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Appropriate Grammatical Signals or expressions in

Exploration Task

Write TRUE, if the sentence states a valid or correct concept about the lesson, or FALSE, otherwise.

1. A paragraph is a group of sentences which all relate to one main idea or topic.
2. To develop an idea means to describe, explain or support an idea in a paragraph or longer
3. The general to particular or general-to-specific pattern of idea development is a method of
developing a paragraph or a longer composition by starting from a broad idea about a topic to
specific ideas to support of that topic.
4. The general to particular pattern of idea development is also known as deductive method.
5. It is a principle of good writing to have a clear understanding of the different patterns of idea
development and to apply this in any writing tasks.

Grammatical signals or expressions are words used by writers or speakers in sentences that give
their readers or listeners a signal of what will follow an idea.

Let’s have this sentence as an example:

We easily get sick because our immune system is weak.
The grammatical signal or expression used here is because. The word signals that the cause of
the given action (our getting sick easily), is coming.
What is the cause of our getting sick? Our immune system is weak.

Idea development is the manner, pattern or method by which a writer or speaker explains his
main idea about a topic in a paragraph or paragraphs.

Four of the commonly used patterns of idea development are:

-general to specific
This is the method of explaining done by starting with a broad (big) idea and by following it with
specific (small) ideas in support to the broad idea. This is sometimes called deductive method.
Grammatical signals or expressions suitable to the general-to-specific pattern of idea
first, etc
in addition
Social media have positive impact on us. They are a good tool for communication, as social
networking websites serve as one of the best platforms for people to communicate and stay in
touch with friends. Additionally, they improve technological skills of an individual as social media
networking aids in enhancing technological skills of a student. Further, they benefit business
operation, since social networking enables businessmen to market their services to a wide range
of online audience. Moreover, they promote better connectivity, as through these media,
people from any part of the world can connect with anybody. Furthermore, they aid learning as
these media make it convenient for people to learn and teach people.
The grammatical signals used in the paragraph are:
It can be written with another set of suitable grammatical signals or expressions
Social media have positive impact on us. First, they are a good tool for communication, as social
networking websites serve as one of the best platforms for people to communicate and stay in
touch with friends. Second, they improve technological skills of an individual as social media
networking aids in enhancing technological skills of a student. Third, it benefits business
operation, since social networking enables businessmen to market their services to a wide range
of online audience. Fourth, they promote better connectivity, as through these media, people
from any part of the world can connect with anybody. Lastly, they aid learning as these media
make it convenient for people to learn and teach people.

Steps in Using the general-to-specific pattern of idea development

Step 1: State your general idea.
Step 2: Provide specific ideas to support your general idea.

Complete the text by choosing the suitable grammatical signals or expressions in the sets of
options given.

-claim to counterclaim
-cause and effect

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