WOIS Presentation

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1 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

• WOIS is the graphical user interface and is an abbreviation from Wärtsilä

Operator’s Interface System
• The following presentation gives a small introduction to WOIS is and how it is
• The displays and measurements are specific for different engine types. This
demonstration is for a DF engine. The values shown are simulated.
• Use the mouse pointer to navigate between the different displays by clicking on
the texts in the navigation area.

Note that only one genset (G1) is available for selection in this demonstration
• Links to more information are marked with
• To end the WOIS demonstration click on the “End” next in the left lower corner.
Clicking “Instructions” will bring you back to this slide.
• More information about WOIS can be found from the WOIS User manual.

2 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

3 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Unacknowlegded alarms
Acknowlegded alarms
Unacknowlegded and returned to normal alarms

Instructions End

4 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Unacknowlegded alarms
Acknowlegded alarms
Unacknowlegded and returned to normal alarms

Instructions End

5 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Unacknowlegded alarms
Acknowlegded alarms
Unacknowlegded and returned to normal alarms

Instructions End

6 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

7 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

8 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

9 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

10 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

11 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

12 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

13 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Genset Temp

Instructions End

14 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

15 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

16 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

17 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

18 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

19 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

20 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

21 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Instructions End

22 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Resets the alarm siren The plant status pop-up shows the
status and load situation of the
Displays hazardous alarms pop-up engines. The load is visualized using a
bar graph. The color of the bar graph
indicates the fuel used in case of a
multi-fuel engine. The pop-up also
shows the total plant output and the
ambient temperature.

23 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

The Tools pop-up menu is used for performing

central WOIS system operations, such as shutting
down the system and logging in or out. It also
provides access to basic system information.
Print screen - Prints the active display to the hardcopy printer
Save screen - Saves the active screen as a .jpg file to removable media
Restart PC - Restarts the computer
Shutdown PC - Shuts down the computer
Log in/out - Opens the login window
Computer info - Opens the computer information pop-up
Printers - Opens the printer control pop-up
Plant status - Shows/hides the plant status pop-up

The computer information pop-up

The login pop-up
The printer control pop-up

24 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

The operator can select which messages are listed in the alarm and event
displays. The messages can be shown separately for each engine and for the
common systems. In addition, the operator can choose to view only messages
of a specific type. The type of messages to be shown is selected from the system
The following options are available:
All - All events and alarms
Events - All events
Alarms - All alarms – including shutdown, tripping and sensor fault
SHD/TRP - Shutdown and tripping alarms
ALM - Alarms
SF - Sensor fault alarms
Diagn. rel. - Diagnostics related information

The options for viewing event messages are disabled in the alarm summary

25 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Summary History Archive

Enables/disables Enables/disables Saves the archive

the automatic the automatic data for the selected
scrolling to new scrolling to new day to removable
alarms alarms or events media

Acknowledges the Selects the active date

alarms selected by
the filtering

26 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

Selects the trend chart Saves the trend chart Time-axis pan
start and end time data in csv-format to
removable media Time-axis zoom

Saves the trend chart

data to removable
media in csv-format

Value-axis zoom

The measurement value at the

both help lines is shown to the
right of the plant code. Help line
from the scooters shows where in
the chart the values are located.
27 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

The measurements are grouped process-wise for each genset,

and there are also measurement groups for the common
systems. The genset or common system selection is done from
the system toolbar.

User customizable pen groups

can be saved for quick access
to special measurement

28 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

The measurements are grouped If the measurements do not fit on

process-wise for each genset, and one page, they will be split into
there are also measurement several pages.
groups for the common systems.
The genset or common system
selection is done from the system

It is possible to configure trend pens

from the instant reports by clicking on
the value of the desired

29 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo

The analogue object window shows extended

information about the measurement
Wärtsilä plant code and a description text
a real-time updating trend with the time span of one minute,
displaying the measured value in black and the alarm limit in red
the current measurement value, which is displayed in red if the alarm limit
has been exceeded
additional alarms, normally grey coloured, red if an alarm is active
alarm and shutdown limits, numerically presented
the average, minimum and maximum values calculated from 00:00:00 of the
current day

The following actions can be performed:

Display the historical trend display. The selected measurement will be assigned to the first trend pen.
Open the Notes tool for the selected measurement or object. The Notes tool is a feature in WOIS
where the operator can enter information about errors, alarms, changed sensors etc. for a specific
part or measurement.

30 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised
WOIS demo end

31 / 31 © Wärtsilä dd mmm yyyy Presentation name / Author Doc.ID: DBAB907216 Revision: - Status: Finalised

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