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WooCommerce is a Wordpress plugin that facilitates the creation of an online store integrated to
the current site. So that your customers can pay through PayU from your Wordpress site using
WooCommerce, you must install PayU’s plugin for WooCommerce, which notifies PayU’s presence
as a valid payment gateway to WooCommerce.

1. Having an account in PayU Latam.
2. Have Wordpress 3.8 or higher installed.
3. Have WooCommerce version 2.0 or higher installed on the Wordpress site.

Installing PayU’s plugin for WooCommerce:

1. Login as administrator to your Wordpress site.

2. Download PayU’s plugin for WooCommerce which you will find on this page.

3. On the Wordpress desktop manager you must access the "Plugins" menu and you should
click "Add New”.
4. Then select "Upload" option and choose the file that contains PayU’s plugin for
WooCommerce , which you already downloaded. Click the "Install Now".

5. Indicate the FTP connection data and select the “Execute” button.

NOTE: The execution of this step depends on the initial configuration of Wordpress, it is
possible that in some cases you will not see this screen; this does not affect the installation
process of the plugin.
6. Finally activate PayU’s plugin which you just installed.

Setup of PayU Latam’s payment Gateway in WooCommerce :
1. Select the WooCommerce menu in the "Settings" option.

2. Enter the "Checkout" tab, placing the cursor on the “PayU Latam” gateway from the
“Payment Gateways" table, you must make a sustained click and drag the gateway to the
first position of the table. Select it as default, selecting the radio button of the "Default"
column and save the changes.
3. After saving the changes you must click on the “PayU Latam” link :

4. On the screen below, configure your account details in PayU Latam as follows:

Field Value
Enable/Disable Select the checkbox to indicate that you enable
the WooCommerce payment gateway.
Title By default “PayU Latam” appears. If you want
you can change it.
Merchant ID Shop’s PayU Latam ID.
Account ID Account ID by country.
API key This is provided by PayU Latam and is unique
for the shop.
Gateway’s URL URL of PayU Latam. To test you can use the
web-gateway URL and for production
Transactions in test mode If you want to make transactions in test mode,
activate the checkbox
Response page URL of the response page. By default the
content/plugins/WooCommerce -payu-
latam/response.php URL appears, in which you
must replace
“” by the one
corresponding to your site. Leave the rest of the
URL as is if you want to use the response page
that comes built into PayU Latam’s plugin for
WooCommerce .

Note: If your response page is not working, it is

useful to validate that the URL is in the same
location where is the response.php file.
Confirmation page URL of the response page. By default the
content/plugins/WooCommerce -payu-
latam/response.php URL appears, in which you
must replace “” by the
one corresponding to your site. Leave the rest
of the URL as is if you want to use the response
page that comes built into PayU Latam’s plugin
for WooCommerce .

Note: If your confirmation page is not working, it

is useful to validate that the URL is in the same
location where is the confirmation.php. file.
(Test URL:

5. Save the changes at the end.

Now your customers can pay through PayU Latam using the WooCommerce shopping cart.
WooCommerce will redirect the client to PayU Latam’s payment gateway.

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