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University of Education Lahore

Department of English

Course Title General Methods of Teaching

Programme: BS English

Course Code: ……EDUC1112……………………

Instructor Name: ………Asya Mushtaq…………………..….

Unit # 3
Methods Of Teaching

Text Book Method

Course Objectives

• At the completion of the course the students will be able to:

• Select a suitable method or strategy to make his/her teaching effective in local context
• Apply various teaching methods and strategies during teaching of their subjects.

• A textbook is a book used for the

study of a subject.
• Students use a textbook to
learn facts and methods about a
certain subject.
• Textbooks sometimes have questions
to test the knowledge and
understanding of the learner.

• The concept of text books have

changed in the last century. It is
basically used as a source of
information, Now it becomes as a
course of study a set of unit plan and
learning guide as well.

• A textbook is usually lent to students

by a school to accompany a course the
school is teaching.

There are several different approaches

for teaching a child to become
productive, educated learners.

• This traditional approach uses graded

textbooks or workbooks that follow a
scope and sequence. Each subject is
covered in 180 daily increments per
school year for a span of 12 years.
Teacher’s manuals, tests and record
keeping materials are usually
Work Books

• A workbook is a type of textbook that

has only practice questions and
• A booklet containing problem and
exercise that a student may work
directly on the pages

• Work books are very useful tools

when used in conjunction with a great
textbook or lesson plan.

• Workbooks are designed not to teach

but to provide practice and to
highlight areas which need more
Definitions of Textbook

• Oxford English dictionary: “A book used as a standard work for the study of a
particular subject, a manual of instructions in a subject of study “

• L.J Lewis: “Text book is tool both for the pupil and the teacher”

• Lagne: “It is a standard book for any particular branch of study”

• Bacon: “A book designed for classroom use, carefully prepared by experts in the
field and equipped with the usual teaching devices”

• According to Foshery “Text book is a basic source of ideas and information.

• It presents material in an organized sequence, regulated for reading skills
• and can be used to stimulate many kinds of activities”.
Qualities of Good text book

• It should have clear statement of the

authors theory, point of view and
• It should recognized desirable aims of
• It should recognized employ
significant instructional aids
• It should be typed attractively and

• It should be according to the mental

level of the students.
• It should be according to the demand
of the modern era.
• It should employ significant
instructional material.
• It should be typed clearly.
Weaknesses of the textbook approach

• The textbook/workbook approach

doesn’t take into consideration
children’s individual learning style or
their interests.

• Lake of direct experience

• May not reflect students Needs
• Expensive
• Information may go out of date
• Activities may boring

• Text books doesn’t encourage original,

independent thinking as much as non-
traditional approaches.
Strengths of the textbook approach

• Everything is laid out for ease of use.

• It has definite levels of
• Testing and assigning grades is easy to
Suggested Links

• file:///C:/Users/asya/Downloads/771-1-1314-1-10-20140224%20(2).pdf

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