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1.सं ा 1, 3, 5, .999 को एक साथ गु णा िकया जाता है । गुणनफल. अंत म (दाईं ओर) शू
की सं ा होनी चािहए?
The number 1, 3, 5, ........... 999 are multiplied together. The number of zeros at the
end (on the right) of the product must be ?

A)0 B) 7 C) 19 D)22

2. Find the number of zero in (39!511!27!)?

3. The number of zeros at the end of 80! Is?

80! के अंत म शू की सं ा है ?

a)80 b)19 c)16 d)17

4. Find the number of zeros at end of 400!
400! के अंत म शू की सं ा है ?

5. The number 1, 2, 3, 4,. ..1000 are multiplied together. The number of zeros at the
end ( on the right ) of the product must be?
सं ा 1, 2, 3,.... 1000 को एक साथ गु णा िकया जाता है । गुणनफल के अं त म (दाईं
ओर) शू की सं ा होनी चािहए?

A)30 B) 200 C) 211 D) 249

6. Find the number of zeros in 303! ?

7. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x…………………..x86?

8. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x………………….x100?

9. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x .....500?

10. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x………………..2000?

11. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x……………..900?

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11. Find the number of zeros in 1x 2 x 3 x……………..900?

12. If 157! Is divisible by 10n, then find the maximum value of n?

अगर 157! , 10n ारा िवभा है , तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए ?

a)37 b)38 c)39 d)40

13. Find the number of zeros in (1 x 3 x 5 x 7 ... x 99 x 213)

14. Find the number of zeros at the end of

a) 2 x 4 x 6 x 8... x 360 ?

b) 3 x 6 x 9 x……..x210 ?

c) 6x 12 x 18 x ………x630?

d) 9x 18 x 27 x ……..x729?

e) 4x 8 x 12 x..........x480?

f) 7x 14 x 21 x 28…………….770 ?

15.Find the number of zeros in 13 x 26 x 39 x ………..... 910?

16.Find the number of zeros in 5x 10 x 15 x ..........105?

17.Find the number of zero at end of (5 x 10 x 15 x ... X 500)

18.Find the no of zeros in 5x 10 x 15 × 20 x………..850?

19. Find the no of zeros in 14 x 24 x 34 x 44 x 54 x 1004?

20.Find the number of zero at end of 15 x 25 x 35…………….455 ?

21. Find the number of zeros in 16 x 26 x 36 x ......x 766?

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22. Find the number of zeros in 10x 20 x 30 x 40 x ….x700?

23. Find the no of zeros in 10x 20 x 30 x 40 x ....... 1000 ?

24. First 100 multiplied of 10 ie 10,20, 30,……...10000 are multiplied together. The
number of zeros at the end product will be?
10 के पहले 100 गुणक को यािन 10,20, 30,………10000 गुणा िकया जाता है । गुणनफल
के अंत म शू की सं ा होगी?

A) 100 B) 111 C) 124 D) 125

25.Find the number of zeros in 100 x 200 x 300 ..........X 6000?

26. Find the number of zeros in 1000 x 2000 x 3000 .....70000?

27. Find the number of zero at end of the given expression

a = 13, b = 24, c = 35, .z= 2628, a x b x c x d ............x Z

28. Find the number of zero at end of the product

33 x 44 x 55x……….x4949?

29. Find the no of zeros in 11 x 22 x 33 x 44 x 55 x………..x3030?

30. Find the no of zeros in 11 x 22 x 33 x 44 x 55 x 100100?

31. Find the number of zero in (78! + 79!)?

32. Find the number of zero at end of (62! + 78! + 94!)?

33. Find the number of zero in (126! – 125! )?

34. Find the number of zero at end of the product 28! x 32! x 45! ?

35. Find the no of zeros in 257! x 45!?

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36. Find the number of zeros at the end of 200! x 100!?

A) 68 B) 24 C) 49 D) 73 E) 25

37. Find the number of zeros in 73!÷40! ?

38. Find the number of zeros in 226x 228 x 229 x…………....1000?

39. Find the number of zeros in 301x 312 x 313 x…………….x500?

40. Find the number of zero in (510)!?

41. Find the number of zeros at the end of product 11! x 22! x 33! x 44! x …….x1010!?
11! x 22! x 33! x 44! x …….x1010! शू को की सं ा ात करे ?

42. (2123 – 2122 – 2121)(3234 - 3233 -3232 ) What is the number of trailing zero ?
(2123 – 2122 – 2121)(3234 - 3233 -3232 )म अनुगामी शू की सं ा ा है?

a)0 b)1 c)6 d)2

43. If 100! Is divisible by 3n, then find the maximum value of n ?

अगर 100!, 3n ारा िवभा है , तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए ?

44. If 122! Is divisible by 6", then find the maximum value of n?

अगर 122! वारा िवभा है, तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए ?

A)58 B) 62 C) 40 D) 48
45. If 123! Is divisible by 12n, then find the maximum value of n?
अगर 123!, 12n ारा िवभा है , तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए ?

A) 58 B) 50 C) 59 D) 60

46.If 133! Is divisible by 7n, then find the maximum value of n?

अगर 133! , 7nदवारा िवभा है , तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए?

A) 21 B) 22 C) 23 D) 24
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A) 21 B) 22 C) 23 D) 24

47. If 187! Is divisible by 15n, then find the maximum value of n? ?

अगर 187! , 15n ारा िवभा है, तो n का अिधकतम मान ात कीिजए ?

A)45 B) 50 C) 46 D) 48

48. Find the number of zeros in 1! x 2! x 3! x 4! X 5!x………..x29!?

49. Find the number of zeros in 1! x 2! x 3! x 4! x 5!x…........x53!

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