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Original Article

Mechanical Performance of a Newly Developed Glass Hybrid

Restorative in the Restoration of Large MO Class 2 Cavities
ZB Kutuk, C Ozturk, FY Cakir, S Gurgan

Department of Restorative Objective: To evaluate the mechanical properties of a glass hybrid  (GH)

Dentistry, School of
Dentistry, Hacettepe
restorative system  (EQUIA Forte/GC) and compare it with a microhybrid
University, Ankara, Turkey composite  (G‑aenial Posterior/GC) by compressive strength  (CS) and fracture
resistance  (FR) tests. Materials and Methods: Cylindrical specimens were
subjected to a CS test  (n  =  12). There were about 48 mandibular molars were
used for a FR test and divided into four groups: Group  1  (positive control),
sound teeth; Group  2  (negative control), extended size Class  2 cavities prepared
on the mesial surfaces of teeth; Group  3, extended size Class  2 cavities restored
with a composite; and Group  4, extended size Class  2 cavities restored with
GH. Specimens were subjected to loading until a fracture occurred. Data were
analyzed statistically  (α = 0.05). Results: The fracture modes were examined by
scanning electron microscope  (SEM). The CS values of the composite and GH
were 278.20  ±  17.34 MPa and 164.62  ±  25.72 MPa, respectively  (P  <  0.05).
No differences were observed between the FR of restored groups  (P  >  0.05).
Conclusions: The GH exhibited sufficient mechanical properties as a restorative
material, and could be preferred for extensive caries lesions on posterior teeth.

Date of Acceptance: Keywords: Composite resin, compressive strength, fracture resistance,

23-Feb-2019 glass hybrid

Introduction and occlusal forces. The compressive strength and

fracture resistance are considered to be good indicators
T he primary cause of tooth damage is dental caries
or cavities. Conservatively, in recent years the
treatment of primary or secondary caries has involved
for simulating the masticatory forces encountered in
the mouth. The compressive test aims to evaluate the
the use of composite resins for the placement of posterior material’s resistance to vertical stresses as well as the
permanent tooth restorations particularly because of its occlusal forces during function, and would be a more
better esthetic properties and the general concerns about important property for understanding the durability
the limitations of amalgam.[1,2] of posterior restorations which encounter higher
masticatory loads.[9] However, fracture resistance is
Since tooth tissue loss is an irreversible process, the also an essential factor that affects cracking of the
least invasive technique should be considered as the restorations under heavy loading. The experimental and
first therapeutic choice. The life span of a restoration, theoretical efforts have been made to relate the strength
known as service life or length of service, defines the of a material to its fracture resistance in addition to the
longevity of the restored tooth unit and is multifactorial. structural parameters.[10]
It depends on the patient, operator (dentist), and material
related properties.[3‑6] The amount of residual tooth tissue Address for correspondence: Dr. ZB Kutuk,
is also of paramount importance.[6‑8] Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry,
Hacettepe University, Ankara ‑ 06100, Turkey.
The posterior direct tooth‑colored restorative materials E‑mail:
should have adequate strength to resist masticatory This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as
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DOI: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_628_18
How to cite this article: Kutuk ZB, Ozturk C, Cakir FY, Gurgan S.
Mechanical performance of a newly developed glass hybrid restorative
PMID: ******* in the restoration of large MO Class 2 cavities. Niger J Clin Pract

© 2019 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 833

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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

Hybrid composite resins are considered to be the Materials and Methods

“gold standard,” and three‑step or two‑step agents are The Human Research Ethics Committee of the university
recommended as gold standard adhesives.[7] The Academy approved this study with process no: GO 17/406‑06.
of Operative Dentistry‑European Section  (AODES)
also suggests the use of microhybrid or nanohybrid Materials selected for this study included a microhybrid
composite resins with a minimum of 60% filler load by composite resin  (G‑ænial Posterior/GP) and a GH
volume to restore the lost tooth structure.[11] restorative system  (EQUIA Forte/EF). The GH
restorative system was assessed with a nanofilled resin
In contrast to composite resins, conventional glass coating  (EQUIA Forte Coat). Details of the materials
ionomers  (GIs), have traditionally been considered used in this study are shown in Table 1.
inferior restorative materials. While GIs traditionally
have been tagged as temporary materials not suitable Compressive Strength Test: Specimens for compressive
for permanent restorations, and have mainly been strength  (CS) test were prepared using a customized
placed temporarily over residual lesions since their Teflon mold 8 mm in height and 4 mm in diameter. The
limited flexural strength does not allow for their Teflon mold was placed on a glass plate, and the bottom
use to permanently restore extended cavities, recent surface was covered with a Mylar strip  (S.S. White
meta‑analytical findings have emphasized that highly Limited, Middx, England).
viscous GIs are not obviously inferior to the current gold A G‑ænial Posterior composite resin was placed with
standard (amalgam).[2] Highly viscous GIs are constantly 2 mm layers in a Teflon mold in four steps, and each layer
being enhanced to improve their clinical handling, was polymerized using a light emitting diode  (LED)
and performance in order to be increasingly used in light device  (1400  mW/cm2)  (Starlight S, Mectron
restorative dentistry as a permanent restorative.[12] SpA, Carasco, Italy) for a 20s curing time. The upper
The recent advances in this material class, however, surface of the last layer was covered with a Mylar strip
have widened the indication spectrum of GIs, and one to prevent the formation of an oxygen inhibition layer,
very recent development was the introduction of glass and constant pressure was applied with a 1 mm thick
hybrid  (GH)  (EQUIA Forte), which is a bulk‑fill highly microscope glass. Then, the pieces of the mold were
viscous GI reinforced with ultrafine, reactive glass carefully removed, and cylindrical specimens  (4  mm Ø,
particles forming a GH restorative, and has been promoted 8 mm height, n = 12) were obtained.
as amalgam alternative.[13] This reinforced GI contains
a second smaller and more reactive silicate particle EQUIA Forte specimens for CS test were prepared
and higher‑molecular‑weight acrylic acid molecules according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The capsule
which supposedly increase matrix cross‑linking. This, was tapped on its side on a hard surface to loosen the
in turn, is thought to improve the material’s flexural powder; then, to activate the capsule, the plunger was
strength. Covering these restorations with a resin layer is pushed until it was flush with the main body, and the
supposed to further improve wear resistance and esthetic capsule was immediately placed into a capsule applier
appearance.[14] Although the long‑term successful and the lever was clicked once. The capsule was mixed
performance of restorative GI systems in the restoration with an automixer  (Coxo Medical Instrument Co., Ltd,
of Class 1 and conservative (small size) Class 2 cavities Guangdong, China), and then applied to the Teflon
was demonstrated by clinical studies,[15,16] it remains mold. The upper surface was covered with a Mylar strip,
unclear if GH may truly be used to restore large size and constant finger pressure was applied for the duration
Class  2 cavities, since the fracture resistance of teeth of the setting process  (2  min, 30s). When the setting
restored with GH is unknown. was completed, the EQUIA Forte Coat was applied to
the top surfaces of the GH specimens using micro‑tip
Therefore, the present in vitro study aimed to assess the
applicators without air blowing and light cured for 20s.
compressive strength and fracture resistance of a GH
restorative system and a microhybrid composite resin The CS of tested materials were evaluated in ambient
and to compare the mechanical performance of these air (23 ± 1°C) according to ISO 9917‑1:2007.[17] The test
materials in large Class  2 cavities on molar teeth. The was carried after 24h water storage at 37°C. The CS was
first hypothesis was that the GH restorative material determined by loading in using a universal mechanical
would have significantly lower compressive strength testing machine  (Universal Testing Machine, Mod
than the microhybrid composite resin, and the second Dental, Ankara, Turkey) at a crosshead speed of 1  mm/
hypothesis was that GH restorative material would min until specimen failure. The fracture load was noted
not adequately ensure fracture resistance in large size for each sample. The CS was calculated according to
Class 2 cavities of molar teeth. equation[18] CS = 4 F/(π D2)

834 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice  ¦  Volume 22  ¦  Issue 6  ¦  June 2019
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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

where CS is the compressive strength; F is the maximum phosphoric acid gel  (GLUMA Etch 35 Gel, Heraeus
applied load in Newton  (N), and D is the diameter of Kulzer, Hanau, Germany) for 15s, rinsed with water,
the specimen in mm. and gently air‑dried. The universal adhesive G‑Premio
Bond  (GC Corp., Tokyo, Japan) was applied to the
Fracture Resistance Test: There were about 48
cavity walls for 10s and then spread with maximum
extracted human lower first molars for periodontal or
compressed air for 5s. The adhesive layer was light‑cured
orthodontic reasons were selected according to their
for 10s. Microhybrid composite resin (G‑ænial Posterior)
mesial‑distal  (mean  ±  SD  =  11.27  ±  0.13  mm) and
was placed in several consecutive 2 mm‑thick oblique
buccal‑lingual width  (mean  ±  SD  =  10.11  ±  0.14  mm),
increments. Each increment was light cured from the
with a maximum deviation of 0.2  mm from the means
occlusal surface for 20s. After removal of the matrix,
in each dimension set as the limit. Teeth were cleaned
the restorations were finished with a series of Soflex
in 5.25% NaOCl for five min and examined for defects.
discs (Optidisc, Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland).
The root surface of each tooth was coated with a
layer of liquid latex separating material  (Rubber‑Sep, The prepared cavities in Group 4 were rinsed with water
Kerr, Orange, CA) prior to embedding to mimic and air‑dried with an air/water syringe. After application
the periodontal ligament, and then the specimens of a contoured matrix band, the cavity surfaces were
were embedded in methacrylate resin  (SC, Imicryl, treated with 20% polyacrylic acid  (Cavity Conditioner,
Konya, Turkey) at 2.0  mm from the cementoenamel GC Corp.) for 10s, rinsed with water, and air‑dried.
junction (CEJ) using a gauge to simulate the bone level. The GH restorative system was prepared the same as
the CS test and applied to the cavities. The restorations
The teeth were divided randomly into four
were finished as in Group  3, and then the coating
groups  (n  =  12): Group  1: positive control, intact,
agent (EQUIA Forte Coat, GC Corp.) was applied using
unprepared, and unrestored teeth; Group  2:
the micro‑tip applicators without air blowing and light
mesio‑occlusal  (MO) cavities, prepared and unrestored;
cured for 20s.
Group  3: MO cavities prepared and restored with
microhybrid composite resin  (G‑Premio Bond/G‑ænial The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24h and
Posterior); and Group  4: MO cavities prepared and thermo‑cycled  (Thermo‑cycle Machine, Mod Dental)
restored with GH restorative system (EQUIA Forte). for 10.000  cycles at 5°C and 55°C with each cycle
corresponding to a 20s bath at each temperature with
Standardized large size Class  2 MO cavities were
a 5s dwell time. Afterwards, all prepared specimens
prepared by the same trained operator to eliminate
were tested for fracture resistance, using a universal
inter‑operator differences under water cooling.
loading device  (Universal Testing Machine, Mod
A high‑speed handpiece with a flat end cylinder diamond
Dental).[19] Each test was performed at a cross‑head
bur  (10‑4  mm, #835, Diatech, Coltène/Whaledent AG,
speed of 1 mm/min, and load was applied using a
Altstätten, Switzerland) was used to prepare cavities in
5  mm diameter stainless‑steel ball‑shaped stylus. The
Group 2, 3, and 4.
ball‑shaped stylus should contact the inclined planes
As recommended by the manufacturer of EQUIA Forte, of the buccal and lingual cusps beyond the margins
the proximal cavity boundaries were placed 1.0‑1.5  mm of the restorations. A Mylar strip was placed between
distance from the cusp peaks [Figure 1]. The isthmus the specimen and the stylus to avoid local stress
width was larger than 1/3 of the intercuspal space, and concentration by dispersing the load. The peak load to
the occlusal portion cavity depth was 2.5 mm. The axial fracture was recorded in N for each specimen, and the
wall in the mesial proximal box was prepared to a depth mean was calculated for each group.
of 2  mm, and the gingival margin was placed 1.5  mm
The fracture types seen in the specimens were
above the CEJ. The cavosurface margins were prepared
evaluated under a stereomicroscope  (Leica MZ 16A,
at 90°, and all the internal lines and point angles were
Leica Microsystems, Switzerland), and classified in
rounded. The depth and width of the cavities were
two forms. The first classification was made according
checked using a scaled periodontal probe  (instrument
to repairability: (1) a restorable fracture above the
number 23/UNC 15; Hu Friedy, Chicago, IL, USA). The
CEJ means that, in case of fracture, the tooth can be
cavity design with dimensions is shown in Figure 2.
re‑restored by restoration;  (2) a non‑restorable fracture
The prepared cavities in Group  3 were rinsed with extends below the CEJ and the tooth is likely to be
water and air‑dried with an air/water syringe. After extracted.[20] The second classification is based on
application of a contoured matrix band (Hawe Tofflemire the surface of the fracture:  (1) adhesive  +  cohesive in
Contoured Matrices, Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland), the restoration, the type of fracture in which the restoration
enamel surfaces were acid‑etched selectively with 35% breaks and separates from the dental tissue;  (2)

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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

adhesive + cohesive in restoration + cohesive in the The fracture resistance values for the four groups
tooth, the type of fracture in which fracture of the tooth are presented in Table  3. There was a statistically
is seen when the restoration is broken and separated significant difference among the groups according to
from the dental tissue;  (3) cohesive in tooth, the type the Kruskal‑Wallis test  (P  <  0.05). The highest mean
of fracture that can only be seen in the teeth; and  (4) fracture resistance value was seen in the positive
cohesive in restoration, the type of fracture that can only control group  (977.99  ±  92.79 N). This value was
be seen in restoration.[21] significantly higher than the mean fracture resistance
value of the negative control  (418.48  ±  36.91 N)
Scanning Electron Microscope  (SEM)  (JSM‑6400
and the EQUIA Forte restored  (841.88  ±  74.57 N)
Scanning Electron Microscope, Jeol Ltd, Tokyo, Japan)
groups (P < 0.05). The lowest mean fracture resistance value
images were taken of selected specimens from each
was found in the negative control group  (418.48  ±  36.91
group, and their fracture types were investigated at 15×,
N), which was statistically lower than the positive
50×, and 200×. Surface characteristics of the tested
control group  (977.99  ±  92.79 N) and G‑ænial Posterior
materials in the study were also investigated under SEM
restored (961.87 ± 46.04 N) groups (P < 0.05).
at 250×, 500×, and 1000×.
Pair‑wise comparison of the test groups with the Tukey
All statistical calculations were performed using the
HSD test are shown in Table 4. There is no statistically
SPSS software program  (SPSS 20.0 for Windows/
significant difference between the mean values of the
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) at a α = 0.05 confidence
fracture resistance of the groups restored using G‑ænial
interval. Since, the Kolmogorov‑Simirnov test indicated
Posterior and EQUIA Forte (P = 0.239).
that the compressive strength data did not follow normal
distribution in any of the groups, the non‑parametric Fracture types and their percentage distributions of
Mann‑Whitney U test was utilized for the comparison. the specimens in the groups subjected to restoration
The differences between the groups were evaluated by after the fracture resistance test are given in Figure  3.
the Kruskal Wallis test, and pair‑wise comparisons were Different fracture types of teeth restored with
performed using the Tukey HSD  (honestly significant
difference) test in the analysis of fracture resistance

Table  2 summarizes the CS values for the tested
materials. According to the Mann‑Whitney U test
results following the Kolmogorov‑Smirnov test, the CS
values of the materials were found to be statistically a
different. The microhybrid composite resin  (G‑ænial
Posterior)  (278.20  ±  17.34 MPa) showed significantly
higher mean CS values than the GH  (EQUIA
Forte) (164.62 ± 25.72 MPa) (P < 0.001).

b c

d e
Figure 2: Standardized large size Class 2 MO cavity preparation and
corresponding measurements. (a) General view of the cavity from occlusal
side. (b) The gingival margin was placed 1.5 mm above to the CEJ. (c) The
axial wall height was approx. 2.5 mm. (d) The occlusal portion cavity
depth was 2.5 mm. (e) The axial wall in the mesial proximal box was
Figure 1: The schematic view of the extended size MO Class 2 cavity prepared to a depth of 2 mm

836 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice  ¦  Volume 22  ¦  Issue 6  ¦  June 2019
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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

a b
Figure 3: Percentage distributions of fracture types of the specimens
according to 2 classified forms (repairability and fracture surface)

c d
Figure 4: Examples of different fracture types on teeth restored
a b c with G‑ænial Posterior:  (a) adhesive  +  cohesive in restoration,  (b)
Figure 5: Examples of different fracture types on teeth restored with EQUIA adhesive  +  cohesive in restoration  +  cohesive in tooth  (can be
Forte (a) adhesive + cohesive in restoration, (b) adhesive + cohesive in re‑restored), (c) cohesive in tooth, (d) cohesive in restoration
restoration + cohesive in tooth (can be re‑restored), (c) adhesive + cohesive
in restoration + cohesive in tooth (cannot be re‑restored)

a b

a b

c d
Figure 6: SEM images of an ‘adhesive  +  cohesive in restoration’
c d fracture type of a specimen in tooth restored with G‑ænial Posterior.
Figure 7: SEM images of an ‘adhesive + cohesive in restoration’ fracture (a) The photograph of the tooth before SEM evaluation,  (b) 15×,
type of a specimen in tooth restored with EQUIA Forte. (a) The photograph (c) 50×, (d) 200×. (E: Enamel; D: Dentin; GP: G‑ænial Posterior)
of the tooth before SEM evaluation, (b) 15×, (c) 50×, (d) 200×. (D: Dentin;
EF: EQUIA Forte)

G‑ænial Posterior and EQUIA Forte are shown in

Figures  4 and 5. The most common type of fracture in
both groups was adhesive + cohesive in the restoration
a b c
fracture where the restoration was broken and separated
from the tooth. All of the fracture types seen in the
group restored with G‑ænial Posterior were restorable,
whereas two  (16.66%) specimens in the group restored
with EQUIA Forte exhibited non‑restorable fractures. d e f
In Figure 6 it provides representative SEM images of Figure 8: SEM images of the surface appearance of the materials at
an adhesive + cohesive in a restoration fracture type different magnifications; G‑ænial Posterior: (a) 250×, (b) 500×, (c) 1000×;
of a specimen in the G‑ænial Posterior restored group. EQUIA Forte: (d) 250×, (e) 500×, (f) 1000×
SEM images of an adhesive + cohesive in a restoration
fracture type of a specimen in the EQUIA Forte restored smooth surface appearance of the composite resin and
group is in Figure 7. The SEM observations of the tested glass fillers of the GH restorative material with different
materials for surface analysis are shown in Figure 8. The sizes were clearly seen.

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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

Table 1: Materials used in this study

Material Manufacturer Type Composition Batch No.
G‑ænial Posterior GC Corp. (Tokyo, Japan) Microhybrid UDMA, DMA co‑monomer, Inorganic filler 1609052
composite resin >100 nm; Fluoroaluminosilicate, Inorganic filler
<100 nm; Fumed silica, Pre‑polymerized fillers
(16-17 μm); Strontium and lanthanoid fluoride
Filler (wt/vol %): 77/65
G‑Premio Bond GC Corp. Universal adhesive 10‑MDP, phosphoric acid ester monomer, 1607061
dimethacrylate, 4‑MET, MEPS, acetone,
silicondioxide, initiators
GLUMA Etch 35 Gel Heraeus Kulzer, Acid etch Phosphoric acid (35%) 405001
(Hanau, Germany)
EQUIA Forte GC Corp. Glass hybridFluoroaluminosilicate glass, polyacrylic acid 2684031
restorative powder, surface‑treated glass
EQUIA Forte Coat GC Corp. Nanofilled resin
Methyl methacrylate, colloidal silica, 2684031
camphorquinone, urethane methacrylate,
phosphoric ester monomer
Cavity Conditioner GC Corp. Cavity cleaning Polyacrylic acid 20%, aluminum chloride 3%, 1609061
agent distilled water
UDMA: Urethanedimethacrylate, DMA: Di‑methacrylate co‑monomer, 10‑MDP: 10 methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate,
4‑MET: 4 methacryloxyethyltrimellitate anhydride; MEPS: Methacryloyloxyalkyl thiophosphate

Table 2: The compressive strength (MPa) values (n=12)

Materials Mean Median Minimum Maximum SD
G‑aenial Posterior 278.20a 280.18 229.35 295.41 17.34
EQUIA Forte 164.62b 165.61 117.42 202.82 25.72
In the mean column, different superscript letters indicate statistically significant difference (P < 0.05)

Table 3: Fracture resistance (n) values (n=12)

Groups Mean Median Minimum Maximum SD
Group 1: Positive Control (Sound teeth) 977.99a 947.61 892.98 1216.10 92.79
Group 2: Negative Control (Teeth with cavity preparation) 418.48b 403.87 61.27 864.65 36.91
Group 3: Teeth restored with G‑aenial Posterior 961.87a,c 881.85 669.83 1185.09 46.04
Group 4: Teeth restored with EQUIA Forte 841.88c 883.87 632.24 985.10 74.57
In the mean column, different superscript letters indicate statistically significant difference (P < 0.05)

Table 4: Pair‑wise comparison of the fracture resistance values of groups according to the Tukey HSD test
Groups p
Group 1 (Sound teeth) - Group 2 (Teeth with cavity preparation) 0.000*
Group 1 (Sound teeth) - Group 3 (Teeth restored with G‑aenial Posterior) 1.000
Group 1 (Sound teeth) - Group 4 (Teeth restored with EQUIA Forte) 0.014*
Group 2 (Teeth with cavity preparation) - Group 3 (Teeth restored with G‑aenial Posterior) 0.002*
Group 2 (Teeth with cavity preparation) - Group 4 (Teeth restored with EQUIA Forte) 0.653
Group 3 (Teeth restored with G‑aenial Posterior) - Group 4 (Teeth restored with EQUIA Forte) 0.239
(*) Shows the significant differences between the groups according to Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05)

Discussion The compressive strength of the microhybrid composite

While treating deep and large caries lesions, dentists resin was found to be higher than the GH restorative
cope with managing the vitality of the pulp and restoring system. Thus, the first hypothesis was accepted.
the resulting extended cavity.[22] The present in vitro These results suggested that the new GH restorative
study investigated an alternative appropriate restorative system (EQUIA Forte) needs to improve its compressive
material for these types of large cavities and assessed the strength property. On the other hand, and perhaps more
suitability of a new restorative material, GH restorative, relevantly, the two materials did not differ significantly
in terms of compressive strength, fracture resistance, and in their fracture resistance on molar teeth. Therefore, the
reparability properties. second hypothesis was rejected.

838 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice  ¦  Volume 22  ¦  Issue 6  ¦  June 2019
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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

The compressive strength test is one of the main This study showed that the extended sized cavities
methods to assess the ability of a material to restored with the microhybrid composite resin
withstand masticatory forces. Previous studies reported strengthened the remaining tooth structure. There is
compressive strength values for composite resins that no significant difference in the fracture resistance was
ranged from 250 to 390 MPa.[21,23,24] This reported found between teeth restored with the microhybrid
compressive strength for composite resin ensures composite resin and the unprepared teeth. This result
sufficient strength to be used for restoring all cavity could be attributed to the improved characteristics
types.[25] In this study, the composite resin exhibited of posterior composite resins.[10] It was also found
significantly higher mean values of compressive that the cavity preparation weakened the teeth. On
strength than the GH restorative system. This may the basis of the application of loading, the microhybrid
be explained by the different compositions of these composite resin (G‑ænial Posterior) increased the
materials. GI based restoratives consist of basic resistance to fracture similar to that of the intact,
fluoroaluminosilicate glasses and acidic copolymers unprepared teeth. Moreover, restoring the extended
that chemically set by acid‑base reactions. Water sized cavities with the GH restorative system  (EQUIA
is the reaction medium into which cement‑forming Forte) increased the fracture strength up to 66% of the
cations are leached and transported to react with mean value exhibited by the intact teeth and up to 67%
polyacids. Water also serves to hydrate the cross‑link of the mean value exhibited by the restored teeth with
matrix, increasing the cement strength. The final microhybrid composite resin (G‑ænial Posterior).
set glass ionomer structure contains a substantial
The superior results for the fracture resistance of the GH
amount of unreacted glass that acts as fillers for the
restorative system in the present study may be due to
set cement.[26] New generations of GI restoratives
the additions of certain components to the material. The
have coating agents; however, we still advocate for
coating agent (EQUIA Forte Coat) applied to the surface
improvement of their physicomechanical properties
of the GH restorative system contains a nanofilled resin
and clinical longevity.[15,27] However, the results of the
that may have contributed significantly to the increased
study indicated that the coating application could not
resistance of the material to mechanical forces. Other
be enough to increase the compressive strength of the
studies have recommended that GI based restorative
GH restorative system as much as the composite resin.
surfaces, before being contaminated with water,
The mean value of the compressive strength of the GH should be coated in order to optimize their mechanical
restorative system recorded in this study was closer strength.[36,37] Additionally, the incorporation of ultrafine,
to the GI based restorative materials that have been highly reactive glass particles in the GH restorative
reported in the literature after 24 hours of setting time system [Figure 8] could be the reason for having similar
using standardized cylindrical specimens.[21,28‑30] fracture resistance to the microhybrid composite resin.
In the present study, the specimens for the fracture In a recent study, Ong et al.[13] compared the viscoelastic
resistance test were stored in distilled water for 24  h properties of the same GH restorative system with
and thermo‑cycled for 10.000  cycles at 5°C and 55°C bulk‑fill reinforced highly viscous GI cements and
to simulate a one‑year aging period.[31] There is a different composite resins. The authors reported that
wide variation in temperature amplitude as well as in EQUIA Forte was significantly more rigid and deformed
the number and duration of the elected cycles  (500‑5 less than the other materials under functional stresses,
million cycles) in several studies.[30,32,33] Some authors supporting its indication for posterior restorations.
reported degradation of the GI after the thermo‑cycle A recent systematic review also reported a comparable
while others did not find any degradation effects using failure rate between highly viscous GIs and amalgam in
such experimental simulation method.[33‑35] permanent posterior teeth.[38] So, the results of this study
were found to be compatible with these studies.
A fracture is a complete or incomplete breakage in
a material resulting from the application of extreme Although, composite resin is stronger than the GH
strength. Fracture resistance is a substantial attribute restorative system tested in the present study, its
directly related to cracking. Theoretical and practical fracture mode resulted within the material. This was
experiments have been made concerning the strength of in contrast to the GH restorative system that showed
a material in terms of its fracture resistance in addition fracture lines within the material and the sacrificing of
to the constructional parameters. Depending on the the surrounding enamel and/or dentin, which was not a
stress status in direct restorative materials, fracture characteristic of GI based restoratives.[39] In a clinical
resistance can increase or decrease according to the situation, the former fracture mode is to be preferred to
strength changes.[10] the latter, as it permits easier repair. A direct restoration

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Kutuk, et al.: Comparison of mechanical properties of glass hybrid with composite

should recover the stress/strain conditions of the restored with composite resin (G‑ænial Posterior) and
original intact tooth.[40] the GH restorative system (EQUIA Forte), and
5) a small number of non‑restorable fractures
The present study has a number of limitations. First, the
occurred in teeth restored with the GH restorative
cavities were prepared by the operator using high‑speed
system  (EQUIA Forte) while restorable fractures
hand instruments and standardized via measuring with a
occurred with respect to forces in all teeth restored
periodontal probe, which increases variability between
with composite resin (G‑ænial Posterior).
samples and results in cavities that might be less
undermining and extended than real‑life deep cavities.[14] Financial support and sponsorship
Second, clinically, masticatory forces have a relatively Nil.
permanent magnitude and are applied over a longer Conflicts of interest
period of time. The variations in application speed, and
There are no conflicts of interest.
direction cause a different pattern of fractures. In vitro
studies are not an exact imitation of an ordinary chewing
blow because they apply a continuously increasing force
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