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Zodiac Range 26o 40’ Aries - 10o 00’ Taurus

Ruling Planet Sun
Deity Agni, God of Fire
Symbol Razor, Scissors
Gana Rakshasa (Demon)
Quality Misra (Mixed or Sharp and Soft)
Caste Brahmin (Priest)
Animal Female Goat
Bird Peacock
Tree Cluster Fig
Sounds Aa, Ee, Uu, Aye
Yoga Tara 6o Taurus
Padas 1-Sagittarius, 2-Capricorn, 3-Aquarius, 4-Pisces
Pushkara Navamsa Pada 1 26o 40’-30o 00’ Aries and
Pada 4 6o 40’-10o 00 Taurus (Pushakara Navamsa is a
very potent degree in nakshatra, which makes a planet
exert extremely powerful results. A planet will lift a
person high up in society during its mahadasha and

The animal of Krittika is a Goat. The goat is a resilient

animal. When a land needs to be cleared of any type of
bushes, weed and grass so that something can be built the
builders hire a famer to bring in goat and sheep to clear out
the ground, which is the fastest and the best way. They
quickly cut through the grass and make way for a clear
ground. This in a way what fire would do to a living earth;
turn it into ash and dust. Goat also have a habit of biting
or nibbling in order to communicate. A person with this
nakshatra would usually bite or nib during love making or
showing some form of passion. Goats also head butt
during combat and when trying to retain their position or
take someone else’s position in the herd, such behavior
can translate into a person who will butt head with their
co-workers, friends, bosses because they constantly want
to fight for their position in life.
The element of Krittika is fire, which can go two ways, the
fire of purification and the fire of destruction. When we do
rituals, homas, havans we are trying to invoke certain gods
who can come and clean our sins and bad energy around
the house. The other fire is the fire that has no control; it
can go from a small matchstick to burning an entire forest.
Both do the job of cleaning and cleansing but one is
invoked and the other goes out of control.
In the Rig Veda the Agni God has a big appetite for soma
but was later cursed when he flirted with the wives of
Saptarishis. This much of info shows that Krittika
nakshatra have a bit of a perverted attitude of lust provided
by soma. These natives can also be innocent and not
realize their sexual behavior. This does not mean every
single Krittika individual would have this behavior, it has
to be supported by malefics, 12th lord and 8th lord
connection which are the houses of secrecy. Krittika can
actually make someone a priest as ironic as this statement.
This foundation comes due to the mythology of Agni and
how Agni peeked and saw wives of Saptarishis naked and
lusted after them. He was then cursed by the rishis to have
an insatiable sex appetite and lust, which would get him
into trouble. Yes, it is a curse when someone is lusting or
is forced to lust after every single thing.
Krittika person is a seeker of truth because they want to
cut through everything and get to the point. They make
excellent political leaders, CEOs and executives in a
company. If Ketu or Mars are in Krittika I have seen
family connection of worshiping Kartikeya since he is a
warrior. The symbol of this nakshatra is a knife, which can
either cut through the truth, war, body, meat and
vegetables in the kitchen, which is why they make great
chefs. In the kitchen the two most essentials things are fire
and knife, which are represented by the Krittika nakshatra.
When the Dharma or Artha lord are in the Krittika
nakshatra the native will be an excellent chef. They also
love to eat hot food and especially love putting extra ghee
or butter in everything they eat.
My own mother has Krittika lagna and whenever she
cooks, oh lord has mercy, the roti and the food will have a
beautiful layer of ghee. When she makes daal she adds
spicy ghee on top when serving. She is also extremely
good with knife the way she cuts onions, garlic, chillies,
in minutes without any hastle. When I try to cook
something, I have to first wear protective glasses for the
onions and can’t stand cutting the garlic, which is why I
mostly use garlic paste.
Talking about knives, Krittika natives usually love
carrying a pocketknife or swiss knife. I’ve seen quite a few
cases wherein Mars, Ketu, or Moon are posited in this
nakshatra in the 3rd or 8th house.
On the Aries side of Krittika it gives love for playing with
fire, doing fire rituals, bonfires and even studying
elements of fire, which is electricity. The Krittika
nakshatra has a strong theme of adoption. He is the brother
of Ganesha and was born from the semen of Shiva during
love making with Paravati. Kamadeva stole a single seed
of sperm of Shiva to create a child, who would defeat the
demon monster, Tarkasur. The child was taken and
adopted by the six sisters known as the constellation of
Pleiades. This theme can always play out in Krittika
natives, they are either adopted, or raised by another
family member while being far from their biological
mother, they can even adopt children, foster children and
animals. I have seen when 11th lord is in Krittika a person
owned an exotic bird. 11th lord is the 6th from 6th, which is
the higher version of 6th house of pets. When in the 6th
house one may even have to fight a custody battle for
Such people always have to fight a battle in their lives with
strong enemy and they usually win. This is the nakshatra
of war represented by Murugan a.k.a. Kartikeya, who
ultimately became the war-commander and chief.
The chart below is of Bill Clinton who was known as
“Commander-In-Chief” for 8 years while in the White
House as United States president.

Bill Clinton
Why he is at the highest office? Moon is in the Krittika
nakshatra but the nakshatra lord Sun is in the sign of Leo
and nakshatra of Magha with mighty royal throne as a
symbol. If Sun was in another position, he could’ve been
something completely different, considering the whole
The nakshatra lord of the Moon, which is the Sun, goes
into the 12th house of bed pleasures in the nakshatra of
Magha, which is a male rat (the most sexually active
animal) they are known to die while having sex because
they have such a hunger for it. Bill Clinton has been
accused of sexual misconduct numerous times including
the famous case, which can be also seen from Rahu and
Ketu’s nakshatra placements.
You see how we looked four elements instead of just one
to understand certain things about a person; so please
never just spew out that you are lustful just because they
have Krittika, because that Krittika could be the other side
of fire, which is religious, rituals, and rites. But these
people are never shy of challenges. If you challenge them
they will accept it and will fight no matter how weak or
strong they are.
This nakshatra also gives the native a tantric tongue. Their
speech can easily influence another person. When they
talk and give a speech people are hypnotized.
Ketu in this nakshatra has known to give phobias and
anxiety even nervous breakdown.
Saturn in Krittika in the 5th house alongside Rahu can
shows one may have child via I.V.F. This again shows the
theory that the child comes in a very unusual form just like
Kamadeva took the semen of Shiva and escorted it
elsewhere. Ketu and Saturn in the 5th can also show some
abortion themes.
Krittika people also want to travel the world far more than
others, where they would make plans from an early life.
This comes from the story when Kartikeya left on a
peacock to go around the world after Shiva put out a
competition between him and Ganesha. He said whomever
goes around the world and comes back first will be the
eldest sibling; while Kartikeya left, Ganesha simply went
around his parents and said I have seen not just the world
but the entire Universe by going around my divine parents.
Shiva knowing the true wisdom of everything rewarded
Ganesha the title of the eldest. This also stir up another
thing in such people, they are always in competition with
their siblings to becomes the most favorite and try to
command them so that they look like the eldest.

Krittika is a mishra nakshtra which are great for fire
rituals, bonfire, cooking on open fire for some special day,
buying knives, swords or weapon, ribbon cutting
ceremonies, going into combat fighting, starting editing
work on a film, photo or magazine. This nakshatra is
always good to do fire rituals for ancestors, gurus, gods or
for one’s own salvation. Fire is the element that clears the
air, kills all the bacteria and viruses. The fire element is
also to elevate the soul to higher dimension because fire is
the only element that never looks down, no matter which
way you turn the burning log it will always burn upwards;
what this signifies is that soul (Sun), which is also a ball
of fire only helps us to go higher in dimension not lower.
Many Nath yogis in India always light a dhooni in front of
them because it keeps their focus on one single purpose of
life, to go up.

The caste of this nakshatra is Brahmin, which is simply
known “The Educated one”, “The knower”. Even though
this is the nakshatra of warriors and fighters, they cannot
fight for something, which is wrong, unholy and of lower
plane. They only fight for a good cause after attaining all
the knowledge around them of the circumstances related
to their battle. These folks need to be in the highest of
position like executive class, presidential, intellectuals.
There are lot of misconceptions about this caste, where it
states you must be born in this lineage to be considered a
Brahmin but just like many who misread about the Kali-
Yuga being 432,000 years, while its only 2500 human
years, this caste is given to someone, who simply attains
the highest of knowledge of this plane, which isn’t
memorizing Upanishads, Gita or Vedas but to know God
and have God realization.
Krittika natives are also extremely handsome/beautiful
due to their youthful look, just as Agni deva, the deity of
Krittika nakshatra.

Aa- pada 1, Ee- pada 2, Uu- pada 3, Aye- pada 4. Sound
has an extremely important role to play with nakshatra.
Everything we do, say, buy, wear, drive has a name attach
to it known as brand. One must look at their chart with
accurate time of birth and see where the nakshatra of
Krittika is in their chart, which means where is the sign of
Aries or Taurus depending upon pada in one’s chart. If it’s
in the 12th or 1st house as in for Taurus ascendant, then
using such brands or name that starts with such sounds
would be beneficial for one’s gain, fame, spiritual growth
and foreign journeys. It is also important to see where the
lord of the nakshatra is placed in the birth chart because
activating such names, symbols or brands in ones live will
activate that planet which rules these sounds.

On this day of Moon transiting Krittika on November 12th,
2019 I was watching a video on Youtube about Aurobindo
by Sraddhalu talking about astrology. In that video he
mentioned an example of a chef and his knife, how a good
chef sharpens his knife once a year, while bad ones sharp
it every week. I simply laughed when I heard that knowing
where Moon was transiting and the whole day I was
waiting for the Krittika theme to play out.
On January 6th, 2020 I saw a video that popped up on
Youtube on bionic legs (Ted Talk) when I saw this I
realized Krittika is about cutting things and most examples
in the presentation were the individual patients, who had
their legs amputated but the story doesn’t end there when
I saw the Moon was at 1 degree of Krittka landing in the
Shravana nakshatra in Navamsha, which shows limping
and dealing with leaps and bounds. The whole video was
on how humans are taking leaps and bounds in medical
and biomechanical technology.
I forgot the date but I saw my notes after months of
writing, where I wrote on Moon Krittika day I watched a
movie called “The Company Man”, and the whole theme
is about cutting work force, fire people and cutting people
off from their benefits.
On August 12th, 2020, after I received my Cuban Cigars
from Canada I started searching for lighters, I wanted a
nice lighter as the one I had jammed the day before. While
searching I realized its Moon Krittika day, no wonder I am
trying to search for Agni.
On November 15th, 2020 Moon was transiting 8-degree
Anuradha, opposite to that is Krittika where I suddenly
clicked on a video, which was about storing knives.
On December 26th, 2020, Moon was in Krittika and this is
something I have noticed a lot and not just this day, but
whenever Moon transited Krittika or Vishakha nakshatra
have always watched videos on wrestling and/or wrestling

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