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BM006-3.5-2 CRI
Submitted By:
Niroj Thapa (NP000199)

Submitted To:
Mr. Jyotir Moy Chaterjee
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1 About the company....................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective Statement...................................................................................................1
1.4 Competitor Analysis..................................................................................................2
2. Idea Generation................................................................................................................3
2.1 Attribute Listing.........................................................................................................4
2.2 SCAMPER.................................................................................................................5
3. Product Concept...............................................................................................................6
3.1 Product Description:..................................................................................................6
3.2 Features......................................................................................................................7
3.3 Functions...............................................................................................................7
4. Market Identification.......................................................................................................8
5. Idea Evaluation................................................................................................................9
5.2 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................9
5.3 Cost-benefit Analysis...............................................................................................10
Table of Figure
Figure 1: Competitor Study.................................................................................................2
Figure 2: Attribute Change Table........................................................................................4
Figure 3: Advantages and disadvantages of the attribute changes......................................4
Figure 4: SCAMPER table..................................................................................................5
Figure 5: Advantages and disadvantages of SCAMPER.....................................................5
Figure 6: Pathfinder Router Model......................................................................................6
Figure 7: SWOT table..........................................................................................................9
Figure 8: Cost beneficial Analysis.....................................................................................10
Figure 9: Gantt Chart.........................................................................................................13
This project for creative and innovation gives the importance of innovation for business
and economy by modifying the older product for the consumer in the information and
technology sector for the better working environment. Also this project gives knowledge
about the impact of different types of innovation on human behavior, business activity
and society as a whole.

The proposed product is “Pathfinder Router” which is innovative that can be very
useful for mobile users and heavy network users as it is a tri-bandwidth router with
2.4GHz and two 5GHz bands. This can be more than enough for all the 4k gaming
experience and intense file transfers. It also features MU-MIMO technology for wireless
communication that supports a target device with extra reliable connections. The
Pathfinder Router can be controlled through an app where you will have many features
like ability to prioritize devices, better parental control, and personal cloud storage and so
on. The normal router that we are using have many problems such as overheating or
overloading, wireless signals limitations, MAC address restrictions. You can simply
launch the router app and check on everything about network where you can monitor
everything that is happening on your network.

The final project has been completed by using different techniques and idea generation
tools. In this project we have used SCAMPER and attribute listing technique to develop
the concept. Also we have used idea evaluation tools and techniques which is most
important factor in any project.
1. Introduction
1.1 About the company
The Professional IT Pvt. Ltd is a reputed and fast-moving company that specializes in the
development of creative and innovative system as well as the company provides solution
on consumer products. This company also specializes in giving expert solution according
to the need and demand of the clients. The Professional IT has maintained solid
relationship with its clients and has continued to develop creative and innovative
solutions that will help our clients. This company has always been active since its
establishment in 2018 and looks forward to serve its loyal clients in the upcoming years.
The company has required expertise to work on diverse technologies and have served
their clients with the best IT consulting services. In less period of time this company has
come up with diverse technology with creative ideas. This company has served in many
sectors like healthcare, marketing, online buy & sells and has managed to keep long term
relation with its clients.

1.2 Problem Statement

Irregular population and obstacles within the diameter of the router causes fluctuation in
range of routing devices. The path of antenna towards the users is blocked and thus create
problem is transfer speed and functions.

1.3 Objective Statement

The purpose of the Pathfinder Router is to direct signals towards the need of the mobile
users in accordance to their direction by denying obstacle and population.

1.4 Competitor Analysis
Company Name TP-Link Night Hawk

Product Name TP-Link AC1200 Night Hawk R6700

Product Photo

Features  Best budget router  It is fast and affordable

 It’s a perfect fit for home  It has dual core processor

Price $300 $400

Competitive analysis or competitive research is done to collect and review the

information about rival company so that the proposed product is analyzed whether the
product is reliable or not. The company has to analyze the information about their
product and replace their features with more advance features to the products. The two
companies Micro Tech and App Tech are competitors for my product since both
companies has certain limits which make their device vulnerable. The table below shows
the competitor analysis:

2. Idea Generation
Idea generation is the most creative process of developing and creating the product and
ideas. This process includes creating and constructing new idea and developing the
concept making the product come to reality. There are different techniques for the idea
generation and they are listed below:[ CITATION Min191 \l 1033 ]

 Force Fitting Triggers

 Fishbone
 Attribute Listing
 Lotus Blossom
 Mind Mapping

Among these idea generation technique for this project that are used are SCAMPER and
Attribute listing.

2.1 Attribute Listing
Attribute listing is a technique which focuses one’s mind on the main attributes or the
problems of product. This technique is easy and efficient way to find out the needs and
demand for the change in product. In this technique simply listing the attribute of the
product and change is require according to the need of the product.

S. Attribute Features Changes

1. Artificial intelligence Bit of AI features for traffic Senses changes in the room
control for data transfer within and traffic to direct its
the system. antenna towards connected
2. Security Encryption system, MAC Additional feature for
Filtering, WPS systems notification to logged
3. RF behavior control Radial waves in a circular area Directed radial shaped
with router on center. range by sensing
components in the
Figure 2: Attribute Change Table

Some of the advantages and disadvantages are listed below:

Advantages Disadvantages

Easy to improve over complicated products Amount of time required

Good technique to be combined with other Limited creative thinking

methods like brainstorming.
Useful with physical objects When doing in teams people get easily bored
due to time consuming
Highly balanced style

Figure 3: Advantages and disadvantages of the attribute changes

SCAMPER is idea generation and creative technique that helps us to generate ideas for
new product to enhance quality of the product. In this idea generation technique, we can
divide stage into further sub stages and SCAMPER analysis is done.

Substitute Replace still antennas with self-moving


Combine Combine behaviors of dish antenna.

Adapt Adapt to surrounding elements.

Modify Update on Artificial Intelligence

Put to another use Can be used User Detection in the area.

Eliminate Eliminate straight radio wave behavior

Rearrange AI and transmission antenna

Figure 4: SCAMPER table

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of SCAMPER are:

Advantages Disadvantages

Encourages creativity Discourages group unity

Generates new ideas Works only in limited environment

Figure 5: Advantages and disadvantages of SCAMPER

3. Product Concept
3.1 Product Description:
The product Path-Finder Router is the proposed device for the project. The device is
proposed to be an advanced router that senses users and components of the environment
to direct its antenna by itself to transfer signals towards the users. The router is a
modified version of existing generic routers with automated moving antennas and
advancement on the artificial intelligence in the operating system.



Rotating Disk


Figure 6: Pathfinder Router Model

3.2 Features
The product is brought into the working environment which works automatically. The
device that we created is fully automatic. Some of the features of this product are as

 Strong device shell.

 Advanced AI
 Rotating antenna 3600 horizontally and 1800 vertical movement.
 Automated Traffic Sensors

3.3 Functions
The motive and functions achieved by the development of device are:

 Automated Antenna direction control.

 Better control on traffic.
 AI to control RF behaviors.
 Can sense dead zones and nearest boundaries within its radial area.

 IEEE 802.11 abgn ac modes.
 Multi-User MIMO.
 Artificial Intelligence with Python.
 Omni-radial movement technology

4. Market Identification
As a consumer product the “Pathfinder Router” is mainly designed for the gaming
community and high end network user. This product has best network coverage,
powerfully reliable and fast connection. The product will be very useful for the gamming
community in this competitive market. It helps prioritize gamming traffic so that you
never have to worry about game lag. For the fast connections and low-latency gaming,
this router is best choice for the gamers. This device also supports MU-MIMO to target a
few devices with reliable connections. You can even set up a personal VPN via built-in
software option to create some extra privacy.
All these features make this product one of the best routers in the market even for the
huge family with plenty of steaming focused mobile devices or at business that may need
extra router capabilities.

The “Pathfinder Router” is the least expensive option in the competitive market which
means you get most of the excellent benefits at much more affordable price. If you’re a
PC gamer looking for the best customized wireless connection, this Pathfinder Router
will get the job done as it has high speed, fully featured and priced competitively.
This tri-band router includes adaptive QoS for targeting multiple devices to make sure
that you have a good connection.

5. Idea Evaluation
Every idea evaluation process starts with idea generation. Idea evaluation is the most
important factors in creation and innovation of any project. We need to understand the
complexity of whole project by identifying ideas. There are different methods for the idea
evaluation and among those, SWOT analysis and cost-benefit analysis are the best
methods for the idea evaluation.

5.2 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is very useful technique to identify strength, weakness, opportunity and
threats. This analysis is used to evaluate and develop strategic planning for the
development of business.

Strength Reputed company

Advanced device
Strong Features
Weakness Alternative devices
Alternative Networking techniques

Opportunity Chances for networking research and development


Threats Device failure might cause bad reputation

Competitor threats

Figure 7: SWOT table

5.3 Cost-benefit Analysis
Cost-benefit analysis is widely used for deciding whether to make change or not. In other
words cost benefit analysis is a technique used to compare the cost of project with its
benefits. The quality depends on analysis of benefits and cost connected with idea. This
analysis can be carried out in a graphical way in order to compare both financial cost and
financial benefit. Many organizations rely on cost benefit analysis to support decision
making because it provides evidence view of issue that is being evaluated. Some basic
steps of cost benefit analysis are: [CITATION Min19 \y \l 1033 ]

Basic Steps in the process of CBA

Define all the boundaries of the project and the base level

To select the measurement required to be done for the CBA

To measure all cost/benefit elements of the selected measurements

To predict the outcome of cost and benefits over relevant time period

To make recommendation for the best alternative for the project

Figure 8: Cost beneficial Analysis

As a consumer product is designed for high end network user. The product is an
innovative idea in terms of features and purpose. The facts and figured discussed in the
project concluded that innovated product can be realistic and marketable within coming
years. The idea evaluation technique used to complete this project has helped a lot to
make this device.

Christina Shalley, M. A. (2015). The oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). oxford: oxford University press.

E.Plesk, P. (2003). Creative, Innovation and Quality (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall
of India Privtate Limited.

Efraim Turban, L. V. (2012). Information Technology For Management (7th ed.). New
Delhi: Wiley India Edition.

Gibson, R. (2015). The 4 Lenses of Innovation. New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons.

jan fagerberg, D. C. (2005). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation (3rd ed.). Oxford:
Oxford university press.

Joe Todd, J. B. (2009). Managing Innovation (4th ed.). New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons.

Long, C. L. (2017). The Ancient Path To Creativity and Innovation (1st ed.). Washington
DC: DEO Publications.

matthew le merle, A. D. (2017). corporate innovation in fifth era (1st ed.). california:
cartwright publishing.

Mindtools. (n.d.). Retrieved 05 18, 2019, from Mindtools:

MindTools. (n.d.). Retrieved 05 19, 2019, from MindTools:

Philip Kotler, K. L. (2016). Marketting Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education


plucker, j. (sep 1, 2016). Creativity and innovation: Theory and research (2nd ed.).
United states of america: prufrock press Inc.

Trott, P. (2017). Innovation Management and New Product Development (6th ed.). New
Delhi: Pearson Education Limited.

Gantt chart:

Figure 9: Gantt Chart

Survey Form:
INTERVIEWEE’S NAME: ______________________ DATE:__________

APU EMAIL: _____________________________________________

1. Are you clear with the idea proposed Not 1 2 3 4 5 Very

by the student? clear clear

2. Is the description of the target Highly 1 2 3 4 5 Highly

market specific or general? general specific
Note: Specific detail of target market(s) is
desired rather than providing a general

3. Have the students explained the Not 1 2 3 4 5 Very

value that will be provided by his or clear clear
her idea to the target customer(s) or
user(s) clearly?

4. How far do you agree that the value Not 1 2 3 4 5 Highly

provided by the proposed idea is relevant relevant
relevant to the target market / user?

5. How innovative is the proposed Not 1 2 3 4 Highly

idea? innovativ 5 innovative

6. How unique is the proposed idea Not 1 2 3 4 5 Very

when compared to the identified unique unique
competing alternatives ?

7. How far is the proposed idea Highly 1 2 3 4 5 Highly

considered to offer superior value inferior superior

when compared to the identified
competing alternatives?

8. What are the limitations of the proposed idea?

9. What are the non-technical problems (which can include barriers that are resulted from
the political-legal, social-cultural, economic and ecological environment) do you think
may exist when the proposed idea is to be implemented?


10. Will there be any technical difficulties in the designing and implementation of the
proposed product / service / process innovation? If yes, what are these technical
difficulties?  Yes  No


11. Do you agree that the proposed product / service / process innovation can be
introduced within FIVE (5) YEARS from now?  Yes  No
12. What suggestions can you provide to overcome the limitations, non-technical
problems and technical difficulties that you have identified above?


13. What other suggestions or comments can you give in order to improve on the idea?


I, ______________________________________, hereby declare that the above

information is provided by my good self in support of the effort made by the student in
writing their Creativity and Innovation assignment.


Date & Signature of respondent


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