Research of The Biodegradability of Degradable/biodegradable Plastic Material in Various Types of Environments

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Research of the biodegradability of degradable/biodegradable plastic material

in various types of environments

Article  in  Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences · April 2017

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.1.01


3 2,174

5 authors, including:

Dana Adamcová Maja Radziemska

Mendel University in Brno Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW


Joanna Fronczyk Jan Zloch

Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Mendel University in Brno


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Green Roofs View project

Degradable/Biodegradable materials View project

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Przegl d Naukowy – In ynieria i Kszta towanie rodowiska (2017), 26 (1), 3–14

Prz. Nauk. In . Kszt. rod. (2017), 26 (1)
Scientific Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2017), 26 (1), 3–14
Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2017), 26 (1)
DOI 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.1.01


Jan ZLOCH1, Magdalena Daria VAVERKOVÁ1
Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology, Mendel University in Brno
Department of Environmental Improvement, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Department of Geoengineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

Research of the biodegradability of degradable/biodegradable

plastic material in various types of environments*

Key words: compostable bag, degradable/bio- bicki, 2014). One of the waste deposited
degradable bag, controlled composting envi- in landfill are plastic bags that involve
ronment – laboratory-scale, domestic compost adverse environmental impacts. Plastic
bin, landfill conditions bags are made of non-renewable resourc-
es (i.e. petroleum), it takes hundreds of
years to degrade, and usually contain
Introduction substances that pollute the environment
(Jakovcevic et al., 2014).
Throughout the world the pollution The most consumed synthetic poly-
of natural environment by hazardous mer is polyethylene (PE), with a current
substances is one of the most crucial global production of ca. 140 million tons
environmental problems (Bespalov et per year (Sivan, 2011). Plastics produc-
al., 2016; Wang and Yang, 2016). Indus- tion exceeds 180.109 kg per year, with
trial activity, fermentation chambers, oil a yearly increase in supply and demand.
spills, harbour, urban stormwater as well These plastics turn to solid waste after
as municipal waste landfills may cause their end of life and will accumulate in
pollution of soil (Radziemska and Fron- the environment. Hence, from an envi-
czyk, 2015; Fronczyk et al., 2016), ronmentally friendly point of view, the
groundwater (Fronczyk and Radziem- production of biodegradable plastics
ska, 2016) and air (Rozbicka and Roz- (BP) is important to reduce the accumu-
This study was supported by the IGA – Internal Grant Agency Faculty of AgriSciences MENDELU
IP 2017/021.

Research of the biodegradability... 3

lation of plastic waste in the environment Therefore it is not clear that degradable
(Iovino et al., 2008). Plastic products are plastics constitute a major technologi-
characterized as not easily degradable cal advance; in fact, overall they may
because of their relatively high stability be more harmful than helpful (Tonjes
and hydrophobic characteristics (Iovino and Greene, 2013). Just because some-
et al., 2008). Plastics are inert, durable, thing has the prefix bio- (e.g. biodiesel,
hygienic, lightweight, cheap, and malle- bioplastics and more) does not mean it is
able. However, the main environmental more environmentally friendly (Harding
disadvantage of plastics materials is that et al., 2016).
they do not readily break down in the
environment and therefore can litter the
natural environment (Mohee and Unmar, Single-use plastic bags
2007). Plastic waste is recognized as
one of the most troublesome categories Plastic bags are a common means of
of waste, and disposal of plastic waste carrying merchandise. In the European
has been blamed for shortening the life countries retailers, markets, and shops
of landfill sites (Ishigaki et al., 2004). distribute these bags – intended to be
Consequently, considerable attention used once. Many chain stores have in-
has been given to the development of troduced BP plastics and have suggested
BP materials derived from agricultural that consumers avoid conventional plas-
resources or, alternatively, to petroleum- tic shopping bags. An increasing number
-based plastics modified with degradable of products labeled with the terms envi-
additives. Biodegradable plastics can de- ronmentally friendly, degradable, bio-,
compose into carbon dioxide, methane, green-, bio-based, and biodegradable are
water, inorganic compounds or biomass being developed as promising solutions
via microbial activities within the natural to litter “simply disappearing” (Vaverk-
environment (Cho et al., 2010). More- ová et al., 2012).
over BP are designed to degrade under
environmental conditions or in munici-
pal and industrial biological waste treat- Compostable plastics
ment facilities.
Many plastics that are labeled as “Single-use” bags certified as com-
“degradable” do not decompose very postable have been appearing on the
readily, and it is not clear that litter market in recent years. Compostable
will be diminished to any great degree polymers are being promoted as envi-
through their use. In addition, because ronmentally beneficial, especially if they
not all plastics are or will be degradable, can be derived from renewable resources
user confusion is and will be common. and recovered through organic recycling
Multiple formulations mean not all de- (Vaverková et al., 2012). Biodegradable
gradable plastics address compost con- plastics, which have been designed to be
tamination, and most degradable plastics easily degraded by microorganisms and
do not address other problems associated to be absorbed by the natural environ-
with plastics waste management (WM). ment or by waste landfills, are gaining

4 D. Adamcová et al.
public endorsement as a possible alter- tion of the definition of biodegradable
native to petroleum-derived plastic (Ishi- (Sivan, 2011). It is clearly important to
gaki et al., 2004). It is important to note study the impact of these materials on
that all compostable plastics are biode- WM so to realize the truth benefit and the
gradable, but not all BP are compostable need to establish adequate waste man-
(Balaguer et al., 2015). agement system (WMS) and legislation.
In the present study, biodegradability of
commercial degradable/biodegradable
Aims and objectives materials made of HDPE and mixed with
totally degradable plastic additive (TDPA
Studies of the degradation of BP in additive) or made of PE with the addition
various types of environments have been of pro-oxidant additive (d2w additive),
carried out (Ishigaki et al., 2004; Kale advertised as 100% degradable or certi-
et al., 2006; Mohee and Unmar, 2007; fied as compostable within various types
Adamcová at al., 2013; Vaverková et al., of environments were investigated.
2014; Harding et al., 2016) and inter-
national standards for the compostable
polymers have been developed by the Material and methods
American Society for Testing and Ma-
terials (ASTM), the International Stand-
ards Organization (ISO) and the Euro- The investigated materials in all the
pean Committee for Standardization experiments: (i) controlled composting
(ECN) for evaluation of the composta- environment – laboratory-scale, (ii) real
bility of BP materials. ASTM standards, composting conditions – domestic com-
ISO standards and ECN standards allow post bin, (iii) real composting conditions
evaluation of materials under laboratory – industrial composting plant and (iv)
conditions. As such and until now, no landfill conditions, were obtained from
standard has focused on the degradabili- chain stores in Europe. Commercially
ty of degradable/biodegradable materials available bags were used in all studies
under real conditions (Kale et al., 2006). and cellulose filter paper – CFP) (with
The relatively high number of reports dimensions 0.3 mm thickness) as a posi-
describing the biodegradability of a wide tive control (reference). One of them was
range of BP may lead to the inaccurate a carrier bag or a “shopper-bag” made of
conclusion that most plastic polymers HDPE and mixed with TDPA additive.
can be readily biodegraded. In fact, in Another was a carrier bag or a “shopper-
terms of amounts, the production of the -bag” made of PE with the addition of
PE and polystyrene (PS) is, by far, great- d2w additive. One was labeled as 100%
er than that of the rest of the other plastic degradable within various periods of
compounds that are considered biode- time, from three months up to three
gradable. Furthermore, not all types of years, and bags certified as compostable.
BP plastics are destroyed completely in The investigated materials are listed in
natural environments, raising the ques- Table 1.

Research of the biodegradability... 5

TABLE 1. Degradable/biodegradable materials used in experiments
Sample Type Description
1 N/A BIO-D Plast
2 HDPE+TDPA 100% degradable
3 N/A 100% degradable
4 starch Compostable 7P0147
5 starch and polycaprolactone OK Compost AIB VINCOTTE
6 N/A Compostable 7P0202
7 natural material Compostable 7P0073
8 cellulose (blank) –

Controlled composting environment laboratory-scale test” (ISO 20200:2004).

– laboratory-scale The emphasis was put on discovering
The first test was carried out in a con- whether the bags are degradable/biode-
trolled composting environment. The bio- gradable or not (Vaverková et al., 2012).
degradation degree of the samples was
Real composting conditions –
evaluated following a modified version
domestic compost bin
of Czech National Standard SN EN
14806 ‘‘Packaging – Preliminary evalu- The second test was carried out in
ation of the disintegration of the pack- composting conditions – domestic com-
aging materials under simulated com- post bin. This study was carried out in
posting conditions in a laboratory scale order to assess biodegradability of the
test” and a modified version of Czech samples under real conditions of home
National Standard SN EN ISO 20200 composting, and to find out whether there
“Plastics – Determination of the degree were any physical changes when ex-
of disintegration of plastic materials un- posed to natural composting environment
der simulated composting conditions in (Fig. 1). The experimental samples were

FIGURE 1. Initiation of the experiment in compost bin

6 D. Adamcová et al.
placed in home compost bins and were Composting Plant in Brno (Adamcová et
checked and visually assessed during the al. 2013; Vaverková et al. 2014b).
experiment (Vaverková et al., 2014a).
Landfill conditions
Real composting conditions –
industrial composting plant The fourth test was carried out in
municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
The third test was carried out in real
conditions. Samples were placed into
composting conditions in 2011 and 2012.
frames. All samples were buried into
In both cases samples were placed into
landfill (Fig. 3). Samples were laid over
frames and inserted into one clamp with-
the surface of the landfill and then buried
in the compost pile to investigate bio-
MW to a final depth of 1 m (Adamcová
degradation (Fig. 2). Frames have been
and Vaverková, 2014).
designed and manufactured in 2011. The
research of biodegradability was car-
ried out in real conditions in the Central Results

Controlled composting environment

– laboratory-scale
The CFP completely degraded after
10 days, implying that it was fully biode-
graded and that the conditions required
for biodegradation to occur in sampling
environment were present. No break-
through in disintegration was observed
for samples made of HDPE with TDPA
additive or made of PE with d2w additive
FIGURE 2. Placement of samples in the compost or sample labeled as 100% degradable
pile (Samples 1–3). After composting period

FIGURE 3. Placement of the samples buried into landfill

Research of the biodegradability... 7

in the laboratory-scale test, the test mate- Real composting conditions –
rial still remained completely intact. The domestic compost bin
samples did not show any significant From the results obtained during the
biodegradation or visual changes and biodegradation test in domestic compost
were not broken into smaller pieces or bin, it can be concluded that the samples
easily crumbled when touched. The sur- made of HDPE with TDPA additive and
face was smooth, and there were no pin- made of PE with d2w additive or sample
holes observed on the surface after the labeled as 100% degradable (Samples 1–3)
test. The biodegradation of the certified have not decomposed, their color has not
compostable plastic bags proceeded very changed and that no degradation neither
well (Samples 4–7). After composting physical changes have occurred. Thus, the
period the different test materials seemed samples cannot be claimed to be biode-
to completely disappear. This was con- gradable. Samples certified as composta-
firmed at the end of the test. Table 2 ble have not decomposed (Samples 4–7).
presents the amounts of plastic pieces In contrast to the laboratory condi-
before (Mi) and after composting (Mr) tions, the real conditions (including home
from each reactor, as well as their cor- composting) are affected by a number of
responding disintegration degree (D). factors that cannot be influenced such as

TABLE 2. Amounts of samples before (Mi) and after composting (Mr) and disintegration degree (D)
Sample Mi [g] Mr [g] * D [%]*
1 3.45 3.7 0
2 7.02 7.5 0
3 7.03 7.2 0
4 7.01 0.03 99.6
5 7.02 0 100
6 7.01 0.009 99.9
7 7.02 0 100
8 7.02 0 100
*Mean value.

Based on this test it can be concluded air temperature, pH of the environment,

that certified compostable plastic bags water content of the compost pile, pre-
(Samples 4–7) showed complete level of cipitation etc. It is necessary to emphasize
biodegradation during the composting test. that the nature of the compost raw mate-
In contrast, test material made of HDPE rial plays an important role in polymers’
with TDPA additive and the bag made of degradation since different compost sys-
PE with d2w additive or sample labeled as tems (i.e. manure, yard, and food waste)
100% degradable (Samples 1–3) remained produce different microbiological activ-
completely intact at the end of the test. ity. All these factors can significantly af-
fect the rate and degree of degradation.

8 D. Adamcová et al.
Real composting conditions – and that no degradation neither physical
industrial composting plant changes have occurred (Fig. 4). Samples
The experimental samples were certified as compostable were decom-
placed in the compost pile and were posed. Control reference sample con-
checked and visually assessed. Research firmed that the conditions of decomposi-
in real conditions is not supported by tion were suitable during the experiment
norms, neither exist methodologies de- (Fig. 5).
scribing procedures for the research of The experiment was carried out in
decomposition of these materials in real real conditions for the first time in 2011
conditions. Up to now, no laboratory and its repetition was carried out again in
tests were capable of copying the con- 2012 in order to verify the achieved ex-
ditions of industrial composting plants. perimental results. The results confirmed
After the expiration of the experimental the findings from 2011.
period it was found out that the samples
Landfill conditions
made of HDPE with TDPA additive and
made of PE with d2w additive or sam- In the research conducted in 2012–
ple labeled as 100% degradable have not –2014 (still ongoing) experimental sam-
decomposed, their color has not changed ples were placed in the MSW landfill and

FIGURE 4. Not decomposed samples (Samples 1–3)

FIGURE 5. Decomposed samples (Samples 4–7)

Research of the biodegradability... 9

were checked and visually assessed dur- mental conditions, and the acceleration
ing the experiment. After the expiration of the degradation processes by various
of the experimental period (48 months) manipulations in order for experiments
it was found out that the samples made to be concluded timely means that deter-
of HDPE with TDPA additive and made of minations of when reactions occur under
PE with d2w additive or sample labeled as ambient conditions are often inexactly
100% degradable (Samples 1–3) have not estimated (Tonjes and Greene, 2013).
decomposed and no degradation neither The closer experiments mimic environ-
physical change have occurred (Fig. 6); mental conditions, the better the likeli-
however, their color has slightly changed. hood of timing degradation effects cor-
For the time being, the research has con- rectly (Searle, 2003), although careful
firmed that the samples do not biodegrade bench-scale tests in at least one instance
or disintegrate in landfill. Samples certi- considerably over predicted degradation
fied as compostable have decomposed measured in field experiments (Tonjes
(Samples 4–7). Control reference sample and Greene, 2013). Laboratory results
confirmed that the conditions of decom- can lead to incorrect descriptions of
position were suitable during the experi- degradation potentials, or widely vary-
ment. The CFP biodegrade after 8 months, ing estimates of environmental persist-
implying that it was fully biodegrade and ence. Thus, many manufacturers claim
that the conditions required for biodegra- their products undergo reactions faster
dation to occur in a sampling environment or more completely than they actually
were present. do. Contrarily, those observing products

FIGURE 6. An example of not decomposed samples in landfill conditions

which remain more intact in the environ-
Degradation potential of polymers is ment than product specifications outline
usually tested in laboratory experiments then fear that these products will remain
that simulate long exposure times. These undegraded for thousands of years or
processes do not exactly match environ- more (Tonjes and Greene, 2013).

10 D. Adamcová et al.
Biodegradable plastics are primarily any early plastics decay. Plastics where
intended to address composting contam- degradation is initiated by higher tem-
ination (and litter issues). Compostable peratures are more likely to start decom-
plastics require specific levels of mois- posing in most landfills. For instance,
ture and oxygen for initial reactions to landfill cover film made of PE and TDPA
occur to make the polymers consumable lost integrity in one three month trial,
by bacteria (Song et al., 2009). These and average molecular weight was re-
conditions are usually only found in duced to less than 5 kDa after 14 months
larger, industrial-commercial facilities, at another site (Swift and Wiles, 2004).
where materials are regularly turned, and Most BP that are “compostable” gener-
usually have been pre-processed often ally require moisture and oxygen for the
shredded (Kale et al., 2007a). process to proceed very far, however.
Compostable plastics under stand- Moisture may or may not be available
ard, large-scale composting practices in particular landfills or areas in land-
have been found to degrade well, with fills, but landfills generally are known
different kinds of substrates, such as yard to be lacking in oxygen. No studies of
waste, manure, and food waste (Kale et compostable plastics in landfill environ-
al., 2007b), or using different technolo- ments were located (ExcelPlas Australia,
gies, such as turned windrow or in-vessel 2004), although some starch-based plas-
(CSU Chico, 2007). These results have tics have degraded in simulated anaero-
led to endorsement of their wider use bic digesters (CSU Chico, 2007).
(Tonjes and Greene, 2013). Although all polymers will degrade
However, reports of failure to per- under certain conditions, plastics that are
form by compostable-labeled plastics in specifically designated as degradable/bio-
at-home composting environments are degradable have been manufactured to
common. Inadequate temperatures in do so in an enhanced way. Biodegradable
these smaller piles, so that the key reac- plastics are supposed to lose important
tion for degradable/biodegradable plas- materials properties within days-weeks-
tics is not initiated, are thought to be the -months after intended usage has been
reason for much of the poor results (Far- completed (Tonjes and Greene, 2013).
rington et al., 2005; Song et al., 2009).
This has reignited controversies asso-
ciated with earlier BP products, due to Conclusion
the mismatch between producer claims
and consumer experiences (Tonjes and This long-term research was carried
Greene, 2013). out in order to assess biodegradability
Replacing recalcitrant plastics with of commercial materials made of HDPE
plastics that have greater potential to de- and mixed with TDPA additive or made
grade may result in greater degradation of PE with the addition of d2w additive,
of the plastics themselves – if the degra- advertised as 100% degradable or certi-
dable plastics encounter conditions that fied as compostable within various types
result in depolymerization. Burial of UV- of environments. They were investigated
-sensitive plastics is not likely to result in under different conditions in order to

Research of the biodegradability... 11

find out whether there were any physical Balaguer, M.P., Villanova, J., Cesar, G., Gavara,
changes when exposed to different en- R. and Hernandez-Munoz, P. (2015). Com-
postable properties of antimicrobial bioplas-
vironment. The results demonstrate that tics based on cinnamaldehyde cross-linked
the materials made of HDPE and mixed gliadins. Chemical Engineering Journal,
with TDPA additive or made of PE with 262(15), 447-455.
the addition of d2w additive or advertised Bespalov, V.I., Gurova, O.S. and Samarskaya, N.S.
as 100% degradable did not biodegrade (2016). Main principles of the atmospheric
air ecological monitoring organization for
in any of the above-described conditions
urban environment mobile pollution sources.
and remained completely intact at the Procedia Engineering, 150, 2019-2024.
end of the tests. The experiments did not Cho, H.S., Moon, H.S., Kim, M., Nam, K. and
yield the anticipated results. Biodegrada- Kim, J.Y. (2010). Biodegradability and
tion of the certified compostable plastic biodegradation rate of poly(caprolactone)-
bags proceeded very well in laboratory- -starch blend and poly (butylene succinate)
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certified as compostable are not always ExcelPlas Australia, Centre for Design at RMIT,
suitable for home composting and that in and Nolan-ITU. (2004) (first released 2003).
The Impacts of Degradable Plastic Bags in
home compost bin they do not degrade. Australia. Centre for Design at RMIT, Mel-
As far as landfill environment is con- bourne, Australia. Available at: http://tuiserv-
cerned, the research is still in progress.
All test specimens will be analyzed after Farrington, D.W., Lunt, J., Davies, S. and Black-
the end of the experiments using con- burn, R.S. (2005). 6-Poly (lactic acid) fibers.
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Research of the biodegradability... 13

search was carried out in order to assess bio- laboratory-scale conditions and in real com-
degradability of degradable/biodegradable posting conditions – industrial composting
materials made of HDPE and mixed with plant, however, these materials did not bio-
totally degradable plastic additive (TDPA degrade in real composting conditions – do-
additive) or made of polyethylene (PE) with mestic compost bin and landfill conditions.
the addition of pro-oxidant additive (d2w
additive), advertised as 100% degradable
or certified as compostable within various Authors’ addresses:
types of environments. Research conditions Dana Adamcová, Jan Zloch,
were: (i) controlled composting environ- Magdalena Daria Vaverková
ment – laboratory-scale, (ii) real composting Mendel University in Brno
conditions – domestic compost bin, (iii) real Faculty of AgriSciences
composting conditions – industrial compost- Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology
ing plant and (iv) landfill conditions. The Zem d lská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
results demonstrate that the materials made e-mail:
of HDPE and mixed with totally degradable
plastic additive (TDPA additive) or made of
polyethylene (PE) with the addition of pro- Maja Radziemska, Joanna Fronczyk
-oxidant additive (d2w additive) or adver- Szko a G ówna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego
tised as 100% degradable did not biodegrade Wydzia Budownictwa i In ynierii rodowiska
in any of the above-described conditions and ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warszawa
remained completely intact at the end of the Poland
tests. Biodegradation of the certified com- e-mail:
postable plastic bags proceeded very well in

14 D. Adamcová et al.

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