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2.1 Introduction

Presentation of data and analysis of them is crucial factor to be done in the course
of report writing or in any case by the researcher and should be done with consideration
of stated objectives.

This chapter entirely focuses on the presentation of the data collected during the
research phase of the project. To serve this purpose, this chapter has been conveniently
divided into presentation, analysis and describing the major findings from the research
project. The detail of them is done serially in the following given topics after surveying
66 respondents in the restaurant.

According to the data collected, different types of food items such as momo,
chowmein, pizza, burger, bakery, and so on are found in this restaurant. The price range
of these food items varies according to the food items. Since, the food items are of high
quality and hygienic so, most of the customers like the food served here and due to this,
they visit the restaurant. So, here all the data collected are presented with the required
tables and diagrams.

2.2 Types and price of Momo

Different types of momo are served here in the restaurant. Maximum ordered food
item from the menu is momo from the customers. The prices are reasonable to the
customer so the customers are satisfied. The restaurant has three different types of momo
with three different tastes.

Table 2.1: Types and price of Momo

Particulars Steam Kothey Chilly

Veg. Paneer 130 150 180
Chicken 140 160 190
Mutton 160 175 210
Source: Field survey 2015

From the above table we came to know that there are three different types of
momo i.e. vegetable paneer momo, chicken momo as well as mutton momo and they can
be served in three different ways i.e. steam, kothey and chilly. The least price of momo is
Rs.130 i.e. of steam vegetable paneer momo and the highest price of the momo is Rs.210
i.e. of mutton momo chilly.

2.3 Types and price of Chowmein

Chowmein is famous among students and students are greatly satisfied with the
price, quality and taste of chowmein. Chowmein does not have any fixed ingredients that
are used daily. Sometime the daily customer get chance to eat chowmein with different
variety added to it. The different types of chowmein made in the restaurant are equally

Table 2.2: Types and price of Chowmein

Particulars Price
Vegetable 155
Egg 175
Buff 180
Chicken 190
Mutton 225
Mixed 270
Source: Field survey 2015

According to the table, we can know that Crossroads restaurant cafe has 6
different type of chowmein therefore customer can have different choice of chowmein
with different taste. In Crossroads restaurant cafe, it has all type of chowmein i.e.
vegetable, egg, buff, chicken, mutton and mixed.

2.4 Types and price of Pizza

Pizza is a foreign food item originated first in Naples, Italy that is popular in
many areas of the world because of that there is separate column made for pizza not only
in this restaurant but in every restaurant. The main ingredients of pizza are dough, often
tomato sauce and cheese. It is served according to order of the customers, different flavor
and its varieties. In Crossroads restaurant cafe, we can get 7 different types of pizza i.e.
cheese and tomato, mushroom, vegetable, tuna, chicken Bolognese, mushroom onion
vegetable and crossroad special pizza.

Table 2.3: Types and price of pizza

Particulars Regular Medium Large

Cheese and Tomato 230 320 430
Mushroom 260 340 540
Vegetable 260 320 530
Tuna 280 370 580
Chicken Bolognese 270 390 680
Mushroom Onion 270 350 560
Crossroad special 310 410 700
Source: Field survey 2015

As shown in the table, we knew that Crossroads restaurant cafe has different taste
in pizza with different size i.e. small, medium and large size of pizza. The rate of small
pizza ranges from Rs.230-310. The rate of medium pizza ranges from Rs.320-410
whereas the rate of large size pizza ranges from Rs.430-700.

2.5 Types and price of Burger

Similarly like pizza, burger is also a foreign food that is famous between peoples.
The place of origination of burger is uncertain (Germany or the United States). Ground

meat and bread is the main ingredients used in the burger. In Crossroad restaurant cafe,
burger is served with homemade bread, grilled cheese, chips and salad.

Table 2.4: Types and price of burger

Particulars Price
Veg. Burger 210
Cheese Burger 220
Chicken Burger 240
Ham Burger (Beef) 260
Spinach Mushroom Burger 250
Crossroads special Burger 280
Source: Field survey 2015

Table 2.4 shows that Crossroads restaurant cafe has the ability to serve different
types of burger with different taste to satisfy their customers. Crossroads restaurant cafe
can provide vegetables burger, cheese burger, chicken burger, ham burger(beef), spinach
mushroom burger and also its special burger. Different food item cost different price as
per the requirement used in making the food item.

2.6 Types and price of Bakery

Crossroads restaurant cafe bakes the following items of bakery with different
price. They specialize in birthday cakes, doughnuts, parties, anniversary, and many more.



Price of Bakery


60 125

70 70 70


Black Forest White Forest Cho. Truffle Cho. Brownie Dark and White

Types of Bakery

Fig 2.1: Types and price of bakery

From the figure presented above, we can conclude that, black forest, white forest
as well as dark and white bakery item cost the lowest in Crossroads restaurant cafe
whereas chocolate truffle cost the highest.

2.7 Kind of customers

Customers prefer to frequently visit restaurants where they get their expectation
level fulfill and their expectation could relate to products or service provided by the
restaurants. There are many people who have wants, needs and expectations. Although
the reasons may vary according to different customers but different number of customers
was found in the restaurant where some of the respondents were regular, occasional and
also first time customers. It can be presented in the following table and figure.

Table 2.5: Kind of customer

Kind of customer Frequency Percent

Regular 18 27.27
Occasional 44 66.67
First time 4 6.06
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

It is observed that among the selected respondents, 66.67% respondents visit the
restaurant occasionally, 27.27% respondents were the regular customers of the restaurant
whereas 6.06% respondents were the first time customers.

First time



Fig 2.2: Kind of customer

According to the figure, among the selected respondents most of the customers
(i.e. 67%) visit the restaurant occasionally whereas others were regular (27%) and first
time customer (6%).

2.8 Customer view towards the service time

We all know that time is such an important part in any person’s life that even a
delay in second can affect the whole work. Similarly, customer visit the restaurant so that
they can satisfy their hunger as soon as possible and when it’s about the service time then
customer have the following view towards the service time taken by the restaurant.

Table 2.6: Customer view towards the service time

Customer view Frequency Percent

Very fast 5 7.6
Fast 23 34.8
Average 36 54.5
Slow 1 1.5
Very slow 1 1.5
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

The above table describes that 54.5% respondents found the service time average.
34.8% of respondents found the service time fast. 7.58% of respondents say that the
service time taken by the restaurant is very fast. 1.52% found it slow and the other 1.52%
of people found it very slow.




0% 1.50%
Very fast Fast Average Slow Very slow

Fig2.3: Customer views towards the service time

The figure represents thatmore than half of the respondents (54.50%)found the
service time taken by the restaurant to be average whereas very few found the service
time to be slow and very slow (1.50%).

2.9 Time taken to serve the food items

To satisfy the customers, it’s necessary to serve the food items ordered by the customers
as soon as possible as they don’t have all day to spend at the restaurant.
Table 2.7: Time taken to serve the food items
Time Frequency Percent
0-10 minutes 23 34.8
10-20 min 42 63.6
20 minutes above 1 1.5
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015
The above table denotes the time taken to serve the food items. According to the
data collected, 34.8% people feel that the food items are served in 10 minutes. 63.6% feel
that the food items are served in between 10-20 minutes whereas 1.5% feels that the food
items are served in more than 20minutes.

70% 63.60%






0-10 mins 10-20 min 20 mins above

Fig2.4: Time taken to serve the food items

As per the figure, majority of respondents (63.60%) are served within 10-20
minutes whereas 34.80% are served within 0-10 minutes and other 1.50% are served
after 20 minutes.
2.10 Environment of the restaurant
The environment attracts customer to visit different restaurants. People are
attracted to that place where they can enjoy their valuable time. The environment of the
restaurant was categorized in four groups i.e. noisy, peaceful, enjoyable, others with their
respective frequency are shown below:
Table 2.8: Environment of the restaurant
Environment Frequency Percent
Noisy 5 7.58
Peaceful 17 25.76
Enjoyable 41 62.12
Others 3 4.55
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015
The table itself describes that 62.12% respondents find the environment of the
restaurant enjoyable, 25.76% found the restaurant peaceful. The respondents who found
the environment noisy were 7.58% whereas the remaining 4.55% respondents found the
environment other than the mentioned points.

Others Noisy
5% 8%



Fig 2.5: Environment of the restaurant

The figure presented above reveals that among the selected respondents, more
than half of the customers (i.e. 62%) found the environment of the restaurant to be
enjoyable, 26% feel peaceful environment whereas 8% feel the environment noisy and
remaining 4% found the environment other than the mentioned points.

2.11 Ratings
Each person is different in nature and so are their tastes towards the food. In
Crossroads restaurant cafe different varieties of foods are available such as momo,
chowmein, pizza, burger, bakery and so on. When the respondents were asked to rate the
food items then we were able to collect the following ratings towards the food items by
the respondents. Therefore, following are the ratings that respondents gave towards the
food items of Crossroads restaurants cafe.

2.11.1 Rating Momo

Table 2.9.1: Rating momo
Particulars Frequency Percent
Very good 22 33.3
Good 40 60.6

Average 4 6.1
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

The above table denotes that 33.30% respondents found momo very good,
60.60% found the momo good whereas only 6.10% found the momo average. There is no
one who was dissatisfied with the taste of momo.





10% 6.10%

Very good Good Average

Fig 2.6.1: Rating Momo

As per the above figure majority of respondents responds towards the rating of
momo is good on Crossroads restaurant cafe.

2.11.2 Rating Chowmein

Table 2.9.2: Rating Chowmein
Particulars Frequency Percent
Very good 12 18.2
Good 34 51.5
Average 20 30.3
Total 66 100.0

Source: Field survey 2015

The above table help us to describe that 18.20% respondents found the taste of
chowmein very good, 51.5% respondents found the taste good and the remaining 30.3%
found the taste average.

Very good


Fig 2.6.2: Rating Chowmein

The above pie chart states the more than half respondents (i.e.51.5%) rate
chowmein good and the other half was rate as very good (18.20%) and average (30.3%).

2.11.3 Rating Pizza

Table 2.9.3: Rating Pizza
Particulars Frequency Percent
Very good 11 16.7
Good 36 54.5
Average 17 25.8
Bad 2 3.0
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

When it comes about rating pizza by the respondents then 16.7% respondents rate
pizza very good, 54.5% rate it as good, 25.8% rate pizza average but the rest 3% rate
pizza as bad.





20% 16.70%

Very good Good Average Bad

Fig 2.6.3: Rating Pizza

The figure states the majority of respondents (i.e. 54.50%) rate pizza good
whereas very minority of the respondents (3%) rate pizza bad.

2.11.4 Rating Burger

Table 2.9.4: Rating Burger
Particulars Frequency Percent
Very good 21 31.8
Good 31 47.0
Average 12 18.2
Bad 2 3.0
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

The above table represents the rating of burger by the respondents. 31.8% rate the
burger very good, 47% rate it as good, and 18.2% rate it average whereas only 3% rate it

Very good


Fig 2.6.4: Rating Burger

As per the figure, most of the respondents (i.e. 47%) rate the burger good while
3% rate it as bad.

2.11.5 Rating Bakery

Table 2.9.5: Rating Bakery
Particulars Frequency Percent
Very good 26 39
Good 29 44
Average 11 17
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015
From the data collected we were able to collect the above information. According
to the table, among the selected respondents, 26 respondents rate the bakery items as very
good, 29 respondents rate it as good while the other 11 respondents rate it as average.


Very good


Fig 2.6.5: Rating Bakery

We can determine the rating of bakery item that are found in Crossroads
restaurant cafe from the above diagram. Majority of respondents (i.e. 44%) found the
bakery items to be good while the other respondents found the bakery items as very good
(39%) and average (17%).
2.12 Price satisfaction of the customer
Price satisfaction is one of the key factors that helps the restaurant to satisfy their
customers. Crossroads restaurant cafe has been delivering its quality service in reasonable
prices, which determines one of the strength to be a tough competitor in the market.
Many customers want to have delicious food items in each and every restaurant at
reasonable. Respondents who have visited the restaurant were interviewed so as to gain
information regarding its price level satisfaction, in response to which following data are
summed up.

Table 2.10: Price satisfaction of the customer

Price satisfaction Frequency Percent
Strongly agree 6 9.1

Agree 46 69.7
Neither agree nor disagree 12 18.2
Disagree 2 3.0
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

When the respondents were asked if they were satisfied with the price in response
to its taste then some of the respondent strongly agree, some agreed, some neither agree
nor disagree while few disagree. Among the selected respondents, it seems that 9.09%
strongly agree to the price level, 69.70% agree towards the price in response to the taste,
18.18% neither agree nor disagree i.e. average but 3.03% disagree towards the price in
respect to the taste.

Fig 2.7: Price satisfaction of the customer

From the presented diagram, we came to a result that majority of respondents (i.e.
69.70%) agree that the price of the food items matches its taste while very few of the
respondents disagree to the price of the food items as per its taste.

2.13 Quality of food in response to the price

Quality determines the main essence of any business sector. It acts as the most
vital part of the business. So as to remain and survive in the competitive market of
today’s business world, quality remains in the top most priority. Crossroads restaurant
cafe has been delivering its qualitative food.

Table 2.11: Quality of food in response to the price

Particulars Frequency Percent
Very often 7 10.6
Often 38 57.6
Neutral 20 30.3
Not often 1 1.5
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015

According to the above table, 10.61% respondents very often found the quality of
food matches its price, 57.58% says the quality of food often matches its price, 30.30%
found the quality of food to price is neutral whereas 1.52% respondents says that the
quality of food does not matches its price.





Very often Often Neutral Not often

Fig 2.8: Quality of food matches

The highest range of respondents (i.e. 57.60%) found that the quality of food
items often matches to its price.

2.14 Time preference to visit the restaurant in response to occupation

The restaurant opens daily serving customers with delicious food. Different
occupation of people such as students, business person, banker and many other
occupation respondents visits the restaurant as per their time. As shown in the table
below the restaurant gets busy in afternoon especially with students.

Table 2.12: Time preference to visit the restaurant in response to occupation

Time preference to visit Occupation of respondent Total
Student Business Banker Others
Morning 1 0 0 1 2
26 4 1 2 33
20 4 4 3 31
Total 47 8 5 6 66
Source: Field survey 2015

The table presented above shows the time preference to visit the restaurant in
response to the occupation. We can observe that, different respondents with different
occupation visit the restaurant. Among the selected respondents most of them i.e. 47 are
students whereas few of them are business person (i.e. 8), bankers (i.e. 5) and of different
occupation (i.e. 6). Here, the respondents who are students (i.e. 47) are the one who visit
the restaurant most in afternoon as well as in evening whereas few numbers of
respondents visit the restaurant in morning. Overall the restaurant gets busy in afternoon
then it’s get busy on evening while the restaurant is usually free in morning.



Business person
15 Banker

5 4 4 4
1 1 1
0 0
Morning Afternoon Evening
Time preference to visit

Fig2.9: Cross table of time preference and occupation

The above figure reveal the cross tabulation of timer preference to visit the
restaurant in response to their occupation. According to the figure resented above,
majority of the respondents are students (i.e. 47) who visit the restaurant in afternoon (i.e.
26) and evening (i.e. 20) while minority of the respondents (i.e. 2) visit the restaurant in

2.15 Preference to visit with and age group
People have their own ways of spending their quality time. Some people love to
be alone, some of them want to spend their time hanging out with friends and some of
them want to enjoy their free times with their family members. This restaurant provides
peaceful environment, delicious food and enough space according to the number of the

Table 2.13:Preference to visit with and age of respondent

Preference to visit with Age of respondent Total
18-22 23-26 27-30 30 above
Friends 27 8 1 3 39
9 2 8 4 23
3 0 1 0 4
Total 39 10 10 7 66
Source: Field survey 2015
From the data collected we were able to collect the above information presented
in the table. As shown in the table, different age group of peoples visits the restaurant
with their friends, family and sometime alone. Among the selected respondents, 39
respondents prefer to visit the restaurant with their friends, 23 respondents prefer to visit
the restaurant with family whereas only 4 respondents prefer to visit the restaurant alone
where 39 respondents falls in the age group of 18-22, 10 respondents on 23-26, 10
respondents fall under the age category of 27-30 whereas only 7 respondents are above
the age of 30 years.




15 18-22
10 9
8 8 30 above

5 4
3 3
1 1
0 0
Friends Family Alone
Preference to visit with

Fig 2.10: Preference to visit with and age group

The figure 2.14 describes the cross tabulation of preference to visit with and age
group. As per the figure it is determined that among the 66 selected respondents, 39
prefer to visit the restaurant with their friends.

2.16 Recommendation to People

What matters the most is “will people who visited the restaurant recommend
others to visit the restaurant or not?” When we asked the selected respondent the question
then we were able to collect the following information that is presented in the tabular
form as well as in the diagrammatic form i.e. pie chart.
Table 2.14: Recommendation to people
Recommendation Frequency Percent
Yes 45 68.2
May be 21 31.8
Total 66 100.0
Source: Field survey 2015
Its seen that 68.18% people who visited the restaurant will surely recommend
other people to visit the restaurant and 31.82% people may recommend others to visit the
restaurant whereas there are no people who will say people not to go in that restaurant.

May be


Fig 2.11: Recommendation to people

As shown in the figure, most of the respondents will recommend other people to
visit the restaurant whereas some may recommend others to visit the restaurant.

2.17 Major Findings

This chapter presents the collected data in the form of tables and figures and help to
analyze them to meet the objectives of the study. The following are the major findings of
the presentation and analysis of data.

 66.67% respondents visit the restaurant occasionally, 27.27% respondents were

the regular customers of the restaurant whereas 6.06% respondents were the first
time customers.
 54.5% respondents found the service time average. 34.8% of respondents found
the service time fast. 7.58% of respondents say that the service time is very fast.
1.52% found it slow and the other 1.52% of people found it very slow.
 34.8% people feel that the food items are served in 10 minutes. 63.6% feel that
the food items are served in between 10-20 minutes whereas 1.5% feels that the
food items are served in more than 20minutes.
 62.12% respondents find the environment of the restaurant enjoyable, 25.76%
found the restaurant peaceful. The respondents who found the environment noisy
were 7.58% whereas the remaining 4.55% respondents found the environment
other than the mentioned points.

 33.30% respondents found momo very good, 60.60% found the momo good
whereas only 6.10% found the momo average. There is no one who was
dissatisfied with the taste of momo.
 18.20% respondents found the taste of chowmein very good, 51.5% respondents
found the taste good and the remaining 30.3% found the taste average.
 16.7% respondent rate pizza very good, 54.5% rate it as good, 25.8% rate pizza
average but the rest 3% rate pizza as bad.
 31.8% rate the burger very good, 47% rate it as good, and 18.2% rate it average
whereas only 3% rate it bad.
 Among the selected respondents, 26 respondents rate the bakery items as very
good, 29 respondents rate it as good while the other 11 respondents rate it as
 It seems that 9.09% strongly agree to the price level, 69.70% agree towards the
price in response to the taste, 18.18% neither agree nor disagree i.e. average but
3.03% disagree towards the price in respect to the taste.
 10.61% respondents very often found the quality of food matches its price,
57.58% found it often, 30.30% found it neutral whereas 1.52% respondents says
that the quality of food does not matches its price.
 Among the selected respondent 2 visit the restaurant in morning, 33 in afternoon
and 31 in evening where 47 are students, 8 are business person, 5 are banker and
remaining 6 are of other occupation.
 66 respondent were selected among which 39 of them prefer to visit with friends,
23 with family and 4 visit alone where 39 fall under the age group 18-22, 10
under 23-26, 10 fall under 27-30 and 7 were above 30.
 68.18% people who visited the restaurant will surely recommend other people to
visit the restaurant and 31.82% people may recommend others to visit the
restaurant whereas there are no people who will say people not to go in that


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