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Specified Skilled Workers

Recruitment Program (SSWRP)


Job Categories
úfYaIs; ksmqK;d iys;
cmka /lshd wjia:d
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cmdkfha /lshd i|yd Y%s ,xld úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s
ld¾hdxYh SSWRP jevigyk hgf;a whÿïm;a
le|jd we;' tu whÿïm;a hk
wmf.a fjí msgqjg msúi Tng Rcqju ,nd .;
yelsh' fï i|yd Tn lsisÿ uqo,la f.úh hq;= ke;'
fuu jevigyk i|yd whÿïm;% leoùu úfoaY
fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hdxYfhka muKla isÿlrk w;r
lsisÿ mqoa.,fhl=g fyda wdh;khlg lsisÿ uqo,la
f.ùfuka je,lS isák f,i uyck;djf.ka b,a,d

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iyldr l<uKdlre
n|jd.ekSï- cmka tallh (SSWRP)
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Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

1.Ship building &

ship machinery industry

Type of Work
- Welding - Finishing
- Pain ng - Machining
- Iron work - Electrical equipment

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Ship building /ship machinery field specified skills (i)
evalua on test (provisional) etc.

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

2.Aviation Industry

Type of Work
- Airport ground handling (handling of an aircra on the
ground, handling of baggage/ cargo, etc.)
- Aircra maintenance (maintenance work, etc. for an aircra ,
equipment, etc.)

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Avia on field specified skills evalua on test (airport ground
handling or maintenance) (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

3.Electric, electronics and

information Industries

Type of Work
- Machining - Machine maintenance - Plas c molding
- Metal press - Pain ng - Welding
- Factory sheet metal work
- Electronic equipment assembling
- Industrial packaging - Finishing
- Electroplan ng - Electric equipment assembling
- Print wiring board manufacturing

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Manufacturing Field skills (i) evalua on test (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

4.Manufacture of Food
and Beverages

Type of Work
General food and beverage manufacturing
[manufacture and processing of food and beverages
(excluding alcoholic beverages), health and safety]

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Food and beverage manufacturing industry skills
proficiency test (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

5.Fishery & Aquaculture

Type of Work
- Fishery (produc on and repair of fishing gear, aqua c animals and
plant explora on, opera on of fishing gear and fishing machinery,
aqua c animal and plant harves ng, treatment and storage of
fishery products, securing of safety and health , etc.)

- Aquaculture industry (Produc on, repair and management of

aqua cultural materials, cul va on and management of aqua c
animal and plant farming, harves ng and processing, securing of
safety and health, etc.)

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Fishing industry skills proficiency test (fishery or
aquaculture industry) (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)


Type of Work
- Cul va on agriculture (cul va on management, harves ng
and shipping/sor ng of agricultural products, etc.)
- Livestock agriculture (management of rising, harves ng and
shipping/sor ng of livestock products, etc.)

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Agriculture skills proficiency test (cul va on agriculture or
livestock agriculture) (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)


Type of Work
- Frame work Construc on - Earthwork
- Roofing - Telecommunica ons
- Reinforcement construc on - Material moun ng
- Plastering Concrete pumping
- Tunnel and propulsion
- Construc on machinery and construc on
- Reinforcing bar joints
- Interior finishing

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Construc on field specified skills (i) evalua on test (provisional) etc.

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

Machinery Industries

Type of Work
- Cas ng - Electroplan ng - Iron Work
- Print wiring board manufacturing - Forging
- Die cas ng - Machine Inspec on - Finishing
- Machining - Machine maintenance - Welding
- Pain ng - Industrial packaging - Plas c molding
- Electric equipment assembling - Metal press
- Electronic equipment assembling

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Manufacturing Field specified skills (i) evalua on test (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

9.Machine Parts &

Tooling Industries

Type of Work
- Cas ng - Machine inspec on - Finishing
- Forging - Factory sheet metal work
- Die cas ng - Electroplan ng
- Machining - Aluminum anodizing
- Metal press - Machine maintenance

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Manufacturing field specified skills (i) evalua on test ( provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

10.Care Worker

Type of Work
As well as physical care
(such as bathing, meals, assistance for excre on, etc.
adjusted to the mental and physical state of the user),
supplemental support services
(recrea on, assistance with func onal exercise, etc.)
(Note) Home visit services are excluded.

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Nursing care skills evalua on test (provisional) etc.

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (provisional), etc.
(In addi on to the above)
Nursing care Japanese Language evalua on test (provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

11.Building Cleaning

Type of Work
Interior Building Cleaning

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Building cleaning field specified skills (i) evalua on test

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

12.Automobile Repair
& Maintenance

Type of Work
Automobile daily checks and maintenance,
Periodical checks and maintenance,
Disassembly repair

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Automobile repair and maintenance field
specified skills evalua on test (provisional) etc.

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)

13.Food Service

Type of Work
General restaurant work
(Food prepara on, customer service, restaurant

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Restaurant industry skills proficiency test (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Japan Job Categories of 14 Fields (SSWRP)


Type of Work
Providing accommoda on services such as
working at the front desk,
planning /public rela ons,
hospitality and restaurant services

Qualifications and Requirements

Required Skills Test
Accommoda on industry skills proficiency test (provisional)

Required Japanese Language Exam

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Provisional) etc.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

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