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Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement


A1.1 Policy SE1 “Making Development Sustainable” is an overarching policy in the Local Plan
which has the objective of ensuring development is as sustainable as possible. To help
achieve this applicants will be required to submit a statement with their applications,
demonstrating the extent to which sustainability principles have been incorporated into the
location, design, construction and future use of their property.

A1.2 To help applicants prepare their statements the Sustainability Checklist contained in this
Appendix should be used. The checklist has been prepared on the basis of the sustainability
definition, objectives and policies described in the Sustainable Environment Chapter of the
Local District Plan.

A1.3 Applicants should contact the local planning authority if they are in doubt as to whether a
statement is required, the range of issues it should cover and in what detail. The following text
is based on the advice of the Local Government Association and the Improvement and
Development Agency for local government, contained in “Sustainability in Development
Control – a research report” by CAG Consultants, 1997.

How Can a Proposed Development be Designed to be More

A1.4 The planning system plays a major role in creating a sustainable environment and sustainable
lifestyles. For instance, ensuring developments are located so as to make optimal use of
sunshine and are sheltered from wind will reduce energy consumption. Placing developments
near public transport routes encourages a reduction in car travel. Often, sustainable practices
help to save money, for instance on utility bills. They may also make development more
attractive to future users, thus raising their value.

A1.5 It is important that sustainability issues are thought through at the point of planning the
development. As far as possible, sustainable principles must be planned into the life span of
the development at all stages from design to use and maintenance.

A1.6 When planning development, applicants will need to take account of:
• the policies in the Hertfordshire Structure Plan, the Watford District Plan 2000, the
Hertfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plans (where appropriate), and any Supplementary
Planning Guidance
• Building Regulations
• the requirements of the Environment Agency, the local health department, and possibly other
These deal with many sustainability issues like nature conservation, land use, and energy

A1.7 Applicants should discuss their proposed development with the local planning authority who
can give valuable advice on what is expected from developments in the area. The local
planning authority is responsible for setting planning conditions for developments: these are
conditions that must be fulfilled. Planning obligations may also be sought with applicants
which restrict what can be undertaken with land/development or which involves paying for
certain amenities. Examples of sustainability-oriented planning obligations include carrying out
archaeological investigations on a site if there may be important archaeological material there,
or paying for traffic management near the site of the development if it is likely to generate
Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement
Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

considerable extra traffic. Development can be refused on sustainability-related grounds,

particularly on grounds of unacceptable traffic increase and incompatible land use. As such, it
is important to discuss these issues with the local planning authority at an early stage.

How to Use the Sustainability Checklist

A1.8 The checklist is a guide to how sustainable principles can be applied to a planning
development. The Sustainability Indicators are based on the District Plan policies as listed
and you need to refer to these to make full use of the checklist. This is not an exhaustive list
of sustainability issues and additions by applicants are welcome. The checklist is intended to
help make your development more sustainable at all stages from the siting of the proposal, to
the operation of the site during construction, to the impact and use of the development.

A1.9 When considering the issues in the checklist, it will be helpful to try to answer three important
(1) How can the development meet the indicators at all stages of the development process?
(2) Are there any barriers or constraints to meeting the indicators? (These might be financial,
organisational, lack of information or expertise)
(3) How can the applicant check that the sustainability indicators continue to be met once the
development is built? (The applicant may find it helpful to set aims, possible targets and
include sustainability issues in any development progress review. The checklist may be used
to review changes in design or usage.)

A1.10 Addressing these questions will be a useful basis for writing the Sustainability Appraisal and
for identifying areas requiring further information or discussions with the local planning

Using the codes

A1.11 Not all the criteria will be relevant to all development. To select the appropriate questions use
the codes below:
N for development not involving any buildings (e.g. car parking or landscaping)
C for development which is a conversion or change of use of an existing building
S for small scale development of 10 houses or less, or less than 300 square metres
L for large scale development of more than 10 houses, or more than 300 square metre
A for advertisement and telecommunications development

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

The applicant should consider “does the proposal achieve the following?”

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

1. Land use

NCSL Reduce the need to travel. Site development near good public SE2, L3, H15,
transport. E1, E2, U2

NCSL Combine a number of uses in one Homes/ community facilities/ work units. SE2, H3, H6,
building/development. H11, L2, E2

NCSL Provide local facilities. SE2, L3, L5,

L7, H3, H15,
E1, S2, S9,

NSL Favour central town over green field sites, Mixed use, mixed tenure, housing SE2, SE3,
the Green Belt or out of town sites. developments. SE9, L3, S1,
S2, H5, H6,
TC1, TC6,

NSLA Avoid loss of open land or urban open Mixed tenure housing. SE2, SE3,
space. SE11, SE12,
L4, L5, L6, L7,
H5, H11

NCSL Use derelict/under-used/vacant land or Makes use of upper floors, e.g. Living SE2, SE11, L2,
buildings (including upper storeys). Over The Shop Scheme. Re-designing H3, H4, H5,
streets, e.g. Home Zones. Empty Homes H6, TC5

CSL Avoid adding to housing pressure. Minimises car parking spaces, high SE2, SE11, H5,
density development. Affordable housing. H11, H12, H15,
H17, E1, U7

NCSL Encourages a long period of use of Durable construction materials and SE2, SE4, U2
buildings. techniques, buildings adaptable to
changing patterns of use.

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

2. Minerals and soils

NL Minimise the need for aggregates both in SE3, L3

construction and operation, and
safeguards long-term local resources of
sand and gravel.

NLA Avoid areas of high quality agricultural SE24, SE25


NSL Proper site investigation to identify areas

of soil contamination where necessary,
and take correct measures for

3. Waste

NCSL Reduce the size of the waste stream, Include waste minimisation design SE4, SE6, SE7
including toxic and contaminated waste, principles. Reduce packaging. Provide SE8, SE24,
and ensures that what is produced and on-site facilities for waste collection, SE25, U1, U2
used is safely handled. source separation, recovery, recycling.
e.g. household composting bins.
Establishment of safety procedures.

NCSL Use and purchase recycled, recyclable, Salvaging of material for re-use/re- SE6, SE7,
and durable products and materials. conditioning/ recycling. Re-use demolition SE8, U1, U2
and construction materials and

NCSL Reduces litter and dog mess. Dog bins in parks. Fencing to reduce SE7 S12, S13,
windblown litter. Community adoption of S14, S15
green sites.

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

4. Energy

NCSL Reduce the requirements for transport Improved public transport facilities. SE2, SE4, L3
fuel. Pedestrian and cycle friendly
development layout. Self-contained

CSL Maximise energy efficiency with good Utilise layout, natural ventilation, natural SE4, SE5, U1
building design practice. light with south facing windows, cavity
wall insulation, double glazing, loft
insulation, earth sheltering, lobbies and
conservatories as buffer zones, draught
proofing, localised temperature controls,
wind-break planting. Avoid
overshadowing. Avoid air conditioning.

NCSL Use renewable energy sources. Use of wind power, combined heat and SE5, SE8, U1,
power, heat/methane recovery from U2
waste, solar power e.g. panels,
photovoltaic cells. Opt for energy supply
from sources where choice of companies
is available. Use of natural light.

NCSL Consider the full energy costs of Minimise changes made to site levels SE4, SE8
extraction, manufacture, transport, use, during construction. Avoids use of
and disposal both in construction and aluminium. Repair/re-condition/ refurbish.

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples
5. Minimise air, water, waste, noise, light

NCSL Ensure good air quality. Minimise light, air Use low NOX boilers. Reduction in traffic SE8, SE20,
pollution and dust both in construction levels. Damping and wheel cleaning to SE21, E5, U2
and operation. Minimise loss of sunlight. avoid dust. South facing rooms.

NCSL Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Use of condensing boilers. Use of SE5, SE8
combined heat and power systems.

NL Protect water quality and protects Sewer renewal. Waterway maintenance, SE26, SE28,
groundwater from contamination. dredging and encouraging reed bed SE29
growth for wastewater treatment.

CSL Reduce the need for water. Water meters. Water butts and recycling SE7
schemes, e.g. in flush system.

NSL Protect the hydrology of the site and Permeable surfaces on car SE27, SE29,
surrounding area and prevents flooding. parks/driveways. Good drainage in E5, CS12
landscaping. Avoid building on

CSL Reduce noise levels. Traffic reduction. Adherence to noise SE22, E5, S12
standards. Noise insulation. Use of
quieter technology.

NCSL Reduce level of pollutants. Provision of litterbins. Minimise odours, SE8, SE23
e.g. extractor fans. Minimise night lighting
whilst maintaining safety.

NL Provide information on pollution levels Pollutant monitoring schemes. Site survey SE21, SE24,
and sources to allow effective action to be for contaminated land. SE25

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

6. Nature

NCSLA Protect and ensure long-term Retention/replacement of green features. SE3, SE9,
management of designated sites and Production of site survey. Maintenance SE11, SE12,
other features/sites of importance for plans. Community adoption of sites. SE13, SE16,
nature conservation (SINC’s). (SSSI’s, SE18, SE22,
green corridors, important trees, SE31, SE32,
hedgerows and verges, drainage ditches). SE34, SE35,
SE36, SE37,
SE38, SE39

NSLA Promote biodiversity and wildlife by Creation of nature reserves, green SE1, SE3,
creating new sites/features. corridors between sites, gardens. SE9, SE31,
Maintenance of green space, e.g. SE32, SE35
allotments and encouragement of SE36, SE37,
community use. New planting to SE38, SE39,
encourage wildlife and biodiversity. L12

NCSLA Promote tree and hedgerow cover. Urban woodland style planting, planting in SE35, SE36,
parks, school grounds, verges, car parks. SE37, SE38,
Use hedges rather than walls or fences. SE39, U6

NCSLA Promote native Hertfordshire or British SE36, L4, L12,

species U6

NCSLA Avoid the use of tropical hardwoods. U1

7. Local needs

NCSL Meet local gardening needs. Promotion of community orchards and SE2, L12, H14
community usage of allotments.

L Ensure local facilities (shops, post office, Credit Union. SE2, H3, H10,
chemist, youth club, bus service etc.) and E3, S10
centres are viable/ avoid overstraining

NL Links local production with local Local supplier/labour agreements. Credit SE2, S10
consumption, keeps money in the local Union.

NL Mainly benefits small and/or locally based New housing developments will be SE2, S9, S10,
businesses. required to make provision for children’s E3, E4
play facilities and general open space
NL Make accessible/local and safe SE2, L5, L6,
leisure/play provision for children and L8, L10, L11

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

8. Basic Needs

NCSL Work towards the eradication of poverty Start-up business units. Gardens and SE2, L12, E3,
and a decent quality of life for all. community use of allotments. Credit E4, E7, E8,
SE2, L3, S10,
NCSL Reduce social exclusion through avoiding Provision of affordable housing, social E1, E2
development in prime sites. and mixed ownership housing.
Assessment of housing stock and housing
CSL Reduce homelessness and unfit housing. SE2

CSL Target improvements to where fuel Thermal efficiency of renewal housing. SE4
poverty or waste is greatest.

9. Satisfying Work

CL Increase employment opportunities for Training courses. Inward investment. L14, E3, E4,
local people. Small business units. E7, E8

NCSL Encourage creativity. Diversity and SE2, L13, L14,

innovation in the local economy. E3, E4, S3, S7

SE3, SE4, E1,

NCSLA Support economic life, without incurring Life cycle costing. Environmental Impact E2, E5
hidden environmental costs. Assessment.
SE2, SE4, S12
NCSL Promote socially and environmentally Waste minimisation. Office recycling.
responsible business practice. Energy saving schemes. Noise reduction.

10. Health

CSL Avoid unsafe building material. Avoids asbestos, lead paints and

L Improve health provision in the local area. CS9

NCSL Minimise impact on public health. E.g. Environmental Impact Assessments. SE3, SE7,
SE20, SE24,

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

11. Movement

L Minimise distances to main employment SE2, T3, T5

centres, retail centres, recreation and
community facilities, and schools.

NSL Make walking safer and easier. Provision of controlled crossings. T4, T6, T7
Pedestrian preference zones. Adequate
lighting. Traffic calming.

NCLS Design building to provide for all levels of Dropped kerbs, handrails, suitable lighting T4, T6, H20,
mobility, in particular people with and signage. S4, U1, U5
disabilities, prams.

NCSL Improve facilities and conditions for Secure cycle storage. Cycle paths, T4, T9, T10,
cycling, particularly safety aspects. signals, lanes. LHS3

NCSL Promote use of passenger transport Address in layout of new development. U2, T3, T4,
services and cycling, over cars. More frequent buses. Improved bus T11, T12, T13,
station and bus stop facilities. Bus T14, T16, T23
preference measures. Increased
population density in transport corridors.

NCSL Discourage the use of single occupant Car sharing. Tele-working. Pooled SE2
cars or large lorries. bicycles, mopeds or cars. Load splitting.
Home delivery. Bulk breaking.

NCSL Improve facilities for those without a car. Local shopping. Kerbside recycling. SE2, T4, T15
Neighbourhood service delivery.

NCSL Make appropriate provisions for parking Adherence to parking standards. Park T15, T21, T22,
and access. and ride facilities. Parking enforcement. T24, T26, T27,
T28, U2, U7,
E5, S11

L Contribute to road construction/ E5

maintenance where appropriate.

12. Community Safety

NL Ensure safety for open space users. Sensible lighting. Play equipment checks. L11, U1, U3

NCSL Incorporate community safety measures, Accessible flat roofs. Well-lit semi-public U1, U3, S11
reduce crime and increase the public’s routes and spaces. Avoid solid fences.
perception of safety. Mix of uses encouraging all day public

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement

Appendix 1 – Sustainability Statement

Relevant Plan
Code Sustainability Indicators Possible Examples

13. Education

NCSL Improves educational facilities in the local E7, CS7

area including training and adult

14. Participation

NCSLA Benefit the community as a whole. SE4, U1,

CS11, S4, H2,
H11, E8

NCSL Involve building/ development users and Local meetings, user groups, exhibitions, SE4, U1, H20
the local community at an early stage. consensus building.

NCSL Ensure that all sections of the community Appropriate consultation methods. SE4, H2, H11,
are fully engaged and their needs H20, H22, H23,
considered. H24, CS10, U1

NCSL Allow everyone to take part on equal Ramped access. Braille. Plain language. U1, S4, E8,
terms. Training. Mobility aids. Childcare. CS4, CS5, CS6

NCSL Offer opportunities to heighten Environmental education projects. L12

environmental awareness and interest by Publicity. Public participation schemes.
local people.

NL Have an exit strategy that transfers L12

ownership to the local community.

15. Leisure, Cultural and Social Activities

NL Make provision for managed open Parks, village greens. Commuted sums L2, L8, L11
spaces. for future maintenance.
Planned activities.

NL Improve and maintain public access to Adoption by community. L4, L5, L6, L7
open space.

NL Improve leisure and recreational facilities. Recreation grounds, children’s play areas, L1, L3, L6, L7,
playing fields. L9, L10

NL Improve community cultural and social Community centres, works of arts. L12, L13, H2,
facilities. H6, H11

NL Form strong diverse neighbourhoods SE2, L12, H2,

which encourage vibrant local H5, H11, E3

NCSLA Protect and improve the settings and Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, SE3, U9, U10-
features of archaeological and historical features of archaeological significance. 21, U23

Watford District Plan 2000 (Adopted December 2003) – Written Statement


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