/Fussy/Nervous
28-30: Indifferent to Outsiders
31-34: Diplomatic/Courteous
35-37: Silly/Manic/Fluffheaded
38-40: Cautious
41-43: Friendly/Helpful
44-46: Friendly/Outgoing/Sociable
47-48: Perfectionist
49-50: Arrogant/Rude/Proud and Aloof
51-55: Altruistic
56-60: Forceful/Aggressive
61-65: Defensive
66-70: Suspicious/Nervous
71-75: Guilty/Depressive
76-90: Cheerful/Fluff-headed
91-95: Angry/Quick-Tempered
96-00: Assured/Stylish

Roll In-Mode normally

Roll 1d10 for your personal values:

1: The Pack
2: Money is your god
3: Personal Integrity or Honor and “Face”
4: Honesty
5: Knowledge is power
6: Vengeance; you will make them pay
7: A good time; if it isn’t fun, why do it?
8: Power, at whatever cost
9: Skill
10: Friendship

Roll 1d10 for who you value most:

1: Your family
2: A sibling, or someone you think of that way
3: A friend
4: Your lover or ex-lover
5: The Pack in general
6: Yourself or No one, everyone has the same intrinsic worth
7: A Pet
8: A personal icon or hero
9: A religious leader
10: A teacher or mentor

Most Valued Possession is rolled normally

Roll 1d6 for how you view most people:

1: Indifferent
2: Neutral and negative
3: Neutral and positive
4: Refuse to judge till you know them
5: People are tools; you use them for your own goals, and discard them when they
are no longer useful
6: People are basically good
Prison Events
Each year in prison a character rolls 1d10 on the following table:
1-2: Make a Friend
3-4: Make an Enemy
5-6: Lose a Friend
7-8: Disaster Strikes
9-10: You Get Lucky

Make a Friend:
Roll for sex (1d10): Odd male, even female, then roll 1d10:
1: Like a big brother/sister
2: Like a kid brother/sister
3: A teacher or mentor
4: Partner or Co-worker
5: Cellmate
6: A former enemy (Pick one)
7: Like a foster parent to you
8: A relative
9: Re-connect with a childhood friend
10: Meet through common interests

Make an Enemy and Powerful Enemy/Rival Sub Table

Roll 1d10: Odd is Male, Even is Female

01-07 Ex-Friend. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).

08-15 Ex-Cellmate. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
16-23 Sibling/Relative Rivalry. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
24-30 Childhood Enemy/Rival/Bully. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
31-38 Person Working for You. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
39-45 Person You Work for/Employer/Superior/Patron. (Roll as a Mentor).
46-52 Partner/Co-Worker. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
53-60 Booster Gang Member. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
61-68 Corporate Executive. (Roll as a Mentor).
69-75 Government Official. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
76-83 Professional Rival. (Roll as a Minor Hero).
84-90 Underworld/Extortion Enemy. (Roll as a Minor Supporting Character).
91-100 Random/Unknown/Stranger/Psychotic. (Roll as a Major Supporting Character).
Go to Whose Fault Was It

Whose fault was it?

01-04 You started it (Go to What do they plan to do about it).
05-08 They started it (Go to The Cause).
09-10 Who cares? You both hate each other, and that’s just the way it is (You’ve
essentially forgotten who was at fault…(Go to What do they plan to do about

What do they plan to do about it (assuming it’s not you who’s pissed)?
01-20 Go into a murderous, killing rage and rip the other’s face off.
21-40 Avoid the scum.
41-60 Backstab the other indirectly.
61-80 Ignore the scum.
81-100 Rip into the other verbally.
Go to The Cause

The Cause
01-10 Embarrassed/Humiliated/Caused the other to lose “face” or status.
11-20 Caused the loss of a lover/friend/relative.
21-30 Chauvinistic disagreement (Racial/religious/political/etc…).
31-40 Accused the other of cowardice/other personal flaw.
41-50 Caused a physical handicap (see Subtable).
51-60 Deserted or betrayed the other.
61-70 Turned down the others offer of a job or romantic involvement.
71-80 You just didn’t like each other/had a falling out.
81-90 You were romantic rivals/in a love triangle.
91-100 Foiled the other’s plan.
Go to Who Has Their Back

Who has their back?

01-30 No body he knows (He can always pay cash, though…).
31-50 He has a few friends (2d3 Average NPC’s).
51-70 A small gang/squad/office/family (2d3 Minor Supporting Characters and 2d3+6
Average NPC’s).
71-80 A large gang/unit/division/family/pack (2d3 Major Supporting Characters, 2d3+6
Minor Supporting Characters, and 1d3x10 Average NPC’s).
81-90 The resources of a moderate multinational corporation/military unit/nomad
pack/crime syndicate/multi-city gang.
91-100 Government Agency/Zaibatsu/Armed Force/etc…

Lose a Friend:
Choose from among the friends you have, and roll 1d10:
1: Died in an accident (Roll for the responsible party as if for an Enemy)
2: Mysteriously vanished
3: Just drifted apart
4: A personal goal or vendetta came between you
5: Kidnapped (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
6: Went insane (Roll on the Mental Illness subtable)
7: Committed suicide
8: Turned on you (Roll as an Enemy)
9: Braindanced
10: Killed in a fight (Roll for the perpetrator as if for an Enemy)
Disaster Strikes:
Roll 1d10:
1: Horribly Scarred either while being interrogated, punished, or in a fight or brawl
the prison. -1 ATT
2: BrainBurned. You have been braindance conditioned into not performing
whatever it was that sent you to jail. Make a cool roll at -2 whenever you attempt
to break this BrainBurn. If you fail you cannot break the conditioning..
3: Illness or addiction: Roll on the Addiction table, or lose a point of REF, BOD,
or MA (your choice) due to the long term effects of your illness.
4: Betrayal: You are betrayed. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Blackmail; 4-7: A secret was
exposed (roll on the Dark Family Secrets table); 8-10: Betrayed by a friend.
5: Accident: You were in an accident. 1-4: Roll on the Physical Handicap table;
5-6: Hospitalized and in therapy for 1d10 months; 7-8: Lost 1d10 months in a
coma; 9-10: Nightmares of the accident cause loss of sleep on 8 of 10 nights.
6: Ingrained Hatred of Authority Figures. (Make a cool roll at -2 to not freak when
authority comes down on you or to attempt to deal with any authority figures in
day to day activities such as security checks, etc).
7: False Accusation: Roll 1d10: 1-3: Theft; 4-5: Cowardice; 6-8: Murder; 9:
Rape; 10: Lying or betrayal.
8: You were the subject of a tailored disease or chemical experiments without your
knowledge or consent. (lose a point of REF or BOD).
9: Collect a Debt. You managed to pick up a sizeable debt this year (getting
for bribing guards, maintaining your habit, etc…). You still owe 1d10x300eb to
someone who can collect, even on the outside.
10: Mental or Physical incapacitation: You have experienced some type of mental or
physical breakdown. Roll 1d10: 1-3: Physical injury (roll on the Physical
Handicap table); 4-7: Mental breakdown (roll on the Mental Illness table); 8-10:
Tragic injury (roll once on the Physical Handicap table and once on the
Neurological Disorders table).

You Got Lucky:

Roll 1d10:
1: Crack the Books: Gain General Knowledge or an Expert/SK skill at +2, or
add +1 to an existing skill
2: Hard Physical Training. Gain +2 to one of Endurance, Strength Feat, Athletics,
Swimming, etc
3: You learned of a weapons or equipment cache from someone else on the inside
(probably left over from a heist). You collected it as soon as you were let out.
1d10 x 200eb value
4: One Year's Hard Labor. You work your ass off for a year breaking rock or
working in one of the nasty physical jobs they shaft bad prisoners with. Gain +1
5: Braindance Rehabilitation Training: Gain a non-combat skill at +2, or add +1 to
an existing skill
6: Someone owes you a favor. He's on the outside now too (As Connection, with
Special Ability of 2d3+2)
7: Nomad Pack befriends you. Gain Kith at +4
8: You pick up a new vice. Gain +2 to one of Streetwise, Pharmaceuticals, Pick
Locks, Pick Pocket, Gambling, Resist Torture/Drugs or Intimidate
9: Local Booster Gang befriends you (roll as a Connection)
10: Early Release, return to the normal Lifepath Table and roll again for this year
Aerojock Hot-shot pilots, Top Guns, and Barnstormers of 2K20.

Aircraft Sense: Full value added to Awareness/Notice while in aircraft. Full value added to Initiative
rolls and all Pilot: (Any) Maneuver rolls while in the aircraft/spacecraft. 1/2 value added to
Awareness/Notice and Initiative rolls outside the aircraft. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Astrogation; Heavy/Assault Weapons; Heavy Beam Weapons and Navigation while in the


Pay Scale: Solo

Aircraft Sense
Pilot: Aircraft
Pilot: AV/VTV
Pilot: Gyro
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Basic
Tech: (By Pilot Skill)
Delta Jock: Pilots of the extra-atmospheric
fighter craft known as Deltas, many have gone
independent from the ESA and USAF, working
as smugglers or corporate pilots.

Pay Scale: Solo

Delta Jock
Aircraft Sense
Pilot: Delta
Pilot: Aircraft
Pilot: AV
Heavy Beam Weapons
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Brotherhood (2x Cost)
Ex Military Pilot: Former Top Gun pilots
who left the service for various reasons, they hire Space Pilot: Independent or corporate pilots
out, or may have a corporate contract. of OTV’s and shuttles, they often feel more
allegiance to each other than their paymaster.
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Solo
Ex-Military Pilot
Aircraft Sense Space Pilot
Awareness Aircraft Sense
Pilot: (Any Aircraft) Awareness
Pilot: (Any Aircraft) Pilot: OTV
Tech: (Aero or AV) Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane
Pistol Space Survival
Expert/SK: Enemy Aircraft EVA
Heavy/Assault Weapons Tech: Spacecraft or Physics
Tech: Basic Tech: ‘Tronic
Navigation Tech: Basic
Social: Military or Astrogation
Brotherhood (2x Cost) Brotherhood (2x Cost)
Aquacologist Colonists of the Blue Frontier.

Sub-Sea Acclimatization: Full value added to: Area Knowledge (of some underwater area, usually
near the colony); Hide/Evade (underwater); Navigation; Nu-SCUBA; Survival: Undersea and Swimming.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Endurance (while swimming); Expert/SK Undersea Equipment;
Marine Biology; Pilot: EVPA; Pilot: Hardshell/Deep Dive Suit; Pilot: RPV (surface or submersible);
Pilot: Submersible; Pilot: Watercraft; Ride Animal (Dolphin, Whale, or Manta Ray); Ride: Hydroboard;
Strength Feat (underwater); Tech: Submersible and Underwater Combat.

General Marine: Defenders of the colony, most are

ex-military. At least they make more now.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Marine
Sub Sea Acclimatization Sub Sea Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: EVPA Pilot: EVPA
Pilot: Hardshell Pilot: Hardshell
Submarine Combat Submarine Combat
Pilot: Submersible Pilot: Submersible
Tech: Submersible Hvy/Assault Weapons
Expert/SK Undersea Equipment Rifle
Survival: Undersea Melee
Undersea Weapons Undersea Weapons

Pilot: The guys who move all the goods and

people around down there. It doesn’t pay as well Tech: The guys who fix all the stuff that goes
as corporate service, but that’s not why you wrong down in the “Big Deep”.
become an aquacologist anyway..

Pay Scale: Nomad

Pay Scale: Nomad
Sub Sea Acclimatization Tech
Awareness Sub Sea Acclimatization
Nu-SCUBA Awareness
Pilot: Hardshell Pilot: EVPA
Submarine Combat Pilot: Hardshell
Pilot: Submersible Expert/SK Undersea Equipment
Pilot: AV Pilot: Submersible
Pilot: Watercraft Tech: Submersible
Navigation Tech: Basic
Undersea Weapons Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: PA or Jury Rig (2x Cost)
Arco-Runner Living in the cracks of the new Dome-cities.

Tunneling: Full value added to: Area Knowledge (Arcology or tunnel system); Cartography (Tunnels);
Concealment (Tunnels); Expert/SK Tunnel Construction; Expert/ SK Utility/Municipal Systems;
Hide/Evade (Tunnels) and Orienteering; 1/2 value added to: Awareness (Tunnels); Shadow/Track
(Tunnels); Stealth (Tunnels); Survival: Urban and Trapwork; Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Illegal
Entry; Pick Lock; Scrounge; Tech: Basic and ‘Tronic Security.

General Aquacology: The Aquacologies have tunnel

systems, too. These guys maintain them,
keeping things running smoothly.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Aquacology
Tunneling Tunneling
Awareness Awareness
Endurance Nu-SCUBA
Area Knowledge (Main Area of Operation) Area Knowledge (Main Area of Operation)
Expert/ SK Utility /Municipal Systems Expert/ SK Undersea Equipment
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Stealth Tech: Submersible
Illegal Entry Swimming
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Orienteering Pilot: Hardshell

B & E Specialist: Some places are just Demolitions: Specialized in blowing things
easier to get into from underneath, and these are up from the inside.
the guys who do it.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:
B & E Specialist Demolitions
Tunneling Tunneling
Awareness Awareness
Hide/Evade Demolitions
Area Knowledge (Main Area of Operation) Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Pick Lock Expert/ SK Utility /Municipal Systems
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Stealth Expert/ SK Improvised Explosives
Illegal Entry Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Trapwork Trapwork
Space Bourne: They know all the ways in, Tunnel Rat: Ex-military tunnel specialist,
out, and through the space station they call they use their training to get them into heavily
home. secured areas.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:
Space Bourne Tunnel Rat
Tunneling Tunneling
Awareness Awareness
0-G Maneuver Endurance
Area Knowledge (Main Area of Operation) Demolitions
Expert/ SK Station/Colony Construction Trapwork
Tech: Basic Pistol
Tech: ‘Tronic Brawling or Melee
0-G Combat Stealth
Illegal Entry Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
EVA Expert/ SK Tunnel Construction
Astronaut The men and women who work and live in “The Big Black.”

-G Acclimatization: Full value added to: EVA; Space Survival; -G Combat; -G Maneuver.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Astrogation; Pilot: OTV; Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane and Tech:
Spacecraft or any movement skills in space.

General Delta Jock: Pilots of the extra-atmospheric

fighter craft known as Deltas, many have gone
independent from the ESA and USAF, working
as smugglers or corporate pilots.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:
Delta Jock
-G Acclimatization
-G Acclimatization
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Pilot: Delta
Pilot: OTV
Pilot: Aircraft
Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane
Expert/SK Enemy Craft
Survival: Space
-G Maneuver
-G Maneuver
-G Combat
-G Combat
Tech: Spacecraft
Aircraft Sense (2x Cost) or
Brotherhood (2x Cost) Brotherhood (2x Cost)

High Rider: Members of the La Grange Mech Pilot: Free lance mech pilots are a rare
colonies, especially the renegade L-3 colony. breed, though more are found in space than
anywhere else.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:
High Rider Mech Pilot
-G Acclimatization -G Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Astrogation Astrogation
Melee Pilot: Mecha
Pilot: OTV Mecha MA
Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane Mecha Beam Weapons
Survival: Space Mecha Missile /Ballistic Weapons
-G Maneuver Mecha Melee
-G Combat -G Combat
Tech: Spacecraft Mecha Athletics
Brotherhood (2x Cost) Mecha Zen (2x Cost)
Null Boxer: Death-sport gladiators of the Pilot: Independent or corporate pilots of
space colonies, practicing a new style of combat, OTV’s and shuttles, they often feel more
specially adapted for space. allegiance to each other than their paymaster.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Null Boxer Pilot

-G Acclimatization -G Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Astrogation
Endurance EVA
Strength Feat Pilot: OTV
Intimidate Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane
Survival: Space Survival: Space
-G Maneuver
Mathematics or
-G Combat
Computer Programming
MA: Nullboxing
Tech: Basic or Tech: ‘Tronic
Kata (2x Cost)
Aircraft Sense (2x Cost) or
Brotherhood (2x Cost)

Procurer: Some things can be hard to get in Salver: Independent salvage collectors, trying
space. This is the guy who can get them for you. to clear the space ways of all the accumulated
debris of 60+ years of exploration.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:
Procurer Salver
-G Acclimatization -G Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Astrogation Astrogation
Melee or Pistol EVA
Pilot: OTV Pilot: OTV
Intimidate Operate Heavy Machinery
Survival: Space Survival: Space
-G Maneuver -G Maneuver
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Pistol or Melee
Streetwise Tech: Basic or Tech: ‘Tronic
Streetdeal (2x Cost) Salvage (2x Cost)
Space Cop: Found in the La Grange colonies Technician: The ESA has the best equipped,
and Crystal Palace, they enforce the laws up the US the best trained, but no one can keep a
here. station running with spit and bailing wire better
than the Russians.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:
Space Cop Technician
-G Acclimatization -G Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Interrogate Astrogation
Melee EVA
Pistol Pilot: OTV or Tech: Commo
Intimidate Tech: Basic
Survival: Space Survival: Space
-G Maneuver Tech: ‘Tronic
-G Combat Tech: Spacecraft
Expert/SK Police Procedure Tech: Computer
Authority (2x Cost) Jury Rig (2x Cost) or
Kit Bash (2x Cost)

Workganger: Often part of an extended Workganger: Often part of an extended

family group trained and shipped to space as a family group trained and shipped to space as a
unit, these are the people that put all those unit, these are the people that keep the colonies
colonies together. and work-shacks running.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:
Workganger, Construction Workganger, Technician
-G Acclimatization -G Acclimatization
Awareness Awareness
Expert/ SK Station/Colony Construction Melee
Pilot: OTV Tech: Basic
Operate Heavy Machinery Tech: ‘Tronic
Survival: Space Survival: Space
-G Maneuver -G Maneuver
Tech: ‘Tronic or Strength Feat -G Combat
Tech: Basic Tech: Spacecraft
Workgang (2x Cost) Workgang (2x Cost)
Beastie Boy Dr. Doolittle for the post-collapse era.

Daktari: Full value added to: Animal Training; Ride: Animal and Intimidate (when used on animals).
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Diagnose (Animals); Expert/SK Biochemistry; Expert/SK Biology;
Expert/SK Biophysics; Expert/SK Gene Mapping; Expert/SK Genetics; Expert/SK Marine Biology;
Expert/SK Microbiology; Expert/SK Organic Chemistry; Expert/SK Veterinary Medicine; Expert/SK
Zoology and Leadership (Animals).

General Biophysicist: The guys who make all those

cool new animals that are all the rage.

Pay Scale: Med Tech Pay Scale: Med Tech

Templates: Template:

General Biophysicist
Daktari Daktari
Awareness Awareness
Leadership Cryotank Operations
Cadre Tactics Tech: Bio
Intimidate Computer Use
Science: Biology Science: Biology
Animal Training Science: Biochemistry
First Aid Science: Biophysics
Science: Veterinary Medicine Science: Veterinary Medicine
Library Use Library Use
Science: Zoology Zoology

K-9 Officer: Police dog specialist, they live Marine Bio-Tech: Studying and
and work with their animals. manipulating the variety of life found in the
oceans, for the benefit of mankind (or at least the
ones who are paying him).

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Med Tech

Templates: Template:
K-9 Officer Marine Bio-Tech
Daktari Daktari
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Diagnose
Cadre Tactics Education/General Knowledge
Intimidate Underwater Survival
Athletics Science: Veterinary Medicine
Brawling or THAMOC Science: Biogenetics
Melee Science: Zoology, Deep Sea
Animal Training Animal Training
Streetwise Library Use
Human Perception or Medical Tech (2x Cost)
Authority (2x Cost)
Veterinarian: The guy you take your animal
to if it’s hurt or sick.

Pay Scale: Med Tech

Education/General Knowledge
Trauma Control/Triage
Cryotank Operation or
Animal Training
First Aid
Science: Veterinary Medicine
Library Use
Beaver Brat Born thieves, their parents knew they’d be trouble.

Suburban Ninja: Full value added to: Concealment; Illegal Entry. Specialization chart bonuses apply
to: Criminology; Demolition; Hide and Evade; Intel Gathering; Pick Locks; Pick Pocket; Shadow and
Track; Slight of Hand; Stealth; Streetwise (Procuring tools or finding a ‘Fence’ to sell stolen goods
through); Trapwork and ‘Tronic Security.

General Assassin: Murderer for hire, this assassin

specializes in targets that are hard to get to.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:
General Assassin
Suburban Ninja Suburban Ninja
Awareness Awareness
Social Rifle
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Human Perception Sniper
Stealth Stealth
Illegal Entry Illegal Entry
Pick Lock Pick Lock
Shadow and Ditch ‘Tronic Security
Hide and Evade Hide and Evade
Trapwork Trapwork

B & E Specialist: The person to call when Cat Burglar: Good at blending into the
you need to breach a target area with little to no crowd, sizing up a target, and then coming back
noise. later to pilfer the place.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:
B & E Special Cat Burglar
Suburban Ninja Suburban Ninja
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Social: High Society
Brawling Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Disguise Human Perception
Stealth Stealth
Illegal Entry Illegal Entry
Pick Lock Pick Lock
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Hide and Evade Hide and Evade
Melee Trapwork
Intelligence: The person to call when you Thief: All around thief, they take from the rich
need to get a bug or wire tap done; also good at and give to… themselves.
following and observing your target.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Intelligence Theif
Suburban Ninja Suburban Ninja
Awareness Awareness
Intel Gathering Streetwise
Photo and Film Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Disguise Disguise
Stealth Stealth
Illegal Entry Illegal Entry
Pick Lock Pick Lock
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Shadow and Ditch Pick Pocket
Tech: Commo Brawling
Board-Punk (Bike-Punk/Skate-Punk/Surf-Punk,
etc..) Radical riders and hot-shot stunt masters thrashing the streets.

Thrash: Full value added to: Acrobatics (for maneuvers and stunts performed with or on the “board”,
bike, or on blades or skates); Athletics (for maneuvers and stunts performed with or on the “board”, bike, or
on blades or skates); Drive X (Where X is a type of “board”); Endurance (When riding a board, bike, or
skates); Gymnastics (for maneuvers and stunts performed with or on the “board”, bike, or on blades or
skates); Pilot X (Where X is a type of “board”); Ride X (Where X is a type of “board” or bike) and Skating;
Board-Punks may specialize in a particular “Board”, gaining +2 to maneuvers performed on that style of
board and a -1 for all other types.

General AeroBoarder: Thrashing the friendly skies

all over downtown.

Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad

Template: Template:
General AeroBoarder
Thrash Thrash
Awareness Awareness
Ride: Any Pilot: Aeroboard
Athletics Athletics
Brawling Tech: Spinner
Melee Tech: Basic
Tech: by Board Type Expert/ SK: Air Traffic Patterns
Streetwise Streetwise
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Endurance Endurance
Hide and Evade Social: Aero-boarders

Biker: Not the old motorcycle clubs, but kids Boarder: Old-school thrashers, tearing up the
on bicycles. streets.

Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad

Template: Template:
Biker Boarder
Thrash Thrash
Awareness Awareness
Ride: Bike Ride: Skateboard
Athletics Athletics
Brawling Brawling
Melee Melee
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Streetwise Streetwise
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Endurance Endurance
Social: Bikers Resist Torture/Drugs
Courier: Thrashing for the man… What a HydroBoarder: Who needs waves when
sell-out. you have a powered surfboard?

Pay Scale: As Nomad Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad

Template: Template:
Courier HydroBoarder
Thrash Thrash
Awareness Awareness
Ride: Any Pilot: Hydroboard
Athletics Athletics
Interview Tech: AV
Pick Lock Tech: Basic
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Social: Surf Crowd
Streetwise Streetwise
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Area Knowledge: Surf Beaches
Endurance Endurance
Hide and Evade Swimming

PowerBoarder: Riding professionally built

or homemade powered planks, they move like Skater: In-line or 2x2, they wear their wheels
the wind. (though some have cyber-skates).

Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad

Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad
Ride: Powerboard
Brawling or Melee
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic
Tech: Basic
Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Jury Rig (2x Cost)
Hide and Evade
HydroBoarder: Riding the waves of the Dark Future.

Pay Scale: ½ of Nomad


Ride: Surfboard
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Social: Surf Crowd
Area Knowledge: Surf Beaches
Boat Jockey River-rats, beach bums, and pond scum, but hell in a boat.
Boating Zen: Full value added to Awareness/Notice and all Maneuver and Drive/Pilot rolls while in the
boat or PWC. Full value added to Initiative rolls while in a boat or PWC. 1/2 value added to
Awareness/Notice and Initiative rolls outside the boat or PWC. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Navigation; Seamanship and Weapons Skills while piloting a boat.

General Blue Water: Ocean-going seamen, they crew

everything from the big super-tankers to small
fishing trawlers.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Blue Water

Boating Zen Boating Zen
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Swimming
Pilot: Boat Pilot: Boat
Seamanship Seamanship
Pilot: PWC Sailing
Brawling Brawling
Navigation Navigation
Rifle Rifle
Endurance Endurance
Area Knowledge: (Area of Operation) Crew (2x Cost) or
Rank (2x Cost)

Brown Water: River pilots, they travel the Scout: Small boat and PWC pilots, they often
oldest highways in the world. serve in government or corporate militaries.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Brown Water Scout

Boating Zen Boating Zen
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Swimming
Pilot: Boat Pilot: Boat
Pilot: PWC Pilot: PWC
Area Knowledge: (River of Choice) Stealth
Brawling Brawling
Rifle Rifle
Endurance Hide and Evade
Crew (2x Cost) or Intel Gathering or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Braindancer Virtual reality stars; your fantasies are their reality.

Heroic Exploits: Full value added to Braindance Use; Expert/SK: Braindance Editing; Eidetic
Memory; Human Perception; Perform: Acting and Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: Acrobatics; Athletics; Body Enhancement; Climbing; Conscious Will; Contortions; Endurance;
Gamble; Gymnastics; Intimidation; Nu-SCUBA; Perform: Sexual; Personal Grooming; Ride: (Any
Animal); Seduction; Strength Feat; Swimming and Wardrobe and Style.

General Action/Adventure: Specializing in fast

moves, narrow escapes, and spine-tingling

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template Template:

General Action/Adventure
Heroic Exploits Heroic Exploits
Awareness Awareness
Brawling or Martial Art: (Any) Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Eidetic Memory Stealth
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Athletics Shadow/Ditch
Tech: Cyber Tech: Cyber
Weapon Skill 1 Weapon Skill 1
Perform: Acting Weapon Skill 2
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Expert/SK: Braindance Editing

‘Dancer: Specializing in dramas and you-are- Music: Specializing in music videos for the
there stories. braindance crowd.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

‘Dancer Music
Heroic Exploits Heroic Exploits
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Social: (Any) Social: (Any)
Photo/Film Play Instrument
Composition Composition
Tech: Cyber Tech: Cyber
Seduction Seduction
Perform: Acting Perform: Sing
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
X-Rated: Specializing in those situations
better left to the imagination.

Pay Scale: Rocker


Heroic Exploits
Human Perception
/Fast Talk
Personal Grooming
Wardrobe and Style
Tech: Cyber
Expert/SK: Sexual Variations
Perform: Sexual
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
Con Man Sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, and leave you with a smile.

Con: Full value added to: Bartering; Bribery; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Disguise; Gamble/Cheat; Human
Perception; Imitate Voice; Infiltration; Interrogation; Interview; Intimidate; Leadership;
Negotiation/Arbitration; Perform, Acting; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Seduction; Simper and Social.

General Art Curator: He can pass of a drop cloth as

a materpiece.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Corporate

Templates: Template:

General Art Curator

Con Con
Awareness Awareness
Disguise Appraisal
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Oratory
Streetwise Streetwise
Human Perception Expert/SK: Famous Artists
Seduction Expert/SK: Local Artists
Forgery Forgery
Gamble/Cheat History
Hide/Evade Drive
Slight of Hand Social: Art World

Casanova: Good looks and pick-up lines, the High Stakes: Always looking for the killer
Casanova makes a living on love. con, they swim with the big fish.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Casanova High Stakes

Con Con
Awareness Awareness
Disguise Disguise
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Social: High Society Streetwise
Human Perception Human Perception
Seduction Education/General Knowledge
Forgery Forgery
Personal Grooming Gamble/Cheat
Wardrobe and Style Resist Torture /Drugs
Education/General Knowledge Slight of Hand
Street Hustler: Three Card Monte, shell games,
and charity-box scams; the lowest of the low.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Street Hustler
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception
Area Knowledge, Local Area
Slight of Hand
Cop Overworked, underpaid, and not nearly as corrupt as you’ve heard.

Authority: Full value added to: Administration; Area Knowledge; Bureaucracy; Criminology;
Expert/SK (Police Division); Expert/SK Organized Crime; Forensics; Infiltration; Interrogation; Intimidate;
Law; Leadership; Negotiation/Arbitration; Police Procedure; Oratory (related to police work); Resist
Torture/Drugs (Torture only) and Streetwise. The Cop may command any officer whose Authority is lower
than his own. The Cop may requisition Authority x 2000 per month in mission-related equipment.

General Academy Graduate: Fresh off the farm,

and still shiny.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Templates: Template:

General Academy Graduate

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Human Perception Bureaucracy
Athletics Athletics
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Brawling or THAMOC Martial Art: THAMOC
Melee Melee
Interrogate Interrogate
Streetwise Drive, General
Rifle/Shotgun Expert/SK: Police Procedure

Airborne Patrol: These guys are those Cruiser Patrol: Cops in cars. What, you
police choppers you hear. expected them to walk these dangerous streets?

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Airborne Patrol Cruiser Patrol

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Pilot: Rotor/Gyro Drive, General
Pilot: AV/VTV Rifle/Shotgun
Heavy/Assault Weapons or Human Perception Heavy/Assault Weapons or Human Perception
Brawling or THAMOC Brawling or THAMOC
Navigation Melee
Area Knowledge, City Streets Area Knowledge, City Streets
Tech (Gyro or AV) Streetwise
Aircraft Sense (Lvl 1) or Shadow/Track Vehicle Zen (Lvl 1) or Shadow/Track
Cyberpsycho Squad: If this is the cure, Detective: The guys who do all that boring
imagine how bad the disease is. stuff they never show you on TV.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Cyberpsycho Squad Detective

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Human Perception Human Perception
Interview Interview
Heavy/Assault Weapons Expert/SK (Division)
Martial Art (of Choice) Contact: Snitch
Melee Intimidate
Shadow/Track Interrogate
Interrogate Streetwise
Strength Feat Research (2x Cost)

Forensics: If you want to know who killed Harbor Patrol: Protecting the port and
them, where, and with what, these guys can tell keeping the boat traffic moving.

Pay Scale: Med Tech Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Forensics Harbor Patrol

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Chemistry Swimming
Pharmacy Pilot: Boat
Expert/SK: Biology Seamanship
Expert/SK: Criminology Expert/SK: Maritime Law
Expert/SK: Forensic Pathology Brawling
Expert/SK: Zoology Navigation
Library Use Assault Rifle/Shotgun
Streetwise Heavy/Assault Weapons
Med Tech (2x Cost) Boating Zen (2x Cost)
Internal Affairs: Ever see a shark eat its Investigator: The detectives who do all the
own kind? leg work.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Internal Affairs Investigator

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Human Perception Human Perception
Interview Interview
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Education/General Knowledge
Library Use Drive: General
Intimidate Brawling or THAMOC
Interrogate Shadow/Track
Intel Gathering Streetwise
Research (2x Cost) Research (2x Cost)

Max-Tac: AKA the Riot Squad, Force Net-Sec: Keeping the internet secure for the
Interdiction, High Threat Response Team, or ordinary folks.
“those mad-dog killers in uniform.”

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Net Runner

Template: Template:

Max-Tac Net-Sec
Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Computer Use
Human Perception Tech: Computer
Rifle Computer Programming
Heavy/Assault Weapons Systems Knowledge
Martial Art (of Choice) Expert/SK: Law
Melee Education/General Knowledge
SMG Tech: Basic
Sniper Tech: Cyber
Combat Sense (2x Cost) Interface (2x Cost)
Power Armor Tactical/Assault: When Psychologist: The guys who figure out what
Max-Tac just isn’t enough, call in someone to makes the bad guys tick, and why your partner
level the block. keeps having those flashbacks.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Med Tech

Template: Template:

Power Armor Tactical/Assault Psychologist

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Powered Armor Oratory
Cadre Tactics Human Perception
Rifle Interview
Heavy/Assault Weapons Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Brawling or THAMOC Expert/SK Psychology
Tech: P.A. Intimidate
Beam Interrogate
Melee Social: Any
ACPA Combat Sense (2x Cost) Counsel (2x Cost)

RPV Patrol: The guys who keep cops out of Surveillance: The intel specialists who get to
high risk areas, while still providing a police pull those all-nighters listening to the perps snore
presence. and use the toilet.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

RPV Patrol Surveillance

Authority Authority
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Intel Gathering
Pilot: Rotor/Gyro ‘Tronic Security
Pilot: RPV Human Perception
Tech: Rotor/Gyro Photo/Film
Tech: RPV Tech: Basic
Tech: Basic Tech: Commo
Drive, General Tech: ‘Tronic
SMG Streetwise
RPV Zen (2x Cost) Commo (2x Cost) or
Spy Craft (2x Cost)
SWAT: The new SWAT teams are highly
specialized in hostage rescue and surgical
strikes. If you need brute force, call Max-Tac;
these guys are all about finesse.

Pay Scale: Solo


Cadre Tactics
Heavy/Assault Weapons or Hide and Evade
Martial Art (of Choice)
Melee or SMG
Expert/SK: Hostage Rescue
Combat Sense (2x Cost) or

Traffic: The cops most people know and hate.

Hey, somebody has to issue those tickets.

Pay Scale: Cop


Human Perception
Area Knowledge: City Streets
Brawling or THAMOC
Expert/SK: Criminology
Ride: Motorcycle
Hotbiking (2x Cost) or

Undercover: The cops who don’t look, act Template:

or talk like cops, ‘till they can prove you did
something really bad. Undercover
Pay Scale: Cop Awareness
Education/General Knowledge
Brawling or THAMOC
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Perform: Acting
Con (2x Cost)

U.N. Peace Keeper: Those poor guys in

blue helmets getting killed for their ammo and

Pay Scale: Cop


U.N. Peace Keeper

First Aid
Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Language: (Any)
Education/General Knowledge or
Rank (2x Cost)
Corporate Working toward a better tomorrow; better for them, anyway.

Resources: Full value added to: Accounting; Administration; Bureaucracy; Business Sense; Expert/SK:
Corporate Policy; Expert/SK (Department); Intimidate; Leadership; Negotiation/Arbitration and Stock
Market. The Corporate may access corporation resources of up to Resources2 x 1000eb, per month. If no
profit results for the employer, accounting may order the characters… “Termination”.

General Attorney: The corporate people least like to

see, ranked even above hit squads.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

General Attorney
Resources Resources
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Human Perception
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Library Use History
Social: Corporate Social: Corporate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Stock Market Expert/SK: Law
Wardrobe and Style Composition
Personal Grooming Expert/SK: Corporate Policy
Expert/SK: Corporate Policy Reason (2x Cost)

Bodyguard: Not the grunts, but the guys Bureaucrat: The lowly bureaucrat. He may
who actually handle security for the suits. not make as much as the guys upstairs, but he
can still make their lives hell.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Bodyguard Bureaucrat
Resources Resources
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Oratory
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Education/General Knowledge
Melee Library Use
Social: Corporate Social: Corporate
Rifle or SMG Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Pistol Stock Market
Cadre Tactics Composition
Intimidate Language: (Any)
Combat Sense (2x Cost.) Accounting
Corp Brat: They make their money the old Department Head: The guys who run all
fashioned way, the inherit it. those little divisions within the megalith.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Corp Brat Department Head

Resources Resources
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Human Perception
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Drive Bureaucracy
Social: Corporate Social: Corporate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Seduction Accounting
Wardrobe and Style Leadership
Personal Grooming Expert/SK (Department)
Expert/SK: (Any) Intimidate

Net Node: Conducting their business only on Ornament: Some people’s only job is to do
the ‘Net, they could be anybody, or even nothing, but look good at it.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Net Node Ornament

Resources Resources
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Human Perception
Education/General Knowledge Wardrobe and Style
Library Use Interview
Computer Use Social: Corporate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Gambling
Stock Market Accounting
Computer Programming Personal Grooming
Perform: Acting Seduction
Intuition (2x Cost) The Look (2x Cost)
P.R. Agent: The spin doctors who can make
even a chemical spill sound like a work of
corporate charity.

Pay Scale: Corporate


P.R. Agent
Human Perception
Wardrobe and Style
Library Use
Social: Media
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Personal Grooming
Perform: Spin Control
Credibility (2x Cost)

Security: The grunts that patrol the grounds

of the company, or areas under their control.

Pay Scale: Cop


Human Perception
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Cadre Tactics
Authority (2x Cost, only works in corporate

Street Agent: Combs the streets for new Awareness

talent, usually the deniable kind. Human Perception
Education/General Knowledge
Pay Scale: Fixer Library Use
Social: Street
Template: Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Street Agent
Streetdeal (2x Cost) Resources
Education/General Knowledge
Wage Slave: The poor saps who do all the
Library Use
middle and lower management stuff.
Social: Corporate
Language: (Any)
Pay Scale: Nomad Accounting
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Expert/SK: (Department)
Wage Slave
Covert Specialist Do unto others, and then slink away…

Combat Sneak: Full value added to: Shadow/Ditch; Shadow/Track and Stealth. 1/2 value is also
added to all Awareness/Notice, Defense and Initiative rolls. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Cadre/Indoctrinate; Cadre Tactics; Concealment; Disguise; Dodge; Hide and Evade; Human Perception;
Illegal Entry; Pick Pocket; Slight of Hand and Trapwork.

General Assassin: Cold-blooded professional killers.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

General Combat Sneak
Combat Sneak
Martial Arts (Any)
Martial Arts (Any)
Rifle or SMG
Hide and Evade
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk

Demo Specialist: For when you absolutely, Extraction Ops: Specialists at getting in,
positively, have to blow it up overnight. and getting others out.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template Template

Demo Specialist Extraction Ops

Combat Sneak Combat Sneak
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Drive or Pilot (Any)
Expert/SK Structural Engineering Martial Arts (Any)
Chemistry First Aid
Demolitions Heavy/Assault Weapons
Pistol or SMG Pistol or SMG
Tech: Basic Stealth
Tech: ‘Tronic Shadow/Ditch
Martial Arts (Any) Human Perception
Trapwork or Rank (2x Cost) Illegal Entry
Infiltration: The guys who go deep Intrusion Ops: When you can’t lie your
undercover to get inside an organization. way in, then sneak in.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template Template

Infiltration Intrusion Ops

Combat Sneak Combat Sneak
Awareness Awareness
Personal Grooming Athletics
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Melee Pick Lock
Pistol Pistol or SMG
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Tech: Basic
Disguise Stealth
Social: (Any) Hide and Evade
Seduction ‘Tronic Security
Language: (Any) or Illegal Entry
Rank (2x Cost)

Overland Ops: Call this guy for those ops Silent Weapons: What good is being
that occur in the middle of nowhere. sneaky if you get caught making the kill?

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template Template

Overland Ops Silent Weapons

Combat Sneak Combat Sneak
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Athletics
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Melee Melee
Rifle or SMG Pistol
Swimming SMG
Stealth Stealth
Survival (Any) Hide and Evade
Endurance Archery
Shadow/Track or Disguise or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Sniper/Hit Man: If you want someone
dead, this guy can do it.

Pay Scale: Solo


Hit Man
Combat Sneak
Intel Gathering
Hide and Evade
Trapwork or
Rank (2x Cost)
Crook High-Tech “entry specialists” working on both sides of the law.

Criminal Mind: Full value added to: Awareness (for noticing security systems, cops, undercover ops,
etc…); Appraisal; Criminology; Demolition; Illegal Entry; Intel Gathering; Pick Lock; Tech (Any related
to criminal activity, by GM call); Streetwise; Trapwork and ‘Tronic Security.

B & E Specialist: Good at getting in to
places they’d rather he didn’t.
Pay Scale: Fixer
Pay Scale: Fixer
Criminal Mind B & E Specialist
Awareness Criminal Mind
Disguise Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Athletics
Streetwise Brawling
Illegal Entry Disguise
Pick Lock Stealth
Pick Pocket Illegal Entry
Gamble/Cheat Pick Lock
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Trapwork Hide and Evade

Cat Burglar: Specializes in High Society Ex-Con: Sometimes all prison does is
targets. produce a better criminal.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Nomad

Template Template

Cat Burglar Ex-Con

Criminal Mind Criminal Mind
Awareness Awareness
Social Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception Streetwise
Stealth Strength Feat
Illegal Entry Melee
Pick Lock Brawling
‘Tronic Security Education/General Knowledge
Hide and Evade Gamble/Cheat
Trapwork Resist Torture /Drugs
Intelligence: If you need a place bugged, he Recon: If you want to know what the
can do it. opposition is up to, send in a scout.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Solo

Template Template

Intelligence Recon
Criminal Mind Criminal Mind
Awareness Awareness
Intel Gathering Photo/Film
Photo and Film Language (of Choice)
Disguise Stealth
Stealth Illegal Entry
Illegal Entry Pistol
Pick Lock Shadow/Track
‘Tronic Security Hide and Evade
Shadow and Ditch ‘Tronic Security
Tech: Commo Intel Gathering or
Rank (2x Cost)

Thief: The thief is just really good at Tunnel Runner: Sometimes the best way in
“redistributing” wealth, from your pocket to his. is from underneath.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Tech

Template Template

Thief Tunnel Runner

Criminal Mind Criminal Mind
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Tech: Basic
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Expert/SK: Utility/ Municipal Tunnels
Disguise Stealth
Stealth Illegal Entry
Illegal Entry Pick Lock
Pick Lock Tech: ‘Tronic
‘Tronic Security Area Knowledge: Sewers
Pick Pocket ‘Tronic Security
Brawling Trapwork
Crystal Jock Old School hackers, with keyboards and monitors.

Intuition: Full value added to: Computer Programming; Computer Use; Expert/SK: (AI Programming;
AI Psychology; Program Class and Software Design) Library Use; Systems Knowledge and Tech:
Computer. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Compose/Write; Cryptography; Intel Gathering;
Scrounge and Tech: ‘Tronic. The full value -5 for Intuition is also added to Initiative and Awareness in the


Pay Scale: Netrunner


Tech: Computer
Tech: ‘Tronic
Library Use
Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge
Intel Gathering
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Language: Computer

Cred Shark: Like old-style loan sharks, but

they work with lines of credit and ‘Face banks.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Cred Shark
Tech: Computer
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic
Systems Knowledge
Computer Programming
Computer Use
CypherPunk: Old-school hackers, they
don’t need intrusion software, they just use the
Code Gate.

Pay Scale: Netrunner


‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic
Library Use
Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Expert/SK: Encryption /Decryption

H@4k]r: Young punks and old net-

dinosaurs, they just hack around to show it can
be done.

Pay Scale: Nomad


H@4k]r (Hacker)
Tech: Computer
Tech: ‘Tronic
Library Use
Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Tech: Basic
Librarian: If you really need to know Military: Some of the ICE that the military
something, they can find out where to look. sees is pretty nasty, so they use folks who can’t
be hurt by it.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Netrunner

Template Template

Librarian Military
Intuition Intuition
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Computer Tech: Basic
Composition Tech: ‘Tronic
Library Use Cryptography
Education/General Knowledge Tech: Computer
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Intel Gathering ECM/ECCM
Computer Programming Computer Programming
Computer Use Computer Use
Research (2x Cost) Tech: Commo or
Rank (2x Cost)

Programmer: These guys write all those Trasher: Some people have no idea of the
cool programs that the Netrunners love so much. intelligence value of the things they throw away.

Pay Scale: Netrunner Pay Scale: Netrunner

Template Template

Programmer Trasher
Intuition Intuition
Awareness Awareness
Expert/SK: Program Class 1 ‘Tronic Security
Expert/SK: Program Class 2 Stealth
Expert/SK: Program Class 3 Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Hide and Evade or Scrounge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Composition Streetwise
Computer Programming Computer Programming
Computer Use Computer Use
Language: Computer Pick Lock
Cyber-evolved Alchemist Reshaping their world to suit them.
Manipulation: Full value added to: Assembly; Chemistry (Analysis and building of chemical
compounds); Disassembly; Expert/SK: Biochemistry (Analysis and building of biochemical compounds);
Pharmacy (Analysis and building of drugs and poisons) and Reshaping. Specialization chart bonuses apply
to: Tech: Any (for repairs to equipment for which the Alchemist may make parts or repair damage using
Manipulation). The difficulty of using the skill is based on the level and type of change desired (Table #1).
Your skill starts at +1. Time of change is based on Alchemist's Body Type and the change type (Table #2).
The Alchemist must have a working knowledge of what he wants to create (at least a Level 4 skill in the
most applicable area, such as Weaponsmith to make a gun; Science: Chemistry to make gunpowder), or
a sample to work from. Alchemists must also keep both hands on what is being altered both during the
change and after to recover their assembler nanites, recovering these at a rate based on the amount of mass
that can be affected (see Stats section).

Pay Scale: Tech


Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Cyber-evolved Bolter Real livewires, their power is shocking…
Bolt Throwing: Full value added to: REF for Bolt formation. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Pistol (Firing a bolt). Bolters receive a +2 to REF at will. To hit with a bolt, add REF + Pistol + Bolt
Throwing Bonus vs. the Targets REF + (Defensive Skill) + (Applicable Special Ability). The chance of
success is based on the Bolt Throwing Table (#1), modified by range and number of direction changes.
Damage varies based on range to target (Table 3) and the amount of charge spent from the Bolter's storage
capacitors (Table 2). Damage may also be rated as a "stun" instead of damage. Your skill starts at+1. In
addition, Bolters may send a "contact" charge down any conductive material (Table 4) and can also power
any small DC device by touching it (for a nearly indefinite time).

Pay Scale: Solo


Bolt Throwing
Brawling or
Martial Arts: (Any)
Hide and Evade
Expert/SK: Capture
Tech: ‘Tronic
Cyber-evolved Jammer And the walls, come tumbling down…
Holler: Full value added to: Awareness (Sound detection and analysis, and Echolocation); Beam
Weapons (Scream) and Imitate Voice (including non-voice sounds). Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
All vocal interaction skills; ECM/ECCM (for jamming); Human Perception (for voice stress analysis) and
Tech: Commo (for altering, intercepting or modifying transmissions, and transmitting imitated
sounds/voices). The skill represents the Jammer's ability to produce, assimilate and broadcast (both
sonically and via radio) sounds of various types. The skill starts at +1. The difficulty of the task depends
on whether the Jammer is trying to listen, speak, or imitate, and the degree of accuracy required.

Pay Scale: Solo


/Fast Talk
Imitate Voice
Human Perception
Beam Weapons
Tech: Commo
Cyber-evolved Scanner Next best thing to a telepath.

Interpretation: Full value added to: Human Perception and Trance. Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: All personal interaction skills. Scanners gain a +3 to Reflex at will. The Interpretation skill
result is determined by the Detail of the reading and the surrounding Environment (Table #1), modified by
the Familiarity of the target (Table #2). The Scanner may also "push"his basic range (10m), by deducting
points from his COOL stat. The skill starts at +1. In addition, the Scanner may use an electrical/nervous
blast called a Static Wave Attack to fry anyone touching him, at a physical cost to himself.

Pay Scale: Media


Human Perception
/Fast Talk
Intel Gathering
Cyber-evolved Scout Who needs an RPV when you have nanotech?
Probe Operation: Full value added to: Pilot: RPV (Scout Probe itself). Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: Awareness and Tech: (Any used to design probes). Scouts gain a +1 to Reflexes at will, and a
+3 to all Awareness checks at all times (+ Specialization chart bonus). When making a Probe, add together
the difficulty numbers of its powers as taken from Table #1. Probes are built using TECH + Probe
Operation + Tech: (Any appropriate). Once the This is the Scout's ability to extrude, shape, and Probes are
formed, the Scout uses Table #2 to determine control hexite Probes. Probes may take any shape the
difficulty of receiving information back from the desired, they may change shape at will, and their abilities
are restricted only by their size and the Scout's experience. The skill starts at +1, Probes. Note that Scouts
can blend input from two Probes, getting incredible stereo perception. This can make for accurate
determinations of range and direction.

Pay Scale: Tech


Probe Operation
Pilot: RPV
Tech: Basic
Intel Gathering
Hide and Evade
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)
Cyber-evolved Tinman Nanotech armor and weapons user
Hexite Shaping: Full value added to: Weaponsmith for designing weapons using the limbs.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: All attacks using limb-formed weapons. Tinmen have 20 SP on all
four limbs (Areas 5-10) at all times, and can cover areas 1-4 with 20 SP armor in 12 - (Hexite Shaping Lvl)
Turns (Point 3). Limbs have 30 SDP, and can dish out severe damage (3d6 Crush or Kick, 2d6 Punch,
+BTM). You may not shape your torso or head; only arms and legs, and even these parts are restricted to
generally simple shapes. Your skill starts at +1. and allows you to:
1. Shape Tendrils and Sheets(Tables 1, 2):Allows the Tinman to make tentacles in four general sizes,
from pencil size to about 2 inches wide. These can be used to grab things, to anchor the body, or to
hang on. He may also flatten his limbs into sheets of hexite.
2. Extend Limbs (Table #3): Allows Tinman to stretch arms and legs (or even fingers), like rubber,
as defined in Table #3.
3. Hexite Armoring (see Statistics): Allows the Tinman to extrude a hexite armor layer through the
skin, cover in the torso and head to an SP equal to his fully hexite arms and legs (SP 20). The time
to do this is equal to 12 turns minus the Tinman's Skill.
4. Shape Objects (See Shaping Type). This is the ability to form the arms and legs into specific
shapes: weapons, etc. The object must be all in one piece. You must also have a working
knowledge of the type of object formed; for example, to shape a gun would require a minimum
Weaponsmith skill of 4, or a good model to work from.

Pay Scale: Solo


Hexite Shaping
Brawling or
Martial Arts
Strength Feat
Conscious Will
Cyber-evolved Wizard Netrunners without decks… Hmm…

Arcane: Full value added to: Counterparting and Familiar. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Any
tasks made using a machine the Wizard is linked to, whether with ‘Trodes, Plugs, or by Counterparting.
The Wizard gains +4 to reflexes at will. Arcane is also the Wizard's ability to manipulate and interact with
Net/Virtuality-based reality. The skill begins at +1. The two most important skills for the wizard are:
Counterparting, or the ability to communicate with and control computer-based hardware (equivalent to
the Netrunner's Controllers), and Familiar, the ability to create complex "programs" by thinking about
them, and running them subconsciously. A Wizard may run as many programs as half of his INT score,
rounded down.

Pay Scale: Netrunner


Computer Use
Intel Gathering
Pilot: RPV
Tech: Commo
Tech: Computer
Tech: ‘Tronic
Dive Master Go deeper, stay longer, and go down more often…

Aquatic Sense: Full value added to: Awareness (Underwater) and Initiative (Underwater). 1/2 value
is also added to Initiative rolls when not underwater. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Awareness
(non-submerged); Endurance (Under water); Expert/SK Undersea Equipment; Human Perception; Nu-
SCUBA; Pilot: EVPA/Hardshell; Pilot: Deep Dive Suit; Pilot: Submersible; Pilot: Watercraft; Ride
Animal (Dolphin, Whale, or Manta Ray); Ride: Hydroboard; Survival: Undersea; Swimming; Tech:
Pressure Suit; Tech: Submersible and Underwater Combat.

General Animal Handler: They work with the

animals that live in the sea.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Med Tech

Templates: Template:

General Animal Handler

Aquatic Sense Aquatic Sense
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Swimming
Endurance Endurance
Leadership Melee
Pilot: EVPA Cadre Tactics
Pilot: Hardshell/Deep Dive Suit Survival: Undersea
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment Ride: Whale, Dolphin, or Manta Ray
Undersea Combat Undersea Combat
Human Perception Daktari (2x Cost) or
Rank (2x Cost)

Deepwater Specialist: The divers who set

the deep-sea records; deep-sea miners, salvage Dive Tech: Technicians specializing in
techs, and all-around crazies. underwater gear.

Pay Scale: Solo

Pay Scale: Tech
Deepwater Specialist
Aquatic Sense Dive Tech
Awareness Aquatic Sense
Swimming Awareness
Endurance Swimming
Nu-SCUBA Tech: Basic
Tech: Pressure Suit Nu-SCUBA
Pilot: EVPA Tech: Pressure Suit
Pilot: Hardshell/ Deep Dive Suit Tech: PA
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment Tech: Submersible
Undersea Combat Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment
Human Perception Tech: ‘Tronic
Jury Rig (2x Cost)
Marine/SEAL: The scariest thing to come Miner: The blue frontier has a lot of mineral
out of the deep since Moby Dick. wealth, and these are the folks who bring it up.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Marine/SEAL Miner
Aquatic Sense Aquatic Sense
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Tech: Pressure Suit
Endurance Endurance
Nu-SCUBA Operate Heavy Machinery
Rifle Survival: Undersea
Pilot: EVPA Pilot: EVPA
Pilot: Hardshell/ Deep Dive Suit Pilot: Hardshell/ Deep Dive Suit
Heavy/Assault Weapons Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment
Undersea Combat Undersea Combat
Undersea Weapons or Undersea Weapons
Rank (2x Cost)

Miner, Independent: Last of the Wildcat

miners, they explore the depths, looking for that
"one, big strike." And then the next one...

Pay Scale: Nomad


Aquatic Sense
Survival: Undersea
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment
Science: Geology
Operate Heavy Machinery
Pilot: Boat or
Pilot: Small Submarine
Pilot: EVPA or
Pilot: Hardshell/ Deep Dive Suit
Tech: Pressure Suit
Eco-Raider Saviors of the planet, even if they have to kill you…

Hayduking: Full value added to: Any Tech-based skill used for sabotage; Demolition; Expert/SK:
Improvised Explosives; Scrounge; Trapworks.


Pay Scale: Tech


Expert/SK: Camping
Expert/SK: Ecology
Survival: Any
Area Knowledge (Wilderness Area)
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: of choice

Saboteur: Specialists in breaking other

people’s stuff.

Pay Scale: Tech


Pick Lock
Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security
Tech: Computer
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: of choice
Terrorist: Some people do it for money, you Trapworks
do it for your convictions.

Pay Scale: Nomad


Pick Lock
Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security
Expert/SK: Improvised Explosives
Expert/SK: Propaganda
Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Facer Master impersonators, they can be anyone, anytime.

Face Dance: Full value added to: Contortions; Culture (Any); Disguise; Expert/SK (Subject of
impersonation); Human Perception; Imitate Voice; Infiltration; Perform: Acting; Personal Grooming;
Social: (Any) and Wardrobe and Style.

General Con Artist: They make their living off of

looking like someone else.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Con Artist

Face Dance Face Dance
Awareness Awareness
Perform: Acting Gamble/Cheat
Disguise Disguise
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Human Perception Human Perception
Social: (Any) Streetwise
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Expert/SK: Famous People Forgery
Imitate Voice Con (2x Cost)

M.I.6 “00” Agent: “They’ve given you a Poser-ganger: Members of an organized

number, and taken’ ‘way your name...” gang of posers, they all imitate members of a
themed group.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

M.I.6 “00” Agent Poser-ganger

Face Dance Face Dance
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Driving Disguise or Seduction
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Resist Torture /Drugs Human Perception
Martial Art (Any) Social: (Any)
Shadow/Track Wardrobe and Style
Athletics Personal Grooming
Education/General Knowledge Expert/SK: (Subject of impersonation)
Human Perception Martial Arts: (Any)
Poseur: A more independent type of poser, Spy: Working undercover for various
the gang switches styles often. governments and corporations, inside of other
governments and corporations.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Poseur Spy
Face Dance Face Dance
Awareness Awareness
Perform: Acting Pistol
Disguise Disguise
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee or Pistol Resist Torture /Drugs
Streetwise Martial Art (Any)
Wardrobe and Style Shadow/Track
Personal Grooming Interrogation
Expert/SK: (Subject of impersonation) Education/General Knowledge
Brawling Human Perception
Fixer You want it, they can get it… for a price.

Streetdeal: Full value added to: Appraisal; Area Knowledge; Barter; Negotiation/Arbitration and
Streetwise. Full value is added to interaction rolls with contacts of the fixer. The fixer has a number of
contacts equal to 1/2 his level of Streetdeal, chosen during creation or recruited as needed, and a number of
connections equal to his Streetdeal, rolled during creation. The fixer may call upon a floating pool of
resources equal to his Streetdeal x 1000eb. Each 1000eb used and not paid back reduces his effective
Streetdeal by 2x Cost until repaid. The Fixer may specialize in a specific area of expertise, gaining +2 to
procure items/info of that type, and a -1 in all others.

General Black Market Generalist: They dabble in

goods that are hard to acquire… legally.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Templates: Template:

General Black Market Generalist

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Accounting
Pistol Forgery
Intel Gathering Social: (Any)
Interview Language (Any)
Area Knowledge (Any local area) Resist Torture /Drugs
Human Perception Pilot (Any) or Drive (Any)
Intimidate Disguise
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Barter Appraisal or SMG

Black Market, Generic: Specialist in Black Market, Body Parts: Ever wonder
some type of Black Market goods. who runs those chop-doc places?

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Black Market, Generic Black Market, Body Parts

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Pistol Pistol
Brawling Brawling
Intimidate Biology
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Cryotank Operations
Expert/SK: (Field of Specialization) Diagnose
Tech: (Any) Intimidate
Tech: (Any) Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Melee
Black Market, Braindance /VR: They Black Market, Cars: The guys who deal in
sell all those really fun underground ‘dances. hot or illegal autos.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Black Market, Braindance /VR Black Market, Cars

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Pistol Pistol
Brawling Brawling
Tech: ‘Tronic Drive
Braindance Editing ‘Tronic Security
Computer Programming Pick Lock
Intimidate Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Melee

Black Market, Computer Hardware: Black Market, Cyberware: Carries all

The guys who supply all your friendly the hottest cyberwear, most of it used.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Black Market, Computer Hardware Black Market, Cyberware

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Pistol Pistol
Brawling Brawling
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Cyber
Tech: Computer Cryotank Operation
Cyberdeck Design Forgery
Intimidate Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Melee
Black Market, Drugs: The suppliers for
your local pusher, or chop-doc.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Black Market, Drugs

Resist Torture /Drugs
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk

Black Market, Electronics: They buy

and sell all kinds of consumer electronics.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Black Market, Electronics

Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic
Tech: Commo
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk

Black Market, Slaves: Scum who deal in Brawling

human pain and misery. Pharmacy
Expert/SK: Torture or Psychology
Pay Scale: Fixer Cryotank Operations
Template: Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Black Market, Slaves
Black Market, Software: Buy and sell
used or new software.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Black Market, Software

Computer Use
Systems Knowledge
Computer Programming
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Black Market, Vehicles: Carries those Black Market, Weapons: Everybody’s
hard-to-find vehicles, and helps get rid of the favorite toys...
hard-to-hide ones as well.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Black Market, Vehicles Black Market, Weapons

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Pistol Pistol
Brawling Brawling
‘Tronic Security Expert/SK: Small Arms
Drive (Any) or Pilot (Any) Tech: Weapons
Tech (Any, matching above) Forgery
Intimidate Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Melee

Black Market, Wetware: Lord knows Bookie: Arranges betting on almost anything,
where some back-alley dealer got a hold of from combat football to college wrestling, and
wetware…. even politics.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Black Market, Wetware Bookie

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Pistol
Pistol Streetwise
Brawling Mathematics
Tech: Bio Accounting
Cryotank Operation Brawling or Melee
Expert/SK: Wetware Design Human Perception
Intimidate Gamble
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Intimidate
Broker: Working the Stock Market for those
who can’t do it legally.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Library Use
Stock Market
Education/General Knowledge
Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Business Sense

Columbians: The Drug Lords still have their

hands in a lot of pies.

Pay Scale: Fixer


SMG or Heavy/Assault Weapons
Language: Spanish
Resist Torture/Drugs

Cred Shark: Arranging credit through ‘face Systems Knowledge

banks and stolen accounts. Intimidate
Pay Scale: Fixer Pistol
Tech: ‘Tronic
Template: Computer Use
Computer Programming
Cred Shark
Data Courier: They transport data to
sensitive to send over the ‘net.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Data Courier
Human Perception
Drive: (Any) or Motorcycle or
Ride: (Any) or Skating
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Hotbiking (2x Cost) or
Thrash (2x Cost) or
Vehicle Zen (2x Cost)
Factor: Uses inside information to play the Fence: The person you go to when you need
’Market. to get rid of “hot” goods.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Factor Fence
Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Accounting Streetwise
Social: Corporate Pistol
Stock Market Intimidate
Interview Brawling
Education/General Knowledge Tech: Basic or Expert/SK: (Area of expertise)
Human Perception Forgery
Negotiation /Arbitration Accounting
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Business Sense Melee

Horse: The guy who actually carries the Info Broker: Buyers and seller of hot Data.
smuggled contraband across the border.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Horse (Smuggler) Info Broker

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Resist Torture/ Drugs Education/General Knowledge
Hide and Evade Interview
Language (any) Interrogate
Rifle or Pistol or SMG Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Pilot (Any) or Drive (Any) Expert/SK: (Subject of Interest)
Tech (by Pilot/Drive) Library Use
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Forgery
Social: (any) Human Perception
Jamaicans: Various posses around the city,
mostly in the ‘Zone and the docks.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Pistol or Rifle
Expert/SK: Voudun

Junker: Sells whatever he can find that no

one else wants any more.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Tech: Basic
Pick Lock
Strength Feat
Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
‘Tronic Security

Loan Shark: Old style loan sharks, their Shadow/Track

interest rates aren’t really that much higher than Intimidate
the banks these days. Interrogate
Pay Scale: Fixer Human Perception
Template: Brawling
Loan Shark
Merchant: Owners of the thousands of
legitimate and semi-legitimate businesses around

Pay Scale: Fixer


Wardrobe and Style
Education/ General Knowledge
Human Perception
Expert/SK: Display Design
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Stock Market
Mobster: The “Family” still has a few men Negotiator: Sometimes those involved in a
on the street. dispute need an outsider to settle it.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Mobster Negotiator
Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Oratory
Leadership Education/General Knowledge
Intimidate Human Perception
Melee Brawling
Pistol or SMG Social: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Accounting Streetwise
Brawling Negotiate/Arbitrate
Familia (2x Cost) Language (Any)

Owner: Bar and club owners, they ride a fine Pimp: The world’s second-oldest profession.
edge between profit and collapse.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Owner Pimp
Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Social: (Any) Streetwise
Accounting Personal Grooming
Human Perception Diagnose
Interview Seduction
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Human Perception
Intimidate Intimidate
Brawling Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Streetwise Pistol
Procurer: What? You thought the Corp’s
went out to get their own drugs and girls?

Pay Scale: Fixer


Drive, General
Wardrobe and Style
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Pusher: The bastards who get your kids
hooked on ‘Dorph, ‘Lace, and all those other
“recreational pharmaceuticals”.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Pistol or SMG
Area Knowledge (Local Area)
Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk

Quartermaster: The guy who runs supply Streetwise

in a military or merc unit. Better be nice to Pistol or SMG
him…. Rifle
Pay Scale: Fixer Brawling
Tech: Weapons
Template: Expert/SK: Military Hardware
Expert/SK: Military Weapons
Quartermaster Rank (2x cost)
Racketeer: The general “Organized Crime”

Pay Scale: Fixer


Pistol or SMG
Language: (Any)
Strength Feat
‘Tronic Security
Scavenger: They’ll take whatever is not Service Broker: The fixer most
nailed down, even if they have to remove the Edgerunners deal with when looking for work.
nails themselves.
Pay Scale: Fixer
Pay Scale: Fixer
Service Broker
Scavenger Streetdeal
Streetdeal Awareness
Awareness Education/General Knowledge
Streetwise Human Perception
Tech: Basic Bureaucracy
Human Perception Pistol
First Aid Accounting
Stealth Stock Market
Strength Feat Computer Use
Endurance Library Use
Pistol Business Sense

Shoe Maker: Need to leave your old tracks Sleaze: General, all-around low-life street
behind and start fresh? scum.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Shoe Maker Sleaze

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Streetwise
Systems Knowledge Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Bureaucracy Pistol
Computer Programming Intimidate
Accounting Brawling
Forgery Melee
Computer Use Pick Lock
Library Use Pick Pocket
Stock Market Forgery
Sniffer: The sniffer has a nose for interesting Talent Agent/Manager: The managers for
information. bands and the agents who represent performers.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Sniffer Talent Agent/Manager

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Leadership
Social: (Any) Interview
Shadow and Track Social: (Any)
Intimidate Human Perception
Human Perception Intimidate
Brawling Education/General Knowledge
Pistol Streetwise or
Library Use Expert/SK: (Field of Entertainment)

Talent Scout: The corporate reps who try to Thirdman: The guys who run the smuggling
recruit new talent. rings, employing “Horses,” Panzer-Jocks, and

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Talent Scout Thirdman (Smuggler)

Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Streetwise Resist Torture /Drugs
Interview Pistol
Social: (Any) Leadership
Human Perception Accounting
Intimidate Streetwise
Education/General Knowledge Tech: Basic
Expert/SK: (Field of interest) Brawling
Culture: (Any) Forgery
Tong: Chinese organized crime gangs. Trader: Dealing with imports and exports,
they travel the world looking for deals.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Tong Trader
Streetdeal Streetdeal
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Resist Torture /Drugs Intimidate or Culture (Any)
Melee Human Perception
Intimidate Language (Any)
Endurance Streetwise
Streetwise Interview
Martial Arts (Any) Education/General Knowledge
Strength Feat Pistol or Melee
SMG Barter

Triad: Korean and Vietnamese organized Yakuza: The Japanese crime syndicate.
crime gangs.
Pay Scale: Fixer
Pay Scale: Fixer
Triad Streetdeal
Streetdeal Awareness
Awareness Social: Yakuza
Pistol Resist Torture /Drugs
Resist Torture /Drugs Expert/SK Business Administration
Melee Intimidate or Athletics
Intimidate Stealth
Endurance Streetwise
Streetwise Martial Arts (Any)
MA: Triad Assassin Shadow/Ditch
Strength Feat Language, English
Gang Banger Some bad, some worse, and the rest are iffy at best…

Gang Rank: Full value added to: Area Knowledge; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Cadre Tactics; Intimidate;
Leadership (within Gang) and Streetwise. The Gang Banger may call upon his fellow gangers for backup,
equal to 2 x Gang Rank in lesser Gang Rank members (I.E. a Gang Rank 4 ‘Banger calls for backup, and
gets 2 Gang Rank 3 and a Gang Rank 2, or 4 Gang Rank 2, or 8 Gang Rank 1, or any combination whose
total Gang Rank is 8 or less, with no Gang Rank higher than 3).

General Booster: Whacked-out gangs of combat-

enhanced cyberpsychotics.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Booster
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Wardrobe and Style Athletics
Hide and Evade Tech: Cyber
Intimidate Intimidate
Melee Melee
Brawling Brawling
Pistol Pistol or Endurance
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Expert/SK: Cyberware
Streetwise Streetwise
Athletics Berserk (2x Cost)

Chromer: Often violent, they are fanatic Combat: Gangs whose whole purpose is to
followers of one band or another. fight against other gangs, just for the fun of it.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Chromer Combat
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Wardrobe and Style Cadre/Indoctrinate
Play Instrument Cadre Tactics
Perform: Sing or Dance Intimidate
Melee or Pistol Melee
Brawling Brawling
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Pistol
Expert/SK: Rockers and Music SMG
Streetwise Streetwise
Athletics Berserk (2x Cost)
Convict: Members of gangs based out of the Dorpher: Very dangerous and violent, when
old pre-braindance prison system. they’re not too strung-out to move.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Convict Dorpher
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Brawling Pick Pocket
Handgun Pick Lock
Intimidate Chemistry
Melee Brawling
Streetwise Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Language: (Any) Melee or Pistol
Language: Jail Slang Expert/SK: Drugs
Education/General Knowledge Streetwise
Professional Skill (Any) Streetdeal (2x Cost)

Gang Soldier: The troops gangs use in their Gothiks: The walking dead, or so they’d have
constant warfare. you believe.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Gang Soldier Gothiks

Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Cadre/Indoctrinate Stealth
Cadre Tactics First Aid
Intimidate Intimidate
Melee Brawling
Brawling Wardrobe and Style
Pistol Personal Grooming
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Shadow and Ditch
Streetwise Streetwise
Athletics Deathwalk (2x Cost)
Guardians: For those who think the only Inquisitor: Radical anti-cyber religious nuts.
good ganger is a bad ganger, think again.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Guardians Inquisitor
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Intel Gathering Strength Feat
Interview Athletics
Intimidate Stealth
Martial Arts (Any) Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Martial Arts (Any with Mult. < 4) Endurance
Melee Expert/SK: Cyberware
Area Knowledge: Patrol Area Melee
Streetwise Streetwise
Good Guy (2x Cost) Berserk (2x Cost)

Inquisitor Predato Nosferatu: A secret Martial Artist: Member of one of the many
sect of the Inquisition, they hunt the creatures of martial-arts oriented gangs, usually centered on
the night. an underground dojo.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Inquisitor Predato Nosferatu Martial Artist

Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Strength Feat Strength Feat or Social: Dojo
Athletics Athletics
Stealth Endurance or Melee, Okinawan
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Endurance Martial Arts (Any with Mult. < 4)
Expert/SK: Vampire Lore Martial Arts (Any with Mult. < 3)
Melee Melee
Streetwise Streetwise
Combat Sense (2x Cost) Kata (2x Cost)
Militia: Radical believers in the right to bear Mosher: Violent dance-gangs, they dominate
arms, they are willing to kill or die to defend it. the mosh pits of the local clubs.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Militia Mosher
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Brawling Dance
First Aid Athletics
Melee Intimidate
Rifle Resist Torture/Drugs
Shadow/Track Brawling or
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) MA: Thrash Boxing
Cadre Tactics Endurance
Wilderness Survival Strength Feat
History or Expert/SK: Constitutional Law Streetwise
Mosh (2x Cost)

Outlaw Biker: The heirs to the Hell’s Poser: Gangs whose whole look and
Angels of the last century. personality are based on a core idea, a role-
model for the group.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Outlaw Biker Poser

Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Motorcycle Wardrobe and Style
Endurance Personal Grooming
Intimidate Expert/SK: Role Model
Melee Melee or Pistol
Brawling or Martial Arts: (Any) Brawling or Perform: Acting
Rifle Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Tech: Basic Disguise
Survival: American Streetwise
Combat Sense (2x Cost) or Face Dance (2x Cost)
Berserk (2x Cost)
Protection: Gangs formed by members of a Sewer: Gangs who claim the areas under the
community or neighborhood to protect city as their own.
themselves and their children..

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Protection Sewer
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Survival: Urban
Human Perception Cadre Tactics
Intimidate Athletics
Brawling or Martial Arts: (Any) Stealth
Pistol Brawling
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Endurance
Shadow/Ditch Area Knowledge: Local Sewers
Streetwise Streetwise
Good Guy (2x Cost) Spelunking (2x Cost)

Skater: Predatory skate-punks, they use their Streetkid: Loosely organized for mutual
mobility to great advantage. protection and strength, these homeless youths
can be a formidable foe.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Skater Streetkid
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Skating Hide and Evade
Athletics Shadow/Ditch
Tech: (By Board) Simper
Melee or Endurance Stealth
Brawling Brawling
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk or Intimidate Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Streetwise Streetwise
Thrash (2x Cost) Scavenger (2x Cost)
Street Punk: The losers who hang out on the Transient: Gangs of homeless, like nomads
street trying to score big. who only travel within a city.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Street Punk Transient

Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Hide and Evade Pick Lock
Athletics Streetwise
Intimidate Shadow/Track
Stealth Endurance
Brawling Brawling
Melee Pick Pocket
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Streetwise Melee
Endurance Gamble/Cheat

Tribal: Radical neo-Indians, they seek to Vigilante: Gangs who set out to punish those
return to the old ways, but still ride motorcycles they feel are guilty of a crime.
and use guns….

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Tribal Vigilante
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Motorcycle Drive: General
Athletics Athletics
Shadow/Track Shadow/Track
Melee or Stealth Melee
Brawling Pistol
Pistol or Archery Brawling or Martial Arts: (Any)
Streetwise or Survival (Any) Hide and Evade
Hide and Evade Streetwise
Warrior (2x Cost) Stealth
Wirehead: Gangs of wire and braindance- Zoomer: Bozozuka, go-gangers, bike-punks;
addicted losers who just want to score enough they all love those motorcycles.
cash to get their next fix.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Wirehead Zoomer
Gang Rank Gang Rank
Awareness Awareness
Pick Pocket Motorcycle
Pick Locks Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Intimidate
Melee or Pistol Melee
Brawling Brawling
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Pistol or Athletics
Expert/SK: Wirehead Hookup or Area Knowledge: City Streets
Braindance Use Streetwise
Streetwise Hotbiking (2x Cost)
Jury Rig (2x Cost)
Glitterkid Famous, often for no real reason, they live in the limelight.

Celebrity: Full value added to most EMP-based interaction rolls; Bribery; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Culture
(any); Interview; Leadership; Oratory; Personal Grooming; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Seduction; Social:
(any); Wardrobe and Style. The Glitterkid may call upon Resources (as the Corporate) equal to Celebrity
x1000eb per month for clothes, food, transport, lodgings, or bodyguards.

General Actors: Actors with lots of style, but little


Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Templates: Template:

General Actor
Celebrity Celebrity
Awareness Awareness
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Social: (any) Social: Hollywood
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Seduction Seduction
Oratory Oratory
Education/ General Knowledge Disguise
(Appropriate Skill of Note) Perform: Acting
Culture: (Any) Photo/Film

Clergyman/Cult Leader: They say that Famous Glam-Rocker: The kind of

they talk to God, but He doesn’t seem wiling to manufactured rock star that all true rockerboys
confirm it. despise.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Clergyman/Cult Leader Famous Glam-Rocker

Celebrity Celebrity
Awareness Awareness
Perform: Sermon Wardrobe and Style
Expert/SK: Religion Personal Grooming
Composition Streetwise
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Library Use Seduction
Oratory Oratory
Intimidate Composition or Athletics
Cadre/Indoctrinate Perform: Singing or Play Instrument
Interview Dance
Musician: They make real music, but just Political Hack: Famous for their ability to
lack that special something that makes a blow hot air.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Musician Political Hack

Celebrity Celebrity
Awareness Awareness
Wardrobe and Style Leadership
Personal Grooming Library Use
Streetwise Social: Washington
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Seduction Composition
Oratory Oratory
Composition Education/General Knowledge
Perform: Singing Expert/SK: Politics
Play Instrument History

Writer/Author: Famous novelists and

self-help authors.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Expert/SK: Genre or Subject
Expert/SK: (Any)
Social: Publishing
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception
Education/ General Knowledge
Library Use
Go-Ganger Modern-day Mongols, they live on their bikes.

Hot Biking: Full value added to Motorcycle and Tech: Basic (for repair of Motorcycles and
hoverbikes). 1/2 value added to Pilot: Hoverbike. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Tech (any) for
repairing Motorcycles and hoverbikes.


Pay Scale: Nomad


Hot Biking
Tech: Basic
Area Knowledge (Local Area)

Bozozuka: Japanese answer to the biker


Pay Scale: Fixer


Hot Biking
Tech: Basic
Martial Art (Any)
Wardrobe and Style
Area Knowledge: Little Tokyo
Resist Torture/Drugs
Dreadnok: Renegade bikers operating from Knight Sabers: Poser-Go Gang, they ride
the Florida Everglades. custom racing bikes wearing homemade
powered armor.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Dreadnok Knight Sabers

Hot Biking Hot Biking
Awareness Awareness
Motorcycle Motorcycle
Tech: Basic Pilot: PA
Brawling Martial Art (Any)
Primary Weapon Melee
Secondary Weapon Heavy/Assault Weapons
Streetwise Streetwise
Area Knowledge: Everglades Area Knowledge: Neo-Tokyo
Intimidate Rifle or Heavy Beam
Pilot (Any) or Drive (Any) Beam Weapons

Motorcycle Club: A calmer, saner Road Knight: Crazies in chain and plate,
outgrowth of the outlaw biker gangs of the last riding steel “steeds” and playing at jousting.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Motorcycle Club Road Knight

Hot Biking Hot Biking
Awareness Awareness
Motorcycle Motorcycle
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Brawling Brawling
Melee Melee
Pistol or SMG Melee, Mounted
Streetwise Social: Court
Resist Torture/Drugs Area Knowledge: SCA/Ren Faire Sites
Intimidate Expert/SK: Chivalric Code
Cadre Tactics History
Golden Kid Nouveau riche, they know all the right people.

Contacts: Full value added to any interaction with Contacts or Connections. Golden Kids start with
(Contacts level) rolls under Connections, and (Contacts level) Connections of choice. The Golden Kid may
call upon Resources (as the Corporate) equal to Contacts x1000eb per month, but must repay these debts, or
lose 1 level of effective Contacts for each 1000eb still owed out.

Antiquarian/Collector: Collectors and
experts on antiques and historical pieces.
Pay Scale: Corporate
Pay Scale: Fixer
Contacts Antiquarian/Collector
Awareness Contacts
Bureaucracy Awareness
Social: High Society Appraise
Wardrobe and Style Social: University
Personal Grooming Language: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk History
Education/ General Knowledge Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Library Use Education/ General Knowledge
Expert/SK: (Area of Interest) Library Use
Stock Market Expert/SK: (Area of Interest)
Culture: (Any)

Dilettante: Rich corporate brats, or those

who managed to get their money very early in life.

Pay Scale: Corporate


Social: High Society
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Education/ General Knowledge
Library Use
Expert/SK: (Area of Interest)
Language: (Any)
Goths Ultimate outgrowth of the Gothic music movement.

Death Walk: Full value added to Body Enhancement; Conscious Will; Endurance; Hide and Evade;
Intimidation (to resist being intimidated); Resist Torture/Drugs; Shadow/Ditch; Stealth; Strength Feat and
Urban Survival.


Pay Scale: Nomad


Death Walk
Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Blood Doll: People who enjoy being fed on
by “Vampires”.

Pay Scale: Nomad


Blood Doll
Death Walk
Contact: (Vampire)
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Social: Vampire
Ghoul: People who hunt “Vampires” for their
blood, or act as their servants.

Pay Scale: Nomad


Death Walk
Contact: (Vampire)
Strength Feat or Potence (2x Cost)
Body Enhancement or
Fortitude (2x Cost)
Athletics or Celerity (2x Cost)
Social: Vampire

Fanatic /Nihilist: People who blow

themselves and others up to express the futility
of life.

Pay Scale: Nomad


Fanatic /Nihilist
Death Walk
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Expert/SK: Religion or Politics
Vampire Poseur: The people who play at Terrorist: Fanatics who use death and
being “Vampires”. destruction to make a political statement.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Vampire Poseur Terrorist

Death Walk Death Walk
Awareness Awareness
Intimidate Area Knowledge: (Operation Area)
Streetwise Drive: General
Brawling Education/General Knowledge
Melee, Cyber Pistol or Rifle
Stealth SMG
Shadow/Ditch Human Perception
Wardrobe and Style Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Personal Grooming Streetwise
Social: Vampire Survival: (Any)
Government Administrator Still large and in charge.

Clout: Full value added to Administration; Bureaucracy; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Expert/SK: Government

Policy; Expert/SK: Politics; Interrogation; Intimidation; Leadership and Negotiation/Arbitration. The
Government Administrator may call upon Resources (as the Corporate) equal to Clout2 x1000eb per month
for projects approved by his superiors, as well as Clout x2000eb per month from petty cash. Project funds
are subject to oversight, but need not be paid back, although petty cash must be repaid within 1 month, or
the Administrator will be fired, and possibly jailed.

General Agent: The low-level lackeys that make up the

rank and file of the agency.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Templates: Template:

General Agent
Clout Clout
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Human Perception
Social Streetwise
Library Use Pistol
History Martial Art (Any)
Area Knowledge: (Area or Control) Expert/SK: Police Procedure
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Bureaucracy Intimidate
Computer Use Athletics
Streetwise Criminology

Bureaucrat: The people who keep the Department Head: Same wheel, bigger
wheels of government turning, slowly. cogs.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Bureaucrat Department Head

Clout Clout
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Social: Office Social: Office
Library Use Leadership
Accounting Human Perception
Systems Knowledge: Government Comp Expert/SK: (Department)
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Bureaucracy Bureaucracy
Computer Use Accounting
Expert/SK: Government Policy Intimidate
Investigator: These folks are usually Official: They are in a position of authority,
involved in policing their own. within their own sphere.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Investigator Official
Clout Clout
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Education/General Knowledge
Streetwise Social: Office
Pistol Library Use
Shadow/Ditch Accounting
Human Perception Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Expert/SK: (Department)
Intimidate Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Athletics Bureaucracy
Expert/SK: Law Intimidate

Pacific Rim: Generally less inclined to throw Representative: Spokespeople for the
their weight around, Pacific Rim admins still government, they represent its interests at the
have the resources of a national government to street level.
call on.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Cop

Template: Template:

Pacific Rim Representative

Clout Clout
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Social Social: Media
Library Use Library Use
History Administration
Area Knowledge: (Area or Control) Expert/SK: Law
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Bureaucracy Intimidate
Rhetoric Accounting
Streetwise Perform: Acting
Street Recruiter: Always on the lookout for
new talent that the government can use to
achieve its own goals.

Pay Scale: Cop


Street Recruiter
Social: Street
Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Intel Gathering
Guardian Purveyors of street justice, they protect the weak and innocent.

Good Guy: Full value added to Area Knowledge; Interrogate; Interview; Intimidate; Leadership;
Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory and Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. The Guardian can call upon a number of
other Guardians equal to his level in Good Guy; none of the other Guardians may have a level exceeding
his own.

General Ex-Cop: Just because he’s no longer on the

force, that doesn’t mean he’s out of law
enforcement .

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Ex-Cop
Good Guy Good Guy
Awareness Awareness
Area Knowledge: (Patrol Area) Expert/SK: Police
Streetwise Procedures
Melee Streetwise
Wardrobe and Style Pistol
Personal Grooming Human Perception
Intel Gathering Athletics
Intimidate Interrogate
Martial Art: (Any) Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Brawling
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk

Gotham Knight: Yes, they dress like Martial Artist: Like Caine, they walk the
Batman. Yes, they’re serious. And, no, you Earth, dispensing justice to miscreants and those
don’t want to find yourself on their bad side. who prey on the weak.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Gotham Knight Martial Artist

Good Guy Good Guy
Awareness Awareness
Area Knowledge: (Patrol Area) Intimidate
Streetwise Streetwise
Tech: ‘Tronic Melee
Tech: Basic Human Perception
Athletics Athletics
Shadow/Ditch Shadow/Ditch
Intimidate Martial Art: (Any)
Martial Art: (Any) Martial Art: (Any with Multiplier <4)
Disguise Stealth
Pacifist: They don’t like to see anyone get Street Samurai: The hero-for-hire, he
hurt, but they will stop you from hurting others. sometimes works his own neighborhood just to
keep in shape.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Pacifist Street Samurai

Good Guy Good Guy
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Pistol
Streetwise Streetwise
Oratory Melee
Human Perception Martial Arts (Any)
Athletics Athletics
Hide and Evade Shadow/Ditch
Intimidate Intimidate
Martial Arts: Aikido Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Expert/SK: Religion or Philosophy SMG
High Rider Independent space colonists and their support network.

Brotherhood: Full value added to: Bartering; Intimidate; Leadership and Negotiation/Arbitration.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Astrogation; EVA; Space Survival; -G Combat; -G Maneuver;
Pilot: OTV; Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane and Tech: Spacecraft or any movement skills in space. Highriders
may call upon Brotherhood2 in lower level Highriders for assistance and back up. Highriders may also
borrow up to Brotherhood rank x 1000eb in goods or cash, which must be repaid within 1 month.

General Colony Pilot: The guys who fly cargo-runs

for the O’Neil colonies.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Colony Pilot

Brotherhood Brotherhood
Awareness Awareness
Astrogation Astrogation
Melee Expert/SK: Mathematics
Pilot: OTV Pilot: OTV
Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane
Survival: Space Survival: Space
-G Maneuver -G Maneuver or
-G Combat EVA
Tech: Spacecraft Expert/SK: Physics
-G Acclimatization (2x Cost) Tech: Spacecraft
Computer Programming

Delta Jock: The first line of defense for the


Pay Scale: Solo


Delta Jock
Pilot: Delta
Pilot: Aircraft
Pilot: AV
Heavy Beam Weapons
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Aircraft Sense (2x Cost)
Jockey/Runner Mad men behind the wheel, or the stick, or whatever…

Vehicle Zen: Full value added to Awareness/Notice and all Maneuver and Drive/Pilot rolls while in a
vehicle. Full value added to Initiative rolls while in a vehicle. 1/2 value added to Awareness/Notice and
Initiative rolls outside the vehicle. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Navigation and Weapon skills
while in the vehicle.

Cabbie: They drive all those old, decrepit
cabs you see in the city.
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Cop
Vehicle Zen Cabbie
Awareness Vehicle Zen
Drive: General Awareness
Drive: Truck Drive: General
Pilot: Hovercraft Pilot: AV/VTV
Motorcycle Pilot: Hovercraft
Tech: Basic Area Knowledge: Longest Routes
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Basic
Tech: Commo Pistol
Brawling Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Streetwise Brawling

Panzer Jockey: The mad-man smuggler, Runner: Getaway drivers, gunrunners, and
road pirate, and anti-hero romanticized on so general, all-around scoundrels, they drive like
many vids. the wind.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Panzer Jockey Runner

Vehicle Zen Vehicle Zen
Awareness Awareness
Drive: General Drive: General
Pilot: Panzer Athletics
Pilot: Hovercraft Pilot: Hovercraft
Navigation Drive: (any) or Motorcycle
Expert/SK: Smuggling Routes Tech: Basic
Pistol Tech: ‘Tronic
Heavy/Assault Weapons Tech: (any)
Brawling Brawling
Crew (2x Cost) Streetwise
Lawyer If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.

Reason: Full value added to Bartering; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Education/General Knowledge; Expert/SK:

Law; Interview; Interrogate; Intimidate; Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory and Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk.


Confuse: Full value added to Bartering; Cadre/Indoctrinate; Expert/SK: Law; Interview; Interrogate;
Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory; Perform: Acting; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk and Seduction.

General Corporate: The guys who sue little people

into nonexistence.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Corporate

General Reason
Awareness Education/General Knowledge
Education/General Knowledge Expert/SK: Law
Expert/SK: Law Human Perception
Human Perception Expert/SK: Corporate Law
Interview Library Use
Library Use Interview
Oratory Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Expert/SK: Corporate Policy
Bureaucracy Interrogate

Judge: The top end of the profession, judges’ Labor Relations: Yes, the unions still exist.
decisions set precedent that carries the force of Not as powerful as they once were, but they are
law. He holds your fate in his hands. still out there.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:
Labor Relations
Judge Confuse
Negotiation /Arbitration
Education/General Knowledge
Expert/SK: Law
Expert/SK: Law
Human Perception Human Perception
Composition Wardrobe and Style
Library Use Intimidate
Oratory Social: Labor
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
History History
Authority (2x Cost) Personal Grooming
Prosecutor: You know, that guy who is
trying his damnedest to put you in jail. Sleazy: The kind of slime ball that got the
Lawyer Purge started.
Pay Scale: Cop
Pay Scale: Rocker
Reason Sleazy
Awareness Confuse
Education/General Knowledge Awareness
Expert/SK: Law Seduction
Human Perception Expert/SK: Law
Interview or Composition Human Perception
Library Use Wardrobe and Style
Oratory Intimidate
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Perform: Acting
Bureaucracy or History Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Interrogate or Interrogate
Authority (2x Cost) Personal Grooming
Looker All that and a bag of silicon chips... Try not to stare.

The Look: Full value added to Cadre/Indoctrinate; Culture (Looker, Goldenkid, Corporate, Glitterkid,
or Rocker); Imitate Voice; Leadership; Media; Oratory; Perform: (Acting or Modeling); Personal
Grooming; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Seduction; Simper; Social: (Any) and Wardrobe and Style.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Athletics; Bribery; Conscious Will; Dance; Human Perception;
Interview; Negotiation/Arbitration; Photo/Film and Resist Torture/Drugs. Use Business Sense + Cool +
The Look to gain employment contracts (Difficulty Average for City-wide; Difficult for State-wide; Very
Difficult for Nation-wide; Near Impossible for International. Contracts are paid at the rate of The Look
x2000 + (Difficulty)x200 per job, with the job lasting a number of days equal to 2x Difficulty.). The
Looker requires a Minimum of 7 in BOD and ATT.

General Actor: Might not be able to act their way out

of a paper bag, but they look good trying.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

General The Look
The Look
Wardrobe and Style
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Personal Grooming
Perform: Acting
Perform: (Any)
Social: Hollywood
Social: Looker
Culture: Glitterkid
Culture: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk

Model: The model needs to look more than Seducer: He's just a gigolo… Unless he's a
just “good,” she needs to look perfect. she, then she's a gold-digger, making money off
a lover. Some even form gangs, and keep score.
Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker
Template: Template:
Model Seducer
The Look The Look
Awareness Awareness
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Seduction Seduction
Perform: Modeling Perform: Sexual
Education/General Knowledge Human Perception
Social: Looker Social: High Society
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Athletics Athletics
Photo/Film Education/General Knowledge
or Gang Rank (2x Cost)
Mallbrat Ever wonder where the fixers get their stuff?

Boost: Full value added to: Appraisal; Computer Use (For altering inventory records and other traces);
Concealment; Desktop Engineer; Expert/SK: Autofactory Operation; Streetwise; Tech (Any for reading
CAD designs and blueprints); ‘Tronic Security (Defeating store security systems) and Weaponsmith.

Braindance/VR/Chipware: The Mallbrat
you go to see for illegal chips and pirated
Pay Scale: Fixer
Pay Scale: Fixer
Boost Braindance/VR/Chipware
Awareness Boost
‘Tronic Security Awareness
Personal Grooming ‘Tronic Security
Wardrobe and Style Personal Grooming
Tech: Basic Wardrobe and Style
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Chip/Moddie
Desktop Engineer Tech: ‘Tronic
Streetwise Computer Use
Accounting Streetwise
Slight of Hand Expert/SK: VR/Braindance
Braindance Editing

Computers/Decks: Love that new deck, but Cyberware: An arm and a leg that won’t
not the price? cost you an arm and a leg.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Computers/Decks Cyberware
Boost Boost
Awareness Awareness
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Tech: Cyber Tech: Cyber
Tech: Computer Wardrobe and Style
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Desktop Engineer Desktop Engineer
Streetwise Streetwise
Cyberdeck Design Expert/SK: Illegal Cybertech Sources
Tech: Commo Accounting
Guns: Why pay retail when you can get a five- Software: All the good software is acquired
finger discount? illegally, anyway. Why not the generic stuff?

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Guns Software
Boost Boost
Awareness Awareness
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Weapons Tech: ‘Tronic
Expert/SK: Small Arms Desktop Engineer
Streetwise Streetwise
Weaponmith Accounting
1 Weapon Skill Computer Programming

’Tronics: So it doesn’t have the Tanaka-

Sanyo label, it works just as well.

Pay Scale: Fixer


‘Tronic Security
Personal Grooming
Wardrobe and
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Desktop Engineer
Tech: Commo
Mecha Pilot Giant robot combat, anyone? “Look, squishies!”

Mecha Zen: Full value added to Awareness/Notice, Initiative rolls and Defensive rolls while piloting a
Mech. 1/2 value added to Awareness/Notice and Initiative rolls outside a Mech. Specialization chart
bonuses apply to: Heavy/Assault Weapons; Heavy Beam Weapons; Mecha Athletics; Mecha Martial Arts;
Mecha Melee and Pilot: Mecha.

General Assault: The big guns, they can level a small

city, and take on a tank unit with ease.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Rocker

Templates: Template:

General Assault
Mecha Zen Mecha Zen
Awareness Awareness
Mecha Athletics Mecha Athletics
Mecha Design Brawling or Martial Art (Any)
Mecha Martial Arts Mecha Martial Arts
Pistol or SMG Pistol or SMG
Pilot: Mecha Pilot: Mecha
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Heavy Beam Weapons Heavy Beam Weapons
Mecha Melee Mecha Melee
Tech: Mecha or Athletics or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)

Construction: Specialists in building large Scout: Fast, light, and sneaky, they are gone
structures in space. before you realize they were there.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Construction Scout
Mecha Zen Mecha Zen
Awareness Awareness
Mecha Athletics Mecha Athletics
Expert/SK: Construction Photo/Film
Tech: Basic Mecha Martial Arts
Tech: ‘Tronic Intel Gathering
Pilot: Mecha Pilot: Mecha
Operate Heavy Machinery Heavy/Assault Weapons
Heavy Beam Weapons Heavy Beam Weapons
Mecha Melee Mecha Melee
Tech: Mecha Tech: Commo or
Rank (2x Cost)
Space: Specialized in high-risk assaults on Timber: Modern lumberjacks who could give
space-based targets. Paul Bunyan a run for his money.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Space Construction
Mecha Zen Mecha Zen
Awareness Awareness
Mecha Athletics Mecha Athletics
Astrogation or Area Knowledge (Any Space) Expert/SK: Logging
Mecha Martial Arts Tech: Basic
q-G Combat Tech: ‘Tronic
Pilot: Mecha Pilot: Mecha
Heavy/Assault Weapons Operate Heavy Machinery
Heavy Beam Weapons Melee: Powered
Mecha Melee Mecha Melee
Survival: Space or Tech: Mecha
Rank (2x Cost)
Media “Coming to you live and direct from the channel 6 newsroom…”

Credibility: Full value added to Compose/Write; Human Perception; Infiltration; Interview;

Intimidation; Media; Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory; Perform: Acting; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk;
Seduction and Social: (Any).

General/ Freelancer “Action” Reporter: The sports

commentator, he is right where the action is.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Templates: Template:

General/ Freelancer “Action” Reporter

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception Human Perception or Endurance
Social: (Any) Social: Athletes
Streetwise Expert/SK: (Covered Sport)
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Interview Interview
Oratory Athletics

Actor: The serious actor, known for his Anchor: The news anchor, he holds the
dramatic performances. broadcast together.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Actor Anchor
Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Social: Hollywood Social: (Any)
Perform: Acting Perform: Anchor
Disguise Photo/Film
Seduction Interview
Oratory Oratory
Artist: The serious artist is known for the Author: The non-fiction author is often a
message of the art. trusted source of information.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Artist Author
Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
History Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Wardrobe and Style Human Perception
Personal Grooming Social: (Any)
Paint/Draw Streetwise
Human Perception Expert/SK: Genre
Seduction Library Use
Contacts (2x Cost) Computer Use

Braindance Editor: A good editor can Celebrity Hunter: The tabloid reporter who
make the difference between a stellar production specializes in paparazzi-style ambushes and
and a flop. candid photos, backed by impromptu interviews.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Braindance Editor Celebrity Hunter

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Education/General Knowledge
Leadership Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Human Perception Social: Hollywood
Tech: ‘Tronic Streetwise
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Personal Grooming Interview
Emote (2x Cost) Stealth
Combat Photographer: The combat Combat Reporter: What the combat
photographer captures the hellish essence of photographer shows in picture, the combat
modern war. reporter punctuates with words.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Combat Photographer Combat Reporter

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Commo Composition
Endurance Education/General Knowledge
Resist Torture and Drugs Perform: Acting
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Human Perception
Stealth Hide and Evade
Pistol Pistol
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Interview Interview
Athletics Oratory

Embedded Police Reporter: The Investigative Journalist: The serious

reporters that ride along on the beat, covering reporter who does in-depth stories that can
crime from the cops-eye view. actually make a change for the better.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Embedded Police Reporter Investigative Journalist

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Shadow/Ditch Composition
Expert/SK: Police Procedure or Criminology Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Hide and Evade Human Perception
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Pistol
Pistol Streetwise
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Interview Shadow/Track
Social: Police Oratory
Investigative Reporter: The reporter on Military Correspondent: The reporter
the scene who exposes the doings of the who follows behind the troops, giving a detached
corporations and the government. view of the war.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Investigative Reporter Military Correspondent

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception Resist Torture /Drugs
Library Use Pistol
Streetwise Language: (Any)
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Interview Interview
Oratory Endurance

News Investigator: The guy who verifies Police Beat: The crime reporter who covers
the story, and digs up the background on the the story from the stationhouse, not as flashy as
principals involved. the embedded reporter, but with more factual

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

News Investigator Police Beat

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
Intel Gathering Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception Human Perception
Shadow/Track Intimidate
Streetwise Streetwise
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Interview Interview
Library Use Social: Police
Professor: The collage professor is often Public Relations: The PR firms are full of
considered a reliable source of information. honest-faced people who can put honey on any
sour situation.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Professor Public Relations

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Composition
Education/General Knowledge Pistol
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Human Perception Wardrobe and Style
Expert/SK: Area of Knowledge Bureaucracy
Teach Social: Corporate
Oratory Oratory
Library Use Human Perception
Computer Use Personal Grooming

Sensationalist: Nothing livens up a slow Spin Doctor: When there is no way to

news day like something totally outrageous. escape exposure, at least show your good side.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Sensationalist Spin Doctor

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: (Any) Composition
Expert/SK: Municipal Commo Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Shadow/Track Perform: Acting
Drive: (Any) Expert/SK: Corporate Policy or
Streetwise Expert/SK: Political Party Line
Photo/Film Social: Corporate
Interview Photo/Film
Tech: Commo Culture: Media
Business Sense
Social Reporter: The high-society and Tabloid Media: Sure, the tabloids are full of
entertainment world needs coverage too. fluff, but they are the widest read newspapers

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Social Reporter Tabloid Media

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Human Perception
Education/General Knowledge Streetwise
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Social: (Any) Shadow/Track
Simper Photo/Film
Expert/SK: Pop Culture Expert/SK: Popular Culture
Interview Interview
Personal Grooming Intel Gathering

Tabloid-monger: The new paparazzi, they Talking Head/ On-Air Star: Spewing
hound celebrities whenever they can get away the media-corp’s line, they make their living
with it. selling a point of view.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

Tabloid-monger Talking Head/ On-Air Star

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Composition Perform: Acting
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Expert/SK: Corporate Policy
Perform: Acting Human Perception
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Wardrobe and Style
Streetwise Social: Media
Photo/Film Culture: Corporate
Interview Interview
Tech: Commo Personal Grooming
T.V. Personality: All too often, they are all Undercover Reporter: They will do
style and no substance, but still, people listen. anything, endure anything, to get the story.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Media

Template: Template:

T.V. Personality Undercover Reporter

Credibility Credibility
Awareness Awareness
Personal Grooming Shadow/Ditch
Education/General Knowledge Area Knowledge: (Area of Operation)
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception Disguise
Wardrobe and Style Perform: Acting
Expert/SK: Area of Knowledge Streetwise
Oratory Photo/Film
Interview Intel Gathering
Social: (Any) Stealth

War Correspondent: The reporters for

such prestigious organizations as Stars and
Stripes, they move right along with the front-line

Pay Scale: Cop


War Correspondent
Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Human Perception
Tech: Basic or Tech: ‘Tronic
MedTech Doctors, paramedics, and researchers, oh my...

Medical Tech: Full value added to: Cryotank Operation; Diagnose; Expert/SK (Anatomy;
Biochemistry; Biogenetics; Biology; Biophysics; Biotech; Botany; Cybertech; Drug Design;
Forensics/Pathology; Marine Biology; Microbiology; Molecular Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Veterinary
Medicine; Xenobiology Theory; Zoology); First Aid; Human Perception; Pharmacy; Surgery; Tech:
Bioware; Tech: Laboratory and Trauma Control/Triage.

General Biochemist: Researchers in the fields of

biochemistry and bio-production.

Pay Scale: MedTech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Templates: Template:
General Biochemist
Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Library Use
Diagnose Expert/SK: Microbiology
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Cryotank Operation Expert/SK: Biochemistry
Zoology Zoology
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Human Perception Expert/SK: Botany
First Aid Chemistry

Chemist: The medical chemist specializes in Chop Doc: Similar to a chop-shop, but for
pharmacology, and creating new drugs. people.

Pay Scale: Med-Tech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:
Medical Tech Chop Doc
Awareness Medical Tech
Library Use Awareness
Expert/SK: Drug Design First Aid
Education/General Knowledge Diagnose
Pharmacy Expert/SK: Gene Matching
Resist Torture /Drugs Streetwise
Expert/SK: Chemistry Cryotank Operation
Tech: Basic Tech: Cyber
Expert/SK: Botany Tech: Basic
Tech: Laboratory Scrounge
Combat Medic: Military equivalent of the Cyber Doc: Specializes in implantation and
paramedic, they stabilize and transport. removal of cybernetic systems.

Pay Scale: Med-Tech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:

Combat Medic Cyber Doc

Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use First Aid
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Expert/SK: NewTech
Pistol or SMG Expert/SK: Cyber Design
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Cryotank Operation Cryotank Operation
Diagnose Tech: Cyber
Melee Tech: Basic
First Aid Human Perception
Combat Sense (2x Cost) or Surgery
Rank (2x Cost)

Drug Cooker: Specializes in rare and hard- Field Medic: When the patient can’t wait to
to-find non-pharmaceutical drugs. get to a hospital for treatment, the field medic
takes over.

Pay Scale: Med-Tech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:

Drug Cooker Field Medic

Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Language: (Any)
Pistol Diagnose
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Pharmacy Pharmacy or Pistol
Expert/SK: Chemistry Cryotank Operation
Expert/SK: Molecular Chemistry Endurance
Tech: Basic Tech: Cyber
Human Perception Human Perception
Streetwise First Aid
Medical Examiner: The doctors who run Military Medic: Military field medics, they
the forensic laboratories. are often forced to treat on site.

Pay Scale: Cop Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:

Medical Examiner Military Medic

Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Expert/SK: Biology
Expert/SK: Biology Diagnose
Education/General Knowledge Trauma Control /Triage
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Expert/SK: Forensics /Pathology First Aid
Expert/SK: Microbiology Rifle or Pistol
Bureaucracy Tech: Cyber
Surgery Human Perception
Zoology Cryotank Operation or
Rank (2x Cost)

Paramedic: The medics who stabilize and Researcher: The medical researchers who
transport the injured to hospitals. come up with all those great new treatments and

Pay Scale: Med-Tech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:

Paramedic Researcher
Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Library Use
Diagnose Expert/SK: Biology
Trauma Control /Triage Expert/SK: Biotech
Drive: General or Pilot: (AV/VTV or Gyro) Expert/SK: Chemistry
Or Pistol Expert/SK: Cybertech
Cryotank Operation Expert/SK: Microbiology
First Aid Tech: Laboratory
Pharmacy Composition or Bureaucracy
Human Perception Tech: Bioware
Ripper Doc: The only doctor most people on Trauma/Combat Specialist: Often
the Street can afford, he does the best with what employed by Emergency Strike/Evac companies,
he has. some also work in high-risk military units.

Pay Scale: Med-Tech Pay Scale: Med-Tech

Template: Template:

Ripper Doc Trauma/Combat Specialist

Medical Tech Medical Tech
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Education/General Knowledge
Diagnose Diagnose
Pharmacy Pistol or Rifle
Tech: Cyber Pharmacy or Brawling or Martial Arts (any)
Expert/SK: Cybertech Athletics
Expert/SK: Illegal Cybertech Sources First Aid
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Surgery Human Perception
Streetwise Combat Sense (2x Cost) or
Rank (2x Cost)
Mega Violent “Don’t make me angry.
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry…”

Berserk: Full value added to: Body Enhance; Conscious Will; Endurance; Intimidate; Resist
Torture/Drugs and Strength Feat. 1/2 value is subtracted from rolls to save vs. Stun and Shock.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: all Hand to Hand attacks made while berserk.

Bouncer: The beefcake at the bar who keeps
people in line.
Pay Scale: Nomad
Pay Scale: Cop
Berserk Bouncer
Awareness Berserk
Brawling Awareness
Melee Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Pistol Melee
SMG Strength Feat
Streetwise Endurance
Cadre/Indoctrinate Streetwise
Cadre Tactics Athletics
Intimidate Cadre Tactics
Body Enhance Intimidate
Human Perception

Brawler: No style or finesse, he’ll just put a Bruiser: Often hired to “send a message” to
hurt on you. people.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Brawler Bruiser
Berserk Berserk
Awareness Awareness
Brawling Brawling
Melee Melee
Strength Feat Strength Feat
Endurance Endurance
Conscious Will Conscious Will
Athletics Athletics
Resist Torture/Drugs Resist Torture/Drugs
Intimidate Intimidate
Body Enhance Streetwise
Frother: Fanatical users of combat Headbanger: Violent music fans who just
enhancement drugs, they can often rip a ‘borg love to pick fights with each other over whose
apart bare-handed. band is cooler.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Frother Headbanger
Berserk Berserk
Awareness Awareness
Brawling Brawling
Melee Dance
Strength Feat Strength Feat
Endurance Endurance
Streetwise Streetwise
Expert/SK: Combat Drugs Expert/SK: Local Bands
Resist Torture/Drugs Resist Torture/Drugs
Intimidate Intimidate
Pharmacy Area Knowledge: Local Clubs

Roadie: They set up for the band, and work Street Muscle: For when a simple gun just
security as well. doesn’t provide enough intimidation.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Roadie Street Muscle

Berserk Berserk
Awareness Awareness
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts: (Any)
Melee Melee
Strength Feat Pistol
Endurance SMG
Streetwise Streetwise
Expert/SK: Stage Hand Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Drive: (Any) Shadow/Ditch
Intimidate Intimidate
Tech: ‘Tronic Athletics
Mobster You know, the Family; The Mafia; The Yaks; The Tong, etc…

Familia: Full value added to: Bartering; Intimidate; Leadership; Negotiation/Arbitration and
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Mobsters may call upon Familia2 in lower level Mobsters for assistance and back
up. Mobsters may also borrow up to Family rank x 1000eb in goods or cash, which must be repaid within 1

General Columbians: The drug lords of Columbia

are still making inroads to the US.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Fixer

Templates: Template:

General Columbians
Familia Familia
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Weapon Skill 1 Pistol
Brawling Brawling
Personal Grooming Melee
Wardrobe and Style SMG or Heavy/Assault Weapons
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Language: English (Native is Spanish)
or Spanish (Native is not Spanish)
Education/General Knowledge
Resist Torture/Drugs
Drive: (Any)

Jamaicans: Becoming more powerful every Mafia: Trying to make a comeback, they are
day. still bigger than any of the others.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Jamaicans Mafia
Familia Familia
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Leadership
Pharmacy Intimidate
Melee Negotiation/Arbitration
Pistol or Rifle Pistol or SMG
Expert/SK: Voodun Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Intimidate Accounting
SMG Brawling
Language: English (Native is Jamaican) Melee
Organizatskiya: Once the most powerful Ornament: The Dons like to have beautiful
gangsters in the world, the Neo-Soviet is women around; it makes them feel important.
crushing them wherever they can find them.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Organizatsiya Ornament
Familia Familia
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Seduction
Expert/SK: Torture Wardrobe and Style
Intimidate Personal Grooming
Language: English (Native is Russian) Streetwise
Pistol or SMG Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Rifle Social: Mafia
Brawling Gamble/Cheat
Melee Dance

Tong, Criminal: Many Tongs are benign in Triad: Brutal Chinese gangs, the Triads
nature, these are not they. control much of the crime in Chinatown.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Tong, Criminal Triad

Familia Familia
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Resist Torture /Drugs Resist Torture/Drugs
Language: English (Native is Chinese) Melee
Intimidate Intimidate
Wardrobe and Style Language: English (Native is Chinese)
Streetwise Streetwise
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts: Triad
Social: Tong Strength Feat
Yakuza/Boryokudan: Japanese organized crime,
they run Japan-town, despite the efforts of Arasaka.

Pay Scale: Corporate


Social: Yakuza
Resist Torture /Drugs
Expert/SK Business Administration
Intimidate or Athletics
Martial Arts (Any)
Language: English (Native is Japanese)
or Japanese (Native is not Japanese)
Mosher In the pit or in the street, they dance like crazy.

Mosh: Full value added to: Conscious Will; Endurance; Intimidate and Resist Torture/Drugs.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Dance, Pick Pocket (if the target is “rolled”) and MA: Thrash
Boxing. Moshers may roll Mosh + Concious Will + BOD to resist BFT or Fall damage, taking 1/2 rolled
damage, at 10+(1 per point of rolled damage) DIFF. (I.E. 20 points BFT is a Near Impossible (30) total
difficulty, and if successful, the Mosher takes 10 points of damage). Moshers may stay awake for 48 +
(Mosh + Endurance + BOD +1d10) hours without penalty. Moshers subtract 1/2 their Mosh from penalties
for moving through crowds. Finally, the Specialization chart bonus for Mosh is applied to any Strike with
the elbows, knees and headbutt in close combat. Mosh also modifies damage from these attacks in the
same way that BOD does (as BTM for BOD).
Pay Scale: Nomad
Brawling or
MA: Thrash Boxing
Strength Feat
Resist Torture/Drugs
Conscious Will
Punk Band: The new punk rock is more
antisocial and violent than ever, but there is still
a message in there, somewhere.

Pay Scale: Rocker

Punk Band
Brawling or
MA: Thrash Boxing
Perform: Sing
Play Instrument: (Any)
Resist Torture/Drugs
Thief: The kind of pickpocket who rolls his
target, hoping they won’t notice the wallet is
gone as they pick themselves back up.

Pay Scale: Rocker

Pick Pockets
Brawling or
MA: Thrash Boxing
Strength Feat
Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Neo-Pioneer Making their home on the range, pioneer style.

Frontier Guerilla: Full value added to: Archery (when hunting); Area Know: (Area homesteaded);
Concealment; Expert/SK: Agriculture; Hide and Evade (in Wilderness); Orienteering; Ride: (Animal);
Shadow/Track (in Wilderness); Sniper (when hunting) and Survival (Any). Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: Fast Draw; Expert/SK: Construction; Expert/SK: Tunnel Construction; Scrounge and Tech:


Pay Scale: Nomad


Frontier Guerilla
Fast Draw
Expert/SK: Agriculture
Tech: Basic
Hide and Evade

Farmer: The small-time, family farmer, a

nearly extinct breed.

Pay Scale: Rocker


Frontier Guerilla
Survival: Plains
Expert/SK: Agriculture
Expert/SK: Animal Husbandry
Tech: Basic
Scout: The specialized skills of the scout make
him highly desirable in the right circumstances.

Pay Scale: Rocker


Frontier Guerilla
Fast Draw
Intel Gathering
‘Tronic Security
Hide and Evade
Netrunner Running the ‘Net, with their brain as a peripheral.

Interface: Full value added to: Computer Programming; Computer Use; Expert/SK: (AI Programming;
AI Psychology; Program Class and Software Design) and Systems Knowledge. When linked by interface
plugs to the device, Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Cyberdeck Design; Desktop Engineer; Library
Use and Tech: Computer. The full value for Interface is also added to Initiative and Awareness in the

General Combat ‘Runner: Specializing in military

and paramilitary combat runs.

Pay Scale: Netrunner Pay Scale: Netrunner

Templates: Template:

General Combat ‘Runner

Interface Interface
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Cyber Stealth
Education/General Knowledge Pistol or SMG
Systems Knowledge Martial Arts: (Any)
Cyberdeck Design ‘Tronic Security
Composition Melee
Computer Use Computer Use
Computer Programming Computer Programming

Corporate: That sysop at the local data-fort? Covert Ops: Specializing in on-site intrusion
Now you know what he is capable of. and computer back-up.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Netrunner

Template: Template:

Corporate Covert Ops

Interface Interface
Awareness Awareness
Language: (Any) Tech: Basic
Language: (Any) Tech: ‘Tronic
Human Perception Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Athletics
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Social: Corporate Martial Art: (Any)
Stock Market Pistol or SMG
Computer Use Computer Use
Computer Programming Computer Programming
Deck Designer: Deals mostly with the Info-Fixer: Remember the kid in school who
technical end, but knows how to use it, too. hacked his grades? He can do that to your credit
records too.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Netrunner

Template: Template:

Deck Designer Info-Fixer

Interface Interface
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Pistol
Tech: ‘Tronic Language: (Any)
Tech: Cyber Library Use
Tech: Computer Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Cyberdeck Design Streetwise
Tech: Commo Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Computer Use Computer Use
Desktop Engineer Computer Programming or Human Perception

Military: The guys who run the net to protect

the nations military secrets and operations. Netwatch: The folks who keep the ‘net safe
(relatively) for weefle’s.
Pay Scale: Netrunner
Pay Scale: Cop
Interface Netwatch
Awareness Interface
Tech: Basic Awareness
Tech: ‘Tronic Interview
Tech: Cyber Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer Library Use
Systems Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
ECM/ECCM Systems Knowledge
Tech: Commo Cyberdeck Design
Computer Use Shadow/Track
Computer Programming or Computer Use
Rank (2x Cost) Computer Programming
Programmer: Specialized on the software Rogue Hunter: Rogue AI’s are their targets,
end, they carry the best custom stuff you ever so you know they have to be good.

Pay Scale: Netrunner Pay Scale: Netrunner

Template: Template:

Programmer Rogue Hunter

Interface Interface
Awareness Awareness
Mathematics Tech: Basic
Expert/SK: (any) Tech: ‘Tronic
Library Use Tech: Cyber
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Language: (Any) Cyberdeck Design
Composition Expert/SK: AI Programming /Psychology
Computer Use Computer Use
Computer Programming Computer Programming

Snoop: Specialized in getting to systems with

no external connection to the ‘Net.

Pay Scale: Netrunner


MA: (Any)
Pick Lock
‘Tronic Security
Illegal Entry
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer
Cyberdeck Design
Criminal Mind (2x Cost)
Networker Masters of obscure trivia and hidden information.

Datahound: Full value added to Area Knowledge (Any); Awareness (detail analysis, after a successful
gross Awareness check without the bonus); Cartography; Computer Use (for database searches); Human
Perception; Infiltration; Intel Gathering; Interrogation; Interview; Library Use; Lip Reading; Media;
Personal Grooming (for examining others habits); Streetwise; Systems Knowledge and Wardrobe and Style
(for examining others style). With access to a computer and ‘Net connection, adds full to: Cryptography;
Culture: (Any); Education/General Knowledge and Expert/SK: (Any). Specialization chart bonuses apply
to: Education/General Knowledge; Expert/SK: (Criminology; Forensics/Pathology; Stock Market Trends)
and History. With access to a phone, Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Expert/SK: (Any). The
Networker has a number of Connections equal to his Datahound, rolled randomly at the start of play.
Increases in Datahound will allow for further rolls. Datahound value is added to the Lvl of the Connection
only for purposes of acquiring information; for all other uses of the Connection, Datahound value is halved.

General Specialist: Bodyshops/Ripperdocs: If

you want to know who they are, where they are,
and who they work for, ask the Networker.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Templates: Template:

General Specialist: Bodyshops/Ripperdocs

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Computer Programming Expert/SK: Illegal Cyberware Sources
Bribery Streetwise
Cryptography Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Specialist: Computer Hardware: Find Specialist: Corporations: Who’s doing
out what’s hot, who has the best price, and who’s what, to whom, and why, and how much are the
using it against whom. profiting by it?

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Specialist: Computer Hardware Specialist: Corporations

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Tech: ‘Tronic Expert/SK: Corporate Policy
Tech: Computer Stock Market
Cyberdeck Design Business Sense

Specialist: Cyberware: The newest tech, Specialist: Drugs: Who makes it, what is it
the best prices, and what kind of sabotage-ware used for, what are the side effects, and where can
did the manufacturer install? a guy score a fix?

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Specialist: Cyberware Specialist: Drugs

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Expert/SK: Newtech Chemistry
Tech: Cyber Pharmacy
Streetwise Streetwise
Specialist: Electronics: Find out what’s Specialist: Gangs: See these guys when
new on the street, where you can get the best you need to know where the territories are, who
price, and whose truck it fell off. their targets and supporters are, and such.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Specialist: Electronics Specialist: Gangs

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Tech: Basic Area Knowledge: Gang Territories
Tech: Commo Streetwise
Tech: ‘Tronic Expert/SK: Graffiti Tags

Specialist: Government Ops: The Specialist: Occult: They know all the
government is always up to something, and these weird groups, their members and backers, and
guys know the 5 W’s about it. the basics of their beliefs.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Specialist: Government Ops Specialist: Occult

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
Bureaucracy Occult
History Streetwise
Expert/SK: Government Ops Expert/SK: Local Occult Occurrences
Specialist: Organized Crime: They Specialist: Weapons: What they are,
know the major players, dons, soldiers, rackets where they can be bought, and who bought them
and turf. recently.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Specialist: Organized Crime Specialist: Weapons

Datahound Datahound
Awareness Awareness
Computer Use Computer Use
Interview Interview
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Library Use
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge Systems Knowledge
History Tech: Weapons
Streetwise Streetwise
Expert/SK: Organized Crime Expert/SK: Small Arms

Specialist: Wetware: The latest bio-

enhancements, who can implant them, where
they can be found, and what side effects the
users have been reporting.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Specialist: Wetware
Computer Use
Intel Gathering
Library Use
Education/General Knowledge
Systems Knowledge
Tech: Bio
Tech: Cyber
Expert/SK: Wetware Design
Ninja Masters of stealth, martial arts, and murder-for-hire.

Ninja Arts: Full value added to: Art of Invisibility; Awareness and Initiative in Assassination
situations. 1/2 value added to Awareness and Initiative in all other combat situations. Specialization chart
bonuses apply to: CHI, Bribery; Concealment; Culture (Any); Demolition; Disguise; Gamble/Cheat; Hide
and Evade; Illegal Entry; Imitate Voice; Infiltration; Intel Gathering; Interrogation; Interview; Perform,
Acting; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Pick Lock; Pick Pocket; Seduction; Shadow/Ditch; Shadow/Track;
Simper; Slight of Hand; Social: (Any); Stealth; Streetwise; Trapwork and ‘Tronic Security. Ninja gain 1
Martial Art/Kata skill at start and 1 Martial Art/Kata skill for each 4 levels of Ninja Arts (round down).

General Modern: Willing to use very non-traditional

methods to assure the completion of the mission.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Modern
Ninja Arts Ninja Arts
Awareness Awareness
Martial Art: Ninjitsu Martial Art: Ninjitsu
Art of Invisibility Illegal Entry
Melee Melee
Acrobatics ‘Tronic Security
Archery Sniper
Climbing Rifle
Swimming Pick Lock
Athletics Athletics
Disguise Trapworks
Nomad Rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond, call them what you will...

Family: Full value added to: Bartering; Cadre Tactics; Intimidate; Leadership and
Negotiation/Arbitration. Nomads may call upon Family2 in lower level Nomads for assistance and back up.
Nomads may also borrow up to Family rank x 500eb in goods or cash, which must be repaid within 1
Antarctic Collective: Nomads who’ve
General found a home, the Collective still operates along
pack structure and rules.
Pay Scale: Nomad
Pay Scale: Nomad
Templates: Template:
General Antarctic Collective
Family Family
Awareness Awareness
Endurance Endurance
Melee Pistol
Rifle Rifle
Drive: General Operate Heavy Machinery
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Motorcycle Tech: ‘Tronic
Survival: American Survival: Artic
Brawling Tech: Bioware
Athletics Language: Spanish

Catholic Priest: While not nomads, their Outrider, Car: The guards and screeners of
pack-style mentality causes them to operate in a the pack’s main body, they act as force recon for
similar manner. the nomads.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Catholic Priest Outrider, Car

Family Family
Awareness Awareness
Intimidate Endurance
Oratory Melee
Social: Church SMG
Human Perception Drive: General
Personal Grooming Tech: Basic
Leadership Hide and Evade or Pistol
Expert/SK: Catholicism Survival: American
Cadre/Indoctrinate Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
Charismatic Leadership (2x Cost) Recon (2x Cost) or
Outrider, Motorcycle: The light screeners Scout, Point: The nomad equivalent of
of the pack, they are the fast-response force of LRRP, they ride days ahead, scouting territory
the families. and safe routes.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Outrider, Motorcycle Scout, Point

Family Family
Awareness Awareness
Endurance Endurance
Melee Melee
Rifle Rifle
Hide and Evade or Pistol Motorcycle
Tech: Basic Shadow/Track
Motorcycle Hide and Evade
Survival: American Survival: American
Brawling or Martial Art: (Any) Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
Hotbiking (2x Cost) or Recon (2x Cost) or
Athletics Athletics

Scout, Support: Heavier reconnaissance Teacher: With the collapse of the public
units that provide firepower for the point scouts, school systems, there are a lot of displaced
they act as backup to the LRRPs. teachers, many in the packs.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Scout, Support Teacher

Family Family
Awareness Awareness
Endurance Library Use
Melee Oratory or Composition
SMG Rifle
Drive: General Drive: General
Tech: Basic Teach
Pistol History
Survival: American Education/General Knowledge
Brawling or Martial Art: (Any) Expert/SK: (Any)
Recon (2x Cost) or Expert/SK: (Any)
Tech: The pack wouldn’t get very far without Warrior: The nomad everybody always
someone to maintain all those vehicles. thinks of when you say “nomad”.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Tech Warrior
Family Family
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Endurance
Melee Melee
Rifle Rifle
Drive: General Heavy/Assault Weapons
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Basic or Tech: Weapons
Tech: Weapons Pistol
Survival: American Survival: American
Brawling Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
Jury Rig (2x Cost) Warpath (2x Cost)
Panzerboy Smugglers and highwaymen, riding 20 ton hovercraft hell-for-

Panzer Zen: Full value added to Awareness/Notice while in a hovercraft/Panzer, and all Maneuver and
Drive/Pilot rolls while in the vehicle. Full value added to Initiative rolls while in a hovercraft/Panzer. 1/2
value added to Awareness/Notice and Initiative rolls outside the vehicle. Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: Heavy/Assault Weapons and Navigation while piloting a hovercraft/Panzer.

General Driver: Military or retired, they can handle

most any vehicle in the motor pool.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Rocker

Templates: Template:

General Driver
Panzer Zen Panzer Zen
Awareness Awareness
Brawling Drive: General
Pilot: Panzer Pilot: Panzer
Pilot: Hovercraft Pilot: Hovercraft
Expert/SK: Smuggling Routes Operate Heavy Machinery
Navigation Endurance
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Pistol or SMG Pistol or SMG
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Crew (2x Cost) Crew (2x Cost) or
Rank (2x Cost)
Pirate Nomads of the seas, they may rob you, or invite you to party.

Crew: Full value added to: Bartering; Cadre/Tactics; Intimidate; Leadership and
Negotiation/Arbitration. Pirates may call upon Crew2 in lower level Pirates (Other Roles with Crew
abilities call upon members of their own role) for assistance and back up. Pirates may also borrow up to
Crew rank x 500eb in goods or cash, which must be repaid within 1 month.

General Blue Water: Pirates who operate in the open

ocean or Great Lakes.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Blue Water

Crew Crew
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Swimming
Pilot: Boat Pilot: Boat
Seamanship Seamanship
Pilot: PWC Sailing
Brawling Brawling
Navigation Navigation
Rifle Rifle
Endurance Endurance
Area Knowledge: (Area of Operation) Boating Zen (2x Cost)

Brown Water: Pirates who specialize in Freeholder: Not pirates, per se, just people
riverine operations. living in the last free frontier on earth, whether
that be floating islands or abandoned platforms.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:
Brown Water Freeholder
Crew Crew
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Survival: Undersea
Pilot: Boat Swimming
Pilot: PWC Tech: Basic
Area Knowledge: (River of Choice) Brawling
Brawling Education/General Knowledge
Rifle Pistol
Endurance Tech: Marine/Underwater Equipment
Boating Zen (2x Cost) Pilot: Watercraft or Pilot: Boat
Pirate Crewman: The crewmen on the big Scout: The small, fast units on PWC’s, they
boats: converted subs, military ships, and old swarm larger boats, or just perform scouting
freighters. for the big boys.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Pirate Crewman Scout

Crew Crew
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Swimming
Athletics Pilot: Boat
Seamanship Pilot: PWC
Heavy/Assault Weapons Intel Gathering
Brawling Brawling
Navigation Nu-SCUBA
Rifle Rifle
Tech: Basic Hide and Evade
Melee Stealth or
Reconnaissance (2x Cost)
Powered Armor Trooper And you thought ‘borgs were tough…
PA Combat Sense: Full value added to: Awareness/Notice, Defensive and Initiative rolls when in
Powered Armor. 1/2 value added to: Awareness/Notice and Initiative rolls outside of Powered Armor.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Athletics; P.A. Pilot and Weapons Skills when in Powered Armor.


Pay Scale: Solo


PA Combat Sense
Pilot: Powered Armor
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Martial Arts: (Any)
Tech: Weapons
Tech: Powered Armor

Corporate Merc: Well trained, well

equipped, and well paid.

Pay Scale: Solo


Corporate Merc
PA Combat Sense
Pilot: Powered Armor
Heavy/Assault Weapons
Martial Arts: (Any)
Tech: Powered Armor or Tech: Weapons
Military: The military loves their toys, and Roadstriker: Hardest of the bunch. After
boy do they get a kick out of PA’s. These may all, it isn’t easy to pilot a vehicle that “doesn’t
not be the best units, but they come in squads. exist”.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Military Roadstriker
PA Combat Sense PA Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Powered Armor Pilot: Powered Armor
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Rifle Rifle
Melee Melee
Martial Arts: (Any) Martial Arts: (Any)
Athletics Athletics
Forward Observer Pistol
Cadre/Tactics Pilot: (Vehicle Mode) or Drive: (Vehicle Mode)
Intimidate or Intimidate or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Scout: Fast, light, and still packs a solid punch.

Pay Scale: Solo


PA Combat Sense
Pilot: Powered Armor
Martial Arts: (Any)
Intel Gathering
Hide and Evade or
Rank (2x Cost)
Private Investigator Usually cheaper than bribing the police...

Research: Full value added to: Awareness (versus Concealment; Hide and Evade or Shadow/Ditch);
Criminology; Expert/SK: Forensics/Pathology; Interrogation; Interview; Library Use and Streetwise.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Area Knowledge (Local Area); Computer Use (for research);
Cryptography; Expert/SK: (Any for research); Human Perception; Intel Gathering; Interrogation;
Interview; Library Use; Photo/Film; Shadow/Ditch and Shadow/Track.

General Bounty Hunter: More cerebral than your

usual image of the bounty hunter, they can find
you no matter where you run to.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Bounty Hunter

Research Research
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Expert/SK: Capture Weapons
Brawling or Drive: (Any) Martial Arts: (Any)
Pistol Drive: General
Human Perception Disguise
Streetwise Streetwise
Shadow/Track Shadow/Track
Intimidate or Stealth Intimidate
Library Use or Hide/Evade Library Use
Interview or Photo/Film Melee or Tech: Basic

Detective: Forget all that “get me pictures of ELINT Ops: The technical end of detective
my husband and his mistress crap, these guys work, these are the electronic intelligence
solve crimes. specialists that make all those nifty bugs.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Detective ELINT Ops

Research Research
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Photo/Film
Brawling Martial Arts: (Any)
Pistol Pistol or SMG
Human Perception Tech: ‘Tronic
Streetwise Tech: Commo
Shadow/Track ‘Tronic Security
Wardrobe and Style ECM/ECCM
Pick Lock Athletics
Interrogate Tech: Basic
Ex-Cop: Sometimes you have to quit the Gumshoe: The private eye we all know and
force, sometimes they fire you. That doesn’t love from old flat-vids and TV shows; Sam
mean you don’t still do the work. Spade, Jim Rockford, Columbo, or Spencer.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Ex-Cop Gumshoe
Research Research
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Brawling Brawling
Pistol Pistol
Disguise Human Perception
Streetwise Streetwise
Shadow/Ditch Shadow/Ditch
Intimidate Intel Gathering
Athletics Photo/Film
Expert/SK: Police Procedure Interview

Parapsychologist: The lack of official Surveillance: Planting bugs, taking pictures,

sanction lumps these men of science in with the tailing marks, these guys do all that boring
common investigator (and the low pay). surveillance stuff..

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Parapsychologist Surveillance
Research Research
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Expert/SK: Occult ‘Tronic Security
Expert/SK: Anthropology Pistol
Human Perception Pick Lock
History Streetwise
Photo/Film Shadow/Track
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Library Use Disguise
Interview Illegal Entry
Professional Lover If sir has to ask the price, sir cannot afford it…

Vamp: Full value added to: Contortions; Culture: (Any); Dance; Endurance; Expert/SK: Sexual
Variations; Perform: Sexual; Personal Grooming; Seduction; Social: (Any) and Wardrobe and Style.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Disguise; Human Perception; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Simper and

General Exotic Dancer: Shaking that money maker,

though that is usually as far as it goes.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Fixer

Templates: Template:

General Exotic Dancer

Vamp Vamp
Awareness Awareness
Seduction Seduction
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Streetwise Streetwise
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Human Perception
Social: (Any) Brawling
Endurance Endurance
Expert/SK: Sexual Variations Melee
Perform: Sexual Dance

High-Class Stripper: Usually works at a House Girl: Better than the street, at least
place with a good reputation and makes very there’s some protection, from bad clients and the
high wages. elements.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

High-Class Stripper House Girl

Vamp Vamp
Awareness Awareness
Seduction Seduction
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Streetwise Streetwise
Human Perception Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Brawling Social: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Endurance
Interview Expert/SK: Sexual Variations
Dance Perform: Sexual

Street Walker: Low end of the career

spectrum, the streetwalker has the most
dangerous job of the lot.
Pay Scale: Nomad

Street Walker
Wardrobe and Style
Personal Grooming
Human Perception
Perform: Sexual
Prowler You can run, but he can hide; and sneak; and get into your

Sneak: Full value added to: Concealment; Hide and Evade; Illegal Entry; Pick Pocket; Shadow/Ditch;
Shadow/Track; Slight of Hand and Stealth.

General Ex-Con: They really do teach some

interesting skills in prisons.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Ex-Con
Sneak Sneak
Awareness Awareness
Disguise Intimidate
Pistol Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Stealth Streetwise
Illegal Entry Strength Feat
Pick Lock Melee
Athletics Brawling
‘Tronic Security Gamble/Cheat
Melee Expert/SK: Law
Hide/Evade Education/General Knowledge

Recon: Specializing in gathering information Tunnel Rat: Almost exclusively a military

on a target or enemy, many are military or occupation, some are now seeking employment
retired. in the private/corporate sector.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Recon Tunnel Rat

Sneak Sneak
Awareness Awareness
Photo/Film Stealth
Language (of Choice) Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Stealth Direction Sense
Hide and Evade Athletics
Pistol Melee
Shadow/Track Pistol
‘Tronic Security Demolitions
Intel Gathering Trapworks
Illegal Entry or Expert/SK: Tunnel Construction or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)

Tunnel Runner: The civilian, urban-based

version of the tunnel rat, they are mostly self-
Pay Scale: Fixer

Tunnel Runner
Tech: Basic
Expert/SK: Utility/ Municipal Tunnels
Illegal Entry
Pick Lock
Tech: ‘Tronic
‘Tronic Security
Area Knowledge: Sewers
Psyker …With powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men...

Psi Strength: Full value added to: Aura Reading, Human Perception, all Psionics, and Trance.
Specialization Chart bonuses to: Astrology, Cadre/Indoctrinate, Cadre Tactics, Conscious Will,
Gamble/Cheat, Meditation, and Palmistry. The Psyker gains beginning Psi Points equal to his PSI + Psi
Strength, with a maximum number equal to his PSI x Psi Strength

General Psi-Assassin: Murderer for hire, this assassin

specializes in “natural causes” and “accidents”.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:
General Psi-Assassin
Psi Strength Psi Strength
Awareness Awareness
Meditation Meditation
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Melee
Human Perception Hide and Evade
Stealth Stealth
Pistol Pistol, Rifle or SMG
Danger Sense Danger Sense
Psionic Skill 1 Psychic Assault
Psionic Skill 2 Telekinetic Punch
Psionic Skill 3 Teleportation

Psi-Athlete: It's not cheating, it's just using Psi-Investigator: Gathering clues other
your full potential. detectives would miss.
Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Cop
Templates: Templates:
Psi-Athlete Psi-Investigator
Psi Strength Psi Strength
Awareness Awareness
Conscious Will Intel Gathering
Body Enhancement Interrogation
Strength Feat Human Perception
Endurance Stealth
Athletics Pistol
Danger Sense Danger Sense
Regeneration Psychometry
Stat Boost Retrocognition
Telekinesis Precognition
Psi-Monk: Mystic practitioner of the martial
arts, his Chi is strong. Psi-Scout: He can get you the Intel that no
one else could.
Pay Scale: Nomad
Pay Scale: Fixer
Psi Strength Psi-Scout
Awareness Psi Strength
Meditation Awareness
Melee Meditation
Martial Art: Any Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Contortions Human Perception
Gymnastics Stealth
Danger Sense Hide/Evade
Body Control Danger Sense
Regeneration Psychometry
Stat Boost Retrocognition
Psi-Soldier: He eats Navy SEALs for
breakfast. Stage Magician: Everyone knows magic
isn’t real. Its all just smoke and mirrors, right?
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Rocker
Psi-Soldier Stage Magician
Psi Strength Psi Strength
Awareness Awareness
Meditation Perform: Stage Magic
Cadre/Tactics Contortions
Conscious Will Pick Locks
Stealth Controlled Hyperventilation
Rifle or SMG Slight of Hand
Danger Sense Danger Sense
Stat Boost Illusion
Transform Levitation
Psionic Skill 3 Psychometry
Rad Professional troublemakers and political organizers.

Organize: Full value added to: Cadre/Indoctrinate; Composition; Leadership; Media; Oratory and
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Administration; Bureaucracy; Cadre
Tactics; Expert/SK: Politics; History and Intimidate. Rads can attract Organize x50 people to an event or
rally. Rads have a number of Connections equal to their Organize rank, rolled randomly at start and as the
skill increases. Rads can also use Resources equal to 500eb x Organize rank, per month, for projects
approved by their organization.

General Activist: Political and anti-corporate activism

is still around, though underground.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Nomad

General Organize
Education/General Knowledge
Expert/SK: Politics
Human Perception
Language: (Any)
Persuasion/Fast Talk
Social: (Any)
Library Use
Wardrobe and Style
Education/General Knowledge
Expert: Demonstration
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Crew (2x Cost)

Aid Worker: Not a job for those who want Politician: The rabble-rousing kind of
to get rich, but at least altruism is still around. politician can still find an audience.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Aid Worker Politician

Organize Organize
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Expert/SK: Politics
Human Perception History
Language: (Any) Oratory
Interview Bureaucracy
Teach Wardrobe and Style
Trauma Control/Triage Personal Grooming
First Aid Education/General Knowledge
Media Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Resources (2x Cost) Media
Trouble Maker: A professional rabble Union Organizer: A thankless job, the
rouser, he can whip up a protest in minutes. union organizer is blacklisted by the corps, and
often targeted for “erasure”.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Trouble Maker Union Organizer

Organize Organize
Awareness Awareness
Expert/SK: Politics Expert/SK: Labor Relations
Computer Use History
Oratory Oratory
Cadre/Indoctrinate Bureaucracy
Library Use Negotiation /Arbitration
Composition Composition
Disguise Culture: Corporate
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Leadership Social: Labor

Violent Radical: The person to hire when

you want a protest to go bad, fast.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Violent Radical
Expert/SK: Politics
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Cadre Tactics
Reaper The guys who come for your stuff when you fail to pay it off.

Trace: Full value added to: Library Use; Streetwise (locating the target or known associates);
Shadow/Ditch; Shadow/Track (1/2 for use in wilderness) and Tracking/Counter Tracking (1/2 for use in

General Body Snatcher: When you don’t pay the

ripperdoc for your new arm, it can cost you a leg
as well.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Templates: Template:

General Body Snatcher

Trace Trace
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Streetwise
Intimidation Intimidation
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Shadow/Track Shadow/Track
Pick Lock Tech: Cyber
Martial Art: (Any) Martial Art: (Any)
Pistol Pistol
‘Tronic Security First Aid
Library Use Library Use

Bounty Hunter: Specializing in live capture Repo-Man: They take what you have, but
of escaped felons and wanted men. were unable or unwilling to pay for.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Bounty Hunter Repo-Man

Trace Trace
Awareness Awareness
Streetwise Tech: Basic
Human Perception ‘Tronic Security
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Tech: ‘Tronic
Shadow/Track Shadow/Track
Expert/SK: Non-Lethal Weapons Pick Lock
Martial Art: (Any) Drive: General
Pistol Computer Use
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Pistol
Library Use Stealth
Rocker Charismatic and inspirational, they don’t just play music.

Charismatic Leadership: When dealing with groups of 10 or more, full value is added to:
Cadre/Indoctrinate; Composition; Oratory and Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: Cadre/Indoctrinate; Intimidation; Leadership; Oratory; Perform: (Acting, Comedy, Poetry or
Sing); Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Play Instrument or Seduction. The Rocker can use his influence over the
emotions of a crowd whose size is equal to Charismatic Leadership 2 x200 members.

General Athlete: Some athletes have the charisma

needed to become leaders. They shine on the
field and off.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Templates: Template:

General Athlete
Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership
Awareness Awareness
Perform: Sing Perform: (Sport)
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Composition Social: Media
Brawling Intimidate
Play Instrument Endurance
Streetwise Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Athletics
Seduction Seduction
Oratory Expert/SK: (Sport)

Clergyman /Cult Leader: They don’t Eco-Front Spokesperson: It takes a

become the leaders of congregations because special kind of person to popularize a movement
they're dull and boring. that costs profits and jobs.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Clergyman /Cult Leader Eco-Front Spokesperson

Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership
Awareness Awareness
Perform: Sermon Zoology
Expert/SK: Religion Expert/SK: Ecology
Composition Composition
Intimidate or Cadre/Indoctrinate Expert/SK: Politics
Library Use History
Interview or Language: (Any) Disguise
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Human Perception Cadre/Indoctrinate
Oratory Oratory
Military Commander: Some commanders Musician: The essential rocker, the musician
lead by example, James Kirk-style. Others get actually rocks.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Military Commander Musician

Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership
Awareness Awareness
Intimidate Perform: Sing
Expert/SK: Military Procedure Wardrobe and Style
Language: (Any) Composition
Brawling or Martial Art: (Any) Dance
Interrogate Play Instrument
Leadership Streetwise
Pistol Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Cadre Tactics Personal Grooming
Oratory or Oratory
Rank (2x Cost)

National Leader: The Cult of Personality is Politician: The guy who hopes, through
alive and well. guile, determination, and sheer personality, to be
the next national leader.

Pay Scale: Corporate Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

National Leader Politician

Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership
Awareness Awareness
Social: Party Bureaucracy or Social: Washington
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Intimidation Composition
Expert/SK: Politics Expert/SK: Politics
History or Human Perception History
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Language: (Any) Personal Grooming
Oratory Oratory
Revolutionary: Leaders of the new freedom Street Poet: The lowly street poet can
fighters and underground warriors. Viva la sometimes make a change that sweeps the globe.
Revolución. Well, they can make spare change, anyway.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Revolutionary Street Poet

Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership
Awareness Awareness
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Perform: Poetry
Brawling Wardrobe and Style
Composition Composition
Expert/SK: Politics Human Perception
History Interview
Rifle or SMG Education/General Knowledge
Pistol Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Cadre/Indoctrinate Streetwise
Oratory Oratory
RPV Pilot Remote piloted vehicles for jobs no one wants to do personally.

RPV Zen: Full value added to: Awareness (using the RPV’s sensors); Defensive, Initiative, or
Movement rolls for the RPV. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Pilot: (Any when used as an RPV);
Tech (Any used to build/repair RPV’s).

General Covert Ops: Specialists in getting into places

no man can get into.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Covert Ops

Awareness Awareness
Pilot: RPV Pilot: RPV
Pilot: (Any) or Drive: (Any) Drive: General
Pilot: (Any) or Drive: (Any) Pilot: (Any) or Drive: (Any)
Tech: RPV Tech: RPV
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Commo Tech: Basic
Tech: (Any) ‘Tronic Security
Brawling SMG
Pistol Pistol or
Rank (2x Cost)

Media: They can get the story from the inside, Military: The intelligence and assassination
or cover camera angles no one else can. specialists of the RPV world.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Media Military
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: RPV Pilot: RPV
Pilot: Rotor/Gyro Pilot: Rotor/Gyro
Photo/Film Operate Heavy Machinery
Tech: RPV Tech: RPV
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Commo Tech: Commo
Tech: Rotor/Gyro Rifle or SMG
Stealth Heavy/Assault Weapons
Shadow/Ditch Pistol or
Rank (2x Cost)

Salvage: Some salvage jobs require a non-

human touch.
Pay Scale: Cop
Pay Scale: Fixer
Salvage RPV Zen
RPV Zen Awareness
Awareness Pilot: RPV
Pilot: RPV Pilot: (Any) or Drive: (Any)
Strength Feat Pilot: (Any) or Drive: (Any)
Operate Heavy Machinery Tech: RPV
Tech: RPV Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Commo
Tech: Basic Tech: (Any)
Scrounge Brawling
Brawling Pistol
Scavenger (2x Cost)
Security: With all those surveillance and
patrol ‘bots out there, these guys get a lot of
Space Salvage: Some jobs are too dangerous Spacer: Lots of remote pilot vehicles are used
to do by hand. That’s when you call in an in space, or for exploring places men haven’t
expert. reached yet.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Space Salvage Spacer

Awareness Awareness
Pilot: RPV Pilot: RPV
q-G Maneuver q-G Maneuver
Operate Heavy Machinery Pilot: OTV
Tech: RPV Tech: RPV
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic Tech: Spacecraft
Scrounge Space Survival
q-G Combat q-G Combat
Salvage (2x Cost) Pistol
Submarine: RPV submarines have been Waldo: Remote-piloted human-form robots,
around for years, and still hold the deep diving slave full-conversions and roboticized ACPAs
record. make wonderful RPVs for certain work.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Submarine Waldo
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: RPV Athletics
Pilot: Boat Strength Feat
Pilot: Submarine Pilot: Powered Armor
Tech: RPV Tech: RPV
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Submersible Tech: Commo
Navigation Tech: ACPA/Landmate
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment Scavenger (2x Cost)
Salvager Collectors of space junk and debris; crazy even for Highriders.

Salvage: Full value added to: Appraisal; Bartering; Operate Heavy Machinery and Strength Feat.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Astrogation; Expert/SK: Space Junk (for determining values);
EVA; Pilot: OTV; Space Survival; Tech: Basic and -G Maneuver.

Heavy Salvage: For those jobs that require a
20 meter robot...
Pay Scale: Tech
Pay Scale: Tech
Salvage Heavy Salvage
Awareness Salvage
Space Survival Awareness
EVA Space Survival
-G Maneuver EVA
Astrogation -G Maneuver
Operate Heavy Machinery Heavy Beam Weapons
Pilot: OTV Operate Heavy Machinery
Tech: Basic Pilot: Mecha
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Basic
Expert/SK: Space Junk Tech: ‘Tronic
Expert/SK: Space Junk
Scientist Who do you think invents and discovers all this cool stuff?

Scientific Method: Full value added to: Education/General Knowledge; Expert/SK: (Any branch of
Science), Library Use and Science: (Any). Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Tech: (Any for
researching new technologies).


Pay Scale: Tech


Scientific Method
Library Use
Education/General Knowledge
Tech: Laboratory
Computer Use
Science: (Any Science)
Science: (Any Science)
Science: (Any Science)
Science: (Any Science)
Scout Nomad outriders to Navy Seals, they know the lay of the land.

Reconnaissance: Full value added to: Area Knowledge: (Any); Awareness/Notice; Hide and Evade;
Infiltration; Intel Gathering; Orienteering; Photo/Film; Shadow/Track; Stealth and Trapwork (all when used
for reconnaissance and threat analysis only). Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Awareness/Notice,
Defensive and Initiative rolls in other situations. Reconnaissance acts as Kith at full value for Nomad
scouts; as Rank at 1/2 for military scouts.

General Navy Seal: Specialized in recon, infiltration,

and intelligence gathering.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Navy Seal

Reconnaissance Reconnaissance
Awareness Awareness
Hide and Evade Swimming
Stealth Stealth
Shadow/Track Nu-SCUBA
Intel Gathering Intel Gathering
Orienteering Orienteering
Pistol Pistol
Melee SMG
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Photo/Film Photo/Film or
Rank (2x Cost)

Nomad Outrider: The outriders provide Nomad Pathfinder: The pathfinders ride
security along the flanks of the pack, often riding days, even weeks ahead of the pack, to recon
for days without contact from the main body. their path of travel.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Nomad Outrider Nomad Pathfinder

Reconnaissance Reconnaissance
Awareness Awareness
Hide and Evade Hide and Evade
Stealth Stealth
Drive: General or Motorcycle Shadow/Track
Survival: Wilderness Survival: Wilderness
Endurance Endurance or Archery
Pistol or Athletics Athletics
Rifle or SMG Rifle or SMG
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic or Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Nomad Scout: The scouts ride just ahead of the pathfinders.
the pack, making sure its stays on the path set by

Pay Scale: Nomad


Nomad Scout
Hide and Evade
Survival: Wilderness
Endurance or Tech: Basic
Rifle or Pistol
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Human Perception
Shaman/Doctor Counselors, confessors, priests and medicine men.

Counsel: Full value added to: Cadre/Indoctrinate; Composition; Human Perception; Intimidation;
Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory; Perform: Ritual; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk and Teach (when dealing with
Nomads for Nomad Shaman; when dealing with people under their care for Doctors and Herbalists; and for
dealing with members of their religion for religious leaders). 1/2 value added to Cadre/Indoctrinate;
Composition; Human Perception; Intimidation; Negotiation/Arbitration; Oratory; Perform: Ritual;
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk and Teach when dealing with those outside the Shaman’s normal sphere of
influence. Counsel acts as Kith at full value for Nomads and Shamans.

General Doctor: Not the medtech that some people

think of, but the family doctor of old.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Corporate

Templates: Template:

General Doctor
Counsel Counsel
Awareness Awareness
Expert: Theology of Choice Pharmacy
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Teach Surgery
Oratory Interview
History Trauma Control/Triage
Human Perception Human Perception
Expert/SK: (Any) Library Use
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Expert/SK: (Any medical)
Social: (Any) Diagnose

Herbalist: The herbalist works with natural Nomad Doctor: The nomad doctor
cures for what ails you. combines the best treatments of the 2020’s with
the herbs of the ancient past.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Herbalist Nomad Doctor

Counsel Counsel
Awareness Awareness
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Education/General Knowledge Education/General Knowledge
Teach Surgery
Folklore Oratory
First Aid Weapon Skill (Any)
Human Perception Human Perception
Survival: Wilderness Survival: Wilderness
Expert/SK: Botany Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Diagnose Diagnose
Nomad Spiritual Leader: More of a Pac-Rim Shaman: Represents the Shinto
shaman and spirit guide than a man of medicine. priests, the animists of the wilds, or Gurus.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Nomad Spiritual Leader Pac-Rim Shaman

Counsel Counsel
Awareness Awareness
Composition Anthropology
Expert: Theology of Choice or History Expert: Theology of Choice
Perform: Ritual Perform: Ritual
Dance or Oratory Oratory
Weapon Skill (Any) Dance
Human Perception Human Perception
Survival: Wilderness Expert/SK: Fortune Telling
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Trance Trance
Shih Mystic martial artists dedicated to protecting humanity from
inhuman monsters, the few who know them in the west call them "Demon Hunters."

Chi Strength: Full value added to: CHI, Awareness, Defensive and Initiative rolls in Hand-to-Hand
and Melee combats against supernatural foes, and all Intimidate, Chi Mastery and Kata skills used against
such foes. 1/2 value added to Awareness, Defense and Initiative in all other combat situations.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: all Hand to Hand and Melee attacks against supernatural foes or
their mortal minions. Shih gain 1 Demon Hunter Kata or Demon Hunter Chi Mastery skill at start and 1
Demon Hunter Kata/Demon Hunter Chi Mastery skill for each even level of Chi Strength.


Pay Scale: Nomad


Chi Mastery
Expert: Occult
First Aid
Martial Art: Demon Wrestling
Shinobi Real ninja, not those wannabees with the cyber and tech.

Nindo: Full value added to: Art of Invisibility; Awareness; Defensive and Initiative rolls in
Assassination situations. 1/2 value added to Awareness, Defense and Initiative in all other combat
situations. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: CHI, Concealment; Disguise; Hide and Evade; Imitate
Voice; Infiltration; Interrogation; Interview; Perform, Acting; Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk; Pick Lock;
Shadow/Ditch; Shadow/Track; Simper; Slight of Hand; Stealth; Trapwork and ‘Tronic Security, as well as
Archery, Martial Arts and Melee attacks made during an Assassination attempt. Shinobi gain 1 Martial
Art/Kata skill at start and 1 Martial Art/Kata skill for each 3 levels of Nindo (round down).

Pay Scale: Shinobi


Martial Art:
Art of Invisibility
Electronic Security
Pick Locks
Soldier Army, Navy, Aerospace Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

Rank: Full value added to: Cadre/Indoctrinate; Cadre/Tactics; Intimidate; Leadership and
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Soldiers may call upon lower level Soldiers based on their Rank. Rank 1 means
you’d better be able to pay for some backup, Private (E-1). Rank 2 is a Specialist or Corporal, or whatever
E-2 is for your branch. Rank 3 is a Sergeant (E-4), and can command a squad. Rank 4 is an E-6, with
Rank 5 as an E-8. Rank 6 is officer territory, starting with the 1st. Lieutenant (O-2) commanding a Platoon.
Rank 7 is a Captain, and commands a Company. Rank 8 a Major, in charge of a Battalion. Rank 9 a Lt.
Colonel, with command over 1 Battalion of a Regiment, and its support services. Rank 10 a Colonel, who
oversees the operation of an entire 3-Battalion Regiment. Higher ranks are unavailable to PC characters.
Soldiers in active service are paid very little, but have access to free housing, food, medical care, and are
issued most, if not all, of their equipment. Rank2 x500eb in equipment may be requisitioned for use by the
Soldier, but must be returned to the quartermaster on demand. Other assets will be available as needed for
performance of specific missions.

General Aerospace Force: Off they go, into the wild

blue yonder...

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Aerospace Force

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Rifle Pistol
Brawling Tech: Basic
Shadow/Track Tech: ‘Tronic
Endurance Athletics
First Aid q-G Maneuver
AIT Skill First Aid
AIT Skill AIT Skill
AIT Skill AIT Skill
Combat Sense (2x Cost) AIT Skill or
Secondary Special Ability (2x Cost)
Army: The grunts who hold the ground. Coast Guard: Yes, the Coast Guard is an
armed service.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Army Coast Guard

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Rifle Rifle
Brawling Brawling
Stealth Swimming
Endurance Pistol
First Aid Tech: Basic
Heavy/Assault Weapon Pilot: Boat
AIT Skill First Aid
AIT Skill Seamanship
AIT Skill or AIT Skill or
Secondary Special Ability (2x Cost) Secondary Special Ability (2x Cost)

Marines: First to die, Semper Fi. Navy: They want you as a new recruit...

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Marines Navy
Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Rifle Pistol
Brawling Brawling
Swimming Swimming
Stealth Tech: Basic
Endurance Pilot: Boat
First Aid First Aid
Heavy/Assault Weapons Seamanship
Survival: Wilderness AIT Skill
Melee or AIT Skill or
Secondary Special Ability (2x Cost) Secondary Special Ability (2x Cost)
ACPA Pilot: The Mobile Infantry has ACPA Scout: The eyes and ears of the
arrived. Mobile Infantry.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

ACPA Pilot ACPA Scout

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Powered Armor Pilot: Powered Armor
Heavy/Assault Weapons Shadow/Ditch
Rifle Rifle
Melee Melee
Martial Arts: (Any) Martial Arts: (Any)
Athletics Athletics
Forward Observer Intel Gathering
Cadre/Tactics Photo/Film
Intimidate or Hide and Evade or
PA Combat Sense (2x Cost) PA Combat Sense (2x Cost)

Blue Water Navy/Coast Guard: The Combat Engineer: He can build you a
sailors on the big ships. bridge, or blow one up...

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Blue Water Navy/Coast Guard Combat Engineer

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Swimming Education/General Knowledge
Pilot: Boat Expert/SK: Tactics and Strategy
Seamanship Expert/SK: Engineering
Sailing SMG
Brawling Tech: ‘Tronic
Navigation Tech: Weapons
Rifle Tech: Basic
Endurance Demolition
Boating Zen (2x Cost) Expert/SK: Physics or
Combat Sense (2x Cost)
Combat Medic: The medic in the field, Commando: For those hard-to-kill pests, call
organic to the unit. a professional...

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Combat Medic Commando

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Library Use Resist Torture/Drugs
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Pick Locks
Pistol or SMG Athletics
Pharmacy SMG
Cryotank Operation Pistol
Diagnose Martial Art (Any)
Melee Melee
First Aid Demolition
Medical Tech (2x Cost) ‘Tronic Security or
Combat Sense (2x Cost)

Computer Operator: Net-Turtles for the Corpsman: The Navy/Marines version of the
military, immune to most ICE. combat medic.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Computer Operator Corpsman

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Pistol
Tech: ‘Tronic Rifle or SMG
Cryptography Trauma Control /Triage
Tech: Computer Pharmacy
Systems Knowledge Diagnose
ECM/ECCM First Aid
Computer Programming Tech: Cyber
Computer Use Human Perception
Tech: Commo or Expert/SK: Biology or
Intuition (2x Cost) Medical Tech (2x Cost)
Delta Jock: Death from above; way above... Demolitions Engineer: Specializes in
blowing things up, down, or apart.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Delta Jock Demolitions Engineer

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Delta Athletics
Pilot: Aircraft Expert/SK Structural Engineering
Pilot: AV Chemistry
Brawling Demolitions
Heavy Beam Weapons Pistol or SMG
Heavy/Assault Weapons Tech: Basic
Astrogation Tech: ‘Tronic
Navigation Martial Arts (Any)
Brotherhood (2x Cost) or Trapwork or
Aircraft Sense (2x Cost) Combat Sneak (2x Cost)

Elite Cyber-Soldier: The military’s own Elite Military: The best of the best of the
cyberpsycho-on-a-leash... best, sir!.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Elite Cyber-Soldier Elite Military

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
SMG Pistol
Rifle Rifle
Heavy/Assault Weapons SMG
Operate Heavy Machinery Survival: Wilderness
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Weapons Resist Torture /Drugs
Athletics Stealth
Melee Language: (Any)
Endurance or Endurance or
Combat Sense (2x Cost) Combat Sense (2x Cost)
EOD: The guys who disarm all those mines, Explosives Engineer: Specialized in the
bombs, and unexploded ordinance. tactical use of explosives.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

EOD Explosives Engineer

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
‘Tronic Security ‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Illegal Entry Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Expert/SK: Structural Architecture Demolition
Demolition Expert/SK: Improvised Explosives
Expert/SK: Improvised Explosives Pistol or SMG
Pistol or SMG Stealth
Stealth or Illegal Entry or
Jury Rig (2x Cost) Kitbash (2x Cost)

Grunt: The average Joe on the ground, they Heavy Weapons Specialist: Pigman,
make up the bulk of the service. rocket specialist, blooper, etc…

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Grunt Heavy Weapons Specialist

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Rifle Drive: (Any)
Operate Heavy Machinery Artillery
Endurance Heavy/Assault Weapons
First Aid Operate Heavy Machinery
Tech: Weapons Demolitions
Brawling Tech: Weapons
Wilderness Survival Strength Feat
Heavy/Assault Weapons Tech: Basic
Cadre Tactics Endurance or
Combat Sense (2x Cost)
Infiltration: If he does his job right, you’ll Intel: The guys who figure out where the
never know he was there. enemy is.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Infiltration Intel
Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Personal Grooming Photo/Film
Martial Arts (Any) Language (of Choice)
Melee Stealth
Pistol Illegal Entry
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Pistol
Disguise Shadow/Track
Social: (Any) Hide and Evade
Seduction ‘Tronic Security
Language: (Any) or Intel Gathering or
Combat Sneak (2x Cost) Criminal Mind (2x Cost)

Mars Force: Specially trained Aerospace Mecha Assault: The kings of the battlefield,
commandos, they fight on Mars. their ‘mechs are the queens of the hanger...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Mars Force Mecha Assault

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Survival: Space Mecha Athletics
EVA Brawling or Martial Art (Any)
q-G Maneuver Mecha Martial Arts
q-G Combat Pistol or SMG
Beam Weapons Pilot: Mecha
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Rifle Heavy Beam Weapons
Melee Mecha Melee
Motorcycle or Athletics or
Space Combat (2x Cost) Mecha Zen (2x Cost)
Mecha Scout: Light screening, recon, and Mecha Space: Most ‘mechs get used in
pursuit units. space, where size doesn’t matter.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Mecha Scout Mecha Space

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Mecha Athletics Mecha Athletics
Photo/Film Astrogation or Area Knowledge (Any Space)
Mecha Martial Arts Mecha Martial Arts
Intel Gathering q-G Combat
Pilot: Mecha Pilot: Mecha
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Heavy Beam Weapons Heavy Beam Weapons
Mecha Melee Mecha Melee
Tech: Commo or Survival: Space or
Mecha Zen (2x Cost) Mecha Zen (2x Cost)

Military Pilot: The guys who provide taxi Military RTO: An integral part of the
service, close air support, and strategic bombing. system; without communications, you cannot
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Soldier
Military Pilot
Rank Military RTO
Awareness Rank
Pilot: (Any Aircraft) Awareness
Pilot: (Any Aircraft) Tech: Basic
Tech: (Aero or AV) Tech: ‘Tronic
Pistol Tech: Commo
Expert/SK: Enemy Aircraft Computer Use
Heavy/Assault Weapons Computer Programming
Tech: Basic ECM/ECCM
Navigation Human Perception
Social: Military or Cryptography
Aircraft Sense (2x Cost) Language: (Any) or
Commo (2x Cost)
Military Scout: Somebody’s got to go out Military Special Forces: The scary
there and find the bad guys, and these are the MF’ers who set up Mike Forces and eat snakes...
Pay Scale: Soldier
Pay Scale: Soldier
Military Special Forces
Military Scout Rank
Rank Awareness
Awareness Cadre Tactics
Archery Rifle
First Aid Hide and Evade or Shadow/Track
Endurance Survival: Wilderness
Brawling Martial Arts (Any)
Melee Stealth
Stealth Athletics
Shadow/Track Melee
Survival: (Any) Leadership or
Expert/SK: Enemy Troop Identification or Combat Sense (2x Cost)
Warrior (2x Cost)

Military Tech: Somebody has to keep all Moon Force: Specially trained Aerospace
those cool toys working. commandos, they fight on the moon.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Military Tech Moon Force

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Survival: Space
Tech: Cyber EVA
Tech: ‘Tronic q-G Maneuver
‘Tronic Security q-G Combat
Weaponsmith Beam Weapons
Expert/SK: Military Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Tech: (Any) Rifle
Tech: (Any) Melee
Scrounge or Drive: Moon Buggy or
Jury Rig (2x Cost) Space Combat (2x Cost)
Navy/Coast Guard Scout: They use light Navy SEAL Recon: These guys go in
patrol boats and PWC to locate the enemy. before the main force to spot targets and identify
Pay Scale: Soldier
Pay Scale: Soldier
Navy/Coast Guard Scout
Rank Navy SEAL Recon
Awareness Rank
Swimming Awareness
Pilot: Boat Swimming
Pilot: PWC Stealth
Stealth Nu-SCUBA
Brawling Intel Gathering
Nu-SCUBA Orienteering
Rifle Pistol
Hide and Evade SMG
Intel Gathering or Martial Arts (Any)
Boating Zen (2x Cost) Photo/Film or
Reconnaissance (2x Cost)

Net Operations: Military netrunners, with OCS Graduate: The new breed of officers
all the best equipment and software that Uncle deal with asset management almost as much as
Sam can buy. tactics and weapons.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Corporate

Template: Template:

Net Operations OCS Graduate

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Rifle
Tech: ‘Tronic Pistol
Tech: Cyber Leadership
Tech: Computer Interrogate
Systems Knowledge Martial Arts: (Any < 4)
ECM/ECCM Education/General Knowledge
Tech: Commo Intimidate
Computer Use Expert/SK: Military Procedure
Computer Programming or Cadre Tactics or
Interface (2x Cost) Charismatic Leadership (2x Cost)
Overland Ops: When there is no other way PA/Mech Tech: The specialists who keep
to sneak in, these guys can get there on the all those powered armors and giant robots
ground. running.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Overland Ops PA/Mech Tech

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Athletics Tech: Basic
Martial Arts (Any) Tech: Cyber
Melee Tech: ‘Tronic
Rifle or SMG Tech: Computer
Swimming Tech: PA
Stealth Tech: Mech
Survival (Any) Tech: Weapons
Endurance Tech: Beam Weapons
Shadow/Track or Scrounge or
Combat Sneak (2x Cost) Jury Rig (2x Cost)

Panzerboy: All those smugglers had to get Quartermaster: The guy who runs supply
there start somewhere. in a military or merc unit. Better be nice to

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Panzerboy Quartermaster
Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Drive: General Streetwise
Pilot: Panzer Pistol or SMG
Pilot: Hovercraft Rifle
Operate Heavy Machinery Intimidate
Endurance Brawling
Heavy/Assault Weapons Tech: Weapons
Pistol or SMG Expert: Military Hardware
Tech: Basic Expert: Military Weapons
Panzer Zen (2x Cost) Streetdeal (2x cost)
Recondo: When you really need to know, Riverine Patrol: The so-called “Brown
send in Recondo. Water Navy”.

Pay Scale: Soldier

Pay Scale: Soldier
Rank Riverine Patrol
Awareness Rank
Photo/Film Awareness
Language (of Choice) Swimming
Pilot: Boat
Hide and Evade
Pistol Pilot: PWC
Shadow/Track Area Knowledge: (River of Choice)
‘Tronic Security Brawling
Intel Gathering Nu-SCUBA
Illegal Entry or Rifle
Sneak (2x Cost) Endurance
Boating Zen (2x Cost)

Roadstriker Pilot: The newest breed of RPV Pilot: Whether for reconnaissance or
soldier, they combine vehicular skill with assault, sometimes you just can’t beat a good
powered armor strength. drone...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Roadstriker Pilot RPV Pilot

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Powered Armor Pilot: RPV
Heavy/Assault Weapons Pilot: Rotor/Gyro
Rifle Operate Heavy Machinery
Melee Tech: RPV
Martial Arts: (Any) Tech: ‘Tronic
Athletics Tech: Commo
Pistol Rifle or SMG
Pilot: (Vehicle Mode) or Heavy/Assault Weapons
Drive: (Vehicle Mode) Pistol or
Intimidate or RPV Zen (2x Cost)
PA Combat Sense (2x Cost)
SEAL Diver: The guys who make life hell Silent Weapons: The military’s version of
for your undersea enemies. the infamous Ninja.

Pay Scale: Soldier

Pay Scale: Soldier
Silent Weapons
SEAL Diver Rank
Rank Awareness
Awareness Athletics
Swimming Martial Arts (Any)
Endurance Melee
Nu-SCUBA Pistol
Rifle SMG
Pilot: EVPA Stealth
Pilot: Hardshell/ Deep Dive Suit Hide and Evade
Heavy/Assault Weapons Archery
Undersea Combat Disguise or
Undersea Weapons or Combat Sneak (2x Cost)
Aquatic Sense (2x Cost)

Sniper: Specializing in taking out men and Space ACPA Trooper: The space
materials from really far away. marine’s heavy backup.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Sniper Space ACPA Trooper

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Endurance Survival: Space
Shadow/Track EVA
Intel Gathering q-G Maneuver
Weaponsmith q-G Combat
Rifle Pilot: PA
Stealth Heavy/Assault Weapons
Hide and Evade Rifle
Sniper Melee
Trapwork or Heavy Beam Weapons or
Combat Sneak (2x Cost) Space Combat (2x Cost)
Space Marine: Another glorious day in the Space Combat (2x Cost)
corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on Space Pilot: The guys who shuttle all those
the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every marines and ‘mecha around up there in the big
paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! black.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Space Marine Space Pilot

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Survival: Space Pilot: OTV
EVA Pilot: Shuttle/Spaceplane
q-G Maneuver Space Survival
q-G Combat EVA
Pilot: OTV Tech: Spacecraft or Physics
Pistol or SMG Tech: ‘Tronic
Rifle Tech: Basic
Melee Astrogation
Drive: Moon Buggy or Aircraft Sense (2x Cost)
Motorcycle or

Sonar Tech: Military sonar specialists, they Subjock: The pilots and crew of the navy’s
mainly work on subs. subs.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Sonar Tech Subjock

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Submersible Pilot: Submersible
Heavy/ Assault Weapons Survival: Undersea
Swimming Swimming
Survival: Undersea Undersea Weapons
Tech: Sonar Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Tech: Commo Tech: Submersible
Tech: ‘Tronic Navigation
Undersea Weapons Tech: Sonar
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment or Nu-SCUBA or
Sub Tactics (2x Cost) Sub Tactics (2x Cost)
Trauma/Combat Specialist: The field Tunnel Rat: The guys who go into the
specialists who drag the wounded out of hell. enemy’s tunnels, looking for trouble.

Pay Scale: Soldier Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Trauma/Combat Specialist Tunnel Rat

Rank Rank
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Diagnose Pistol
Pistol or Rifle Direction Sense
Pharmacy or Brawling or Martial Arts (any) Trapworks
Athletics Melee
First Aid Demolition
Tech: Basic Athletics
Human Perception Stealth
Combat Sense (2x Cost) or Tunneling (2x Cost) or
Medical Tech (2x Cost) Combat Sense (2x Cost)

Tunnel Recon: They specialize in recon of

underground areas and bases.

Pay Scale: Soldier


Tunnel Recon
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Direction Sense
Expert/SK: Tunnel Construction or
Sneak (2x Cost)
Solo Professional warriors and killers-for-hire, surviving on luck and wits.

Combat Sense: Full value added to Awareness; Defensive and Initiative rolls in all situations.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: all Hand-to-Hand, Melee, Tactics and Weapons skills.

General Blade Runner: They keep the streets safe

from Homo superior.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Templates: Template:

General Blade Runner

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Rifle Rifle
SMG Human Perception
Melee Expert/SK: Replicants
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Weapons Intel Gathering
Athletics Athletics
Stealth Sniper
Streetwise Authority (2x Cost)

Bodyguard, General: The general Bodyguard, High Profile: The kind of

bodyguard, hired to fill out most teams. bodyguard you hire for high society functions.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Bodyguard, General Bodyguard, High Profile

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol or SMG Pistol
Personal Grooming Personal Grooming
Human Perception Human Perception
Melee or ‘Tronic Security Fast Draw
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Intimidate Drive: General
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Athletics
Wardrobe and Style Wardrobe and Style
Social: (Any) Social: Corporate or
Social: High Society
Bodyguard, Low Profile: The kind of Bounty Hunter: They hunt those who’d
guard you hire when you don’t want to look rather not be found...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Bodyguard, Low Profile Bounty Hunter

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Expert/SK: Non-Lethal Weapons
Personal Grooming Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any)
Human Perception Melee
Hide and Evade Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Stealth Intimidate or Disguise
Drive: (Any) Athletics
Wardrobe and Style Stealth
Social: (Any) Streetwise or
Survival: Wilderness
Brawler: Sometimes subtlety is overrated... Cleaner: He takes care of your mess.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Brawler Cleaner
Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Strength Feat Drive: (Any)
Melee: Fist Weapons Melee
Melee Expert/SK: Crime Scene Investigation
Brawling Brawling
Intimidate Intimidate
Athletics Pick Lock
Endurance Tech: Basic
Berserk (2x Cost) Interrogate
Combat Engineer: The next best thing to a Commando: For those hard-to-kill pests, call
tactical nuke... a professional...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Combat Engineer Commando

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Education/General Knowledge Resist Torture/Drugs
Expert/SK: Tactics and Strategy Pick Locks
Expert/SK: Engineering Athletics
Tech: ‘Tronic Pistol
Tech: Weapons Martial Art (Any)
Tech: Basic Melee
Demolition Demolition
Expert/SK: Physics or ‘Tronic Security
Rank (2x Cost)

Corporate Op: Sometimes you just have to Cyber-Soldier: Veterans of the South Am
call in the professionals. wars, they were the original ‘borgs.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Corporate Op Cyber-Soldier
Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any)
Expert/SK: Corporate Ops Rifle
Heavy/Assault Weapons or Pick Lock Heavy/Assault Weapons
Melee or Human Perception Operate Heavy Machinery
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Weapons or ‘Tronic Security Tech: Weapons
Library Use Tech: Cyber
Interrogate Tech: Basic
Athletics or Endurance
Resist Torture /Drugs
Elite Cyber-Soldier: The special ops teams Elite Military: Green Berets and blood-red
of the South AM conflict. hands...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Elite Cyber-Soldier Elite Military

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
SMG Pistol
Rifle Rifle
Heavy/Assault Weapons SMG
Operate Heavy Machinery Survival: Wilderness
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Tech: Weapons Resist Torture /Drugs
Athletics Stealth
Melee Language: (Any)
Endurance or Endurance or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)

Gunslinger: Fast with a gun, and quick to Heavy Weapons Specialist: The guys
prove it... you call when you want it really dead...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Gunslinger Heavy Weapons Specialist

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Drive: (Any)
Fast Draw Artillery
Tech: Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Melee Operate Heavy Machinery
Brawling or Demolitions
Martial Arts (Any) Tech: Weapons
Intimidate Strength Feat
Athletics Tech: Basic
Streetwise Endurance or
Celebrity (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Hit Man: Murder for vengeance or murder IPC Corpsman: The Inmate Penal Corp,
for pay… best of the worst...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Hit Man IPC Corpsman

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Rifle Rifle
Sniper Streetwise
Melee Melee
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Brawling
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Athletics Athletics
Stealth Stealth
Demolition Demolition

Manhunter: The most dangerous game, they Military Medic: Willing to do what it takes
try to bring ‘em back alive. to save their patient, even if they make a few
more for the other guy’s medics…

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Manhunter Military Medic

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Drive: (Any) or Pilot: (Any) Rifle or SMG
Expert/SK: Non-Lethal Weapons Trauma Control /Triage
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk Pharmacy
Martial Arts (Any) Diagnose
Streetwise First Aid
Human Perception Tech: Cyber
Shadow/Track Human Perception
Library Use Expert/SK: Biology or
Rank (2x Cost)
Military Special Forces: Winning their Nomad: The enforcers and professional
hearts and minds, or removing them, whichever soldiers of the Nations.
works best.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Military Special Forces Nomad

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Cadre Tactics Drive: General or Motorcycle
Auto-Rifle/Shotgun Rifle/Shotgun
Hide and Evade or Shadow/Track Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Survival: Wilderness Melee
Martial Arts (Any) Brawling
Stealth Survival: American
Athletics Athletics
Melee Tech: Basic
Leadership or Family (2x Cost)
Rank (2x Cost)
Pit Fighter: They live by their wits, and the Sanctioned Operative: Freelance
strength of their arms. executioners for the state...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Pit Fighter Sanctioned Operative

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Personal Grooming or Pistol Heavy/Assault Weapons
Martial Arts (Any) Rifle/Shotgun
Martial Arts (Any with cost < 4) Sniper
Intimidate Melee
Streetwise Martial Arts (Any)
Wardrobe and Style or Human Perception Intel Gathering
Athletics Athletics
Melee Human Perception
Melee: Fist Weapons Streetwise
Security Guard: The guys in the lobby guarded property)
who make Edgerunner’s lives interesting… Specialist: Specialized operatives, they come
in a variety of flavors.
Pay Scale: Cop
Pay Scale: Solo
Security Guard
Combat Sense Specialist
Awareness Combat Sense
Pistol Awareness
Rifle Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
SMG Weapon 1
Melee Weapon 2
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Weapon 3
Drive Weapon 4
Expert: Security Procedure Tech: Weapons
Stealth or Athletics
Cadre Tactics Stealth
Streetwise or Streetwise or
Authority (2x Cost; Only on Social: (Any)
Street Ronin/Ninja: The guy on the street Street Samurai: A kind of honor-driven
who can “take care” of “things” for you, he’s up street protector, he hires out only for jobs he
for whatever job you have. believes in.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Street Ronin/Ninja Street Samurai

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Pistol Pistol
Human Perception Drive: (Any)
Hide/Evade Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Melee Melee
Martial Arts (Any) Martial Arts (Any)
Intimidate Intimidate
Stealth Wardrobe and Style
Shadow/Ditch Shadow/Ditch
Streetwise Streetwise
Trauma Team: Hired to provide security Tunnel Rat: The guy who goes into the
for Air-Mobile Emergency Medical Strike enemies tunnels, with a knife and a pistol,
Service ambulances. looking for stuff to kill.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Trauma Team Tunnel Rat

Combat Sense Combat Sense
Awareness Awareness
Brawling or Martial Arts (Any) Brawling or Martial Arts (Any)
Pistol Pistol
Submachine Gun Direction Sense
Assault Rifle/Shotgun Trapworks
Heavy/Assault Weapon Melee
First Aid Demolition
Athletics Athletics
Pilot: AV/VTV Stealth
Streetwise or Tunneling (2x Cost) or
Aircraft Zen (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Space Marine “I only need to know one thing… Where they are.”

Space Combat: Full value added to Awareness; Defensive and Initiative rolls in space. 1/2 value
added to Awareness; Defensive and Initiative rolls in all other situations. Specialization chart bonuses
apply to: all Hand-to-Hand, Melee, and Weapons skills; EVA, Survival: Space and -G Maneuver.

Mars Based: Troops trained for use on Mars.
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Solo
Space Combat Mars Based
Awareness Space Combat
Survival: Space Awareness
EVA Survival: Space
-G Maneuver EVA
-G Combat q-G Maneuver
Pilot: OTV q-G Combat
Pistol or SMG Beam Weapons
Rifle Heavy/Assault Weapons
Melee Rifle
Drive: Moon Buggy or Motorcycle or Melee
Rank (2x Cost) Motorcycle or
Rank (2x Cost)
Moon Based: Troops trained for use on the PA Trooper: The big, nasty boys of the
moon. Corps...

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Moon Based PA Trooper

Space Combat Space Combat
Awareness Awareness
Survival: Space Survival: Space
q-G Maneuver q-G Maneuver
q-G Combat q-G Combat
Beam Weapons Pilot: PA
Heavy/Assault Weapons Heavy/Assault Weapons
Rifle Rifle
Melee Melee
Drive: Moon Buggy or Heavy Beam Weapons or
Rank (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)
Spook Gear-heads of the spy world, they get all those really cool toys.

Spy Craft: Full value added to ECM/ECCM (for Signals Intelligence); Expert: Intelligence Analysis;
Intel Gathering; Scrounge (for Trashing) and Tech: Commo. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Awareness; Illegal Entry; Infiltration; Library Use; Photo/Film; Pick Lock, Tech: ‘Tronic and ‘Tronic


Pay Scale: Solo


Spy Craft
‘Tronic Security
Tech: Commo
Tech: Basic
Pick Lock
Intel Gathering

Intelligence Analyst: Somebody has to

read and compile those field reports…

Pay Scale: Tech


Intelligence Analyst
Spy Craft
Tech: Commo
Tech: Basic
Expert: Intelligence Analysis
Computer Use
Library Use
Intel Gathering
Trasher: You’d be amazed what gets thrown Intel Gathering

Pay Scale: Tech


Spy Craft
‘Tronic Security
Tech: Commo
Tech: Basic
Expert: Intelligence Analysis
Illegal Entry
Squat Living in back alleys, surviving on trash, they’re the neo-homeless.

Scavenger: Full value added to Area Knowledge (Local Area); Scrounge; Streetwise and Urban
Survival. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Appraisal; Operate Heavy Machinery; Simper; Tech:
Basic and Tech: ‘Tronic.

General Comber: A lot of debris floats around in the

Big Blue. Combers make a living fishing it out.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Comber
Scavenger Scavenger
Awareness Awareness
Survival: Urban Appraise
Streetwise Operate Heavy Machinery
Stealth Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Hide and Evade Pilot: Boat or Watercraft
Scrounge Streetwise
Brawling Tech: Basic
Area Knowledge: (Local Area) Tech: 'Tronic
Melee Scrounge
Kith Kith (with a Pirate Crew or
Workgang) or
Jury Rig (2x cost)

Refugee: The displaced, fleeing war, disaster, Scrounger: Homeless people who live off
and oppression. discarded bits of the modern age.

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Refugee Scrounger
Scavenger Scavenger
Awareness Awareness
Survival: Urban Survival: Urban
Streetwise Streetwise
Stealth Stealth
Resist Torture/Drugs Tech: Basic
Scrounge Scrounge
Language: (Any) Strength Feat
Simper Area Knowledge: (Local Area)
Endurance Endurance
Kith Appraisal
Scavenger: Making a living off of other Unemployed: They survived paycheck-to-
peoples unwanted junk. paycheck, till it all fell apart...

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Scavenger Unemployed
Scavenger Scavenger
Awareness Awareness
Pick Lock Education/General Knowledge
Streetwise Streetwise
Stealth Gamble
Tech: Basic Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Scrounge Scrounge
Strength Feat Expert/SK: TV Culture
Pistol Occupational Skill
Drive: General Occupational Skill
‘Tronic Security Occupational Skill

Vagabond: It’s become harder to ride the

rails, but some still do...

Pay Scale: Nomad


Survival: Urban
Hide and Evade
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Pistol or Melee
Pick Pocket
Streetfighter Martial arts masters and their students.

Kata: Full value added to Awareness, Defensive and Initiative rolls in Hand-to-Hand and Melee
combats, against foes within 2m + 1m/Lvl of Kata. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: CHI, all Hand-
to-Hand and Melee Weapons skills; Intimidate. Streetfighters gain 1 Martial Art/Kata skill at start, and 1
Martial Art/Kata skill for each even level of Kata.

General Aiki-Do: Students of a spiritual art that uses

an opponents strength against him.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Aiki-Do
Kata Kata
Awareness Awareness
Martial Art: (Any) Martial Art: Aikido or Martial Art: Aikijutsu
Martial Art: (Any with cost <4) Expert/SK: Zen or Expert/SK: Shinto
Martial Art: (Any with cost <3) Language: Japanese
Melee Melee
Melee: Okinawan Art of Invisibility
Athletics Athletics
Streetwise Atemi
Social: Dojo 2 of: Bonsai, Calligraphy, Flower Arrangement,
Go, Haiku, or Painting

Assassin: Paid to kill, they do what it takes to Karateka: Japanese martial artists, they keep
earn the money. the karate tradition alive.

Pay Scale: Solo Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Assassin Karateka
Kata Kata
Awareness Awareness
Martial Art: Assassin Martial Art: (Any Karate)
Rifle Martial Art: (Any Karate)
Sniper Intimidation
Melee Melee
Art of Invisibility Melee: Okinawan
Athletics Athletics
Stealth Streetwise
Demolition Social:Dojo
One Life, One shot, One hit, One kill Expert/SK: Karate History and Styles

Lin Kuei: Traditional Chinese counterparts to

the Ninja, they are less hidebound.
Nullboxer: The newest martial art, practiced
Pay Scale: Solo in space.

Template: Pay Scale: Solo

Lin Kuei Template:

Awareness Nullboxer
Martial Art: An Chi Kata
Martial Art: (Any) Awareness
Weapon Skill: (Any) Martial Art: Nullboxing
Melee q-G Maneuver
Concealment q-G Combat
Athletics Melee
Stealth Survival: Space
Blowpipe Athletics
Iajutsu Intimidate
Strength Feat
Subjock The bastard children of Nemo, they’re the kings of the deep.

Sub Tactics: Full value added to Submarine Combat rolls using INT. 1/2 value is added to Initiative in
Submarine Combat, and the skills Pilot: Submarine and Tech: Sonar. Specialization chart bonuses apply
to: Heavy/Assault Weapons and Navigation while running a sub.

Aquacology Sub Pilot: They drive subs
for the underwater colonies...
Pay Scale: Solo
Pay Scale: Tech

General Aquacology Sub Pilot

Sub Tactics Sub Tactics
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Submersible Pilot: Submersible
Heavy/ Assault Weapons Pilot: Hardshell/Deep-Dive Suit
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment Nu-SCUBA
Swimming Swimming
Survival: Undersea Seamanship
Tech: Sonar Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Tech: Submersible Tech: Submersible
Navigation Navigation
Undersea Weapons Pilot: Boat
Cargo Hauler: The truck drivers of the Flight Sub: AV technology has finally made
deep. the dream of the flying mini-sub a reality.

Pay Scale: Fixer Pay Scale: Solo

Template: Template:

Cargo Hauler Flight Sub

Sub Tactics Sub Tactics
Awareness Awareness
Pilot: Submersible Pilot: Submersible
Heavy/ Assault Weapons Pilot: AV/VTV
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment
Swimming Tech: AV
Seamanship ECM/ECCM
Operate Heavy Machinery Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Survival: Undersea Tech: Submersible
Navigation Navigation
Strength Feat Tech: Sonar
Military: The world’s navies still employ the
majority of the world’s subs, and submariners.

Pay Scale: Soldier


Sub Tactics
Pilot: Submersible
Survival: Undersea
Undersea Weapons
Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Tech: Submersible
Tech: Sonar
Rank (2x Cost)

Pirate: Avast, me maties! With cargos going

by sub, the plunderers had to adapt.

Pay Scale: Fixer


Sub Tactics
Pilot: Submersible
Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Tech: Submersible
Tech: Sonar
Sonar Tech: The most important job on the crew.

Pay Scale: Soldier


Sonar Tech
Sub Tactics
Pilot: Submersible
Heavy/ Assault Weapons
Survival: Undersea
Tech: Sonar
Tech: Commo
Tech: ‘Tronic
Undersea Weapons
Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment or
Rank (2x Cost)
Synner Virtual reality artists and actors; creators of the new reality.

Emote: Full value added to Braindance Use; Expert/SK: Braindance Editing; Eidetic Memory; Human
Perception; Perform: Acting and Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk. Specialization chart bonuses apply to:
Infiltration; Interview; Intimidation; Leadership; Oratory; Perform: Sexual; Personal Grooming;
Seduction; Simper; Social: (Any); Streetwise and Wardrobe and Style.

Action/Adventure: Feel the excitement,
feel the fear, feel the exhilaration...
Pay Scale: Rocker
Pay Scale: Rocker

General Action/Adventure
Emote Emote
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Social: (Any) Stealth
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Composition Shadow/Ditch
Tech: Cyber Tech: Cyber
Tech: Chip/Moddie Weapon Skill 1
Tech: ‘Tronic Weapon Skill 2
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
Drama: The pain of loss, the thrill of love, the Music: Don’t just sit their listening, feel the
confusion of mystery, experience it all... music through your very soul...

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Drama Music
Emote Emote
Awareness Awareness
Human Perception Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Social: (Any) Social: (Any)
Photo/Film Play Instrument
Composition Composition
Tech: Cyber Tech: Cyber
Seduction Seduction
Perform: Acting Perform: Sing
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
Music Video: Ever wonder what it would be VR Artist: The inspiration of art can bring on
like to live a music video? Why wait, do it now! so many emotions, she just chooses which...

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Rocker

Template: Template:

Music Video VR Artist

Emote Emote
Awareness Awareness
Expert/SK: Lighting Effects Human Perception
Expert/SK: Sound Mixing Wardrobe and Style
Play Instrument Personal Grooming
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Composition Composition
Tech: Cyber Paint and Draw
Dance Education/General Knowledge
Perform: Sing Computer Use
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing Computer Programming

X-Rated: Some things just feel better with

some emotional attachment, even if its simulated.

Pay Scale: Rocker


Human Perception
Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Personal Grooming
Wardrobe and Style
Tech: Cyber
Expert/SK: Sexual Variations
Perform: Sexual
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
Tagger Graffiti artist with a message.

Messenger: Full value added to: Area Knowledge (in areas that are tagged); Awareness (to spot
messages hidden in patterns, subliminals, graffiti or backgrounds); Expert/SK: Graffiti/Tags; Forgery (of
tags/graffiti) and Paint and Draw. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: City Speak; Cryptography (for
hiding or reading messages in graffiti); Gen Speak; Hand Jive; Streetwise (in areas that are tagged, and for
information on gangs).

Pay Scale: Nomad


Paint and Draw
Expert/SK: Graffiti/Tags
Hand Jive or City Speak or Gen Speak
Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Gang Rank (2x Cost) or
Tatsugin Martial Arts duelists, what the Streetfighters wish they were.

Geonghu: Full value added to: Awareness, Defensive and Initiative rolls in Hand-to-Hand and Melee
combats, against a single foe, or if focused on one attacker among many. 1/2 value added to Awareness,
Defense and Initiative in all other combat situations. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: CHI, all Hand
to Hand and Melee attacks made in a one-on-one duel, or if focused on one attacker among many. Tatsugin
gain 1 Martial Art/Kata skill at start and 1 Martial Art/Kata skill for each even level of Geonghu.

General Aiki-Do: Masters of a spiritual art that uses an

opponents strength against him.

Pay Scale: Tatsugin Pay Scale: Tatsugin

Templates: Template:

General Aiki-Do
Geonghu Geonghu
Awareness Awareness
Martial Art: (Any) Martial Art: Aikido or Martial Art: Aikijutsu
Martial Art: (Any) Expert/SK: Zen or Expert/SK: Shinto
Martial Art: (Any) Language: Japanese
Strength Feat Melee
Human Perception Art of Invisibility
Athletics Athletics
Social: Dojo Atemi
Diagnose 2 of: Bonsai, Calligraphy, Flower
Arrangement, Go, Haiku, or Painting
First Aid
Ride: Horse
Ch’a Ch’uan Master: Masters of horse,
bow, and gymnastic arts.

Pay Scale: Tatsugin


Ch’a Ch’uan Master

Martial Art: Ch’a Ch’uan
Expert/SK: Sufi Islam
Language: Mongolian
Survival: Desert
Tech The guys who fix the stuff you break, with duct tape and bailing wire.

Jury Rig: Full value added to: any Tech-based skill used for temporary repairs, those using improper
parts or tools, or items used in ways not in the original design concept. Also applies for diagnostics of
damage or defects. Such repairs last for 1d6 turns (continuous use) or 1d6 activations per Lvl of Jury Rig.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: any Tech-based skill used for permanent repairs, with proper tools
and parts, or wholly new designs.


Pay Scale: Tech


Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
Education/General Knowledge
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)

Chip Tech: They can rig up temporary

chipware for a variety of functions…

Pay Scale: Tech


Chip Tech
Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Tech: Computer
Tech: Chip/Moddie
Combat Tech: They keep your stuff running
in the worst of all possible conditions.

Pay Scale: Tech


Combat Tech
Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic
Pick Lock
Computer Use
Hide and Evade
Pistol or SMG
Scrounge or
Rank (2x Cost)

Corporate Tech: The work for a weekly

wage, and whatever they can fit in the lunch

Pay Scale: Corporate


Corporate Tech
Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
Language: (Any)
Education/General Knowledge
Tech: (Any)
Expert/SK: (Any Technological Area)
Expert/SK: (Any Technological Area)
Tech: (Any)
Demolitions: Blowing things up is
sometimes an art, rather than a science.

Pay Scale: Tech


Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic
Illegal Entry
Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Expert/SK: Improvised Explosives
Pistol or SMG
Stealth or
Rank (2x Cost)

Emergency Services: The guys who go in

where no sane man would, just to get you out…

Pay Scale: Solo


Emergency Services
Jury Rig
Tech: Basic
Drive: General
Operate Heavy Machinery
Expert/SK Hazard Control
Strength Feat
Expert/SK: Firefighting
First Aid
Authority (2x Cost)
Lighting/FX: The show just wouldn’t be Military Tech: When you buy from the low
The Show without them. bidder, you need a good tech.

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Lighting/FX Military Tech

Jury Rig Jury Rig
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Demolition Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer ‘Tronic Security
Expert/SK: Lightboard Ops Weaponsmith
Computer Use Rifle
Tech: Beam Weapons Tech: (Any)
Beam Weapons Tech: (Any)
Scrounge Scrounge or
Rank (2x Cost)
Net Tech: An integral part of any good ‘Net PA/Mech Tech: The guys who keep those
team. fancy tin-cans from becoming your coffin...

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Net Tech PA/Mech Tech

Jury Rig Jury Rig
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: Cyber
Cyberdeck Design Tech: ‘Tronic
‘Tronic Security Tech: Computer
Education/General Knowledge Tech: PA
System Knowledge Tech: Mech
Computer Programming Tech: Weapons
Library Use Tech: Beam Weapons
Computer Use or Scrounge or
Interface (2x Cost) Rank (2x Cost)

Production Manager: The guys who put Prowler: Sometimes you need to get into a
the music and videos together, and make them place you aren’t supposed to. Sometimes, it
work. requires tools you don’t have….

Pay Scale: Rocker Pay Scale: Fixer

Template: Template:

Production Manager Prowler

Jury Rig Jury Rig
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Commo ‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Composition Pick Lock
Education/General Knowledge Illegal Entry
Photo/Film Athletics
Interview Hide and Evade
Wardrobe and Style Pistol
Personal Grooming Stealth
Repo-Man: When you don’t pay for all your RPV Tech: They get to play with some really
fancy toys, they take them back, you know? cool toys.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Repo-Man RPV Tech

Jury Rig Jury Rig
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
‘Tronic Security Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Pick Lock Tech: Computer
Endurance Tech: RPV
Drive: General Tech: Commo
Shadow/Track Tech: (Any)
Pistol Tech: (Any)
Stealth Scrounge

Security Tech: Those security systems don’t Sound Tech: They keep the concert going,
install themselves. Well, most don’t... and make the sound sweet…

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Security Tech Sound Tech

Jury Rig Jury Rig
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
‘Tronic Security Tech: Commo
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Trapworks Tech: Computer
Intel Gathering Expert/SK: Soundboard Ops
Tech: Commo Computer Use
Tech: (Any) Perform: Mixing
Tech: (Any) Strength Feat
Criminal Mind (2x Cost) Scrounge
Tinker The guys who make all those cool, new toys you love so much.

Kitbash: Full value added to: any Tech-based skill used wholly new designs. Specialization chart
bonuses apply to: any Tech-based skill used for repairs, whether those using improper parts or tools, or
items used in ways not in the original design concept (such repairs last for 1d3 turns (continuous use) or
1d3 activations per Lvl of Kitbash), or for permanent repairs, with proper tools and parts. Also applies for
diagnostics of damage or defects.

General Aquacology Engineer: Somebody has to

design that undersea equipment.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Templates: Template:

General Aquacology Engineer

Kitbash Kitbash
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: (Any) Tech: Submersible
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Streetwise Pilot: Hardshell /Deep Dive Suit
Tech: (Any) Pilot: Submersible
Tech: (Any) Expert/SK: Undersea Equipment
Tech: (Any) Survival: Undersea
Scrounge Swimming
Brawling Nu-SCUBA

Chip Designer: They design all those cool Combat Engineer: When you need a more
chips and moddies. permanent fortification...

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Soldier

Template: Template:

Chip Designer Combat Engineer

Kitbash Kitbash
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber ‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Computer Programming Expert/SK: Structural Architecture
Computer Use Demolition
Tech: Computer Expert/SK: Improvised Explosives
Tech: Chip/Moddie Pistol or SMG
Streetwise Stealth
Composition Illegal Entry or
Rank (2x Cost)
Designer: Specialists in coming up with new
applications for technology.
Pay Scale: Tech

Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
Education/General Knowledge
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)

FX Engineer: They make the movies,

videos, and stage shows look cool.

Pay Scale: Tech


FX Engineer
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer
Expert/SK: Lightboard Ops
Computer Use
Tech: Beam Weapons
Beam Weapons
Military Engineer: They design and build
all that cool new hardware.

Pay Scale: Soldier


Military Engineer
Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
‘Tronic Security
Expert/SK: Military Weapons
Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any)
Scrounge or
Rank (2x Cost)

PA/Mech Engineer: Those cool powered

armors and giant robot suits come from

Pay Scale: Tech


PA/Mech Engineer
Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber
Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer
Tech: PA
Tech: Mech
Tech: Weapons
Tech: Beam Weapons
RPV Engineer: Building tomorrow’s drone, Security Engineer: They design and build
today. all that damned security hardware...

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

RPV Engineer Security Engineer

Kitbash Kitbash
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Cyber ‘Tronic Security
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer Trapworks
Tech: RPV Intel Gathering
Tech: Commo Tech: Commo
Tech: (Any) Tech: (Any)
Tech: (Any) Tech: (Any)
Scrounge Criminal Mind (2x Cost)

Sound Engineer: Designing the systems Space Engineer: From space suits to space
that make those concerts sound so great. stations, they build it all.

Pay Scale: Tech Pay Scale: Tech

Template: Template:

Sound Engineer Space Engineer

Kitbash Kitbash
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Tech: Basic
Tech: Commo Tech: Spacecraft
Tech: ‘Tronic Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Computer Tech: (Any)
Expert/SK: Soundboard Ops Tech: (Any)
Computer Use EVA
Perform: Mixing Pilot: OTV
Strength Feat q-G Maneuver
Scrounge Survival: Space
Tribal New Amerindians, combining centuries-old tactics and modern gear.

Warrior: Full value added to Archery (for hunting animals or other Tribals); Expert/SK: Camping and
Survival: Wilderness. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Archery (combat bonus); Hide and Evade,
Shadow/Track and Stealth (in the wilderness). Warrior Lvl is also applied to Damage for any attacks made
to subdue an opponent.

Garou: The walkers-in-fur, werewolves, loup-
garou… Beware the full moon.
Pay Scale: Nomad
Pay Scale: Nomad

General Garou
Warrior Warrior
Awareness Awareness
Archery Archery
Motorcycle Motorcycle
Athletics Athletics
Brawling Brawling
Melee Stealth
Stealth Shadow/Ditch
Shadow/Ditch Gnosis (2x Cost)
Rifle Rage (2x Cost)
Expert/SK: Amerindian Folklore Primal Urge (2x Cost)
Military Scout: The old idea of the “Indian
Scout” was reborn in the South Am conflict. Pay Scale: Nomad

Pay Scale: Soldier Template:

Template: Scout
Military Scout Awareness
Warrior Archery
Awareness Motorcycle
Archery Endurance
First Aid Brawling
Endurance Melee
Brawling Stealth
Melee Shadow/Track
Stealth Survival: Wilderness
Shadow/Track Expert/SK: Enemy Tribes Heraldry
Survival: (Any)
Expert/SK: Enemy Troop Identification or
Rank (2x Cost)

Scout: Tribal scouts are the eyes and ears of

the tribe.
Shaman: The spiritual leaders of the tribes, Traditionalist: The traditionalist strives to
they act as doctors and councilors. return to the “old ways”, some of which never

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Template: Template:

Shaman Traditionalist
Warrior Warrior
Awareness Awareness
Archery Archery
Motorcycle Ride: Horse
Endurance Athletics
Resist Torture/Drugs Brawling
First Aid Melee
Pharmacy Stealth
Gnosis (2x Cost) Shadow/Track
Expert/SK: Amerindian Folklore Hide and Evade
Counsel (2x Cost) Expert/SK: Amerindian Folklore

Warrior: The protectors and enforcers of the


Pay Scale: Nomad


Trog Some say that the “Sewer People” are a myth. They’re wrong...

Spelunking: Full value added to: Area Knowledge (Underground area); Cadre Tactics; Climbing;
Concealment (Underground); Contortions; Direction Sense (when underground) ; Hide/Evade
(Underground); Shadow/Track (Underground) ; Stealth; Survival: Urban; Trapwork; Expert/SK Tunnel
Construction. Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Awareness (Small, enclosed areas); Endurance;
Intimidation; Scrounge and Swimming.


Pay Scale: Nomad


Area Knowledge (Sewers)
Survival: Urban
Cadre Tactics

B & E Specialist: Specialized in getting

into places through the sewers.

Pay Scale: Tech


B & E Specialist
Area Knowledge (Main Area of Operation)
Pick Lock
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security
Intel Gathering
Tunnel Rat: More comfortable in the tunnels
than most, they feel right at home…

Pay Scale: Nomad


Tunnel Rat
Expert/ SK Tunnel Construction
Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security
Vidiot Communications wizards, they bring the media into your home.

Commo: Full value added to: ECM/ECCM; Expert/SK: Municipal Commo; Intel Gathering; Media;
Tech: (Commo, Computer and ‘Tronic) and Scrounge (for finding radio parts or “dirty laundry”.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Concealment (bugs and cameras); Expert/SK: (Lightboard
Operation, Lighting Effects, Music Mixing and Soundboard Operation) and Photo/Film.

General Interviewer: They handle the more technical

aspects of remote camera interviews.

Pay Scale: Media Pay Scale: Media

Templates: Template:

General Interviewer
Commo Commo
Awareness Awareness
Tech: Basic Interview
Tech: ‘Tronic Persuasion/Lie/Fast Talk
Tech: Commo Tech: Commo
Hide and Evade Perform: Acting
Photo/Film Photo/Film
Intel Gathering Disguise
Scrounge Human Perception
Streetwise Streetwise
Language: Vidiot Hand Jive Language: Vidiot Hand Jive

Military RTO: Commo specialists for the

military, they can make a radio from anything… Pay Scale: Rocker

Pay Scale: Soldier Template:

Template: Pirate Radio/TV

Military RTO Awareness
Commo Tech: Basic
Awareness Tech: ‘Tronic
Tech: Basic Tech: Commo
Tech: ‘Tronic Perform: (Any)
Tech: Commo Photo/Film
Computer Use Composition
Computer Programming Scrounge
ECM/ECCM Streetwise
Human Perception Language: Vidiot Hand Jive
Language: (Any) or
Rank (2x Cost)

Pirate Radio/TV: The guys who run all

those underground stations.
Surveillance: Some of that surveillance gear
requires a lot of technical knowhow.

Pay Scale: Tech


Illegal Entry
‘Tronic Security
Tech: Commo
Pick Lock
Intel Gathering
Language: Vidiot Hand Jive
V-Punk VR Creators, they make your fantasies an un-reality.

Private Idaho: Full value added to: Braindance Use; Computer Programming (VR simulations or Net
icons); Expert/SK: Braindance Editing; Perform: Auspex; Artist: Virtual; Photo/Film (for virtual or
holographic pictures). Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Computer Programming; Computer Use;
Cyberdeck Design; Desktop Engineer; Artist: Draw; Artist: Paint; Photo/Film; Systems Knowledge and
Tech: (Computer and ‘Tronic). While in the ‘Net or Virtuality environments, a Private Idaho + INT +
Computer Use or Computer Programming roll vs. an opponents INT + Awareness/Notice + one of Private
Idaho/Emote/Interface/Intuition is made. If the V-Punk wins, he may add the Specialization chart bonuses
to all REF or COOL actions against that opponent. A failure has no effect, while a Critical Failure means
the bonus is taken as a penalty instead.


Pay Scale: Nomad


Private Idaho
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Desk Top Engineer
Artist: Virtual
Perform: Auspex
Expert/SK: Braindance Editing
Tech: ‘Tronic
Warrior Nomad muscle, they fight to protect the pack, or an employer.

Warpath: Full value added to: Awareness and Initiative rolls versus other nomads. 1/2 value added to:
Awareness and Initiative rolls versus non-nomads and to Melee in all situations. Specialization chart
bonuses apply to: Pistol; Rifle and Survival: (American or Wilderness). Warpath acts as Kith at full


Pay Scale: Nomad


Heavy/Assault Weapons
Tech: Basic or Tech: Weapons
Survival: American or Survival: Wilderness
Brawling or Martial Art: (Any)
First Aid
Workganger You fight one, you make enemies of them all.

Workgang: Full value added to: Bartering; Intimidate; Leadership and Negotiation/Arbitration.
Specialization chart bonuses apply to: Expert/SK: (Construction-oriented skills); Operate Heavy
Machinery (Construction equipment) and Tech: (Any used for large-scale construction). Workgangers
may call upon Workgang2 in lower level ‘Gangers for assistance and back up. Workgangers may also
borrow up to Workgang rank x 500eb in goods or cash, which must be repaid within 1 month.

General Cargo-Jock: One of the men and women

that crew the big ships carrying the wealth of the

Pay Scale: Nomad Pay Scale: Nomad

Templates: Template:

General Cargo-Jock
Workgang Workgang
Awareness Awareness
Expert/ SK: Construction or Tech: Construction Athletics or Swimming
Intimidate Brawling
Athletics Endurance
Operate Heavy Machinery Navigation
Brawling Operate Heavy Machinery
Endurance Strength Feat
Strength Feat Expert/ SK: Cargo Loading
Tech: Basic Seamanship
Language: (Any) Tech: Basic

Dock Worker: Don’t mess with the dock Labor Rep: The unions aren’t dead, just
workers; they have too many places to put the severely wounded.
Pay Scale: Nomad
Pay Scale: Nomad
Labor Rep
Dock Worker Workgang
Workgang Awareness
Awareness Expert/ SK: Corporate Policy
Expert/ SK: Cargo Loading Intimidate
Intimidate Bartering
Athletics Negotiation /Arbitration
Operate Heavy Machinery Brawling
Brawling Endurance
Endurance Persuasion/Lie /Fast Talk
Strength Feat Leadership
Swimming Language: (Any)
Language: (Any)
Laborer: They work hard, for little pay. Stay Space Construction: The group the term
out of their bars, and out of their way… “Workganger” came from. Whole tribal groups
and towns in the Mt. Kilimanjaro area ended up
Pay Scale: Nomad in space.

Template: Pay Scale: Nomad

Laborer Template:
Awareness Space Construction
Drive: General Workgang
Intimidate Melee Awareness
Melee Expert/ SK Station/Colony Construction
Operate Heavy Machinery EVA
Brawling Pilot: OTV
Endurance Operate Heavy Machinery
Strength Feat Survival: Space
Tech: Basic q-G Maneuver
Pistol or Language: (Any) Tech: ‘Tronic or Strength Feat
Tech: Basic
q-G Acclimatization (2x Cost)

Space Technician: The better educated and

more technically trained of the original
workgangers, and their technical replacements
who joined later.

Pay Scale: Nomad


Space Technician
Tech: Basic
Tech: ‘Tronic
Survival: Space
q-G Maneuver
q-G Combat
Tech: Spacecraft
q-G Acclimatization (2x Cost)

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