Jyeshtha 210513 005844

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Zodiac Range 16º 40’ - 30º 00’ Scorpio

Ruling Planet Mercury
Deity Indra
Symbol Earing, Umbrella, Circular Amulet
Gana Rakshasa (Demon)
Quality Tikshna (Sharp or Dreadful)
Caste Farmer/Servant
Animal Male Deer
Bird Brahmani Duck
Tree Silk Cotton
Sounds No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo
Yoga Tara 16º Scorpio
Pada Sagittarius- pada 1, Capricorn- pada 2, Aquarius-
pada 3, Pisces- pada 4

The yoni animal of this nakshatra is the male deer. A deer

is found in a quiet place in the forest and shows
youthfulness, elegance of life. When you see a deer,
whether male or female, you feel a sense of calmness,
beauty and serenity. Deer reproduces at an extremely fast
pace. They reproduce once every year. They are not as fast
as a rat but reproduce quickly. The deer is also one of the
most killed animals by car accident. This can also show a
Jyeshtha person usually always gets into car accidents or
some kind of fender benders, it cannot be life threatening
unless other yogas are present and the person has
completed their counted breaths. Jyeshtha is perhaps the
most lustful and sexual nakshatra out there as the buck (the
male deer) is ready to produce at any given moment. The
male deer also has antlers, which they use for protection
and fight. They use to show dominance and their right to
mate with the female deer. Deers can eat around 8-10
pounds of vegetation a day. Jyeshtha natives can have a
big appetite for food and can be fond of non-veg and exotic
foods, some even love eating venison and wild game.
Bucks have to travel long distance to find a female deer to
mate. Sometimes they lose muscle mass and weight in the
pursuit of sexual encounter. Jyeshtha people themselves
will travel long distance if they know they will have a
sexual encounter.

The symbolism of Jyeshtha is an umbrella, which shows

protection and a sign of a royal authority. The royal
members of the family have someone follow them
carrying an umbrella to protect from the harsh sunlight. It
was used during wars on elephants to show the king
behind the army and mostly it was the royal female of the
palace who always had to be in shade. The other
symbolism of Jyeshtha nakshatra is the amulet. Amulets
are usually used in old cultures in India, China, Latin
America, and is used for occult and mystical protection to
the native. Indra himself used amulet to win over his
enemies. Jyeshtha people go deep into occult, tantra, and
hidden mysteries of the unknown.

United States is with Scorpio ascendant and Jyeshtha

nakshatra rising. They have been the eldest of all countries
in terms of army power, technology, sports, and wealth.
As much as we think other countries are coming up, USA
will always have the last laugh as they scheme and use the
hidden occult power including alien technology to rule the
world. If a simple man as Sri M can visit Andromeda
galaxy, I am sure someone else had visitation from other
beings and infiltrated our secret government services.

Jyeshtha is also connected with yoga, especially Kriya

Yoga because it’s the eldest form of yoga to attain God
realization. Indra having a thousand eyes is extremely
helpful in yoga as the Crown chakra is the home of the
1000 petal lotus.

Indra is the king of gods and considered as the hero

amongst the god. His mount is the Airavat elephant, which
has 5 trunks. His weapon is the powerful thunderbolt,
Vajra. Indra defeated the dragon Vrittasur, which he had
to do having lost his kingdom by disrespecting guru
Brihaspati and having difficulties to find a replacement for
the guru. The Vajra was made from sage Dadhichi’s
bones. Indra also loves drinking his Soma rasa. Indra
seduced Ahilya, the wife of sage Gautam, when the sage
was away. The sage supposedly cursed Indra to have 1000
vaginas. After doing severe penance Indra eventually
turned the 1000 vaginas into 1000 eyes and got the title of
“the 1000 eyed one”. In Mahabharata lord Krishna
subdued Indra’s ego by lifting the Govardhan. Indra was
angry with villagers of Gokul as they refrained from
providing him ritual sacrifices. In anger he sent heavy
rains and wind, but Krishna protected the villagers by
lifting the mount Govardhan and providing them shelter.
Indra admitted defeat and recognized Krishna as the
incarnated godhead.

Indra is obsessed with Soma, the juice of immortality. He

always needed Soma in the battleground and had Tvastar
make more and more juice for him, which strengthens his
body like Arnold. It is said that Indra leaves blood spatters
on the ground during battle, which shows the energy of
Indra and Mars together. If Vishakha shows the lustful
Indra and his theme of relationship with rishi’s wife,
Jyeshtha shows the extreme lustful nature where Indra
simply would kill the rishi and would force his way into
the house and make love to his wife. Jyeshtha is the
intensified version of Indra. It’s the nakshtra of war and all
is fair in love-&-war.

The deity of this nakshatra is Indra, who also presides over

Vishakha nakshatra. Indra is the king of the gods, who is
the champion, and is seen as the one enjoying all the
luxuries, drinking soma, & gambling. He is the king but
also the most insecure, as he is not willing to let go of his
throne. Indra is like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan.
He’s bulky, strong, handsome, with huge ego and lust for
women and Soma. Whenever you think of a man who is
godly, rich, hero and loves to party, think of Indra and
mostly that individual would have Vishakha or Jyeshtha in
their chart.
This is the Moon chart of Dan Blazerian since I do not
know his accurate time of birth, but regardless of the time
his Moon stays in the Jyeshtha nakshatra along with Sun
and even Neptune if you want to use it. He’s a poker
champion who made over 10-30 million dollars in winning
along with other ventures and inherited wealth from
family, making his total asset of about 150 million dollars.
He is known as the KING of Instagram. All you see on his
profile is beautiful half naked women on a boat, bedroom,
spa, and fancy cars. He also loves gun, as he was part of
Navy Seal training back in 2000 but later dropped. The
main point to notice is his lifestyle of sex, drugs, drinks,
and rock & roll.

Birth chart of Arnold Schwarzenegger

In Arnold’s chart you can see Mars is at 26 degree of

Taurus, opposite is the Jyeshtha nakshatra. Arnold’s work
ethics and competitiveness has made him a 7-time Mr.
Olympia. The opposite nakshatra are always at work.

Birth chart of Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was the champion of champions; he was the
most feared boxer back in the late 80s and 90s. He hit hard
and party hard. He has all the lavish cars, homes, toys and
women. Just like Indra he rose to the highest high but then
bought down to earth. If you look at this chart you will
find there is no Jyeshtha present. But look again carefully
this time. What is opposite to his Mars? Yes, its Jyeshtha
and Mars is Tyson’s atmakaraka, meaning, the planet with
the highest degree which became his king maker.

Reading the mythology we get that Jyeshtha natives are

extremely insecure and cannot take defeat by another
person. They want to be the champion first, and will do
whatever it takes to achieve that. They become extremely
jealous and possessive to a point, “If I can’t have it, then
you can’t either.” If they are getting promoted but they
know who is except them, they will do whatever it takes
to sabotage the other person’s chances as well. This really
plays out when major malefic influence is on this
nakshatra and in the 4th/10th house axis of the chart.

Jyeshtha natives are extremely clever in accomplishing

their mission in life. It’s kind of like the movie “Spy
Game”, where Robert Redford shows Brad Pitt’s character
that everything and everyone is an asset, don’t trust
anyone and don’t fall in love with anyone, if its between
you and them, send flowers. These natives can easily
penetrate into their enemy’s heart by befriending them and
when they know what hurts the person most, they will use
that feeling against them.
In the mythology of Indra he is being obsessed with
Ahilya, the wife of Sage Gautam. He never stopped
stalking and pursuing her even after she was a married
woman. He tricked his way to her house and made love
with her. When her husband walked in the hut and saw
them both, he cursed Indra to have his body covered with
1000 vaginas. Ashamed, he went into isolation and when
other Gods found this out pleaded to Brahma to help him.
Brahma went to Sage Gautam and requested that the
thousand yonis be turned into thousand eyes. The wish
was granted. The above mythology shows the sexual
obsession of a Jyeshtha native and at one point in their life
they will seduce a 3rd party spouse and may be caught, but
how would the curse work on a normal Jyeshtha person.
Jyeshtha natives would be obsessed with porn, constant
masturbation and always have a lustful eye for every
beautiful female or male. However, I have found this
nakshatra to be less prominent in a female’s chart. The
thousand eyes turns into obsession of spying on others.
Jyeshtha natives simply want to bring down the heavens
to earth. These folks want to have a lavish house, a bar in
the house, beautiful painting, love paintings of classic
nude women or dancing women. In the palace of Indra
there were dancers, lavish parties, and all the pleasures.

Jyeshtha nakshatra also deals with secret societies,

obsession for learning about Illuminatis, Freemasons and
Skull & Bone society.

Ted Bundy Horoscope

Ted was a well-known serial killer who stocked and
chased his victims for long time before making his move.
He was obessed with porn from a very young age and for
him it was all about fulfulling his sexual desire at any cost.
If you notice he has several planets in 4th/10th house axis
of the horoscope showing psychological issues. He was
possessive, jealous but only showed it internally.
We had a fight with our neighbor on the Jyeshtha day on
September 4th, 2019 when Moon was in the Jyeshtha
nakshatra. Our neighbor back in Maryland kept calling the
HOA (Home Owner’s Association) regarding every
neighbor in the street for even smallest thing, for example
my basketball court was on our side of the property but she
said it’s a danger to her walls even though the houses are
20 feet apart. We moved it in the backyard but she again
called the HOA. This time my wife called and told her if
she did this one more time we’re hiring an attorney as we
won’t stand up for this B.S., after this she never did
anything. I witnessed a fight with neighbor after 30 years,
before it was back in India when water used to leak into
another person’s house or someone’s clothes fell on
other’s balcony etc.

Jyeshtha is a Tikshna nakshatra and should be used for any
activities for destruction, conquer and secretive activities.
These type of activities are performed when starting a war
with another country, going into sports combat but the one
who initiates the challenge on this day becomes the
victorious. This is also a nakshatra when tantric rituals are
initiated along with Mula nakshatra.

The caste of this nakshatra is the servant, but these are not
usual servants to whom you ask and receive help. These
are the servants who only serve the highest of kingship.
They are the solider, placement, lawyers for the
government. They are the servants of big brands who go
into combat of boxing and fighting. Big corporations bet
big money on these people to accelerate their brand with
their winnings.
Michael Jordan is a Jyeshtha nakshatra and he always
came across as the big brother in his shows and
documentaries. He was the most intense individual to deal
with on and off the court. He took every game as his land
battle. He became the first billionaire basketball player
only by the sheer force of brand endorsements and his own
shoe brand Air Jordans, which is the “Jyeshtha” of the
sneaker world. Michael Jordan always wore earring loops,
which again was to subconsciously show he was the Indra.

No- pada 1, Yaa- pada 2, Yee- pada 3, Yoo- pada 4, sound
has an extremely important role to play with nakshatra.
Everything we do, say, buy, wear, drive has a name attach
to it known as brand. One must look at their chart with
accurate time of birth and see where the nakshatra of
Jyeshtha is in their chart, which means where is the sign
of Scorpio. If someone is with a Capricorn ascendant then
the 11th house would be Scorpio. Using such brands or
name that starts with such sounds would be beneficial for
career, status, fame, and favors from government; but
Jyeshtha nakshatra should be used with caution. It is a
Tikshna nakshatra which can instigate wars and combat.

An important remedy is to never have a broken umbrella.
Such folks should always have a black umbrella in their
home in the East direction. Having a brass statue of
elephant and deer in the home is another activation of
victory for such people. You will always find either a
painting or statue of elephant in the homes of Jyeshtha,
Uttara Ashada, Uttara Phalguni and Revati natives.

On January 20th, 2020, two things happened, my daughter
knocked on my door in a princess dress but holding an
umbrella and I saw a series on Netflix called Z-nation,
which is about zombie. It was about a group of militants,
who killed every zombie on the street leaving blood
spatters. Indra in Jyeshtha energy is known to leave blood
spatters on the ground towards victory.
On March 17th, 2020 I saw a movie World War Z with
Togi, funny enough it was a Jyeshtha day as my previous
observation was also about zombie. Brad Pitt played the
character of Indra who was on a mission to find a cure for
this disease and left blood spatters all over the world
fighting these dead walkers.
On July 30th, 2020 when Moon was transiting the Jyeshtha
I came across the advertisement for “Gangs of New York”
movie on Amazon prime, which was available to watch
free. The first 5 minutes of the movie is a clear theme of
Jyeshtha where there is a gang war between two groups.
After the brutal fight there is a wide shot of the snowy
ground, where you can see blood spatters all over the
place; while the character of Leonardo DiCaprio holds on
to an amulet type coin on a thread as a memory of his
father. I stopped watching the movie after 30 minutes
because it was just too boring and dragging.
One of the things I have noticed heavily that Saturn in
Jyeshtha takes a person into dentistry or surgery. If one has
to determine their karma pay attention to nakshatra in
which Saturn is posited.
The reason why other research dates is not here because I
saw similar redundant themes occur on other Jyeshtha
Moon transit days.

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