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[Unit 4] The Great Visionaries (Questions And Answers)

Q.1: Why was Quaid-e-Azam called an Ambassador of the Hindu-Muslim unity?

Ans: The Quaid-e-Azam wanted to bring the Hindus and the Muslims closer and nearer. He worked
sincerely for the unity of them. That's why he was called 'The Ambassador of the Hindu-Muslim unity.
Q.2: How was the Quaid-e-Azam looking forward to Pakistan?
Ans: The Quaid-e-Azam was sure that with the support and cooperation of the people, Pakistan could
became one of the greatest nations of the world.
Q.3: What was Quaid-e-Azam's vision about the different communities?
Ans: After Pakistan came into being in 1947, Quaid-e-Azam repeatedly promised complete equality to
all the citizens. Quaid-e-Azam's vision about the different communities is unambiguous which were:
1. The state would be completely impartial to religion of the individual.
2. The state where every citizen would be equal and there would be no distinction between citizen on
the basis of faith or caste or creed.
Q.4: What do you know about the academic achievement of Allama Iqbal?
Ans: After completing his early education in his home town, Sialkot, Allama lqbal went to Government
College, Lahore in 1895. He passed M.A. in 1899 from the university of Punjab. In 1905, he left for
England for higher studies and got a law degree from London. In 1908, Munich University awarded
him Ph.D. degree for his work on Persian Philosophy.
Q.5: What was Allama lqbal's political role in the creation of Pakistan?
Ans: Allama Iqbal took an active part in politics and worked for the Muslims of South Asia
courageously. He was elected president of the Punjab' branch of the All India Muslim League. In his
presidential address of Muslim League meeting at Allahabad in 1930, he made a definite demand for
a separate state of the Muslims of South Asia.
Q.6: What were the main points of Allama lqbal's address of 1930 at Allahabad?
Ans: (i) India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, whose behaviour is not
governed by a common race feeling.
(ii) The principle of European democracy thus can not be applied to India.
(iii) I would like to see the Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan united under a single Muslim state
because the Muslims are anxious to have a separate state.
Q.7: What did Allama lqbal say about Islam in his presidential address in 1930?
Ans: Allama lqbal said, "I have learnt one lesson from the history of the Muslims. At difficult moments
in their history it is Islam that has saved Muslims and not Muslims that have saved Islam. If today you
put your faith in Islam, you will become strong and united once again and save yourselves from
complete destruction".
Q.8: Why did Allama lqbal want a separate state for the Muslims of India? Why did Allama
lqbal demand for Pakistan?
Ans: Allama lqbal was fully aware of the problems of Indian Muslims. He knew very well that the
Hindus would never allow them to develop freely. He wanted to save Muslims from the rule of non-
Muslims. The Muslims awoke from their sleep as a result of lqbal's efforts.
Q.9: How did Quaid-e-Azam praise Allama lqbal's role in a message on his death?
Ans: The Quaid-e-Azam said, "To me he was a friend, a guide and a philosopher and during the
darkest moments through which the Muslim League had to go, he stood like a rock."
The Quaid-e-Azam appreciated his services for Pakistan whole-heatedly.
Q.10: How was Pakistan Resolution passed?
Ans: The Muslims awoke from their sleep as a result of lqbal's efforts. They all wanted a separate
Muslim state. The Muslim League representing the whole of Muslim of India met in Lahore and
passed a resolution on March 23, 1940. A separate state for the Muslims of India was demanded in
Lahore Resolution. This resolution is now known as the Pakistan Resolution.
[Unit 5] Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes (Questions And Answers)
Q.1: What are the most common diseases caused by mosquito bites?
Ans: The most common diseases caused by mosquito bites are malaria, dengue and
Q.2: Which specific part of the body becomes highly infected in Cerebral
Ans: Brain becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria.
Q.3: What can lead to severe liver infection when one has malaria?
Ans: The malaria parasite infects the red blood cells until they burst. Then, the newly
developed plasmodium from the burst red blood cells spreads and infects more red
blood cells throughout the body, thus killing all the cells. This can lead to severe liver
Q.4: How is the immune system affected through dengue?
Ans: Once the dengue virus enters the body it circulates around the body, attacking
white blood cells and other antibodies, thus affecting Wear clothes that will keep you
fully covered.
• Use net coverings.
• Live in hygienic surroundings.
• Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in
uncovered buckets, pots, cans, or other things.
• Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or any one of the natural repellant products.
• Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
• Seek medical help as soon as possible.
Q.5: How often can one get infected with chikungunya? Why?
Ans: One can get infected with chikungunya only one time. Once one recovers from
this infection, one is immune to it for the rest of one's life.
Q.6: Which two of the three diseases have similar symptoms? What are these?
Ans: Both chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease
processes. The symptomms of these disease are fever, skin rashes, body pain, and
Q.7: How often does one have fever and chills when one has malaria?
Ans: After one has infected from malaria, these symptoms i.e. fever and chills usually
occur every two days.
Q.8: How do all these diseases affect our life?
Ans: All these diseases affect a person's health. They affect the quality of one's work
because it takes some time to recover from the weakness caused by them.
Q.9: How can we protect ourselves from these three diseases?
Ans: There are no vaccines or medical ways to prevent these diseases, we can protect
ourselves from these diseases by taking precaution.
Q.10: What should we do if we want to recover quickly from these diseases?
Ans: If we want to recover quickly from these diseases, we should seek immediate
medical help when we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they
are treated the quicker is the recovery.

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