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l The Ways to

Make Money on
YouTube: A
Detailed Guide

Turn your hobby into a full-time job. See how YouTubers

make money on YouTube and how you can follow their
lead to start earning today.
So you want to make money on YouTube. Earn big, live in a big
mansion, have a broad platform of followers following you, and
turn your passion into a full-time job.

You’re not the first one to dream this dream. And the ugly truth is
that it’s not that easy to make it a reality. If you’re asking
yourself: “Do YouTubers make money?”, the answer is “Yes.” But a
popular creator’s income cannot be comparable to how much
money small YouTubers make.

YouTubers who consistently make money on YouTube now have

worked really hard and without any reward for long periods. And
as for those who make millions on the internet’s most prominent
video platform? They worked even more.

Now, if you’re asking yourself, “is it hard to make money on

YouTube?”, the answer is 100%, absolutely “yes.” But
for YouTubers who are just starting out, it takes a lot of work

In general, professional YouTubers have multiple sources of

income that allow them to turn their hobby into a full-time job.
And it usually depends on two things: their niche and the size of
their audience.

But let’s start with the basics. If you haven’t been living under a
rock, you most probably know that YouTube has ads, and for
every $100 Google gets from these ads, $68 goes to the creator.
So, if you’re asking yourself how to make money on YouTube,
Google Ads isn’t the only answer since it won’t make you rich
unless you have a successful channel that gets millions of views
As Influencer Marketing Hub reports, a YouTube channel can
receive from $3 to $5 per 1000 video views with an average pay
of $0.18 per view. But according to Social Blade’s calculator, on
how much money YouTubers make, popular channels like Shane
Dawson, PewDiePie (maybe the highest paid YouTuber), Jeffree
Star, and Dude Perfect can earn more than a million dollars per

So, now that people have stopped asking “can you make money on
YouTube?” they simply want to know how they can do it
themselves. But the truth is that those prominent creators don’t
really rely on YouTube pre-roll ads that Google serves to viewers.

They’re businesspeople. With an entrepreneurial mindset that only

allows them to grow and earn bigger and bigger.
How to Make Money on YouTube, the Right Way

The short answer is that to make money on YouTube, you need to

become YouTube famous first. But in this post, we’re not going to
talk about that. This is a whole other story covered in this blog

Here, we’re taking a look at how YouTubers make money and

ways to make money on YouTube as a video creator.

1. Google Ads: YouTube’s ad network

here’s nothing easier than applying for YouTube’s partnership

program. With at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of
overall watch time on their channel, anyone can apply to become
a YouTube partner and monetize their content, and (supposedly)
make money off YouTube.
But don’t get your hopes up. With the average YouTuber making
around $7.60 per video, relying on this monetization strategy
without a big fanbase is not enough. Build your brand, engage
more viewers, gather fans and subscribers, and you might earn a
full-time monthly YouTube income in the long run.

Just focus on creating top-notch content to bring more viewers in.

And more. And some more — the more, the merrier.

2. Make money on YouTube without ads: Promote yourself

YouTube processes more than 3 billion searches a month. So,

what brand wouldn’t want to promote itself on a search engine
with such power and traffic?

In fact, this is our second piece of advice for all of you wondering
how to make money on YouTube: promote your products and/or

Create awesome content specifically designed for your niche.

Monitor what people interested in your area of expertise are
looking for, craft relevant videos, publish, promote, and slowly
establish yourself as an authority. Later on, you can market your
services or products.

Say you’re a plumber, for example. What would be a better video

strategy than to upload videos about fixes to the most common
plumbing problems? And if they’re not able to fix it by themselves,
they can always reach you. You might not be making money on
YouTube, but you’re making money through YouTube.

Raise awareness, get your brand out there, and bring more
customers in without spending a single cent on promotion.
As weird as it sounds, this is a trend that the beauty community
introduced first. Beauty influencers who posed as makeup
authorities got so many regular customers that they eventually
landed even multi-million dollar deals with global brands.

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3. Sponsored videos: How big names make money on YouTube

You’ve definitely seen one of those, and the concept is not that
hard to comprehend. Brands pay YouTubers who, by turn, must
mention the brand that pays them. A simple deal that is super-
effective — and the most popular answer to the “how YouTubers
make money” question.

You might be trying to figure out how much money you can make
on YouTube, but let’s turn the tables for a while. Let’s see how
much money brands make from influencer marketing — because
this is what sponsored videos are.

A recent study by the influencer marketplace, Tomoson, revealed

that the average business makes $6.50 for every $1 it spends on
influencer marketing. What’s more, 22% of marketers described
this quite newly-introduced promotion strategy as the most cost-

With YouTube, things are more or less the same, with 70% of
teenage subscribers saying that they related to YouTubers more
than traditional celebrities.
So, yeah. Sponsored videos work, but they also need time. If
you’re looking for quick ways to make money on YouTube, this is
not the way to go. YouTube influencers that land such
partnerships have been generating content for years, and they’ve
built special bonds with their followers. They’ve used YouTube
tools that have helped them evolve and step up their game, and
they’ve mastered the arts of video editing, promotion, and

If you believe that your numbers qualify you to start promoting

products and making money on YouTube without YouTube ads,
don’t wait for a brand to contact you. Start pitching your channel
to brands and offer a paid partnership.

Keep reading for more!

4. Affiliate marketing: Passive YouTube income

If you’re new to online marketing, affiliate marketing might sound

a lot like Greek to you. But the truth is that it’s been around since
the beginning of civilization.

As fancy as it sounds, affiliate marketing is nothing more than

referring products or services to other people and then taking a
commission after they close the deal. When it comes to online
affiliate marketing, though, and making money on YouTube and
other platforms through it, things get a little more complicated.

Each marketer is assigned a specific link to a product they want

to promote. This unique link works as a referral, so when
someone purchases a product through it, marketers get a
commission. It might sound a lot like hustling, but there are plenty
of reasons why even big YouTubers choose is as one of their
primary sources of income to make money on YouTube.

First, affiliate links never expire, and even a 5-year-old YouTube

video can keep bringing money. Second, it’s passive income.
Creators publish their video, add an affiliate link to the
description, and let it do its magic. Without moving a finger.

If you’re looking for the best and easiest way to make money as a
beginner YouTuber, affiliate marketing is the best way to go. Start
by finding an affiliate platform like CJ Affiliate, find products that
you know and feel comfortable to promote, and take it from

5. Crowdfunding & fan-funding: Let your viewers take the reins

Crowdfunding on YouTube is a donation method that your

audience can use to fund your channel. Since YouTube is a free
service and viewers don’t need to pay any fee to watch your
videos, you can just ask them to support your content.

If you don’t feel comfortable with it, you can post a video pitching
a video project, get your viewers excited, and ask to support this
project specifically. In general, this is a common method of many
high-quality creators who want to make money on YouTube and
invest in their channel.

There are four popular ways to raise money from fundraising:

• YouTube Super Chat: When you live stream, you can enable
live commenting, also known as super chat. Some
comments, depending on each user’s donation, stay pinned
for a set amount of time. And, of course, the more a user
pays, the longer the comment sticks to the top. This, by the
way, is a widespread technique among gamers who want to
gain some extra money on YouTube.
• YouTube Channel Memberships: It might not be super hot,
but YouTube also comes with a membership option. By
enabling this, you allow your subscribers who want to pay a
small fee to get access to exclusive content you create for
your supporters.
• Kickstarter: If you have an idea for a product that you believe
in, create a free Kickstarter account, set a financial goal, and
share the link with your viewers. Yes, using YouTube as a
medium to promote an extra passion of yours is not new.
• Patreon: Patreon is used by many creators online. Via
monthly memberships, your fans can support your content,
and you can draw them in by offering exclusive perks to
show your appreciation.

Whatever option you go for, make sure you establish a connection

with your subscribers first. Don’t ask for their money right away.
You’ll only appear pushy and aggressive.

6. License your content to the media: Create the news

If you’ve identified what most YouTube viewers want, chances are

you’ve produced a viral video. And this can only mean one thing:
Sooner or later the media will sweep in and want to feature your
video. Did you know that you can get money out of it?

It wasn’t long ago when a viral video of a mom playing with a

Halloween mask went viral. Dozens of TV shows saw an
opportunity and featured the video. The Chewbacca Mom had
officially made it and turned a funny video into a source of

If you want to license a video to the media, all you need to do is

submit your video URL to a video rights marketplace such
as Jukin Media. Then, wait for a news outlet to ask for your
permission to feature your viral video.

And this is how you make money on YouTube without having a

manager to handle business inquiries.
How To Promote Products on YouTube the Right Way

By now, you already know YouTube ads work, so we’re not going
to offer tips on an automated process. What you will get to know
now is how to promote products without using Google’s network
and how you can make money on YouTube without ads. Here are
the dos and don'ts.

1. Create good content — the #1 rule if you want to make money

on YouTube

YouTubers should never compromise their content's quality.

When a brand or company assigns you a sponsored video, you
need to make sure that it is ten times better than the rest of your

For some reason, people on YouTube don’t always love

sponsored content because they feel like the trust between them
and the creator is breaking. Deliver good content, and no one will
ever haul you up on “sellout charges.”

2. Don’t overdo it — earning money is a slow process

If you want to create promotional content, you need to keep it low.

Many YouTubers who identify the opportunity to advertise
products on their channel get carried away, and in an attempt to
earn more from YouTube, they keep producing sponsored videos
all the time.

Of course, this is not sustainable. Viewers eventually feel

betrayed, content becomes a second priority, and views are
shrinking. You’re a creator first and you need to act as one.

Check your YouTube analytics tool to see what your audience

likes and create a bunch of videos circling around this topic. Then,
adding some promotional videos to your playlist will not feel
desperate or weird.

3. Promote creatively— learn from the best

There’s a YouTuber you might have heard of with more than 2.7
million subscribers. Up until recently, every single one of her
videos was sponsored by Squarespace, and even though
everybody knew that at the end of a video, a sponsored message
would appear, they stayed and watched it.

She’s no other than Anna Akana, another YouTuber who makes

tons of money.

Anna Akana creates custom-made animated sponsored

messages which she adjusts to each video’s topic. This does not
only increase her audience’s engagement but also introduces a
new way of doing business with brands that want to be featured
on YouTube.

But what does Anna Akana teach us about making money on

YouTube? That you need to be creative even when you’re creating
promos. Both brands and viewers will love it.

4. Be honest— to yourself and your fans

No one ever said that you publish videos in partnership with
brands — or to promote your own products and services. But you
need to be transparent. YouTubers who’ve tried to make money
and hide collaborations have received only backlash from their
very own loyal fanbase.

Be open about it. Tell the truth about you working with a business
to bring awareness to a product you believe in. As you would do
with a friend of yours.

5. Promote organically

Last but not least, you need to be natural. Don't force ads and
sponsored messages into your content because it will show. If
you have a collab in the works and a sponsored video to post, you
need to either adapt your ad to your content or the other way

Otherwise, the message will feel intrusive.

Many companies usually hand out scripts and ask YouTubers to

learn them by heart. Say “no” to this. This is called overselling,
and you need to avoid that.

Today, promoting products and services on YouTube and making

money out of it is a solid business model. But you can’t expect
this success to happen overnight.

Create a community of engaged users and build trust. Once

you’ve hit those huge milestones, you’ll be ready to take the next
step and start making money from your YouTube channel. For
many years to come.
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June 26, 2020


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