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Behavior Based Safety – Level 1 Exam




Provide your best answers as per the understanding of BBS Level 1 Training

Q1: What are the characteristics of Conscious (C) mind and unconscious (U) mind? 14%
Write C or U as appropriate.
Good for repetitive tasks Very fast 11 Mbits/sec
Good for self-control Misperception of info received
Always on duty Because of speed can make errors
Easily exhausted Very analytical
Slow 40 bits/sec Standby mode when doing repetitive tasks
Attention blindness Responsible for few behaviors
Good at multitasking Only available when you are awake
Mark Achieved

Q2: Indicate whither the below statements are True (T) or False (F) 10%

 Conscious and unconscious minds do not learn by the same process because evaluation systems are different

 95% plus of our behavior comes from the conscious mind.

 Culture is more than just behavior.

 To create new heuristics, you need to establish trust, create right climate and to do engagements.

 Behavior Based Safety is part of ADNOC HSE culture transformation.

Mark Achieved

Q3: Choose from bias indicated from A to F to match the right definition: 10%
A. Attribution Error B. Dunning-Kruger Effect C. Halo Effect Bias
D. Bystander Effect Bias E. Risk Homeostasis F. Law of Least Efforts

 The skills we lack are the same skills we need to recognize our own incompetence

 Not feeling personally responsible believing that the group or someone in the group will act

 Human tendency to choose the option which requires the least effort to achieve a goal

 People decide which level of risk is acceptable to them and adjust their behaviors accordingly

 Where a favorable impression of someone or something influence your view of their attributes

Mark Achieved

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Behavior Based Safety – Level 1 Exam

Provide your best answers as per the understanding of BBS Level 1 Training

Q4: What is your role as BBS Coach? 10%

Mark Achieved

Q5: List any four (04) methods on how to influence the unconscious mind. 8%

Mark Achieved

Q6: List any four (04) conditions for creating new or changing/ leveraging existing heuristics. 8%

Mark Achieved

Q7: Define the following and support it with examples. 40%



Heuristics or Mental Shortcuts:

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Behavior Based Safety – Level 1 Exam

Provide your best answers as per the understanding of BBS Level 1 Training




Obedience to Authority Bias:

Fluency Bias:

Mark Achieved

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