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Q1: Explain Basic and Applied research?

Basic research is a research method which is totally theoretical and aimed at

expanding the knowledge base of a particular field of a study. It is also known as
pure research. It is a systematic investigation to get better understanding of a
particular topic, not to solve a particular problem. Knowledge creation is also the
aim of Basic research. Basic research tries to learn things that aren’t always
directly applicable. It is explanatory and analytical in nature. For example: 1) if a
company wants to know why employees are not motivated for knowledge
sharing? 2) A student looking at how caffeine consumption impacts the brain? 3)
How do the universe begin?
Basic research is discovery oriented. It is undertaken by people based in
universities. The topic on which they are going to do basic research is decided by
researchers and there is flexible time scale in it.
Applied research is a research method that creates a practical solution to the
problem and solve a problem. It is action oriented and has more specific scope
than the basic research. Applied research creates practical solutions or
preventions for problems that are going to occur in future. It is client driven while
basic research is curiosity-driven. Applied research connects with economical
pursuits and more often appear in academic publications than basic research. This
research is always for development purposes. For example: 1) during this Covid-
19 pandemic, How to treat and keep yourself protected from this disease? 2) How
to improve Agriculture crop production? 3) Which treatment approach is most
effective for reducing anxiety and stress? There are three types of applied
1) Evaluation research: It analysis the existing information about the research
subject to reach informed decisions.
2) Research and development: It is focused on developing new product and
services according to the needs of target markets.
3) Action research: It is a process of reflective inquiry that is limited to specific
contexts and situational in nature.
Concluding, it is designed to solve the problems of modern world, rather than
acquiring knowledge for knowledge’s sake. It is generally referred to as Research
and Development (R&D).

Q2: Explain 8 points of Hall marks of scientific research?

1) Purposiveness: Every scientific research should have a specific purpose.

Without goal or purpose, research is useless. It’s like travelling without
having a destination. So, before starting a research, it should have a
purpose what you are going to discover. For research to be considered
scientific, this is the first requirement and characteristic of research. For
example: How to make employees sincere to their work? To make
employees sincere to their work demands good salary package, make them
understand their worth and importance in the company, low work load on

2) Rigor: Rigor is the state of being accurate, strict and very careful. To
achieve accurate scientific research, theoretical base and methodological
design would be rigor. While doing scientific investigation, carefulness is
very important. So, a research that lacks good theoretical framework and
methodological sophistications would be unscientific. So, if manager asks
from 20 out of 200 employees and makes decisions according to that then
the scientific research would not be scientific (lacks of methodological
sophistications). The way how he address the employees could be biased.

3) Testability: The first thing in testability is that the question asked by the
researcher must be testable or relevant, or the study becomes impossible
to answer that particular question. It refers not only the method used for
the research but also the constraints of the researcher.

4) Replicable: if the result of the test of hypothesis is repeated again, we will

automatically gain confidence in our research. It is important to conduct
research again in similar circumstances and by using same procedure than
it would be called a scientific research.

5) Precision and confidence: Precision means the degree of accuracy and

exactitude of the result based on the sample. The research should be in a
manner that is close to the reality so that we can get precision and
confidence in our scientific research. Confidence means the percentage of
surety that our estimations are correct. It is important that we should
confidently say that our findings are 95% correct and there is only 5% of
change of being wrong. So the greater precision and confidence are, there
is more likely chance that our research is true and scientific.

6) Objectivity: The result should be according to the facts of finding not on

our own subjective or emotional values. Result should be objective
according the facts of analysis not on what we want, or what is true
according to you.

7) Generalizability: It refers to the scope of applicability of the findings in one

organization setting to the other. It should be applicable in the
organization. Do results from study apply to the real world? If its answer is
yes! Then there is more chance of research to be scientific. Concluding, the
finding of research should not be out of the world’s settings.

8) Parsimony: Parsimony means the simplicity of result and findings in

understanding, explaining it to others and generating solutions for the
problems. For example: If 2, 3 variables in the work situation are identified
which can increase employee’s sincerity towards work that would be more
useful than it would be recommended to change 10 different variables.

Q3: Inductive vs deductive

Inductive reasoning: It is a process of using observations and examples to
reach a conclusion. It is about using patterns to reach conclusions and the
conclusions based on inductive reasoning is known as conjecture. There are
three stages of inductive reasoning:
1) Look for pictures, diagrams and tables to discover a pattern.
2) Use your observations to make guess about pattern known as
3) To verify conjecture, Use logical reasoning skills to discover if it is valid.

For example: 1) I hit a six on first ball, so I will surely hit six on next ball.
2) Teacher used power point slides to teach in previous class, so he will
again use power point slides in next class.

Deductive reasoning: It is a process of using facts, rules or properties to

reach at a conclusion. It produces the results that are certain within the
logical system being developed. Using formal structure with the set of
accepted unproved axioms or premises. When you are doing deductive
reasoning, your conclusion will be correct, if all the statement you say is

For example: 1) All athletes workout in gym.

Therefore, Usain bolt is an athlete, so he workout in gym.
2) All student in his class play guitar
Khurram is a student of this class, so he plays guitar.

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