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Backpressure considerations in designing of cross flow perforated-element

reactive silencers
S. N. Panigrahia) and M. L. Munjalb)
(Received 2007 March 23; revised 2007 September 25; accepted 2007 November 05)
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based three-dimensional analysis has
been undertaken using a commercial software to evaluate the pressure drop
characteristics of four major backpressure-intensive components of automotive
mufflers. Empirical expressions have been derived to relate the normalized
pressure drop across these elements to the most significantly affecting
parameters of the configuration. These expressions have been derived in a
manner such that they can be used to evaluate the total pressure drop across
complex mufflers constituting these basic elements. Effect of perforation
diameter on the pressure drop in the cross-flow elements has been investigated.
Techniques are proposed to achieve lower backpressure without significantly
affecting the transmission loss performance, with the same overall length and
volume of the muffler. © 2007 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.

Primary subject classification: 34.2; Secondary subject classification: 26.1

1 INTRODUCTION muffler have been proposed6 to have a compromise

between the pressure drop and acoustic performances.
The pressure drop across different constituent The approach however involves the use of absorptive
elements of a muffler adds up to a substantial backpres- elements which are still not widespread in the field of
sure on the piston of the reciprocating engine to which automotive mufflers.
they are generally attached. This problem becomes Though substantial literature is available on the
even more pronounced when the muffler contains acoustic characterization of such mufflers3, one does
cross-flow perforated elements; i.e., when the exhaust not find sufficient information on the pressure drop
gas is forced to move through the perforations because characterization of such elements or mufflers. Pure
of plugs in the flow path. It is a well-known fact in the analytical investigation of such complex domains is not
literature of acoustic analysis of mufflers that these possible. Experimental methods exist5 and are very
kinds of mufflers perform quite well over a broad range straightforward in nature to evaluate flow performance
of frequencies1–5, particularly low frequencies, as
of any given muffler. However, when it comes to
compared to their grazing-flow counterparts. This gain,
characterizing basic muffler elements or mufflers with
however, does not come without any price and the
respect to their pressure drop performance to develop
compromise has to be made in terms of the heavy
design guidelines which can be readily used in the
backpressure that these mufflers introduce. For the
industry, it is very difficult5,7,8 to use experimental
luxury segment vehicles (where these mufflers are
methods because of the requirement of varying the
currently being used) this does not pose a serious
crucial geometric parameters like porosity of perfora-
problem. However, for the economy segment vehicles,
tion, diameter of holes, etc. Therefore, in this work, a
where the specific fuel consumption is a major crite-
systematic three-dimensional (3-D) computational
rion, they are almost never used despite their high
analysis is taken up to study the backpressure charac-
acoustic performance. Concepts like combination
teristics of the cross-flow perforated muffler elements.
Some techniques are discussed with reference to a few
Facility for Research in Technical Acoustics, Department novel muffler configurations in order to reduce the
of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, backpressure. The analysis is carried out with the
Bangalore-560012, INDIA;
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based commer-
Facility for Research in Technical Acoustics, Department cial software FLUENT9,10. The 3-D acoustic perfor-
of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, mance analysis (axial transmission loss evaluation) of
Bangalore-560012, INDIA; the mufflers is performed using SYSNOISE11, a finite
email: element (FE) method based commercial software.

504 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

Transmission loss evaluation has been performed for the outlet cross-section where the ambient atmospheric
certain cases to bring out the nature (qualitative as well pressure boundary condition has been imposed. A 45°
as quantitative) of the trade-off between the acoustic sector has been selected as the analysis domain and a
and hydraulic performance of the proposed modified three-dimensional mesh has been prepared using tetra-
designs. Empirical expressions for pressure drop or hedral elements in the GAMBIT commercial model-
head loss across four major reactive and perforated ling and meshing software10.
(cross-flow) elements, normalized with respect to the Another commercial software, FLUENT, has been
total dynamic head of the fluid, have been presented. used to perform the CFD analysis9 of the problem
These expressions are evaluated in terms of the most where the standard k − ␧ turbulent model has been used
influential parameters for each configuration. All the to represent the flow inside the domain. The flow field
analysis has been carried out at temperature of 600 ° C here (also in all the subsequent cases) is considered to
where most of the exhaust mufflers work. be steady and the temperature gradient in the domain of
The next section describes four major backpressure- the muffler is neglected. Periodic boundaries with zero
intensive elements of many commercial mufflers. The pressure gradients at the periodic wall have been
following section deals with some novel means of imposed to take care of the periodicity of the chosen
achieving lesser backpressure with only marginal sector. All analysis reported in this work assumes the
compromise with the transmission loss performance. air temperature to be 623 ° C where the speed of sound
The manuscript concludes with some design guidelines is evaluated to be 600 m / sec and the corresponding air
resulting from the present analysis. density is 0.39 kg/ m3. It is to be noted that the param-
eters finally evaluated are independent of this tempera-
2 MAJOR BACKPRESSURE-INTENSIVE ture. However, a value typical of automotive exhaust
COMPONENTS gases has been used for the whole of the work
In any commercial muffler, one can perform a presented here. All the other parameters have been
notional dissection to arrive at a number of basic taken corresponding to this temperature. A constant
constituent elements12,13, namely, sudden expansion, viscosity of 4.0⫻ 10−05 kg/ m . sec has been used to be
sudden contraction, grazing-flow and cross-flow perfo- consistent with the other parameters. With an inlet
rated tubes, flow reversal elements, bends and exten- velocity of 60 m / sec, the Reynolds number at the inlet
sions. Acoustically, all of these elements behave differ- tube is of the order of 30000 which indicates the state
ently and are used for achieving different objectives3 of turbulence in the exhaust gas system. Figures
from the transmission loss perspective. Similarly, these 1(b)–1(d) show velocity contours over the axial cross-
elements behave differently with respect to their sectional area and axial variation of the total pressure
pressure drop characteristics. Some of these elements for three different values of the area expansion ratio
have very serious detrimental effects on the specific (n = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.6, respectively). These figures also
fuel consumption of the engine though acoustically depict the method of calculation of the pressure drop at
they are very effective for use in a muffler. Four of such the expansion junction. The pressure difference
elements, namely, sudden expansion, sudden between the inlet and the outlet also includes the
contraction14, cross-flow expansion and contraction frictional losses in the tubes. Therefore, a line with a
elements, that are generally used in commercial slope equal to that of the pressure curve in the exit duct
mufflers, have been investigated below. is drawn and its value just after the junction has been
taken to be the pressure at this point just downstream of
2.1 Sudden Expansion the junction. Also indicated are the pressure drop in
This element, conceivably, is the most common terms of the total dynamic head ‘H’ in the inlet pipe
element of any commercial muffler. This also happens which is defined as
to be a major backpressure-intensive component.
Figure 1(a) shows the domain of analysis to investigate 1
H = ␳U2 , 共1兲
the pressure drop characteristics of axi-symmetric 2
abrupt area expansion. Inlet portion of the duct domain
has been chosen to be relatively smaller in length where, ␳ is the mass density and U is the mean flow
(100 mm, with a diameter of 50 mm) because uniform velocity of the incoming fluid in the inlet pipe. Figure
velocity profile (plug flow) is applied at this end 1(e) shows the total pressure variation along the axis of
surface of the tube. The larger-area duct’s length, the element superimposed for various values of expan-
however, has been kept relatively longer (500 mm, with sion ratios. Figure 2 shows the velocity vector plot
varying diameter) so as to have sufficiently extended colored by velocity magnitude in case of abrupt expan-
length for the flow to become reasonably uniform over sion where the actual flow pattern can be noticed.

Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec 505

Fig. 1—(a) Domain of analysis for the sudden area expansion element of a muffler; (b), (c) and (d) are
velocity contour and total pressure curves for three different area expansion ratios (n = 0.1, 0.3
and 0.6, respectively); (e) total pressure curves along the axis of the element superimposed for
various values of expansion ratio, n.
It can also be noticed from the total pressure varia- Different pressure drop values evaluated from the
tion curves that as the expansion ratio, n, decreases, the above-mentioned procedure have been plotted in Fig. 3.
length required for the flow in the expanded tube to A least square fitting has been performed to pass a
re-attach to the boundary increases. For n = 0.1, this curve through these points to arrive at some empirical
length can be seen to be of the order of 300 mm. In any formula for the total normalized pressure loss, known
configuration, if another in-line area contraction is as the pressure loss coefficient K, across sudden expan-
introduced well within this length, then the net pressure
sion. The empirical expression derived from this
drop becomes considerably lower than that of the
exercise is given below:
present case. Such a situation has been discussed in a
later section of this work.

506 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

Fig. 2—Velocity vectors plot colored by velocity magnitude in case of abrupt expansion. All arrows are of
the same length.

K = ⌬Psuddenគexpansion = 0.9837 ⫻ 共1 − n兲1.7635 共2兲 case of a sudden contraction in the fluid flow path.
Figure 4(a) shows the geometry of the analysis domain
where, n is the ratio of the smaller (upstream) area to (with downstream diameter of 50 mm) used and Fig.
the larger (downstream) area. Figure 3 also shows the 4(b) shows the data obtained from the CFD analysis for
curve normally used in the literature14 to evaluate the the pressure drop and the corresponding fitted curve in
pressure drop in such situation; i.e., a least square sense. The resultant empirical expression
K = ⌬Psuddenគexpansion = Kcor共1 − n兲2 , 共3兲 is given by
where, Kcor is the correction factor to be decided for K = ⌬Psuddenគcontraction = 0.69 ⫻ 共1 − n兲, 共4兲
any particular situation and has been taken to be unity where, n is defined in the same way as the previous
for the curve in Fig. 3. case. The same figure also includes three more curves.
2.2 Sudden Contraction One, from Ref. 3, which is applicable for laminar flows
is given by the expression
A similar exercise has been followed to derive an
empirical expression for the normalized head loss in K = ⌬Psuddenគcontraction = 0.5 ⫻ 共1 − n兲, 共5兲
and second, a more realistic one from Ref. 14 repre-
sented by the expression
共1 − n兲0.75
K = ⌬Psuddenគcontraction = Kcor , 共6兲
and third, an experimentally determined one from Ref.
15 and 16 given by
K = ⌬Psuddenគcontraction = 0.5781 + 0.3954n1/2 − 4.5385n
+ 14.24n3/2 − 19.22n2 + 8.54n5/2 , 共6a兲
where, Kcor and n have the same meaning as defined
previously. It can be pointed out that both of these
curves are also empirical relations based on some
assumptions like sharp edged pipe discharging from a
large tank and all of the energy dissipation being
caused by eddies formed between the ‘Vena Contracta’
Fig. 3—Effect of area expansion ratio (AER) on and the wall of the pipe. It may be noted that the
the pressure loss coefficient in case of expression in Eqn. (4) is 38% higher than that of Eqn.
abrupt expansion. (5). For the turbulent flow case, the pressure loss

Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec 507

Fig. 4—Effect of area expansion ratio (AER) on the pressure loss coefficient in case of abrupt contrac-

coefficient is considerably higher as can be noticed these type of elements in isolation or in a combination
from the fourth curve which represents the experimen- other than a plug chamber or a cross-flow chamber.
tally obtained values of K. Consequently, it is necessary to analyze the expansion
and the contraction of the cross-flow separately.
2.3 Cross Flow Expansion Figure 5(a) depicts the domain of analysis to inves-
The most critical component regarding backpressure tigate the pressure drop characteristics of an
of any commercial muffler is the cross-flow perforated axi-symmetric cross-flow expansion element (with d
elements. One does not find much information in the = 50 mm, D = 100 mm). On the lines of the previous
literature regarding the pressure drop characteristics for analysis of the abrupt expansion, the inlet duct is
these types of mufflers. Though Ref. 5 throws some relatively smaller than the outlet duct. The plug on the
light on this aspect for similar mufflers, the investiga- inner tube in the outlet duct has also been placed suffi-
tion is limited to some particular muffler configurations ciently away from the perforated portion of the tube.
where both the cross-flow type expansion and the With an adequately long outlet duct, the atmospheric
contraction are together as elements of a plug chamber. pressure boundary condition at the open end of the
The results, therefore, cannot be used to quantify the outlet duct has been applied at a location free from
pressure drop characteristics of any other muffler with local disturbances. An extended un-perforated length

508 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

Fig. 5—(a) Domain of analysis for the cross-flow expansion element of a muffler; (b), (c) and (d) are ve-
locity contours and total pressure curves for three different open area ratios (OAR= 0.537, 1.0
and 1.46, respectively); (e) shows the average axial flow velocity in the inner and the outer annu-
lar tube.

of 50 mm has been provided at the junction of the the muffler element for OAR= 0.537, 1.0 and 1.46,
smaller and the larger ducts. Wall thickness of 1.5 mm respectively. OAR is the open area ratio defined as

has been used and holes are located symmetrically on
the circumference so as to be able to have a sector dh 2
␲dLp␴ 4Lp␴
OAR = nh = = , 共7兲
containing only one hole in the perimeter of the region. d ␲ 2 d
The domain is then meshed with the tetrahedral d
elements in GAMBIT and the mesh has been exported
to FLUENT for the CFD analysis. Figures. 5(b)–5(d) where, nh represents the total number of holes, dh is the
show the variation of the total pressure along the axis of diameter of the holes, d represents the diameter of the

Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec 509

Fig. 6—Effect of open area ratio (OAR) on the
pressure loss co-efficient in the case of
cross-flow expansion.

perforated tube and ␴ is the overall porosity of the

perforate as a fraction. One curve represents the
pressure field inside the smaller (inner) tube and the
other one represents the field in the larger or the outer
tube. The total pressure drop across the perforation is
reckoned to be the difference in the total pressure at the Fig. 7—Effect of open area ratio (OAR) on the
starting of the perforation in the inner tube and the end pressure loss coefficient in the case of
of the perforation in the outer tube. The start and the cross-flow contraction.
end points are with respect to the flow direction which
is into the volume at the inlet of the smaller tube, as (8) can be used, in conjunction with those for other
shown in Fig. 5(a). Figure 5(e) shows the average axial elements with little error in the design considerations.
flow velocity in the inner and the outer annular tube.
The pressure drop thus calculated is normalized with 2.4 Cross Flow Contraction
reference to the dynamic head at the inlet and is plotted
against different values of the open area ratio of the A similar exercise has been undertaken to character-
perforation. Figure 6 shows the plotted values of the ize the backpressure performance of the cross-flow
normalized total pressure drop for different open area contraction element (see Fig. 7(a)). The results from
ratios. The discrete values of the CFD analysis have the CFD analysis and the corresponding fitted curve are
been fitted with an empirical expression shown in Fig. 7(b). The empirical expression that has
been derived to be used for such a condition is given by
K = ⌬Pcross-flowគexpansion = 4.7844 ⫻ OAR−1.5150 . 共8兲
In Fig. 6, porosity is kept constant. Instead, the perfo- K = ⌬Pcross-flowគcontraction = 3.6480 ⫻ OAR−1.5424 ,
rate length Lp has been varied to varying nh, the number 共9兲
of holes. It is to be noted that the accuracy of the coeffi-
cients and the exponents in Eqn. (8) are not really where all the terms have their usual meaning as defined
needed to the 4th decimal place. For practical purposes, earlier except that the pressure loss has been normal-
they can be rounded to their 2nd decimal place and ized with respect to the exhaust velocity head in the
used. outlet tube. It can be observed that in general the cross-
It has also been observed that this relation remains flow contraction offers less backpressure as compared
more or less the same with respect to expansion ratio, to its expansion counterpart for the same conditions.
i.e. the ratio of cross-sectional area of the inner tube to This observation suggests that a slightly lower porosity
that of the outer tube, 共d / D兲2, for all practical purposes. perforation can be used if the same backpressure as that
The boundary condition at the atmospheric end also of the cross-flow expansion is acceptable for the
affects the pressure drop marginally. Therefore, Eqn. contraction element as well.

510 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

Fig. 9—Effect of hole diameter on the pressure
loss coefficient in the case of cross-flow
expansion, with the open area ratio OAR
kept constant at 1.0.

3.1 Increasing Perforation Diameter

Fig. 8—(a) A two-duct cross-flow plug muffler (b) It has been shown in the literature5 that the effect of
hole diameter, dh, of the perforation and the wall thick-
Comparison of prediction from the
ness of the perforated tube on the transmission loss of
present work with the experimental results any muffler is not very significant (within ±1 dB).
for the above muffler. Therefore, a study on the effect of hole diameter on the
pressure loss coefficient in the cross-flow muffler
In order to verify the usefulness of the developed element is undertaken. As can be seen from Fig. 9, the
empirical formulas, a comparison is made with experi- normalized head loss varies with the perforate diameter
mental results obtained for the effect of open area ratio according the following expression:
on the loss coefficient of a plug muffler5. Figure 8(a)
shows the muffler configuration (d = 43.5 mm, D K = ⌬P = 6.4508 ⫻ d−0.3749
h 共10兲
= 130 mm, dh = 4 mm, ␴ = 3.94%) and Fig. 8(b) shows where, dh is the diameter of the perforations in milli-
the comparison of predicted results from the presently meters.
developed empirical formulas with those obtained One can derive an empirical expression for the same
experimentally for the above muffler. The results can be in terms of both the open area ratio and the perforate
seen to be matching well in the practical range of open hole diameter as follows:
area ratio.
All the above observations have been put into use in K = ⌬P = 7.2227 ⫻ OAR−1.5150d−0.3749
h 共11兲
the next section in order to come up with some means
The above expression has been generated for the case
of reducing backpressure with very little compromise
of cross-flow expansion. However, it has also been
with the transmission loss performance.
noticed that the same relation holds reasonably for the
cross-flow contraction case as well. Therefore, an
3 SOME DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS IN empirical relation similar to Eqn. (11) has been derived
BACKPRESSURE REDUCTION for the cross-flow contraction case:
Having discussed the pressure drop characteristics
K = ⌬P = 5.5072 ⫻ OAR−1.5424d−0.3749
h 共12兲
of four major backpressure-intensive components, the
next step is to investigate some means through which It can be observed from the figure that the pressure
the above discussion can be put to better flow-acoustic drop can be reduced by about 0.8H by having perforate
design applications. The following subsections discuss tubes with 5 mm diameter holes instead of 3 mm
two such techniques of reducing backpressure with diameter holes. This change in diameter of holes does
very little compromise on the transmission loss front. not affect the transmission loss performance of the

Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec 511

tp is thickness of the perforated tube; and dh is
diameter of the perforations.
It can be observed from the above equation that the
resistive part of the impedance is strongly dependent on
the overall porosity of the perforate. It is also known
that for a given cross-sectional area, the perimeter
increases if the total area is divided into smaller subdi-
visions. For example, if a tube of area A is divided in
four smaller tubes of equal sections, the total perimeter
increases by a factor of two. This concept can be
applied to the cross-flow perforated tubes. A single
tube can be broken into several tubes of lesser cross-
Fig. 10—Muffler (four-tube configuration) of fig- sectional area thereby increasing the overall surface
ure (b) has been developed applying the area for perforation and in turn the open area ratio
flow division scheme on the muffler (OAR). This fact has been demonstrated in the muffler
configuration of Fig. 10 where a single-tube cross-flow
(single-tube configuration) of figure (a).
muffler. Figure 10(a) has been transformed into a
four-tube cross-flow (Fig. 10(b)) muffler. As has been
muffler if the overall porosity is maintained at a discussed in an earlier section, the increased OAR is
constant value5. expected to produce less backpressure. Figure 11
shows the velocity magnitude and total pressure
3.2 Introducing Flow Division contours for the single-tube configuration. The pressure
Another method of reducing pressure drop in the loss coefficient for this muffler has been evaluated to be
mufflers is by introducing flow division. The basis of 7.96H. The overall porosity 共␴兲, open area ratio (OAR),
this improvement can be explained by analyzing the diameter of the hole 共dh兲, thickness of the perforate
non-dimensionalized acoustic impedance expression wall 共tp兲 have been taken to be 0.07,1.0, 5 mm and
for the case of cross-flow perforated elements, given by 1.5 mm, respectively.
the following equation2,3: An element-by-element analysis suggests the

冋 册冒
following stages of pressure drops in the muffler:
␨ = 0.514 + j0.95k0共tp + 0.75dh兲 ␴ 共13兲
l␴ K across the muffler = ⌬Pmuffler = 7.96H
where d is diameter of the perforated tubes;
M is the mean-flow Mach number in the perfo- K across the first expansion chamber = ⌬Pexp 1
rated tube, upstream of the perforate;
l is length of the perforate; = 0.5263H
␴ is the overall porosity of the perforates;
k0 is the wave number; K across the cross-flow expansion = ⌬PCFE = 3.772H

Fig. 11—Velocity magnitude and the total pressure contours of the muffler of Fig. 10(a).

512 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

Fig. 12—Velocity vectors colored by velocity magnitude for the muffler of Fig. 10(a). All arrows are of the
same length.

K across the cross-flow contraction = ⌬PCFC Fig. 10(b). The same overall porosity has been
maintained on all of the four tubes. Combined area of
= 3.304H
cross-section of these tubes is equal to the cross-
K across the second expansion chamber = ⌬Pexp 2 sectional area of the single tube of the muffler of Fig.
10(a). The loss coefficient for this muffler has been
= 0.2924H evaluated to be 5.11H (i.e., an overall saving of 2.85H
From these values of pressure drops at various stages, it in terms of the pressure drop with respect to the single-
can be observed that the pressure drops in the expan- tube cross-flow muffler of Fig. 10(a)).
sion chambers are considerably lower than expected for The area-weighted values at the outlet are slightly
the diameter ratio of 1:4 共d : D兲. This can be explained small in the case of four-tube configurations of Fig. 13
from the nature of the velocity vectors of the muffler than that in Fig. 11 (see Table 1). This is due to the fact
(Fig. 12). It is clearly noticeable that the flow in a sense that the flow is somewhat converging after coming out
bypasses the expansion chamber and enters the next of the four tubes and the exit tube length is not suffi-
tubular section both at the inlet and at the exhaust of the
cient for the flow to become reasonably uniform over
muffler. In this way a muffler with a large pressure drop
the outlet cross-section. For this reason, the velocities
can be saved from being built.
Figure 13 shows the velocity magnitude and the total are a little more in a central core (than the average
pressure contours of the four-tube cross-flow muffler of

Fig. 13—Velocity magnitude and the total pressure contours of the muffler of Fig. 10(b).

Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec 513

Table 1—Area-weighted average of the velocity sudden area expansion and contraction, and the cross-
magnitude. flow expansion and contraction, of reactive automotive
mufflers using the commercial CFD based software
Area-Weighted Average FLUENT. The geometric modelling and the meshing
Velocity Magnitude (m/s) have been performed in GAMBIT. Empirical expres-
Single-tube Four-tube sions have been derived for the pressure drop in each of
configuration configuration these four cases in terms of the most significantly
Position (Fig. 11) (Fig. 13) affecting parameter. These expressions have been
Inlet 60 60 derived in such a way that they can be used to evaluate
Outlet 59.883131 58.360716 the pressure drop of more complex muffler systems
where these elements are used in conjunction. The
velocity of 60 m / s) and a relatively larger annular area results of such exercise, however, will be slightly on the
has a smaller velocity as compared to the average high side. Incidentally, that will be on the safer side
velocity. from the design point of view.
Figure 14 shows a comparison of transmission loss It has been shown that the pressure drop in the case
spectra for the two mufflers discussed in this section. It of the contraction is always less than their expansion
can be observed from the curves that the transmission counterparts in both the types under consideration. An
loss performance has slightly come down in the case of empirical expression relating the pressure drop and the
the four-tube configuration as compared to its single- perforation hole diameter has also been derived. A
tube counterpart. However, this can be opted for technique of flow division has been proposed to
depending on the requirement where the backpressure achieve lower pressure drops without affecting the
consideration is very important as in the case of turbo- acoustic performance significantly. Incidentally, this
charged, multi-cylinder engines where the mean-flow paper represents one of the first efforts to both simulate
Mach number can be as high as 0.25. As an increase in the fluid dynamic and acoustic performance of
the mean flow Mach number increases the resistive part mufflers.
of the perforate impedance (see Eqn. (13)) and thence
raises TL, the acoustic performance will be adequate 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
even with the four-tube configuration which offers Financial support of the Facility for Research in
lower backpressure than the corresponding single-tube Technical Acoustics (FRITA) by the Department of
configuration. This change in the design (i.e., from a Science and Technology of the Government of India is
single tube to four tube configuration) will lead to a gratefully acknowledged.
heavier and costlier muffler.
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3. M. L. Munjal, Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers, Wiley-
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4. M. L. Munjal, K. Narayana Rao and A. D. Sahasrabudhe,
“Aeroacoustic analysis of perforated muffler components,” J.
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6. S. N. Panigrahi and M. L. Munjal, “Combination mufflers—
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7. V. B. Panicker and M. L. Munjal, “Aeroacoustic analysis of
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J. Heat Fluid Flow 18(5), 518–529, (1997).
9. FLUENT Users’ Manual, FLUENT Inc, (2003).
Fig. 14—Comparison of transmission loss spectra 10. GAMBIT Users’ Manual, GAMBIT Inc, (2003).
for the mufflers of Fig. 2(a) and 2(b). 11. SYSNOISE Users’ Manual, Rev. 5.6, LMS International, Bel-

514 Noise Control Eng. J. 55 (6), 2007 Nov-Dec

gium, (2003). 14. I. E. Idelchik, Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance, CRC Begell
12. FRITAmuff Users’ Manual, Facility for Research in Technical House, (1994).
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