Final Project - Graphic Organizer: Name: Mohid Yamin Class/Section: F

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Class/Section: F


“The joker is barely a comic book movie at all, more a grim character
study of snowballing defeat and humiliation, with no silver lining or
caped crusader on the horizon.”- The Guardian. The joker is said to be
in the early 1980s, but it constantly connects itself to our wacky
present. The Joker is set around the life of our so-called villain or
unsung hero, it’s still a debate that can be talked about for years. In
the beginning of the movie, Fleck starts off as a modest but distressed
personality. Fleck strived to be a standup comedian in his life and he
thought he could bring bliss and happiness to the world through his
comedy. However, life debunks him from his belief. We can actually
support our statement that the Joker was a modest person in the
beginning because in the bus, when he hands the woman a card that
says, “I have a condition”. This means that the Joker actually cared
enough to give people an explanation to why he laughed like a
maniac. They show that the Joker really cares about his mom and he
loses his job but he still goes home and bathes his mother. The Joker
does not really know anything about his past other then that his
mother is mentally ill. He decides to go to the hospital and research
on his mother’s past. He then finds out that his mother was being
blamed for her condition, she was being called delusional and
narcissistic. He then finds out that his mother was right about Thomas
Wayne and he finds out the reason why his mother was so obsessed
with Thomas Wayne. This really hurts the Joker and he goes to meet
Thomas Wayne but he instead meets his brother, Bruce Wayne. He
then goes back to the hospital and kills his mother to end her misery.
The Joker is then portrayed as a lunatic who goes around and kills
people such as the kids in the subway and his colleague and in the end
he kills the man he looked up to, Murray Franklin. A revolt starts in
Gotham city and the general public start supporting and sympathizing
with the Joker. The Joker in the end of the movie is shown as a hero
to the people and a villain for the system.

Thesis Statement
It breaks my heart to see what Joker writes in his notebook, he wrote
“The worst part of having a mental illness is that people expect you to
behave as if you don’t.” This shows that Fleck knew in the beginning
that he was mentally ill and the world was not treating him well until he
lost his moral sense.

The Joker was a psychopath.
We see that one Joker kills one of this co-worker but lets the other
one go saying “You were always nice to me.”
Now some people may say that a joker as a nice person to let his
other coworker go but that’s just because he did not care about the
consequences. The Joker’s morals were bent because even though his
co-worker snitched on him, killing him was not the right way to go

The Joker kills his mother.
The Joker kills his mother because everyone around him let him down
and he felt a sense of betrayal from his own mother because she
keeps the past a secret from him all his life. Fleck’s mother after being
released lost her care for Fleck and he was abused all his life. Fleck
actually believed that if he showed people what was going on, people
would actually care for him and help him. He killed his mother
because all his life she had said that Thomas Wayne was a good man
and Thomas Wayne punched Fleck in the face when he met him.
Fleck’s mother asked him to be happy all his life but she never really
did anything for him instead of giving him false hope and showing him
the unreal. This made him angry to the extent of killing her. Even
though his mother was wrong about something’s but in the end she
was the person who gave birth to him and killing her was not an act
that can be committed by a good person. KILLING CAN NEVER BE

The Joker kills Murray.
Murray was the Joker’s role model and the Joker really looked up to
him and wanted to be a comedian like him. The joker was his fan boy.
He went to his show and tried to deliver some of his jokes that he
wrote. He thought they were funny and related to his personal life,
but Murray ended up making fun of him and when the Joker’s clip
went viral over the TV, Murray uses him as an object just to get views.
He shows The Joker’s clip and it made him feel very hurt and angry at
the same time.
Even though what Murray did was wrong and unjust but, Murray did
not know anything about Joker’s personal life and his past. If we step
in Murray’s shoes and look at this from his point of view, he did not
do very wrong. In the end he wanted his show to get more views. The
Joker really felt that and took it against him as he had lost his senses
already and ends up killing Murray. This isn’t justified as well as I have
said this before that killing is not an option and it can never be

Was the Joker really a psychopath or a sociopath?
The Joker is definitely a psychopath as he really had no conscience
and self-control left. The Joker really was a walking dead person with
no good left inside him as he went around killing people with no
When Murray asks the Joker that, “So you really think killing those
kids is funny?” and the Joker replies with a “YES” it really shows that
the Joker was a psychopath with no shame left inside him.

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