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What do I eat?

There’s some consistent things I ALWAYS do. I make sure I do 2 huge salads daily. I may do 2 kale shakes a week, but I
use the Instant Kale Shake (Berry). The breakfast is usually large, my dinner is always small. My wife does not eat
breakfast – not hungry and she does 2 meals a day. From my long history of destroying my liver, the 3 meals a day
works, probably due to not having a perfect liver. I can eat the same thing every day. My wife needs to vary things.

*Pasture-raised eggs (sometimes duck eggs)
*No-sugar bacon
*Avocado most of the time.
*Occasionally I may do a hamburger patty with mustard

-zero snacks

*I start with my salad (I love avocado and tomato). I rotate with spring greens, spinach and some kale. Occasionally, I will
do shredded cabbage as my salad mix. The size is around 8-9 cups.
*I, also, add some protein (hamburger patty, or grass-fed beef or pork sausage) – basically a little fatty protein but not
too much. I am never stuffed. At the farmers market I buy a ton of pasture-raised pork and beef and spread it out over a
few months (keeping it frozen).

-zero snacks
I eat no snacks, but around 1pm, I have lunch and start with my salad. It’s around 7 cups. I like the spring greens from
the farmers market or WholeFoods. I rotate different types – spinach, arugula, kale. I add another avocado, 2 small
tomatoes, sliced peppers and then add dressing and some lemon juice. I do a glass of water with 2 tbs of apple cider
vinegar. But, usually, I may drink 4 glasses of water total per day, I get the Shitake Sesame dressing – love it! Most
dressings add soy oils, so this does not.
For lunch I always add some protein. Below is an example of a pork roast I made from the farmers market , pasture-
raised. I will not do too much protein, maybe 5-6 ounces max. I do a lot of hamburger patties (the fatties I can find) and
add mustard and maybe sometimes melted cheese. I, also, do sausage (1), again from the farmers market. This is higher
fat, but I can go all day then, in fact, sometimes I don’t eat dinner –not hungry. I eat NO snacks between or after meals.

*I may do some sautéed mushrooms with a little melted cheese, or some zucchini with sprinkled parmesan cheese.
*I may do some nuts and cheese. I will do some olives and Brie cheese. I like doing guacamole, too (with a few radishes
for the liver). I go through a lot of avocados. They don’t have to be organic because nothing is going to get through their
skin – thus, 10 for $10 at Giant.

*I will usually do another salad (5-7 cups).

*Sometimes I will do fish or sea food.

I ate this once for dinner. It’s fried mozzarella sticks. Fricken amazing! But you have to freeze them first before frying
them in coconut oil. I will have to post the recipe.
I don’t drink a lot of liquid, but maybe 4-5 glasses. I do a lot of Pellegrino water with 7 drops of liquid stevia (root beer
or coke flavored).

I don’t usually need sugar-free chocolate treats, but maybe 2x a week I will have a piece after dinner. On Sundays, we
do lots of experimenting with recipes containing coconut, chocolate, nuts, seeds, etc. Of course, I never mention the
hundreds of recipes that turned out disastrous! Make sure your sweetener (xylitol) is from Birch Bark.

My wife made me take this picture the other night. It kinda looks like somethng I would wear.
I gave this patient a slice of that chocolate cake – she was surprised and LOVED IT! She is addicted to sweets and this will
be a solution for her. It’s been 2 weeks and she is off ALL her meds except thyroid -12 drugs, including insulin. I told her
to be hard-core and do the plan. One of the reasons she came off fast is, her insurance ran out and the meds were
around $3000/mo – can you believe that? I wonder if people would take the amount of drugs they do, if they had to pay

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