307MID 181011085 MD Kawsar Chowdhury

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Md Kawsar Chowdhury

1. Based on reading this article, do you think internet based analysis to forecast the
market is always correct? What can be done to make such analysis correct?

Answer: It is hard to get any company or organizations to understand the impact of the Internet
on market by looking at the events to date. Internet based analysis to forecast the market is not
always correct. Internet changes everything and every time the process is changing, performing
all the past rules about organizations and competition old-fashioned. Many of the organizations
that are succeeding will use the Internet as a supplement to old ways of bidding, not those that
commenced their Internet drives apart from their secured operations. A significant number of the
organizations that succeed will recognize the Internet as an enhancement to old methods of
offering, not those that started their Internet divides from their got tasks. The Internet has made
some new businesses, for example, online businesses and computerized financial centers.
However, it’s most significant impact has continued to maintain the reconstruction of living
businesses. Company’s forecasting purposes and the adoption of a method depends on many
circumstances the meaning of the forecast, the connection and availability of actual data, the
degree of accuracy desirable, the time to be forecast, the advantage of that forecast to the firm,
and the time possible for making the analysis. Moreover, where a business wishes to forecast
concerning a demanding product that must consider the stage of the product’s life cycle during
which it is making the forecast. The availability of data and the chance of building connections
between the factors depend immediately on the improvement of a product, and therefore the life-
cycle stage is a principal method of that forecasting process to be done

There are numerous ways to make such analysis correct depending upon the internet is a
great factor now a days because for example due to corona virus people cannot go out they have
to depend over the internet to forecast the market, people cannot go out and measure the
forecasting of the market so people have to depend and analysis the market. Here defines the
precision and power required of the techniques and selection. Determining if to enter a business
may need simply a rather gross measure of every size of the market; whereas a forecast prepared
for budgeting determinations should be pretty accurate. The proper techniques vary

2. How Internet is affecting the industry structure at today's market? Discuss in the light of
Porter's Five Forces Model.
Answer: Five Forces study trades with circumstances outside an industry that impact the quality
of competition within it, the forces inside the business that affect the way in which firms race,
and the industry's likely to gain profit. The intimidation that changes a product's posture to an
industry's profits depends on some relative price-to-performance proportions of the various types
of products or services which clients can turn to meet the same basic need. Consumer buyer
ability is one of the pair-aligned forces that impact the support of the value generated by
manufacturing. The most important determinants of customer power are the area and the
attention of customers. Supplier power is a mirror image of the buyer's ability. As a result, the
interpretation of supplier ability typically concentrates first on the comparative size and attention
of suppliers related to industry shareholders. Five forces study helps organizations to recognize
the factors affecting profitability in a particular business and can help to notify decisions
comparing to whether to enter a particular industry, whether to expand capacity in a specific
industry and increasing competitive strategies.

Similar changes are working on in a whole range of businesses, mainly those in which data
performs an important role, be it as content. For example communications industry, as
communication of data for example telecommunication. Businesses have go through significant
changes and are currently covered in a process of the industry that process, while new
industries with new competing active and developed

3. How can you create a 'Value Chain for Ready Made Garments (RMG) Firm' through the
application of internet?

The RMG production is the backbone of Bangladesh wealth and acts as a boost for the
development of the nation itself and because the business has come up with to across income,
foreign exchange income, the women empowerment, total shipping value and GDP. The coming
of the Internet gives new possibilities for value making. The new technology together changes
demand and want and value structures, pointing to a complete transformation of existing market
structures. As a result, the support of any value produced has become more challenging.
Moreover, as the Internet influences businesses in several ways continuously, we can find that
just examining the impact of the Internet on pricing behavior and price distribution avoids the
point that whole businesses are being converted, which affects the pricing power and
opportunities of individual firms. is the most advanced stage in the continuous evolution of
technology. Indeed, the technological opportunities possible today originate not just from the
Internet structure but also corresponding technological advancements such as scanning, object-
oriented programming, rational databases, and wireless communications. To understand how
those technological advancements will eventually change the value chain, some actual
perspective is expressing. The progression of information technology in business can be
conceived of in terms of five overlapping stages, each of which grew out of limitations presented
by the previous generation.

The Internet has designed some new businesses, such as online sales and digital marketplaces.
Still, its greatest influence has been to allow the reconfiguration of existing businesses that had
remained forced by above the costs for communicating, gathering data, or achieving transactions.
The Internet can hugely expand distance learning, but it did not create the Industry.

Similarly, the Internet provides inefficient means to order goods, but catalog retailers with toll-
free numbers and automatic accomplishment centers have been nearby for decades. The Internet
simply changes the front end of the process. If an industry is fresh or old, its basic glamor is
defined by five underlying forces of competition the passion of rivalry among existing rivals, the
obstacles to approach for new competitors, the threat of alternative products or services, the
dealing power of suppliers, and the dealing power of buyers. In combination, these forces
determine how the economic value created by any product, service, technology, or way of
competing is divided between, on the one hand, companies in an industry and, on the other,
customers, suppliers, distributors, substitutes, and potential new entrants.

4. Porter thinks in future 'Internet will be Complement rather than Core' to the business. Explain.
Answer: The Internet is a greatly valuable new technology and it is not so surprising that it has gained so
much recognition from businesspeople, managers, investors, and market observers. We can assume that
the Internet changes everything, performing all the old rules regarding businesses and competition out-of-
date. That can maybe a common response, however, it is a dangerous one. It has led many organizations
and administrators same, to make bad decisions that have consumed the attractiveness of their businesses
and ruined their competing advantages. Some businesses, for example, have used Internet technology
features to move the base of competition apart from quality, and assistance and toward price,
performing it harder for anyone in their businesses to turn a maximize profit. Others have
sacrificed valuable proprietary advantages by rushing into mistaken businesses and outsourcing
relationships. Continuously the contradictory effects of these actions have been hidden by
distorted signs from the marketplace. However, the results are becoming visible. The moment
has come to get a clearer outlook of the Internet. We need to go away from the Internet,
businesses' e-business policies, and a new economy and see the Internet for what it remains an
enabling technology a strong set of tools that can be used intelligently or foolishly, in almost any
business and as the portion of almost any policy. Do we need to ask significant questions who
will take the financial benefits that the Internet plans, will all the value end up going to
consumers, or will businesses be able to obtain a share of it, whatever will be the Internet’s
impression on industry structure, will it increase or decrease the supply of profits. And what will
be its impact on strategy, will the Internet support or destroy the strength of businesses to gain
sustainable benefits over their rivals.

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