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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 218-227
Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Minister of Research,
Technology and Higher Education, Number 36a/E/KPT/2016

Online Brand Experience: Drivers and Consequences

Luki Adiati Pratomo1 , Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari2

Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Info Article Abstract

History Article: The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of brand involvement, customer-brand
Received 1 August 2018
engagement, online brand experience to brand satisfaction and brand loyalty of mobile banking
Approved 7 September 2018
Published September 2018 applications users in BCA, Bank Mandiri, BRI, and BNI as the big four most valuable brands
in Indonesia. This study used primary data sources obtained directly by distributing question-
Brand Involvement; Brand Satis-
naires to 260 respondents. The sampling method used is non-probability sampling with purpo-
faction; Brand Loyalty; Customer- sive sampling technique, and the criteria of respondents used in this study are consumers who
Brand Engagement; Online Brand own and use mobile banking applications at least once a month. The research method used is
Experience. SEM, analysis of data quality using a validity test and reliability test. The findings of this study are
Brand Involvement has a positive effect toward Customer Brand Engagement, Customer Brand
Engagement has a positive effect toward Online Brand Experience, Online Brand Experience
has a positive effect toward Brand Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty. Brand Satisfaction has a posi-
tive effect toward Brand Loyalty.

Faktor Pendorong dan Konsekuensi dari Online Brand Experience

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand involvement, customer-brand
engagement, online brand experience terhadap brand satisfaction dan brand loyalty peng-
guna aplikasi mobile banking di BCA, Bank Mandiri, BRI, dan BNI sebagai empat merek
yang paling berharga di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer
yang diperoleh secara langsung dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 260 responden.
Metode pengambilan sampel adalah non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive
sampling. Kriteria responden adalah konsumen yang memiliki dan menggunakan aplikasi
mobile banking minimal sebulan sekali. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis SEM.
Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah brand involvement memiliki pengaruh positif terha-
dap customer-brand engagement, customer-brand engagement memiliki pengaruh positif
terhadap online brand experience, online brand experience memiliki efek positif terhadap
brand satisfaction dan brand loyalty. Brand satisfaction memiliki efek positif terhadap
brand loyalty.

JEL Classification: M3, M31

How to Cite: Pratomo, L. A., & Magetsari, O. N. N. (2018). Online Brand Experience: Drivers and Consequences. Jurnal Dinamika Manaje-
men, 9(2), 218-227.

Correspondence Address ISSN
Jurusan Manajemen, FEB, Universitas Trisakti, DKI Jakarta, 11440 2086-0668 (print) 2337-5434 (online)
Indonesia DOI: 10.15294/jdm.v9i2.15192
Luki Adiati Pratomo & Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari/ Online Brand Experience: Drivers ...

INTRODUCTION tive and behavioral responses conducted outsi-

de of the purchasing activity. Customer-brand
Online banking is the latest technology- engagement as an effort to engage consumers
based banking services as efficient in cost, con- with the brand in an emotional interaction with
venient and time saving compared to traditional the company (Bowden, 2009; Evan, 2010).
banking services through branch offices (Ka- Customer brand engagement is considered to
laiarasi & Srividya, 2011). Most of Indonesian be essential due to the fact that loyal custom-
Bank already have this kind of services, especial- ers are less likely to shift to other brands and
ly BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI and BRI as the big are able to present suggestions to the company
four most valuable brand in Indonesia (Baramu- resulting in a continous competitive advantage
li, 2018). One of online banking facility that the (Gong, 2018).Through the existing emotional
bank served is the mobile banking application, ties, customer-brand engagement is not just a
which is a service system of a Bank to conduct process of communication between foster long-
some financial transactions that can be accessed term relationships between consumers and the
directly by customers through mobile devices brand.
such as cellular phones. The mobile banking fa- Unique and impressive brand experien-
cility is a facility of the bank in this modern era ce is believed to increase brand satisfaction in
that follows the development of technology and various fields, such as retailing (Thakur, 2016)
communication ( Banks and services (Nysveen et al., 2013). Brand Sa-
need more than mobile banking to engage the tisfaction plays a vital role in making consumers
customers; they have to provide excellent on- continue to use the services of a company (Khan
line experience while the customers using on- et al., 2016b; Veloutsou, 2015).
line bank facilities. The online brand experience will provide
The online brand experience is an inter- value to consumers and increase customer satis-
nal subjective response of individuals to online faction (Brakus et al., 2009; Chinomona, 2013).
contact with a brand or company (Morgan- Gentile et al. (2007) explained that consumers
Thomas & Veloutsou, 2013). Several previous who experience a good brand can encourage
studies (Swapana & Padmavathy, 2017; Cleff the creation of an emotional bond between the
et al., 2018) explained that some dimensions brand and the consumer, which will then inc-
consists of motivation, convenience, service rease brand loyalty. Moreover, previous studies
quality, website accessibility, sensory, affective, also find that good brand experience has a very
cognitive, behavioral, relational and usability as significant influence on brand loyalty (Kusuma,
antecedents of online brand experiences. Inter- 2014; Kruger, 2018; Cleff et al., 2018).
estingly, Khan et al. (2016b) found that brand Brand loyalty has the power to make it
engagement as the antecedents of online brand easier for consumers to make decisions, buy
experience, despite the technological aspect of the same product or brand, and lower the shift
the online brand experience. to brand competitors (Yoo et al., 2000; Yoo &
A bank has to create a positive online ban- Donthu, 2001; Kuncoro & Sutomo, 2018). The
king experience by encourage customer brand importance of establishing consumer brand re-
engagement through consumer involvement of lationships through a good brand experience
the bank’s brand (France et al., 2016). When that will lead to brand loyalty (Kruger, 2018).
customers have active involvement with the Alhemoud (2010) states that maintai-
bank’s brand, they will pose high engagement ning existing banking customers is more impor-
with the bank’s brand (France et al., 2016). Hol- tant than finding new customers. Therefore it
lebeek et al. (2014) states that Customer-Brand is crucial for the bank to increase customer sa-
Engagement is the consumer’s relationship to tisfaction and loyalty by implementing mobile
the brand as a manifestation of cognitive, affec- banking applications (Thye Goh et al., 2014). It

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 218-227

is very challenging especially with the fact that Through the existing emotional ties, cus-
even though online banking applications have tomer-brand engagement is not just a process of
been launched, the usage in international level interaction between consumers with the brand
are still low (Souranta & Mattila, 2004), espe- but also able to foster long-term relationships
cialy in developing countries (Donner & Tellez, between consumers with the brand. Brodie et
2008). The growth of mobile users in Indonesia al. (2013) explained that there are four stages
are particulary high, however mobile banking of Customer-Brand Engagement process. (1)
utilization is still low (Koo & Wati, 2010). With Consumption is the stage of consumer engage-
the small percentage of mobile banking user ment to start activities such as reading, down-
and significant benefit either for banking insti- loading and viewing digital content on social
tutions and its customer, the usage of mobile media; (2) curation is the stage customers
banking application must be able to provide a choose, filter, respond or describe the content;
positive experience for the customer. (3) creation is the stage of content creation by
This study will investigate more about consumers; (4) collaboration is the stage of the
brand engagement as the antecedents of brand cooperation of previous processes that create
online experience and also discuss more the role new activities that can build a collection of con-
of online brand experience to achieve brand sat- tent (traffic).
isfaction and loyalty. This recent study also has According to Hapsari et al. (2017) in
several novelties which are observing online their research on the impact of consumer invol-
brand experience and this research is conducted vement on Airline passenger loyalty, the result
in four top banks in Indonesia. showed that customer involvement (customer
engagement) has a powerful influence on cus-
Hypothesis Development tomer loyalty. Therefore, airline management
The Influence of Brand Involvement towards must take advantage of the positive impact con-
Customer Brand Engagement sumers experience when they feel involved with
France et al. (2016) proposed the con- the company (Customer-brand engagement).
cept of customer-centered that consists of Based on the discussion above, brand
brand self-congruity and brand involvement involvement influences customer brand enga-
as antecedents of brand engagement. Their gement (Bowden, 2009; Vivek et al., 2012; Hol-
research proved that brand involvement has a lebeek et al., 2014; De Vries & Carlson, 2014;
positive influence on brand engagement. Bow- Hepola et al., 2017). Therefore the hypothesis
den (2009) and Vivek (2012) proposed that can be formulated as follows:
customer involvement will influence their en- H1: Brand Involvement has a positive effect
gagement with the brand. When the customers on Customer Brand Engagement.
have high involvement with the brand, it will
increase their focus on engagement. Bowden Customer-brand engagement has a posi-
(2009) and Hollebeek et al. (2014) explained tive effect on the online brand experience (Khan
that engagement would be formed when there et al., 2016b). If the consumer has a good rela-
are consumer interest and personal relevan- tionship with the company, then the consumer
ce, where involvement triggers a psychological will get a good brand experience from the com-
commitment to engage with the brand. The pany. Customers who have good relationship
consumers involved have high interest and see with the corporate tend to have brand loyalty,
the personal connection with the brand, which perform good behavior by providing advices for
encourages consumers to build a passion for the the brand and spreading positive word of mouth
brand and engage themselves in the brand ex- of the corporate’s brand (Yi & Gong, 2013).
perience as an engaged customer (France et al., Behavior of providing advices, helping
2016). workers and other customers may result in val-

Luki Adiati Pratomo & Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari/ Online Brand Experience: Drivers ...

ue creation (van Doorn et al., 2010). Custom- Good brand experience brings the emo-
ers who are engaged to the corporate’s brand tional customer bond with the company and
is defined as the existence of customer’s emo- finally it will lead to brand satisfaction (Gentile
tional, cognitive and physical interaction to the et al., 2007; Chinomona, 2013; Kusuma, 2014).
brand (Hollebeek, 2011a). Realizing the posi- Experience has a positive influence on
tive impacts of customer brand engagement, brand trust, brand satisfaction, and brand loyal-
therefore, it is critical for the company to inc- ty (Khan & Rahman, 2016; Khan et al., 2016a).
rease customer-brand engagement in creating Therefore, companies must strive visually to in-
a unique online brand experience. Respectable crease the merging elements in an online con-
customer brand engagement will increase brand text to enhance brand satisfaction and loyalty
satisfaction and grow brand loyalty more effec- brand. The effects of visual aesthetics such as
tively to help bank managers improve business corporate brand logos, colors, names and cor-
performance. Therefore, this research develops porate slogans can affect the response of consu-
the following hypothesis: mers.
H2: Customer Brand Engagement has a posi- Brand Satisfaction according to Kotler
tive effect on Online Brand Experience. and Keller (2016) can be divided into two, na-
mely: (1) Transaction-specific satisfaction that
Online Brand Experience towards Brand Satis- represents the evaluation and reactions emo-
faction tionally after the consumer made a purchase
Brand experience does not merely reveal transaction; (2) accumulative satisfaction is an
the usefulness of the attributes of a product or overall evaluation of the experience of purcha-
service, but reveal the familiarities gained from sing and consumption of products and services.
a brand (Brakus et al., 2009). When consumers Therefore, this research develop the following
buy or consume a brand, they will not only focus hypothesis:
on the usefulness of the attributes of a product. H3: Online Brand Experience has a positive
Consumers will also perceive the physical, visu- effect on Brand Satisfaction.
al or communication forms associated with the
brand such as design and brand identity (name, Online Brand Experience towards Brand Loyal-
logo) product display, co-branding (marke- ty
ting events). They also evaluate the marketing Brand loyalty is a measure of consumer
communications (brochures, advertisements, relationship to a brand (Aaker, 2009). Brand
websites), human resources (customer service, loyalty is a consistent consumer preference for
sales, call center) and the environment of the buying on the same brand on a specific product
brand. These are the primary sources of brand or service category (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2009).
experience (Brakus et al., 2009). Brand loyalty is a strong commitment to subsc-
Brand experience is defined as the consu- ribing or purchasing a brand consistently in the
mer perception when interacting with a brand, future (Emari et al., 2012; Brodie et al., 2013).
either in the brand image projected in adverti- The motivation shown to be faithful to
sing or the level of quality of service received by the brand is reflected when consumers choose
consumers (Alloza, 2008). When brand experi- a brand as their first choice (Yoo & Donthu,
ence goes to online brand experience (Cleff et 2001). In addition, brand that perform innova-
al., 2018) explain that it combines cognitive and tion has correlation to consumer-brand loyalty
affective responses. Cognitive responses consist (Pappu & Quester, 2016). In addition, brand
of the usability and functionality of a website or awareness is considered as an essential factor
social media, and affective responses is a hedo- when customer makes decision and a prede-
nistic experience that brings customer fun and cessor to the brand loyalty (Pappu & Quester,
pleasure. 2016). It concludes that brand loyalty is a con-

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 218-227

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

cept or term used to make consumers re-pur- faction and brand loyalty. Brand satisfaction is
chase products or services in the future and give considered to play an essential role in obtaining
motivation to consumers to choose a brand as customer loyalty (Liang & Zhang, 2012). When
the first choice that makes it difficult for consu- customers satisfy with the brand, they tend to
mers to move to other brands despite the many conduct word of mouth (Brown et al., 2006)
attempts made by competitors. and become loyal costumers (Shukla, 2004).
Brand engagement has dimensions con- In addition, customer satisfaction and
sisting of sensor, intellectual, affective, behavio- loyalty have correlation to the marketing stra-
ral, and relational influence in building brand tegy that will impact the strength of the brand
satisfaction, brand personality, and brand loyal- in long-term (Ainisimova, 2016). Consumer
ty to construct related to the brand. The more satisfaction and loyalty has implications to ot-
a consumer feels a good brand experience, the her marketing strategy elements (price, media
more likely the consumer will re-purchase, selection, channel decisions, distribution and
which will trigger loyalty. Moreover, previous advertising strategy) and how those aspects of
studies support that online brand experience branding strategy need to be geared towards
positively influences brand satisfaction, there- long-term brand strength.
fore the company must attempt visually to imp- Brand equity, brand value, brand trust
rove the merging element in the online context Stated that brand satisfaction is the most
to increase brand loyalty (Nysveen et al., 2013; significant factor for brand loyalty (Kuikka &
Khan et al., 2016a). Therefore, based on the Laukkanen, 2012). Thus, this study proposes
above theories, the hypothesis can be devel- that consumer engagement with a brand turns
oped as follows : into a brand experience, which then affects
H4: Online Brand Experience has a positive brand satisfaction and brand loyalty. Therefore,
effect on Brand Loyalty. this study offers the following hypothesis:
H5: Brand Satisfaction has a positive influen-
The result of existing research that ex- ce on Brand Loyalty.
amines the satisfaction of customers in Harley
Davidson company in Surabaya found out that Conceptual framework of this study can
brand satisfaction has a significant influence on be shown in Figure 1.
brand loyalty (Kusuma, 2014). The better the
brand satisfaction that consumer gets, the bet- METHOD
ter the brand loyalty in the eyes of consumers.
Consumer engagement with a brand can evoke This research is hypothesis testing which
a positive brand experience, and as a result, the is generally useful to explain the characteristic of
resulting brand experience affects brand satis- relationship in a situation. This study uses ques-

Luki Adiati Pratomo & Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari/ Online Brand Experience: Drivers ...

tionnaires as a tool to measure variables. Brand ity of the respondents done transaction more
Involvement variables were measured using five than four every month (41.5%) and 34.2% done
indicators referring to France et al. (2016). Cus- one transaction every month.
tomer brand engagement is measured using ten Based on the data, it seems that women
indicators that relate to Khan et al., (2016). complete more mobile banking transaction
Online Brand Experience is measured (52.7%) compare to men (47.3%). Grounded
using five indicators developed by Khan et al. on age, 80% of respondents are 17-25 years
(2016) while Brand Satisfaction is measured old and only 1.9% is more than 60 years old. It
using three indicators that relate to Khan et al. proves that young people like working with new
(2016) and Brand Loyalty is measured using technology than old people.
three indicators which developed by Khan et al.
(2016). Table 1. The Goodness of Fit Model
The data used in this research is primary
data by distributing questionnaires containing Criteria Indicator Conclusion
Goodness of
written statements to 260 respondents. The Fit index
(cut-off Value
sampling method is non-probability with pur- value)
posive technique. Criteria of respondents in Chi-Square
Close to 0 827.491 Poor Fit
this study are consumers who own and use mo-
bile banking applications at least once a month. Probabilita ≥ .05 .000 Poor Fit
Characteristics of respondents based on the NFI ≥ .90 .813 Marginal Fit
general description of respondents include gen- IFI ≥ .90 . 871 Marginal Fit
der, age, income, education last. TLI ≥ .90 .856 Marginal Fit
Reliability and validity tests were run CFI ≥ .90 .870 Marginal Fit
to confirm the appropriateness of the adapted Goodness
RMR ≤ .10 .053
scales. All statements of each variable are va- of Fit
lid and reliable. Based on loading factor 0.45 RMSEA ≤ .10 .084
(Hair et al., 2010) all the instruments of the of Fit
five variables have a higher value than 0.45 and
it concludes that all instruments are valid. The Based on the result of Goodness of Fit
reliability test for the five variables are reliable test showed in Table 1, it can be concluded that
with Cronbach’s alpha > 0.70. Tests on all hy- probability value 0.000 (Poor), RMSEA 0.084
potheses in this study were conducted using sta- (Goodness of Fit), NFI 0.813 (Marginal Fit),
tistical analysis tools Structural Equation Model TLI 0.856 (Marginal Fit), CFI 0.870 (Margi-
(SEM) with the help of the program Analysis of nal fit), IFI 0.871 (Marginal fit) and Chi-square
Moment Structure (AMOS) 22. 827.491 (Poor) then this model is feasible to be
used in research so that the hypothesis testing
RESULT AND DISCUSSION theory continued.

Respondent Characteristics Hypothesis Testing

Based on the data, overall 260 respon- It can be shown that brand involvement
dents meet the criteria of research. The majority has a significant impact on customer-brand
are BCA customers (49.6%), followed by Bank engagement (H1) with p-value 0.000 < 0.05
Mandiri (22.3%), then BNI (20%) and the last and coefficient estimate 0.820, which means
one is BRI (8.1%). This result is in line with the that brand involvement has a positive effect on
data based on Top Brand Award in 2016. BCA customer brand engagement. It indicated that
with their mobile banking awarded as the high- the higher brand involvement would lead to
est market share in Indonesia (48.4% ). Major- stronger customer brand engagement. The re-

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 218-227

sults of this study support the results of research brand experience. It can be concluded that the
conducted by France et al. (2016) which states greater customer brand engagement will lead
that brand involvement affects customer brand to a stronger online brand experience. The re-
experience. Brand involvement has a direct in- sults of this study support the results of research
fluence on customer brand experience. The conducted by Khan et al. (2016). The research
consumers who involved with the brand have finds that customer brand engagement has a
a high level of attention and perceive personal positive influence on online brand experience
relevance with the brand, which encourages in the banking industry. Therefore it is essential
consumers to build a passion for the brand and for companies to increase brand engagement
engage themselves in the brand experience as an in creating a unique online brand experience.
engaged customer (France et al., 2016; Thakur, Customer brand engagement in the banking
2016). Hypothesis testing result shown in Tab- industry can enable customers to interact di-
le 2. rectly with banking companies through the use
of mobile banking applications and can improve
Table 2. Hypotheses Testing Result the online brand experience to customers while
using mobile banking.
Hypotheses Estimate P-Value Decision Online brand experience has a significant
Brand Involve- impact on brand satisfaction (H3) with p-value
ment has a pos- 0.000 < 0.05 and coefficient estimate 0.789,
itive influence
.820 .000 H1 supported which means that online brand experience has
on Customer
Brand Engage- positive impact to brand satisfaction. When a
ment customer excellent online brand experience, it
Customer improved customer satisfaction with the brand.
Brand Engage- The findings of this study support the results
ment has a of research conducted in Indian banking cus-
positive influ- .831 .000 H2 supported
tomers. Another research also found that the
ence on Online
Brand Experi- higher brand experience felt by the consumer,
ence the higher the level of satisfaction, trust and a
Online Brand sense of bondage to a brand. The findings also
Experience has in line with existing study which states that the
a positive influ- .789 .000 H3 supported better the brand experience of a specific compa-
ence on Brand
ny, the better the brand’s satisfaction in the eyes
Online Brand of consumers (Chinomona, 2013; Kusuma,
Experience has 2014; Khan et al., 2016a).
a positive influ- .453 .000 H4 supported Online brand experience has a signifi-
ence on Brand cant impact on brand loyalty (H4) with p-value
Loyalty 0.000 < 0.05 and coefficient estimate 0.881,
Brand Satis-
which means that online brand experience has
faction has a
positive influ- .458 .000 H5 supported positive impact to brand loyalty. It says that if
ence on Brand the customer found that their online brand ex-
Loyalty perience is outstanding, it increased customer
loyalty towards the brand. The results of this stu-
Customer-brand engagement has a signi- dy support the findings of research conducted
ficant impact on online brand experience (H2) by (Khan & Rahman, 2016; Khan et al., 2016a)
with p-value 0.000 < 0.05 and coefficient esti- about banking customers in Delhi, India; which
mate 0.881, which means that customer brand states that brand experience has a positive in-
engagement has a positive effect on online fluence on brand satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Luki Adiati Pratomo & Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari/ Online Brand Experience: Drivers ...

Consumers who experience a good brand can ties, customer-brand engagement is a process
encourage the creation of an emotional bond to foster long-term relationships between con-
between the brand and the consumer, which sumers with the brand and will enhance brand
will then increase brand loyalty (Gentile et al., satisfaction and brand loyalty. When customers
2007). The better the consumer experience will use mobile banking applications and get a good
attract them to repeat the same experience and brand online experience, it will increase cus-
generate loyalty to the brand. The discoveries tomer satisfaction. If the customer is satisfied
are also in line with the explanation that if con- with this bank for fulfilling their expectations, it
sumers with good brand experience will tend to will surge loyalty to the bank and recommend
repurchase the brand, recommend the brand this bank to others.
to others and tend not to purchase alternative This research only examines brand invol-
brands/ brand loyalty (Chaudhuri & Hoibrook, vement, customer brand engagement as drivers
2001). of online brand experience and brand satisfac-
Brand satisfaction has a significant im- tion and brand loyalty as the consequences of
pact on brand loyalty (H5) with p-value 0.000 online brand experience among consumers of
< 0.05 and coefficient estimate 0.4851, which mobile banking application in Jakarta. Further
means that online brand experience has a posi- research can be done in several other big cities
tive effect on branding loyalty. It concludes that to find out whether there are differences or si-
higher brand satisfaction will surge to stronger milarities of mobile banking application users
brand loyalty. The findings of this study support in other cities. Subsequent research can also
the outcomes of research conducted in Delhi, examine other online services such as internet
India with banking customers as the target. This banking. The future research may consider to
research finds that brand satisfaction influences add brand quality as an antecedent of customer
the brand loyalty of the banking industry (Khan brand engagement or considering brand value
et al., 2016a). The other researches also support as consequences of customer brand engage-
the existing studies that consumer satisfaction ment (France et al., 2016).
has led to brand loyalty and online satisfaction
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