Powder Technology: Mohammad Hossein Abolbashari, Navid Freidoonimehr, Foad Nazari, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi

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Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

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Powder Technology
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Entropy analysis for an unsteady MHD flow past a stretching

permeable surface in nano-fluid
Mohammad Hossein Abolbashari a, Navid Freidoonimehr b,⁎, Foad Nazari a, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi c,d
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lean Production Engineering Research Center, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 91775-1111, Mashhad, Iran
Young Researchers & Elite Club, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty of Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
University of Michigan–Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this article we employ homotopy analysis method (HAM), to study the entropy analysis in an unsteady
Received 9 April 2014 magneto-hydrodynamic nano-fluid regime adjacent to an accelerating stretching permeable surface with the
Received in revised form 15 July 2014 water as the base fluid and four different types of nanoparticles; copper (Cu), copper oxide (CuO), aluminum
Accepted 17 July 2014
oxide (Al2O3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2). The governing partial differential equations are transformed into highly
Available online 31 July 2014
nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations consisting of the momentum and energy equations via appropri-
ate similarity transformations. The current HAM solution demonstrates very good correlation with those of the
Entropy analysis previously published studies in the especial cases. The influences of different flow physical parameters such as
MHD flow the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter (φ), unsteadiness parameter (A), magnetic parameter (M), suction
Unsteady boundary-layer parameter (fw), and different types of nanoparticles on the fluid velocity component (f′(η)), the temperature
Nano-fluid distribution (θ(η)), the skin friction coefficient (CfRe1/2 1/2
x ), the local Nusselt number (Nux/Rex ), and the averaged
Stretching surface entropy generation function (NG,av) and also the effects of the Reynolds (Re) number, the Brinkman number (Br)
Homotopy simulation and the Hartmann number (Ha) on the averaged entropy generation function (NG,av) are illustrated graphically
and discussed in details. This model has important applications in heat transfer enhancement in the renewable
energy systems, industrial thermal management and also materials processing.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction can be found in [3–14]. Hatami et al. [15] displayed asymmetric laminar
flow and heat transfer of nano-fluid between contracting rotating disks
Working fluids have great demands placed upon them in terms of via the fourth-order Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method and least square
increasing or decreasing energy release to systems, and their influences method (LSM). Their results showed that the temperature profile
depend on thermal conductivity, heat capacity and other physical prop- becomes more flat near the middle of disks by increasing the injection.
erties in modern thermal and manufacturing processes. A low thermal Many superior lubricants and thermal working fluids may be developed
conductivity is one of the most remarkable parameters that can limit for applications in aerospace, energy systems, medical engineering, etc.
the heat transfer performance. Suspending the ultrafine solid metallic A number of theoretical studies have appeared with regard to nano-
particles in technological fluids causes an increase in the thermal con- fluid flows in industrial and medical engineering materials manufac-
ductivity. This is one of the most modern and appropriate methods for ture. Rana and Bhargava [16] used the finite element and finite differ-
increasing the coefficient of heat transfer. It is expected that the ultra- ence methods to study nano-fluid heat and mass transfer past a
fine solid particle is able to increase the thermal conductivity and heat nonlinearly stretching sheet. They concluded that employing different
transfer performance, since the thermal conductivity of solid metals is types of nanoparticles can be used effectively for controlling/simulating
higher than that of base fluids. Choi and Eastman [1] were probably the heat transfer rates in stretching sheet problems. Sheikholeslami and
the first to employ a mixture of nanoparticles and base fluid that such Ganji [17] investigated the 3D nano-fluid flow and heat transfer in a
fluids were designated as “nano-fluids”. Experimental studies have rotating system in the presence of magnetic field numerically using
displayed that with 1–5% volume of solid metallic or metallic oxide the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. It can be concluded from their
particles, the effective thermal conductivity of the resulting mixture investigations that the skin friction parameter increases with augment
can be increased by 20% compared to that of the base fluid [2]. A wide of Reynolds number, rotation parameter and magnetic parameter. In
range of review papers on nano-fluids and their different applications another study, Sheikholeslami et al. [18] employed Lattice Boltzmann
method to study MHD flow utilizing Cu–water nano-fluid in a concen-
⁎ Corresponding author. tric annulus. Their results represented that the enhancement ratio
E-mail address: nfreidoonimehr@yahoo.com (N. Freidoonimehr). increases with decrease of Rayleigh number and also it increases with

0032-5910/© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 257

Entropy generation minimization method, as a thermodynamic

approach, is employed to optimize the thermal engineering devices
for higher energy efficiency [19]. The performance of engineering
constant parameters a, c
equipment is reduced in the presence of the irreversibilities. Entropy
external uniform magnetic field B
generation function is a measure of the level of the available irreversibil-
constant magnetic flux density B0
ities in a process. It is important to emphasize that the second law of
skin friction coefficient Cf
thermodynamics is more reliable than the first law of thermodynamic
specific heat at constant pressure cp
analysis, because of the limitation of the first law efficiency in the heat
self-similar velocity f
transfer engineering systems [20]. In recent decades, many researchers
thermal conductivity k
have been motivated to conduct the applications of the second law of
constant large number m
thermodynamics in the design of thermal engineering systems. Rashidi
local Nusselt number Nux
et al. [21] studied the first and second law analyses of an electrically
surface heat flux qw
conducting fluid past a rotating disk in the presence of a uniform vertical
actual entropy generation rate S˙gen

magnetic field analytically and then applied Artificial Neural Network
characteristic entropy generation rate Ṡ ‴0
and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to minimize the entropy
time t
generation. In another study, Rashidi et al. [22] investigated the analysis
fluid temperature T
of the second law of thermodynamics applied to an electrically
velocity component in the x direction u
conducting incompressible nano-fluid flowing over a porous rotating
velocity component in the y direction v
disk. They achieved that the disk surface acts as a strong source of
uniform suction v0
dimensionless axial distance X
Some of strongly nonlinear equations used to describe physical
systems in the form of mathematical modeling do not have the exact
solutions. The numerical or analytical methods can be applied to solve
Dimensionless parameters
these nonlinear equations [23–29]. Despite all the benefits, there are
unsteadiness parameter (c/a) A
some disadvantages for the numerical methods in comparison with
Brinkman number (μfU2w/kfΔΤ) Br
the analytical methods. One of the most known and reliable techniques
fluid friction irreversibility
 FFI ffi
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi to solve nonlinear problems is HAM. The HAM was employed by Liao,
Hartmann number B0 L σ=μ f Ha
for the first time, to offer a general analytical method for nonlinear
Heat Transfer Irreversibility HTI
problems [30–32]. Nowadays, HAM has been employed by researchers
joule dissipation irreversibility JDI
in different nonlinear problems. Ellahi et al. [33] investigated the effects
entropy generation number NG
of heat and mass transfer on the Couette and generalized Couette flow
magnetic parameter (σB20/aρf) M
in a homogeneous and thermodynamically compatible third grade
Prandtl number (νf(ρ cp)f/kf) Pr
non-Newtonian viscous fluid analytically using spectral homotopy
Reynolds number (UwL/νf) Re
analysis method (SHAM). In another study, Shaban et al. [34] employed
local Reynolds number
 (Up wx/νf) Rex
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi HAM to study the MHD squeeze flow between two parallel infinite disks
suction parameter −v0 = ν f a fw
where one disk is impermeable and the other is porous in the presence
of an applied magnetic field. Rashidi et al. [35] employed HAM to study
the nano-fluid flow regime adjacent to a nonlinearly porous stretching
Greek symbols sheet. Further, Rashidi et al. [36] examined free convective heat and
dimensionless temperature difference (ΔT/T∞) Ω mass transfer in a steady 2D MHD fluid flow over a stretching vertical
a scaled boundary-layer coordinate η surface in porous medium.
self-similar temperature θ The current study is mainly motivated by the need to understand the
dynamic viscosity μ second law of thermodynamic analysis for an unsteady MHD nano-fluid
kinematic viscosity ν over a stretching permeable surface with the water as the base fluid and
density ρ four different types of nanoparticles. The HAM is employed to solve the
electrical conductivity σ ordinary differential equations and also to study the effects of flow
stream function ψ physical parameters on the fluid velocity component as well as temper-
skin friction τ ature distribution, and the averaged entropy generation function. The
nanoparticle volume fraction φ graphs are plotted and discussed for the variations of different involved
volume ϑ parameters in details.

2. Flow analysis and mathematical formulation

average condition av Consider an unsteady MHD laminar nano-fluid regime over a porous
fluid phase f accelerating stretching surface in a water based incompressible nano-
nano-fluid nf fluid containing different types of nanoparticles, as shown in Fig. 1. It
solid phase s is assumed that the base fluid and the nanoparticles are in thermal equi-
condition of the wall w librium and no slip condition exists between them. In addition, for the
condition of the free steam ∞ time t b 0, the fluid and heat flows are steady. It is also supposed that
the magnetic Reynolds number is very small. Therefore, it is conceivable
to neglect the induced magnetic field in comparison to the applied
magnetic field. The unsteady fluid and heat flows begin at t = 0 and
the surface being stretched with the velocity Uw(x, t) along the x-axis.
augment of Hartmann number. Their results illustrated that the Nusselt The velocity of the mass transfer perpendicular to the stretching surface
number has a direct relationship with nanoparticle volume fraction and is vw(t). The temperature of the surface Tw(x, t) has a linear variation
it has a reverse relationship with Hartmann number. with x and an inverse square law for its decrease with time, while the
258 M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

Momentum and thermal Ambient temperature

boundary-layers T∞

y, v


Stretching permeable surface

x, u Force
vw (t)
Tw (x,t) Wall transpiration (suction/injection) Wind-up
Wall Temperature Roll

Magnetic field

Fig. 1. Configuration of the flow above a stretching sheet and geometrical coordinates.

temperature of the ambient fluid is T∞. In this problem, it is also consid- restricted to spherical nanoparticles and does not account for other
ered that the viscous dissipation is negligibly small. nanoparticle shapes. The thermo-physical properties of the base fluid
The basic unsteady 2D conservation of mass, momentum and thermal (water) and different nanoparticles are given in Table 1 [40].
energy equations for the nano-fluids, using the above assumptions and The appropriate boundary conditions are introduced as
applying the Boussinesq and boundary-layer approximations, can be
written in the form of [37,38]:
ax v0 ax
u ¼ U w ðx; t Þ ¼ ; v ¼ vw ðt Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi; T ¼ T w ðx; t Þ ¼ T ∞ þ ; at y ¼ 0;
ð1−ct Þ 1−ct ð1−ct Þ2

∂u ∂v u→0; T→T ∞ ; as y→∞;

þ ¼ 0; ð1Þ
∂x ∂y ð5Þ

where a and c are constants (where a N 0 and c ≥ 0, with ct b 1). These

  two constants have “time−1” dimension. The following dimensionless
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂2 u 2
ρnf þu þv ¼ μ nf 2 −σ B u; ð2Þ functions f(η) and θ(η), and the similarity variables are employed as:
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y
!1=2  1=2
  ∂T ∂T ∂T

∂2 T a νf a T−T ∞
ρcp þu þv ¼ knf 2 ; ð3Þ η ¼ y; ψðx; yÞ ¼  f ðηÞ; θðηÞ ¼ ;
nf ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y ν f ð1−ctÞ 1−ct T w −T ∞

where u and v are the velocity components in the x and y directions,

respectively, t refers to the time, ρnf and μnf are the density and the where ψ(x, y) is the free stream function that satisfies the continuity
dynamic viscosity of the nano-fluid, respectively, where μnf has been equation (Eq. (1)) with
proposed by Brinkman [39], T ispthe nano-fluid temperature, σ is the
electrical conductivity, B ¼ B0 = 1−c t is the magnetic field imposed
along the y-axis, (ρcp)nf is the heat capacitance of nano-fluid and knf is ∂ψ ax 0 ∂ψ ν f a 1=2
u¼ ¼ f ðηÞ; v¼− ¼− f ðηÞ: ð7Þ
the effective thermal conductivity of nano-fluid [40]. These nano-fluid ∂y 1−ct ∂x 1−ct
constants are defined by:
ρcp ¼ ð1−φÞ ρcp þ φ ρcp ; ρnf ¼ ð1−φÞρ f þ φρs ;
nf f s
ks þ 2k f −2φ k f −ks ð4Þ
knf μf Table 1
¼    ; μ nf ¼ ; Thermo-physical properties of the base fluid and different nanoparticles.
kf ks þ 2k f þ φ k f −ks ð1−φÞ 2:5

Physical properties Fluid phase (water) Cu CuO Al2O3 TiO2

where φ is the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter and f and s cp (J/kg K) 4179 385 531.8 765 686.2
subscripts refer to fluid and solid fraction properties, respectively. It ρ (kg/m3) 997.1 8933 6320 3970 4250
k (W/m K) 0.613 401 76.5 40 8.9538
should be mentioned that the use of the approximation for knf is
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 259

-1 Table 2
Comparison results of − θ′(0) for different values of Prandtl number (Pr) when
M = A = fw = 0 and φ = 0.0.

-2 Pr Ref. [37] Ref. [38] Ref. [43] Ref. [44] Present

0.72 0.8086 0.80868 0.8086 0.8058 0.80863135

1.00 1.0000 1.00000 1.0000 0.9961 1.00000000
3.00 1.9237 1.92368 1.9237 1.9144 1.92368259
-3 7.00 3.0723 3.07224 3.7207 3.7006 3.07225021
10.0 3.7207 3.72067 3.7207 – 3.72067390


The transformed boundary conditions become

-5 0
f ðηÞ ¼ f w ; f ðηÞ ¼ 1; θðηÞ ¼ 1; at η ¼ 0;
f ðηÞ→0; θðηÞ→0; as η→∞;

where primes denote differentiation with respect to η, A = c/a is the

unsteadiness parameter, M = σB20/a 
ρf is the magnetic parameter, Pr =
-7 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
-0.9 -0.75 -0.6 -0.45 -0.3 -0.15 0 vf/αf is the Prandtl number and f w ¼ −v0 = ν f a N0 is the suction
h parameter.

Fig. 2. The ℏ-curves of f″(0) and θ′(0) obtained by the 18th order approximation of the 3. Parameters of engineering interest
HAM solution when φ = 0.1 and A = M = fw = 1.

3.1. Skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number

The skin friction coefficient Cf and the local Nusselt number Nux are
Substituting Eqs. (6)–(7) into Eqs. (2)–(3) and (5), the following
the physical quantities which are given by
ordinary differential equations are obtained:
!!8 02 9
1 ρ < f ðηÞ−f ðηÞ f ″ ðηÞþ = τw xqw

f ðηÞ− 1−φ þ φ s 1
−M f ðηÞ ¼ 0; ð8Þ Cf ¼ ; Nux ¼ ; ð11Þ
ð1−φÞ2:5 ρf : A f 0 ðηÞ þ ηf ″ ðηÞ ; ρ f U 2w k f ðT w −T ∞ Þ

    where τw is the skin friction and qw is the surface heat flux, introduced as
1 k =k  f ðηÞ θðηÞ  1 0
nf f    θ″ ðηÞ þ  0 −A 2θðηÞ þ ηθ ðηÞ ¼ 0: ð9Þ
θ ðηÞ 
Pr f ðηÞ 2
1−φ þ φ ρcp = ρcp
s f    
∂u ∂T
τw ¼ μ nf ; qw ¼ −knf : ð12Þ
∂y y¼0 ∂y y¼0

A = 0.0
A = 0.5
A = 1.0
A = 2.0
0.0005 0.8 A = 3.0
Residual Error





0 2 4 6 8 10
0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 3. The residual error of Eq. (31) obtained by the 18th order approximation of the HAM
solution when φ = 0.1 and A = M = fw = 1. Fig. 4. Effect of unsteadiness parameter on the velocity profile when φ = 0.1 and M = fw = 1.
260 M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

1 1
A = 0.0 M=0
A = 0.5 M=1
A = 1.0 M=2
A = 2.0 M=3
0.8 A = 3.0 0.8 M=4

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Fig. 5. Effect of unsteadiness parameter on the temperature distribution when φ = 0.1 and Fig. 7. Effect of magnetic parameter on the temperature distribution when φ = 0.1 and A =
M = fw = 1. fw = 1.

stretching surface and by applying the boundary layer approximations,

Applying the non-dimensional transformations (6), one obtain can be described as

"   2 #  
1=2 1 ″ 1=2 knf 0 knf ∂T 2 ∂T μ nf ∂u 2 σB20 2
C f Rex ¼ f ð0Þ; Nux =Rex ¼− θ ð0Þ; ð13Þ ‴
S˙gen ¼ þ þ þ u : ð14Þ
ð1−φÞ2:5 kf T 2∞ ∂x ∂y T ∞ ∂y T∞
|{z} |{z} |{z}
joule dissipation
Fluid friction
where Rex = Uwx/νf is the local Reynolds number. Thermal irreversibility irreversibility irreversibility

3.2. Entropy generation analysis

The above equation reveals that the entropy generation is due to three
effects: the first effect, a conduction effect, is the entropy generation due
According to [41,42], the volumetric rate of the local entropy gener-
ation of the nano-fluid, in the presence of the magnetic field over the

ϕ = 0.00
M=0 ϕ = 0.05
M=1 ϕ = 0.10
M=2 ϕ = 0.15
M=3 0.8 ϕ = 0.20
0.8 M=4




0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 8. Effect of nanoparticle volume fraction parameter on the velocity profile when A =
Fig. 6. Effect of magnetic parameter on the velocity profile when φ = 0.1 and A = fw = 1. M = fw = 1.
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 261

1 1
ϕ = 0.00 fw = 0.0
ϕ = 0.05 fw = 0.5
ϕ = 0.10 fw = 1.0
ϕ = 0.15 fw = 1.5
0.8 ϕ = 0.20 0.8 fw = 2.0

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Fig. 9. Effect of nanoparticle volume fraction parameter on the temperature distribution Fig. 11. Effect of suction parameter on the temperature distribution when φ = 0.1 and A =
when A = M = fw = 1. M = 1.

dimensionalize the local entropy generation. Thus the entropy

to heat transfer across a finite temperature difference; the second effect is
generation number (NG) becomes:
due to fluid friction irreversibility and the last effect denotes the magnetic
effects in the form of joule dissipation irreversibility, caused by the
movement of electrically conducting fluid under the magnetic field. The  

Ṡgen 1 knf 2
0 2 μ nf Br ReL h ″ i2 Br Ha2
0 2
NG ¼ ¼ ½θðηÞ þ ReL θ ðηÞ þ f ðηÞ þ f ðηÞ
entropy generation number, dimensionless form of entropy generation Ṡ‴0 X 2 kf μf Ω Ω
rate, represents the ratio between the actual entropy generation rate ks þ 2k f −2φ k f −ks  1 
 ‴  2
0 2 1 Br ReL h ″ i2 ð15Þ
S˙gen and characteristic entropy generation rate S˙0‴ . The similarity ¼     ½θðηÞ þ ReL θ ðηÞ þ f ðηÞ
ks þ 2k f þ φ k f −ks X ð1−φ Þ2:5 Ω
transformation parameters of Eq. (6) are employed to non- Br Ha
0 2
þ f ðηÞ ;

1 Cu
fw = 0.0 CuO
fw = 0.5 Al2O3
fw = 1.0 -2.5 TiO2
fw = 1.5
0.8 fw = 2.0


Cf Rex1/2



0.2 -4.5

0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 12. Variation of the skin friction coefficient with respect to nanoparticle volume
Fig. 10. Effect of suction parameter on the velocity profile when φ = 0.1 and A = M = 1. fraction parameter for different types of nanoparticles when A = M = fw = 1.
262 M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

9.4 8.5
Cu A=0
CuO A=1
Al2O3 A=2
TiO2 A=3
9.2 7.5

9 6.5

NG, av
8.8 5.5

8.6 4.5

8.4 3.5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Fig. 13. Variation of the Nusselt number with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction pa- Fig. 14. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for differ-
rameter for different types of nanoparticles when A = M = fw = 1. ent values of unsteadiness parameter when M = fw = Ha = 1 and ReL = Br = 5.

whereṠ‴0 ¼ k f ðΔ T Þ2 =L2 T 2∞ is the characteristic entropy generation rate, θ0 ðηÞ ¼ e : ð18Þ
X = x/L is the dimensionless axial distance, Re = UwL/νf is the Reynolds
number, Br = μ f U2w/kfΔT is the Brinkman number, which represents the The linear operators Lf ( f ) and Lθ (θ) are introduced as:
ratio of direct heat conduction from the surface to the viscous heat
∂3 f ∂2 f
generated by shear in the boundary-layer, Ha ¼ B0 L σ=μ f is the Lf ðf Þ ¼ þ ; ð19Þ
∂η3 ∂η2
Hartmann number, and Ω = ΔT/T∞ is the dimensionless temperature
difference. 2
∂ θ ∂θ
The dimensionless volumetric entropy generation rate, an important Lθ ðθÞ ¼ þ ; ð20Þ
measure of total global entropy generation, can be evaluated using the ∂η2 ∂η
following formula
with the following properties:
1 m 1  −η
NG;av ¼ NG dXdη; ð16Þ L f c 1 þ c2 η þ c 3 e ¼ 0; ð21Þ
ϑ 0 0
where ϑ is the considered volume. In order to consider both velocity Lθ c4 þ c5 e ¼ 0; ð22Þ
and thermal boundary-layers, we calculate the volumetric entropy
generation in a large finite domain. Thus, integration of Eq. (16) is where ci, i = 1 − 5 are the arbitrary constants. The nonlinear operators,
obtained in the domain 0 ≤ X ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ η ≤ m, where m is a sufficiently according to Eqs. (8) and (9), are defined as:
large number. !!
h i 1 ∂ ^f ðη; qÞ
N f ^f ðη; qÞ ¼ − 1−φ þ φ ð23Þ
4. HAM solution ð1−φÞ2:5 ∂η3 ρf
0 !2 1
∂^f ðη; qÞ ∂2 ^f ðη; qÞ
We choose the initial approximations such that the boundary condi- B −^f ðη; qÞ C ^
B ∂η ∂η2 C
tions are satisfied, i.e.: ×B ! C−M ∂ f ðη; qÞ ;
B ^ 2^ C ∂η
@ ∂ f ðη; qÞ 1 ∂ f ðη; qÞ A
þA þ η
f 0 ðηÞ ¼ −e
þ f w þ 1; ð17Þ ∂η 2 ∂η 2

Table 3
Values of − F″(0) and − θ′(0) for different types of nanoparticles and φ when A = M = fw = 1.

φ Cu CuO Al2O3 TiO2

− F″(0) − θ′(0) − F″(0) − θ′(0) − F″(0) − θ′(0) − F″(0) − θ′(0)

0.00 2.20855243 8.46448124 2.20855243 8.46448124 2.20855243 8.46448124 2.20855243 8.46448124

0.05 2.42979090 7.46742270 2.30123963 7.48681795 2.18454535 7.48944589 2.19850791 7.59680109
0.10 2.56567741 6.63060007 2.34086571 6.66351420 2.13531201 6.66685664 2.15999731 6.84991725
0.15 2.62804243 5.91791249 2.33439501 5.96017146 2.06422048 5.96310009 2.09677766 6.20029447
0.20 2.62738868 5.30323726 2.28830358 5.35182786 1.97448761 5.35371288 2.01243078 5.63010380
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 263

8.5 30
M=0 ReL = 1
M=1 ReL = 3
M=2 ReL = 5
M=3 ReL = 10
7.5 M=4 24 ReL = 15
M=5 ReL = 20

6.5 18
NG, av

NG, av
5.5 12

4.5 6

3.5 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Fig. 15. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for Fig. 17. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for
different values of magnetic parameter when A = fw = Ha = 1 and ReL = Br = 5. different values of Reynolds number when A = M = fw = Ha = 1 and Br = 5.

h i The symbolic software MATHEMATICA is employed to solve the ith

1 k =k ∂2 ^θðη; qÞ
N θ ^f ðη; qÞ; ^
θðη; qÞ ¼ nf f    order deformation Eqs. (26)–(27).
Pr ∂η2
1−φ þ φ ρcp = ρcp
s f
! !
∂^θðη; qÞ ∂^f ðη; qÞ ^ 1 ∂^θðη; qÞ
þ ^f ðη; qÞ − θðη; qÞ −A 2^ θðη; qÞ þ η :
∂η ∂η 2 ∂η L f ½ f i ðηÞ−χ i f i−1 ðηÞ ¼ ℏH f ðηÞR f ;i ðηÞ; ð26Þ
The auxiliary functions become:

−η Lθ ½θi ðηÞ−χ i θi−1 ðηÞ ¼ ℏHθ ðηÞRθ;i ðηÞ; ð27Þ

H f ðηÞ ¼ H θ ðηÞ ¼ e : ð25Þ

10 12
fw = 0.0 Br = 1
fw = 0.5 Br = 2
fw = 1.0 Br = 3
fw = 1.5 Br = 4
fw = 2.0 10 Br = 5
8 Br = 10

NG, av

NG, av


2 2
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Fig. 16. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for Fig. 18. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for
different values of suction parameter when A = M = Ha = 1 and ReL = Br = 5. different values of Brinkman number when A = M = fw = Ha = 1 and ReL = 5.
264 M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

9 k =k
1 ∂2 θi−1 ðηÞ
Rθ;i ðηÞ ¼ nf f   
Ha = 1 Pr ∂η2
Ha = 2 1−φ þ φ ρcp = ρcp
s f
Ha = 3 !
Ha = 4 X
∂θi−1− j ðηÞ ∂f i−1− j ðηÞ
8 Ha = 5 þ f j ðηÞ −θ j ðηÞ ð29Þ
∂η ∂η
1 ∂θ ðηÞ
−A 2θi−1 ðηÞ þ η i−1 ;
2 ∂η
NG, av

0; i ≤ 1;
χi ¼ 1; i N 1; ð30Þ
are the involved parameters in HAM theory (for more information about
the different steps of HAM, see Refs. [30,31]). To control and enhance the
convergence of the approximation series by the help of the so-called ℏ-
5 curve, it is significant to choose a proper value of auxiliary parameter.
The ℏ-curves of f‴(0) and θ′(0) obtained by the 18th order of HAM
solution are shown in Fig. 2. To obtain the optimal values of auxiliary
parameters, the averaged residual errors are defined as:
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
1 d3 f ðηÞ ρs
Res f ¼ − 1−φ þ φ ð31Þ
ð1−φÞ2:5 dη3 ρf
Fig. 19. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for differ-
ent values of Hartmann number when A = M = fw = 1 and ReL = Br = 5.
0 2 1
df ðηÞ d2 f ðηÞ
B −f ðηÞ C
B dη2 ! C C−M df ðηÞ ;

×BB 2 C
where ℏ is the auxiliary nonzero parameter and @ þA df ðηÞ þ 1 η d f ðηÞ A dη
dη 2 dη2
1 ∂ f i−1 ðηÞ ρs
R f ;i ðηÞ ¼ − 1−φ þ φ
ð1−φÞ2:5 ∂η3 ρf
0 !1 k =k
∂f j ðηÞ ∂f i−1− j ðηÞ ∂2 f i−1− j ðηÞ 1 d2 θðηÞ
Resθ ¼ nf f   
B −f j ðηÞ C Pr dη2
B ∂η ∂η ∂η2 C 1−φ þ φ ρcp = ρcp
B j¼0 C ∂ f ðηÞ
×B ! C−M i−1 ; s f ð32Þ
B 2
∂f i−1 ðηÞ 1 ∂ f i−1 ðηÞ C ∂η    
@ A dθðηÞ df ðηÞ 1 dθðηÞ
þA þ η þ f ðηÞ − θðηÞ −A 2θðηÞ þ η :
∂η 2 ∂η2
dη dη 2 dη

7 In order to survey the accuracy of the present method, the residual

Cu error for the 18th order of HAM solutions of Eq. (31) is illustrated in
CuO Fig. 3. In addition, we compare some of our results with the results of
6.5 TiO2 the previously published studies of Refs. [37,38,43,44]. The comparisons
are depicted in Table 2. A very excellent agreement can be observed
between them.

6 5. Results and discussion

The nonlinear ordinary differential Eqs. (8)–(9) subject to the bound-

NG, av

5.5 ary conditions (10) are solved via HAM, a semi-analytical/numerical

method, for some values of the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter
(φ), unsteadiness parameter (A), magnetic parameter (M), and suction
parameter (fw). We consider four types of nanoparticles; copper (Cu),
copper oxide (CuO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), and titanium dioxide
(TiO2) with water as the base fluid. The copper nanoparticle is used in
all figures in this section except those which focus on the influence of
4.5 the type of applied nanoparticles on the engineering parameters such
as the skin friction coefficient, the local Nusselt number and the averaged
entropy generation function. For the present investigation, we assume
that the value of the Prandtl number (Pr) is equal to 6.2 (for water). In
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 addition, the value of the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter (φ)
varies from 0 (regular Newtonian fluid) to 0.2.
Figs. 4–5 display the effect of unsteadiness parameter (A) on the
Fig. 20. Change of NG,av with respect to nanoparticle volume fraction parameter for fluid velocity profile and temperature distribution in both steady mo-
different types of nanoparticle when A = M = fw = Ha = 1 and ReL = Br = 5. tion (A = 0) and acceleration case (A N 0). The velocity profile reduces
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 265

for the higher acceleration. This states an accompanying reduction of fraction parameter increases. This is because the presence of solid nano-
the thickness of the momentum boundary layer. This mentioned behav- particles leads to further thinning of the velocity boundary-layer thick-
ior changes by crossing away from the vertical surface. This behavior ness. In addition, the thermal conductivity enhances and consequently
changes by crossing away from the vertical surface. This means that the thermal boundary-layer thickness increases, as the nanoparticle
the velocity boundary-layer thickness becomes thicker for the larger volume fraction parameter increases. This issue is in compliance with
amplitude of unsteadiness parameter. In addition, the temperature the primary proposes of employing nano-fluids [45]. This also agrees
distribution enhances for the lower acceleration. with the physical behavior, when the volume of nanoparticles enhances
Figs. 6–7 illustrate the effect of magnetic parameter (M) on the the thermal conductivity increases, and then the thermal boundary
velocity profile and temperature distribution. A drag-like force that layer thickness increases.
called Lorentz force is created by the infliction of the vertical magnetic The effect of suction parameter on the velocity profile and tempera-
field to the electrically conducting fluid. This force has the tendency to ture distribution is presented in Figs. 10–11. In the current investigation,
slow down the flow over the stretching surface. According to the above the suction parameter has been applied, because the primary assumption
explanation, the velocity boundary-layer thickness gets depressed and in boundary-layer definition says that the boundary-layer thickness is
the temperature distribution increases slightly with the increase in the supposed to be practically very thin. Applying suction at the stretching
magnetic parameter. It clearly demonstrates that the transverse magnet- surface causes to draw the amount of the fluid into the surface and conse-
ic field opposes the transport phenomena. It is important to mention that quently the hydrodynamic boundary-layer gets thinner and also the ther-
the large resistances on the fluid particles, which cause heat to be mal boundary-layer gets depressed by increasing the suction parameter.
generated in the fluid, apply as the vertical magnetic field increases. Figs. 12–13 present the results for the skin friction coefficient Cf Re1/2
The effect of the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter on the and the local Nusselt number Nux/Re1/2 x for a wide range of the nanopar-
velocity profile and temperature distribution is shown in Figs. 8–9. ticle volume fraction parameters and four types of nanoparticles. It can
The velocity profile decreases as the value of the nanoparticle volume be observed that the value of skin friction coefficient reduces and local

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave
2% N - HTI) 2% 1% N - HTI)
N - HTI)
ave ave
44% 30%

N - FFI) N - FFI)
ave ave N - FFI)
54% 63% ave

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave
2% 2% 1%
N - HTI) N - HTI) N - HTI)
ave ave ave
34% 35% 36%

N - FFI) N - FFI) N - FFI)

ave ave ave
64% 63% 63%

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave
2% 2% N - HTI) 1% N - HTI)
N - HTI)
ave ave
35% 29%

N - FFI) N - FFI)
ave ave N - FFI)
61% 63% ave

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave
4% N - HTI) 2% N - HTI) 1% N - HTI)
ave ave ave
30% 35% 38%

N - FFI) N - FFI)
N - FFI) ave ave
ave 63% 61%

Fig. 21. Contributions of heat transfer, fluid friction and joule dissipation in the averaged entropy generation for different values of a) nanoparticle volume fraction parameter when A = M =
fw = Ha = 1 and ReL = Br = 5. b) Unsteadiness parameter when M = fw = Ha = 1, φ = 0.1 and ReL = Br = 5. c) Magnetic parameter when A = fw = Ha = 1, φ = 0.1 and ReL = Br = 5.
d) Suction parameter when A = M = Ha = 1, φ = 0.1 and ReL = Br = 5. e) Reynolds number when A = M = fw = Ha = 1, φ = 0.1 and Br = 5. f) Brinkman number when A = M = fw =
Ha = 1, φ = 0.1 and ReL = 5. g) Hartmann number when A = M = fw = 1, φ = 0.1 and ReL = Br = 5.
266 M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave
7% N - HTI) 2% N - HTI) 1% N - HTI)
ave ave ave
34% 35% 35%

N - FFI) N - FFI)
N - FFI) ave ave
ave 63% 64%

N - JDI) N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave ave N - HTI)
N - HTI)
N - FFI) 1% 2% 2% ave
ave 35% 21%

N - FFI)
N - HTI) 63% N - FFI)
ave ave
73% 77%

N - JDI) N - JDI)
ave ave
N - HTI) N - HTI)
2% 13% N - JDI)
ave N - HTI) ave
35% ave ave
29% 25%

N - FFI)
63% N - FFI)
ave N - FFI)
56% ave

Fig. 21 (continued).

Nusselt number enhances almost linearly with increasing the nanoparti- joule dissipation irreversibilities occurs with increasing the value of
cle volume fraction parameter. From Table 1, Cu and Al2O3 have the the Brinkman number. In addition, joule dissipation irreversibility and
maximum and minimum densities between the different types of nano- the averaged entropy generation number are the increasing function
particles which are considered in this article. Therefore, selecting Al2O3 of the Hartmann number. It is obvious from Fig. 20 that the Cu nanopar-
as the nanoparticle leads to the minimum absolute value of skin friction ticle has the largest averaged entropy generation number and Al2O3 has
coefficient, while choosing the Cu gives the maximum absolute value of the smallest one. The contributions of heat transfer, fluid friction and
it. Because of the largest thermal conductivity value, Cu has the largest joule dissipation irreversibility in the averaged entropy generation
local Nusselt number. In addition, it is obvious that the lowest heat trans- number for different values of the flow parameters, i.e. nanoparticle
fer rate is obtained for the TiO2 nanoparticles due to domination of con- volume fraction parameter, unsteadiness parameter, magnetic parameter,
duction mode of heat transfer. As can be observed from Table 1, this is suction parameter, Reynolds number, Brinkman number, and Hartmann
because TiO2 has the lowest thermal conductivity compared to other number are shown in Figs. 21(a)–(g).
nanoparticles. This behavior is similar to that reported by Oztop and
Abu-Nada [40] and Bachok et al. [46]. The results of this figure illustrate 6. Conclusion
that the nanoparticle type is an important factor in the cooling
and heating processes. In addition, Table 3 presents the values In the current perusal, a mathematical formulation has been derived
of − F″(0) and − θ′(0) for different types of nanoparticles and nano- for the entropy analysis for an unsteady MHD nano-fluid over an accel-
particle volume fraction parameters. erating stretching permeable surface. We have considered the water as
Figs. 14–20 demonstrate the results of the averaged entropy genera- the base fluid and four different types of nanoparticles; copper, copper
tion number as a function of the unsteadiness parameter (A), magnetic oxide, aluminum oxide and titanium dioxide. HAM is successfully ap-
parameter (M), and suction parameter (fw), Reynolds number (Re), plied to solve the system of ordinary differential equations. The present
Brinkman number (Br), and Hartmann number (Ha) for a wide range semi-numerical/analytical simulations agree closely with the previous
of the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter (φ). The results show studies in the especial cases. The averaged entropy generation number
that the increasing of the nanoparticle volume fraction parameter, is derived as a function of the velocity and temperature gradients. The
unsteadiness parameter, magnetic parameter, suction parameter, Reyn- influences of the seven key thermo-physical parameters governing the
olds number, Brinkman number, and Hartmann number cause an flow i.e. unsteadiness parameter, magnetic parameter, nanoparticle
increase of the entropy generation number. It can be concluded from volume fraction parameter, suction parameter, Reynolds number,
Eq. (15) that the entropy generation produced by the heat transfer and Brinkman number, and Hartmann number on the longitudinal veloc-
fluid friction irreversibilities and consequently the averaged entropy ity and temperature distributions, skin friction coefficient, averaged
generation number increase with increasing of the Reynolds number. entropy generation function, and local Nusselt number have been
An increase in the entropy generation produced by fluid friction and presented graphically and interpreted in details. The main goal of the
M.H. Abolbashari et al. / Powder Technology 267 (2014) 256–267 267

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