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Midterm Assessment Assignment Spring 2021

Course Title: Training and Development Course Code: HRM 660
Class: BBA (7) (A & B) Instructor: Farwa Abbas
Submission: 21st May 2021 Max Marks: 12.5
Student’s Name: ____________________ Reg. No: _________

Paper A
Assignment Guidelines by the Teacher

 Assignment Submission: Manuscript / Computer Typed / Optional
 Any other as per nature of the subject: Be brief and to the point.
 Caution: Plagiarism and sharing-similarity come under the use of unfair means, if found in
response by the students, shall be dealt with in accordance with BU examination rules.
 Viva will be conducted after 1 hour of the exam or as per the instructor’s instruction.
 It is an open book paper.

Q1. Choose one of the below listed companies to research. Visit the company’s website, use a web
search engine, or look for references to the company in publications or career portal. Prepare a one-
page review report based on your research answering the following two questions. (5)

a. Identify the company’s mission, values, and goals.

b. Find any information provided in the report regarding the company’s training practices
and how they relate to the goals and strategies.

- Habib Bank Limited ( )

- Engro Pakistan ( )
- Coca- Cola (
us/learning-and-development )

Q2. When the Ritz-Carlton Company took over managing the Portman Hotel in Shanghai, China, the
new management reviewed the Portman’s strengths and weaknesses and its fast improving local
competitors. They decided that to compete, they had to improve the hotel’s level of service.
Achieving that in turn meant formulating new human resource management plans for hiring, training,
and rewarding hotel employees. It meant putting in place a new human resource strategy for the
Portman Hotel, one aimed at improving customer service. Their HR strategy involved taking these

●● Strategically, they set the goal of making the Shanghai Portman outstanding by offering
superior customer service.

●● To achieve this, Shanghai Portman employees would have to exhibit new skills and
behaviors, for instance, in terms of how they treated and responded to guests.

a. To produce these employee skills and behaviors, management needs to implement new
human resource management plans, policies, and procedures. You are required to advise is
training the solution to the problem? (3.5)

Q3. Identify which learning theory has been applied in designing the following training sessions.
Prove your answer with reasoning. (4)

The first-line manager course at Hilal Incorporation focuses on soft skills as well as
human resource (HR) policies, discipline, and supervision using instructor-led training
with video presentations and role-playing. The course includes real life scenarios based on
actual situations that have occurred in its facilities. The program also includes on-the-job
training in which trained and qualified subject matter experts (SMEs) teach tasks and
************************************ good luck************************

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