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·What is a business plan?

-A business plan is a written document plan for a company, especially a start-up

company, for the definition of their goals and the way to achieve them. From marketing,
finance, and operations, the plan for the company is drawn up and includes a company's
core business activities, objectives, and how it plans to achieve its goals.
-The purpose is to allow investors to quickly understand our products and let the other
party know what value our products can create and what benefits the other party can get.
In addition, by writing a business plan, project stakeholders can sort out the context of
the project and improve their knowledge and understanding of the project.
-the standard business plan format includes these 10 basic elements: The overview,
executive summary; general company description; the opportunity; industry and market;
your strategy; the team; a marketing plan; operational plan; financial plan and the

Among these 10 basic elements, we focus on the following four points to analyze
whether ProTag’s advertisements are all involved and effectively convey information to

(a). The opportunity, industry and market

They can help determine pricing, distribution and promotion strategies and indicate
the growth potential of the industry. Begin market analysis by defining the size and
structure of the market, growth prospects, trends and sales potential.

(b). The strategy

Strategy is to determine the direction of the business to be carried out and the overall
goal set. It is a process includes defining the market ,projecting market
share,positioning the business,pricing ,distribution, promotion plan and sales
(c). The team
Let investors understand the overall strength of the management team and believe
that your company is trustworthy and has development prospects.
(d). Marketing plan
This part usually analyze the current market situation to show the broad market for
the project and prove your company has sufficient strength and has an absolute
advantage compared to other competitors.

our team analyzed the advantages and disadvantages based on these five elements
from ProTag’s ads.

1). The opportunity: They found the market gap in this industry, because The traditional
methods of treating wounds are bandages and iodine, and the creative point of this
advertisement is to upgrade the traditional methods. The bandage becomes an
antibacterial bandage, and ordinary iodine is also transformed into a super-oxidized
solution without harmful preservatives.
2).Industry and market: In the same industry, what are the competitive advantages of this
product? +Who are the main customers of the product (hospitals, pharmacies, military)
The development trend of the target market-start a green economy, effective defense,
safe and non-toxic wound dressing.


(a):indirect channels strategy (selling by hospital, phamarcy,military).

According to go through intermediate links, the resources, relationships and
experience of the middlemen can be used by the manufacturers. This can
simplify transactions, reduce consumption time, and improve the efficiency of
buying and selling. Focus on optimizing products, developing production, and
making better products to promote sales.

(b)Price strategy: The video did not mention in detail how to price the product,
but according to the sales volume in the United States in 2020, it can be
known that the price is reasonable and acceptable.

1). The team: There is no mention of the "pro-tag" product team in the entire ad. So
do they have an operation team to manage and operate it reasonably? If it is simply
an innovation sold in the market, it is obviously an unqualified business plan. Then
this team should include departments, department managers, employees and
candidates for any position.
2)Marketing plan: The details of the marketing plan are not specifically mentioned in
the video.The main business objectives are not clear enough that we are unable to
evaluate the phased performance.

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