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Fagune Parikh
Contact Number: 9426232325

Basic Vocabulary:

1. Talkative: friendly and willing to talk

 She is either really talkative or very quiet.
2. Quiet: not talking much
 He was quiet for a long moment.
3. Generous: willing to give money, time etc. in order to help people
 She has always been very generous towards the poor
4. Mean: Not wanting to spend money or not wanting to use much of
 An example of mean child is one who constantly bullies another child.
5. Lazy: not liking work or physical activity
 Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down.
6. Hard-working: working with lot of efforts
 I know you are hard-working and diligent and I admire you for that.
7. Funny: making you laugh
 What’s so funny she asked?
8. Serious: very quiet and sensible
 Don’t joke I mean to have a serious talk with you.
9. Friendly: willing to talk or help
 The local people are very friendly to the visitors.
10.Unfriendly: not kind or friendly
 I find her very aloof and unfriendly
11.Shy: Nervous about meeting and speaking to other people
 I was painfully shy as a teenager.
12.Extrovert: enjoying the company of other people
 Tom is an extrovert and confident while jerry is shy and quiet.
13.Sensitive: easily upset, caring about other people’s feelings
 He acts like a tough guy, but he is very sensitive to criticism.
14.Open: happy to talk about his or her feelings
 Everyone in the group was friendly and open.
15.Organized: making lots of lists and plans
 The tables were organized into five different categories.

Fagune Parikh
Contact Number: 9426232325
16.Unreliable: not doing what they said they will do (untrustworthy,
 He is totally unreliable source of information.
 Her old car was unreliable and it caused a lot of trouble.
17.Chatty: easy to talk, talks a lot
 My neighbour is very chatty; she tells me all the gossip.
18.Reserved: not talking easily, aloof
 She seemed very quiet and reserved for a five year old child.
19.Ambitious: really wanting to be successful, determined, motivated
 He was an ambitious man with a great personality.
20.Confident: certain about your abilities, assured
 This experience gave her the confidence to start her own business
21.Bossy: telling other people what to do all the time
 Stop being so bossy and let others decide.
22.Easy-going: relaxed, calm and not easy to upset
 Our manager is an easy going person, he never gets angry.
23.Loyal: supporting a person in difficult times
 True marriages require us to show trust and loyalty.
24.Sociable: enjoy being with other people
 She is sociable child who will talk to anyone.
25. Adventurous: not afraid of taking risks or trying new things
 This island attracts adventurous travellers.
26.Competitive: determined or trying very hard to be more successful than
other people or businesses
 He is extremely competitive and a very bad loser.
27.Cooperative: Willing to work with someone else to achieve something
that you both want, helpful, supportive
 I am doing my best to be cooperative.
28.Emotional: Having strong feelings and showing them to other people,
especially by crying, sensitive
 She provided emotional support during a very difficult phase of my life.
29.Independent: confident and able to do things by yourself without
needing help or advice from other people

Fagune Parikh
Contact Number: 9426232325
 Although she is young, she is very independent.
30.Materialistic: Concerned with money and possessions rather than things
like art, religion or moral beliefs (negative) greedy
 Children today are really materialistic; they seem only to be interested
latest gadgets.
31.Optimistic: believing that good things will happen in future
 My father encourages me to have an optimistic outlook in life.
32.Possessive: expressive ownership, wanting someone to have feelings of
love of friendship for you and no one else
 She is very possessive about her book and finds it hard to share.
33.Self-centred: paying so much attention to yourself that you do not notice
what is happening to other people, selfish
 Being self-centred has become the norm of today’s generation.
34.Sincere: Being honest and saying what they really feel and believe,
 Please accept my sincere apologies.
35. Stubborn: determined not to change your mind even when people feel
you are being unreasonable, obstinate
 I just can’t cope up with that girl, she is so stubborn.

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