Addis Ababauniversity: Assignment Toxicology Tree Toxic Plant

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 Assignment…………… Toxicology

 Tree Toxic plant

 Name: Akalu Abera

 ID……….3165

 Submitted to Dr.Getachew.T..

 annabis sativa
 L. hashish (G)
 A leafy annual herb 1-3 m.
 two genera of erect or twining herbs that are pollinated by the wind, including the genera
Cannabis and Humulus; term not used in all classifications; in some the genus Cannabis is placed
in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae
 High occasionally grown by farmers as a cash crop in the absence of enforced government
restrictions. The plant is a source of a powerful narcotic. Moslems or those with a strong Arabic
influence use it or handle the cultivation and marketing.

 side effects of the use of cannabis include:10

 Paranoia ,Irregular heartbeat, Anxiety, Racing heartbeat, Sleepiness ,Short-term memory

loss, Dizziness, Confusion, Impaired cognition
 Damage to blood vessels and lungs if smoked
 Decreased blood pressure
 Delusion

 Boswellia papyrifera (Del) Hochst. etan ( A )

 libanat (GH, Adaric) Frankincense has been an item of commerce for many centuries in Ethiopia.
 The Biblical record mentions that it was one of the gift items the Queen of Sheba took for King
 It is found in most of the low lying arid regions of the country, particularly in Ogaden.
 Its use in religjous rites and customs is wide-spread both by the Christians and Moslems.
 It is used with spices against fever and is also believed to have a tranquilizing effect.
 The smoke is also thought to relieve people from evil spirits. Administration is usually done at
 Burseraceae, family of flowering plants in the order Sapindales composed of about 16 genera of
resinous trees and shrubs.
 Members of the family have leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of many
leaflets, solitary or clustered flowers, and fleshy fruits.
 is commonly found in many regions of the world, such as South Asia, Northern Africa, and the
Middle East. Traditional medicine using extracts made from this plant has long been used to
treat asthma.
 These extracts contain resin, amino acids, phenols, terpenes, polysaccharides, and β-boswellic
acid, the major active antiinflammatory component. Extracts of B. serrata or β-boswellic acid
have been reported to inhibit hypersensitivity reactions by regulating both the humoral and
cellular immune systems.
 They decrease primary antibody synthesis, inhibit polymorphonuclear leukocyte proliferation
and infiltration, enhance the phagocytotic function of macrophages, suppress the classical and
alternate complement pathways, and suppress the inflammationprocess, one of the critical

pathological features in asthma.

 Adhatod schimperiana Hochst. ex. Nees
 sensel, simiza timisa (A)
 dumoga (GK)
 This plant is very common in villages ahd towns as well as in cities growing on waste places or
grown as a hedge. The plant is relatively fast growing and prefers altitudes of 8,000 ft. or above.
 The whole plant is used in the treatment of excessive pelegra or "kuruba", native name of the
disease. The plant is also used as a laxative. It is also an excellent hedge plant and is used as a
live fence around native compounds.
 Mostly herbs, shrubs; leaves opposite decussate, exstipulate, inflorescence cymose, flowers
bracteate, bracteolate, zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, hypogynous; calyx five or gamosepalous,
corolla pentapartite, gamopetalous, often bilipped; didynamous, polyandrous, epipetalous;
carpels two, syncarpous, ovary superior, axile placentation, style simple, stigma bilobed; fruit
loculicidal capsule, seeds non-endospermic with jaculators.


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