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APRIL 2021 |

APRIL 2021



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APRIL 2021 | Volume 100 Number 4

22 8


25 Converting a petroleum diesel refinery for renewable diesel 4 Industry Perspectives
E. Chan 8 Construction
27 Reducing acid consumption: Maximizing sulfuric acid 12 Industry Metrics
alkylation unit profitability
J. R. Peterson, D. Rana and R. Ewing
14 Global Project Data
85 Innovations
31 Leveraging digital technologies to create the smart renewable diesel facility
C. Harclerode 89 Advertiser Index

37 Meeting the Tier 3 challenge with ultra-clean alkylate 90 Events

E. Griffiths and M. Mukherjee
41 A solution to the IMO 2020 MARPOL Annex VI requirement
B. Klussmann 7 Editorial Comment
Clean fuels: Maximizing production
47 Renewable diesel: The latest buzzword in the downstream sector without forsaking profitability
W. E. Preston, Y. Mccoll and D. Schnittker
17 Reliability
ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Taking ownership of problems
51 Modular construction: Always considered, now COVID-necessary
M. Villegas 19 Executive Viewpoint
Technology to drive decarbonization
53 Challenges and pitfalls in brownfield EPC projects of the oil and gas industry
P. Dixit
21 Executive Viewpoint
57 Retrofit: A viable alternative to greenfield construction Leading in times of uncertainty
S. C. D. Das
59 Design considerations when flaring ethylene oxide
D. A. G. Suares
Cover Image: Gazprom Neft is investing in the two-
PROCESS OPTIMIZATION stage Omsk oil refinery modernization project. The
61 Determining the indeterminate capital-intensive investment will enable the refinery
D. Chaudhuri and H. van de Ruit to increase conversion rate and produce Euro-5 fuels.
Photo courtesy of Gazprom Neft.
65 Take control of tank pressure
D. Macedonia
69 TOTAL refineries improve overhead systems corrosion and salting
with amine-neutralizing technology
L. A. Brun, C. Majorel, J. P. Thoret-Bauchet, A. Pothuaud and C. Cross
75 Improve the reliability of a CO2 compressor
in a urea synthesis/granulation plant
S. Zardynezhad
81 Alarm management: A pillar of process safety management
C. G. Moreno
P. O. Box 2608
Houston, Texas 77252-2608, USA
Phone: +1 (713) 529-4301
Fax: +1 (713) 520-4433

PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins

Industry Perspectives EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/

Lee Nichols

Executive Editor Adrienne Blume
Two events to honor the industry’s Managing Editor
Digital Editor
Mike Rhodes
Stephanie Bartels

people and technologies Technical Editor

Reliability/Equipment Editor
Sumedha Sharma
Heinz P. Bloch
Contributing Editor Alissa Leeton
In the second half of 2021, Hydrocarbon Processing is hosting Contributing Editor ARC Advisory Group
two events to showcase the leading technologies and people Contributing Editor Anthony Sofronas
in the refining, petrochemicals and gas processing/LNG in- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION / +1 (713) 525-4633
dustries: The International Refining and Petrochemical Con- Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
Manager, Advertising Production Cheryl Willis
ference (IRPC) and the HP Awards. A “call for abstracts” has Manager, Editorial Production Angela Bathe Dietrich
opened for both events. Assistant Manager, Editorial Production Melissa DeLucca
Graphic Designer Krista Norman
Artist/Illustrator David Weeks

See Sales Offices, page 89.

CIRCULATION / +1 (713) 520-4498 /

Director, Circulation Suzanne McGehee
IRPC Operations. Built on the essence of topics in the pages SUBSCRIPTIONS
of Hydrocarbon Processing, IRPC Operations will highlight the Subscription price (includes both print and digital versions): One year $399,
latest equipment, services, tools and technologies to optimize two years $679, three years $897. Airmail rate outside North America $175 addi-
tional a year. Single copies $35, prepaid.
refining and petrochemical operations and maintenance ef-
Hydrocarbon Processing’s Full Data Access subscription plan is priced at $1,995.
forts for a safer, more efficient, more profitable and sustainable This plan provides full access to all information and data Hydrocarbon Processing
work environment. has to offer. It includes a print or digital version of the magazine, as well as full
access to all posted articles (current and archived), process handbooks, the
The global, virtual event, to be held September 21–22, will HPI Market Data book, Construction Boxscore Database project updates and more.
focus on several categories that address the challenges in hy-
Because Hydrocarbon Processing is edited specifically to be of greatest value to
drocarbon processing operations. These categories include people working in this specialized business, subscriptions are restricted to those
emerging processing technologies; catalysts technologies; en- engaged in the hydrocarbon processing industry, or service and supply company
personnel connected thereto.
gineering/construction best practices; integration techniques;
maintenance and reliability; digital transformation; circular Hydrocarbon Processing is indexed by Applied Science & Technology Index, by
Chemical Abstracts and by Engineering Index Inc. Microfilm copies available through
economy; process controls, instrumentation and automation; University Microfilms, International, Ann Arbor, Mich. The full text of Hydrocarbon
clean fuels, biofuels and alternative fuels production; sustain- Processing is also available in electronic versions of the Business Periodicals Index.
The IRPC Operations “call for abstracts” is underway. To sub- Published articles are available for distribution in a PDF format or as professionally
mit an abstract, visit printed handouts. Contact Foster Printing at Mossberg & Co. for a price quote and
details about how you can customize with company logo and contact information.
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Hydrocarbon Processing (ISSN 0018-8190) is published monthly by Gulf Energy
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address changes to Hydrocarbon Processing, P.O. Box 2608, Houston, Texas 77252.
HP Awards. Over the past several years, Hydrocarbon Process- Copyright © 2021 by Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.
ing has honored the latest technologies and people that advance Permission is granted by the copyright owner to libraries and others registered
the industry in numerous ways. The 2021 HP Awards will be with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy any articles herein for
the base fee of $3 per copy per page. Payment should be sent directly to the CCC,
held on October 28 and will honor the downstream energy 21 Congress St., Salem, Mass. 01970. Copying for other than personal or internal
sector’s leading technology innovations, as well as outstanding reference use without express permission is prohibited. Requests for special
permission or bulk orders should be addressed to the Editor. ISSN 0018-8190/01.
personal contributions to the industry.
The awards ceremony will recognize leading technologies
in the areas of process optimization, automation, catalysts,
digitalization, safety, flow control, instrumentation, engineer-
ing, sustainability and much more. The event will again feature President/CEO John Royall
CFO Alan Millis
special People/Company categories such as EPC of the year, Vice President, Upstream and Midstream Andy McDowell
licensor of the year, executive of the year, most promising engi- Vice President, Finance and Operations Pamela Harvey
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
neer and lifetime achievement. Vice President, Downstream Catherine Watkins
The abstract submission period is open. To submit an ab- Publication Agreement Number 40034765 Printed in USA
stract and/or to find more information on the event and spon- Other Gulf Energy Information titles include: Gas ProcessingTM, Petroleum Economist ©,
sorships, visit www.HydrocarbonProcessing/events. World Oil ®, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Underground Construction.

4APRIL 2021 |

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Clean fuels: Maximizing production

without forsaking profitability
Over the past several decades, the production capacity for alternative fuels INSIDE THIS ISSUE
hydrocarbon processing industry has in- and renewable fuels. These are emerging
vested heavily in new processing units to
produce low-sulfur and ultra-low-sulfur
trends in several regions/countries.
For example, many countries are man- 19 Executive Viewpoints.
Thorbjoern Fors, Siemens
Energy, discusses the decarbonization
(ULS) transportation fuels. This increase dating the increase in biofuels blending
in “clean fuels” production focuses on mit- with conventional fuels. These programs of the oil and gas industry and
the technologies that are helping
igating pollutants from vehicle exhaust. not only provide a method of reducing
companies meet their sustainability
In the past 30 yr, the global refining in- emissions, but also enable many countries
goals, while Lisa Graham, Seeq,
dustry has invested hundreds of billions of to mitigate costly crude oil imports.
provides her views on navigating risks
dollars to reduce the amount of sulfur in Finally, a major trend in new clean-
and leading in times of uncertainty.
gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, etc. At present, mil- fuels production is the increase in new

24 Clean Fuels.
lions of tons per year of additional second- renewable fuels plants being built. For
ary unit capacity is under development. example, several retrofit projects and new This month’s Special Focus
According to OPEC’s World Oil Out- renewable diesel plants are being built in details several technologies that can
look 2020, secondary unit capacity (con- the U.S. to increase the production of re- be used to produce renewable diesel,
version, desulfurization and octane) is newable diesel. adhere to Tier 3 and IMO marine fuel
forecast to increase approximately 10 regulations and maximize alkylation
MMbpd by 2026. More than half of this Analysis and discussion. Due to the unit profitability.
total will be for new desulfurization ca- stark increase in new government regula-
pacity (FIG. 1). Most new desulfuriza-
tion capacity will be built in Asia and the
tions to curb emissions, this issue is dedi-
cated to showcasing several technologies 51 Engineering and
Although modular construction is
Middle East, which account for nearly 4 that will help advance the production of
not a new concept, it may become a
MMbpd of new desulfurization capacity renewable diesel, helping the marine in-
necessity due to the global pandemic.
within the forecast period. dustry comply with strict marine fuels
Considering the importance of operator
The stark increase in new desulfuriza- regulations, adhering to new ULS fuels
safety and social distancing during
tion capacity is due to new stringent clean production initiatives and using digi- COVID-19, five key advantages of
fuels regulations being adopted by nations tal technologies to create smart renew- modular construction are discussed
around the world. able facilities. These technologies are a to ensure a safe and successful project.
glimpse at the many processes available
Renewables and biofuels. Organiza-
tions around the world are also investing
in increasing biofuels blending and in new
to maximize the production of clean fu-
els and optimize operations without for-
saking profitability.
69 Water Management.
Weak organic amines are
commonly used in crude unit overhead
systems to prevent acidic corrosion
from chlorides and other acidic
1.4 contaminants via a neutralization
1.2 reaction. This article examines the use
of a proprietary amine-neutralizing
1.0 technology implemented in two of

0.8 TOTAL’s European refineries.


0.4 81 Safety. Adequate

implementation of alarm
management is a fundamental part
0.2 in process safety management. This
0.0 article details how concepts, stages,
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 indicators, etc., of alarm management
are compatible with the main elements
FIG. 1. Global desulfurization capacity growth, 2020–2025 (MMbpd). Source: OPEC.
of process safety management.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 7

 | Construction
Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database is
tracking nearly 1,300 active downstream projects around the
world, representing nearly $1.9 T in capital expenditures. This
month’s Business Trends highlights some of the major projects
and contracts that have been announced over the past two
months. These projects will be instrumental in satisfying
regional demand for finished hydrocarbon products.

Ethylene plant built by Linde in Saudi Arabia. Photo courtesy of Linde.



AFRICA Honeywell UOP will provide sev- plex will be operational by mid-2024,
Sprea Misr has awarded Nuberg eral licensed technologies to Shandong six months ahead of schedule. The com-
EPC an engineering, procurement and Yulong Petrochemical Co. Ltd.’s inte- plex will produce 2.3 MMtpy of polyeth-
construction (EPC) contract for a 500- grated petrochemicals complex in Longk- ylene (PE) and 400,000 tpy of polypro-
tpd sulfuric acid plant in Ramadan City, ou, Shandong Province, China. These pylene (PP).
Egypt. The plant will also incorporate a platforming and aromatics technologies
5-MW turbine with a steam-based power will enable Shandong Yulong to produce ORLEN awarded DuPont Clean
generation plant. The sulfuric acid pro- 3 MMtpy of mixed aromatics. Technologies a licensing, engineering
duced will be used to produce ammonia and technical services contract for an al-
and urea for the agriculture industry. Indian Oil Corp.’s (IOC’s) subsidiary, kylation and spent acid regeneration units
Chennai Petroleum Corp. Ltd., has re- at the Mažeikiai refinery in Mažeikiai,
ASIA-PACIFIC ceived approval to build a 9-MMtpy refin- Lithuania. The two units will increase the
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. (NRL) ery in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India. refinery’s complexity and flexibility. Both
has selected Axens to supply advanced The $4-B refinery, which will take approx- units are expected to startup in 2025.
technologies for the Numaligarh Refinery imately 4 yr to build from final investment
Expansion project. Located in Golaghat, approval, will produce gasoline and diesel OMV is expanding and moderniz-
Assam, India, NRL is expanding the re- that adhere to India’s BS-6 fuel standard. ing its cracker and petrochemical units
finery by 6 MMtpy to 9 MMtpy. The ex- at the Burghausen refinery in Germany.
pansion will enable NRL to produce fuels Toyo Engineering Corp. and Velocys The projects, which are scheduled to be
that adhere to India’s strict Bharat Stage-6 have signed a collaboration agreement to completed in 3Q 2022, will help OMV
(BS-6) fuel standard. Axens will license produce sustainable jet fuel and other re- increase ethylene and propylene produc-
technologies for the naphtha hydrotreat- newable fuels in Japan. The agreement tion by 50,000 tpy.
ing unit, continuous catalytic reforming follows the successful launch of the JV’s
unit, C5–C6 isomerization unit and the biomass-to-jet fuel demonstration plant in KazMunayGas awarded a front-end
fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) gasoline Japan. The latest agreement is in hopes of engineering and design (FEED) contract
selective desulfurization unit. launching a commercial-scale biomass-to- to JGC for a planned gas separation plant.
NRL also awarded Lummus Tech- jet fuel plant in the country. The 957-MMft3d facility will be built in
nology a contract to supply its Indmax Kazakhstan and provide ethane feedstock
FCC technology for the refinery. Accord- IOC has started construction on a new to Kazakhstan Petrochemical Indus-
ing to Lummus, the Indmax FCC unit $132.7-MM catalytic dewaxing unit at its tries Inc.’s (KPII’s) Atyrau gas chemical
will process 1.96 MMtpy of mixed hy- Haldia refinery in Haldia, India. The unit, complex. The Atyrau complex will use
drotreated VGO feed with the flexibility which will use Chevron Lummus Global’s the ethane as a feedstock for a planned
to operate in gasoline mode, as well as in ISODEWAXING and ISOFINISHING 1.25-MMtpy PE plant. At present, KPII is
maximum propylene production mode. technologies, will increase the refinery’s abil- building a $2.6-B, 500,000-tpy PP plant at
This contract is in addition to an earlier ity to produce lubricant base oils. The proj- the site, which will be completed by the
announced technology licensing award ect is scheduled to be completed in late 2022. end of this year. The site’s second phase
by NRL to Chevron Lummus Global, includes the construction of the PE unit.
a JV between Chevron and Lummus. In late January, LyondellBasell and
Chevron Lummus Global will provide its Sinopec finalized a JV to produce pro- In late January, Russia’s Sberbank ap-
LC-FINING technology for the refinery. pylene oxide (PO) and styrene monomer proved more than $3.6 B in additional
(SM). The JV, which will operate under financing for Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2
Refining NZ has made significant the name Ningbo ZRCC LyondellBa- project. The $21-B, 20-MMtpy project
progress in a study to convert the Mars- sell New Material Co. Ltd., will build a is scheduled to begin operations in 2023
den Point refinery in New Zealand to 275,000-tpy PO plant and a 600,000-tpy and reach full operations in 2026.
an import terminal. Due to increased SM plant in Zhenhai Ningbo, China. The
competition from modern Asian refin- products produced will be used for the do- Tecnimont SpA and KT-Kinetics
eries, coupled with a collapse in refined mestic market. Technology SpA, subsidiaries of Maire
product demand from COVID-19, Re- Tecnimont, were awarded two EPC con-
fining NZ plans to invest approximately EUROPE tracts for SOCAR’s Heydar Aliyev refin-
$145 MM to convert the refinery into an Sibur announced in mid-February ery modernization project in Azerbaijan.
import terminal. that the $10-B Amur Gas Chemical com- According to Maire Tecnimont’s press
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 9

release, the scope of the first contract in- by 2026. The project’s second phase will
cludes the installation of an FCC gaso- allow Qatar to increase LNG production
line hydrotreating unit, while the other capacity to 126 MMtpy by 2027.
pertains to the installation of an LPG
mercaptan oxidation unit and an amine U.S.
treatment and LPG pretreatment unit. PTT Global Chemical America an-
These projects will enable the refinery to nounced it is seeking a partner for its
produce Euro-5 gasoline. $10-B ethane cracker project in Ohio.
The company plans on making a final in-
In early February, Lukoil commis- vestment decision (FID) in 2021 on the
sioned a $135-MM deasphalting plant capital-intensive project. If built, the proj-
at its Volgograd refinery in Russia. The ect will produce 1.5 MMtpy of ethylene.
new plant will enable the refinery to pro- Operations are scheduled to begin 4 yr–6
duce high-quality basestocks and is part yr after an FID is taken.
of a wider $2.33-B program to modern-
ize the refinery. CVR Energy is moving into the next
Lukoil also plans to commission an phase of its alkylation project at its refin-
isomerization unit and delayed coking ery in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. CVR En-
unit at its 17-MMtpy Kstovo refinery in ergy awarded KBR a contract to revamp
the Nizhny Novgorod region by 2022. the refinery’s existing hydrofluoric acid
alkylation unit. KBR will provide detailed
Jizzakh Petroleum let a technology engineering of the process equipment,
licensing contract to Versalis, the chemi- proprietary equipment supplies and mod-
cal subsidiary of Eni, for a $2.8-B grass- ule fabrication. The project’s completion
roots methanol-to-olefins (MTO) gas-to- date is scheduled for late 2024.
chemicals complex. Versalis will provide
licensing technology for a low-density Shintech plans to increase polyvinyl
PE (LDPE) plant-ethylene vinyl acetate chloride (PVC) and vinyl chloride mono-
(EVA) swing unit at the facility being built mer (VCM) production capacity with the
in the Bukhara region of southwestern construction of a grassroots, integrated
Uzbekistan. The MTO gas-to-chemicals plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana. The
complex will process 1.5 Bm3y of domesti- $1.25-B plant will produce 390,000 tpy of
cally-sourced natural gas into 500,000 tpy PVC and 380,000 tpy of VCM. The plant
PROCESS AND of high-quality polymers, including LDPE,
EVA, polyethylene terephthalate and PP.
is scheduled to begin operations by 2024.

MEMBRANE Once completed, the complex will help

Uzbekistan monetize domestic natural gas
Diamond Green Diesel, a JV between
Darling and Valero, has received approv-
TECHNOLOGY resources and mitigate costly imports. al from both companies’ boards of direc-
tors to build a new renewable diesel facil-
LATIN AMERICA ity. The $1.45-B plant will be located at
 Emission control NextChem, a subsidiary of Maire Valero’s Port Arthur, Texas refinery. Once
Tecnimont, and Essential Energy USA completed in 2H 2023, the plant will pro-
(e. g. VRUs) for Corp. have engaged in a FEED contract duce 470 MMgpy of renewable diesel.
terminals, refinieries and Memorandum of Understanding for
and marine loading a renewable diesel plant in South Amer- Venture Global announced plans to
ica. The 200,000-tpy facility will convert build a second LNG export terminal ad-
natural oil, waste vegetables oils and tal- jacent to its Calcasieu Pass LNG terminal
low into high-quality renewable diesel. now under construction. The 20-MMtpy
NextChem will be the exclusive EPC con- CP2 LNG plant will consist of 18 lique-
tractor on the project, which is scheduled faction trains and be built in two phases. to be completed in 2023. Phase 1 will include the construction of
nine liquefaction trains, as well as the con-
MIDDLE EAST struction of feedstock pipelines and com-
Phone: + 49 (0) 7623 96609-0
Qatar Petroleum has awarded a con- pressor stations. Phase 1 construction
Fax: + 49 (0) 7623 96609-50 tract for the first phase of its nearly $29-B activities—subject to regulatory approv-
E-mail: North Field expansion project. The con- als—are scheduled to begin in 2Q 2023,
Germany tract, awarded to Chiyoda and Technip, with operations to begin in 2Q 2025. Full
will enable Qatar to increase LNG pro- completion of Phase 1 activities is sched-
duction from 77 MMtpy to 110 MMtpy uled for mid-2026.
10APRIL 2021 |
With a retained, trained, and experienced workforce, we have
been improving our processes, facilities, and technology so
that when you are ready for your next project, we are too.
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—Ariel Corporation; ready for anything.

Industry Metrics

U.S. refinery margins extended their upward trend and showed the largest Global refining margins, 2020–2021*
gains relative to the other regions due to a rise in refinery outages as extreme 25
cold temperatures caused partial and complete refinery shutdowns. Refinery WTI, U.S. Gulf
20 Brent, Rotterdam
margins in Europe lost ground with negative performance registered in the

Margins, U.S.$/bbl
15 Oman, Singapore
naphtha, jet/kero and high-sulfur fuel oil segments. Asian product markets
strengthened slightly, reinforced by product supply disruptions caused by 10
unexpected refinery outages within and outside the region. 5
An expanded version of Industry Metrics can be found 0
online at -5













U.S. gas production (Bft3d) and prices (US$/Mft3)
120 7
Global refining utilization rates, 2020–2021*
100 6
80 5

Utilization rates, %
60 80
40 Monthlyprice
Monthly price(Henry
Hub) 70
20 12-monthprice
12-month priceavg.
avg. U.S. EU 16
Production 1 60
Selected Asia
0 0 50












2018 2019 2020 2021
Production equals U.S. marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.

Selected world oil prices, U.S. $/bbl U.S. Gulf cracking spread vs. WTI, 2020–2021*
100 50
90 40 Prem. gasoline Diesel
Cracking spread, U.S. $/bbl

80 Jet/kero Fuel oil

70 30
60 20
40 Brent Blend 10
30 W. Texas Inter. 0
20 Dubai Fateh
Source: DOE -10
0 -20












2019 2020 2021

Brent dated vs. sour grades Rotterdam cracking spread vs. Brent, 2020–2021*
(Urals and Dubai) spread, 2020–2021* 30
60 Prem. gasoline Gasoil
Cracking spread, U.S. $/bbl
Light sweet/medium sour
crude spread, U.S.$/bbl

Dubai 20 Jet/kero Fuel oil

40 Urals
20 10

0 0
-20 -10

























World liquid fuel supply and demand, MMbpd Singapore cracking spread vs. Dubai, 2020–2021*
110 8 20
Implied stock build World supply Forecast
Cracking spread, U.S. $/bbl
Stock change and balance, MMbpd

105 Implied stock draw World demand 6 10

Supply and demand, MMbpd

95 4
90 2
-20 Prem. gasoline Gasoil
85 0 Jet/kero Fuel oil













75 -2
70 -4
2016-Q1 2017-Q1 2018-Q1 2019-Q1 2020-Q1 2021-Q1 2022-Q1 * Material published permission of the OPEC Secretariat; copyright 2021;
Source: EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook, March 2021 all rights reserved; OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report, March 2021.

12APRIL 2021 |
Global Project Data

According to Gulf Energy Information’s Global Energy Infrastruc- half of these projects are in the Asia-Pacific region, primarily in India.
ture database, new capital project investments have increased each When compared to 1Q 2020, new project announcements through
month since November 2020. Over the past month, the Boxscore the first quarter of this year are about the same—65 in 1Q 2020 vs.
Database recorded a yearly high 24 new capital project announce- 62 in 1Q 2021. In total, the Boxscore Database is tracking nearly 1,300
ments in the global hydrocarbon processing industry. Approximately projects around the world.

7 7 22 60
39 40
Eastern Europe,
23 25 31 Russia, CIS
71 56 Western Europe
U.S. 56
20 180 194
62 141
25 19 Middle East
Refining 35
Petrochemicals 13 11 Africa
Gas processing/LNG Latin America Asia-Pacific

Total active projects by region and sector,

excluding holds

28 28 19% Engineering

20 21
32% Under construction
15 15 16 17 5% FEED
11 11
38% Proposed/planning
6% Study
Jan.- Feb.- Mar.- April- May- June- July- Aug.- Sept.- Oct.- Nov.- Dec.- Jan.- Feb.- Mar.-
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21

New project announcements,

Active project market share by activity level
January 2020–March 2021

A new market intelligence tool for the international energy industry with project data sets for hydrogen,
renewables, global pipelines, LNG and downstream assets. |

14APRIL 2021 |

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Taking ownership of problems

Taking ownership of issues during a
critical or troubling time is just as im-
portant as assuming responsibility dur-
ing times of opportunity and benefit. In
fact, one could argue that accountability
is even more important than opportun-
ism, since there can be much more to lose
when the threats of breakdown, failure
and harm to personnel, plant and/or en-
terprise loom near.
Here, we highlight two recent, relevant
examples related to the ownership of prob-
lems: one in which ownership was present,
and one in which it was not. These exam-
ples serve as resounding reminders of how
service excellence and responsibility—or, FIG. 1. The Brazos Wind Farm (also known as the Green Mountain Energy Wind Farm) near
conversely, failure and finger-pointing—at Fluvanna, Texas contains 160 wind turbines, each with a generating capacity of 1 MW.
the upper levels of organizations can have
a strong hand in shaping the perception of NSM, and committed NSM’s words to his Texas had failed due to ice encrustation;
how crises are handled. notebook: “I am very sorry for any prob- however, blades in Canada had survived
lems that this steam turbine or any other many more severe Canadian winters. In
Turbomachinery setback averted. A machine from [“GHJ”] has caused to an that case, blades in Texas must lack some-
few years ago, large-scale petrochemical [“ABC”] project, and I am here to ascer- thing that Canadian blades have.
producer “ABC” ran into performance tain that [“GHJ”] will do everything to Furthermore, if 10% of all the energy
problems with one of its major steam correct our problem so that your company consumed in Texas comes from wind-
turbines. The steam turbine’s vendor- will not experience any startup delays.” driven generators (FIG. 1), and if one-fifth
manufacturer, “DEF,” was called in amid By taking ownership of issues that of those turbines experienced blade fail-
assurances that DEF had delivered a ma- arise, GHJ has earned the trust of many ures, then only 2% of Texas’ power gen-
chine that met ABC’s specifications and end-user companies. The company’s ma- eration shortfall could be blamed on the
had passed both a mechanical run test chines are clearly among the world’s best, failure of wind power. The remaining
and subsequent performance tests. DEF but the way that GHJ handles the few, total shortfall would probably be rooted
concluded that ABC must have done infrequent problems it encounters sets it in human oversights, shortcuts, a culture
something that damaged the machine, apart from its competition. Competence of risk-taking or other failings. Unless, of
but DEF would participate in finding out and truthfulness will carry the day, and course, Texans are perfect.
what, exactly, ABC had done to damage will ultimately be rewarded in full. More-
an excellent product. over, these two attributes are indispens- HEINZ P. BLOCH resides in
Montgomery, Texas. His professional
Later that same year—and halfway able to adequately planning for the future. career commenced in 1962 and
around the globe—one of ABC’s affiliates included long-term assignments
was engaged in starting up a new plant. The future of the Texas power grid. as Exxon Chemical’s Regional
Machinery Specialist for the U.S.
The large turbomachines at that affiliate Proper planning for the future requires He has authored or co-written more
had been purchased from vendor-manu- drawing the right conclusions from an than 770 publications, among them 23 comprehensive
facturer “GHJ”; however, a speed instabil- unbiased examination of the past. Unbi- books on practical machinery management, failure
ity problem was detected during onsite ased examinations have no hidden agen- analysis, failure avoidance, compressors, steam
turbines, pumps, oil mist lubrication and optimized
test runs very close to the time of full-scale da. Regrettably, we have time and space lubrication for industry. Mr. Bloch holds B.S. and
commissioning. GHJ immediately sent for only one example. M.S. degrees (cum laude) in mechanical engineering
its national sales manager (“NSM”) and For this scenario, let us say that Texas from the Newark College of Engineering (NCE).
He is an ASME Life Fellow and was awarded lifetime
three of its highly competent engineers. had experienced a brutal winter. Suppose registration as a Professional Engineer in New Jersey.
One of ABC’s principal startup advisors our examination of the past winter had He is one of 10 inaugural inductees into NCE’s Hall of
remembers the first meeting called by found that many wind turbine blades in Fame, which honors its most distinguished alumni.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202117



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Viewpoint Energy Industrial Applications, Siemens Energy, Finspång, Sweden

Technology to drive decarbonization

of the oil and gas industry
Hydrocarbon Processing (HP) was an amount roughly equivalent to a city
pleased to speak with Thorbjoern Fors with 1 MM inhabitants.
(TF), EVP of Industrial Applications, Another example is in Canada, where
Siemens Energy, to discuss the decarbon- we partnered with TC Energy to build
ization of the oil and gas industry and the a first-of-its-kind, waste heat-to-power
technologies that are helping companies facility that will convert waste heat from
meet their sustainability goals. gas turbine exhaust at a compressor sta-
tion into emissions-free power. The en-
HP: Many regulations and initiatives ergy produced will be enough to elec-
are being enacted by companies trify more than 10,000 homes and offset
and countries to decarbonize. 44,000 tpy of greenhouse gases.
How does your organiztion see the
future of the oil and gas industry? HP: Can you detail the
TF: There is no question that the three dimensions of the
world is moving toward a low-carbon decarbonization journey?
future. While this transition will not TF: The first dimension—or step for
happen overnight, I see many organiza- decarbonization—is to target energy effi-
THORBJOERN FORS is the Executive Vice
tions—from the upstream to the down- ciency increases by better utilizing waste
President (EVP) of the Siemens Energy’s stream—already making excellent prog- heat and optimizing plant performance—
Industrial Applications division. Prior to this ress in decarbonization. Hydrocarbons, i.e., the “low-hanging fruit.”
position, Mr. Fors served as Chief Executive particularly natural gas, are needed to The second dimension involves a fuel
Officer of the service distribution generation meet the growing demand for power and shift—ideally away from feedstocks like
and oil and gas business unit of Siemens. He
has also held EVP roles in the organization’s
for many derivative products and fuels coal and heavy fuel oils—to cleaner alter-
industrial power generation and compressions society uses every day. I think the in- natives, such as natural gas, hydrogen (co-
business and within global marketing and sales dustry is becoming more diligent about firing), biofuels and other sustainable al-
of new equipment, including industrial gas reducing emissions and I am encouraged ternatives like e-methanol. This could also
turbines, industrial steam turbines and power by the momentum. mean hybridizing onsite power generation
plant solutions.
Mr. Fors is a mechanical engineer with
by supplementing conventional sources
more than 25 yr of international experience HP: What technologies and steps with renewables and energy storage.
in business development, sales, operation and can advance the processing The third dimension alludes to mea-
leading global profit and loss units. Over his industry’s efforts to decarbonize? sures that can enable organizations to
17-yr career at Siemens, he has held several TF: There are several. At the top of achieve deep decarbonization. This
senior management positions in both new
equipment and customer service. Prior to
the list are increased electrification and includes technologies such as carbon
joining Siemens, he held a variety of leadership power system hybridization, waste heat capture, storage and utilization and the
positions at ABB Power Generation and recovery and co-generation, and hy- burning of up to 100% hydrogen fuel
ALSTOM in Sweden, Australia and Canada. drogen co-firing in gas turbines. All are in gas turbines to produce carbon-free
commercially proven and have broad power, and, of course, renewables such as
applicability in the process industry. wind power.
For example, Siemens Energy partnered While the end goal for many organiza-
with Braskem in Brazil to modernize tions is the same (i.e., net-zero), the jour-
the onsite power plant for a major pet- ney through the three dimensions looks
rochemical complex using our propri- different for everyone.
etary industrial gas turbines. The new
cogeneration plant is fueled by residual HP: How can digital technologies
process gas with high hydrogen content help companies meet their
and will reduce energy consumption by sustainability goals?

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 19

Executive Viewpoint

TF: Plant optimization goes together the customer selected two of our gas HP: With advancements in
with digitalization. Today, operators have turbines to generate clean power. The new digital technologies to
access to a host of digital technologies that result was 24% less energy consumed, a optimize plant operations,
can enhance the energy efficiency of their 60% decrease in CO2 emissions and an how can companies protect
equipment and processes. For instance, a annual savings of approximately 20%. their systems from
1%–2% efficiency increase in a gas turbine Additionally, operators can reduce cyberattacks?
can reduce annual carbon dioxide (CO2 ) unplanned shutdowns and minimize TF: The cyberattack on a Saudi Ara-
emissions by thousands of tons per year. emissions associated with venting and bia refinery a few years ago demonstrates
The Shanghai Orient Champion Pa- de-inventory by improving equipment the aggressive nature of hackers who
per Manufacturing Center is a good ex- uptime through performance analytics openly target critical energy infrastruc-
ample. After considering several options, or remote diagnostic services. ture. While the attack was unsuccessful, a
holistic view that involves securing both
physical operations and software is vital.
Visibility is the ultimate challenge the
process industry faces because equip-
ment operators cannot mitigate cyberat-
tacks they cannot see. We have partnered
with another organization to address
the visibility gap by developing a novel
end-point monitoring and protection
system that uses artificial intelligence
(AI) to detect and thwart attacks across
a network. Incorporating these types of
Now is the time to Contact XRG to advanced systems as part of a layered,
evaluate your options discuss alternative defense-in-depth strategy makes it pos-
for reducing CO2 fuels, efficiency sible to secure a facility and safely lever-
emissions from your improvements, age digital technologies.
fired heaters and and other novel
boilers. technologies. HP: Digital tools and
technologies are nothing
without people. How can people
and digital tools co-exist
to increase plant safety,
productivity and profitability?
TF: You are absolutely right. At its
core, digitalization is about empowering
people to make more informed decisions
and connecting the dots with data-driv-
en insights. It is also about enabling new
ways of working—for example, transi-
tioning from reactive to predictive main-
tenance or moving towards unmanned
operations by shifting resources to re-
FUEL EFFICIENCY EMISSIONS mote control centers.
We recently partnered with the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology on a
report—Transforming the energy indus-
try with AI—that shows how oil and gas
companies are using AI for automated
monitoring and detection of cyberat-
tacks. While the report discusses the in-
creased need for companies to digitally
transform their businesses to remain
competitive and secure, one of the key
REIMAGINING takeaways is realizing that digital trans-
formation is not something any organi-
HEAT TRANSFER zation can achieve independently. The
human element of collaboration and
partnerships are critical to success.
20APRIL 2021 |
XRG_Ad_4.625x7.5.indd 1 3/2/21 2:20 PM
Executive L. J. GRAHAM
Viewpoint Seeq Corp.

Leading in times of uncertainty

I recently gave a presentation at the The first topic we explored was taking
American Fuel and Petrochemical Manu- risks. When I asked the group what they
facturers (AFPM) Women in Industry picture when they hear the word “risk,”
event, where I spoke to more than 100 at- many said “failure,” “danger,” “reward,”
tendees on leading during uncertain times. “opportunity,” “vulnerability” and “fear of
My talk focused on what I believe are key potential mistakes” (FIG. 1).
leadership themes, and how those differ All of these descriptions are true, and
when a crisis strikes, as with pandem- more than one can be true at the same
ics and other “black swan” events. These time. We have all taken risks, for better
types of crises stretch and grow us, forcing or for worse, and we have all experienced
us to make choices we never thought we failure. However, by taking those risks we
would be faced with, while determining have acquired new skills and experiences,
the types of leaders we want to become. preparing us to better lead in a crisis. Cal-
culated risk-taking is actually the founda-
Navigating our relationship with tion of a good leader.
risk. When I asked the AFPM Women in When we look back at our lives, it be-
Industry group what they think of when comes clear that all of us have taken a se-
LISA GRAHAM is Chief Operating Officer they hear the phrase “leadership in times ries of risks to get to where we are today.
(COO) for Seeq Corp. Prior to taking on the of uncertainty,” many used words like “lis- We went out and pursued an education to
COO role, she led the analytics engineering tening,” “empathy,” “communication” and enable us to succeed in traditionally male-
team at Seeq Corp. She holds a PhD in chemical “inspiration.” As women, we are leaders in dominated fields, often at great cost and
engineering and is a registered professional
chemical engineer. With more than 20 yr of our industries, communities, educational with substantial time commitment. We
experience across many industries, including endeavors and family lives. Each of these chose jobs that would give us the experi-
pharmaceuticals, life sciences and specialty areas of life are different, yet we have the ence we needed to reach our career goals.
chemicals, Dr. Graham’s technical strengths ability to listen, empathize, communi- Throughout this journey, we have shared
include chemical engineering, product cate and inspire in every one of them. our ideas, and there is certainly risk in
development and process model development.
She has a strong business background The group was adept at identifying these that, as it can open up one to criticism.
established through executive-level leadership skills as the cornerstone of how we lead Beyond sharing what we think, we also
positions, including COO and SVP roles at Bend through any challenge. Now, we must lean navigate day-to-day risks, such as where
Research (now Lonza) and Alkemy Innovation, on those abilities more than ever while we sit in a meeting and when we speak.
which she founded. Active in STEM education taking risks, building a healthy network I took a risk by coming to Seeq and
initiatives, she has served as Director on the
Oregon Governor’s STEM Investment Council
and communicating to drive alignment. growing the analytic engineering team.
and as Chair of the Oregon Board of Trustees
for Oregon Tech University.

FIG. 1. Risk means different things to different people, but many associate the word
with negative outcomes. Figure courtesy of Seeq.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 21




• Emerging Petrochemical Technologies

IRPC OPERATIONS will highlight the latest
• Chemical Recycling Technologies
• Catalyst Technologies
equipment, services, tools and technologies to
• Digital Transformation
optimize refining and petrochemical operations and
• Process Controls, Instrumentation and maintenance efforts for a safer, more efficient, more
Automation profitable and sustainable work environment.
• Engineering/Construction Best Practices
• Clean Fuels, Biofuels, Alternative Fuels Held 21-22 September 2021, IRPC Operations
• Circular Economy, Plastics/Polymers Recycling will provide a platform for knowledge-sharing,
• Refining-Petrochemical Integration networking and making business connections with
• Digital Transformation/Evolution (Predictive
downstream leaders—all from the safety and comfort
Analytics, IIoT, Cybersecurity, AR/VR, AI, etc.)
of your home or office.
Emerging Process Technologies (Refining and/or
• Sustainability: Energy Efficiency, Plant Questions about IRPC Operations?
Optimization, Carbon Capture, Renewable Fuels/ Please contact your HP representative or email
• Catalysts
• Materials Science For additional information, please contact Melissa
• Maintenance/Reliability Smith, Events Director, at Melissa.Smith@
• Major Projects or +1 (713) 520 4475.
• EPC of the Future

The deadline for submissions is May 10, 2021.

Executive Viewpoint

One of my goals has been to always en- hinges on combining these endeavors the rewards of hard work and ingenuity.
courage our team members to freely share with effective communication and leading Lastly, I thank each and every woman
their ideas. This has proved to be an effec- by example. We must align our teams and who participated in the AFPM Women in
tive strategy as we have navigated the CO- our customers toward a common goal so Industry event. Their feedback and will-
VID-19 pandemic. When travel came to that we can make efficient and effective ingness to engage in discussion made the
a screeching halt, we were forced to pivot progress. In addition, we must be willing risk I took to speak pay off. The organizers
our entire training model. to take the risk of putting our own ideas did a fantastic job, and it was a terrific expe-
Our team sprang into action to create a out there for the entire world to see. After rience overall. I am grateful for the oppor-
comprehensive virtual training program, all, in every crisis there is an opportunity tunity, and I cannot wait to see the impact
enabling our organization to reach our to consider new and exciting ideas to pave each of them will have on their teams, their
customers anywhere in the world, while new paths, elevate team members and reap companies and the industry as a whole.
accommodating their different learning
styles. It was absolutely a risk, but we
had to try—and our efforts netted suc-
cess. We completed more than 300 virtual
trainings in 2020, often with 50–100 at-
tendees per session, and 2021 promises
more of the same.

The power and promise of networking.

Another key element of leading during
uncertainty is networking. While most
people think of networking in the context
of a social event, business networking is
based on trust and energy, both of which
are imperative for leading during a crisis.
How do we build the type of network
that goes beyond swapping business
cards? It is not easy and, when asked,
many in the group said the hardest part
is following up and maintaining relation-
ships, without interactions feeling forced.
However, when we shift our mentality
to a focus on building trust and energy,
we take the long view. Trust evolves with
time, from initiating a relationship to de-
veloping and sustaining it. We build that
trust by doing what we say we will do, and
by showing that we have the best interest
of everyone on the team in mind.
One of the greatest ways we can net-
work to build trust is to be an energizer.
Energizers create enthusiasm, in part be-
cause they engage in a set of foundational
behaviors that build trust. Energizers ap-
proach situations with a clear head, giving
them the endurance to lead.
When you interact with an energizer,
try not to worry that you will be judged,
dismissed or devalued. Without fear of re-
jection, it is easier to share fledgling ideas
or novel plans—to innovate, take risks and
think big. Energizers create trust, but trust
is not all they create. The real power of en-
ergizers is that they enable others to realize
their full potential.
While taking risks and networking to
build trust and energy are critical to lead-
ing during uncertainty, ultimate success
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 23
 | Special Focus
Nations around the world have introduced new regulations for clean fuels production.
These strict guidelines are an effort to mitigate airborne pollutants—carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter—from vehicles’ exhaust. New
technologies have been introduced to produce fuels that adhere to these strict
government regulations. This month’s Special Focus details some of these new
technologies and how they are optimizing the refining industry.

Photo: The Neste Oil’s Rotterdam refinery produces premium-quality NExBTL renewable diesel, which
is the cleanest and highest-quality renewable diesel on the market. Photo courtesy of Neste Oil Corp.
Special Focus Clean Fuels
E. CHAN, Burns & McDonnell, Houston, Texas

Converting a petroleum diesel refinery

for renewable diesel
As refiners consider renewable, low-carbon alternatives, Standards program in combination with California’s Low Car-
renewable diesel—refined from agricultural products using bon Fuel Standards (LCFS) help make it cost competitive. At
petroleum refinery processes—is gaining traction. Rather least 18 other states and Washington D.C. have legislation in
than constructing new grassroots renewable diesel production place for transportation fuel standards comparable to Califor-
units, refineries with existing hydroprocessing units may be nia. The refiners who are first-to-market in these states will
able to increase their speed to market with conversion projects. be the biggest beneficiaries of fuel credits. Once the market is
The use of fossil hydrocarbons has fostered growth and saturated, credit availability will likely decline.
prosperity more than any other fuel resource in modern times. However, time-to-market is not the only factor to consider
Today’s stronger focus on environmental, social and gover- when choosing whether to convert an existing unit or build a
nance issues have driven interest in more sustainable alterna- new one. To determine if an existing unit is a good fit for a con-
tives. Renewable diesel is on the rise among those who seek version, it is important to evaluate the condition and usability
renewable and sustainable transportation fuels. of its existing equipment and ancillary systems. Process simu-
Renewable diesel is refined from agricultural products, lations and other analysis will likely be needed to demonstrate
particularly vegetable oils, waste cooking oils and animal fats the viability of a conversion project. Some factors to consider
that are sustainable and available. Because it uses the same hy- include:
drotreating and separation processes used for petroleum die- • High reaction exotherm—Whether using agricultural
sel, it employs the same basic infrastructure and equipment. waste or crude oil, a hydrotreater’s reaction releases
Renewable diesel does not contain oxygen, eliminating the heat when breaking chemical bonds in the feedstock.
freezing, storage and blending challenges associated with other However, renewable diesel reactions are significantly
renewable fuels, such as biodiesel. Because renewable diesel more exothermic than petroleum diesel desulfurization
has the same chemical structure as petroleum diesel, it can be reactions. Therefore, it is important for these units to
used in engines designed to run on conventional diesel fuel—a be equipped with high liquid product recycle capacity
“drop-in” diesel substitute with no blending limit. that can be used to absorb this heat. It is also necessary
to recalibrate production expectations based on the high
Making the grassroots vs. conversion decision. The product recycle through the unit. A hydrotreater that
question refiners interested in renewable diesel are asking is operates at 50,000 bpd for petroleum diesel production
whether to build a new renewable diesel plant or convert an may only be able to accommodate 5,000 bpd of fresh
existing hydrotreater unit. feed when converted to renewable diesel.
For many, the answer may seem simple. Refiners often re- • Emergency depressurization systems—Because
alize multiple benefits by converting an existing refinery hy- of the high heat release associated with renewable
drotreater unit rather than constructing a grassroots plant. Per- diesel reactions, hydrotreaters require emergency
haps the most significant is time savings. A typical renewable depressurization systems to manage the reaction safely
diesel conversion project can be completed in approximately in the event the recycle and quench systems fail. These
two years, or roughly half the time needed to design and build systems quickly depressurize the reactor to a flare,
a new grassroots unit. stopping the reaction.
Because the power, water, waste, utility and flare systems • Hydrogen consumption—Renewable diesel reactions
needed to support a hydrotreater for renewable diesel are al- consume a significant amount of hydrogen. Therefore,
ready present in a refinery, a conversion project will cost less refineries with excess hydrogen capacity are particularly
than a grassroots project. A renewable diesel plant on a green- good candidates for conversion projects. Refineries with
field site will require the addition of this new infrastructure. limited hydrogen availability may need to budget for the
Even more than initial construction cost savings, the greater construction of an additional hydrogen plant.
financial benefit of a conversion project is the ability it gives a • Feed train considerations—Depending on the quality
refiner to get renewable diesel products to market more quickly. of the renewable diesel feedstock, it may be necessary
The largest market for renewable diesel fuel in the U.S. is to upgrade the metallurgy in the unit’s feed train system.
California, where credits from the federal Renewable Fuel For example, feedstock that is high in free fatty acids
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202125
Clean Fuels

has the potential to create a corrosive environment. hydrotreating unit, these feedstocks must be in liquid
Another special consideration for renewable feedstocks form. That requires steam or electric heat tracing
is the potential for polymerization in the feed train. systems that raise the temperature of pipes, tanks and
When hydrogen is absent, renewable feedstocks can vessels to liquefy the fats and oils. The addition of
polymerize, which causes gumming and fouling in the significant heat tracing capacity will likely be required
equipment. The addition of hydrogen could make the for both existing hydrotreating infrastructure, as well as
equipment susceptible to high-temperature hydrogen the rail, truck or barge piping and equipment used to
attack. One option is to update feed-side metallurgy store and transfer feedstock into the unit.
to protect against corrosive conditions. Another is Any of these factors could potentially give a refiner pause on
to create two separate pre-heat trains, with separate a renewable diesel conversion project. More likely, they will pro-
systems for liquid recycle and fresh feed. vide insight on the right way to move forward.
• Water and carbon dioxide (CO2) production— As they proceed, refiners must be prepared to face issues be-
Renewable diesel reactions produce water and CO2 in yond these technical considerations. In an LCFS environment,
much larger quantities than petroleum hydrotreaters, renewable diesel projects must be able to account for the carbon
creating potential carbonic acid corrosion concerns they emit. Therefore, refiners must approach these projects ho-
downstream of the reactor. Metallurgy upgrades may listically, measuring carbon intensity at every step along the path.
be required in the reactor effluent air cooler system. From the farm fields to the end product’s final delivery, produc-
Consideration must be given to the handling, treatment ers must look for ways to lower the carbon intensity at each step.
and disposal of the extra water and CO2 produced in Despite these challenges, the transition to renewable diesel
these reactions. For example, if water is routed to the will continue. The time for refiners to consider their options
refinery’s sour water stripper, it may produce high is now.
concentrations of carbonic acid in the sour water streams,
impacting how the water is treated and reused. ERIN CHAN is a Process Department Manager and Associate
• Heat tracing—The vegetable oils and animal fats used Process Engineer at Burns & McDonnell, focusing on quality and
technical excellence for oil, gas and chemicals projects. She is a
as feedstock become waxy and solidify at ambient leader in process design and engineering for innovative
temperatures. To load them into trucks and rail cars renewable fuels and refining projects.
for shipment and, later, unload and charge them to a

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2021_HydrocarbonProcess_PAP_PRINT.indd 1
APRIL 2021 | 3/9/2021 9:31:07 AM
Special Focus Clean Fuels
DuPont Clean Technologies, Overland Park, Kansas

Reducing acid consumption: Maximizing sulfuric

acid alkylation unit profitability
Alkylation is a process used to produce highly branched iso- include the olefin feed type, feed contaminants, reaction zone
paraffins from the reaction of lighter olefins and isobutane in I/O ratio, diluents, reaction temperature, mixing intensity, acid
the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst. This highly branched entrainment losses and the acid spending range.
isoparaffin is called alkylate—a blending component that con- Olefin feed type and feed contaminants. Fluid catalytic
stitutes approximately 10%–15% of the gasoline pool in the U.S. cracking (FCC) butylene (especially isobutylene) has the low-
Besides the ability to increase octane and lower Reid vapor pres- est acid consumption among olefins. When refineries decide
sure (RVP) in the gasoline pool, alkylate also reduces vehicle ex- to alkylate more propylene, amylene or feeds with higher levels
haust emissions with zero olefins, zero aromatics and low sulfur. of contaminants, they experience increases in acid consump-
Alkylate margins have been very healthy worldwide over the tion. Butadiene, pentadiene and cyclopentene contaminants
past 10 yr. The gross margins (alkylate value minus feedstock in the olefin feed can double overall acid consumption in the
cost) for the U.S. Gulf Coast have ranged from a low of about unit. Other feed contaminants (e.g., sulfur compounds) can in-
$20/bbl to more than $70/bbl over this period, with an average crease it, as well.
of approximately $40/bbl. There are seasonal dips in profitabil- I/O ratio and diluents. The I/O ratio is another factor that
ity, and, although the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on affects the acid consumption. As the I/O ratio decreases, acid
gasoline demand worldwide in 2020 and early 2021, alkylation is consumption increases. When fractionation towers reach their
yielding strong margins as gasoline demand increases. limits, isobutane purities go down and reaction zone diluents
To capitalize on high alkylate margins, refiners have been such as propane and n-butane go up, which increases acid con-
maximizing throughput and pushing alkylate production well sumption and reduces alkylate quality. Increased normal butane
beyond design capacity. While units are enjoying increased prof- content in the refrigerant reduces reaction zone cooling.
itability from increased alkylate production, acid regeneration Reactor temperature. Increasing feed rates to the alkylation
costs are also rising. In the spirit of efficiency, operating alkyla- unit increases the overall heat of reaction. This heat of reaction
tion units are being asked to make more alkylate with less acid. must be rejected within the refrigeration system to maintain
Refinery budgets and planning groups are requesting a reduc-
tion in acid consumption, while maintaining (or even increas- 0.6
ing) alkylate throughput. How to reconcile this conundrum of 0.57 Existing units pushed beyond design conditions
(except for Refiner 3 and Refiner 7) have
more with less? First, we must explore the relationship that acid 0.54 > 0.3 lb/gal acid consumption
consumption has with alkylation unit operating variables. 0.51
New alkylation units running at design conditions typically 0.48
Grassroots units running at
consume 0.2 lb–0.4 lb of sulfuric acid per gallon of alkylate pro-
Acid comsumption, lb/gal

0.45 design conditions have

duced (FIG. 1). However, when units are pushed beyond initial 0.42 < 0.3 lb/gal acid consumption
design capacities, acid consumption rises due to bottlenecks such 0.39
as lack of cooling, low isobutane-to-olefin (I/O) ratios and high 0.36
space velocities within the reaction zone. In addition, older units 0.33
are not typically instrumented well and many lack modern tech- 0.3
nology design improvements. With overloaded units, the acid 0.27
consumption can be two to three times higher than in an equiva- 0.24
lent new unit design, and the cost of acid regeneration can sur- 0.21
pass 50% of the utility and chemical costs of the alkylation unit. 0.18
This article discusses strategies that can be implemented by
New unit 1
New unit 2
New unit 3
New unit 5
New unit 6
New unit 7
Refiner 1
Refiner 2
Refiner 3
Refiner 4
Refiner 5
Refiner 6
Refiner 7
Refiner 8
Refiner 9
Refiner 10

refiners to help lower the sulfuric acid consumption of the al-

kylation unit. Refiners

Contributors to acid consumption. Numerous factors con- FIG. 1. Reaction acid consumption (lb/gal alkylate) for recent
grassroots units and older operating units.
tribute to the acid consumption in an alkylation reaction. These
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202127
Clean Fuels

thus “giving away” acid. Operations personnel almost always

err on the side of caution to avoid an acid runaway, as there are
typically minimal consequences in wasting acid, but significant
consequences for a low acid strength excursion.
Much of this acid waste has to do with the delay time and
inaccuracy of acid strength lab results. If the results for an acid
sample come back and are falsely low, what is the operations
team to do? It will generally crank up the fresh acid rate and re-
test the samples. The longer it takes to get a sample back, and the
less accurate the lab results, the more acid is wasted.
FIG. 2. Turbulence dissipation rates of standard three-blade vs. Since acid costs can be very significant, it makes sense to
next-generation impellerb design. spend effort on streamlining acid sampling, delivery and lab pro-
cedures to achieve a quick and accurate turnaround. Many refin-
optimal reaction temperatures. When units are pushed beyond ery labs do not centrifuge the acid samples, which contributes to
the refrigeration system capacity, the reactor temperature will misleading results—typically 0.5 wt%–1 wt% lower than actual.
rise above the optimum value of 5.6°C–7.2°C (42°F–45°F). Sometimes, labs will let the samples sit for a couple of hours to
At higher temperatures, acid consumption and corrosion can decant the hydrocarbon. Decanting is less effective than centri-
increase dramatically. Most refiners set a maximum reaction fuging—possibly allowing more time for humidity to contami-
temperature limit [e.g., 15°C (60°F)] to maintain acceptable nate the sample and, thus, delay the reporting of the results.
corrosion rates. To lower the reaction zone temperature, first Operations should be diligent in challenging its lab person-
ensure that the existing refrigeration system is running at its nel for quicker and more accurate results, since so much money
full potential. Then, consider reactor enhancements (such as is at stake. It is also a good idea to periodically “blind test” the lab
tube inserts, 0.75-in. tube bundles and proprietary internal with identical triplicate samples to find the standard deviation
modifications a) and/or refrigeration upgrades (such as supple- (SD). For example, the authors’ lab’s SD is less than 0.03 wt%
mental chillers or compressor modifications). for triplicate samples. A refinery does not typically require this
Acid entrainment. Acid settlers without coalescing media level of accuracy; however, reducing SD to about 0.2 wt% can
experience higher acid entrainment losses in the hydrocarbon allow refiners to confidently spend closer to the target strength
effluent, especially as alkylation unit throughput increases. and realize significant acid cost savings. A centrifuge and good
Acid carryover can also lead to corrosion of downstream lab techniques are very inexpensive by comparison.
equipment. To minimize acid entrainment losses, coalescing Reduce feed contaminants. Dienes (butadiene, pentadi-
media can typically be retrofitted on older acid settlers. Higher ene, etc.) are common contaminants in the alkylation unit feed
acid inventories in the reaction zone promote negative side re- stream. If the total diene concentration within the olefin feed
actions that degrade the alkylate product quality and increase is greater than 0.5 wt%, or if acid costs are especially high, con-
the acid consumption. Most modern units have smaller acid sider sending the olefin feed to a selective hydrogenation unit to
settlers with coalescing media that allow for both reduced acid remove these contaminants.
inventory and less acid carryover. High water content in the olefin feed can also impact acid
Acid spending range. Acid spending that ranges from consumption but can be removed by a properly designed feed
99.2% fresh acid strength down to 90% spent acid strength preparation section (feed/effluent exchanger and feed coalesc-
makes it possible to extract maximum value from the acid be- er). The feed should be cooled as much as possible [typically
fore it is sent off to regeneration. Modern unit instrumentation, down to approximately 13°C (55°F)] in the feed/effluent ex-
along with good lab practices, are essential to ensure that the changer to reduce the solubility of water in the hydrocarbon
differences between actual and target acid strengths are mini- phase. This allows more water to drop out in the downstream
mized to reduce acid demand. Units with best-in-class moni- feed coalescer. Modern units with dry alumina treating and dry
toring systems can safely reduce spent acid strength below 90 recycle isobutane typically do not need a feed coalescer, as there
wt%, resulting in significant acid savings. is no free water to remove.
Mixing intensity. Units with less mixing intensity (hp/ Process optimization. Process optimization is the first step
bbl alkylate) typically consume more acid and produce lower- toward reducing acid consumption, and it offers multiple vari-
quality alkylate. If impellers are worn or the speed is reduced, ables that can be adjusted. In general, it is the temperature and
unit performance degrades. Reaction temperature can increase I/O ratio that have the biggest impact on acid consumption.
with less mixing due to lower heat transfer, as well. Add-ons, The first strategy is to maximize heat removal from the sys-
such as next-generation impellersb and proprietary internal tem to lower the reaction temperature closer to 7.2°C (45°F).
modifications a (FIGS. 2 and 3), increase turbulence and mixing, Due to refrigeration limitations, it is not always possible to re-
and reduce acid consumption. duce the temperature for units operating over design capacity.
However, there are often “low-hanging fruit” refrigeration is-
Refiners’ options to reduce acid consumption. The fol- sues that have been overlooked. Before spending money on im-
lowing are ways that refiners can reduce acid consumption provements, make sure that the refrigeration system is running
within their alkylation units. as efficiently as possible. Items to review include:
Spent acid strength. Many refiners operate at a spent acid • Ensuring that the compressor anti-surge valve is
strength higher than the design or target spent acid strength, completely closed with no bypassing. Check that the
28APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

FIG. 3. Improvements in the proprietary contactor flow regime over a standard design.

downstream side of the valve is at ambient temperature. 0.75-in. tube bundle. A 0.75-in. tube bundle provides ap-
Anti-surge flow wastes significant compressor power. proximately 35% more heat transfer area compared to a 1-in.
• Each incremental 1 psi of line loss between the suction trap tube bundle. The additional heat transfer area reduces acid con-
and the compressor inlet raises the reaction temperature sumption by reducing the reactor temperature approximately
by approximately 1.4°C (2.5°F). Verify that the mist 3.3°C (6°F) at a fixed olefin feed rate.
eliminator in the suction trap was designed for a low Tube inserts and 0.75-in. tube bundle. Combining a 0.75-
pressure drop (about 0.1 psi) and is operating properly. in. tube bundle with tube inserts reduces the reaction tempera-
• For units with fixed-speed compressors, make sure tures by about 4.4°C (8°F) at a fixed olefin rate.
that the suction throttle valve is 100% open. Proprietary internal modifications a. These design chang-
This valve should be full line size with low pressure es improve the flow regime within the reactor (FIG. 3). In the
drop (approximately 0.25 psi). standard design, emulsion flow leaves the annulus between the
• For units with variable-speed compressors, ensure reactor shell wall and circulation tube, then turns 180° to flow
that the driver can operate at full design speed. across the tube bundle 3 ft–4 ft (approximately 1 m) in front of
Sometimes, this requires cleaning of the steam turbine the tube sheet.
and piping to remove salts. Results from computational fluid dynamic studies showed
• Check that the cold sides of the condensers are clean that the standard design has low velocities and, therefore, low
and operating as designed. These exchangers are critical heat transfer near the tube sheet. To remedy this, the circulation
and should receive special attention. Hot vapor bypasses tube was extended, and a flow distributor was added for better
should be closed to minimize condensing pressure. use of the entire tube bundle heat transfer surface area. This im-
• Trend and optimize the refrigerant propane content proves heat transfer and lowers the reaction temperature by ap-
to find out at what value the refrigeration system works proximately 1.7°C (3°F) at a fixed olefin rate.
best. This is typically a trial-and-error process. Feed and refrigerant chillers. Several refiners have supple-
• Refrigeration systems can be poorly designed. mented their existing refrigeration system with packaged chillers
Review your system and its controls with an expert. that remove incremental heat from the reaction zone. Typically,
Consider a system revamp to increase heat removal. these chilling units cool glycol, which then cools the reactor feed
It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all and/or the condensed refrigerant. They are not as efficient as a
strategy to improve a unit’s performance or capacity. The refin- properly designed primary compressor, especially if an interme-
er’s goals should be understood in terms of maximizing alkylate diate heat transfer fluid is used. However, these chilling units can
capacity or quality, or minimizing operating costs such as acid be rented (or permanently installed), and they offer a relatively
consumption. easy path to increased alkylate capacity.
A series of unit simulations were completed to demonstrate
Case studies. A series of case studies were used to determine the economics of various unit options. The results are detailed
economics for the various aftermarket options that many refin- in TABLE 1. The following are the details of each simulation case:
ers use to increase refrigeration. • Design Case: This was for a 16,000-bpd alkylation
Tube inserts. Tube inserts increase the heat transfer by dis- unit operating at the ideal design condition reaction
tributing equal amounts of refrigerant to each tube in a tube temperature [7.2°C (45°F)].
bundle. They typically lower the reactor temperatures by 2.2°C • Operating Case: The same unit pushed to produce
(4°F) at a fixed olefin feed rate. When two-phase effluent enters more than 21,000 bpd of alkylate, while staying within
the tube bundle channel head without inserts, the vapor sepa- the refiner’s reaction temperature limit of 15.6°C (60°F).
rates and causes some tubes to operate hotter due to higher va- Acid costs increase dramatically, but unit profitability
por content. This results in reduced overall heat transfer. Tube increases by almost an order of magnitude more.
inserts eliminate vapor separation in the channel head by main- Therefore, refiners typically push their alkylation units.
taining enough pressure on the effluent to keep it liquid until it • Performance Optimized Operating Case: This case
flashes within the tube inserts. is the previous case with extra attention devoted to
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 29
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TABLE 1. Economics evaluation using $150/t of acid cost and $25/bbl of alkylate margins
Description Temperature Acid flow, tpd Alkylate rate, bpd Acid consumption, lb/gal Acid cost, $/d Alkylate margin, $/d
Design Case 7.2°C (45°F) 101 16,000 0.3 15,120 400,000
Operating Case 15.6°C (60°F) 209 21,142 0.47 31,301 528,550
Operating Case— 14.4°C (58°F) 182 21,142 0.41 27,305 528,550
Performance Optimized
Reactor Improvements Case 11.1°C (52°F) 155 21,142 0.35 23,309 528,550
Reactor Improvements with 15.6°C (60°F) 210 23,275 0.43 31,526 581,875
Increased Feed Case

600 acid consumption by 10%–15%. The Performance Optimized

$481 $482 $486
Case saves $4,000/d on acid cost vs. the Operating Case. Most
$370 $530 refiners would likely use the 1.1°C (2°F) reaction temperature
decrease to produce more alkylate.
$1,000 per day

300 With the Reactor Improvements Case (tube inserts, 0.75-in.

200 bundle and proprietary internal modifications), refiners could
save $8,000/d on acid cost at the same alkylate capacity, but
would probably take advantage of the cooler reaction tempera-
tures to process more feed.
-100 With increased feed, the alkylate margins increase to
Design Case Operating Case Operating Case Reactor Reactor
Performance Improvements Improvements $180,000/d, showing why refiners continue to push their units.
Optimized with Increased This case boosts the net profit gain to 43% vs. the Operating
Utility cost Alkylate margin Acid cost Operating profit Case. By adding in all reactor enhancements and pushing tem-
perature limits, the unit is nearing 150% of the design capacity.
FIG. 4. Alkylate operating economics using $150/t of acid cost and
$25/bbl of alkylate margins, electricity cost of $0.05/kWh, steam 15# Takeaway. Every sulfuric acid alkylation unit refiner should
as $3/MMBtu, steam 150# as $4/MMBtu, and steam 225# as $5/MMBtu. tackle this low-hanging fruit to get more cooling out of their ex-
isting refrigeration section and to better manage their acid analy-
optimizing refrigeration section performance and ses/control to reduce consumption. Acid consumption savings
to managing spent acid analyses and control to of 10%–15% are typically achievable through extra attention to
lower acid consumption. The alkylate rate was kept unit operations and with only minimal investment. The value of
the same, so acid consumption dropped. additional alkylate typically far exceeds the incremental cost of
• Reactor Improvements Case: This case included tube spent acid, so, when changes are made that lower reactor tem-
inserts, 0.75-in. tube bundles and the proprietary internal perature, refiners usually take advantage of the improvement to
modifications and assumes that the refrigeration section produce more alkylate. This explains why acid consumption for
and spent acid management are optimized. Chillers were most older units far exceeds new unit design values.
not included. Acid consumption drops even further at the
same alkylate capacity. a
STRATCO® XP2 technology
• Reactor Improvements with Increased Feed Case: b
STRATCO® ST-M impellers
This case is the real moneymaker. It is the same as the c
STRATCO® Contactor™ reactor technology
previous case but assumes that refiners will maximize the J. RANDALL PETERSON is the Alkylation Technology Manager for the STRATCO®
alkylate rate until they hit the reaction temperature limit. alkylation technology at DuPont Clean Technologies. His primary focus is
Although the acid consumption is almost double the continuous improvement of the STRATCO® alkylation process, and he assists with
design case, the profitability of the incremental alkylate troubleshooting, startup assistance, plant optimization and operator training. Prior
to his employment at STRATCO Inc. in 1989, Mr. Peterson spent 3 yr at Conoco
more than makes up for the additional cost. working in FCC, catalytic reforming and HF alkylation. Mr. Peterson earned a BS
When looking at FIG. 4, it is easy to understand why most North degree in chemical engineering from the University of Kansas and an MBA degree
American refiners continuously push their alkylation units far from Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri.

beyond the original design capacity. The case studies demon- DIWAKAR RANA is the Technology Development Manager at DuPont Clean
strate that the earnings from conservative alkylate margins great- Technologies for the STRATCO® alkylation business. He has three patents pending
within the sulfuric acid alkylation area. Dr. Rana has more than 16 yr of experience
ly outweigh the extra cost of sulfuric acid demand. in the refining and biofuels industries and has been a licensed professional engineer
The Operating Case—where the unit was operating at its cur- for the State of Texas since 2009. He earned a BE degree in chemical engineering
rent refrigeration limit reaction temperature [15.6°C (60°F)]— from Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, India, along
with an ME degree in chemical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology
generates a $128,000/d additional alkylate margin, while cost- and a PhD in chemical engineering from Washington State University.
ing only $15,000/d more on acid than the Design Case. This is a
net profit gain of nearly 30%. ROB EWING is the Innovations and Technology Manager with DuPont Clean
Technologies for the alkylation and hydroprocessing businesses. He has more than
After optimizing the refrigeration section operations and bet- 23 yr of experience in the refining and petrochemical industries. Mr. Ewing earned
ter managing acid analyses and control, it is typical to reduce the a BS degree in chemical engineering from Kansas State University.

30 APRIL 2021 |
Special Focus Clean Fuels
C. HARCLERODE, OSIsoft, Houston, Texas

Leveraging digital technologies to create

the smart renewable diesel facility
Many companies are modifying exist- tions like HTHA analytics. The asset class Approach 1: Existing petroleum re-
ing crude refineries or building grassroots templates are then used as building blocks finery retrofit. Companies are moving
renewable diesel facilities to produce to create an operational digital replica of forward with modifications of existing pe-
drop-in, green renewable diesel from a their PTU, RDU and associated support- troleum refineries for cost, time to market,
variety of agriculturally derived triglyc- ing production infrastructure such as margin and best alternatives to shutting
eride feedstocks. The key drivers for this hydrogen sources, utilities and logistics. down the petroleum refinery, with the
global trend are regulatory, tax and social This digital infrastructure enables a lay- associated environmental and regulatory
pressures to lower the carbon intensity of ered approach to descriptive, diagnostic, challenges. However, modifications of ex-
transportation fuels. predictive and prescriptive analytics, and isting hydrotreating facilities and associ-
The renewable diesel production pro- provides proactive real-time, exception- ated infrastructure present the following
cess offers many challenges that can impact based decision support. six challenges1 that a real-time data infra-
safety, reliability and profitability. These This article will present how this lead- structurea can help mitigate:
challenges range from feedstock availabil- ing digital technology can enable op- 1. High-reaction exotherm
ity, variability, gumming, metals, corrosion erational intelligence and continuous im- and associated emergency
and wax formation in the pretreatment provement, and also increase flexibility, depressurization systems and
unit (PTU) or feed pretreatment train capacity and profitability for renewable liquid recycle and quench
that can affect safety, operability, catalytic- diesel production in both grassroots and systems—The operational
based yield and profitability of the renew- retrofit scenarios. data infrastructurea is used by
able diesel unit (RDU). The RDU also has leading HPI companies to help
a high-reaction exotherm and is vulnerable The challenges of renewable die- mitigate this challenge through
to several types of corrosion, such as high- sel manufacturing: Safety, opera- proactive, exception-based
temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), tions and profitability. Two primary decision support. The operating
which can be addressed using approaches approaches exist to the development of windows (OWs) and integrity
such as analytics, integrity operating win- renewable diesel production. Each will be operating windows (IOWs)
dows, real-time decision support and auto- presented, with associated reasoning and can be configured to combine
mated safety shutdown systems. a similar method for leveraging the opera- various process parameters and
Companies that are moving into the tional data infrastructurea. to provide improved awareness of
production of renewable diesels can miti-
gate the safety and processing challenges
in the PTU and RDU by adopting digital
technologies used by leading hydrocarbon
processing industry (HPI) companies.
Such operators have achieved a 2%–4%
increase in effective capacity by improv-
ing asset reliability; providing real-time,
proactive decision support; reducing op-
erating and maintenance (O&M) costs by
3%–5%; increasing EBITDA performance
by 3%–5%; and improving safety.
These leading HPI companies are us-
ing a critical real-time data infrastruc-
turea that enables subject matter experts
(SMEs) to configure no-code operational
digital twinsb of asset classes (e.g., pumps
FIG. 1. Example of configuring OWs and IOWs in the real-time operational data infrastructure.2
and reactors) and develop smart applica-
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202131
Clean Fuels

the operating regimes that need is another common, powerful found in the MMS, such as the
attention. The difference between application of the operational last maintenance date, spare parts
OWs and IOWs is the degree of data infrastructurea, which allows inventory, or manufacturer’s make
criticality and the required time the configuration of asset health and model information, which
to respond to mitigate escalating indexes by SMEs to determine are commonly used in the health
situations, including the triggering the health of various assets, index calculation. FIG. 2 provides
of the emergency depressurization such as pumps, exchangers, an example of an advanced
system. FIG. 1 presents an heat tracing and valves. The condition-based maintenance
example of an IOW developed health indexes can then be used (ACBM) system created using
and implemented by MOL, a to incorporate indicators of a data infrastructurea. MOL has
Hungarian energy company, in its possible issues, such as fouling configured health indexes for
six HPI facilities. MOL developed from polymerization in the all its critical assets (such as all
a portfolio of OWs and IOWs exchanger train or a drop in rotating equipment, exchangers,
based on industry standards and pump efficiency. The health crucial valves and heaters),
the experience of its SMEs, and index can be aggregated across and has integrated the indexes
by configuring associated OW the PTU and/or the RDU to with its MMS.
and IOW digital asset templates. roll up to a key performance 3. HTHA corrosion—As with
These templates are then put into indicator (KPI) on the summary other HPI processes that
production across its facilities, dashboard, enabling drill-down utilize high temperatures and
enabling changes to be propagated and diagnostic investigation. hydrogen in carbon alloy metal
quickly and efficiently. Leading HPI companies are also environments, HTHA can occur,
2. Feed train fouling—Managing integrating the health index with leading to embrittlement and loss
polymerization and associated their maintenance management of containment. FIG. 3 illustrates
gumming and fouling to systems (MMSs) to trigger work MOL’s use of an HTHA smart
optimize asset performance orders and to link in metadata asset template, and demonstrates
how a data infrastructurea can
address various corrosion regimes,
including HTHA, carbonic acid
and others. The template uses
a table lookup for the regressed
coefficients from the Nelson
curve, which provides correlation
of hydrogen and temperatures
with various carbon steel alloys
to determine when an alloy node
is approaching or has entered an
HTHA regime. The start and end
of this event can be configured,
which is, in effect, codification
of the SMEs’ knowledge.
FIG. 2. Example of use of the real-time operational data infrastructure for advanced CBM.2 Notifications can be triggered
in both cases, and analytics can
determine the length of exposure
and the exposure details. A similar
approach can be used for any
corrosion or process condition.
4. Carbonic acid corrosion—As
a result of the conversion of
triglycerides to hydrocarbons,
water and large amounts of
carbon dioxide are formed. Apart
from these substances needing to
be handled safely on an individual
basis, they can combine to form
carbonic acid that can be very
corrosive in the liquid effluent
air coolers and sour water
disposal systems. To address this
FIG. 3. Example of a configured HTHA corrosion smart asset template.2
corrosion regime, the operational
32APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

data infrastructurea can be used companies are leveraging an 6. Near-real-time modeling

to create OWs and IOWs, in extension of the operational and optimization—Another
addition to specific carbonic acid data infrastructurea as an enabler optimization approach being used
analytics and associated health of this powerful capability. by leading HPI companies is the
indexes to be used to notify and Instead of using other data deep integration between the
proactively inform operators transfer methods that are labor operational data infrastructure and
so that corrective actions can intensive and have variable rigorous, first-principle simulation
be taken. The start and end of lag times, this digital bridge models for PTUs and RDUs,
events can be configured, like the addresses these issues (FIG. 4). including the inclusion of financial
HTHA application, to capture
length of exposure, severity and
causality to enable more effective
decision making, including
modifications in operations,
inspection and metallurgy.
5. Catalyst performance and
associated yield optimization—
To optimize the catalyst
performance and yield in
PTUs and RDUs, many leading
HPI companies are digitally
integrating with their catalyst
providers to facilitate advanced
unit and catalyst performance.
To address the issues of data/
cybersecurity, ownership and
governance, these leading HPI FIG. 4. Example of optimizing catalysts’ performance with near-real-time remote monitoring.3

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information. The operational to design, build and operate new renew- HPI companies is the ability to accelerate
data infrastructurea and associated able diesel facilities that provide greater startup, improve warranty validation, and
smart asset templates are leveraged flexibility to optimize the entire facility, reduce the number of applications and so-
to provide context and validated including feedstock sources and neces- lutions by more than 50%.5
data sets to the models. Optimum sary purification in a PTU; the design and Creating the smart renewable facil-
targets and forecasts are outputs of catalyst selection in the RDU; the design ity with an operational data infrastruc-
the models that are put back into of the required infrastructure, including ture. A real-time operational infrastruc-
the operational data infrastructure utilities, hydrogen sources, blending and turea is an agnostic, open, scalable and
as “future data.” This information logistics; and waste disposal. reliable technology specifically designed
is used to perform plan vs. actual The operational challenges, which are for critical operations to deliver opera-
analytics, and to enable proactive, fewer because of the flexibility afforded by tional data in a reliable way to stakehold-
data-based decision support, a grassroots design and build, are still pres- ers and applications. The infrastructure
including key information such ent, and the mitigation opportunities from must enable self-service analytics, deliver
as lost margin opportunities, the the use of an operational data infrastruc- all required context for operational intel-
asset heath of PTUs and RDUs, ture remain applicable. The operational ligence, and have the following capabili-
and other intelligence (FIG. 5). data infrastructurea can be configured to ties (FIG. 6):
address the challenges and opportunities • Secure integration of time-
Approach 2: A new grassroots re- of a grassroots design and build. One key series operational data from
newable diesel facility. Many non-pe- advantage of leveraging an operational the distributed control system
troleum refining companies are choosing data infrastructure experienced by many (DCS), supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA), and
Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) systems
• Abstraction of diverse tag and asset
names into a standard company
lexicon and asset hierarchy
• Integration of metadata, including
engineering data and information
from the MMS (FIG. 2)
• Normalization of units of measure,
time zones and asset descriptions
• Configuration of traditional
operational applications,
such as energy management,
environmental compliance and
KPI-driven dashboards
• Use of a “layers of analytics”
FIG. 5. Example of deep integration between the operational data infrastructure and modeling
framework and strategy to provide
software.4 the analytics foundation via
configurable descriptive, diagnostic
and simple predictive analytics.
No-code operational digital twinsb
configured and supported by SMEs. A
digital twin is a replica of a physical as-
set (such as a heat exchanger, pump or
compressor) comprising attributes, cal-
culations, KPIs, empirical correlations
and models of varying complexity. Con-
trary to the hype, digital twins have been
around since the 1960s. However, today’s
operationally focused digital twins are
dramatically more robust and sophisti-
cated in their ease of use, approach and
capability to develop, evolve and leverage
in a renewable diesel plant.
Most digital twins require IT, data sci-
entists, machine learning, model integra-
tion and coding. They also have a limited
FIG. 6. A critical operations integration, applications and analytics infrastructure.
ability to deal with data volume, velocity,
34APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

variability and anomalies. They are dif- algorithm to other assets that utilize the Consolidating the concepts, capa-
ficult to scale, and struggle to address the same digital twin template. This power- bilities and applications, FIG. 9 illustrates
anomalies of physical assets that have ful capability enables continuous im- how smart asset templates are leveraged
variability in vintage, makes, models provement of calculations, expressions to create a digital replica of a physical
and levels of instrumentation. Further- and event analytics over time, as well as renewable diesel facility and to form
more, real-time operational data and as- comparison of similar expression results, the foundation for a portfolio of dash-
set metadata (i.e., static information like KPIs or events as part of the diagnostic boards, KPIs and advanced decision
equipment model and location) typi- process. FIG. 7 is an illustration of an as- support capabilities.
cally reside as tags in control systems, as set hierarchy associated with a no-code A ‘layers of analytics’ strategy for re-
well as in other databases and platforms, digital twin. newable diesel facilities. Terms such as
with accessibility issues and lack of nam- The no-code digital twin can include advanced analytics, machine learning, big
ing standards limiting access to critical operational metadata, engineering data data and artificial intelligence (AI) ap-
data that could potentially be leveraged and MMS metadata to create a pump pear pervasively in marketing literature,
to gain insights. curve and overlay with real-time pump but can lead to confusion, failed projects
A key capability of the operational performance (FIG. 8). Actual pump per- and significant lost opportunity costs.
digital twin is operational data manage- formance can be viewed over time to see The most successful operators achieve
ment that creates a system of record for historical performance and, for future ref- value from analytics by first defining an
operational data. The operational digital erences, be based on other forecasted in- analytics framework, along with the types
twin is created by the SMEs over time formation. This is also an example of how of analytics required, and then selecting
in an evolutionary way by first creating the output of calculations and expres- fit-for-purpose technologies. They use a
smart asset digital templates that consist sions can be historized to enable their use “layers of analytics” strategy, which con-
of asset categories, attributes, calcula- in other calculations and analytics. siders incremental cost vs. incremental
tions, event frames and notifications.
Attributes are grouped in categories for
providing ease of navigation and en-
abling the drag-and-drop configuration
of smart display templates. These attri-
butes consist of data references to real-
time data sources like DCS, SCADA,
programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
and other systems, as well as linked
tables into engineering data, the MMS
and tabular correlations like the HTHA
example. The digital twin provides con-
figurable, no-code calculations and com-
plex expressions by using one or more of
the more than 110 time-based functions,
such as the function library in Excel. FIG. 7. Operational data management in a no-code operational digital twin.
The smart asset template attributes
are placeholders to enable the actual
references and link tables when the tem-
plates are applied to an actual asset. The
smart assets are combined to form a base
asset hierarchy that can be used to create
relative asset hierarchies for context and
ease of navigation. Another key capabil-
ity of smart asset templates is the ability
to have base and relative templates with
inheritance to allow for the anomalies
commonly found in asset classes.
The digital operational infrastruc-
turea can enable asset anomaly detection
by allowing the SME to create or modify
anomaly expressions and then to test the
expressions by backcasting (i.e., running
the expression back into the operational
history). Once satisfied with the expres-
sion, the SME can then forward-cast this FIG. 8. Example of an operational digital twin and integrated data references used in analytics
and visualization.
modified expression or event detection
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202135
Clean Fuels

dressed to leverage a proven, powerful

and configurable operational data infra-
structurea used by many HPI companies
worldwide. The key is the ability to en-
able SMEs to configure smart asset digi-
tal twins that can be combined to create
an operational digital twin of the renew-
able diesel facility, including associated
utility and infrastructure systems.
The operational data infrastructure
forms the foundation for real-time op-
erational intelligence and proactive, ex-
ception-based decision support. It also
enables the use of modern digital tech-
FIG. 9. A smart renewable diesel facility configuration from digital twin asset building blocks. nologies, such as analytics, financial base
modeling and optimization, and safe and
secure ecosystem digital integration.
The result is the ability to increase
safety and to mitigate processing chal-
lenges in the PTU and RDU, as well as to
increase effective capacity by 2%–4% by
boosting asset reliability, reduce O&M
costs by 3%–5%, and increase EBITDA
performance by 3%–5%.

Refers to OSIsoft’s PI System
Refers to PI System’s Asset Framework (AF)

Chan, E., “Converting a Petroleum Diesel Refinery
for Renewable Diesel,” Burns & McDonnell,
December 2020, online: https://www.burnsmcd.
FIG. 10. Using incremental cost/value evolution through layers of analytics and hybrid data lakes. Komróczki, T., “Supporting Strategic Initiatives at
MOL with the PI System Infrastructure,” OSIsoft PI
World 2015, April 2015.
Haragovics, M., M. Bubálik, and A. Frouillac,
value as they move to more complex ana- technologies such as machine learning. “Digital Bridge (PI Cloud Connect) Between Axens
lytical methods. The costs include not Once higher layers of analytics are and MOL to Maximize Profit from Conversion
only the technology, but also the costs utilized, it is imperative to feed back the Catalysts,” OSIsoft PI World 2018, April 2018.
Tate, S. and J. Rose, “Best Practices in the Integration
associated with lost time to value, scal- results of these advanced layers to the of Modeling Software with the PI System,” OSIsoft
ability, configuration, sustainment and lower-level layers as forecasts or targets, PI World 2019, April 2019.
risk of attainment. where appropriate, to operationalize the Mandani, M. and A. Brodskiy, “Overview of the PI
System Enabled Integrated Refinery Information
The foundation of this “layers of ana- advanced analytical output. This is key to System (IRIS) at YASREF,” OSIsoft PI World 2015,
lytics” approach (FIG. 10) relies on the the development of the smart renewable April 2015.
use of an operational data infrastructurea diesel, as results from the integration with
to enable SMEs, not IT, to configure real- process simulation optimization models CRAIG HARCLERODE is a Global
Oil and Gas and HPI Industry
time descriptive, diagnostic and simple and financial data for real-time gas plant Principal at OSIsoft, where he
predictive analytics by using formulas, financial optimization are fed back to the consults with companies on how
empirical correlations and rule-based operational data infrastructure.a to add value to their organizations
utilizing a strategic OT real-time
expressions. These lower-level analytics integration, applications and
form the foundation for more advanced Takeaway. The growth of renewable analytics infrastructure. He has been focusing on
predictive, prescriptive and adaptive diesel, by either building new facilities or digital-enabled business transformation, addressing
analytics that use machine learning and modifying existing petroleum refineries, the dimensions of people/culture and process
reengineering leveraging OSIsoft tools in the areas
other methods, and require collaborative is global, and opportunities are expand- of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)/edge,
support from data science teams. ing rapidly to address social, regulatory PI AF digital twins, layers of analytics, and big data to
These foundational analytical layers and financial needs and opportunities. deliver transformative business value. Mr. Harclerode’s
generally provide over 80% of the value Renewable diesel PTUs and RDUs pres- 40-yr career has spanned engineering, operations and
automation in supervisory, executive management
for about 20% of the cost vs. more ad- ent both operating challenges and op- and consultative roles at Amoco Oil, Honeywell IAC
vanced analytical layers that only use portunities that can successfully be ad- and Aspen Tech.

36APRIL 2021 |
Special Focus Clean Fuels
E. GRIFFITHS, KBR, Leatherhead, UK; and
M. MUKHERJEE, Exelus, Fairfield, New Jersey

Meeting the Tier 3 challenge with ultra-clean alkylate

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intro- more than 24-hr cycle times. It also offers robust resistance
duced Tier 3 gasoline sulfur standards in 2017, requiring all to typical poisons (such as mercaptans, diolefins and oxygen-
U.S. gasoline producers to adhere to an annual 10-ppm average ates), along with the ability to handle a variety of feedstocks.
sulfur limit. A 3-yr extension was provided for about 30 small The proprietary catalyst forms the core of a safe and efficient
refineries, which expired on January 1, 2020. The program proprietary solid-acid alkylation processb that generates high-
includes a 6-yr provision allowing refineries that cannot pro- octane alkylate without the hazards and costs associated with
duce qualifying gasoline to buy credits from other refineries to liquid acid technology. Additionally, it features a simple fixed-
comply with the Tier 3 requirement. The credits are generated bed reactor design and regeneration using hydrogen.
by refineries producing gasoline with an annual sulfur content The integration of catalyst science and reaction engineering
below 10 ppm. At the end of October 2019, the price of these allows the proprietary catalyst cycle times that are an order of
credits increased by 250%, indicating that demand for the cred- magnitude longer than most solid-acid catalysts and produces
its were possibly greater than their supply. high-octane alkylate from isobutane and light olefins (eth-
Refiners have a limited number of options to reduce sul- ylene, propylene, butylenes and amylenes) from any source.
fur levels in gasoline to meet the new 10-ppm requirement. The stable catalyst performance greatly simplifies the overall
For Tier 3, removing the remaining, more difficult sulfur mol- process design, which reduces the capital cost of the alkylation
ecules may lead to more significant octane loss. Most refiners plant, while lowering energy consumption. Innovations in the
are meeting the regulations by increasing hydrotreating se- proprietary solid-acid catalyst system are shown in FIG. 2.
verity either with pre-treating fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)
feed or post-treating FCC naphtha. This option increases the Catalyst performance with various feedstocks. The pro-
refinery hydrogen consumption and reduces the run length of prietary solid-acid catalyst has been tested with various feed-
these hydrotreaters. While post-treating is effective for reduc- stocks and produces alkylate with a high octane rating over a
ing the sulfur content, it saturates olefins, resulting in octane wide range of operating temperatures, olefin space velocities
loss in the FCC naphtha. This can be exacerbated at refineries and feed compositions. Results from the bench-scale testing
that consume an increased diet of shale‐derived crudes, which are summarized in TABLE 1. The octane values and Reid vapor
are naturally light and produce low sulfur but also low-octane
gasoline. The increasing value of gasoline octane in recent 4.5
years is illustrated in FIG. 1. Regular gasoline price 140
4 Premium gasoline price
Premium - regular differential
Alkylate: The ideal blendstock. Accordingly, alkylate has Premium -regular retail price differential, cents per gallon
emerged as a preferred gasoline blending component because
it contains no sulfur, no olefins and no benzene, and has a 3 100
Retail prices, US$ per gallon

low vapor pressure and a high octane number. U.S. refineries

produce 1.3 MMbpd of alkylate, which is produced by react- 2.5
ing isobutane with light olefins, using liquid acids [either hy-
drofluoric (HF) or sulfuric acid]. The use of these corrosive 2
materials raises maintenance costs. Adding significant costs to 60
the operation are the storage, transport and regeneration of 1.5
the acid. Solid-acid-catalyzed alkylation eliminates the EHS 40
issues and costs associated with using and regenerating cor- 1
rosive liquid acids. 20

A proprietary solid-acid alkylation process. Typical 0 0

solid-acid catalysts deactivate in minutes. After years of devel- 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
opment, a new solid-acid catalyst technologya has reached the
point of outperforming these liquid acids. The engineered sol- FIG. 1. Gasoline prices and premium-regular retail price differential.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
id-acid catalyst has been designed at multiple levels to provide
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202137
Clean Fuels

pressure (RVP) were computed using the gas chromatography 2. The trimethyl pentanes-to-dimethyl hexanes (TMP/
product analysis and confirmed by independent engine testing. DMH) ratio for alkylate produced by the proprietary
In general, the octane values for alkylate produced by the catalyst is roughly double the value for TMP/DMH
proprietary catalyst tend to be higher than those obtained ratios produced by liquid acids or ionic liquids. The
by either liquid acids or ionic liquids for three main reasons. octane values for TMPs range from 100–109,
Those include: while those for DMH range from 55–75. High
1. The proprietary catalyst has an inherent functionality TMP/DMH ratios boost the alkylate octane rating.
that converts n-butenes to a mixture of 1-butene, 3. The distribution of TMP molecules produced by
trans-2-butene and cis-2-butene. As a result, the proprietary catalyst is different from those
irrespective of the type of normal butene used as feed, produced via other processes. While the dominant
the product composition of the alkylate is identical. TMP produced by most alkylation processes is
2,2,4-trimethyl pentane, which has a RON of 100,
TABLE 1. Proprietary catalyst performance with various
the proprietary catalyst tends to favor 2,3,4-trimethyl
refinery feedstocks pentane and 2,3,3-trimethyl pentane, which have
RON ratings of 103 and 106, respectively.
FCC offgas
FCC MTBE with ethylene Propylene-
A combination of these three effects boosts the octane rat-
olefins raffinate and propylene rich feeds ing of alkylate produced by the proprietary catalyst vs. other
Research octane 97 99 96 95
number (RON)
Feed contaminants. Poisoning is the strong chemisorption of
Motor octane 93 95 93 92 reactants, products or impurities on acid sites otherwise avail-
number (MON)
able for catalysis. Certain feed contaminants act as catalyst poi-
RVP, psi 3.3 2.8 4.1 3.8 sons and increase the rate of deactivation of the catalyst. Typical
Yield, vol/vol 1.88 1.86 1.85 1.85 feed impurities for alkylation units are shown in TABLE 2.
olefin These feed impurities lead to an increase in liquid acid con-
sumption for sulfuric and HF acid alkylation technologies. In
general, the recommended limits for feed contaminants using
TABLE 2. Typical contaminants in alkylation feedstock
these liquid acids are less than 10 ppm each for sulfur, dienes
Contaminant FCC olefins MTBE raffinate and oxygenates. For solid-acid catalysts, the feed contaminant
Water, ppm wt 300 300
Mercaptans, ppm wt 25–100 25–100
Hydrogen sulfide, ppm wt <1 <1
Butadiene, wt% 0.4–1 0.4–1
Dimethyl ether, ppm wt – 500
MTBE, ppm wt – 25
Tert-butyl alcohol, ppm wt – 5
Methanol, ppm wt – 25

TABLE 3. Effect of feed contaminants on alkylate quality

Base High- High- High-
Case oxygenate sulfur diene
feed feed feed feed
Olefin composition, wt% FIG. 2. Innovations in the proprietary solid-acid catalyst system.

Propylene 49 49 49 49
Butenes 49 49 49 49
Amylenes 2 2 2 2
Contaminants, wt ppm
Oxygenates 33 210 35 35
Mercaptans 22 25 220 22
Dienes 903 910 910 2,120
Alkylate properties
FIG. 3. The proprietary catalysta can trap most feed contaminants
RON 95 95 95 95 (e.g., mercaptans, dienes and oxygenates), while allowing
MON 91 91 91 91 high-octane alkylate molecules to diffuse out easily.

38APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

acts as a temporary poison by occupying an acid site, which olefin feed and the reactor recirculation stream are combined
then becomes unavailable for alkylation. and introduced at the top of the reactor.
However, the proprietary catalyst—which is zeolitic in na- The alkylation reaction is mildly exothermic. The reaction’s
ture—can remove these contaminants without the need for heat is removed by a heat exchanger located in the recirculation
extensive pretreatment. These contaminants—which remain loop outside the reactor. As in conventional alkylation units,
adsorbed on the catalyst surface—are removed during the reg- the reactor effluent is sent to a distillation train consisting of
ular regeneration procedure, allowing the catalyst to recover its two columns. First, a deisobutanizer is used to recover excess
full activity. This unique feature has important consequences isobutane, which is returned to the reactor. Excess n-butane
for Tier 3 regulations. Even though the olefinic feedstocks may is removed from the alkylate product in this column, as well.
contain sulfur or oxygenates, the alkylate produced is essen- Second, a depropanizer is used to remove light components—
tially sulfur and oxygenate free (FIG. 3). mainly propane—from the system. The proprietary process
does not require any neutralization or washing equipment to
Performance with feed contaminants. Equally important post-treat the alkylate product.
is the quality of alkylate produced for feedstocks containing At the end of the 24-hr alkylation cycle, the feeds are switched
high levels of contaminants. There is no change in the quality to the newly regenerated reactor, and the catalyst in the previous
of alkylate produced for feedstocks with high levels of contami- (i.e., in-service) reactor is regenerated. A vapor-phase circulat-
nants for a mixed C3 and C4 olefin feed (TABLE 3). ing loop containing hydrogen and light hydrocarbons is used to
heat the reactor to about 275°C (527°F), at which point cata-
Proprietary solid-acid alkylation processb design. A lyst regeneration occurs. Due to the small amount of soft-coke
unit process diagram of the proprietary process is shown in buildup during the reaction cycle, hydrogen consumption is low.
FIG. 4. In the reaction zone, isobutane and olefins are reacted After 2 hr at this condition, the loop is used to cool the reactor
to produce alkylate. The reaction takes place over the solid- to the reaction temperature. Fresh isobutane is charged to the
acid catalyst in fixed-bed reactors. Three fixed-bed reactors reactor, making the reactor ready for the next alkylation cycle.
with recirculation are used in the reaction section. Two are This sequence is controlled by a programmable logic controller.
used for alkylation, while the other is being regenerated in a
staggered cycle. The reactors typically contain multiple beds, Techno-economic analysis. Due to lower capital costs and
with olefin feed spargers between each bed. A portion of the a higher alkylate margin, the proprietary solid-acid alkylation

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Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 39

Clean Fuels

Recycle isobutane TABLE 4. Typical utility requirements

Solid acid HF acid Sulfuric acid Ionic liquid
Utility 92.3 92.5 103.1 133.81
Olefin feed + Depropanizer consumption,
makeup iC4 standard oil basis
and EO/t alkylate

process Liquid-acid alkylation and spent-acid recovery units gener-
ally incur high maintenance costs due to the presence of cor-
rosive acid. In numerous refineries, the turnaround and in-
CW spection intervals of the alkylation unit are determined by the
well-documented challenges associated with acid corrosion. A
Butane product
solid-acid catalyst eliminates these challenges and allows the
turnaround interval to be extended to come in line with the up-
stream FCCU. The maintenance and inspection activities dur-
ing operation and turnaround periods are also simplified with-
Alkylate product out the presence of liquid acids, thus increasing productivity.
The proprietary solid-acid catalyst outperforms liquid cata-
FIG. 4. Proprietary solid-acid alkylation process unit diagram.
lyst processes in both alkylate yield and octane, thereby boost-
ing alkylate margins from the available olefin feedstock. Alkyl-
ate octane using the proprietary catalyst is typically at least
one point higher than any other technology. Alkylate yields are
around 5% higher than liquid acid processes.

Performance of a commercial solid-acid alkylation

unit. A commercial solid-acid alkylationb unit has been in
operation in Shandong Province, China, for more than 2 yr,
meeting and exceeding predicted product quality parameters.
The unit has demonstrated consistent performance and alkyl-
ate quality through more than 300 regeneration cycles per re-
actor, proving the robustness of the proprietary catalyst. FIG. 5
shows a view of the plant.
Two additional proprietary solid-acid alkylation projects
are underway in North America. The first project is related to
the revamp of an HF acid alkylation unit, and the second is to
FIG. 5. View of a commercial solid-acid alkylationb unit.
revamp a sulfuric acid alkylation unit.

process offers significantly higher return on investment vs. liq- NOTES

uid catalyzed alkylation units. Exelus’ Solid-Acid Catalyst (ExSact) technology
KBR’s K-SAATTM technology
The capital cost savings result from multiple sources. First
is the elimination of corrosive acid from the process. Remov- LITERATURE CITED
ing the liquid acid eliminates the acid neutralization equip- 1
Chung, W., R. Zhang, X. Zhang and D. Song, “Safe and sustainable alkylation:
ment, product washing vessels and storage tanks for fresh and Performance and update on composite ionic liquid alkylation technology,”
spent acid. Second is the change in process conditions. The Hydrocarbon Processing, April 2020.
solid-acid catalyst operates optimally at around 50°C (122°F). EDWARD GRIFFITHS is a Technology Manager for K-SAAT™
Sulfuric acid and ionic liquid alkylation units require refrigera- alkylation technology at KBR. He has 13 yr of refining and
tion to generate reasonable alkylate octane, operating around petrochemicals experience in process engineering, plant
5°C (41°F), which requires expensive compressors and refrig- operations and technology licensing. Mr. Griffiths earned an
MEng degree in chemical and process engineering from
eration loops. Eliminating refrigeration also leads to a con- Newcastle University, UK.
siderable reduction in power costs. A summary of the utility
requirements is provided in TABLE 4. MITRAJIT MUKHERJEE is the President and Founder of
Differences in catalyst regeneration procedures also lead to Exelus. His research on engineered zeolites led to the
development of the breakthrough solid-acid alkylation
considerable savings, which may be considered either capital catalyst ExSact, which is being licensed as the K-SAAT™
or operating costs. The solid-acid catalyst is regenerated in the process by KBR. He recently developed a novel mixed-metal
reactor with hydrogen, generating only a small purge of hy- oxide catalyst (ExOlt) to produce propylene from propane,
which is being licensed as the K-Pro process by KBR.
drogen and light hydrocarbons. Sulfuric acid requires a large Prior to starting Exelus, he held positions at Catalytica and Lummus.
regeneration plant that is either operated onsite (large capital He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from the India Institute of
cost) or by another party (large operating cost). Technology and an MS degree from Southern Illinois University.

40APRIL 2021 |
Special Focus Clean Fuels
B. KLUSSMANN, Rigby Refining LLC,
Houston, Texas

A solution to the IMO 2020 MARPOL

Annex VI requirement
On January 1, 2020, a new requirement able in the market are being reported in cessed further or sold into the high-sulfur
limiting the sulfur content of marine fuel literature.1,2,3 From sludge formation, fuel oil (HSFO) market.
to a maximum of 0.5 wt% went into effect. engine damage, safety concerns and The proprietary upgrading process
The International Maritime Organization’s pollution to increased soot and dump- was designed with a focus on three pri-
(IMO’s) 2020 MARPOL Annex VI rule ing of sludge, the new VLSFO formula- mary principles. These include:
globally prohibits ships from operating tions are creating significant safety and 1. Feeding the process an ISO
while using a fuel with more than 0.5 wt% performance concerns for the shipping 8217-compliant heavy marine
sulfur without an exhaust gas scrubber. industry. Distillate blends may cause HSFO and removing the
Most ship engines in service were de- wear and tear to ships’ engine systems, sulfur and other environmental
signed to operate with ISO 8217-compli- as their bulk properties can be adversely contaminants, while maintaining
ant high-sulfur, heavy residual fuel oil. His- affected when distillates are mixed with the energy density and other
torically, ISO 8217-compliant fuel oil is residual materials. Because the propri- bulk properties of residual
generated by combining various high-sul- etary VLSFO is created solely through fuel oils for which most ships’
fur refinery residues with varying percent- hydroprocessing, the resultant product is main engines are designed.
ages of cutters, vacuum gasoil (VGO) and compliant and homogenous. 2. Addressing the overabundance
gasoil until the fuel specification is met. While installation of scrubbers on of HSFO and high-sulfur residual
From the perspective of marine engine ships is an alternative to using VLSFO, components in the market by
design firms and shipowners, the most scrubbers present significant issues, in- developing a straightforward,
desirable way to comply with the new reg- cluding complex operation, costly main- robust process to produce 0.5
ulation would be to use a heavy residual tenance, emissions violations, bans on wt% sulfur ISO 8217 residual
fuel oil that meets the ISO 8217 fuel spec- open-loop scrubbers in some ports, and fuel oil with a minimal yield of
ification and has a sulfur content of less disposal issues for toxic byproducts and byproducts. Using 1 mass unit
than 0.5 wt% sulfur. An early recognition sludge.4,5,6,7,8,9 of HSFO feed, the proprietary
for such a fuel oil led to the development upgrading process produces
of a proprietary upgrading processa sev- The patented upgrading process. approximately 0.96 mass units of
eral years before the IMO 2020 rule took Refining processes have historically fo- ISO 8217-compliant VLSFO,
effect. Since the patented very-low-sulfur cused on breaking down and upgrading with the balance being about
fuel oilb (VLSFOb), which was made us- residual material to create higher-value 0.025 mass units of sulfur
ing this proprietary process, maintains distillate products. Counter to traditional and minor amounts of wild
ISO 8217 bulk properties, it reduces the residue upgrading technologies, the pro- naphtha and light ends
risk of engine performance problems re- prietary upgrading process intentionally (less than 0.015 mass units).
lated to fuel oil blending. maintains the bulk properties of residual 3. Positioning the process to be
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fuel that make it the preferred fuel of the installed on a compact footprint
decline in demand of transportation fuel shipping industry. The patented technol- within a refinery or near/adjacent
resulted in an excess of distillate materi- ogy is rooted in commercially proven to points of aggregation (i.e.,
als—and in the refinery streams used to refining processes, utilizing an alternate fuel oil terminals). A preferred
produce those same distillate materials. approach counter to traditional refinery location will have excess
The excess of distillate and intermedi- residual material upgrading processes hydrogen or pipeline hydrogen
ate refinery products drove the industry such as hydrocracking, deasphalting and available and will utilize existing
toward blending distillate fuel oils or coking. Because the proprietary upgrad- systems (e.g., tanks and utilities)
blending distillate materials with residual ing process does not focus on cracking, of the current logistics flow in
materials to adhere to the IMO marine hydrogen consumption is significantly the existing HSFO supply chain.
fuels regulation. A wide range of prob- lower than hydrocracking, and no low- The addition of the proprietary
lems related to such VLSFO blends avail- value residual products remain to be pro- upgrading process unit should
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202141
Clean Fuels

cause little or no disruption to drocracker are more than three times operating cost basis, the proprietary up-
existing refinery infrastructure. higher than the capital costs for imple- grading process unit is about one-fourth
Commercially, the proprietary up- mentation of the proprietary upgrading the operating costs of an ebullated-bed
grading process is a lower-priced alter- process unit of the same capacity. Out- hydrocracker. The proprietary upgrad-
native to hydrocracking. Capital costs side battery limit integration costs are ing process is much less operationally
for estimated inside battery limits for also significantly lower for a proprietary complex and is safer than residue up-
implementation of an ebullated-bed hy- upgrading process unit. On a per-barrel grading alternatives.
In addition to the benefits outlined,
a modular proprietary upgrading pro-
Lean amine cess unit allows much faster entry into
Makeup H2 the market, with the lowest need for
Recycle gas Amine integration and disruption to existing
compressor scrubber
infrastructure at either a refinery or ma-
Reactor rine terminal. A modular version of the
Rich amine proprietary upgrading process can be
fully operational at a greenfield site in
Heater To fuel gas less than 2 yr from the date of placing an
Water order—or even sooner, if located inside
ISO 8217 HSFO Wild naphtha an existing refinery, which is half of the
schedule for a comparable ebullated-bed
hydrocracker or coker. Beyond price
Hot and speed-to-market considerations,
ISO 8217 proprietary both coking and hydrocracking produce
VLSFO product
some amount of low-value residual ma-
terial that must be sold into the market
FIG. 1. Process flow diagram of the proprietary upgrading process. at a value lower than the feedstock and

TABLE 1. Comparison of the proprietary fuel

RMG 380 ISO 8217 80/20 blend Proprietary
specification RMG 380* Marine gasoil to 0.5% sulfur** VLSFOb
Density at 15°C (59°F) 991 max. 990.3 870.1 891.7 950.2
Metric tons (t) 1 1 1 1
Barrels at 15°C (59°F) 6.36 7.24 7.07 6.63
Volume in m3 at 15°C (59°F) 1.01 1.15 1.12 1.05
Specific energy
Sulfur content, % m/m 0.5 max. 2.5 < 0.1 0.5 0.45
Ash content, % m/m 0.09 < 0.01 0.03 < 0.01
Gross specific energy, Btu/gal 152,000 142,000 144,000 150,000
Net specific energy, Btu/gal 143,000 133,000 135,000 142,000
Calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI) 870 852 – 831 824
Cetane index – – 40 – –
Carbon and metals
Carbon residue, wt% 18 max. 12.18 0 2.6 6.59
Aluminum and silicon, mg/kg 60 max. 52 0 10 <1
Vanadium, mg/kg 35 max. 151 0 30 20
Sodium, mg/kg 100 max. 40 0 8 <1
Acid number, mg KOG/g 2.5 max. 0.53 0.15 0.23 < 0.05
Kinematic viscosity at 50°C 380 max. 369.7 2.5 4.4 120
Pour point, °C 30 max. –12 –2 –4 –18
Flash point, °C 60 min. 101 66 68.7 110
* RMG 380 is a blend of refinery streams. It is now salable as HSFO.
** Blend of RMG 380 and sufficient gasoil to meet the 0.5% sulfur requirement

42APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

generally lower than HSFO. Compared uct stabilizer. Hydrogen, H2S and light ing process) are compared to those of the
to available information on competitive components are stripped from the liquid proprietary VLSFO and to the two other
technologies, the proprietary upgrading effluents to produce ISO 8217-compli- widely available alternative bunker fuels
process is the fastest to market—as ei- ant VLSFO or ultra-low-sulfur fuel oil used for compliance with IMO 2020 re-
ther a fully modular or stick-built unit— (ULSFO). quirements: a marine gasoil and a blended
because it has a lower capital expendi- The proprietary upgrading process VLSFO (80:20 blend). Of the three IMO
ture and operational expenditure and is was successfully piloted at two separate 2020-compliant fuels, the properties of
rooted in process technologies broadly pilot plant facilities, using three different the proprietary fuel most closely align
understood and accepted by refiners. commercial marine fuel oils (not labora- with HSFO, the fuel for which most ship
As shown in FIG. 1, feeding the pro- tory blends): two RMG-380 feeds with engines were designed to use. In addition
prietary upgrading process is ISO 2.5 wt% and 2.9 wt% sulfur, and an RMK- to producing an ISO 8217-compliant fuel
8217-compliant HSFO, which is mixed 500 feed with 3.3 wt% sulfur, to produce with lower sulfur content, metals, catalyst
with hydrogen and heated against the an ISO 8217-compliant VLSFO with 0.5 fines and other environmental contami-
reactor effluent. It is then heated to the wt% sulfur. Production of an ULSFO nants are nearly completely removed by
reactor inlet temperature in a furnace with 0.1 wt% sulfur, which is a compliant the proprietary upgrading process. Met-
and fed to the reactor system. The reac- fuel for MARPOL Annex VI designated als reduction of 80%–90% is achieved in
tor system utilizes commercially avail- emissions control areas, was also demon- the proprietary upgrading process, and
able hydrotreating catalysts in its design. strated during the pilot testing. catalyst fines (aluminum and silicon) are
Effluent from the reactor system flows reduced by more than 90%.
through the feed/effluent exchanger and Proprietary fuelb properties. The pro-
to a series of vessels to separate liquid prietary fuel has been well received by the Compatibility and miscibility. The
product from recycled vapor. Recycled shipping industry and engine manufac- author’s position is that blending HSFO
hydrogen is contacted against amine to turers, as it maintains energy density and with distillates is not a commercially ac-
remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and is re- remains compliant on all ISO 8217 speci- ceptable and sustainable solution to the
cycled to the reactor system via a recycle fications. As shown in TABLE 1, the ISO IMO 2020 regulatory requirements. In
hydrogen compressor. Liquid effluents 8217 properties of the RMG-380 HSFO the short term, blending a VLSFO re-
from the separator drums feed the prod- (i.e., the feed to the proprietary upgrad- quires the use of higher-value (and there-


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survey of 300+ respondents across several industries to examine Autonomy within plants and
Joe Perino throughout the entire value chain.
Research Analyst
Join Hydrocarbon Processing and LNS Research for an informative webcast on Autonomous
LNS Research Operations. Analyst Joe Perino will discuss LNS’ latest study on Remote Operations and
Autonomy and how they link to Industrial Transformation success.

In this webcast, discover:

• Characteristics of Autonomous systems and why you should choose Autonomy

• Challenges of Remote Operations and how you can successfully navigate them
• How leadership and organizational culture directly impact Autonomous Operations
• Next-Gen technology adoption and where companies are investing
• What Industrial Transformation Leaders do differently than Followers to accelerate Autonomy
• Recommendations on how you can effectively implement Autonomy

Lee Nichols Listen for Free:

Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202143

Clean Fuels

by higher-cost) ultra-low-sulfur distillates The author’s company has carried with sludge formation over time in stor-
that are only more readily available during out compatibility and miscibility tests age tanks on land and onboard ships.
2020–2021 due to decreased demand for to demonstrate that the proprietary fuel Costly and time-consuming cleaning of
transportation fuels because of the global does not create or experience these is- tanks and maintenance of ship fuel sys-
pandemic. However, the asphaltenes pres- sues. The proprietary VLSFO was tested tems are required when unstable fuels
ent in residual streams are often not com- with RMG, RMK and distillate grades of have been bunkered.
patible with paraffinic distillates, which marine fuels, and has proven to be mis-
may cause serious problems. cible with residual fuels, as well as MGO Ignition and combustion properties.
Commercial experience, and several and ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) in Ignition delay is the time that elapses
prior and recent industry surveys, show mixtures of 50/50, 30/70, 20/80, 10/90 from the start of fuel injection to the point
that blending to produce a low-sulfur and 5/95. Compatibility test samples of combustion. A long ignition delay re-
fuel oil can result in a fuel that is incom- and results are shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. sults in an accumulation of unburned
patible with ship engines.10 In addition, fuel in the combustion chamber, which
blends “loaded on top” of residual fuels, Shelf life. Shelf life refers to the length can cause knocking, poor engine perfor-
distillate fuels or other blends in storage of time that fuel oil remains stable and in mance and, eventually, engine damage.
tanks or on ships can cause precipitation solution in storage. The reserve stability The proprietary fuel demonstrated supe-
of asphaltenes due to incompatibility of number (RSN)—as measured by ASTM rior ignition properties when tested using
these blends with other fuels. With these D7061—is an industry-accepted mea- the combustion pressure trace test.
unstable blends, precipitated asphaltenes surement of the stability of marine fu- FIG. 4 illustrates the proprietary fuel’s
form sludge in tanks that can plug filters, els. Fuels with an RSN of less than 5 are combustion and ignition properties vs.
purifiers, fuel injection equipment and considered to pass and have a high sta- “normal” fuel (ECN=29) and a “prob-
even fuel lines. Precipitated asphaltenes bility reserve. Asphaltenes are not likely lem” fuel (ECN=8), as taken from the
cannot be brought back into solution, to flocculate, and the fuel is stable with a International Council on Combustion
meaning that this sludge formed by a commercially reasonable shelf life. Fuels Engines’ (CIMAC’s) 2011 “Fuel Quality
blended VLSFO will also need to be with an RSN of 5–10 have a much lower Guide–Ignition and Combustion.”
cleaned from tanks and fuel systems be- stability reserve, with limited shelf life Poor combustion performance is
fore being safely disposed of on land. and may flocculate. Fuels with an RSN normally characterized by an extended
greater than 15 are considered unsta- combustion period, along with low rates
ble. Testing has shown that, after more of pressure increase and low maximum
than a year in storage, the proprietary pressure, resulting in incomplete fuel
VLSFO had an RSN of 1.2—thereby combustion. In contrast, good combus-
demonstrating that the proprietary fuel tion exhibits a minimal ignition delay, a
is stable and has no issues around shelf rapid combustion period, and high rates
life. Blends and other VLSFO/ULSFO of pressure increase and high maximum
products on the market are reported pressure. The proprietary fuel possesses
to have shelf-life problems and may be superior combustion performance, as
stable for just a matter of days or weeks demonstrated by the rate of heat release
FIG. 2. Fuels for compatibility testing. in storage. This can create major issues (ROHR) curve in FIG. 4.

FIG. 3. Fuels for miscibility testing: (A) 20% RMG 380/80% distillate, (B) 20% proprietary fuel/80% distillate, and (C) 30% proprietary fuel/
70% distillate.

44APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

Lubricity. Lubricity is commonly de- bricity of marine fuels. When tested in ac- Another issue related to lubricity re-
fined as the ability of a fluid to minimize cordance with ISO 12156, the proprietary cently identified and associated with low-
friction between surfaces in relative mo- fuel resulted in lubricity of less than 100 sulfur fuel oil blends is FCC catalyst fines,
tion under load conditions. A fuel oil with μm, showing its superior lubricity proper- which are present in small quantities. The
poor lubricity can rapidly cause severe ties vs. distillate-based fuels. For purposes catalyst fines, which are present in HSFO
wear to liners and piston rings, create tur- of comparison, the lubricity specification base material, become abrasive when
bocharger issues and ultimately result in for distillate fuels is less than 520 μm, blended with low-viscosity, ultra-low-
engine failure. The ISO 12156 test meth- meaning that anything less than 520 μm sulfur distillates and can cause significant
od is commonly used to determine the lu- meets the requirement for lubricity. cylinder wear in ships’ engines. Because
Combustion pressure trace ROHR
10 5
Normal fuel, ECN = 29
8 4 ECN = 13
ECN = 8
Efficient Proprietary fuel, ECN = 32
Pressure increase, bar


ROHR, bar/m sec

6 3
“Good” fuel

4 2
“Problem” fuel
2 Normal fuel, ECN = 29 1 Long combustion
Ignition delay ECN = 13 period
ECN = 8
0 Proprietary fuel, ECN = 32 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, msec Time, msec

FIG. 4. The proprietary fuel has ignition and combustion properties superior to a CIMAC good fuel (green line) based on the IP 541/06 fuel ignition
and combustion test.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Industrial Maintenance Reinvented: The Age

of the Digital Deskless Worker
Carlos Pazos
Maintenance tasks in process industries are becoming ever more complex. New
Product Marketing Manager
generations of frontline professionals are now tasked to maintain a wider range of
Honeywell intricate production assets. They now need to climb the learning curve faster to
bring assets back to the optimal operational states that support the organization’s
production goals. Join this webinar to discover the mobility technologies that are
enabling new generations of frontline maintainers to solve problems faster. We will
explore through practical demonstrations how to enhance team collaboration and
provide access to information for field teams to be more effective and reduce the
time on task.

Register for Free:

Lee Nichols
Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202145

Clean Fuels

the proprietary VLSFO exceeds the lu- REFERENCES hole-062020

Wingrove, M., “Handling issues and engine dam- Agren, C., “Environmental impacts of ship scrub-
bricity specification and does not contain bers, AirClim, October 2019, online: https://www.
age—Are VLSFOs to blame?” December 2020,
abrasive catalyst fines, these are not a con- online:
cern for ships using the proprietary fuel. tent-hub/handling-issues-and-engine-damage- ship-scrubbers
ndash-are-vlsfos-to-blame-62133 Mahajan, S., “Learning as we go: Challenges with
Degnarain, N., “Shipping-Gate: Why toxic VLSFO the use of exhaust gas scrubbers,” Gard blog,
Takeaway. The proprietary fuel meets October 2019, online:
‘Frankenstein fuel’ is such a danger for the planet,”
the ISO 8217 specification for the resid- Forbes, December 2020. updates/content/28519122/learning-as-we-go-
ual marine fuel oil preferred by the ship- 3
“Chevron reports VLSFO causing abnormal liner challenges-with-the-use-of-exhaust-gas-scrubbers
ping industry and is a robust solution to wear,” Ship & Bunker, January 2021, online: https:// “2020 Fuel Oil Quality and Safety Survey,” BIMCO, INTERCARGO, the International
the environmental regulations specified ron-reports-vlsfo-causing-abnormal-liner-wear Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and INTERTANKO,
in IMO 2020 MARPOL Annex VI, thus 4
Agarwal, S., “Exhaust gas scrubbers of ships— 2020, online:
producing significantly lower sulfur ox- Boon or bane?” Marine Insight, January 2021, media/bimco/news-and-trends/news/priority-
ide and nitrogen oxide emissions than online: news/2020/2020-fuel-oil-quality-and-safety-
exhaust-gas-scrubbers-of-ships/ sur vey—-report.ashx#:~:text=On%2024%20
HSFO. The proprietary upgrading pro- 5
Bockmann, M. W., “Marine insurers investigate Febr uar y%202020%20BI MCO%2C%20
cess is rooted in commercially proven scrubber incidents amid risk-elevation con- The%20International%20Chamber,safety%20
hydroprocessing technology—removing cerns,” Lloyd’s List, September 2019, online: implications%20of%20the%20IMO%202020%20
https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa. sulphur%20regulation
sulfur, metals and other contaminants com/LL1129236/Marine-insurers-investigate-
from ISO 8217 high-sulfur residual ma- scrubber-incidents-amid-risk-elevation-concerns BERT KLUSSMANN is Chief
rine fuel oil. With its lower hydrogen 6
Lange, D. B., et al., “Impacts of scrubbers on Technologist at Rigby Refining.
consumption and energy demand, the the environmental situation in ports and coastal He has more than 20 yr of process
waters,” July 2015, online: https://www.umwelt- design and technology development
proprietary process has a smaller green- experience. Mr. Klussmann has
house gas impact than other residue up- publikationen/texte_65_2915_impacts_of_scub- designed, built, started up, operated
grading options. bers_on_the_envoronmental_situation_in_ and managed proprietary
ports_and_coastal_waters.pdf hydrodesulfurization technologies, as well as other
Comer, B., “Scrubbers on ships: Time to close the refining process solutions. He has also managed
NOTES open loop(hole),” The International Council on the process engineering department for a major
The Rigby Process® Clean Transportation, June 2020, online: https:// technology licensor. Mr. Klussmann earned a BS degree
Rigby Fuel (VLSFO) in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Vipin Nair
Senior Product Manager,
APM Integrity Solution Mechanical Integrity in the Era of Analytics
GE Digital
As investment in analytics continues to increase year after year, one function that has
remained relatively status que from leveraging new techniques is the mechanical integrity
function. While 87% of oil and gas companies have invested in analytics – 68% of companies
are still using homegrown software or no solution at all for asset integrity management.
While the objectives of avoiding loss of containment, demonstrating compliance, and
ensuring high availability units hasn’t changed new dynamics could be putting your
program at risk.

Jared Hartness In this session we will discuss:

Director Industry Solutions • Emerging trends and factors that could be putting mechanical integrity programs at risk
GE Digital • A programmatic and technology framework to streamline KPI’s and work processes
• How analytics can be embedded in Mechanical Integrity software and work
processes to advance the objectives of compliance, containment, and high
availability plants
Register for Free:

Adrienne Blume
Executive Editor
Hydrocarbon Processing
46APRIL 2021 |
Special Focus Clean Fuels
W. E. PRESTON and Y. MCCOLL, KP Engineering, Houston,
Texas; and D. SCHNITTKER, KP Engineering, Tyler, Texas

Renewable diesel: The latest buzzword

in the downstream sector
Renewable diesel: this greener, cleaner fuel has taken our These projects can be in the form of a grassroot renewable fa-
industry by storm. However, those who have operated in the cility, the revamp of an existing unit, or adjusting an existing
refinery space over the last decade know that this will not be plant to co-process both petroleum and renewable fuels.
the last innovation to rock our world. The industry continues
to adjust to meet market needs and leverage new process in- What is the market for renewable diesel? With only five
novations. So, what is so unique about this fuel, and why does renewable diesel plants now in operation in the U.S., the mar-
the world need it now? ket is primed with opportunity for RDU production. Accord-
ing to the U.S. Department of Energy, these five plants have
It is not enough to be economic—it must be green. Our a combined capacity of nearly 400 MMgpy. Production is ex-
industry is changing and evolving. Many shareholders of ma- pected to grow in the coming years due to expansions at exist-
jor oil and gas companies want to see companies investing in ing plants and the construction of new plants.
cleaner and greener ways to produce energy, but these projects While the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
must make economic sense. does not report renewable diesel production, the U.S. Envi-
In the U.S., California’s LCFS (Low-Carbon Fuel Standard) ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports Renewable Fuel
gives refiners economic credit for producing low-carbon fuels. Standard (RFS) RIN data, which indicates that the U.S. con-
The standard is designed to decrease the net carbon inten- sumed more than 900 MMgal in 2019. Nearly all domestically
sity of the transportation fuel pool and to provide a range of produced and imported renewable diesel is used in California
low-carbon and renewable alternatives that reduce petroleum due to economic benefits under the Low-Carbon Fuel Stan-
dependency and achieve air quality benefits.1 California has dard2; with states like Oregon, Washington, New York and even
been the most aggressive state in this regard. With a stated goal Canada following suit, now is the ideal time to adjust opera-
of replacing petroleum diesel with renewable diesel by 2030, tions to follow the market need for renewable diesel. By 2025,
California gives refineries and energy producers tax credits for Platts Analytics predicts that the total renewable diesel supply
producing renewable products. Other states such as Oregon will reach 5 Bgal; however, demand is expected to be less than
and Washington have followed suit and several more states are one third of the supply. As more renewable diesel plants come
predicted to adopt a similar standard. online in 2022 and beyond, this can overwhelm the demand
and create a surplus of renewable fuels. Time is of the essence
What does this mean for refineries? It is no secret that the for the renewable projects.
refining industry has been heavily impacted by the shifting do-
mestic fuels market. Demand growth for certain refined prod- What is the difference between renewable diesel and
ucts was slow before the shutdowns associated with the COV- biodiesel? Renewable diesel is defined as diesel that meets all
ID-19 pandemic. Smaller refineries have particularly struggled specifications of typical petroleum diesel but is produced by
with the recent collapse in oil prices, shrinking growth and hydrotreating non-petroleum materials, such as vegetable oils,
margins for gasoline and other refined products, and the dis- animal fats or biomass. Renewable diesel is completely inter-
continuation of waivers for renewable identification numbers changeable with petroleum diesel and is completely compat-
(RINs) credit exceptions. We expect to see that approximately ible on a 100% basis in existing diesel engines.
1 MMbpd of refining capacity in North America will be gone Renewable diesel is different than “biodiesel.” Biodiesel is
permanently. Some of the capacity will be refurbished by using produced from many of the same animal and vegetable oils
hydrocarbon plants to run renewable feedstock, such as vegeta- as renewable diesel, but by a different process called trans-es-
ble oils, animal fat and used cooking oil, with an added bonus to terification. This process adds oxygen to these oils, and when
open access to government credits by making renewable fuels. blended with petroleum diesel improves its emissions charac-
A renewable diesel unit addition could provide just the teristics. It has certain properties that make it inconvenient to
boost needed for a refinery that has suffered in this vola- store and limits its content in diesel fuels to 5%–20% due to its
tile market. Many refineries are investigating spending their incompatibility with existing diesel engines. Due to these dis-
CAPEX budgets on renewable diesel and related projects. advantages, its production in the U.S. has been limited.
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202147
Clean Fuels

Renewable diesel produced from vegetable oil, used cook- ple, has a CI of 53, as the CO2 emitted from growing soybeans
ing oil, distillers corn oil or tallow are generally more chemi- must be included in the CI calculation.
cally homogeneous than petroleum diesel. Moreover, renew-
able diesel has a higher cetane number than petroleum diesel. What does the renewable diesel process look like? In a
This number is a measure of how efficiently a diesel engine conventional petroleum refinery, certain crude fractions are hy-
can generate power with that fuel. As a result, more energy is drotreated to remove sulfur species so the diesel fuel will meet
derived from less fuel, reducing emissions per unit amount of the specifications for ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD). The diesel
energy. In addition, renewable diesel has essentially zero sulfur fuel produced by the renewable diesel process is identical to the
and other impurities found in petroleum diesel. ULSD produced in a conventional petroleum refinery. Howev-
Renewable diesel is considered “low carbon” because the er, the process used to produce renewable diesel has some dif-
feedstocks used to make renewable diesel, such as distillers ferences from the conventional refinery hydrotreating process.
corn oil, tallow and used cooking oil, are byproducts from Renewable diesel is made from non-petroleum renewable
other processes. As such, renewable diesel produced from feedstocks, such as vegetable oils and animal fats. The glycer-
these feedstocks has a low-carbon intensity. Carbon inten- ides in these feedstocks are converted to straight-chain hydro-
sity (CI) is a measure of lifecycle emissions from extraction carbons by reactions with hydrogen over a fixed catalyst bed.
or growth, refinement, distribution, storage and combustion, This is followed by an isomerization reaction to improve the
and is reported as grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) equiva- cold flow properties of the diesel fuel product. The amount of
lent per megajoule (MJ) of energy. Renewable diesel made hydrogen required to produce renewable diesel from tallow,
from the above byproduct feedstocks can be in the range of corn oil, used cooking oil and vegetable oils is greater than the
22 gCO2/MJ–25 gCO2/MJ depending on the specific byprod- typical petroleum refinery hydrotreater.
uct feedstock.2,3 By comparison, petroleum diesel has a CI of Therefore, a renewable diesel project often includes ad-
102. Renewable diesel produced from soybean oil, for exam- ditional hydrogen capacity. This leads us to expect a boost in

FIG. 1. A site in Artesia, New Mexico where a grassroots RDU is planned.

48APRIL 2021 |
Clean Fuels

hydrogen production in upcoming years as more renewable LITERATURE CITED

diesel plants are built. California Air Resources Board, “Low Carbon Fuel Standard,” online: https://
U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center, “Renewable hydrocar-
What is involved in a renewable diesel project? A renew- bon biofuels,” online
able diesel project involves more than the renewable diesel pro- S&P Global Platts, “Evolve or die: U.S. refiners grasp renewables lifeline to stay
viable,” December 2020, online:
cess unit. In addition to the RDU, the overall project must con- insights/latest-news/oil/110420-evolve-or-die-us-refiners-grasp-renewables-life-
sider infrastructure such as the logistics of feedstock supplies and line-to-stay-viable
diesel product distribution, feed pretreatment, hydrogen supply
and utilities. FIG. 1 shows a facility in Artesia, New Mexico, where WILLIAM E. “BILL” PRESTON is the President and COO of
KP Engineering, LP. He is a recognized process industry leader
a grassroots RDU is planned. with 33 yr of business leadership, project development, project
In the case of a refinery conversion, the existing petroleum re- management and project operations experience. In addition to
finery will likely have significant infrastructure available, such as his role at KPE, he is the Executive Director of the Global Syngas
Technologies Council, the hydrogen and syngas industry’s
rail access, truck loading and unloading, as well as existing tank- central trade association. Preston earned his BA degree in
age and utilities. The existing facilities may require some modi- chemistry from Pomona College in Claremont, California, and an MS degree
fications to accommodate some of the feedstocks. For example, in chemical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin.
animal fats such as tallow will require tank heating, as tallow will
DOUG SCHNITTKER is the VP of engineering at KP Engineering
solidify at ambient temperatures. An existing refinery will have and has vast experience serving in technical and leadership
existing utility systems available such as steam, cooling water, roles in the downstream sector spanning 43 yr. He began
electric power, flare, wastewater treatment and instrument air. his career at Placid Oil Co. in 1977 and transitioned to CB&I,
where he led global project management before joining
A project planned for a greenfield site must plan for the logis- KP Engineering in 2017. Mr. Schnittker earned a BS degree
tics of feedstocks and products, tankage and the utilities required in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University.
for the overall project.
YASMINE MCCOLL is the Director of business development
Renewable diesel feedstocks will likely require pretreatment at KP Engineering. Ms. McColl has 19 yr of strategic sales
before being charged to the RDU. The various pretreatment steps experience in various energy downstream industries. Since
will vary depending on the specific application and the planned 2002, she has held numerous technical and commercial roles
for operation, catalyst, specialty chemical and technology
RDU feedstocks. As noted earlier, renewable diesel can be pro- licensing providers. Ms. McColl holds a BS degree in chemical
duced from a variety of feedstocks: vegetable oils, used cooking engineering and an MBA from the University of Houston.
oil, distillers corn oil, animal fats, etc. The specific feedstocks
planned for the RDU will determine the required pretreatments
steps, which may include polyethylene removal, degumming and
bleaching to remove metals, chlorides, phosphates and other con-
taminants that are deleterious to the hydroprocessing catalysts. NEW VERSION
In addition to logistics, utilities and pretreatment, an RDU
project requires hydrogen. An RDU generally requires more hy-
drogen supply than a traditional refinery hydrotreater designed InstruCalc
to remove sulfur species from petroleum diesel. The hydrogen CONTROL VALVES • FLOW ELEMENTS • RELIEF DEVICES • PROCESS DATA
required will vary depending on the specific feedstock and in-
crease over the run length of the RDU catalyst. An existing re-
finery will most likely have a source of hydrogen. The hydrogen InstruCalc 9.0 calculates the size of control valves, flow
may be from an industrial gas supplier of a refinery-owned hy- elements and relief devices and calculates fluid properties,
drogen production unit. A greenfield RDU project will need to pipe pressure loss and liquid waterhammer flow. Easy to
include a source of hydrogen. use and accurate, it is the only sizing program you need,
enabling you to: size more than 50 different instruments;
Getting started. These basic steps can help owner-operators calculate process data at flow conditions for 54 fluids,
get started: in either mixtures or single components, and 66 gases;
1. Begin with a study: Conducting a feasibility study and calculate the orifice size, flowrate or differential
identifies the opportunity before beginning the project. range, which enables the user to select the flowrate with
optimum accuracy.
2. Lay out the plan: Whether a unit needs to be
repurposed to process a variety of renewable feedstocks
Updates include Engineering Standard
or the entire refinery needs to be overhauled, engineering
and technology will be of the utmost importance to Upgrades and Operational Improvements
ensure the project is completed safely, efficiently and in InstruCalc Version 9.0
cost-effectively. Partnering with the right EPC company
will bring relevant experience to these types of projects. Please contact J’Nette Davis-Nichols
3. Build into reality: If a grassroot approach is chosen or for more information at
the plant needs to be revamped as an RDU, milestones
and associated costs must be managed to ensure
deadlines are met at competitive prices that keep the
bottom line intact.
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202149


H2Tech Solutions, a virtual technical conference, will bring together engineers, technologists and managers
working to advance fuel, chemical and industrial applications for hydrogen. The rapid expansion of interest
in hydrogen as an energy carrier is uniting the conventional and renewable energy industries with green
transportation and other sectors.

The conference will cover hydrogen production technology on all spectrums—from gray and brown (via
methane reforming and coal gasification) to blue (via methane reforming with carbon capture) and green (via
electrolysis with renewable energy) and beyond.


Blue Hydrogen Green Hydrogen Technology Pathways to Integration of Green H2

Production Production Decarbonization in Infrastructure

Thank you to our Supporting Organizations:

For questions about sponsorships at H2Tech Solutions, please contact:

For questions about the H2Tech Solutions agenda, please contact:

and Construction
M. VILLEGAS, Koch Modular Process Systems,
Paramus, New Jersey

Modular construction: Always considered,

now COVID-necessary
The COVID-19 pandemic created a sequence of changes while still being able to adhere to Occupational Safety
across all industries, and the chemical sector has not been im- and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) recommended
mune to the impact of this global health crisis. What used to be guidelines related to the prevention of workplace
a “nice to have” feature in project execution has evolved into a exposures to COVID-19. It also brings an advantage
“must-have” component. Although modular construction is not from the logistics perspective, as a small local workforce
a new concept, it may become a necessity in current times. is easier to manage vs. a field-built project, while
Modularization is described as the process of shifting as reducing the likelihood of exposure.
much labor-intensive field construction activities from the field 3. Reduced cost and schedule risk. Traditionally,
to an offsite fabrication facility to mitigate or reduce inherent customers could see a 25%–30% cost reduction
risks associated with field construction. with modular construction when compared to field
Typically, a modular system includes complete process units construction. The project can be quoted as a firm lump
that are fabricated remotely from the project’s destination plant sum bid vs. time and materials (T&M) and fabricated
site. The systems are built in a controlled indoor environment, as- to within 90% completion, with items such as piping
sembly-line fashion horizontally as opposed to vertically, which components, field instrumentation, lighting, electrical
helps minimize the amount of work and resources needed vs. field wiring and others installed within a steel frame. All of
construction. The systems include all necessary components and this is done offsite, reducing the amount of onsite work
equipment that are placed within a structural steel frame required required during installation. Furthermore, in parallel,
to deliver a complete process system. These frames serve as sup- the customer can proceed to apply for work permits as
port during shipment and provide access to the equipment for the construction of the modules have already begun
operation and maintenance after installation at the plant site. at an offsite shop, while minimizing plant-site
The project’s process design, specifications, engineering interruptions due to construction.
standards and guidelines are all taken into consideration and fol- During a COVID-19 environment, with fabrication
lowed to ensure that the executed project meets all expectations occurring offsite, the ability to continue module
and requirements. fabrication when field construction sites would otherwise
be shut down or materially impacted by COVID-19,
Key advantages of modular construction. Considering reduces the potential for extended schedule and increased
the importance of operator safety and social distancing during costs associated with delays. Furthermore, minimal plant
COVID-19, the following are five key advantages of modular site interruptions allow the customer to proceed with
construction: their normal operations, adjust to the new requirements
1. Reduced risk of community spread. When dealing and create a set of preventive procedures that can be later
with on-site construction, depending on the project size, shared with the module installation workforce.
fabrication may require over 1,000 craft workers to be 4. Increased productivity. Building a full system in a
performing different tasks simultaneously. In many cases, controlled environment brings many benefits, including
these are transient workers who will be newcomers to increased productivity. For example, the workforce is
the community. Adding more people to an area can not subject to weather-related delays and benefit from
increase the risk of human-human exposure or could inherent efficiencies when working in a purpose-built
promote the spread of COVID-19 to other areas as the fabrication facility. Considering COVID-19, fabrication
transient workers return home due to crew rotations. shops are not experiencing the same level of productivity
2. Reduced risk of exposure to the labor force. Modular hits being taken in the field during construction. In the
assembly typically follows a preset sequence of activities field, construction teams are implementing preventative
that inherently require a smaller local workforce. This measures such as daily pre-work health checks, staggered
allows for social distancing during work activities, lunch schedules, breaks and re-checks when the
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202151
Engineering and Construction

workforce members enter and exit the field construction In general, modular construction can ensure safer construc-
facility to minimize risk exposure to COVID-19. These tion because the assembly area can be restricted to have as few
required, and necessary practices are important to protect as one or two workers in a horizontal orientation separated by
workers from exposure. However, they come at a cost to much more than 6-ft. However, on larger projects, it is even pos-
productivity. Naturally, a smaller fabrication shop crew vs. sible to split the fabrication across two or more geographically
a full field construction crew—that could be thousands separate assembly locations, minimizing the number of mod-
of workers—minimizes the impact to productivity and ules and workers present simultaneously, thus reducing the risk
eventually cost and schedule. Working in a controlled of project interruptions should a COVID-19 outbreak occur at
environment, which is offsite from the client, also allows one of the fabrication sites.
for ease of maintenance of sanitized workspaces with a By applying the inherent health and safety, quality, cost and
smaller concentration of crew members. schedule benefits and leveraging them in a COVID-19 environ-
5. Reduced commercial and contractual risk. ment, owners can lower project delivery risk to manageable lev-
Decreased productivity, schedule delays, rising project els; therefore, enabling sound project go/no-go decisions. Our
costs, among others, resulting from a COVID-19 industry is built on projects and employing a modular project
environment, present themselves eventually as delivery model during a COVID-19 environment can be the
commercial and contractual risks, such as liquidated path to successful project delivery during these times of uncer-
damages and a possible force majeure. By leveraging tainly. Flexibility, creativity, resourcefulness and social respon-
the inherent benefits of modularization, suppliers sibility have become key characteristics of project execution
and owners can minimize the likelihood and/or across the oil and gas and chemical industries.
severity of such commercial and contractual risks. MAURICIO VILLEGAS is the Manager of Business Development at Koch
Modular Process Systems, supporting innovative technology companies on
The geography of the pandemic. Unlike field construction, their pathway from concept to commercialization, providing pilot testing and
process conceptualization services, process design package development,
modularization is not geographically constrained to the plant detailed engineering and modular constructed systems. He has more than 25 yr
site. If a customer’s site is in a region where there is a high risk of of experience in the engineering and construction industry, delivering projects
COVID-19 exposure, the fabrication of the modules is location across industries ranging from small brownfield projects to greenfield mega-
projects. Prior to joining Koch Modular, he held various management roles at
independent; therefore, a fabrication site that is in a state where WorleyParsons, Technip, IHI E&C and Arcadis. Mr. Villegas earned a BS in
COVID-19 has a much lower prevalence can be selected. Business Administration and Management from Northeastern University.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Building the plant of the future: innovating for

efficiency & sustainability
Amit Kar From changing regulations to an evolving new normal, capital projects face rapidly shifting
Director Global Pursuits market dynamics. In this ever-evolving landscape, how do you prepare for what’s ahead? Short
answer – Foster flexibility, transparency and collaboration.
Join Amit Kar, from AVEVA, for a 1-hour session where he will discuss how EPCs and owner
operators can leverage technology to build resilience now while also laying the foundation for
the plant of the future. During the session, he will provide expertise on how the right mix of
people, technology, and processes can create structure without hindering creativity at your
company to help you achieve the following:

• Create automated transparency in capital project engineering and execution

• Leverage every interaction to build trust between the Owner-Operator and the EPC
• Accelerate the path to operational nameplate capacity

Lee Nichols Register for Free:

Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

52 APRIL 2021 |
Engineering and
P. DIXIT, Boroda India, Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Challenges and pitfalls in brownfield EPC projects

Job requirements and scope are well “Details provided in the inquiry are dynamic and expected to have varia-
defined in engineering, procurement document are the best possible at tions that must be detailed in the inquiry
and construction (EPC) contracts be- the time of release of this document. for the contractor to conduct a hydraulic
cause they are designed and engineered However, these are subject to check. In a project, due to this omission,
from scratch. Owners prefer to get work field verification by the contractor one acid gas collection required an in-
done through EPC contracts as it helps prior to submission of bids. Unless creased stainless-steel header size at a late
them in obtaining a firm cost and time any exceptions or deviations are stage; as available gas came to it from dif-
commitment. put forward by the contractor ferent units, the pressure was insufficient
Executing a brownfield project in a and accepted by the owner, any to reach to the downstream sulfur recov-
process plant presents many challenges subsequent changes later shall ery unit (SRU).
and complexities due to unknowns and not be acceptable, and time and In an integrated analysis of a comple-
potential variations. Major factors in- cost implications shall be to the mentary brownfield with greenfield proj-
clude the non-availability of old data contractor’s account.” ect, complete hydraulics and pressure
drawings, design calculations and up- balancing is required for systems like air,
dated/as-built drawings. Some common types of design and ex- cooling water, steam, flare, etc. In another
Normally, small brownfield projects ecution challenges are detailed here. project, a problem was encountered with
are preferred on a cost-plus basis, as en- cooling water supply pressure and quan-
gineering and execution go side by side Process area. Process conditions at tity, resulting in the augmentation of the
and uncertainties are identified as the the battery limits of any operating plant old plant cooling water system.
job progresses.
Considering the advantages of an
EPC contract, owners usually prefer to
pair brownfield work with any upcom-
ing greenfield expansion projects. This
Existing pipe rack
makes the project attractive to an EPC
contractor, and the owner can also get
firm cost and schedule commitments.
Time issues becomes more complex
when more than one or two EPC con-
tracts are awarded in the same or ad-
joining field, sharing some common fa- Pipe rack Distance very close
cilities, space and working areas. In such Concrete pit for
cases, the interdependency of the two Sheet pile underground
contractors also increases. vessel
Some of the challenges and lessons GL EL GL EL
learned while executing such hybrid proj-
ects are presented here. Although these
issues may appear to be standard, they
can have serious consequences if not con-
sidered during a cost estimation. Normal-
ly under such contracts, the owner and its
team (or PMC) earnestly intend to pro-
vide all details at the enquiry stage. How-
ever, they try to cover any out-of-sight
discrepancies by using a typical clause: FIG. 1. During excavation, sheet piling was used to protect the foundation of a pipe rack.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202153

Engineering and Construction

Metallurgical improvements occur normally covers the removal and disposal ings and health check reports of existing
regularly in the process industries. The of old equipment, piping, foundations equipment (where modifications and al-
extent of implementation of superior and structure in a safe manner. terations are planned).
metallurgy in brownfield modifications The area should be inspected for Similarly, an equipment health check
should be demarcated clearly along with hidden surprises, such as underground on equipment, the foundations size and
the greenfield project. The construction cables, pipes, drains or any process lines depth, current condition and preferably
material of piping, instrumentation and and old foundations. The area should be the old design calculations should also
equipment internals, etc., should be clear- thoroughly scanned by suitable tools (ul- be available.
ly marked on a material selection guide trasonic or other type) to avoid damage to Any change in old equipment loading
(MSG) and material selection diagram any live system. data due to change of internals will have
(MSD) to avoid the confusion of a supe- Any adjoining building or structure an impact on the foundation. Significant
rior metallurgy change in the old units. that is live and may get impacted during changes can occur in equipment design
excavation work should be identified and conditions, design codes, stress values,
Demolition and cleanup of any old an accordingly suitable reinforcement of wind and seismic conditions, etc.
unit. Demolition of an old unit and site structure must be planned. Another project faced a height in-
clean-up to create space for a new unit is crease requirement of a distillation tower
normally part of any project. The scope Excavation work near existing build- to accommodate an extra packed bed
ing/structure. Soil condition, depth in the top section. Because an increase
and angle coverage of excavation, and in the column height in the top section
distance from any existing structure or was needed, the column design required
pipe rack should be ascertained before a complete review based on the latest
proceeding with excavation. codes, standards and new design condi-
In one project, the soil condition was tions. However, the old foundation de-
found to be very unstable. Excavation tails and design calculations were unavail-
was required for the construction of a able, and it was challenging to carry out
concrete pit to stall an underground slop a health assessment of the old foundation
tank. Excavating close to the existing pipe and justify its adequacy.
rack could have damaged its stability. Similarly, stress relieving and hydro-
The project personnel had to either testing of an old column after modification
shift the location of the pit or use sheet are other important issues, considering
piling, as shown in FIG. 1, to protect the the need to safely hold the tower during
foundation of the pipe rack. Shifting the heat treatment to check the suitability of
location was not possible without major an old foundation for hydro test load.
engineering changes, so the second op-
tion of sheet piling was used. Civil and structural area. When mod-
ifying or retrofitting any existing technol-
Mechanical functional area. Front- ogy structure, pipe racks, road bridges,
FIG. 2. A new culvert was designed to carry end engineering design (FEED) should and where process equipment, agitators,
pipes of two EPC contractors. normally cover all relevant data, draw- etc., are added, an evaluation is required
for all static and dynamic loads, along
Pipe by: EPC No. 2 contractor with their foundations as per the latest
rules, design codes and regulations.

Piping functional areas. Tie-in points

locations and accurate piping end con-
nection details are vital. In a project, the
line/flange size of one tie-in could not
Pipe rack Pipe by: EPC No. 1 contractor be ascertained, as it was at a high eleva-
Tank dyke wall
tion and unapproachable. The informa-
Concrete sleeper tion provided by the operators was relied
Tank area
upon. However, during execution, the
HPP elevation pipe size was found to be different; this
Pond resulted in a last-minute rush for design
Space just enough for changes, approvals and material procure-
crane movement ment. Pipe metallurgy, size, flange facing
and rating, type of gasket and provisions
FIG. 3. To allow two contractors to carry out piping work between a tank dike wall and a pond, for piping isolation valves must be care-
with little space for vehicular/crane movement, a goal post-type frame was mounted on concrete fully checked for each tie-in.
Isolation valves are normally the
54APRIL 2021 |
Engineering and Construction

preferred choice as they do not require contractors with the PMC. An agree- owner and clearly explained to the EPC
upstream shutdown. However, the oper- ment was required to determine the roles contractor.
ability of these isolation valves must be and division of work within the culvert Technological advancements are con-
checked, and they must be kept in prop- area between the two contractors, in ad- tinuously emerging on types of instru-
er serviced condition. dition to the issue of material supply, to mentation, communication, EMC and
All tie-in points must be tagged with avoid clashes between the two teams. RFI feature compliance.
tag numbers (the preferred method is to Similarly, in another case, a very nar- If the previous plant control room
have non-metallic plates with painted or row space was available for two contrac- was an older generation, then the owner
embossed numbers). A location coordi- tors carrying out piping work between a must ensure that changes and revisions
nate table of all tie-ins should be marked tank dike wall and a pond, and with little are duly implemented and the compat-
in piping layout drawings. space for vehicular/crane movement ibility of field instruments with the con-
A unique problem of different mate- (FIG. 3). trol room is addressed.
rial specifications of PMS between two One contractor’s scope was to lay Upgrading software is required as
EPC contractors at tie-in points has been large trunk pipelines on a concrete sleep- part of control system integration of in-
encountered—this difference is difficult er, while the other contractor had too strumentation, as well as cybersecurity
to justify to an owner. many smaller pipes on a “T” post or pipe and confidentiality requirements.
rack, running parallel as per the original
Piping corridors. The author has en- contract. The original design eliminated PRAMOD DIXIT works as a
consultant at Baroda India.
countered the sharing of available space space for crane or vehicle movement. He spent 20 yr at Engineers
in existing pipe bridges racks, road cul- Both contractors agreed to a common India Ltd. as a trays and tower
verts and pipe ways with another con- type of supports. A goal post-type frame internals specialist, and another
tractor. FIG. 2 shows where a new culvert mounted on concrete sleepers (FIG. 3) 20 yr in EPC companies Larsen
and Toubro and Essar Offshore in
was designed to carry pipes of two EPC proved to be a win-win solution. different senior positions. He provides training to
contractors. The design was complicat- operating company inspection and maintenance
ed due to a “T” joint and a side-by-side Instrumentation. This can be the most engineers in related fields and advisory services in
the troubleshooting of engineering issues. Mr. Dixit
passage through a road crossing. This troublesome part in any brownfield proj- holds a B.Tech degree in mechanical engineering
required many joint sittings of the two ect if it is not properly conceived by the from IIT Roorkee India.

Thursday, May 6, 2021 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Exploring dense air injection application benefits -

avoid FCC capacity reduction & increase turbogas performance
Aggreko Process Services is a unique dedicated Process Engineering team within Aggreko that
work alongside unit operations to deliver fast-track high value solutions that enhance Refinery
Massimo Capra and Petrochemical Plant capacity and efficiency.
Manager Process Services
This session will explore multiple Dense Air applications and their benefits in a refining or
Aggreko chemical facility and take a closer look at:
• Main Air blower constraints in the FCC
• Refrigeration of reactor/ regenerator at the FFC during shut down
• How dense air can improve Turbogas power output
• An all-round view on possible applications of dense air to optimize Petrochemical Plant
At Aggreko we understand the huge pressure process industries face to continually improve
yield, upgrade capacity, and respond to ever-changing market conditions. Our advanced process
knowledge and proven experience delivers innovative solutions that are operationally safe and
reliable. Join our webinar to learn how our process engineers can help you achieve ultimate
process optimization.
Mike Rhodes
Managing Editor Register for Free:
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202155

Over the past five years, Hydrocarbon Processing has brought together hundreds of downstream
leaders to celebrate their successes and honor the industry's leading innovators and innovations
with the HP Awards. This year, the Awards Program is evolving—bringing the industry’s elite
from around the globe together online to celebrate and recognize the cutting-edge technological
developments and innovators that drive the downstream industry forward.


• Automation Technology • AR/VR/AI Advances
• Catalyst Technology • Project/Asset Milestones
• Cybersecurity Program/Software • Licensor of the year
• Refining Technology • EPC of the Year
• Petrochemical Technology • Sustainability
• Gas processing/LNG technology • Asset Monitoring Technology
• Flow Control Technology • Consulting Firm of the Year
• Best Health, Safety or Environmental Contribution • Executive of the Year
• Instrument Technology • Lifetime Achievement
• Modeling Technology • Most Promising Engineer
• Digitalization

The finalists will be recognized in the October issue of Hydrocarbon Processing and the winners
will be announced via an online awards ceremony held on October 28, 2021. The winners
will also be celebrated in the November issue of Hydrocarbon Processing and to Hydrocarbon
Processing’s global audience through its e-newsletter, website and social media posts.




and Construction
S. C. D. DAS, Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, India

Retrofit: A viable alternative to greenfield construction

Retrofitting/revamping—also referred to as moderniza- equipment, as well as the piping, have a design life of 20 yr–30
tion, derating or rerating—is an update of a plant or an exist- yr—whereas, internals (e.g., tubes and column internals) are de-
ing piece of equipment to improve efficiency and/or capacity, signed to last for 10 yr–20 yr. Accordingly, corrosion allowances
and to make it adequate for a new design or operating condition are built into the design. After a certain period of usage (i.e., age
through the modification or replacement of some of its parts. of equipment), equipment and components are degraded due
New parts/equipment may be added to make the equipment to pressure, temperature, weight, vibration, environment, site
and/or the plant adhere to demand. High-efficiency internals conditions and flow transients. Most equipment undergoes at
replace old ones, and some equipment parts are removed and least one revamp during its lifecycle.
replaced with new ones. For example, FIG. 1 shows a sketch for The author’s company has recently executed a study and de-
a typical fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) reactor-regenerator re- tailed engineering activity for retrofitting a chemical plant. The
vamp. In this case, the existing regenerator is being retrofitted to old plant was in operation, producing products that adhered to
cater to increased demand by replacing the cyclones, the dome, local regulations. The author’s company carried out the study
the air distributor, slide valve, spent catalyst deflector and linings
(all highlighted in yellow and blue ink), while retaining the exist-
ing shell. The number of cyclones and the air distributor con-
figuration were revised, and the existing design was checked for
adequacy for loading conditions.

Retrofitting. Several reasons exist why retrofitting a plant or

unit is the most efficient option for owner-operators. Clients and
investors are looking to optimize investment costs and are seek-
ing a quick return on investment (ROI) and the production of
better products. New greenfield projects are challenging due to
their high investment costs and construction time frames. Own-
ers are also looking for quick solutions to enhance the quality
and quantity of existing energy products. Whether it is a large oil
and gas project or a small chemical project, each company strives
to increase existing plant capacity and product quality in a timely
manner (i.e., reducing downtime).
Retrofitting/revamping includes the following objectives:
• Increased equipment design life
• Improvement in efficiency/throughput
• Relocation of equipment/machinery
• Testing of the latest technology
• Increased energy savings
• Improvement of maintenance and safety of operation
• Adherence to environmental strains or legislational changes
• Quick ROIs.
These objectives make retrofitting a sought-after solution for
energy companies.

Retrofitting from a detailed engineering point of view.

Equipment and internals have a set lifecycle per the client’s proj-
FIG. 1. Sketch of a typical FCC regenerator retrofit.
ect-specific requirement. Most of the static, rotating and fired
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202157
Engineering and Construction

to ensure that the plant’s equipment and facilities were still fit Most of the equipment was fabricated and operated as per
for service. Fitness for service (FFS) purpose or mechanical in- local codes and plant operation methodology. These are based
tegrity is a set of quantitative methods used to determine the in- on FFS and do not meet the requirements or codes mentioned
tegrity and remaining life of degraded components and to help in the fabrication/as-built documentation. The client who pur-
operators make run-or-repair decisions. chased the plant decided to retrofit/revamp the existing plant
Project managers and engineers visited the plant site for an and to increase capacity to make retrofitting economically viable.
initial evaluation. From visual inspection, various fabrication de- In a separate project, a Middle Eastern client purchased
ficiencies and concerns were flagged by the team. These obser- equipment from a Western country and transported it to the
vations included the following: proposed site. Most of the equipment was retrofitted/revamped
• Standard products for various equipment components to make it suitable for the design and operating conditions of the
(e.g., nozzle flanges, blind flanges, studs and bolts) proposed plant. This was a challenging management decision,
were not used (FIG. 2). as many cost factors involved in retrofitting (such as the cost of
• Geometrical configurations (thickness and diameter) existing equipment, logistics, transportation, retrofitting and re-
for various equipment components did not comply installation) needed to balance out the costs of new equipment
with that of standard products. fabrication and installation. The risk involved in anticipating the
• Mismatch of equipment details with that shown cost of retrofitting vs. new equipment installation was substan-
in as-built drawings. tially high due to the uncertainty in estimating all types of cost
• Defects and cracks in equipment were clearly visible. in retrofitting. FFS relies on comparing the demand on the de-
• The subpar quality of fabrication, welding and graded component/equipment (e.g., the load exerted in-service
repair work were clearly noticeable (FIG. 3). in the form of pressure, temperature, weight, vibration and flow
Based on these observations, an adequacy check of the plant transients) to the components’ capacity to sustain demand.
and its equipment was carried out based on available drawings, With greenfield plants being capital intensive and having
documents and site survey reports. Most of the facility and equip- longer construction timelines, retrofitting an existing plant and
ment failed this adequacy inspection, based on the following: equipment can be a viable option to meet product demand.
• Code of construction (ASME vs. local standard) Operating companies must have proper planning and docu-
• Operation methodology mentation to greenlight a retrofitting project to meet current
• Source of equipment market demand and to maintain a grasp on the latest technolo-
• Fabrication quality gies and environmental legislation. Some of the key factors to
• Product standardization. consider include:
• As-built drawing test reports and material certificates
• Periodical equipment health check reports during
planned maintenance and inspections
• Remaining-life assessments for equipment, based on
present operating and design conditions
• New regulations and legislational changes
• Planned capacity/efficiency improvements
• The quality of the finished product.
All these factors must be assessed meticulously before green-
lighting a retrofit on an existing plant. Other factors appear
when equipment modifications, relocations, reinstallations
and testing are carried out. These costs can impact an owner’s
planned retrofit project budget. Technical risks include:
FIG. 2. Standard products for equipment components were not used. • Specificity of works and experience of engineers/designers
• Primary parties involved in the project (such as fabricators
and construction contractors)
• Technology used and compatibility between new design
specifications and the original design
• Technical safety margins on upgraded machines
• Conservation measures during standstills
• Logistics and security on working sites.
Various equipment codes boilers, pressure vessels, storage
tanks and pumps also need to be verified during a retrofit project.

Takeaway. Retrofitting a plant or existing equipment is a viable

option for oil and gas operators, as well as for chemical manu-
facturers. All parties must efficiently optimize their workflows to
optimize costs and to increase the quality of the facility’s prod-
ucts, while adhering to regulations. The items presented here will
FIG. 3. The quality of fabrication, welding and repair was subpar.
help operators to minimize risk during retrofitting operations.
58APRIL 2021 |
D. A. G. SUARES, Gas Processing Consultant, India

Design considerations when flaring ethylene oxide

The flaring of gases released from normal process vents requirements. It must be emphasized that a detailed design
and safety valve discharges following an overpressure scenario and safety review should be performed on the piping and in-
is widely practiced in refineries, petrochemical and chemical strumentation diagrams of the EO flare system before it is en-
plants. In past projects, ground flares, elevated flare stacks or a gineered. Furthermore, strict operational and safety consider-
combination of these two systems have been successfully used ations need to be enforced during the operation of the system.
for the flaring of pure ethylene oxide (EO) or EO-rich streams. The following are the main design considerations that should
However, the flaring of pure EO or EO-rich streams requires be considered when designing an EO flare system.
certain additional precautions, as well as several stringent de- Rupture disc upstream of the pressure relief valve (PRV).
sign and safety considerations due to it being unstable, toxic, The two most used relief devices in the process industry are rup-
highly reactive and flammable. In addition, EO was often vented ture discs and PRVs. Owing to their non-closing nature, rupture
off from high point vents directly to the atmosphere in many discs should not be used in EO service. When relieving EO, a
older plants. Since EO is toxic and a known carcinogen, the dis- rupture disc should be installed upstream of the PRV to prevent
posal of large quantities of EO or EO-rich streams from process the build-up of solids or blockage at the inlet to the PRV. Solid
vents and safety valve discharges by direct venting to the atmo- deposits at the safety valve inlets could form as a result of EO
sphere has raised environmental concerns in recent years. polymerization. All PRVs used in EO service should conform
EO is the simplest cyclo-ether. It is a colorless gas at room to the requirements of API 520 and API 521. Furthermore, the
temperature, with a sweet etheric odor and is prepared by re- PRV should be de-rated due to the upstream rupture disc and a
acting ethylene with air or oxygen over a silver oxide catalyst. capacity correction factor of 0.9 should be used.1
EO is a good sterilizing agent and is also used to treat foodstuff. Minimization of the relief device inlet pipe length. The
However, EO is generally further reacted with other chemicals inlet pipe length from the source (i.e., vessel or column shell)
to produce EO derivatives, the most important being ethylene to the relief device should be minimized, as pockets of stagnant
glycol which is used to manufacture polyester and automotive EO vapor in a long inlet line could lead to EO polymerization.
antifreeze. EO is an important raw material in the manufacture This can result in a build-up of solids, which, if unchecked,
of ethanolamines (used in the production of soaps, detergents could ultimately lead to a blockage of the line, leading to a haz-
and textile chemicals), ethyleneamines, glycol ethers (e.g., sol- ardous situation in the plant during a major relief scenario.
vents for surface coatings) and polyurethanes. Purging requirements. As practiced in a typical hydrocar-
The two reactions of EO of special note are the following: bon flare network, a normal fuel gas or natural gas purge must
1. Decomposition of EO: EO vapor or EO vapor mixed be provided at all flare header and sub-header dead ends to
with air can decompose explosively, generating carbon maintain a small positive velocity in the header or sub-header.2
monoxide and methane. This exothermic reaction is This should be backed up by nitrogen to increase the reliability
represented in Eq. 1: of the purge.
C2H4O t CO + CH4 (1) However, in addition to the normal purge, an emergency
purge must be provided for the EO flare. The main function of
2. Disproportionation of EO: Disproportionation the emergency purge (natural gas or nitrogen) is to sufficiently
of EO—which consists of a reduction-oxidation dilute the EO-rich stream to make it non-explosive. It must be
reaction—can result in the production of ethylene and ensured that the emergency purge is always available.
carbon dioxide. It is typically represented by Eq. 2: The availability of the normal and emergency EO flare
4C2H4O t 3C2H4 + 2CO2 + 2H2 (2) purges is one of the most critical considerations for an EO flare
and must be closely monitored. These purges are essential for
the uninterrupted operation of the connected plant. It is highly
Design considerations. Owing to its unstable, toxic, highly risky to operate the plant if there is a failure of either one of these
reactive and flammable nature, a standalone EO flare system purges and strict operational procedures should be enforced to
(piping, knockout drum, liquid seal drum and flare stack)— monitor the normal and emergency purges on a routine basis.
used for the disposal of vapors containing EO or EO-rich The concentration of EO diluents is a function of the pres-
streams—should take into account special design and safety sure and temperature of the system. In the absence of air within
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202159
Process Engineering

the system, the concentration of diluents required to keep the Grounding requirements. EO liquid is conductive. If EO
system non-explosive must be more than 15% methane (con- is stored in a metallic container that is grounded, the static
charge cannot accumulate. However, if the system is
not properly grounded, a static charge can be gener-
It must be emphasized that a detailed ated and lead to ignition—owing to the low value of
design and safety review should the minimum ignition energy of EO, which is even
lower than gasoline vapor.
be performed on the piping and Therefore, all EO flare system components (in-
instrumentation diagrams of the cluding piping and equipment) must be properly
grounded to prevent the build-up of static electricity,
EO flare system before it is engineered. which could ignite EO and start a fire or explosion.
Prevention of flashback. A flare system is usu-
ally equipped with a liquid seal drum to prevent
sidering a binary mixture of EO and methane) or 40% nitrogen flashback. However, this method suffers from some drawbacks
(considering a binary mixture of EO and nitrogen).3 However, due to the possibility of losing the liquid seal (e.g., if the seal
it is recommended that an appropriate factor of safety (around gets blown out following a peak release or if there are issues in
2-3) should be imposed on these limits, owing to the limited establishing and maintaining the required liquid level). The use
availability of data at higher temperatures. of two liquid seal drums in a series—one located at the base of
To improve the reliability of the EO flare system, the emer- the flare stack and another located between the outside battery
gency natural gas purge should be automatically backed up by limits flare knockout drum and the stack—can further enhance
nitrogen using a SIL-rated interlock. A pressure sensing sys- the reliability of the EO flare liquid seal system.
tem—consisting of two or more pressure transmitters placed In the case of EO flares, the flare tip contains an anti-
between the rupture disc and the PRV inlet—should be used flashback device (velocity section), which must be designed
for all PRVs, which could potentially release pure EO or EO-rich to minimize possible flame flashback initiated at the flare tip
streams to the EO flare. During an overpressure scenario, the by ensuring that the forward velocity of the flared gases ex-
rupture disc would rupture and the high pressure at the PRV in- ceeds the flash-back velocity.3 Furthermore, an appropriate
let would be used to trigger the emergency purge. One or more velocity seal would need to be provided to prevent air ingress
additional pressure transmitters can be located at each PRV dis- and conserve purge gas. Close follow-up with the flare vendor
charge to further increase the reliability of the system. is recommended at every stage during the design of an EO
Flare gas analyzer. A flare gas analyzer (e.g., a gas chro- flare system to increase the reliability of the system in view
matograph-based analyzer that is sensitive to 1 ppm of EO) of the hazards associated with EO. Per flare design regula-
located on the main flare header can be programmed to trigger tions followed in some countries, (e.g., Russia), the possibility
the emergency flare purge in case the concentration of EO or of including a spare flare stack, liquid seal drum system and
oxygen exceeds a certain fixed value. knockout drum may also be considered to further increase the
Materials of construction. Any piping and/or equipment availability of the flare system; thus, ensuring uninterrupted
that can come into contact with the EO-rich stream must be made operation of the connected units.4
of stainless steel (SS). The use of SS minimizes the potential for Sampling of flare condensate. Flare condensate collected
rust formation. The 300 series austenitic SS has been widely used in the flare knockout drum must be periodically sampled. Any
in EO service. Type 304L has been successfully used for the EO EO-containing flare condensate is required to be routed to the
flare headers and sub-headers, while Type 304 and Type 316 SS reabsorber column or elsewhere inside the EO unit for further
have been used for small tubing, which cannot be cleaned of rust. recovery of EO. However, if the flare condensate does not con-
Austenitic SS can be used in those areas where EO liquid is likely tain EO, it may be routed to wastewater treatment. This can be
to remain for long periods of time (suction and discharge piping accomplished through an interlock based on the EO concen-
of flare knockout drum pumps, low point drains, etc). tration as measured by an on-line analyzer.
Traces of rust on the internals of carbon steel piping or equip-
ment would catalyze the disproportion of EO, which would 1
API, “Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices, Part 1—
further raise the local temperature above the EO decomposi- Sizing and Selection,” API Standard 520, December 2013
tion temperature, leading to a hazardous situation. Furthermore, 2
API, “Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems,” 6th Ed., January 2014
even clean carbon steel could catalyze the polymerization of EO American Chemistry Council, “Ethylene Oxide Products Stewardship Manual,”
3rd Ed., online:
but at lesser rates than rusted carbon steel. Therefore, the use Manual-3rd-edition/
of carbon steel piping and equipment in an EO flare network 4
Russian standard PB 03-591-03, “Regulations for the Design and Safe Operation
should be prohibited. of Flare Systems,” 1992
Since EO attacks several non-metallic materials, including
DAVID A.G. SUARES is a process engineer with 29 yr of
several types of polymers and elastomers, proper care should be experience. He earned an MS degree in chemical engineering
taken to select a proper material of construction for gaskets, O- from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He started
rings, packing, etc. This would include rigorous monitoring and his career at Engineers India Limited and later worked for
Bechtel (India) Pvt. Ltd. and Fluor Daniel (India) Pvt. Ltd.
inspection programs before a material is deemed fit for use in EO In the past, he has worked on a variety of flare and relief
service. Polytetrafluoroethane (PTFE) is resistant to EO even system projects and has authored several articles based on the
up to 260°C and has been used successfully in such applications.3 same. He is now functioning in the capacity of a freelance consultant in India.

60APRIL 2021 |
D. CHAUDHURI, Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, India; and H. VAN DE RUIT, Fluor,
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Determining the indeterminate

Standards such as API, ASME and NFPA are applied widely avoid the possible buildup of H2S vapors inside the tanks. This
in the refining industry. These standards indicate background stream is routed to the incinerators with the help of ejectors
statements and the area of applicability. The case study pre- (steam or air driven).
sented in this article shows that analyzing these background The SRU’s incinerator is designed to burn the residual un-
statements can improve the design with respect to operational recovered sulfur in the form of H2S from all vent gas streams
flexibility and environmental aspects without compromising (FIG. 1). Fuel gas and air in excess to the stoichiometric amount
safety attributes. This case study examines NFPA 86 require- is supplied to the incinerator to maintain a firebox temperature
ments, revealing the uniqueness of the sulfur recovery unit of approximately 750°C–800°C. This temperature, along with
(SRU) incinerator, with respect to the applicability of the the excess air always present in the firebox, ensures nearly com-
standard in the furnace design. plete combustion of the H2S to form SOx. The flue gas stream
containing small amounts of SOx (within allowable limits) is
The incinerator in an SRU. The SRU acts as the sulfur sink then vented into the atmosphere through the stack.
for the overall facility or complex. Since crude oil always con-
tains varied amounts of sulfur components, an SRU exists as an NFPA 86 and the SRU incinerator. Typically, the SRU in-
inherent part of any refinery. The sulfurous compounds in the cinerator design follows the guidelines stated in NFPA 86 (the
refinery feedstock are removed in the form of hydrogen sulfide standard for ovens and furnaces). The typical recommenda-
(H2S) via various processes, which is delivered to the SRU. The tions mentioned in this standard are all applicable in the design
SRU captures the sulfur from the H2S-rich streams to prevent of the SRU incinerator, as is the case for any general furnace in
it from being transmitted to the atmosphere either as toxic H2S the refinery. The NFPA 86 guidelines form the basic recom-
or harmful sulfur oxide (SOx), while producing sulfur either in mendations for such furnace designs followed globally to en-
liquid or solid form. The SRU limits the sulfurous emissions sure the safe design of the incinerators.
within the allowable norms and standards as applicable for the An essential statement in the NFPA relates to safe startup
specific location. Hence, the continued operation of the SRU of furnaces. The specific clause in the NFPA 86 2015 Clause
is essential from an environmental aspect. A. or NFPA 86 2019 Clause A. states that
The incinerator or the thermal oxidizer section of the SRU equipment such as thermal oxidizers commonly process sources
serves the purpose of completely burning all H2S-containing of contaminated air. Contaminated air is an indeterminate purge
streams in the SRU block that are not suitable for further re- medium. Design of the pre-ignition airflow interlocks should in-
covery or processing. FIG. 1 provides a block flow diagram of the corporate a means to prove a source of fresh air and prove the
SRU, with a special emphasis on the interaction of the incinera-
tor block with the rest of the unit. To atmosphere
Sour water
The main sources of offgases to the incinerator come from Air
the tail-gas treating unit (TGTU) (Stream 2), typically from Fuel gas
the top of the amine absorber column. In most SRUs, there is TGTU section
flexibility in routing the Claus offgases directly to the incinera- Incinerator
Claus offgas
Recycle gas

tor in the event the TGTU becomes unavailable (Stream 1).

Other typical sources of offgases to the incinerator include the
vent gases from the degassing section (Stream 3). The vent
3 4
gases from the degassing section preferably are routed to the Claus section
Claus section of the unit as recycled gas, but the alternate route Liquid Liquid
of sending it to the incinerator is always present in the design. Liquid sulfur Degassing sulfur Storage sulfur
Acid gas section section
Another source of vent gas is from the sulfur storage tanks
(Stream 4). Even though degassed liquid sulfur is typically
FIG. 1. Block flow diagram of a typical SRU.
stored in the tanks, a sweep gas flow is generally maintained to
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202161
Process Optimization

the design engineer will allow certain liberties to be taken with

isolation of contaminated air sources during pre-ignition purge.
respect to the startup purge sequence of the incinerator, without
In complex systems involving multiple sources where it is not al-
making any compromise on the safety aspect of the
operation. The following case study will provide a
An SRU incinerator is unique, few typical data samples to show how the composi-
tion of the feed gas streams to the incinerator may be
with respect to the applicability of determined and how that allows some flexibility in
the design and operation of the SRU, with a benefi-
the NFPA 86 standard in furnace design. cial effect on safety and plant emissions.

Case study data. This case study had all of the pos-
ways possible to shut down all indeterminate sources, providing sible four vent gas streams feeding into the incinerator (FIG. 1): the
a fresh air source and positive isolation from all contaminated Claus offgas or the TGTU offgas, the vent gases from the degas-
sources is necessary to ensure proper pre-ignition purging. sing section and the tank vent gases. Two unique design aspects
This is an extremely important statement related to the exist in this SRU incinerator. First, the vent gases from the degas-
safe operation of the furnace. Before furnace startup, the at- sing section are always routed to the incinerator, with no option
mosphere inside the firebox must be inert with respect to any for them being sent to the upstream Claus section. The unit was
fire hazards. To ascertain this inertness, and to avoid the pos- able to achieve the targeted sulfur recovery efficiency even with-
sibility of an explosion during the startup, the firebox must be out this recycle of the vent gases to the Claus section. Secondly,
purged with air or any other inert medium. During this purg- the liquid sulfur storage system—normally expected to hold
ing, all other sources or feed streams to the incinerator need to pure degassed sulfur—had the option to have undegassed sulfur
be stopped. This is required due to the uncertainty of the actual containing high H2S. Therefore, the venting system on the sulfur
composition of the gas mixture inside the firebox. For an in- storage system was designed to handle high-H2S-containing vent
cinerator, which typically burns off waste streams from various gases from the sulfur storage section. Another constraint in the
sources, the composition of the source gases may vary within a SRU design in the case study refinery was that, although the SRU
wide range—hence, the composition of the gas mixture inside was a multi-train design, there was hardly any operating flexibility
the firebox can be indeterminate. To mitigate this unknown or spare capacity available in the total sulfur handling capability.
factor of the gas composition, the startup purge sequence is This meant that, if one SRU train shut down, there would be a
completed by shutting down all feed streams to the furnace to significant amount of acid gas flaring—hence, SOx emissions.
ensure the safe startup of the incinerator. Typically, whenever the SRU incinerator section would trip,
The SRU incinerator is unique since the feed gas streams to the upstream Claus section, TGTU section and degassing sec-
the incinerator are all coming from controlled process systems tion would also need to shut down, leading to a total SRU shut-
that allow the gas compositions to be limited within a specific down and consequent acid gas flaring from the upstream amine
range. In a way, the SRU incinerator feed streams are not “in- regeneration unit and sour water stripper. To improve the avail-
determinable” or unknown. Proper assessment of the system by ability of the SRU, a flexibility on the SRU logic was considered
as a design improvement—this being a 1-hr delay in the tripping
TABLE 1. H2S concentrations in vent gas streams
of the entire SRU once the incinerator shuts down. This would
allow the SRU to continue running for 1 hr, even without the
Stream no. 1 2 3 4 incinerator—thus providing the operator a chance to bring the
Stream Claus Offgas Degassing Tank Total incinerator back into operation without shutting down the SRU.
description offgas from section vent vent One major hindrance in the successful application of this
TGTU vent gas gas gas logic was the NFPA clause, which mandates that the feed
Case 1 N/A 20 ppmv 0.02% 0.05% 140 ppm streams to the incinerator must be isolated due to their gas
Case 2 N/A 20 ppmv 0.02% 0.5% 0.02% compositions being indeterminable. Therefore, a detailed anal-
ysis of the streams was performed to determine the gas compo-
Case 3 N/A 200 ppmv 0.02% 0.5% 0.03%
sitions. The initial focus of this study was directed to assess the
Case 4 0.58% N/A 0.02% 0.5% 0.31% amount of H2S in the vent gas streams.
Case 5 0.58% N/A N/A 0.5% 0.58% TABLE 1 provides the H2S composition data for the offgas
streams for the various cases covering typical SRU operations:
• Case 1: Normal operation of the entire SRU—
TABLE 2. H2 concentrations in vent gas streams No gas from the Claus section, on-spec operation
Stream no. 1 2 3 4 of the TGTU, vent gas from the degassing section
Stream Claus Offgas Degassing Tank Total
and normal vent gases from the storage area.
description offgas from section vent vent • Case 2: Degassing in the storage area—No gas
TGTU vent gas gas gas from the Claus section, on-spec operation of the
Case 1 N/A 2.5% 0% 0% 0.85% TGTU, vent gas from the degassing section and
high-H2S-containing vent gases from the storage area.
Case 4 2.9% N/A 0% 0% 1.26%
• Case 3: Process fluctuation in the TGTU unit—
Case 5 2.9% N/A N/A 0% 2.85% No gas from the Claus section, operational upset in
62APRIL 2021 |
Process Optimization

the TGTU leading to sulfur slippages, vent gas from Takeaway. NFPA 86 mandates that all streams to any incinera-
the degassing section and high-H2S-containing tor must be isolated before a safe and successful purge of the
vent gases from the storage area. furnace is allowed, as the gas compositions of the vent streams
• Case 4: TGTU bypass case—Offgases from the are “indeterminable” in many furnaces. For an SRU incinerator,
Claus section, no offgas from the TGTU, vent gas the composition of each of the individual offgas streams can
from the degassing section and high-H2S-containing be determined, to an acceptable degree of accuracy and con-
vent gases from the storage area. fidence, with a conservative approach—consequently, these
• Case 5: Maximum possible H2S—Offgases from compositions are no longer “indeterminable.” Analysis reveals
the Claus section, no offgas from the TGTU, a non- that the vent gas streams will not pose any specific fire hazard
operational degassing section and high-H2S-containing threat, and, based on the results of the analysis, highlighted de-
vent gases from the storage area. This is a very abnormal sign modifications on the startup logic of the incinerator may
condition for the SRU, where both the TGTU and the be implemented to allow for a safe startup of the incinerator
degassing sections are shut down when the incinerator without tripping the entire SRU. This design flexibility im-
trips, with only the Claus section running normally, and proves the overall availability of the SRU, thereby leading to a
associated degassing to occur from the sulfur storage lesser amount of acid gas flaring—thus providing a greener, but
area. This was only considered mainly for the purpose to still safe, SRU design.
assess the maximum possible H2S concentration in the
DEBOPAM CHAUDHURI is a Process Engineer with Fluor Daniel
combined vent gas stream to the incinerator. India in New Delhi. He has 19 yr of experience in petroleum
The analysis of the data provided in TABLE 1 shows that refining, petrochemical complexes and upstream projects. Mr.
there are no concerns with respect to fire hazards in the in- Chaudhuri earned BTech degrees in chemistry and chemical
cinerator due to the presence of H2S in the vent gas streams engineering from the University of Calcutta.
vs. with the H2S flammability limit being 1.6% [considered at
40% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) for H2S], even with the HANS VAN DE RUIT is a Technical Manager of Process
very conservative case (Case 5). Technology with Fluor in Amsterdam. He has 33 yr of experience
The second component of interest is hydrogen (H2) from in refining and petrochemical projects, and earned an MS
degree in chemical engineering from the Delft University of
the TGTU section—or from the Claus section with the Technology, Netherlands.
TGTU being bypassed for some operational reasons. The as-
sessment was made to calculate the H2 content in the overall
stream to the incinerator. TABLE 2 provides data for the various
scenarios. The cases reported in TABLE 2 also correspond to
the definitions already provided in TABLE 1. The H2 data is re-
ported only for three cases, as no H2 is present in the vent gas
streams from the degassing area and the sulfur storage area.
The data provided in TABLE 2 shows that the H2 concentra-
tion is of concern, with respect to fire hazard, only for Case
5. The amount of H2 content in the incinerator is above the
threshold limit; the threshold limit is typically defined as 40%
of LEL (4% for H2, so 1.6 vol% H2). All other cases are well
within the threshold limit.
Therefore, under normal SRU operating conditions (Cases
1, 2 and 3), the vent gases to the incinerator pose no fire haz-
ard concern. The only point of concern is during the TGTU
bypass scenario with respect to the concentration of H2 in the
offgas streams. A safety measure was implemented in the logic
to not allow for a startup of the incinerator in case, simultane-
ously, the TGTU was also not operational. Health check feed-
back from the interlock for the TGTU section was provided as
a startup permissive to the incinerator. Therefore, the incin-
erator could start up even with the vent gas streams from the
TGTU, the degassing section and the storage section flowing
into the firebox of the incinerator, since they were determin-
able and safe. This configuration of the vent gas streams being
equivalent to the normal operating condition meant that the
overall availability of the SRU was increased. For every incin-
erator section trip, the entire SRU typically does not need to
shut down (with each case dependent on given safety con-
cerns); therefore, improving SRU availability and avoiding
significant emissions from the acid gas flare and, hence, from
the entire refinery.
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 63
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Process Control,
and Automation
D. MACEDONIA, Emerson, McKinney, Texas

Take control of tank pressure

Maintaining pressure control in bulk hydrocarbon plants, facilities and stor- or spillage of this product would
storage tanks is a vital challenge faced age terminals. negatively impact a terminal’s
by operators of both process plants and financial results.
storage terminals. Although they may Issues and risks. Operators must ensure • Emissions—From an
not get the same level of attention as each tank operates in its normal pressure environmental perspective, tank
other parts of the plant or facility, storage band, with the appropriate equipment in- farm operators need to minimize
tanks present many inherent risks to per- stalled to prevent overpressure or vacuum emissions and corresponding risks
sonnel, the environment and equipment conditions. An overpressure condition to the general public. The U.S.
if not properly maintained. could lead to a tank rupture, and an under- EPA levied more than $470 MM
The tank farm of a refining or chemical pressure condition could lead to an implo- in penalties related to pollution
complex is a relatively low traffic area and sion (FIG. 2). Failure to properly control a in 2019, and that amount will only
is often maintained by junior operators. tank’s pressure could result in significant increase over time.3
The devices maintaining tank pressure financial risk due to lost product and/or • Personnel safety—Tanks present
are usually located on the top of the tank catastrophic event, such as a fire or spill. occupational challenges to operators.
and only accessible by tall stairs or lad- Tank farm operators commonly have Inspections and maintenance
ders, scaffolding or catwalks. As a result, metrics in the following areas, each of of devices at the top of the tank
these devices are often out-of-sight and which are addressed by proper tank pres- present fall hazards for personnel. In
out-of-mind, presenting operators with sure control (FIG. 3): addition, personnel may be exposed
increased risk. Many tanks do not have • Product loss—Even with to vapors vented from the tank.
the capability to signal an abnormality to depressed oil prices, the approximate
the crew on shift, so issues may linger un- value of crude or naphtha can be Multi-level protection. Tanks are typi-
resolved for long periods of time (FIG. 1). worth several million dollars for an cally blanketed (or padded) at a slightly
According to American Fuel and Pet- 80,000-bbl tank. Contamination positive pressure with nitrogen. Blanket-
rochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) sta-
tistics, 12% of Tier 1 and Tier 2 safety
incidents involve storage tanks, with re-
fineries and terminals accounting for 74%
of these incidents.1 A large percentage of
incidents can be attributed to personnel
error or equipment failure, most of which
result in fires or explosions.
In addition to equipment damage,
downtime and possible personnel injury,
these incidents can put the general public
at risk. According to the U.S. Chemical
Safety and Hazard Investigation Board’s
analysis2 of the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) Toxics Release Inven-
tory (TRI) Database3, 77% of bulk termi-
nal locations are located within one mile of
communities of 300,000 residents or more.
For these and other reasons, it is vital FIG. 1. Hydrocarbon storage tanks are often installed far from a control room, making it difficult
to monitor their operation.
to monitor and control tank pressure in
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202165
Process Control, Instrumentation and Automation

ing maintains the purity of the product to think of a tank as an ecosystem and not in these applications, and fast speed of
from contaminants, isolates the tank as a collection of individual components. response is required to account for pump
from atmospheric air and moisture, and During normal operation, the vapor cycling and changes in temperature. These
maintains oxygen levels low enough to space inside a tank may expand or con- devices have much tighter control and cy-
prevent ignition. tract due to pumping fluids in or out of the cle less frequently than control valves used
Tank blanketing and vapor recovery tank, or as ambient temperature changes. for the same purpose, making them the
(de-pad) regulators, pressure/vacuum re- These tanks are typically blanketed (or right choice in these types of applications.
lief valves (PVRVs) and emergency relief padded) at a slightly positive pressure One of the most important design
vents should be installed on tanks and used with an inert gas. Conversely, the tank features of pilot-operated regulators is
together at staggered setpoints (FIG. 4). may also be equipped with de-pad or va- pressure amplification by the pilot, called
This will ensure protection from condi- por recovery devices to relieve tank pres- ‘gain.’ This feature amplifies a small change
tions above or below the normal pressure sure when it reaches the upper end of the in outlet pressure to a much larger change
range, either of which could compromise operating band. in the loading pressure of the regulator,
the tank’s contents or its physical integrity. It is completely normal for tanks to which controls its operation. This im-
The environment inside a tank can ‘breathe’ during normal operation, where- proved accuracy at low setpoints results in
be quite complex, which is not neces- by blanketing gas is drawn into the tank a bonus of using less nitrogen or blanket-
sarily apparent from the outside. Fixed- and vented out of the vapor space. During ing gas, making the tank less expensive to
roof tanks at a process facility or storage breathing and other conditions, the tank operate (FIG. 5).
terminal can be filled with a wide range blanketing system maintains the tank’s Purge meters are also recommended in
of liquids—from chemicals to finished pressure within a desired control band to tank blanketing systems where the process
products to crude oil—and can contain ensure tank integrity and the quality of its media is corrosive, volatile or can solidify
volatile vapors under potentially caustic or contents. Operation of emergency vents in the lines. Purging maintains a low flow
hazardous conditions. Therefore, it is best should never be considered a normal of blanketing gas through the main and
event since these devices are the tank’s last sensing lines to isolate the regulator from
line of defense. the downstream process fluid, enhancing
Maintenance of tank pressure is ac- the service life of the materials used in the
complished by regulators, with selection unit and preventing foreign material from
of the correct type a key factor. the tank backing up into the lines.

Pilot-operated advantages and de- Reactive vs. predictive maintenance.

sign recommendations. Pilot-operated To ensure each tank is operating per design,
regulators are ideal devices for tank blan- preventative maintenance and inspections
keting applications. Accuracy is para- should be performed for tank blanketing
mount due to the low pressures needed regulators and other tank top components

FIG. 2. Several layers of protection are

recommended to protect tanks from
overpressure and underpressure conditions.

FIG. 3. Poor control of tank pressure creates

multiple risks. Sources: NYMEX spot price,
July 2020; U.S. EPA and the U.S. Chemical
Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. FIG. 4. Full array of devices used together to control pressure of fixed-roof storage tanks.

66 APRIL 2021 |
Process Control, Instrumentation and Automation

at regular intervals. Maintenance spend is

a large percentage of operating costs in any
process facility or terminal, but it can be
minimized with the right monitoring and
control devices and systems.
The goals of any maintenance pro-
gram are to maintain equipment without
excessive cost, while maximizing uptime.
Corrective or reactive maintenance costs
are often substantially higher than pre-
ventative maintenance costs, so the latter
method is strongly preferred.
According to an ARC Advisory Group
study, the global process industry loses
about $20 B due to unscheduled down-
time—around 5% of its annual produc-
tion.4 Every plant operator can recall
several instances where an emergent main-
tenance item ended up causing significant
downtime, but many of these incidents
can be avoided with proper care and atten-
tion, facilitated by careful device selection.
Proper product design leads to im- FIG. 5. Tank blanketing regulators sense tank pressure and provide inert blanketing gas
proved maintenance practices related to at a low setpoint to minimize the amount of gas consumed.
tank devices. Some pressure regulators
on the market can be installed ‘at-grade,’ diately. With respect to vent monitoring, Takeaway. Fixed-roof storage tanks pres-
meaning they can be set up, checked and wireless devices also help plants compile ent various challenges to operators, many
calibrated from the ground. This makes an auditable record to present to govern- of which can be mitigated with a well-de-
maintenance much easier, quicker and ment regulators regarding emissions. signed tank blanketing system. Tanks may
safer because technicians can work with often be overlooked at industrial facilities,
their feet on solid ground. To determine Regulators in action. Utilizing tank but technology exists in the market to
if this is a possibility, plant personnel must blanketing regulators as part of a complete provide complete pressure control, along
analyze the specific system and process tank pressure control system yields finan- with visibility of tank pressure control
conditions for the tank blanketing regula- cial benefits due to improved operations system operation.
tors under consideration, often with assis- while minimizing risk. Several vendors of- Tank blanketing and vapor-recovery
tance from vendors. fer tank walkdowns to provide a review of regulators are only a part of a complete
To provide remote visibility to control tank pressure control devices. Walkdowns system to control the complex tank eco-
room personnel, many pressure control can be as narrow or broad as desired, but system. These devices—along with vent
devices available are wireless-ready, and typically include a review of each tank’s valves, hatches, overfill protection device
they can be used to remotely monitor vari- physical condition, operability and sizing. and others—provide operators with the
ous parameters in the tank or its support During a tank survey of 40 tanks at a reliability they need to properly operate
systems. Although each of these devices U.S. Gulf Coast chemical plant, plant per- and maintain these assets, while minimiz-
could be monitored via traditional wired sonnel needed a focused analysis of the ing risks to personnel, equipment, the en-
means, this is often cost prohibitive due to costs used for nitrogen blanketing, which vironment and the community.
the difficulty of installing wired infrastruc- were higher than expected. Upon review,
ture from tanks back to the control room. it was found that the setpoints of tank
Complete Literature Cited available online at
Wireless devices can be added to tank blanketing regulators and PVRVs were too
vents and regulators to indicate position. close together on several of their tanks.
Information collected from such an instal- As a result, the two devices were oc- DAVE MACEDONIA is a Business
Development Director with
lation helps determine baseline operation casionally open at the same time, thus Emerson’s Automation Solutions
of regulators and vents, indicates if both venting excess nitrogen into the atmo- business, covering pressure control
devices are open at the same time (which sphere during normal operations. By im- devices and steam equipment. He has
should not be the case), shows if a vent plementing recommendations to adjust 12 yr of experience in the process
industries and has broad subject
fails to reseat and alerts if an emergency the setpoints of their devices, as well as matter expertise in industrial fluid and mechanical
vent were to open. by installing pilot-operated tank blanket- systems. Prior to joining Emerson, he was a submarine
Many of these status readings are useful ing regulators to maintain lower blanket- officer in the U.S. Navy, with supervisory roles in
operations and maintenance of naval nuclear propulsion
as leading indicators for whether mainte- ing pressures in the tank, the plant saved plants. He earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering
nance or inspections should be scheduled more than $500,000/yr in nitrogen costs from Northwestern University and an MBA from
for later work or must be performed imme- and reduced emissions. Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202167


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Water Management
L. A. BRUN and C. MAJOREL, TOTAL, Gonfreville,
France, A. POTHUAUD, SUEZ – Water Technologies
& Solutions, Paris, France; and C. CROSS, SUEZ –
Water Technologie & Solutions, Tomball, Texas

TOTAL refineries improve overhead systems corrosion

and salting with amine-neutralizing technology
Weak organic amines are commonly used in crude unit over- basis than are traditionally performed. The advantage is that a
head systems to prevent acidic corrosion from chlorides and refinery can know in a much more granular fashion the precise
other acidic contaminants via a neutralization reaction. While amount of amine in the overhead circuit and surrounding flows
using commodity amines, some refineries experience salt-in- and how they change over time. This allows better control and
duced fouling and corrosion issues, which may prompt them to understanding of the prevailing salt point, which changes over
move to non-salting, lower strength amines. TOTAL decided time and is influenced by many complex, dynamic factors that
to test this approach to improve reliability for its overhead sys- are linked with operations and crude diet. In such a program,
tems in crude units. This was done through partnership with amine salt point calculations should not be based on the rate
an industry-leading water technology and process providera of amine injected into the overhead vapor line, but should be
to use their proprietary amine-neutralizing technologyb. This based on the measured amount of amine present in the over-
technology is based on a set of principles surrounding the head system receiver at a given time.
blending of a variety of targeted amines to achieve a balanced Such a program can be important for optimal results because
neutralization profile, which minimizes salting potential for a the concentration of amines in the system—and the prevailing
given operating envelope. This article describes the route used salt points that depend on them—is key to ensuring that the
by TOTAL and the service provider to develop individualized transition to a neutralizer will benefit the refinery in terms of its
selection and implementation programs for two of their crude overall corrosion treatment cost.
units. Each program was based on comprehensive analysis used For both the initiation and ongoing control of the new pro-
to choose the best product, define the specific application strat- grams, it was decided that both TOTAL and the service pro-
egy and define the subsequent benefits of the program changes, vider would work together to optimize the balance between on-
according to unit characteristics. going neutralization needs and salt point deposition constraints
and to then quantitatively validate the specific benefits gained
Purpose. The neutralizers are designed to improve both pH by crude units adopting the new programs.
control and chloride salt precipitation potential in overhead sys-
tems vs. classical amine neutralizer programs. The unique prop- Amine properties. Commodity amines have been used for
erties of the amine strength and favorable water/hydrocarbon decades to protect overhead condensing systems in both atmo-
partitioning reinforces these abilities. spheric and vacuum fractionation units. One of the foremost
The following studies were driven by TOTAL and the service challenges toward the control of corrosion rates in overhead
provider to validate amine speciation results between water and systems is avoiding deposition due to amine hydrochloride neu-
hydrocarbon flows over time in two of TOTAL’s European refin- tralization salts.
eries. Results from the studies reveal the complex partitioning Traditional primary amines, like monoethanolamine (MEA)
and recycle behaviors by which these products work and show and methoxypropylamine (MOPA), have a high polarity and
how detailed water analysis helps to achieve optimization of both relatively large base strengths (pKa), causing them to react read-
neutralizer consumption and corrosion mitigation. The benefits ily with acidic species at relatively low injection rates. However,
of the analytical campaigns and the overall knowledge of amine these same properties also make it difficult to control pH in the
behaviors were not possible without a wide collaboration and typical target range of 5.5–6.5 (blue line in FIG. 1). In addition,
involvement of all TOTAL teams in developing a systematic and the neutralization salts formed have higher than desired salt
exhaustive monitoring program around the overhead system. point temperatures that increase the potential for salt-induced
Part of a modern overhead corrosion control program calls corrosion and fouling.
for the speciation of amines in a wider variety of flows and com- Conversely, the neutralizers used in this study are generally
putation of detailed salt point calculations on a more frequent composed of blends of both secondary and tertiary amines. As
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 69
Water Management

such, they have a lower polarity and smaller base strength than as pH rises above 5. Traditional primary amines generally have
classical amines. This results in better controllability within the effectively no hydrocarbon partitioning potential in the range
target pH range (red line in FIG. 1), as well as neutralization salts of desired boot water (BW) pH control. This property was
characterized by lower salt point temperatures and improved confirmed by the detailed analytical plan developed in coop-
tendencies for salt formation downstream of water condensa- eration between TOTAL and the service provider.
tion to better avoid salt laydown. Using a mix of amines also de- Amine partitioning can cause amines to recirculate when
creases relevant partial pressures, which lower salt deposition water containing amines is contacted with a hydrocarbon
risk. While these same properties might, at first, lead to the stream, which will be reinjected to the column through the
expectation of higher injection rates needed to elevate the pH desalter. These recycle contributions can result in higher lev-
to target, in practice, additional complex behaviors cause the els of amines in the overhead line than would be expected
amines in these blends to significantly partition to oil phases based only on the mass flowrate of amines injected in the
in a beneficial and targeted way when oil and water mix under overhead vapor line as a neutralizer. Due to a low salt point
typical operating conditions. As this article will examine, this temperature, it has no expected impact in the column, as it is
phenomenon significantly reduces practical injection rate re- important to avoid any salt-induced corrosion in the lower
quirements and makes these programs cost effective, with bet- side draw of the crude unit.
ter controllability and salt property benefits. Amine analysis in the different streams of a crude unit
The partitioning effect outlined is highly pH dependent can be very important and will lead to a better knowledge of
and is unique for each amine species used in an amine neutral- concentrations for various amines inside the tower and the
izing product. This strongly impacts the amount of amine in overhead system. This is important because the information
both the hydrocarbon phase of the overhead circuit and in the can be used to better monitor real-time amine salt points and
desalter through the addition of desalter wash water returned practical corrosion control tactics. This is especially true for
from topping. the amines, where, due to the partitioning and recycle phe-
FIG. 2 shows theoretical partitioning curves for three amines nomenon previously described, simple mass balance calcula-
used in the service provider’s neutralizer programs outlined tions tend to overestimate the amount of neutralizer required
here. It shows that some amines start to partition to the hydro- to meet ongoing demand.
carbon as pH rises above 8, while others can start partitioning
Analytical plan. The service provider developed a new
HCI neutralization with amine product method for amine speciation in overhead water sample by ion
Service provider vs. Prod B chromatography mass spectrometry (IC-MS), with a detec-
tion limit as low as 0.1 ppm for each amine and that avoids
9 the interferences and coelution issues usually seen between
8 amines of the same family (FIG. 3). Comprehensive and de-
7 tailed amine analysis using this method is economical, precise,
6 Control ranges accurate and make the analysis of a wide variety of key amines
available in overhead water samples.

4 Conversely, for hydrocarbon samples, it is necessary to first
3 extract the amines from the hydrocarbon phase with acidified
2 water. This works well for light hydrocarbon cuts like naphtha,
but reliable results are more difficult in crude oil due to numer-
0 Control ranges ous interferences and the potential for column contamination
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 by long eluting compounds. Therefore, the amines in desalted
Amine, wt HCT crude oil are calculated by material balance using the wash wa-
ter and brine, respectively entering and leaving the desalter.
FIG. 1. Comparative neutralization strength and needs.

Case 1: Simple crude unit. The first unit where TOTAL

Model for effect of pH on partitioning of amines and the service provider transitioned to the amine-neutral-
40 A
Amine in hydrocarbon phase, %

35 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

FIG. 2. Effect of pH on amine partitioning in hydrocarbon phase. FIG. 3. Amine speciation device.

70APRIL 2021 |
Water Management

izing technology is in one of TOTAL’s European refineries, agrees with the amount analyzed in the BW, with a 2% differ-
where the crude unit contains both a desalter followed direct- ence, which is quite good.
ly by a furnace and then a main fractionator (MF). The neu- To better illustrate the typical propagated error expected
tralizer was injected into the MF overhead to control BW pH. between these two methods, salt points are compared. These
As shown in FIG. 4, amine recirculation primarily takes place in were obtained first by once-through mass balance calculations
two different circuits of the crude unit. These include: based on amine injection rate (IN) and then by computing
1. In the overhead naphtha reflux them using the measured BW concentrations.
2. With overhead water used as wash water As shown in FIG. 6, the difference in computed salt points
to the desalter and around the desalter. for the two methods is 3.6°C, which is significant. This differ-
However, it is important to note that in some refineries, ence would be especially important regarding the mitigation of
there can be several other significant recirculation routes im- corrosion in cases where the salt point and the water dewpoint
pacting the prevailing steady-state overhead concentrations, are close to one another. In such cases, the evaluation of amine
which will not be discussed here. recycle factors would be necessary to accurately evaluate system
Using the new method for amine speciation, amines from salt points. The overall concentration ratio factor for amines in
the program were examined in several streams around the this overhead system (BW/IN) was shown to be 1.4 in FIG. 5.
crude unit to determine their respective concentrations in the This exercise was conducted on a regular basis and con-
overhead system, as compared to the injected quantity. firmed over time that the BW/IN ratio varied between 1.1
Samples were analyzed by TOTAL and the service provid- and 1.4, mainly as a function of desalter pH and unit oper-
er from the following streams:
• Water samples
Service provider
° BW amine-neutralizing technologyb
° Desalter wash water (WW)
° Desalter brine (DB)
• Hydrocarbon samples
° Reflux naphtha (RN).
In addition, amines were calculated for the following streams:
• Crude oil: Calculated by difference (CO = WW – DB) 2
• Injected neutralizer (IN): Based on injection rate
and amine concentration in product.
TOTAL and the service provider agreed to perform a com- 2
prehensive set of analysis on a frequent and regular basis to
continuously assess the prevailing amine concentration ratio Desalter 2 Main
and associated salt points in the overhead because pH depen- fractionator
dence and other complex factors can often cause the values to other
be very dynamical. One example of results—shown in grams units
of amine—is presented in FIG. 5. Sour water
If there were no amine recycle, then the BW analysis would
match calculated amines from the IN. However, the measured FIG. 4. Amine recycle paths.
level of BW amines is 40% higher than that of the IN amines.
This demonstrates that there is significant amine recycle; IN
therefore, calculations for salt point temperatures based on 318 g
injected amine quantity will result in salt point temperatures Service provider
that are lower than actual. When controlling tower operations amine-neutralizing technologyb
to maintain a certain safety factor surrounding salt deposi-
tion, the difference between amine-partial pressures assumed Amine mass balance
to be derived from amine “as injected” and the partial pres- BW/IN = 140% -does not balance
BW/(IN + RN + CO) = 102% -balances
sures computed based on actual measured circulating amine *Note: CO = WW – DB
can result in unexpected issues with salt-induced corrosion BW
and fouling. The additional streams shown in FIG. 5 were then Naphtha (RN)
443 g
examined to determine the source of the amine recycle and 0g
close the mass balance. No amine was detected in the RN, as Crude oil (CO)
117 g
expected, due to a pH of around 6 in the BW. To restate, the
amines in the DB were subtracted from those contained in the Desalter
desalter WW to calculate the amines in the crude oil. As the Main
desalter operates at a pH of about 8, as directionally expected From
from FIG. 1, the data treatment indicated that more than 50% of Brine (DB) WW other
84 g 203 g Sour water units
total amines were entrained with desalted crude oil. stripper
The quantity of amines entrained in the desalted crude oil,
FIG. 5. Analytical results.
combined with those injected into the overhead system IN,
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202171
Water Management

ating conditions. It also confirmed that the neutralizer is al- proposed to be 20% higher. However, due to the recycling
ways present in the atmospheric tower through desalter recy- advantage of the amine, the actual injection rate represents
cling. Defining a standard recycle ratio (BW/IN) is needed about 80% of the previous injection rate, which confirmed
to properly and practically evaluate daily salt points based on this program to be very cost effective.
the amine injection rate. This is especially important because
the amine speciation methodology requires time to obtain Case 2: Crude unit with preflash (PF). After this first suc-
results subsequently used to perform the amine balance. To cess, TOTAL and the service provider decided to apply the
have enough safety margin, TOTAL and the service provider same technology and approach in a more complex unit with
agreed to use an ongoing recycle ratio of 1.5 and calculate, on a PF column upstream from the furnace and the MF column.
a daily basis, the amine salt point based on both the injected The behavior of amines injected into the overhead of both
amount only and then a second salt point based on amine ex- the PF and the MF is different than in the case previously
pected by including the recycle factor of 1.5. presented, with a more complex recycle scenario. Because of
Because of the recycle ratio factor and its impact on salt the different configuration of the unit, it was decided to once
point computation, it is important to choose the right neutral- again implement a similar type of analytical plan to evaluate
izing amine and to exploit its recycle behavior to ensure that the recycling effect and its consequences, with respect to com-
no salt fouling and associated corrosion occurs in the tower or puted salt deposition potentials before adopting the amine-
in the overhead condenser system. neutralizing program.
A second benefit from the recycle factor is the global in- This was critical because overhead water acidity is a key
jection rate of the amine-neutralizing programs, which is very driver of amine selection. Light organic acids (e.g., acetic
often less than when using classical amines at a constant pH acid) are more likely to condense in the overhead of a PF than
target range; therefore, reducing treatment program costs, in the downstream fractionator overhead. This behavior can
while maintaining the benefits of better corrosion control and then drive a higher neutralization demand. This is true even
system performance. In this case, when moving from a com- in the absence of problematical chloride levels. Conversely,
modity amine to a neutralizing amine, the injection rate based chlorides are more likely to condense in the overhead of a MF
on the use of a lower neutralizer strength amine (FIG. 1) was because hydrolyzing chlorides from mineral salts in crude oil
need the additional time and temperature provided by passage
through the crude furnace.
As represented in FIG. 7, when Amine 2 is injected into
the overhead of the MF, it can recycle with BW through the
+3.6°C 66.4 desalter as wash water and route to the PF overhead system
62.8 rather than to the MF one where it was originally injected.
60 Similarly, Amine 1 injected into the overhead of the PF re-

cycles through the PF overhead but does not end up in the MF

overhead. Unlike Case 1, this causes preferential cycle-up of
oil soluble amines in the PF but not generally in the MF. This
40 difference—caused by recycle loop behavior—should drive
Based on injection Based on analysis program design with the goal to manage salt points in both
Amine salt point overheads simultaneously. To achieve these goals, granular
FIG. 6. Salt point temperatures.
and frequent amine speciation with following salt point calcu-
lations are of prime importance.
By using an amine-neutralizing productb (Amine 2 in the
Amine 1 Amine 2—Service provider technologyb MF overhead FIG. 7), operators can manage salt points in the
MF overhead and it plays a role in PF overhead pH control
through recycling. Recycling reduces the required injection
4 1
rate of Amine 1 in the overhead of the PF (even possibly
3 down to 0 in certain operating cases). It also allows the use of
a classical primary amine because fewer condensed salts are
expected due to overall lower hydrochloric acid condensation.
3 This behavior depends on the bottom temperature of the PF
column and on the amine boiling point.
TOTAL and the service provider decided to adopt a simi-
PF lar analytical plan as used in Case 1 to evaluate the recycle of
MF amines for Case 2. The following streams were sampled with
From the same type of analysis as before:
3 2 other • Water samples
Sour water stripper ° PF BW
° Desalter WW
FIG. 7. Recirculation of service provider amine in a PF column.
° Desalter effluent
72APRIL 2021 |
Water Management

• Hydrocarbon samples Amine 2 injected in MF recycled in PF

° MF RN 100
° PF RN.
Two different neutralizer products were chosen for the two
injection points. These included: 60
• The neutralizer (Amine 2 in FIG. 7) for the MF

overhead system and chosen to avoid any salt 40
deposition there by chloride ranging between Average 30%
5 ppm–20 ppm 20
• A MEA-based neutralizer in the PF overhead
(Amine 1 in FIG. 7) and chosen because chloride Days
levels were consistently below 1 ppm, so salt
precipitation was unlikely. FIG. 8. Amine 2 recycled in PF.
First, no amine was analyzed in the NR of both the PF and
the MF. This confirmed what was analyzed in Case 1: a BW
pH range of 5.5–6.5 prevents amines to be recycled with NR. • Concentrate in overhead of the atmospheric column
It was reinforced by a pH target in PF in the range of 5.5–6 as with a typical recycle ratio of 1.4, used to calculate
acidity is more expected to be organic than chlorhydric. The a more representative salt point in the overhead system
pH and the choice of a conventional primary amine, which has with reduced global neutralizer demand
more affinity with water, explains why there is no recycling of • Recycle 30% of amine injected in a MF to a PF overhead
Amine 1 injected in PF via the desalter. The second confirma- to eliminate amine salt deposition in the MF overhead
tion is that the Amine 2 injected in the MF overhead was re- system, while reducing injection needs in PF.
cycled into the PF. The data showed that approximately 30% Both the corrosion control program and the study were very
of neutralizing amine injected into the MF was recycled into successful towards maximizing corrosion mitigation, with min-
the PF (FIG. 8), with the variation driven primarily by changes imal risk of salt deposition in both affected units. Thanks to the
in the desalter pH. This phenomenon helped to reduce the detailed ongoing analytical plan that was adopted, TOTAL and
Amine 1 injection rate to a minimum level, which greatly re- the service provider were able to document the improved cor-
duced the risk for salt deposition, while effectively protecting rosion control, salt deposition potential and chemicals costs.
against dewpoint acid attack. This work also helped to develop a more structured approach
This second case confirmed the ability of the amine-neu- to implementing an overhead neutralizer program using the
tralizing solution to recycle in the system and to reinforce cor- amine-neutralizing technology that considers the variation in
rosion protection, while reducing salt precipitation risk. At crude unit design and its operations over time.
the end, there was no more risk of salt precipitation in the MF,
and neutralization needs were reduced in the PF. This situa- NOTES
tion enabled TOTAL to better mitigate corrosion in both col- SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions
Refers to SUEZ’s LoSALT technology
umns without additional costs.
LAURENT-ALAIN BRUN is a Process Engineer based in TOTAL Research and
Takeaways. The amine-neutralizing technology can be a very Technology in Gonfreville, France. He oversees troubleshooting and process support
cost-effective program compared with classical neutralizing for crude units for TOTAL Refining and Chemicals. He has 25 yr of experience in
refining process support for projects and operation. He earned chemical engineer
amine treatments. As this article has shown, this is due to the degrees from Mines de Nancy and ENSPM in Rueil-Malmaison, France.
complexities involved with the use of secondary and tertiary
amines, which show pH-dependent partitioning and recycle CÉLINE MAJOREL is a Process and Corrosion Engineer based in TOTAL Research
and Technology in Gonfreville, France. She leads the feedstock and crude support
behavior vs. traditional primary amines. The large economic for TOTAL Refining and Chemicals. She has 12 yr of experience, primarily in research
and reliability benefits imparted by using such amines typi- and development and plant support within TOTAL. She earned a chemical and
cally justify the extra complexity and attention needed to con- material engineer degree from Phelma school in Grenoble, France.
trol and optimize them.
JEAN-PIERRE THORET-BAUCHET is a Process Chemist, Fouling and Process
The ability for the amines to partition strongly into hy- Treatment Specialist based in TOTAL Research and Technology in Feluy, France.
drocarbons and concentrate in the overhead system helps to He has 25 yr of experience in plant support and troubleshooting within TOTAL.
reduce neutralizing injection and chemical needs, while also He earned a chemical engineer degree from ENSCL Lille and a PhD in polymer
and organic chemistry from the University of Lille.
reducing detrimental pH fluctuations and salt precipitation
tendencies. When corrosion is not optimally mitigated, it can ALAIN POTHUAUD is French Senior Product Application in the Refinery and
often result in loss of production and increased maintenance Petrochemical business for 18 yr. With more than 33 yr of experience within
cost, which greatly increases total cost of ownership. If used SUEZ –Water Technologies & Solutions, he is a member of the Center of Excellence
in corrosion and high-acid crudes processing. He earned a chemical engineer
properly and considering the total costs of overhead corrosion degree from INSCIR Rouen.
over time, the neutralizers can represent an optimal choice.
In summary, the amines helped TOTAL to better control COLLIN CROSS is a Global Product Line Manager for SUEZ – Water Technologies
& Solutions and leads the Center of Excellence for refinery corrosion. He has been
pH, with minimal risk of salt deposition. Partitioning and recy- supporting process chemistry applications for 24 yr. Dr. Cross earned a PhD in
cle advantages illustrated in these two case studies allow these physical chemistry from the University of Oklahoma, where he participated in
amines, in these two cases, to: the Institute for Applied Surfactant Research.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202173

and Reliability
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Improve the reliability of a CO2 compressor

in a urea synthesis/granulation plant
The carbon dioxide (CO2 ) compres- • Integrally geared compressors However, a detailed study is required,
sor is one of the key major equipment impellers run at different speeds and other factors such as the vendor’s ex-
in a urea production plant that produces • Integrally geared compressors perience, power, efficiency, etc., should
fertilizers. The compressor is normally a impellers run at higher speeds be considered when selecting the com-
between-bearings, single-shaft centrifu- than the single-shaft compressor pressor type.
gal compressor design based on API 617.1 • Integrally geared compressors
Without the compressor, plant production are normally a package design, Material selection. CO2 corrosion re-
would be stopped. FIG. 1 shows a typical which limits ease and safe access sults when CO2 gas dissolves in water, liq-
CO2 compression process in a urea plant, for operation and maintenance uid or process condensate to form carbon-
including a steam turbine, low-pressure • The number of dry gas seal ic acid [(H2CO3 ) siderite], especially with
casing, gearbox and high-pressure casing cartridges is higher than the higher pressure. This type of corrosion can
with suction knockout drum, inter-stages single-shaft compressor happen either during normal operating
piping, coolers, reactor and separators. • They are more susceptible to conditions or when the compressor is in
The production cost of a urea plant vibration compared to single-shaft standby and under pressure. Material selec-
producing fertilizer can be optimized by compressors due to the overhung tion is the key activity of the compressor,
maximizing the compression system op- design of the impeller and a higher upstream equipment/piping, downstream
eration time, reducing unplanned shut- shaft and impeller velocity equipment, piping and instrumentations.
downs and keeping operating costs to a • Their efficiency is lower than a Note: It is highly recommended to use
minimum under operational conditions. single-shaft compressor the API 617 format datasheet and clearly
The CO2 compressor is the heart of the • Their height is normally higher mention the gas composition, hydrogen
urea plant’s synthesis process and its per- than a single-shaft compressor content, liquid content, water content, etc.
formance and reliability will impact the • Integrally geared compressors need Increasing the level of chromium in the
overall plant operating cost, availability an internal guide valve (IGV) wetted steels offers no major improvement
and reliability. • Single-shaft compressors can be in resistance until a minimum of 12% is
This article addresses parameters that direct driven with a steam turbine. reached.2 Critical factors that impact CO2
impact the performance and reliability of
the CO2 compressor, based on the author’s
past experience working in large-scale am-
monia and urea production plants. LP casing HP casing
Steam turbine Gearbox compressor
compressor Pool reactor
145 barg–150 barg
Compressor type selection. Depend-
ing on plant production capacity and the H2
removal Suction
licensor’s past experience, both single- reactor knockout drum Inter-stage cooler
shaft, between-bearings compressors or Inter-stage cooler and separator
integrally geared compressors are possible and separator
options. However, single-shaft, between- CO2 from Process air ASV
bearings centrifugal compressors are nor- ammonia plant
mally selected by many licensors and are Inter-stage cooler
and separator
recommended by the author because:
• The number of bearings and
shafts are higher than the FIG. 1. Simplified process for CO2 compression in a urea plant. The dotted line shows the
boundary of CO2-wetted, stainless-steel wetted material.
single-shaft compressor
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202175
Maintenance and Reliability

corrosion rates include CO2 partial pres- • Evaluating where a CO2 gas commissioning of the process air piping
sure, pH, gas velocity and temperature. condition may change to wet gas should be considered.
CO2 compressors are unique in terms inside the compressor in each stage
of material selection. All wetted metal- (i.e., impeller, diaphragm, diffuser Knockout drum. Liquid in the gas
lic material and parts with CO2 gas in a and casing) and checking the gas stream is generally harmful to any com-
compressor (i.e., casing, inlet guide valves, condition at any temperature and pressor and should be avoided by proper
diaphragms, impellers, shafts), upstream stage above its water dewpoint inlet system design. Where risk of liquids
piping material, upstream equipment, during compressor operation or is present, compressor inlet and inter-stag-
inter-stage piping material, inter-stage standby under pressure. Note that es should be provided with properly sized
equipment, metallic gaskets and instru- the variation in gas composition can liquid separators or knockout drums. The
mentations should be stainless steel, ex- change the water dewpoint of the gas. location, orientation and elevation of the
cept for labyrinths, shown in FIG. 1. FIG. 2 shows examples of severe CO2 gas inlet and outlet nozzles in the separa-
This requirement will impact the corrosion in a CO2 compressor with car- tor should be carefully placed to prevent
compressor’s CAPEX, so vendors or en- bon-steel, stationary wetted material. risk of liquid carryover to outlet gas to-
gineering companies sometimes do not ward the compressor inlet. In addition, if
use stainless-steel material for the wetted Process air. Process air is added to the the separators are furnished with process
metallic parts, which can cause major dif- CO2 stream in ammonia and urea plants condensate pumps for drainage and the
ficulties for the end user. It is highly rec- for the following main reasons: minimum flow lines of those pumps are
ommended to add stainless material for • As combustion air for hydrogen connected to the separators, the connec-
the wetted parts in the API 617 datasheet (H2) removal from CO2 in an tion point will be in proper orientation
in case the gas nature is wet or a possibil- H2 removal reactor and elevation to prevent liquid carryover
ity exists of wet gas during operation or • As an anti-corrosion agent for the or liquid spray in the flowing gas.
standby condition under pressure. synthesis equipment—the oxygen Level transmitters, level indicators and
If cost constraints are a factor and the in the air keeps the synthesis level switches are necessary to monitor
intention is to use carbon steel material equipment passive for corrosion. and control the liquid level in the knock-
(which the author does not recommend for Cleanliness and dryness of the process out drums and the separators. It is recom-
wet gas services), cost-effective options to air supply plays an important role in the mended to validate their operation daily
mitigate the risk of CO2 corrosion include: reliability and performance of the CO2 and confirm their nozzle elevation and
• Applying electro-less nickel plating compressor. Proper sizing of the strainer location in the vessels before initial field
on the wetted carbon-steel material and separator close to the tie point must calibration. The use of high-efficiency
• Using stainless-steel cladding on be considered for the process air. Care- demister pads and internals are necessary
the wetted carbon steel material ful de-watering, flushing, drying and to prevent liquid from migrating to the

FIG. 2. Severe CO2 corrosion of carbon-steel casing.

76 APRIL 2021 |
Maintenance and Reliability

outside of the vessel with the gas. Note: no

internal/demister pad to scrubber, separa-
Insulation. Insulating [sometimes with
electric heat tracing (EHT)] the com- INNOVATION
tor or knockout drum has the ability to re- pressor, piping, and upstream and inter-
move 100% of the liquid from the gas. stages piping and equipment is necessary.
Reasons for insulating the compressor
CO2 compressor location in fertiliz-
er production. Each ammonia and urea
inlet and discharge piping include:
• Noise attenuation
plant (fertilizer) has five main compres-
sors, shown in FIG. 3. The CO2 compressor
• Preventing atmospheric
condensation and icing on the pipe TRANSITION
can be located in the same building as the surfaces, with heat tracing
other four compressors in the ammonia • Preventing water and hydrocarbon
plant, or it can be located separately in the condensation when the ambient
urea building—sometimes called the urea temperature is cooler than the
tower—at the urea plant. Installing the gas temperature in the inlet line
CO2 compressor in the urea plant will cost to each stage
less than in the ammonia plant, creates • Personnel protection when the
more operational flexibility and is better surface temperature is > 60°C.
from a safety perspective during outages, It is recommended to occasionally
operation and maintenance work. check the insulation material for contami-

Natural gas Air

compressor compressor

HP steam
Primary reformer
Secondary compressor For more than a century,
Am Cook Compression has
mo Reformer gas
Ure nia
a developed innovative
Gas treatment technologies to move
CO2 Syngas
synthesis the compressor industry
forward. Today, we are
Am Refrigeration cycle
nia Syngas ready for the next big
CO2 compressor Ure compressor
NH3 move – toward a carbon-
neutral future.
FIG. 3. Compressors used in an ammonia and urea plant.
With our brand-new
Innovation Lab, expert
engineers and dynamic
TruTech™ materials
portfolio, we continue to
design new solutions and
set new standards for

a company

FIG. 4. A new CS RT gasket (A), and a corroded CS RT gasket after 2,000 hr (B).

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 77

Maintenance and Reliability

nation. Insulation material on austenitic Moisture sensor/dewpoint sensor. technically and economically possible. If
stainless-steel equipment should be ana- The addition of a moisture sensor in the the hydrogen content is high and/or the
lyzed for chlorides, while insulation mate- inlet piping to the compressor is recom- operation is a high-pressure application
rial on carbon steel should be analyzed for mended, particularly when carbon mate- (e.g., high-pressure casing), a tandem dry
nitrates due to the risk of external stress rial is selected. gas seal is highly recommended.
corrosion cracking. Do not forget to re-
install insulation completely after turn- Dry gas seal. A risk of suffocation exists Piping gaskets. Normally, ring-type
around, outage, maintenance and inspec- when gas escapes through a leak. Some- joint (RT) gaskets are used between pip-
tion of the compression unit. times, a labyrinth seal with nitrogen purge ing and compressor flanges. RT gaskets
gas or carbon ring are used as a last line of have a lower gas leakage rate compared
Liquid trap. Adding a liquid trap at the defense at the compressor casing to seal to spiral wound gaskets. However, if the
inlet piping of a compressor is highly rec- the shaft. However, as the compressor is flange bolts are overtightened, the gasket
ommended, as is the regular examination normally located inside the building, it is may damage the flange grooves and cause
of leakage and operation of the traps. recommended to use a dry gas seal when CO2 gas leakage. Repairing grooves in an
installed condition may not be possible
and may require flange replacement.
As all wetted piping and equipment in
the compression system are stainless steel,
gaskets should be stainless steel, as well.
Using carbon steel material for the gasket
carries the risk of galvanic corrosion and
can result in gas leakage. Additionally, car-
bon steel, RT joint gaskets can easily be
corroded if liquid, water or process con-
densate comes in contact with CO2 gas.
For galvanic corrosion to occur, three ele-
ments are required:
• Two metals with different
corrosion potentials
• Direct metal-to-metal
FIG. 5. Corrosion and erosion on the gas passage will cause local stalling in a compressor. electrical contact
• A conductive electrolyte solution
(e.g., water).
In addition to these three elements, the
relative surface area (not mass) of the ex-
posed metals is also an important factor.
If the area of the cathode (noble metal,
here stainless-steel piping and flange) is
very large, and the anode (active metal,
here carbon steel material) is very small,
the current produced is likely to be very
high and the anode (i.e, carbon steel RT
gasket) will corrode quickly. FIG. 4A shows
a new carbon steel RT gasket installed be-
tween stainless-steel flanges, and FIG. 4B
shows that same carbon steel gasket cor-
roded after less than 2,000 hr in service
with CO2 gas and process condensate.

Inlet pipe to compressor. Inlet piping to

each stage of the compressor should be de-
signed for ease of cleaning and inspection.
Inlet piping from below the compressor
casing is recommended with the provi-
sion for insertion and removal of tempo-
rary strainers close to the compressor inlet
without upsetting compressor alignment.
FIG. 6. Corrosion products and scale on the return wall of a CO2 compressor (A), A T-type welded strainer is highly recom-
and catalyst carryover entering the compressor (B).
mended compared to cone or Y-type strain-
78APRIL 2021 |
Maintenance and Reliability

ers, especially for sizes greater than 10 in.

Clearances between the strainer element
outer surface and the pipe internal surface
should be minimized to mitigate the risk
of particle bypassing the strainer element.
Note: A temperature gauge or transmitter
should not be installed downstream of the
strainer. All instrumentation wells should
also be stainless steel. It is highly recom-
mended to validate any stainless-steel ma-
terial before installation by portable posi-
tive material identification tolls.
FIG. 7. Siderite (FeCO3) is the corrosion product of carbon steel in a CO2 environment.
Catalyst carryover. Normally, the
hydrogen content downstream of the Sometimes, the shaft vibration probes Takeaway. A CO2 compressor is a single
H2 removal reactor should be less than indicate no abnormal vibration as they machine without hot standby in a urea
10 ppm. Corrosion products will impact measure shaft displacement compared to plant. A minimum of 1 wk is normally re-
catalyst performance. The catalyst in the the bearing housing; however, the bearing quired for field disassembly and re-assem-
H2 removal reactor normally consists of housing has high vibration due to gas flow bly of a two-casing compressor driven by a
platinum on an aluminum oxide carrier. inside the gas channels/diffusers, reflect- special purpose steam turbine, assuming all
Low catalyst activity may be the result ing the vibration to the bearing housings. parts, resources, special tools and experi-
of catalyst poisoning, such as corrosion Corrosion of the gas passages may cause ence are available and no major repairs are
products, due to using carbon steel mate- stalling even if the compressor is running needed. Such a production stoppage cre-
rial for the compressor casing. at a high flowrate. ates a significant cost for the plant owner.
An additional risk exists of catalyst car- Stall is a local disruption of the gas flow Theoretically, compressor systems are
ryover with CO2 gas and a return to the inside the compressor due to gas velocity designed to avoid liquid at the compressor
LP casing via an anti-surge valve (ASV) direction change. For an early detection suction by removing hydrocarbon con-
(FIG. 1). Provisions for preventing catalyst of this issue through vibration, regular densate or water in scrubbers and send-
carryover and entering the compressor monitoring is recommended. Small am- ing the dry gas in thermal insulated lines,
must be carefully considered in the de- plitude deviations or spikes in a broad when possible. However, in reality, liquid
sign of equipment downstream of the H2 low-frequency range of the vibration removal with 100% efficiency is infeasible.
removal reactor. Do not install the piping spectrum [fast Fourier transform (FFT)] The risk of corrosion inside the compres-
downstream of the ASV to the compres- may be due to a stall happening inside the sor must be studied during detailed de-
sor inlet. It should be installed upstream compressor stage (FIG. 5). sign. Performance and condition monitor-
of the compressor knockout drum. ing should be considered. Stainless-steel
Performance monitoring. CO2 com- series 300 is recommended for all wet-
Diaphragm and casing material. The pressor performance will be impacted ting parts with CO2 gas for compressors,
use of stainless-steel series 300 or 400 cas- due to CO2 corrosion of diffusers, inlet upstream piping material/equipment/
ing and diaphragm material are recom- guide valve, diaphragm, impeller, etc., and instrumentation, inter-stage equipment,
mended. Using a stainless-steel diaphragm clearances of the labyrinth. The conse- piping material and instrumentation.
with carbon steel casing material presents quences of these processes range from the
the risk of galvanic corrosion. Forged ma- plugging of the diffuser channel with cata- NOTES
The recommendations outlined in this article are
terial is recommended compared to plate lyst particles and/or corrosion products, based on the author’s experience and are not related
material for the diaphragm. It is highly to physical damage to the impeller, shaft to any company.
recommended to perform wet magnetic and stationary parts (FIG. 6).
particles for diaphragms during compres- In addition, carryover of the particles Complete Literature Cited available online at
sor overhaul. Provisions should be made and deposits of siderite (FeCO3)—the
for the easy and safe removal of the stain- corrosion product of carbon steel in a
less-steel diaphragm. During overhaul, all CO2 environment with high-velocity SHAHAB ZARDYNEZHAD is a registered Senior
Mechanical Engineer at Alberta with more than 29 yr
galleries, gas passages/diffusers, casing gas—can easily damage the impeller, of experience working on many of the world’s largest
internal surfaces, etc., should be carefully shaft and other compressor parts in the oil, gas and petrochemical projects. He has experience
inspected using the proper tools and non- path of gas (FIG. 7). in engineering, procurement services, manufacturing,
destructive examination. By monitoring the compressor’s per- shop/field inspection, installation, commissioning,
startup, reliability, and the maintenance and operation
formance and identifying any deviation of pumps, compressors and turbines. Mr. Zardynezhad
Condition monitoring. In addition to in polytrophic head or polytrophic effi- holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from
online shaft probe vibration monitoring, ciency, operators can identify problems the University of Petroleum of Iran, an MS degree in
industrial engineering from I.U.S.T-Iran, an MS degree in
it is recommended to regularly check the inside the compressor that may not be project management and an MS degree in mechanical
bearing housings vibration with an ap- identified by condition monitoring, such engineering from the University of Calgary. He is a
propriate portable vibration analyzer. as vibration monitoring. certified API inspector for rotating equipment.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 202179

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and Safety
C. G. MORENO, QHSE Institute, Lima, Peru

Alarm management: A pillar of process

safety management
The following describes how an ad- ed or, at least, with the necessary detail • Massive alarm recognition
equate implementation of alarm man- or frequency, identify whether control without analysis or prior
agement is a fundamental part in process strategies are aligned with current pro- investigation (i.e., clean alarms)
safety management (PSM). Since alarm cess requirements for safety and produc- • Deactivation of alarms, decrease
management is one of the best strategies tivity, and, above all, identify whether of the volume of the audible
for diagnosing, evaluating, improving there are properly documented and sup- alarm system or modification
and controlling the performance of the ported changes or adaptations under the of alarm values in the system.
various processes involved in the hydro- organization’s policies and standards. In If these symptoms occur in a system,
carbon processing industry, this strategy addition, this is an excellent opportunity it is likely that an alarm management sys-
enables personnel to structure and facili- to bring together teams from different tem should be implemented to strength-
tate the understanding and involvement areas of an organization (e.g., operations, en the process management system be-
of staff with the main elements of PSM. engineering, security and maintenance) fore an unexpected event occurs.
In addition, this article details how con- to improve operational and safety stan- To have an adequate starting point,
cepts, stages, indicators, etc., of alarm man- dards, strengthening teamwork. it is advisable to begin with the review
agement are compatible with the main of the philosophy or strategy of control,
elements of PSM, allowing it to be incor- Diagnostics. This is the base stage of any alarms and automatic interlocks—to
porated into this management system. alarm management implementation pro- have a good understanding of the pro-
One of the main challenges for a sus- cess. Before starting the process, it is advis- cesses involved and, above all, the level
tained and successful implementation of able to evaluate the following symptoms: of updating and changes made over time.
PSM is that it remains updated over time • Control screens are covered by Typical documents to review at this stage
and provides timely and correct informa- active alarm signals, even under are the control philosophy, facility and
tion about a process’ performance, so that normal operating conditions process design, operating procedures and
its elements allow it to manage the current • There are active alarms for long cause and effect matrix.
deviations. This challenge is addressed by periods of time without being After the process is understood and
the implementation of an adequate and attended by the staff in charge reviewed, the metrics for the definition of
crucial alarm management.
To implement proper alarm manage-
ment, the following stages should be con-
sidered (FIG. 1): Diagnostics (from the
initial state of the alarm system), analysis
(identification of deviations and their
sources), implementation (application of
improvement actions) and operation (for
control and monitoring of the final state).

Developing alarm management.

During the development of alarm man-
agement, the operational discipline that
an organization has developed over time
is assessed. During this development,
fundamental documents are reviewed
FIG. 1. Stages of development of alarm management.
that are sometimes not adequately updat-
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 81
Environment and Safety

when setting alarms, causing them

TABLE 1. Criterion for the acceptability of alarm systems
to appear on both stations. This
No alarms recorded in stable operation Acceptability Section A to D: no additional source condition can lead to a lack of
More than 1/min Unacceptable operational discipline, since being
1 every 2 min Over scathing
at both stations, the operators
can expect the other to attend to
1 every 5 min Manageable
them and vice versa, or worse, the
< 1 every 10 min Acceptable alarm is not attended after a long
period of time. For this type of
lowing personnel to export that informa- case, it is advisable to establish
tion to computer tools such as spread- a level of criticality of alarms that
sheets or databases. To avoid distortions should go in redundancy towards
or inaccurate decisions, it is important the main control room, given its
to consider the following when selecting level of impact on the process
evaluation periods: and its security or its
• Information should be taken interrelationship with the other
during periods when the process processes of an installation
has developed within normal (processing, storage, etc.).
operation (i.e., without scheduled Other types of rationalization
or unscheduled plant shutdowns) examples can be found in the
• Preferably under relevant operating alerts of the same system (warning
FIG. 2. Getting data considerations. conditions (i.e., processing loads of upcoming maintenance,
or relevant production levels). capacity alerts, etc.), which are
An important part of the diagnosis is usually seen as alarms and distract
the level of acceptability are established, the validation of staff competencies that the attention of operations
which will be the main criterion for the carry out the process control (e.g., opera- staff. Usually, the architectures
measurement and subsequent control of tors, panelists and supervisors) to iden- of the control systems have
the alarm management to be implement- tify the training needs and action plans. maintenance or support modules
ed. Many ways exist to establish this cri- Experience indicates that the fundamen- managed by the maintenance or
teria; however, having a reference based tal documents previously listed are often instrumentation personnel. These
on recognized standards or good prac- set aside, so they must be incorporated types of alarms can be managed
tices will provide greater support and a with the most up-to-date versions for through these modules only,
future possibility of reference with other new personnel training. allowing them to clear the control
similar processes or plants. screens of the process itself.
As an appropriate and well-accepted Analysis. This stage is based on the in- 2. Review of inconsistencies
criterion in the industry, the Engineer- formation obtained in the diagnostics and failures. It is important to
ing Equipment and Materials Users As- stage. Several types of deviations can be identify the nature of the alarms
sociation (EEMUA) 191 standard1 can found in this stage, which depends on that are presented on a recurring
be adopted, which sets the level of ac- the particularities of each case (process basis during normal operating
ceptability depending on the number of type, management style, organizational conditions. The main causes to
alarms recorded under normal condi- culture, etc.). However, at this stage, it is be analyzed include:
tions (TABLE 1). advisable to group the variances into the • Changes in process
Depending on the level of acceptabil- following aspects: capabilities (processing load
ity determined during the diagnosis, the 1. Rationalization. It is important increases, changes in operating
goal is to improve the level as implemen- to be clear that rationalization is conditions, different modes
tation progresses, recommending the not an alarm removal process but of operation, etc.)
“manageable level” to be achieved (i.e., a process of managing alarms in • Inadequate calibration of
one alarm every 5 min). the right place at the right time. equipment or instruments
Control systems usually have func- Depending on the configuration • Uncontrolled changes in alarm
tionalities that allow the alarm records to of the control systems, there are settings in the control system
be obtained, which, in turn, are properly processes that are controlled • Errors in the process design.
organized according to the process vari- in a certain place and monitored This review requires a detailed
ables (flow, pressure, temperature, etc.) in the main control room. For analysis in the engineering
to which specific process or equipment example, a truck loading station and design of the equipment,
are associated, to which signal or con- usually has a special control especially in the instruments and
troller they belong, and even the type workstation—different from equipment associated with the
and level of alarms or automatic stop the main control room—that recurrence of alarms. For example,
(FIG. 2). This makes it easier to manage is only monitored. However, it is common for an automatic
the information for the analysis stage, al- redundancy is usually incurred cutting or emergency valve to set
82APRIL 2021 |
Environment and Safety

an opening or closing time. In functionality of alarms and After completing the analysis
case this time is extended from adopting them as a means of and identifying the causes of
a defined value, an alarm will be control. This constitutes a the recurrence of alarms, it is
triggered indicating a problem deviation from the operational necessary to review the operating
during operation. However, discipline that must be promptly procedures that allow the proper
since the valves complete their attenuated. management of the alarms,
stroke, there is a phenomenon of 3. Adequacy to the process. Based which establish the necessary
normalization of this deviation on the information reviewed at permissions to make changes. In
since the operator trusts that the diagnostics stage, this aspect this regard, training opportunities
the valve will open or close requires a detailed analysis of for operational staff should be
completely and the alarm will be the process and the changes identified, as well.
recognized without further action that have been made to it. 4. Implementation. Since changes
or analysis. This can be risky in For example, when plant capacity to the alarm system will be made
the case of a real occurrence. expansions are carried out, in this stage and the proper
In this situation, it is advisable it leads to flow increases in management of change (MoC)
to check or calibrate the drive certain process streams, implying must be applied, this stage should
time of the valves and inspect that the configuration of the only begin after the organization
for any internal damage to the instruments must also be has validated and approved the
valve or actuator to eliminate the modified (rangeability), along final reports of the previous stages.
recurrence of such alarms. with the new alarm values Alarm management
Another example is when according to the new flows to be implementation should be
uncontrolled changes are made handled. Without these changes, aligned with the safety policies
to alarm values by operational recurring alarms are often of the organization, especially
personnel to use alarms as an presented and the phenomenon of with the elements of PSM, so
alert mechanism when reaching normalization of deviation from that its implementation will be
a desired value, distorting the operational personnel occurs. integral and effective to establish

TABLE 2. Relationship of alarm management and PSM

PSM elements Diagnostic Analysis Implementation Operation
Commit to Leadership X X X X
process safety
Compliance with standards X X X X

Process safety competency X X X X

Workforce involvement X X X X

Stakeholder outreach X X X X
Understand Process knowledge management X X X X
hazards and risks
Hazard and risks analysis X X X X
Manage risks Operating procedures X X X

Safe work practices X X

Asset integrity and reliability X X X X

Contractor management X X

Training and performance assurance X X


Operational readiness X X

Conduct of operations X X X X

Emergency management X X X X

Incident investigation X X X X
Learn from Measurement and metrics X X
Auditing X

Continuous improvement X

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 83

Environment and Safety

TABLE 3. KPI proposal

KPI description KPI Goal PSM elements linked
Level of acceptability No. of alarms/5 min <1 All elements
Reliability of control system No. of fails registered/5 min <1 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
Operational discipline No. of bypasses or overriden alarms 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20
Readiness for emergency response % of operative alarms or interlock devices 100% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15,
during tests 16, 18, 19, 20
Standards compliance % of alarms or interlock devices that 100% 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 18, 19, 20
comply with codes or standards
MoC % of process changes (alarms, signs, etc.) 100% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15,
analyzed and registered 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Management of operating procedures % of updated or reviewed procedures/yr 100% 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
Competencies certification % of trained staff in process control 100% 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20

an operational discipline in the managed and be part of the continuous • Consider the implementation
staff and achieve a link to the improvement of the organization. of alarm management as a
operational philosophy with the Another example is how the criteria for pillar for strengthening or
safety culture of the organization. incident investigation are established or consolidating PSM, involving
This is the critical moment that determined. This is one of the most im- the resources needed to
organizations face to succeed in portant elements of PSM and where alarm achieve the desired results.
this implementation. management takes a very important role. • The alarm management makes
Success of its management constitutes a PSM assurance easier due to
Identifying the elements of PSM. Ac- source of predictive information to ana- its aspects being linked to
cording to the elements established for lyze deviations in operational discipline, PSM elements.
PSM1, during alarm management imple- equipment reliability and staff compe- • Consider a project approach
mentation stages, specific elements are tence, among others. In addition, during to its implementation, especially
developed that facilitate the development the diagnostic and analysis stages, it can be for organizations that have a
of process management or complement determined whether it is necessary to im- PMO and can establish
the existing ones. plement a certain research methodology management under project
To identify and interrelate the stages according to the new requirements of the management guidelines.
of the development of alarm management process and policies of the organization. This action will speed up and
with the main elements of PSM, TABLE 2 facilitate its implementation.
proposes a conceptual guide scheme. The Establishing management indica- • Put a lot of emphasis on
scheme in TABLE 2 shows that the imple- tors. Two large groups of management validations or approvals during
mentation of alarm management covers indicators exist: lagging and leading. This deployment. It is advisable
all elements of PSM, making it easier for analysis will focus on the latter since it to apply an appropriate transition
the organization to implement it, upgrad- is more aligned to the objective of PSM, plan to avoid uncoordinated
ing the organization’s operational and which is to ensure the reliability of antici- actions during the implementation
safety standards. pating failures in processes based on the of a certain stage.
From diagnosis as a baseline and then continuous analysis of deviations and on
analysis, implementation and sustainable a solid management of information. LITERATURE CITED
operation, several elements develop dur- TABLE 3 details a list of indicators re- 1 Center for Chemical Process Safety, Guidelines for
ing stages of implementation. Other ele- lated to alarm management that can be Implementing Process Safety Management, 2nd Ed.,
Wiley-AiChE, July 2016
ments are developed as their need is de- incorporated into PSM dashboards in
termined and incorporated or improved. organizations that have implemented it. CARLOS GARCÍA MORENO is a
For example, the revision of the con- It is important to note that these indica- Senior Consultant with more than
trol philosophy during the diagnostics tors—all related to alarm management— 18 yr of experience in the oil and gas
stage serves as the basis for the analysis are geared with the elements of PSM and industry. He started his career as
a Production Supervisor in an NGL
of the process and validates the strategy could facilitate performance measure- fractionation plant with Pluspetrol
or philosophy of alarms, as well as for ment and be integrated into the organiza- Peru Co. Recently, he developed
the review and elaboration of better staff tion’s PSM scheme. his career in marine terminals with Oiltanking
training plans and position profiles for the Peru S.A. and Solgas S.A. He earned a BS degree
in petrochemical engineering from the National
incorporation of new talents. Finally, this General recommendations. The fol- University of Engineering (Peru), an MBA from
document must be updated each time a lowing are general recommendations to Centrum Católica Business School and an MS degree
change is made, which must be properly establishing alarm management: in project management from ESAN Business School.

84 APRIL 2021 |


Valve solutions bioreactors, DeZURIK can custom match (FIG. 3) to its family of variable area flow-
for environmental valves to the application’s exact flow and meter products.
water quality conditions and provide de- Suitable for a wide variety of indus-
wastewater tailed flow and pump efficiency analysis. tries—from chemical manufacturing
DeZURIK, a leading valve manu- to pharmaceutical production to wa-
facturer in the industrial and municipal Safely measure ter treatment and distribution—the
markets, offers a wide variety of valve GT1600 is ideal for low- and high-flow
solutions for environmental wastewa- low-differential pressure gas and liquid applications where view-
ter systems, including grey water intake, of corrosives ing the process is important.
pump isolation, pump surge control and The heavy-duty Ashcroft® 5503 low- The rugged flowmeter features high-
membrane bioreactor isolation. differential pressure gauge (FIG. 2) now quality design and materials, such as 316
The company’s broad range of valves offers extra protection against a wide stainless-steel construction and a polycar-
(FIG. 1) includes the DeZURIK, APCO, variety of corrosive liquids and gases. bonate shield, to ensure safety and lon-
Hilton, Willamette and Red Valve brands. The new “LH” option adds Ashcroft 700 gevity for both indoor and outdoor use.
These brands, combined with in-depth series diaphragm seals with flexible cap- For ease of use, the adjustable, trans-
expertise of its technical staff, position illaries to any 5503 gauge ranged from parent scale improves readability and al-
DeZURIK to analyze environmental 60 in. H2O (3 psi)–160 in. H2O (6 psi). lows for offset correction to compensate
wastewater systems and provide options Choices of wetted materials include 316 for process variation. In addition, the
for practical, cost-effective solutions for SS, tantalum, titanium, Hastelloy® B, process connection can be rotated 360°
handling corrosive, erosive, abrasive and Hastelloy® C 276, K-Monel® and Car-
viscous media. The DeZURIK product penter® 20. Dial sizes of 4 in. (100 mm)
line includes a wide variety of butterfly and 6 in. (160 mm) are available along
valves, eccentric plug valves, knife gate with optional features including liquid
valves, check valves, pump control valves, fill, electrical contacts and a choice of
surge relief valves, air release/air vacuum mounting hardware.
valves, and more.
DeZURIK is an industry leader with Variable area flowmeters
high-quality, AWWA C504 and C517
isolation and process flow control valves for process industries
that are up to the unique challenges of in- Brooks Instrument, a world leader in
dustrial environmental wastewater. From advanced flow, pressure and vapor deliv-
traditional dissolved gas flotation (DGF) ery solutions, has added the GT1600 Se- FIG. 2. The heavy-duty Ashcroft® 5503
systems to more advanced membrane ries of glass tube variable area flowmeters low-differential pressure gauge.

FIG. 1. The DeZURIK range of valves includes the DeZURIK, APCO, Hilton, Willamette FIG. 3. The Brooks Instrument GT1600 Series
and Red Valve brands. of glass tube variable area flowmeters.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 85


so users can view from all directions. An multiple thermal imaging cameras simul- helps utilities and other industrial com-
alarm option is also available for automat- taneously to provide real-time analysis panies solve the challenges of schedul-
ic monitoring of critical flow conditions. and exceptional functionality, delivering ing, planning and tracking a myriad of
Configured for simple installation, protection against unwanted emissions. activities related to performing QA tests
the GT1600 is available with a variety Detailed visualization of the thermal data required by state and federal agencies.
of connections to fit existing piping ar- and the ability to set alarms enable the QAInsight serves as a company’s
rangements or mount to a panel or wall. system to warn if action is required. single source for QA test data, ensur-
It can also work as a drop-in retrofit for In addition to producing a visual im- ing access to information across differ-
the Brooks Instrument GT1000, GT1300 age, AMETEK Land’s imager also de- ent facilities and departments, as well as
and Full-View® 1100 Series of flowmeters, tects the infrared radiation emitted from eliminating mistakes or incorrect data re-
which have been widely used for decades. the flame. This means the camera sees sulting from spreadsheets or other error-
The GT1600 is fashioned for easy the flame, whether it is colored or clear, prone collection and storage methods.
maintenance. For in-situ cleaning, the no matter the weather. QAInsight users can see an overview
glass tube and float can be replaced with- With a wide detection range from of their QA activities (including QA test
out removing the flowmeter from the pip- 100°C–1,000°C (212°F–1,832°F), even completion dates, operating data and
ing, saving time and cost. if the gas composition changes and af- recertification event deadlines), color-
fects the temperature of the flame, the coded to help them quickly set priorities.
Enhanced thermal imager continues to supply an accurate While QAInsight can be configured
measurement. The range is also high to work with any data acquisition system
imaging flare stack enough to ensure that background heat (DAS), it automatically imports critical
solution is ignored, and it operates in ambient information from ESC Spectrum’s Stack-
AMETEK Land, a leader in non-con- temperatures from –20°C–60°C (–4°F– Vision™ DAS.
tact temperature measurement and com- 140°F), making it suitable for installa-
bustion emissions monitoring for industri- tion in almost any location. Advanced redundant
al applications, has enhanced its flare stack The ability to select multiple regions control system for
monitoring thermal imaging solution with of interest ensures that measurements
the inclusion of its advanced image pro- continue to be made even when the emergency shutdown
cessing IMAGEPro software to deliver ac- flame is moved by wind conditions. By situations
curate and reliable monitoring of the flame delivering accurate and reliable monitor- Emerson has released its ASCO™
and the pilot light at the flare stack. ing, the solution helps ensure that plants 141 Series advanced redundant control
AMETEK Land’s flare stack monitor- can meet flare stack emissions require- system (ARCS) to provide a redundant
ing solution (FIG. 4) includes an infrared ments in a safe and efficient operation. solution for a variety of emergency shut-
imager that produces high-resolution down valve applications. It includes vari-
thermal images of the target, from any Software to schedule, ous redundant solenoid configurations
distance. This allows the camera to be plan and track to enhance the reliability of the process
positioned at a safe distance from the and meet specific safety or reliability
flame and makes it easily accessible for quality assurance (QA) requirements in automation processes.
installation and maintenance. test activities The single inlet/single outlet design
The solution’s IMAGEPro software ESC Spectrum has released QAIn- provides a streamlined installation pro-
monitors, captures and displays data from sight, a subscription-based software that cess, while almost eliminating potential
failure points.
The ASCO 141 Series ARCS is de-
signed for use as a component in safety
instrumented systems. Utilizing 1oo2,
2oo2 or 2oo3 voting solenoids to en-
hance the reliability of the circuit, it
functions as a redundant pneumatics
tripping device to control the pilot air
signal to a process valve actuator. The
ARCS features either two or four elec-
trically actuated solenoid valves, visual
indicators and a manually controlled by-
pass or isolation valve. The unique con-
trol functionality allows for maintenance
of the solenoid valves without having to
shut down the process valve. In fact, the
use of the maintenance bypass or isola-
tion valve is not required for functional
FIG. 4. AMETEK Land’s enhanced flare stack monitoring thermal imaging solution.
testing of the ARCS unit—a downtime-
86APRIL 2021 |

reducing feature not possible with com- maintenance features, ARCS is suitable or a diaphragm acting in conjunction
mon bypass functions. for a wide variety of valve piloting ap- with a separate or integral disk-member
With just a single part number, the plications to meet both safety and opera- sealing against a seat, having equal seal-
ASCO 141 series ARCS features several tional availability requirements. ing capability in either flow direction,
advances that simplify specification, in- and having diaphragms being essentially
stallation and operation. Supplied as a MSS publishes made of elastomeric or plastic material
fully integrated, comprehensive solution or combinations thereof.
using a manifold instead of individual revised standard SP-88 continues to be maintained
valves, ARCS comes pre-tested from the for diaphragm valves under the consensus of MSS Techni-
factory and ready to install. The Manufacturers Standardization cal Committee 406, Diaphragm Valves.
The direct valve-to-valve design elim- Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings The revised Standard Practice, MSS SP-
inates pipework and fittings between Industry has announced that SP-88- 88-2021, is now available from autho-
the solenoid valves and minimizes leak 2021, Diaphragm Valves, has been re- rized U.S. and global distributors. It has
points for increased reliability and a vised and published by the MSS. been published in an electronic version
lower total cost of ownership. A status Standard Practice (SP)-88 has served (PDF) and in book format.
indicator with feedback helps facilitate as an industry norm for more than 43 yr,
preventive maintenance while providing providing a framework for the limitations 3-in-1 industrial
online fault detection and digital input and requirements of valves in which a
feedback (via pressure switches or Em- nonmetallic, resilient diaphragm is used sensor with vibration,
erson-exclusive GO Switch options) to to separate the working parts of the valve temperature and speed
the control room. For additional peace from the line fluid and also functions in Petasense, a leader in Industrial Inter-
of mind, the ASCO 327 series 3/2-way conjunction with other parts as a valve net of Things (IIoT) sensors and asset
direct acting solenoid valves included on closure member. reliability and optimization, launched
the ARCS manifold are certified to SIL 3 This Standard Practice applies to the first industrial wired sensor that
capable (exida) standards. valves for general liquid and gas service combines vibration, temperature and
A direct-acting platform with ad- that effect valve closure by means of a speed detection into a single sensor.
vanced diagnostic capability and online resilient diaphragm sealing against a weir The Vibration Sensor (VSx), shown in

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Reducing the Green Premium - Technology Enablers to

Accelerate Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Development
Hydrogen and carbon capture have become focal points as energy and chemical companies look
to reduce emissions and achieve net-zero carbon targets. But what’s the best approach?
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Please join Hydrocarbon Processing Executive Editor Adrienne Blume and AspenTech Industry
Director, Marketing Strategy Expert Ron Beck as they discuss how new digital tools integrated with existing technology give
Aspen Technology, Inc. you a competitive edge to reduce your carbon footprint while greatly advancing your overall
sustainability efforts. Learn how new innovations enable you to:

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In addition, customer case studies will be shared to demonstrate how modeling has been applied
in support of carbon capture, green and blue hydrogen, and fuel cells.

There will be a Q&A session following the event. We encourage you to join the conversation by
Adrienne Blume submitting questions when registering.

Executive Editor
Register for Free:
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2021 87


FIG. 5, plugs into the Petasense Transmit- asense Transmitter, users can take advan- immediately indicates the severity of
ter (Tx) to detect common failures in tage of affordable battery-less wireless the vibration based on the built-in ISO
variable speed, batch or spared assets. monitoring. Eliminating battery change- 10816 alarm limits (velocity in mm/sec
Until now, these assets have been outs will help to accelerate IIoT deploy- or in./sec). The main screen also shows
challenging to monitor because readings ments, which has been a common chal- the rolling-element bearing condition
are often taken under different operating lenge for large-scale projects. in bearing damage units measurement
conditions, resulting in missed readings Data from the VSx is sent from the (BDU) and total g (RMS acceleration).
or data points that are not comparable Transmitter securely over standard WiFi The display of the vibration level in fre-
across time. to the Petasense Asset Reliability and quency ranges indicates the most com-
Integrated-speed detection within the Optimization (ARO) Cloud. ARO uses mon machine faults, such as imbalance,
VSx allows users to take measurements machine-learning algorithms, coupled misalignment or looseness.
only during the specified speed ranges with a comprehensive library of assets VIBROSTORE 100 is available ei-
or when the asset is operating. Embed- and failure modes, to continuously as- ther as standalone or packaged with the
ded smart sensing allows the sensors to sess asset health. Web and mobile apps B&K Vibro Report & Route Manager
communicate with each other, providing allow users to monitor assets remotely software, a powerful and highly func-
synchronized readings across multiple and receive actionable insights through tional route editor and analysis software.
sensors on the asset train. By taking si- real-time notifications.
multaneous measurements, users are able Small vessel proportional
to better diagnose developing problems. Quick and easy machine
The VSx follows the recent launch level detector for high-
of Petasense’s wireless Vibration Mote health monitoring temperature processes
(VM3) and provides an option for appli- Brüel & Kjær Vibro (B&K Vibro), The Dynatrol® CL-10GPT propor-
cations or customers that want a wired one of the leading worldwide indepen- tional level detector (FIG. 7) is designed
sensor. By wiring the VSx into the Pet- dent suppliers of condition monitoring specifically to control liquid levels in
solutions for rotating machinery, has pilot plants, processing, small vessels
launched VIBROSTORE 100 (FIG. 6), or anywhere it is necessary to obtain
a palm-sized device that provides vibra- proportional level control over a pre-
tion level and bearing wear monitoring cise range. Applications may include
for balance-of-plant machines at the hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, pulp-
push of a button. ing chemicals, slurries, etc. The EC-
The lightweight device can be used 103C(G) Control Unit is paired with
single-handedly and enables even un- the Detector and can activate electro-
trained personnel to take vibration pneumatic transducers, valve position-
measurements and assess a semi-critical ers, indicators, controllers or other DC
machine’s overall vibration condition. current devices.
The instrument is equipped with a pre- The Dynatrol CL-10GPT and EC-
FIG. 5. Petasense has released its Vibration
set, cable-connected, high-quality B&K 103C(G) accurately monitor and con-
Sensor (VSx). Vibro acceleration sensor. Once the trol an extremely precise liquid level
type and size of the machine based on range due to a unique high-resolution,
ISO 10816 and its running speed are proportional output signal. This unique
entered, a one-button push can perform control operates reliably under varying
the measurement. A traffic-light display frequency power supplies or harsh pro-
cess conditions, such as high pressures
and high temperatures.
Installation is simple, and the sepa-
rate control unit permits installation at
any convenient location. The detector is
mounted through a ¾-in. half-coupling
at the point of desired level detection,
eliminating costly flanges, float chamber
or fittings. The Dynatrol CL-10GPT
and EC-103C(G) operate on either a
50Hz or 60HZ power supply.
Dynatrol detectors are constructed for
a long operating life and provide years of
FIG. 6. Brüel & Kjær Vibro has launched dependable service in industrial environ-
VIBROSTORE 100, providing vibration level ments. All units are built in accordance
and bearing wear monitoring for balance-of- FIG. 7. The Dynatrol® CL-10GPT proportional with Class I, Group D; Class II, Groups
plant machines. level detector.
E, F & G; and Class III services.
88APRIL 2021 |
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Technology and Business Information for the Global Gas Processing Industry | MARCH/APRIL 2021

Reduce emissions and save energy with an unconventional FGRS
Obtain accurate NOX values to reduce emissions from combustion
GTI makes big strides in hydrogen projects, advocacy

An integrated, intelligent gathering and processing super system

Evolution and innovation for an increasingly dispersed LNG market

Special Supplement to
What are “green technologies,” and why | MARCH/APRIL 2021
do we need them in gas processing and
LNG? The answer is as obvious to many
engineers in the energy space as it is to en-
vironmental scientists: cleaner fuels result in
a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
Less emissions and fewer pollutants are
A. BLUME, needed in the production, transport, distri-
Editor-in-Chief bution and usage of fossil energy, including
natural gas, to sustain human and environ-
mental health and to diversify global and regional energy sources.
A number of initiatives are underway to support these efforts SPECIAL FOCUS: GREEN TECHNOLOGIES
across the midstream, downstream and renewable energy sectors,
15 Reduce emissions and save energy
including the capture and storage of more CO2 emissions; a great-
with an unconventional flare
er focus on lifecycle emissions, particularly in LNG; increased
gas recovery system
recycling of plastics and wastes; and the expansion of renewable
A. H. Al-Tijani and I. Ashiq
energy infrastructure and H2 production. Note: For more insight
into technical applications and trends in the H2 sector, please con- 17 Obtain accurate NOX values for strategies
sult our new technical journal, H2Tech ( to reduce emissions from combustion
To support the industry’s efforts to decarbonize and transi- G. Y. Zhao, L. Liu and M.-S. Li
tion to cleaner sources of energy, the U.S. Department of Energy’s
three applied energy laboratories are studying the integration of LNG TECHNOLOGY
hybrid energy systems. The joint effort outlines novel concepts 23 Evolution and innovation for an
to simultaneously leverage diverse energy generators—includ- increasingly dispersed LNG market
ing renewable, nuclear and fossil fuels with carbon capture—to J. G. Baguley and R. Wheeler
provide power, heat, clean water, fuels and chemicals.
One application example is a hypothetical, tightly coupled PROCESS TROUBLESHOOTING
industrial energy park that uses heat and electricity from flexible, 29 Mitigate fouling in process
advanced nuclear reactors, small-scale fossil fuel generators, and units via advanced analysis
renewable energy to produce electricity and H2 from electroly- S. Williams and D. B. Engel
sis. Such flexibility could provide an abundant supply of clean
energy for larger, net-zero-emissions energy systems to power a DIGITALIZATION
cleaner future for society. GP 33 The smart gas plant: An integrated, intelligent
gathering and processing super system
P. O. Box 2608 A. Nathan and C. Harclerode
Houston, Texas 77252-2608, USA
Phone: +1 (713) 529-4301
Fax: +1 (713) 520-4433 BACK TO BASICS 39 Process technologies for LNG production
PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins L. Micucci
Editor-in-Chief Adrienne Blume
Managing Editor Mike Rhodes COLUMNS
Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher, Lee Nichols
Hydrocarbon Processing Regional Focus��������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
MAGAZINE PRODUCTION India leaps forward on natural gas infrastructure
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone Executive Viewpoint������������������������������������������������������������11
Manager, Advertising Production Cheryl Willis
Manager, Editorial Production Angela Bathe Dietrich GTI’s Hydrogen Technology Center makes
Assistant Manager, Editorial Production Melissa DeLucca big strides in H2 projects, advocacy
Artist/Illustrator David Weeks
Graphic Designer Krista Norman
See Sales Offices, page 43. Gas Processing News...................................................................... 4
Copyright © 2021 by Gulf Energy Information LLC. All rights reserved. Global Projects Data....................................................................... 6
U.S. Industry Metrics........................................................................8
New in Gas Processing Technology............................................ 43
President/CEO John Royall
CFO Alan Millis
Cover Image: At the Port of Rotterdam, Shell plans to build a
Vice President, Upstream and Midstream Andy McDowell
Vice President, Finance and Operations Pamela Harvey 200-MW electrolyzer that is intended to start operations by 2023
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone to produce approximately 50,000 kg/d–60,000 kg/d of hydrogen.
Vice President, Downstream Catherine Watkins The green hydrogen initially will be used at the Shell refinery in
Other Gulf Energy Information titles include: Hydrocarbon Processing ®, World Oil ®, Pernis (pictured) to partially decarbonize the production of fossil fuels.
Petroleum Economist ©, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Underground Construction. Photo courtesy of Photographic Services, Shell International Ltd.
A. BLUME, Editor-in-Chief

BCCK signs deal Australia marks LNG export record in 2020

for landfill gas-to- Australia exported a
record 78 MMt of LNG in
energy plant 2020, up from 77.5 MMt
BCCK Holding Co. (BCCK) in 2019, according to
signed an agreement with estimates by EnergyQuest.
Archaea Energy to provide a The record-high levels
13,700-sft3/min Style IV NiTech were reported despite
nitrogen rejection unit (NRU) the disruptions to Gorgon
to the world’s largest high-BTU output, Prelude not
landfill gas-to-energy plant in producing LNG since early
Pennsylvania, U.S. February 2020, production
The Style IV NiTech process issues at Wheatstone
design features a new, modular- and COVID-19 demand
skidded design that allows destruction for LNG,
greater flexibility with respect especially early in the year.
to compositional changes or Australian production
flow capacity changes. BCCK’s was above Qatar’s
NiTech technology performs estimated nameplate
a key role in transforming landfill capacity of 77 MMtpy.
gas into nearly 100% pure The Australian projects
renewable natural gas. operated at 89% of total
The NRUs, which are nameplate capacity of 87.8 MMtpy. Australia’s 2020 total LNG export revenue was estimated at A$36.1 B,
engineered in-house and a decrease from A$48.7 B in 2019. LNG export revenue was impacted by lower oil prices seen through
fabricated at BCCK’s fabrication much of the year since April, coupled with low spot prices for LNG.
facility, deliver smaller footprint, Meanwhile, Woodside is looking to sell a 50% stake in the new production train at its Pluto LNG plant
less compression requirements in Western Australia, as a precondition for a planned, $11-B expansion at its Scarborough gas development.
in terms of horsepower The renewed push by Australia’s largest independent gas producer on the 8-metric-MMtpy expansion
and higher recovery, all at project comes after last year’s COVID-19-induced collapse in oil and gas prices drove Woodside’s underlying
reduced CAPEX. annual profit down 58% to $447 MM.

Energy Transfer Tema LNG regas Israel to link Leviathan gas field
to buy Enable facility begins to Egypt LNG plants
Midstream deliveries Israel and Egypt have agreed to build a pipeline to connect Israel’s
offshore Leviathan natural gas field to LNG terminals in northern Egypt.
for $2.6 B Palestine has also signed an agreement with Egypt’s energy minister,
Energy Transfer LP plans to who visited Israel and the occupied West Bank, to develop a gas field
buy Enable Midstream Partners off the coast of Gaza. Israel and Egypt are both looking for new ways
to strengthen its natural gas to expand the development of East Mediterranean natural gas.
transportation business as it faces Israel’s Leviathan field, located 130 km (80 mi) off Israel’s coast,
already supplies the Israeli domestic market and exports gas to
a legal battle that could shut its
Jordan and Egypt. Its shareholders include Chevron and Delek Drilling.
Dakota Access crude pipeline.
Leviathan’s partners have been exploring options to expand the
The $2.6-B deal, announced in project, including a floating LNG facility or a subsea pipeline to link up
mid-February, came just weeks with LNG terminals in Egypt that have been idled or run at less than
after a U.S. appeals court dealt a Tema LNG’s FRU arrived in their nameplate capacity.
blow to the 557,000-bpd Dakota Ghana in early January, allowing Meanwhile, Palestine has asked Egypt for help in developing the
pipeline, raising the chances Tema LNG Terminal Co. to start Gaza Marine field with the project’s partners, the Palestine Investment
that it will be shut pending an delivering LNG to customers in Fund, the sovereign fund of the Palestinian Authority and Consolidated
environmental review. Q1 2021. The LNG is supplied under Contractors Co. Gaza Marine sits approximately 30 km (19 mi) off
Regulators have also denied a long-term contract with Shell. the Palestinian enclave’s coast and is estimated to hold more than
permits to notable natural gas Tema LNG, backed by 1 Tft3 of natural gas.
pipelines, while the new Biden Helios Investment Partners and
administration has effectively Africa Infrastructure Investment
canceled the Keystone XL Managers, is the first offshore LNG Technip, Chiyoda awarded
pipeline project and has indicated receiving terminal in sub-Saharan LNG contracts for Qatar LNG
its intention to limit oil and gas Africa. The terminal employs the
TechnipFMC announced that CTJV, a joint venture between
drilling on federal lands. innovative combination of the
Chiyoda Corp. and Technip Energies, has been awarded a major
The acquisition was valued at FRU twinned with an existing
EPCC contract by Qatar Petroleum for the onshore facilities of the
about $7.2 B, including debt. The LNG carrier to receive, store and
North Field East project.
deal will provide gas gathering regasify 1.7 MMtpy of LNG. The award will cover the delivery of four mega-trains, each with
and processing assets in the This system provides Ghana a capacity of 8 MMtpy of LNG and associated utility facilities. It will
Arkoma basin across Oklahoma with all the functionality of a large include a large CO2 capture and sequestration facility, leading to more
and Arkansas, as well as the scale FRU terminal, but with added than 25% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to
Haynesville Shale in East Texas flexibility. This enables Ghana similar LNG facilities.
and North Louisiana. Energy National Petroleum Corp. to supply The new facilities will receive approximately 6 Bsft3d of feed gas
Transfer expects the combined reliable and cost-effective gas into from the eastern sector of Qatar’s North Field, which is the largest
company to generate more than the Tema power and industrial nonassociated gas field in the world. The expansion project will
$100 MM of annual run-rate cost enclave while strengthening West produce approximately 33 MMtpy of additional LNG, increasing
and efficiency savings. Africa’s energy security. Qatar’s total production from 77 MMtpy to 110 MMtpy.

4 MARCH/APRIL 2021 |
Time to kick the habit.

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your cylindrical filters to the curb. FTC’s new Invicta
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improve filter packing density in traditional filter vessels.
The result is significantly increased surface area, lower
flux rates, longer run times and fewer change-outs. The
future of liquid filtration has a new shape. Learn how
Invicta can improve your fluid process operations.
LEE NICHOLS, Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher, Hydrocarbon Processing

According to Shell, global LNG demand is forecast for nearly half of active capital projects in the global LNG
to nearly double to 700 MMtpy by 2040. The Asia- industry. Most of these investments are for new LNG
Pacific region will be the leader in LNG demand growth import infrastructure in China and India. Both nations are
throughout the forecast period. Gulf Energy Information’s investing heavily to increase natural gas usage in their total
Construction Boxscore and Global Energy Infrastructure energy mix. Globally, nearly 80% of active LNG projects are
(GEI) databases show that the Asia-Pacific region accounts in preconstruction phases. GP

Eastern Europe,
37 Western Europe Russia, CIS

U.S. 109
11 Middle East
Latin America Asia-Pacific

Active LNG projects by region

Source: Construction Boxscore Database and Global Energy Infrastructure

New gas processing/LNG project announcements, Active LNG project market share
March 2020–March 2021 by activity level
9% Engineering
11 23% Under construction
8 8 8
9 4% Study
6 6 6
57% Proposed/planning

Mar.- April- May- June- July- Aug.- Sept.- Oct.- Nov.- Dec.- Jan.- Feb.- Mar.-
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 21

A new market intelligence tool for the international energy industry with project data sets for hydrogen,
renewables, global pipelines, LNG and downstream assets. |


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ADRIENNE BLUME, Editor-in-Chief

Full-year 2020 data for LNG exports from the U.S., released by U.S. gas production (Bft3d) and prices ($/Mcf)
the EIA in March, show that U.S. LNG exports averaged 6.6 Bft3d on a 120 7
yearly basis and increased 1.6 Bft3d (32%) year-on-year. Export levels
100 6

Gas prices, $/thousand ft3

were high from January–May and began to increase again in October–

Production, Bft3d
December after a record-low summer slump. The late-year increase 80
was largely due to extremely cold weather and unplanned outages 4
at LNG export facilities in several countries, which caused Asian LNG 3
40 Monthly price (Henry Hub)
spot prices to climb. LNG exports also increased due to the addition of 2
20 12-month price
12-month price avg.
export capacity at U.S. terminals including Freeport, Cameron, Corpus Production 1
Christi and Elba Island. GP 0 0
2018 2019 2020 2021
U.S. natural gas spot prices at Henry Hub Production equals U.S. marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.

and NGL spot prices at Mont Belvieu, $/MMBtu

U.S. natural gas plant field production
25 of NGL, LPG, ethane and propane, Mbpd
Natural gasoline Propane 60
Isobutane Ethane
20 Butane Natural gas spot prices (Henry Hub)

U.S. gas plant field production, Mbpd

NGPL composite


10 30 Ethane/ethylene

5 20

0 Dec.- Jan.- Feb.- Mar.- April- May- June- July- Aug.- Sept.- Oct.- Nov.- Dec.-
May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 Source: U.S. EIA


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India leaps forward

on natural gas infrastructure
G. FELLER, Contributing Writer

The operator of Europe’s largest natural gas transmission proximately 30% of the nation’s total pipeline network. The na-
network is working to invest in the Indian gas pipeline business. tion’s top three companies—IOCL, Hindustan Petroleum Corp.
Executives at Italy’s Snam are working with India’s Ministry of Ltd. (HPCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. (BPCL)—con-
Petroleum and Natural Gas, as well as other Indian government tribute more than 80% of the total length of the gas pipeline net-
officials, regulators and industrial executives to explore the full work in the country.
scope of investment opportunities. Negotiations include several Last year, India’s central government announced a plan to
categories: hydrogen (H2) fuel, gas storage and small-scale liq- invest $9.97 B to expand the gas pipeline network across the
uefaction technologies. country. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic’s dampening ef-
fect on the national economy, experts inside the government
Influx of interest. In late 2020, Snam set up a partnership with and the private sector believe that India’s consumption of natu-
Indian infrastructure and energy group Adani to develop an H2 ral gas will increase more than three-fold over the next 10 yr,
business in India and abroad, and to use biogas for low-carbon making the investments essential.
transport projects. Snam has also signed an agreement with LNG regasification has become another national priority.
state-owned energy giant Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (IOCL) for col- H-Energy is a Mumbai-based, private firm that plans to invest
laboration on energy transition projects, including gas storage $540.6 MM to build LNG terminals and lay down a 60-km pipe-
and regasification. line. In 2018, H-Energy inaugurated India’s first FSRU-based
Furthermore, Snam has struck a deal with Indian renewable LNG regasification terminal at Jaigarh Port in Maharashtra.
energy company Greenko to research the production of electro- Overall, India’s Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas is tar-
lyzer-produced H2. Under the agreement, the two companies geting $100 B of investment in gas infrastructure by 2022.
will collaborate on the study of H2 production using renewable
power, on the design of H2-ready infrastructure and on applica- Investment to support growing demand. India’s energy de-
tions for both industry and transport, including fuel cell mobility. mand is expected to double to 1,516 MM tons of oil equivalent
Snam CEO, Marco Alverà, commented on the deals, “We (MMtoe) by 2035, from a total of 753.7 MMtoe in 2017. Fur-
have the opportunity to bring a valuable contribution to a coun- thermore, India’s share in global primary energy consumption is
try that is strongly committed to the energy transition and which projected to increase two-fold by 2035. LNG imports account
presents many opportunities. These agreements aim at promot- for approximately 25% of the country’s total natural gas demand,
ing the growth of green hydrogen in India and other countries to which is expected to double over the next 5 yr. To meet this ris-
help decarbonize industry and transport and at further develop- ing demand for gas, the government wants to increase its LNG
ing natural gas and hydrogen mobility in a huge market.” import capacity to 50 MMt.
At present, Snam operates businesses in Italy, the UK, France, To encourage greater capital flows into natural gas and oil, In-
Austria, Greece and China. The company plans to use its deep dia’s government allows 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in
gas sector knowledge to propel itself into the Indian market- upstream and private-sector refining projects. The FDI limit for
place. “The significant push toward cleaner energy shift and to- public-sector refining projects was raised to 49% without any dis-
ward gas is what makes the country interesting for Snam. This investment or dilution of domestic equity in existing state-owned
will require infrastructures and an integrated management of entities. The government previously approved fiscal incentives in
those infrastructures,” Alverà said. 2018 to attract investments and technologies to improve the pro-
“Snam is also working on an innovative modular approach to ductivity of the country’s oil and gas fields. When it enacted these
liquefaction that would enable liquefaction of gas at very com- measures, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas forecast hy-
petitive costs to foster city gas distribution and to monetize local drocarbon production worth $745.8 B over the next 20 yr. GP
stranded gas reserves,” Alverà said. Many of India’s small gas fields
are not yet connected by pipeline, but inexpensive liquefaction fa- GORDON FELLER has been writing about energy, particularly oil
and gas, since his first magazine article was published in 1978,
cilities could help monetize this gas for transport and other uses. and he has been published in more than 50 industry magazines.
He has undertaken numerous research and writing projects for
Indian government pushes for gas expansion. State-owned large institutions, including the World Economic Forum, the
World Bank, and the governments of Germany, the UAE (Abu
IOCL operates a 13,391-km network of crude oil, natural gas Dhabi), Japan and Canada. He has also won more than two
and product pipelines, with a capacity of 1.896 MMbpd of oil dozen competitive fellowships. Mr. Feller graduated with a master’s degree from
and 9.5 MMsm3d of natural gas. This capacity accounts for ap- Columbia University in New York City, New York.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 20219

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GTI’s Hydrogen Technology Center makes

big strides in H2 projects, advocacy
K. WILEY, Executive Director, Hydrogen Technology Center, GTI

To address the many challenges and also reducing emissions. It is very impor-
opportunities in the world’s energy fu- tant that we begin putting real technolo-
ture, the U.S.-headquartered, global-fo- gies into operation as soon as possible.
cused GTI recently launched a Hydrogen Another key focus is our integrated
Technology Center with world-class re- energy systems analysis, which will help
search and development capabilities. Gas us evaluate scenarios for emissions reduc-
Processing & LNG spoke with Kristine tions, identify low-cost technology path-
Wiley, Executive Director, about the Cen- ways and quantify the impact of econo-
ter’s ongoing and upcoming initiatives my-wide decarbonization policies. This
and projects, as well as projected technol- will be a key input to the LCRI roadmap,
ogy adoption and use amid the worldwide which will identify research and develop-
expansion of H2 infrastructure. ment (R&D) gaps, technology commer-
For extensive coverage of advances in cialization opportunities and investment
H2 technology, applications and trends, needs, all of which will guide long-term
please consult Gulf Energy Information’s R&D activities. The roadmap is expected
new publication, H2Tech. Visit www.H2- to be released in Q2 2021. for more information.
GP&LNG: From your background in
As the Executive Director of GTI’s Hydrogen
Technology Center, KRISTINE WILEY works GP&LNG: Last year, GTI and the the midstream sector, can you talk
across the organization to synchronize deep Electric Power Research Institute a bit about the different ways that
industry knowledge and technical expertise, (EPRI) announced the formation H2 and renewable natural gas (RNG)
as well as large-scale labs and test facilities to of the $100-MM Low-Carbon can be blended or utilized in existing
integrate the use of H2 into the energy system.
Resources Initiative (LCRI), midstream operations, and how that
Addressing economy-wide decarbonization, the
Hydrogen Technology Center brings together which aims to bring low-carbon will help reduce carbon footprint for
public-private partnerships to facilitate R&D power generation technologies midstream and LNG operators?
to enable clean H2 generation, transport, stor- to commercial scale by 2030. KW: Renewable natural gas and H2
age and utilization at scale while leveraging Can you share an update on the will both play important roles in transi-
the existing robust energy infrastructure to
Initiative and the projects and tioning to a low-carbon energy system.
facilitate the transition to a low-carbon future.
Ms. Wiley’s career spans nearly two strategies coming out of it? RNG is already being introduced into
decades at GTI. Prior to her current role, KW: The LCRI is bringing together the existing natural gas system and is a
she served as an R&D Director responsible industry stakeholders to accelerate de- key component to decarbonization strat-
for GTI’s Environmental, Risk and Integrity velopment and demonstration of low- egies for gas companies. RNG facilities
Management programs. With a focus on reduc-
carbon energy technologies through are taking waste from landfills or dairy
ing environmental impacts, she led collabora-
tive research directly working with industry to transformative, clean energy research farms, for example, and converting it into
develop solutions for the detection and miti- and development. We launched LCRI pipeline-quality gas for injection into the
gation of methane emissions from natural gas in the autumn of 2020 with 18 anchor natural gas grid. In some cases, the RNG
operations. At GTI, she has held positions of sponsors, and as of February 2021 have can be a carbon-negative fuel, depending
increasing responsibility in managing research
grown the membership to 35 sponsors on the initial feedstock used.
addressing utility operations and environ-
mental compliance to advance the use of low- and exceeded our goal of $100 MM in There are more than 100 operational
carbon fuels, such as renewable natural gas. funding. It is a true demonstration of the RNG production facilities in the U.S., and
Ms. Wiley holds a BA degree in biological energy industry’s commitment to striv- that number is expected to grow as decar-
sciences from the University of Chicago, as ing toward deep decarbonization across bonization commitments increase at the
well as an MBA degree from the University all sectors of the economy. state, regional and even corporate levels.
of Chicago Booth School of Business.
The LCRI intends to launch a set of The benefit of RNG—assuming it has
initial projects that demonstrate key de- been processed to meet gas quality speci-
carbonization pathways, providing resil- fications—is that it is quite similar to the
iency, reliability and affordability while composition of natural gas, so the same
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202111

infrastructure can be used to transport Blending H2 into the natural gas system for the longer-term “green” H2 economy.
and deliver it, and it can then be used in also offers a path toward decarbonization However, our pipeline infrastructure was
the same end-use applications. and reduction in emissions. Using a 20% built to transport natural gas, and as we ex-
H2 is carbon-free and can be produced blend of zero-carbon H2 could reduce CO2 plore injecting H2 into that infrastructure,
with low to zero emissions, offering a emissions by approximately 7%. Several we must understand the impacts to the
clean energy source. Similar to RNG, gas utilities, such as Dominion Energy, So- safety, reliability and integrity to the sys-
we expect H2 to contribute to our low- Cal Gas and CenterPoint, have recently an- tem. We are actively conducting collabora-
carbon energy future and emerge as a nounced H2 projects, many of which focus tive research with industry, government
significant energy carrier by 2040 across on H2 blending into natural gas pipelines. agencies and academia to address this.
a variety of sectors and end-use appli- Creating H2 hubs or networks where
cations, including industrial processes, there is an aggregation of H2-capable infra- GP&LNG: In which sectors do you
transportation, buildings and power gen- structure and end users is another model see H2 taking off most quickly?
eration. The versatility of H2 , from ways being explored in the U.S. We are excited Conversely, what obstacles must
to produce and use it across the full en- to be part of what will be the first large- H2 overcome to become a
ergy value chain, creates unprecedented scale demonstration of an H2 network in significant contributor to the
opportunity for H2 to become a greater our nation. With funding from the U.S. world’s energy supply?
part of our global energy system. Department of Energy and an impressive KW: What we are seeing across the
list of industry partners, GTI, Frontier En- world is the acknowledgement that we
GP&LNG: In what regions ergy and the University of Texas–Austin need multiple solutions to achieve net-zero
or scenarios do you see the will be demonstrating an H2 network at emissions. Significant progress is being
opportunity for repurposing the university. Renewable H2 will be pro- made with renewables, energy efficiency,
existing natural gas storage and duced and stored for use in an onsite H2 and electrification, but the only way to get
infrastructure to deliver H2? fueling station and in a fuel cell to power a there for certain sectors requiring high heat
KW: One of the key drivers that has data center on the campus (FIG. 1). or energy density is with an energy-dense
created an interest in H2 is its potential This demonstration provides a step- carrier, such as H2. Long-haul heavy trans-
role in large-scale energy storage. Renew- ping stone for building H2 networks in portation, such as heavy-duty trucks, ship-
able energy from wind and solar is not al- other parts of the country, and hopefully ping, aviation and locomotives; industrial
ways available at the same time as peak for creating cities and communities fueled production, such as cement and steelmak-
demand for electricity. This has created a by H2. The existing natural gas infrastruc- ing; or buildings in northern climates—all
need for large-scale and seasonal energy ture will play an important role in making of these applications are well suited for H2.
storage that cannot be completely met by this happen. The transportation and delivery of H2
batteries or conventional methods like At GTI, we think that H2 will continue is the highest-cost “link” in the H2 value
pumped hydropower. H2 is the leading to be produced primarily from natural chain. Building new infrastructure is ex-
candidate to provide the storage that is gas for quite some time—combined with pensive, so using our existing gas infra-
needed to ensure continued growth of carbon capture and storage to minimize structure to store and deliver H2 to where
renewable power generation. Put sim- its environmental footprint—while H2 we need it, when we need it, is a great op-
ply, off-peak renewable power can be production from renewable sources will portunity to help reduce those costs and
converted to H2 via electrolysis and then continue to grow. The natural gas infra- provide continued reliability of energy
injected into pipeline networks or under- structure should have a continuing role for supply to end users.
ground storage for later use. both near-term opportunities for H2 and As we move down the value chain
and evaluate the potential of using H2 in
various sectors of our economy, technical
challenges must be addressed depending
on the end-use application. For example,
with residential applications, GTI and
others are conducting research to under-
stand the impact of H2 on existing appli-
ances to ensure that they operate properly
and safely when a new source of fuel is
being used. Similar research is occurring
for the commercial, industrial and power
generation sectors.

GP&LNG: What do you see as

the most promising areas for the
utilization of RNG as a fuel/feedstock?
KW: One of the most attractive fea-
tures of RNG is the ability to use it in
FIG. 1. GTI’s Hydrogen Network Demonstration projects in Texas. Figure: Frontier Energy Inc.
nearly any application or sector that uses
12MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

natural gas due to its similar gas com- due to the higher cost factor tion credits and the cost of carbon will
position and fuel properties. Where we for green H2 projects at present? further accelerate the supply of clean H2 .
have seen the biggest demand for RNG, KW: To enable a low-cost, low-carbon We are also exploring the creation of H2 -
however, is as a transportation fuel, due economy, we must expand our supply focused hubs or centers where existing
to incentives from California’s Low Car- of H2. As you noted, there are several assets and infrastructure can be leveraged
bon Fuel Standards (LCFS) program. In technologies to produce H2 , with steam and matched with multiple local end-us-
2019, about 40% of natural gas vehicle methane reforming (SMR) dominating ers as a way to reduce costs.
fuel was sourced from RNG. H2 production today. When SMR is com- As part of our Hydrogen Network
While H2 may be a competitive de- bined with carbon capture, it enables pro- Demonstration in Texas, the project
carbonization solution for the industrial duction of clean H2 . Technologies that team is also developing a framework for
sector or energy-intensive, high-heat we implement to reduce emissions must integrating H2 as a low-carbon fuel with-
applications, RNG is also attractive for be cost-effective for our economy and for in the Port of Houston, which includes
the buildings sector, especially in the a diverse set of customers, whether fo- plans for production, delivery, transport
residential and commercial space where cused on large-scale power generation or and use of H2 to decarbonize the port’s
modification or retrofitting of appliances serving disadvantaged communities. industries and operations (FIG. 1). The
would not be needed. Disruptive innovation will be needed intent is to apply similar frameworks to
to produce a low-cost supply of H2 , re- other areas in the U.S. to expand the role
GP&LNG: With respect to the gardless of the color or feedstock. As of H2 in our energy systems.
cost of H2 projects, do you expect many studies point out, the cost of blue The global effort to reduce green-
to see more “blue” H2 projects H2 is significantly lower than that of house gas emissions is driving a need to
(H2 produced from natural gas green H2 , so in the near to medium term, deploy and develop low-carbon tech-
reforming, with added carbon H2 from natural gas will continue to pro- nologies quickly, and the increased use
capture and storage) implemented vide the majority of H2 supply, and this of renewable resources is driving demand
over the near-term, vs. “green” trend will continue until electrolyzer for more means to store energy. H2 offers
H2 projects (H2 produced from costs and electricity prices come down. It great versatility that can go a long way
electrolyzers using renewable energy is also important to note that the impact toward meeting decarbonization goals
power, with zero carbon emissions), of policies around tax incentives, produc- across all sectors of the economy. GP


Throughput optimization for pipelines

and gas plants
Ross Otto
Engineering Manager Many processes within oil and gas pipelines and processing plants depend on maintaining specific
temperatures and pressures at which the process fluids are liquids or gases. In addition, any
time water is a component in the process fluid, hydrates can form and plug piping and vessels.
Learn how Sensia’s throughput optimization solution allows operators and control systems to
“see inside” the process in real time to understand where the facility is operating with respect
to critical physical constants, including the phase envelope and hydrate temperature. This
insight allows for more stable operation, reduced energy expenditure and associated emissions,
and greater facility throughput. Case studies include controlling methanol injection, managing
heaters, virtual sensors for sulfur recovery units and more.

Listen for Free:
Mike Reed
Pipeline & Gas Journal

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202113

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Reduce emissions and save energy with an

unconventional flare gas recovery system
A. H. AL-TIJANI, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; and
I. ASHIQ, Yanbu NGL Fractionation Plant, Saudi Aramco, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

An unconventional flare gas recovery gas compressors have recurring main- continuous flare gas at 0.48 psig, using
system (FGRS) can be designed without tenance, operating spare and reliabil- 0.95 MMsft3d of available high-pressure
a gas compressor to collect the boiloff ity issues, similar to any other rotating gas as motive gas. The process scheme
gas from the ethane tank to the boilers at equipment in a process plant. It would, was modeled, simulated and confirmed
the utility area. This innovative recovery therefore, be an attractive and economic possible, using proprietary software.a
system will provide significant capital venture if the use of a gas compressor can To this end, a recovery system utilizing
and operating cost savings by eliminat- be eliminated from the FGRS without high-pressure gas at 380 psig as motive
ing the installation and operation of a gas jeopardizing the performance and safety gas—in an ejector to transport the gas
compressor as part of the conventional of the system. To this end, a scheme was from the flare site to the boiler utility
FGRS. The FGRS scheme includes the evaluated using a gas ejector that can area—was established. FIG. 2 shows the
use of a gas ejector with high-pressure provide additional operating flexibility calculated flowrates and pressures for
motive gas to boost low-pressure ethane and reliability to the system. the feeds and outlet streams of the ejec-
flare gas to the intermediate pressure, At the Yanbu NGL fractionation tor. FIG. 3 shows the flow scheme for the
which is required to return the gas to the plant, the purge gas used is ethane. ejector-based FGRS.
boilers at the utility area. To ensure no air ingress into the flare This flare gas recovery approach is
The case study included here ex- headers, a minimum flowrate of purge possible based on the fact that there is
plains how the unconventional FGRS gas must be continuously maintained enough room in the boiler utility area
was applied at Saudi Aramco’s Yanbu for each flare system at the plant. One to accommodate the flared gas volume.
NGL fractionation plant to continuous- 100% ethane tank flare system is in use. Flare gas recovery at the plant requires
ly recover approximately 1.1 MMsft3d The system has a flare header of 12 in.–
of valuable C2+, which is equivalent to 16-in. diameter; therefore, the maxi-
1,961 MMBtu/d in fuel energy savings. mum continuous load of ethane boiloff
The proposed FGRS scheme will also to flare system is 1.1 MMsft3d. The total
minimize greenhouse gas emissions and flared gas is available to be continuously V85-F-196 Flare
provide positive environmental benefits. collected and routed back to the boiler stack
utility area.
Project introduction. Flare systems are The study revealed that it is feasible to
essential parts of any oil and gas process- recover the continuous flared gas by con-
ing plant. These systems, which essen- necting new piping from the flare system drum
tially consist of flare headers and laterals, upstream of the flare knockout drum to
liquid knockout drums and flare stacks, the boiler utility area, to allow continu- Ethane
serve as one of the last layers of protec- ous boiloff and utilize it as fuel for the tank (T-501)
tion for the plant to safely relieve pres- boilers. FIG. 1 shows a schematic of the
sure from plant equipment during an ethane tank flare system arrangement at FIG. 1. Schematic of ethane tank flare system
overpressure condition. As part of safety the Yanbu NGL processing facility. at the Yanbu NGL processing plant.
requirements, flare headers are normally The unconventional FGRS scheme
provided with continuous purging to was established and carefully evaluated Collected gas
prevent vacuums within the system, keep through hydraulic and process simula- from ethane tank
air out of the system and prevent possi- tions, using both in-house programs and 0.48 psig, Gas to boilers
HP motive gas 1.1 MMsft3d utility area
ble explosions. proprietary software,a as described in the 380 psig, 0.95 MMsft3d 8 psig, 2.05 MMsft3d
The major component of any conven- following section.
tional FGRS is the gas compressor. It is Ejector
required to compress the low-pressure Ejector-based FGRS. The scheme
flare boiloff gas to a pressure that can re- was developed by utilizing a suitable FIG. 2. Calculated flowrates and pressures
for the Yanbu FGRS ejector.
turn the gas to the process. The recovery ejector to collect the 1.15 MMsft3d of
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202115

psig. The simulation results also validate

the pressure drop calculation performed
by a third party.

Takeaway. The established FGRS

scheme has multiple economic ben-
efits. First, it will recover approximately
1.1 MMsft3d of valuable C2+, which is
equivalent to 1,961 MMBtu/d in fuel
energy savings.
Second, the system will operate with-
out any energy consumption or rotating
FIG. 3. Flow scheme of ejector-based FGRS at the Yanbu facility.
equipment (all installations are static
equipment—i.e., no moving parts). The
system will utilize energy that would
otherwise have been wasted or flared
since plant startup.
Third, the flare gas recovery system
will improve the reliability and life span
of the flare tip, thereby reducing the re-
curring cost of flare tip replacements.
The proposed system will minimize
greenhouse gas emissions and provide a
positive environmental impact.
Finally, operation of the established
FGRS at the Yanbu NGL fractionation
plant will provide an operating experi-
FIG. 4. Ethane recovery system simulation. ence base within Saudi Aramco for oth-
er facilities to adopt. GP
only the means to transport the gas Simulation results. The ethane recov-
from the ethane tank flare system site to ery system is designed to take ethane NOTE
the boiler utility area at the gas plant (a from the ethane storage tanks and com- a
total distance of approximately 1.7 km) press it for firing at 1.5 psig–2 psig and
within the limited differential pressure. for delivery at approximately 3.7 psig to ABDULAZIZ H. AL-TIJANI is
Appropriate pipe sizes within the avail- the two boiler skids. an Engineering Specialist at
Saudi Aramco’s Process and
able differential pressures were deter- The ethane recovery system was Control Systems Department in
mined by careful analysis of the hydrau- simulated, using proprietary softwarea Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He holds a
lic simulation results. The results show to perform the hydraulic analysis and BS degree in chemical engineering
that 2.05 MMsft3d of mixed high-pres- predict the process conditions (FIG. 4). from King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and a MS degree
sure fuel gas and ethane at 17.5 psig will Actual pipe lengths for the existing and in oil and gas surface facilities from KFUPM
arrive at 8 psig at the utility area, using new pipes are taken from an isomet- (in partnership with IFP). Mr. Al-Tijani supports
6-in. piping. ric drawing, to account for the pres- company operations and project design, mainly in
In the proposed recovery system, sure losses from the ethane tank to the flare and relief systems and flare gas recovery
applications. He supports Saudi Aramco and joint-
the pressure control valve already exists boilers at the utility unit. The design
venture oil and gas operational facilities, pipelines,
between the flare gas offtake points and flow used to size the recovery system is process simulations and various phases of projects.
the flare knockout drum. This design 0.4 MMsft3d–1.1 MMsft3d, with an eth-
maintains a slight positive pressure in ane composition of 98%. IRFAN ASHIQ is a Senior
Operations Engineer for Saudi
the flare header and prevents both an The results of the hydraulic analysis
Aramco at the Yanbu NGL
undesirable opening condition for the indicated that new and existing pipes are fractionation plant. He has more
control valve and the release of eth- of adequate size to avoid backpressure on than 22 yr of professional
ane to the flare system. Whenever the the ethane tank under normal operation, experience in process design,
amount of gas released into the flare and they are able to deliver the mixed operation and commissioning
for upstream oil and gas, heavy oil and
system exceeds the capacity of the re- gas stream at a pressure of 3.7 psig to the petrochemicals. Prior to joining Saudi Aramco,
covery system (1.1 MMsft3d), a pres- boiler skids. A sensitivity analysis, in- he was the Lead Process Engineer at SNC Lavalin
sure control valve on the flare recov- cluding summer and winter conditions, in Canada and a Senior Process Engineer at
ery line will act to maintain the flow at was also run to calculate the system pres- Propak Systems Ltd. in Canada. He holds an
MS degree in chemical engineering from the
1.1 MMsft3d. The proposed recovery sure drop. The calculated pressure drop University of Calgary in Canada and a professional
scheme is illustrated by the flow scheme for the 8-in. ethane line from the tank certification from the Association of Professional
shown in FIG. 3. vapor line to the ejector skid inlet is 0.1 Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).

16MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

Obtain accurate NOX values for strategies

to reduce emissions from combustion
G. Y. ZHAO, L. LIU and M.-S. LI, Sunree Technology Development Co., Ltd., Dalian, China

In the process of developing low-nitrogen-oxide-emissions Incentives for accurate emissions measurement. Immense
(NOX ) combustion appliances, the request for the volume of economic growth in China since the 1980s has resulted in sig-
NOX emissions from the tail flame is given in milligrams/kilo- nificant air pollution in major cities, which poses a serious
watt hour (mg/kWh) in almost all national and regional stan- threat to public health. However, decades of hard work and in-
dards and related certifications. However, the instrument that vestment by the municipal government have paid off, resulting
measures NOX in the exhaust tail flame of the combustion re- in a dramatic reduction in air pollution.
ports only in ppm or mg/m3. This requires the calculation of The Beijing 2013–2017 Clean Air Action Plan1 is the most
the NOX in mg/kWh, based on the measured NOX in ppm or comprehensive and systematic pollution control program
mg/m3 and related data for these specific combustion systems. put into practice in Beijing to date. From 2013–2017, emis-
This article summarizes how the combustion industry pres- sions of SO2 , NOX , volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
ently converts ppm to mg/m3 and introduces a concept for particulate matter (PM2.5) decreased by 83%, 43%, 42% and
measuring the emission rate of a combustion system. With this 55%, respectively (FIG. 1, left). However, during the same time
concept, a formula can be derived to calculate the NOX pro- period, changes in major air pollutant emissions in the areas
duced by combustion in mg/kWh. The combustion of meth- surrounding Beijing (including Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shan-
ane and propane are used as examples in a demonstration of the dong, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia) were not as desirable (FIG. 1,
measured ppm or mg/m3 concentration of NOX , along with the right). Other areas in the country face the same problem. To
the CO2 or O2 concentration in the tail flame, to calculate the clean China’s air supply, numerous issues must still be ad-
NOX emissions in mg/kWh. dressed; this article was written with this task in mind.
This discussion explains how, when applying various meth- NOX emissions caused by combustion are an important fac-
ods to reduce NOX emissions from the combustion process, the tor in the formation of air pollution and smog.2–5 NOX , which
traditional measurement results of NO2 content (accounting comprises mainly NO and NO2 , is the general term for a group
for 5%–10% of NOX) can give an estimated result. However, to of highly reactive gases. Most nitrogen oxides are colorless and
obtain accurate NOX values, it is necessary to precisely measure tasteless; however, in many cities or densely populated areas,
NO value, as well as NO2 value. More accurate measurement of the pollutant NO2 and other particles in the air often form a
emissions values and amounts aids in emissions reductions for reddish-brown smog or haze.
combustion, thereby helping control air pollution. When NO reacts with O2 in the air under sunlight, ozone

350 12,000
Dust Solvent use
Pollutant emissions in areas surrounding Beijing, kitotons

Solvent use Transportation

300 Transportation 10,000 Residential
Pollutant emissions in Beijing, kitotons

Residential –24%
Industry 0.2% Power and heating
Power and heating 8,000
200 –59%
–43% 6,000
100 –34%
–83% –59%
50 2,000

0 0
2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017 2013 2017
SO2 NOx VOCs PM2.5 SO2 NOx VOCs PM2.5

FIG. 1. Changes in anthropogenic emissions of SO2, NOX, VOCs and PM2.5 in Beijing, 2013–2017 (left). Changes in major air pollutant emissions
in the areas surrounding Beijing (including Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia), 2013–20171 (right).

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202117


is produced near the ground. Ground-level ozone has an ad- V = nRT / P(3)
verse effect on the respiratory system, causing lung cancer and Vi = niRT / P (4)
affecting agricultural production. NOX also reacts to form ni-
trate particles and acidic aerosols, which can cause respiratory Next, a certain trace gas in the mixed gas can be considered.
problems. When NOX reacts with water to form nitric acid, it Assuming that Vi is the volume of the trace gas and V T is the
causes acid rain and deterioration of water quality. Addition- total volume of the mixed gas, both sides of the second equation
ally, acid gases and airborne particles can cause reduced vis- are divided by VT , which gives the concentration of the trace gas
ibility and reduced air quality. that can be expressed as a volume ratio (Eq. 5):
Many standards, both at home and abroad, restrict NOX Vi n RT
emissions and outline specific regulations—e.g., Beijing boiler (5) = i
air pollutant emissions standard DB11/139-2015,6 Chinese
gas heater standard CJT113-2015,7 and European CE standard Then, xi can be used as the concentration of the trace gas com-
for infrared heaters BSEN 416-1.8 In all of these standards, the ponent i in ppm (Eq. 6):
emissions reporting is given in mg/kWh. Many customers re- Vi
quire manufacturers to provide NOX emissions data in mg/ (6) = 106 x i
kWh when purchasing combustion-related appliances. For ex-
ample, in Beijing, the NOX emissions from a newly built boiler Using Xi as the mass concentration of component i in mg/m3
cannot be greater than 100 mg/kWh. and assuming the molar weight of component i is Mi (g/mole)
However, almost all instruments that measure the tail flame gives Eq. 7:
of a burner offer a reading of NOX only in ppm or mg/m3.9 Us-
ing the measured NOX data (in ppm or mg/m3) to calculate 106 x = ni RT = ( ni Mi ) RT = ⎡103 X ⎤ RT (7)
the NOX produced by the combustion system (in mg/kWh) i
PVT VT Mi P ⎣ i⎦
Mi P
is an important calculation, but many relevant documents and
standards offer complicated conversions or, conversely, very When the low index i in these equations is neglected, Eqs. 8 and
simple tables8,9 that do not explain the theoretical basis behind 9 result:
the conversions. Many standards simply do not mention the X = x(MP ÷ RT) × 103 mg/m3(8)
conversion method, causing confusion and difficulty for the
engineering community. This article describes a simple, ac- x = X(RT ÷ MP) × 10–3 ppm (9)
curate calculation method that was derived in the process of Note that the concentration x is in ppm, the unit of concen-
developing low-NOX heaters. tration X is in mg/m3, and M is the molecular weight of the trace
gas concerned (g/mole). Eqs. 8 and 9 have been generally ac-
Background on conversion of ppm to mg/m3. The engi- cepted by the academic and engineering communities, and lit-
neering and academic communities have held recent discus- erature10 describes them at constant temperature.
sions on the conversion of ppm to mg/m3.10 A brief overview of Simple calculation procedures are also provided on relevant
the conversion history follows for those readers seeking back- websites in America and Europe. For example, on some sites,12,13
ground information. the only required inputs are the value of the concentration x or
Ppm is often used to express concentration, such as mass X of a certain gas at atmospheric pressure and 25°C, along with
ppm concentration or volume ppm concentration (i.e., ppmv). the molecular weight of the gas. The program will immediately
Ppmv is a common way of expressing gas phase concentration. give the value of X or x under the corresponding conditions. In
Gas is miscible and, generally speaking, once equilibrium is addition to the calculation,12,13 users can change the gas tem-
reached the gas is homogeneous, meaning its components are perature and pressure inputs.14 The molecular weight of NO2 is
evenly mixed together. In SI units, the volume for this gas is cu- 46.01 g, and the molecular weight of NO is 30.01 g; therefore,
bic meters (m3). If the gas mixture is divided into components at a temperature of 20°C (293.15 K) and 1 atm, 1 ppm NO2 =
and the concentration of one component in the gas mixture is 1.91 mg/m3, and 1 ppm NO = 1.25 mg/m3.
assumed to be 1 ppm, and if the mixture is 106 m3, then the gas In the general combustion system, NO2 in tail flame ac-
of this component should be 1 m3. This results in 1 m3 of a cer- counts for approximately 5%–10% of NOX and NO accounts
tain component, or 106 m3 for a mixture = 1 ppm. for about 90%–95%.15–18 When NO2 accounts for 10% of NOX,
Eqs. 1 and 2 are derived from the ideal gas law (for gases at the average molecular weight of NOX can be calculated as M =
lower pressures):11 31.61. Under the same temperature and pressure conditions as
PV = nRT(1) the previous calculation, for NOX, 1 ppm = 1.29 mg/m3.
PVi = niRT(2) Calculation of NOX in mg/kWh for a combustion system.
Here, P is the pressure (in pascal); V is the volume (m3); n For a combustion system, the NOX concentration in the tail
is the number of moles (proportional to the number of mol- flame can be measured in ppm or mg/m3. However, the NOX
ecules) of all components; R is a constant, called the universal emission in mg/kWh dictates how many mg of NOX are pro-
gas constant, with a value of 8.3143 joules/K mole; T is the Kel- duced in a combustion system when it releases 1 kW in 1 hr. This
vin (K) temperature; Vi is the partial volume of the gas compo- means that NOX in mg/kWh is not only related to the NOX con-
nent i; and ni is the molar number of gas component i. centration in the tail flame, but also to the volume flowrate of the
Eqs. 1 and 2 can be rewritten, as shown in Eqs. 3 and 4: tail flame and the power produced by the combustion system.
18 MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

The emission rate, E, of pollutants like NOX from a combus- Va + 2Va + 7.54Va + y(Va + 3.77Va )(13)
tion system must first be defined. A combustion system is used Therefore, the total flow of the tail flame produced by the com-
to generate certain power or heat, thereby producing pollutants. bustion system will be (10.54 + 4.77y)Va.
The higher the power is generated by the system, the more pol- The y in Eqs. 12 and 13 can be obtained from the concen-
lutants are produced. Since all pollutants are discharged to air tration of CO2 measured in the tail flame or the concentration
through the tail flame, the total mass flowrates of the pollutants of O2 measured. First, the measured CO2 concentration is mea-
can be calculated from the volume mass concentration of pol- sured, as shown in Eq. 14:
lutants, mg/m3, and the volume flowrate of the tail flame. Va 1
E can be defined for a certain pollutant as the total mass CO2measured =
(14) =
flowrate for this pollutant in the tail flame, divided by the (10.54 + 4.77 y ) × Va 10.54 + 4.77 y
power generated by the combustion system. This E is listed in The result is applied to Eq. 15:
mg/kWh. In this article, E is used for emission of NOX , but it 1
also can be used for emission of other pollutants, such as CO, − 10.54
SO2 , SO3 , etc. (15) CO2measured
y =
Now the volume flowrate of the tail flame of a combustion 4.77
system can be calculated. For the sake of simplicity, it is as- In this way, the volumetric flow of the tail flame can be repre-
sumed that the concentrations of CO, NO, NO2 , SO2 , etc. in sented as shown in Eq. 16:
the combustion products are negligible compared to the con- Volume flowrate of the tail flame = 10.54Va +
centrations of O2 , CO2 , H2O and N2. At the same time, it is as- 4.77yVa = (1 / CO2 measured )Va (16)
sumed that there is no water vapor condensation, at least at the
measurement point in the tail flame generated by the combus- The power of the combustion system is generated by the con-
tion system. Based on the authors’ many years of experience sumption of CH4 at a specified flowrate (Va) and heat of com-
in the research and development of various types of heaters in bustion (HV), with the power of combustion = HV × Va . Since
the U.S. and China, these two assumptions should be valid for the mass emission rate of NOX is X, Eq. 17 is used to calculate E:
general combustion systems, such as infrared heaters, unitary E = (Volume mass concentration of emission
heaters, home heaters, etc. of NOX × Volume flow of tail flame) / (17)
In air, the composition of O2 is 20.95%, while N2 , Ar and Power of combustion system
other elements make up 79.05% in volume.16 If the volume
flowrate of O2 is 1 for a combustion system, then the ratio of Substituting Eq. 16 and the power of combustion (HV × Va)
the volume flowrate of N2 , Ar, etc. to the volume flowrate of into the formula results in Eq. 18:
O2 is 79.05 ÷ 20.95 = 3.77. Since gas components like Ar do E = X / (CO2measured × HV) (18)
not participate in the reaction, for the sake of brevity, only N2 is
used to represent these components. Using the same procedure, from the measured O2 concentra-
Consider the combustion of methane (Eq. 10): tion (O2measured ), E can be found, as shown in Eq. 19:
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O(10) 10.54 X
E = (19)
If the reaction or combustion occurs in air, then Eq. 11 can  (1 4.77O2measured ) HV
be used:
CH4 + 2(O2 + 3.77 N2 ) = CO2 + 2H2O + 7.54 N2(11) In Eq. 19, HV can be the low-combustion value (LHV) of CH4
or the high combustion value (HHV) of CH4, which is deter-
If Va represents the volume rate of CH4 consumption, then mined by the condensation of water vapor in the tail flame. The
when the reaction product is cooled to normal temperature (as- authors suggest using the LHV because it is assumed that the
suming that the water vapor is not condensed at this time), the measurement is conducted before the water condensation,19
volume rate of the tail flame generated will be Va + 2Va + 7.54Va resulting in Eq. 20:
= 10.54Va. According to combustion theory,18 to avoid signifi-
106 J
cant production of CO and carbon, there should be a certain LHV = 35.9 106 J 3 = 35.9
excess of O2 in combustion systems. Considering this, the reac- (20) m m3
tion formula in Eq. 11 can be written as shown in Eq. 12: 3,600 sec
CH4 + (2 + y)(O2 + 3.77N2 ) = CO2 + 2H2O + 3,600 sec
= 9.97 kWh/m 3 ( )
7.54N2 + y(O2 + 3.77N2 )
It is known that 1 hr = 3,600 sec, and 1 joule/sec = 1 W. If
It is assumed that y(O2 + 3.77N2) is O2 and corresponding pressure is assumed at 1 atm and temperature is assumed at
N2 in the excess air. If Va is the rate at which the volume of fuel 20°C (293K), and if X = 1.25 qx mg/m3 is used, then Eqs. 21
gas CH4 is consumed, then the volume rate at which the reac- and 22 can be calculated:
tants disappear and the volume rate of the products generated E = (0.125x)q ÷ CO2measured mg/kWh (21)
in the tail flame (when cooled to room temperature) can be cal-
culated as shown in Eq. 13: 1.32xq
E =
(22) mg/kWh
Va + 2(Va + 3.77Va ) + y(Va + 3.77Va ) and 1 − 4.77O2measured

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 2021 19


Here, q = MNOx ÷ MNO. 8

UK Standard, “Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters for
nondomestic use, Part 1: Safety,” BSEN 416-1:2009, April 2009; Updated
For propane (C3H8) combustion, the reaction shown in Eq. version: BSEN 416:2019, “Gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters and radiant
23 occurs: tube heater systems for non-domestic use: Safety and energy efficiency,”
November 2019.
C3H8 + 5O2 = 3CO2 + 4H2O(23) 9
Testo, “Flue gas analysis in industry: Practical guide for emission and process
measurements,” 2nd Ed., August 2004, online:
If the reaction or combustion occurs in air, then the reaction d3633ea5fcec7d6010dd38a8e5ef91fa.pdf
shown in Eq. 24 occurs: 10
Vincenti, W. G. and G. H. Kruger, Jr., Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics,
Wiley, June 1975.
C3H8 + 5(O2 + 3.77N2 ) = 3CO2 + 4H2O + 18.85N2(24) 11
Chuan-Hong, L., Z. Wang-Xin, C. Wei-Tuan, L. Gui-Sheng and Z. Wen-Qiang,
“Discussion on conversion between ppm and mg/m3,” Chinese Journal of Health
Using the same procedure as that for methane and taking Laboratory Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2003.
the LHV of propane,19 LHV = 25.9kWh, Eqs. 25 and 26 are 12, “Conversion calculator: Conversion between ppm and mg/m3 at 1
calculated as follows: atm and 25°C,” online:
13, “Engineering tools: Conversion between ppm
and mg/m3 at 1 atm and 25°C,” online: http://www.herramientasingenieria.
0.145xq com/onlinecalc/ppm-mg_m3.php
E = mg/kWh (25)
 CO2measured 14
Markes International, “Conversion between ppm and mg/m3 at selected pres-
sure and temperature,” online:
U.S. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, “A review of NOX
E = 1.25xq[1 + 4.77O2measured / (1 – 4.77O2measured)](26) emission control strategies for industrial boilers, Kraft recovery furnaces, and
lime kilns,” Special Report 99-01, April 1999, online: https://p2infohouse.
Here, q = MNOx ÷ MNO. org/ref/51/50112.pdf
TSI Inc., “Combustion analysis basics: An overview of measurements, methods
In recent years, to eliminate emissions of NOX to the en- and calculations used in combustion analysis,” 2004, online:
vironment, countries around the world have been develop- getmedia/02417ee5-cccc-4dc7-80bc-f7f10924d20a/CA-basic-2980175?
ing low-NOX combustion technologies.4,5,20,21,22 NOX emis- ext=.pdf
sions reduction is important for decreasing the level of NOX
Yang, X., X. Wang, Y. Cai and L. Wang, “NOX emission control technologies in
sludge pyrolysis and combustion,” in Environmental Engineering III, Pawlowski,
released into the atmosphere by combustion activities. When Dudzinska & Pawlowski, Eds., CRC Press, London, UK, 2010.
NOX reduction strategies are used, the ratio of NO to NO2 may 18
Flagon, R. C. and J. H. Seinfeld, Fundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering,
change, and so the traditional calculation of NO2 content ac- Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1988.
North American Combustion Handbook, R. J. Reed, Ed., Vol. I, 3rd Ed., North
counting for 5% of NOX can no longer be used. American Manufacturing, September 1995.
At present, the value of NO2 can be even greater than 50% 20
The Engineering ToolBox, “Gross and net heat values, common gases,” 2003,
of the total NOX emission. In this scenario, it is important not online:
only to accurately measure the value of NO, but also to accu- d_420.html
Baukal, C. E., Jr., Industrial Combustion Pollution and Control, CRC Press,
rately measure the amount of NO2. Additionally, since NO2 is October 15, 2003.
very soluble in water, if condensation of water vapor occurs in 22
Baukal, C. E., Jr., The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Vols. 1–3,
the exhaust smoke, as much as 50% of NO2 will be dissolved 2nd Ed., CRC Press, November 12, 2013.
into the condensed water from the gas phase, which greatly af-
fects the reading. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that water GY ZHAO was Technical Manager of Sunree Technology
vapor does not condense during the measurement. Development Co. Ltd. in Dalian, China from 2015–2020,
responsible for the research and development of several
heaters. He also conducted research and taught graduate
Takeaway. This article summarizes the conversion method be- courses at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of
tween ppm and mg/m3 presently used in the engineering world. Sciences, for 22 yr, and was awarded the Second Grade of
It also explains the development of a method to calculate NOX Science Progress Award by the Academy. Dr. Zhao
co-authored four books in Chinese before he relocated to the U.S. in 1988.
in mg/kWh from combustion systems that use methane or pro- He has published more than 30 papers in both English-language and Chinese-
pane as fuel. This method can be used to calculate emissions of language scientific journals. He holds a BS degree in modern mechanics from
other pollutants, such as CO and SO2. GP the Chinese University of Science and Technology in Beijing and a PhD degree
in chemical engineering from the State University of New York in Buffalo.
LING LIU has 7 yr of working experience in combustion
United Nations, “A review of 20 years’ air pollution control in Beijing,” UN
and mechanical design. She has participated in the research
Environment Programme, March 9, 2019, online: https://www.unenvironment.
and development of negative-pressure gas infrared radiant
heaters, positive-pressure gas infrared radiant heaters,
Topac Inc., “Combustion Information: Emissions,” 2006, online: http://www.
indirect-fired gas heaters and direct-fired gas heaters at
Sunree Technology Development Co. Ltd. in Dalian, China.
“Nitrogen oxides formed during combustion,” online: She holds a BS degree in building environment and
Zonhoven, R. and P. Kalinin, “Control of pollutants in flue gases and fuel gases,” equipment engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University in China.
Technical Report, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Finland, April 4,
2002. MAO-SONG LI has 11 yr of working experience in thermodynamics, combustion
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Clean Air Technology Center, and mechanical design. He formerly supervised the laboratory of Dalian
“Nitrogen oxide (NOX): Why and how they are controlled,” EPS Technical Jinsanwei Technology Co. Ltd. and managed the R&D department of Sunree
Bulletin, EPA-456/F-99-006R, November 1999. Technology Development Co. Ltd. During his 7 yr at Sunree, he participated
Provincial Standard/Beijing City Local Standard, “Emission standard of air pol- in the design and testing of negative-pressure gas infrared radiant heaters,
lutants for boilers,” DB11/139-2015, Beijing, China, May 2015. positive-pressure gas infrared radiant heaters, indirect-fired gas heaters,
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), Urban and direct-fired gas heaters. Mr. Li holds a BS degree from Zhengzhou
Construction Industry Standard of People’s Republic of China, “Gas bred space Institute of Light Industry in China and an MS degree in power engineering
heaters,” CJ/T113-2015, January 2015. and engineering thermophysics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in China.

20 MARCH/APRIL 2021 |
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Evolution and innovation for an

increasingly dispersed LNG market
J. G. BAGULEY and R. WHEELER, Magnolia LNG LLC, Houston, Texas

The LNG industry must adapt to ies are available at well under half that carries only about 58% of energy per
changing market conditions to grow, price, proving a strong economic basis unit volume. Consequently, to carry the
thrive and reach its full potential. LNG for growth as a replacement for diesel and equivalent amount of diesel fuel, a vehicle
consumption and commercial patterns other distillate fuels, in addition to the would require a substantially larger LNG
are in a state of change, yet the production reduced emissions incentive delivered by fuel tank or be faced with the need to
facilities and systems supplying the mar- LNG. The total global marine fuel energy make more frequent refueling stops.
kets—as well as the financing institutions consumption alone approaches the global Using compressed natural gas (CNG)
that underpin their existence—are prov- LNG production volume energy, which in lieu of LNG worsens the situation,
ing glacial in their speed to react. itself is less than 3% of total global en- since the energy density of CNG (3,600
The advent and opportunities for the ergy consumption. A growing market for psi) is only about 25% of that for diesel,
use of LNG as a fuel for factories, off-grid smaller LNG ships, transport barges, ISO or less than half of LNG’s energy density.
power plants, long-haul road transporta- containers and LNG distribution trucks However, on a weight basis, the energy
tion, locomotives, harbor and nearshore has emerged, and additional innovative density of LNG is actually double that
service vessels, ferries and international development is necessary in the future. A of diesel, so when weight is critical, LNG
marine shipping are creating a market that substantial growth market exists for LNG, may provide advantages.
is more diverse and dispersed than the but only if the industry can develop and fi- Fuel temperature and metallurgy are
traditional, large-volume, point-to-point nance a supply infrastructure to meet this also important considerations; at –160°C
structure forming the basis for much of evolutionary opportunity. (–256°F), LNG must be stored in insu-
the existing global LNG value chain. lated containers suitable for cryogenic con-
This new market also exhibits greater LNG market discussion. The size of the ditions (stainless steel or aluminum), and
elasticity in demand than contemplated prize available to the LNG industry for ex- the LNG must be vaporized and heated
in traditional sales-and-purchase agree- panding into a broader slice of the global prior to use. Fuel storage duration is an-
ments and financing conditions. LNG energy market is substantial. Total global other consideration; conventional liquid
must overcome some challenges to energy consumption in 2019 was 583.9 fuels (diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, aviation fu-
achieve its potential as the preferred clean exajoules1 (an exajoule is 1,018 joules, an els) can be stored indefinitely with suitable
hydrocarbon fuel and a complementary unimaginably large number—2019 usage care. LNG storage will eventually need to
solution to increased renewables penetra- was the energy equivalent of 4.431 T gal vent boiloff gas, as LNG cannot be main-
tion. One hurdle is that LNG production of gasoline), which was a nominal 1.3% in- tained in the liquid state without external
and loading, product transportation and crease from 2018. This represents the to- or internal refrigeration. The amount of
delivery infrastructure must introduce tal of natural gas, oil, nuclear, coal, hydro- time that LNG can be stored prior to vent-
systems that enable LNG to reach this power and renewables. Of this amount, ing depends on the container, and ranges
increasingly diverse and dispersed mar- natural gas provided 24% of global energy from 70 d–80 d for large ISO containers2 to
ket, or else energy consumers will turn to in 2019, in third place behind oil and coal. as little as 4 d for small cylinders.
other sources out of necessity. Addition- LNG itself represents nominally 12% In addition, LNG is generally not a
ally, financing of these projects must con- of global natural gas, or under 3% of glob- pure component fluid, and the lightest
sider the increased variability/seasonality al energy—i.e., while LNG garners a lot of its components (nitrogen, methane)
of demand, as well as offtake by multiple of attention, it actually represents a very tend to selectively boil off first, causing
smaller customers with corresponding small fraction of the world’s energy con- the remaining liquid to concentrate the
smaller balance sheets and less estab- sumption, providing an excellent oppor- heavier components (ethane, propane,
lished (if any) credit credentials. tunity for significant growth. butane). In time, this can cause the com-
Despite these challenges, significant The unique characteristics of LNG position of the LNG to go off-spec com-
opportunities exist. Typical (non-pan- must be considered when seeking to cap- pared to user requirements, and must be
demic) global diesel fuel prices are on ture these growth opportunities. First, carefully managed.
the order of $20/MMBtu–$30/MMBtu, the volumetric energy density of LNG is LNG has long been a “big-time” busi-
while current large-bulk LNG deliver- low. Compared to diesel or fuel oil, LNG ness: big owners (national and interna-
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 2021 23

tional oil companies), big plants (millions small-scale product economically Economic drivers. On a fundamental en-
of metric tons of production yearly), big unattractive outside of regional ergy basis, classic, large-scale LNG com-
ships (1,000-ft long), big users (public deliveries. Many small-scale facilities petes commercially with coal. Despite
utilities) and big money enable it to hap- would be unable to shoulder the the substantial environmental advantages
pen. More recently, a few entrepreneurial burden of infrastructure costs to that natural gas provides compared with
companies have tried a different approach accommodate large-scale ship- coal (e.g., 50% lower CO2 emissions per
to the LNG market, building much small- loading operations and are restricted unit volume of energy, lower NOX and
er, fuels-scale projects and shipping their to regional markets.2,3 SOX, vastly reduced particulate emis-
product in small containers to the end us- • Export port priorities—Large sions, elimination of Hg emissions, much
ers, with good success. Some projections3 export facilities needing to move less invasive production), coal remains in
are that more than one-third of global substantial quantities of LNG may high demand due to low cost and previ-
LNG production growth over the next 4 be unable to make sufficient loading ously invested capital, representing 27%
yr will come from U.S.-based small-scale windows available for small-scale of global energy production in 2019.1
(< 2 metric tpy) newbuild facilities. ships and barges and still load their The challenge is that as renewables
However, despite this initial and pro- annual commitment of cargoes. grow rapidly in the market, they tend to
jected success, these small operations • Security of supply—Today, LNG push out the more expensive fuels first,
have grown slowly. Challenges faced by in small quantities is not widely regardless of the environmental profile.
producers and distributors of small quan- available from multiple parties. Small-scale LNG competes more directly
tities of LNG include: With diesel or fuel oil, production with oil, specifically with diesel fuel, fuel
• Energy efficiency—Modern, issues at one supplier can readily oil and ship bunker. In this market, LNG
full-scale LNG production plants be accommodated by others. In the holds the economic advantage. Even in
consume nominally 8% of their feed present LNG market, if a single, a low-oil-price market, such as that seen
gas as fuel. Small-scale plants have dedicated, small LNG ISO container during most of the ongoing COVID-19
been required by economic necessity or barge-loading facility were to pandemic, global average diesel prices
to minimize CAPEX and, as a result, become temporarily unavailable are higher than global average natural gas
tend to be much less energy efficient, (i.e., due to weather, maintenance and LNG prices.4 This makes the small-
consuming 12%–20% of feed gas as or unplanned outages), the receiving scale LNG market an attractive economic
fuel (or equivalent imported power). facility could be seriously challenged opportunity, if the challenges can be ef-
• GHG signature—With lower energy to access replacement suppliers fectively solved.
efficiency comes higher carbon in the short term.
dioxide (CO2) emissions (whether • Financing—This is a significant Market opportunities. Renewable ener-
directly or indirectly, via imported issue; historically, funding for the gy is now emerging as the energy source of
power). The world is increasingly substantial costs to underpin the choice in a world increasingly concerned
focused on achieving best available development of LNG liquefaction with greenhouse gas emissions and cli-
technology with regard to CO2 infrastructure has been underpinned mate change. As noted above, in many
emissions. The CO2 savings for by long-term (20-yr), take-or-pay markets including Europe and Japan, re-
the end user are substantial, but contracts with credit-worthy buyers. newables have had more success in dis-
production emissions are relatively The small-scale market can be much placing natural gas than coal, driven more
high compared to achievable values. more diverse, seasonal, variable by economics than by environmental con-
• Material handling—It is challenging in demand and comprise buyers cerns, despite the better fit of natural gas in
to move substantial quantities of without access to investment credit reacting to variations and sudden changes
liquids in relatively small containers. ratings. Financing for small-scale in renewable energy production.1,4
A small, 2-MMtpy LNG production facilities will require a different, Going forward, the growth of LNG
facility shipping in conventional more flexible model. and natural gas in the traditional markets
155,000-m3 carriers would require The key to success for small-scale of large power generation facilities, indus-
28 ships/yr, or about one every LNG lies in finding a pathway that alle- try, commercial and residential heating
2 wk. Moving this same small viates these substantial challenges while will be increasingly challenged by the ac-
plant capacity in the biggest ISO still being positioned to take advantage of celerating growth of wind and solar pow-
containers [nominally 40-ft (43- the growing, and increasingly diverse and er. Small-scale LNG operating in different
m3) long] would require more than dispersed LNG consumer market oppor- market dynamics that compete more di-
100,000 containers/yr to be filled, tunities. This pathway will focus on logis- rectly with liquid fuels is less challenged
transported, emptied and returned, tics—finding the solution that enables by renewables in some key markets—this
or 280 containers/d. the capture of big-project economies of generates opportunities. Considerations
• Shipping costs—A significant scale on the production and transporta- associated with these market opportuni-
portion of shipping costs are tion end, coupled with small-project in- ties are discussed here.
independent of volume. Moving novation and flexibility on the consumer Marine. The global shipping in-
LNG long distances in small end through the evolution of the LNG dustry consumed 4.36 MMbpd of fuel
quantities disproportionately value chain, supported by financial back- oil/bunker fuel in 2019,5 equivalent to
increases the unit cost, making the ing that can enable the development. 200 MMtpy LNG (56% of 2019 LNG
24MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

production volume). Although low in

absolute numbers, an increasing number
of ships capable of burning LNG as fuel
are under construction and entering op-
erations, led by the cruise ship industry,
European manufacturers and container
ships. There are nominally 90,000 total
ships in the global fleet, with 60,000 ply-
ing international routes. Ships consume
20 metric tpd–80 metric tpd of fuel oil;
for a very large crude carrier (VLCC) trav-
eling from the Middle East to Japan, this
typically amounts to $2 MM–$2.5 MM
for the 25-d voyage.6 The global average
very-low-sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) price
for early-November 2020 delivery was
$355/metric t, or $9.60/MMBtu. Even at
COVID 19-induced depressed fuel prices,
LNG is economically attractive.
Availability of LNG at ports to support FIG. 1. Global ports with bunkering access.7
bunkering is growing, but still limited in a
classic “chicken-or-egg” scenario. A total
of 96 global ports claim to have access to to improve this—for example, Louisiana growth for LNG if the logistics associated
LNG, but only 12 presently have opera- has established an Alternative Fuels Cor- with fueling them reliably can be estab-
tional LNG bunkering ships, with another ridor program in support of such efforts.7 lished. These stations range from micro-
27 of these ships on order.5 FIG. 1 shows Commercial transportation. The scale power plants (as small as 100 kW to
global ports with bunkering access.7 city of Houston, Texas experimented ex- feed a remote village or a large ranching
Regional shipping/port services. tensively with the use of LNG-powered operation) through small-scale (5 MW)
LNG bunkering for regional shipping is city buses in the early 1990s, but reverted up to moderately large-scale facilities
more straightforward to manage, as the to diesel due to design flaws in the fuel- (> 250 MW). These types of facilities tend
ships can return to the home port for re- ing system. Houston is now successfully to be sited in relatively isolated locations,
fueling and not be dependent on the avail- increasing its use of compressed natural on islands (the Caribbean, Asia) and up-
ability of infrastructure at other locations. gas (CNG) in the city bus fleet. Any type river, and presently operate on diesel oil
Potential users include passenger and car of regional commercial transportation delivered by truck or barge. The favorable
ferries, offshore service vessels, regional (metro buses, school buses, package de- economics outlined in shipping also apply
barge shipping and harbor/river tugs. livery fleets, consumer beverage delivery here, provided that cost-effective fuel sup-
Port service vessels with tight quarters trucks, etc.) that return to a home base ply transportation can be established.
below the waterline (i.e., tugboats) may daily are well suited for utilization of Off-grid manufacturing/farming.
be challenged for fuel tank space in retrofit LNG or CNG, as fuel can be made avail- Similar to off-grid power stations, and
designs. Economics strongly favor diesel able at their home base and the vehicles sometimes integrated with them, large
conversions based on the relative cost of are large enough to adequately store the industrial and agricultural energy con-
marine liquid fuels vs. LNG. needed volumes of fuel. sumers generally use diesel oil, with some
Long-haul trucking. LNG is a premi- Personal vehicles. Smaller, personal global regions (particularly China) using
um fuel for long-haul trucking. On a heat vehicles do not lend themselves to direct coal, and others (U.S. farms) making ex-
basis, it is less than half the price of diesel use of LNG or CNG due to the limited tensive use of propane or LPG. Most die-
(see above) and enables reduced mainte- space available and the lower fuel volu- sel and coal facilities represent potential
nance costs per numerous published re- metric energy. Globally, the personal ve- conversion to LNG, but they tend to be
ports. Trucks generally have the room to hicle fleet is moving in the direction of small consumers (challenging logistics)
accommodate the larger volumetric stor- electrification, rather than gasification. and intermittent consumers (challenging
age space requirement, while the weight of Trains. Locomotive use of LNG is storage of LNG). Supplying LNG into
the fuel itself is lower. Daily usage is high, presently very limited, with one applica- common, local/regional, short-pipeline
such that heat leak and boiloff manage- tion in the U.S. on the Florida East Coast distribution systems may be part of a
ment are not an issue. Railway. Locomotives are well-suited to workable solution.
The primary limiting issue for conver- LNG use, with space available for long- Home heating/cooking, others.
sion is limited access to LNG, which is haul storage and a near-continuous use This market is not viewed as prime for
not universally available, and the installa- profile. Availability of the fuel at terminal expanding LNG usage. Small storage sys-
tion of more truck filling stations has been locations is the most significant challenge. tems have been developed and distribu-
stymied by the lack of converted trucks to Off-grid power stations. These sta- tion models have been tested, but unless
purchase the LNG. Steps are being taken tions represent a prime potential area of a regional/neighborhood piping system
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202125

ports. Rail transport has been used suc-

cessfully in Japan for 20 yr11 and is just now
emerging as a permitted means in the U.S.
Large-scale/small-scale integration of
traditional, large-scale LNG production
and/or receiving facilities with smaller
regional demand locations is expected
to represent an efficient way to service
FIG. 2. A classic LNG value chain.10 this growing market without many of the
constraints present in the emerging small-
is utilized, it is impractical to achieve Sabine Pass, Calcasieu Pass, Gorgon, scale production market (e.g., energy effi-
this small of a scale for distribution and Ichthys, Wheatstone, Asia-Pacific LNG, ciency, limited market reach).
usage of LNG, primarily due to the lim- Gladstone, Queensland Curtis) with a This integration can be accomplished
ited storage life of LNG before boiloff gas couple of smaller facilities at brownfield in at least two basic ways. The first way is
must be managed. U.S. import sites at 2.5 metric tpy–5 met- the addition of small-scale export facilities
Aircraft. The CO2 greenhouse gas ric tpy (i.e., Elba Island, Cove Point). (trucks, ISO tanks, barges, small carriers)
signature of aircraft has generated sig- A classic LNG value chain is shown in to traditional, large-scale export plants.
nificant attention, with 1,000 metric tpy FIG. 2. The value chain needed to support These facilities must be segregated from
of CO2 emissions and up to 5% of global a small-scale dispersed market is substan- the primary, large ship loading docks to
warming attributed to the aviation indus- tially different and more complex, both enable the plant to benefit from the small-
try (2018 figures8). Russia, Boeing and logistically and economically. The ideal scale sales without impeding the major
MIT have performed research on the small-scale production facility may not volume shipments. The second way is the
topic of using LNG and natural gas to need to be small, but it must still be ca- addition of small-scale redistribution fa-
fuel aircraft.8 A 2015 study9 determined pable of supporting the small, dispersed cilities at the large-scale receiving facilities
that, in addition to environmental and delivery market. to enable re-export into regional markets.
fuel cost advantages, LNG as a fuel in- Built large, such a facility can take The potential to see transition exists, with
creases airframe space needed for fuel advantage of the economies of opera- a small, dedicated import market develop-
but decreases fuel system weight. LNG tional and energy efficiencies inherent ing initially, eventually growing into a re-
also provides a means to support thermal in bigger facilities. A large-scale produc- gional redistribution hub.
management of sophisticated electronics tion plant linked into multiple logistics Overall, this integration of the success-
systems. Overall, aircraft looks like an op- chains, or multiple branches of a single ful and financeable large-scale export and
portunity for 2050 and beyond. initial chain, can be positioned to serve import facilities with ongoing small-user
all markets efficiently and still leverage supply at both ends, coupled with hub-
The LNG value chain. Solving the small- traditional financing. and-spoke systems, represents a viable fu-
scale logistics value chain puzzle will be Small scale. Small-scale LNG truck- ture to reach the increasingly diverse and
key to maximizing access to markets for ing from source to consumer has been distributed consumer market potential.
LNG in the future. The classic, large- demonstrated as economic if good roads
scale LNG value chain developed in the are available and the transport distances A final word—safety first. Traditional
1960s is well known. It involves extrac- are in the range of up to 300 mi each way. LNG projects throughout the industry
tion and liquefaction of stranded gas as- If markets are relatively close in distance maintain an excellent safety record as
sets in large-scale export facilities; large, (nominally 500 mi–1,000 mi or less), part of the backbone of reliable energy
dedicated LNG carriers delivering the gas point to point, at or near ocean ports, and supply. To maintain this excellence into
to land-based receiving terminal ports; the intervening seas are not frequently a more diverse and dispersed market will
regasification; and the use of pipelines to subject to rough conditions, then barge require purposeful effort. Smaller facili-
carry the gas to nearby, large-scale power transport of LNG is feasible. The advan- ties may not have the focus on training
plants and into national grids. tage to barges is that they are relatively in- and maintenance that has been embed-
The massive infrastructure develop- expensive, have a shallow draft, and LNG ded into world-scale facilities. Revenue
ment costs associated with the elements ISO containers can be carried safely on levels may not support dedicated safety
of this chain are underpinned by long- deck or dedicated LNG barges can be uti- staffing, and the nature of the transport,
term, take-or-pay contracts with highly lized. Small-scale U.S. exports have been storage and use means a greater degree of
credit-worthy offtakers to enable financ- following this route for services to the manual handling (truck movements, hose
ing. In today’s markets, these investments relatively close Caribbean region.10 connections and disconnects, large num-
can run into the tens of billions of U.S. Alternately, small (nominally bers of small containers).
dollars and, subsequently, require sub- 30,000-m3) shuttle tankers are also used, NFPA 59A does a good job of address-
stantial economies of scale to create fa- requiring deeper draft and more sophisti- ing both small-scale and large-scale LNG.
vorable economics. Most recent initial cated loading systems but accommodating The parties responsible for design and
launch capacities of projects have gener- heavier seas and multiple port stops. This operations must ensure that adequate haz-
ally been in the range of 10 metric tpy– approach has been used for distribution of ard identification, analysis and mitigation
15 metric tpy (i.e., Cameron, Freeport, small quantities of LNG to Scandinavian steps are applied. Design elements, remote
26MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

operations and other digital supported so- of both large- and small-scale facilities cation/280925005_Liquefied_Natural_Gas_as_
lutions can minimize risk exposure and will be a key element in this success. GP 10
International Gas Union, “IGU world LNG report,”
incident severity. With the transition of 2018.
the retail gasoline market to self-service in LITERATURE CITED
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd., “Our
the late 1960s and early 1970s, millions of 1 Business: Infrastructure & utility business: LNG
BP, “Statistical review of world energy,” 2020.
satellite system,” online:
motorists were able to demonstrate that 2
Data from Chart Industries.
properly designed fueling systems could GlobalData, “Global small-scale LNG liquefaction
capacity and capital expenditure outlook, 2020–
be used safely,11 despite initial concerns. 2024,” September 2020. JOHN G. BAGULEY is Chief
4 Operating Officer for Magnolia
“Retail energy price data,” online: www.globalpetrol-
LNG LLC, a Glenfarne Group/
Takeaway. The global energy market is 5
Alder Midstream company.
International Energy Agency, “Marine bunkers prod-
expanding, and natural gas/LNG can play uct demand, 2015–2024,” IEA, Paris, France, online:
His involvement in international
a significant role in meeting these growth LNG project development and
delivery spans 40 yr and includes
needs with a clean-burning fuel that can marine-bunkers-product-demand-2015-2024
project management, engineering, construction
support expansion, displace other hy- George, L. and A. Ghaddar, “New rules on ship
and commissioning roles. He holds a BS degree in
emissions herald sea change for oil market,” May 17,
drocarbon fuels with a higher emissions 2018, online:
chemical engineering from Michigan State University
in East Lansing, Michigan and is a registered
profile, and support the transition to a shipping-fuel-sulphur/new-rules-on-ship-emissions-
Professional Engineer in Texas.
greater penetration of renewables while 7
maintaining security and stability of sup- Sea LNG, “Bunkering,” 2020, online: https://sea-lng. RICHARD WHEELER formerly served
org/why-lng/bunkering/#:~:text=The%20bunker- as Process Technology Manager
ply. Much of this growth will happen in a ing%20infrastructure%20to%20support,LNG%20 for the Magnolia LNG project,
more diverse and dispersed market than bunkering%20investments%20and%20operations with more than 30 yr of experience
has traditionally been served by LNG. Terpitz, J., “LNG for aircrafts,” TGE Gas Engineering in LNG process engineering, project
GmbH, LNG 19 Shanghai, Shanghai, China, April management and process safety
Consequently, market parties must 1–5, 2019, online: management. He has a history of
adapt their operations and logistics pro- tent/uploads/2019/10/152-LNG19-03April2019- delivering innovative solutions to challenging LNG
files to align with the changing market to Terpitz-Julian-presentation.pdf projects, as well as demonstrated leadership in process
capture the greatest market share avail- Roberts, R., S. R. Nuzum and M. Wolff, “Liquefied safety design and delivery. Mr. Wheeler holds a BEng
natural gas as the next aviation fuel,” Propulsion degree in chemical engineering from the University
able. Developing methods of delivering and Energy Forum, Orlando, Florida, July 27–29, of Swansea in the UK and is a Chartered Engineer
LNG that benefit from the best attributes 2015, online: with the Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202127

Through print, online, e-newsletters and
associated events, Gas Processing & LNG
covers the latest advances and trends in
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• Transport, shipping, and distribution
• Unconventional gas processing
• Small-scale gas processing

Mitigate fouling in process

units via advanced analysis
S. WILLIAMS and D. B. ENGEL, Nexo Solutions, The Woodlands, Texas

Fouling, or the undesired accumu- apparatus used to simulate fouling in a prevent vaporization of volatile compo-
lation of solid material on a surface, is scaled-down and accelerated way (FIG. 1). nents in the process fluid.
an increasingly prevalent and challeng- By using actual process fluids in the test, The HLPS measures the degree of
ing problem in processing plants across the HLPS produces essential informa- fouling by differential temperature (∆T)
many industries. As plants move to re- tion related to process fouling and keeps or differential pressure (∆P), depend-
duce costs, contaminated feedstocks and plants a step ahead of fouling events. This ing on the nature of the process fluid. In
ineffective process protection lead to article describes how the HLPS was used ∆T mode, the temperature of the fluid at
higher fouling rates and associated prob- to identify the root source of fouling in an the inlet of the annulus is compared with
lems. The costs associated with fouling aqueous stream, and enabled the facility the outlet temperature. As foulant mate-
problems have been estimated at more to devise a more informed and effective rial deposits on the heated element, heat
than $4.37 B/yr in the U.S. alone in 2019. mitigation strategy. transfer from the element to the fluid
Filter plugging and reduced lifetime, The HLPS consists of a reservoir deteriorates, and a subsequent decrease
reduced heat transfer in heat exchang- charged with the sample fluid that is in the outlet temperature is recorded
ers, column packing obstruction, and re- pumped through a test section. Electrical- (FIG. 3). In ∆P mode, the fluid is pumped
duced throughput are a few of the harm- ly heated metal elements or rods (FIG. 2) through the annulus into a small, 1.7-mi-
ful effects caused by fouling, in addition positioned vertically in the test section cron filter. Any foulant material in the
to under deposit corrosion. Plants must form an annulus through which the fluid fluid, generated by exposure to the heat-
maintain low costs and high throughput flows, and the temperature of the element ed element in the annulus, will accumu-
to achieve profitability; therefore, the is controlled by a thermocouple located late in the filter and cause the differential
need for root-cause analysis and cost-ef- in the interior. Process conditions are pressure to increase as a function of time.
fective fouling solutions is critical. Several simulated by adjusting the flowrate of the Fouling tendency analysis can be used
different techniques, including advanced fluid and the temperature of the elements to predict fouling in many liquid streams,
analytics and expert troubleshooting, can or rods. The temperature can be adjusted
be utilized to mitigate fouling, depending up to 650°C, and the system is typically
on the nature of the situation. pressurized to 600 psi with nitrogen to

Proactive solutions. The tendency of a

fluid to foul process equipment is related
to many factors. This is generally caused
by suspended solids, dissolved compo-
nents or separate liquid phases such as
emulsions (and the potential combina-
tions thereof). Predicting fouling ten-
dency based on process conditions and
stream quality alone is often speculative
and inaccurate. A good method for de-
termining fouling tendencies is a validat-
ed laboratory simulation of the process
and its conditions.
Hot liquid process simulator. One
of the best laboratory tests used to sim- FIG. 2. Heated metal rods used in HLPS
ulate process conditions to determine testing of treated and untreated aqueous
fouling tendencies of a process fluid is samples. Hydrocarbon deposits and increased
the hot liquid process simulator (HLPS). total deposition were observed on rods used
The HLPS is a dynamic laboratory bench FIG. 1. The hot liquid process simulator (HLPS). in the testing of non-extracted samples.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202129


both aqueous and hydrocarbon, and the igation strategy for a given process fouling solids and approximately 1% of hydrocar-
produced foulant material can be subject- event. It also can be used to investigate oth- bons. Fouling of the tower packing and
ed to further analysis to proactively deter- er alternatives, such as liquid contaminant filter plugging caused excessive mainte-
mine the best feed contaminant removal or emulsion removal (often via coales- nance, reduced throughput and decreased
method for the process. Determination of cence) or chemical additive treatments. As efficiency, and impacted the efficiency of
fouling tendency using the HLPS is a pow- such, the HLPS test is an invaluable test for other units downstream. The methanol
erful tool that can help assess the impact fouling root-cause determination, as well recovery unit was evaluated, including a
of processing feedstocks and intermedi- as mitigation strategy determination. comprehensive analysis of the feed com-
ates (aqueous or hydrocarbon-based). In ponents and the process, to find the best
relation to filtration and other separation Case study. A natural gas processing solution for fouling reduction.
processes, fouling tendency analysis is use- plant in North America was experiencing The feed composition was first ana-
ful for determining the optimal treatment severe problems with fouling at its metha- lyzed to understand the nature of the con-
method to address fouling issues. This nol recovery unit distillation column and taminants and the feed itself. Visual obser-
has a fundamental impact in determining prefilters. The feedwater contained be- vation of feed samples revealed high free
whether filtration is the most effective mit- tween 50 ppm and 70 ppm of suspended hydrocarbon contamination (1%) and
high suspended and settled solids. X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses were
Filtered performed on suspended solids from the
250 Filtered/deoiled feed and showed a wide range of contami-
nants (TABLE 1). Large amounts of iron
248 and carbon undetected by XRD analysis
were present in the EDS results, indicating
an amorphous deposit typical of asphal-
Tempreature, °F

tene precipitation and hydrocarbon-coat-

ed solids. The HLPS test system was used
244 to determine the fouling impact of these
solids and hydrocarbon contaminants.
Three samples were tested by HLPS:
an unaltered sample, a filtered sample and
a filtered sample with free hydrocarbon

TABLE 1. Elemental analysis of

238 suspended solids in feedwater/methanol,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 as detected by EDX and XRD
Time, min
Element EDX, % XRD, %
FIG. 3. Outlet temperature data produced from HLPS testing of treated and untreated aqueous Hydrogen, H – 0.01
samples (inlet temperature maintained at 250°F).
Carbon, C 30.89 2.41
Nitrogen, N – –
Oxygen, O 29.35 33.48
Sodium, Na 0.92 3.05
Magnesium, Mg 0.04 0.57
Aluminum, Al 0.2 1.22
Silicon, Si 3 12.59
Phosphorus, P 0.5 1.2
Sulfur, S 1.76 6.85
Chlorine, Cl 1.37 5.23
Potassium, K 0.61 2.34
Calcium, Ca 0.97 3.53
Iron, Fe 22.32 12.68
Copper, Cu 0.29 5.68

FIG. 4. Time-lapse study of phase separation after homogenization of feed samples. After 30 Barium, Ba 7.79 9.18
min, the hydrocarbon and water in solution had almost completely divided into separate phases. Note: The difference in compositions between the
After 1 hr, the aqueous phase is clear, indicating the absence of free or emulsified hydrocarbon. two sets of data are indicative of non-crystalline solids
not detected by XRD analysis.

30 MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

removed. The study conclusively showed Identifying fouling causes, possible mechanisms and
that fouling of the test element was great-
ly reduced after hydrocarbon removal tendencies is critical to eliminate or reduce process
(FIG. 2). Deposition of foulant material fouling. The presence of dissolved components,
on the test elements, as well as a marked
decrease in differential temperature, was suspended solids, hydrocarbon or water phases and
observed in those samples where hydro- emulsions should be tested, analyzed and correlated
carbon was not removed prior to HLPS with fouling when possible. These parameters must be
testing (FIG. 3). With the results of this
testing, plant engineers in the methanol carefully monitored to anticipate potential fouling events.
recovery unit were able to proceed with
a better understanding of fouling reduc- in parallel and run in rotation. The filters derstanding of process conditions and
tion by focusing on hydrocarbon removal (FIG. 5) were nominally rated for 10-mi- appropriate root cause analysis are key to
in addition to solids filtration. However, cron (nominal 80%–85% efficiency) par- resolving fouling and other issues. Spe-
it is important to stress that in this case, ticle capture (no efficiency information cialized analytics and data interpretation
if filtration improvement alone had been was available) and were observed to have are necessary for finding and resolving
recommended based on the high particu- low efficiency in removing smaller par- root cause problems that contribute to
late matter, the overall impact on fouling ticle sizes. Due to the particle distribution fouling episodes. Filtration systems can
would have been marginal. The key solu- (FIG. 6) and hydrocarbon contamination, be analyzed for solids removal efficiency,
tion in this case was to remove suspended the filters were also plugging rapidly, caus- often revealing the real solids removal ef-
solids by adequate filtration in combina- ing reduced filter lifetimes and increased ficiency and the impact on downstream
tion with hydrocarbon separation and re- filter changeouts. An upgrade to the filtra- fouling. Coalescing systems in both gas
covery from the feed stream. tion system was recommended to improve and liquid streams also can be effectively
It was established that the source of hy- solids retention, accommodate smaller and quickly tested to provide valuable
drocarbon contamination in the feed arose particle sizes and hydrocarbon contami- insight about actual separation perfor-
from inefficiencies at several upstream nants, and increase filter lifetimes. The mance and contaminant breakthrough.
three-phase separators. The installation of recommended glass microfiber-based fil- Several resources and strategies can be
an oil-water separator at the methanol re- ter was pleated to increase the available used to determine the best path forward
covery unit feed inlet was recommended. surface area and to reduce pressure drop for fouling mitigation, and the best pos-
To understand the separation rate of the across the newly installed elements. The sible solutions can be identified using
hydrocarbon from the bulk feedwater, a filter vessels in place were reconfigured to advanced analytics, expert troubleshoot-
time-lapse study was performed (FIG. 4). accommodate these cartridge-style ele- ing and innovative, results-oriented so-
The feedwater sample was shaken to ho- ments and improve the solids removal ef- lutions. The ability to identify sources
mogenize, and the phases were allowed to ficiency in the feed stream, in addition to and mechanisms of fouling is vital to
separate into organic and aqueous compo- increasing filter online life. plant operations, and every fouling issue
nent phases over the course of 1 hr. Sepa- should be approached differently and
ration was complete in 30 min–45 min, in- Root cause troubleshooting and proactively, with proper analytical tech-
dicating that a residence time API device analytics. A thorough and holistic un- niques. Only then can suitable separation
for an oil/water separator would be an
efficient system for hydrocarbon removal. Differential + cumulative < volume
The filtration system in place for the 3.5 100
feedwater consisted of two bag filters set B2A4988-BA8936-01 109.$Is diff. volume
B2A4988-BA8936-01 109.$Is cum. < volume 90
Cumulative < volume, %
Differential volume, %

2.0 60


1.0 30

FIG. 5. Bag filter and filter vessel in place
0.0 0
at the feed to the methanol recovery 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1,000 2,000
tower. The 10-μm nominal rated filters were Particle diameter, μm
experiencing low solids removal efficiency,
rapid plugging and short online life. FIG. 6. Particle size distribution of suspended solids in the feed to the methanol recovery tower.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202131


FIG. 7. Photographs taken of sour and produced waters from several different processes.

technologies be conceived, designed and many cases, generate gel-like materials that SCOTT WILLIAMS is a Process
Engineer at Amine Optimization.
implemented effectively. can film over filters and coalescers or any He has industry experience in a
When dealing with fouling challenges other surface. This will rapidly cause plug- number of projects in oil and gas,
in aqueous streams, such as the case de- ging, leading to an increase in differential petrochemical, chemical and water
treatment applications. As part of
scribed previously, it is important to look at pressure, thereby considerably shortening the Amine Optimization engineering
the problem with an unbiased perspective the working life of any separation system. group, Mr. Williams is responsible for technical design
and a holistic approach with due consid- Similarly, the modes by which fouling oc- and solutions development in engineering and
technology applications. He also provides support for
eration to processes upstream. Produced curs in the different process streams vary analytical and specialized service projects. His recent
and/or sour water streams vary dramati- based on the contaminants present, as work has been focused on amine unit contamination
cally in their sources, compositions and well as the process conditions. control, process stability and energy reduction. Mr.
Williams holds a BS degree in chemical and biological
contamination profiles; therefore, their Several ways exist to deal with fouling engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
fouling tendencies and contamination in sour or produced process waters. Identi-
DAVID ENGEL has more than 25 yr of
separation strategies can also vary greatly. fying fouling causes, possible mechanisms industrial experience in a variety of
FIG. 7 shows a series of photographs of and tendencies is critical to eliminate or areas of chemical engineering,
several process sour waters and produced reduce process fouling. The presence of chemistry and material sciences. He
is the inventor in 21 U.S. invention
waters in plants around the world. Upon dissolved components, suspended solids, patents and the author of more than
visual inspection, it can be immediately hydrocarbon or water phases and emul- 90 technical and scientific papers. He
seen that the variability of these water sions should be tested, analyzed and cor- has worked in several technical and business capacities
for companies such as Eastman Kodak, Eli Lilly, General
streams is substantial. Hazy samples are related with fouling when possible. These Electric and Sulphur Experts, among others. Dr. Engel
consistent with micro-emulsified hydro- parameters must be carefully monitored specializes in chemical engineering, process chemistry,
carbons and, in some cases, dispersed sus- to anticipate potential fouling events. optimization and contaminant removal technologies,
and new green technology development. He is the
pended solids. Samples with suspended Changes in fouling tendency with changes Managing Director of Nexo Solutions Companies and
solids presence indicate considerable up- in process conditions (T, P, flowrate, etc.) sits on the Board of Directors for Exion Systems and
stream contamination or corrosion. With should be carefully monitored. When Paico Investments. Dr. Engel is also a Committee
Member of the American Filtration Society, Southwest
respect to separation alternatives, streams fouling events take place, methods like the Region and a member of the Gas Processors Association
with both hydrocarbons and suspended HLPS and other techniques can be used to Technical Section M, in addition to a member of the
solids pose the most complex scenarios understand potential fouling mechanisms. boards of directors at several companies. He holds
a BS degree in industrial chemistry, an MS degree in
for effective contamination removal. The This will enable proper solutions or miti- chemistry and a PhD in organic chemistry. He is also
interaction of both contaminants can, in gations for fouling to be impemented. GP Six Sigma and Project Management certified.

32MARCH/APRIL 2021 |


The smart gas plant: An integrated, intelligent

gathering and processing super system
A. NATHAN and C. HARCLERODE, OSIsoft, Houston, Texas

Midstream operators typically own operator’s asset portfolio because of its commodity pricing and enterprise re-
both the gathering networks that trans- role as the treating and processing hub, source planning (ERP) platforms; com-
port natural gas and the downstream treat- which receives raw gas from the gathering puterized maintenance management sys-
ing and processing facilities that convert network, removes contaminants such as tems (CMMS); plant process simulation
this raw feed into marketable products, H2S, CO2 and water in amine and glycol tools; and many others. Examples of such
such as residue gas and Y-grade NGL. units, and separates NGL and sales gas in data types include:
The optimization of both the gather- a cryogenic unit. • Plant process sensor data,
ing system and processing facilities—with The challenge for gas plant operators such as temperature, flow,
their multitude of associated meters, com- is to optimize plant uptime and equip- pressure, concentrations, etc.
mercial contracts and variable commodity ment maintenance to ensure consistent, from the DCS
pricing—in an integrated fashion is chal- optimum and high-quality sales gas and • Raw gas quantity, quality and
lenging to carry out in real time. System NGL production rates, while balancing gathering system information
size, complexity and data requirements numerous issues, including: • Manufacturer equipment
can complicate the real-time optimization • Feed gas rate composition/ performance curves and
of these facilities. quality variability related engineering data
However, the overall benefits of this op- • H2S and CO2 concentrations • Plant asset maintenance records
timized natural gas gathering and process- exceeding environmental limits • Plant process simulation models
ing super system can be significant in terms • Running the cryogenic unit in that are validated and provide
of lower operating and maintenance ex- ethane recovery or rejection mode optimal operating targets
penses, increased reliability and asset utili- • Controlling residue gas • Financial information
zation, higher-value product recovery rates, heating values associated with methane,
and increases in effective system capacity. • NGL composition ratios, ethane and propane pricing
The heart of this integrated super sys- such as C1/C2 and CO2/C2, from multiple sources, including
tem is the smart gas plant, a fully realized, as well as fluctuating methane, a multitude of contracts and
operational digital twin of the plant. When ethane and propane prices. commodity pricing.
combined with other operational digital The capability to carry out this analy- An operational data infrastructurea is
twins for the compressors, meters and sis for gas plants and act in near-real time, a key foundational tool to enable the cre-
pipelines, an integrated, intelligent super vs. an offline weekly or monthly reac- ation of a smart gas plant. An operation-
system is created. tive approach, is essential for responding ally intelligent operational digital twin of
This article describes the use of an op- rapidly to operational and price/market the physical gas plant can turn these dis-
erational data infrastructurea in configur- fluctuations, as well as optimizing pro- parate data sources into actionable opera-
ing a smart gas plant for real-time monitor- duction. Near-real time, financial-based tional intelligence and decision support.
ing and optimization of plant operations, optimization of a single gas plant train This digital infrastructure empowers en-
as a first step in creating an integrated su- can yield $2,500/d–$3,000/d (approxi- gineers, operators, maintenance person-
per system. The super system enables the mately $1 MM/yr), and up to 1.5 times nel and subject matter experts (SMEs)
optimization of the complete gathering this amount per gas plant in a gathering to configure, evolve and manage their
and processing system, comprising many and processing super system. gas plant decision support application di-
gathering networks and an associated fleet Extracting actionable insights and rectly, using the data infrastructurea with
of processing plants, with optionality to optimizing gas plant performance is “no-code” digital twins.b This is in con-
gate natural gas to several gas plants based challenging due to the large and diverse trast to the more traditional approach of
on optimal guidance. amount of operational, meta and finan- developing or purchasing a customized
cial data from disparate sources: distrib- digital solution for gas plant operations
Gas plant operational challenges. uted control systems (DCSs), program- with significant IT involvement, associ-
The gas plant is the heart of a gather- mable logic controllers (PLCs) and other ated customization and challenging sus-
ing- and processing-focused midstream sensors; financial/pricing databases; tainment effort.
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202133

Real-time decision support. The using a modern, web-enabled visualiza- integration with geospatial, safety and
smart gas plant is based on an integrated, tion platform. environmental information, with the
hierarchical set of configurable dash- As a best practice, the smart dash- ability to drill down through the portfo-
boards that enables self-serve, contextu- board should have a rolled-up summary lio of smart displays. The smart displays
alized access to operational intelligence, of all gas plant information, including should leverage exception-based, condi-
tional formatting to communicate equip-
ment status efficiently and effectively.
FIG. 1 is an example of a smart display
developed for a midstream company
with several gas plants in its asset port-
folio. This smart display was configured
by dragging and dropping desired plant
attributes from a gas plant asset hierar-
chy onto a smart display canvas. As no
programming or coding is required, end
users can customize their own smart
displays or rely on standard, enterprise-
level smart displays. This display also has
a conditionally formatted geospatial map
layered with real-time information, such
as plant production rates. By selecting a
region on the map, further drill-down
FIG. 1. Example of a smart, configurable gas plant summary dashboard. details and intelligence can be accessed.
Additionally, the summary dashboard
has rollup KPIs, such as overall plant uti-
lization and production, which are con-
figured and managed by the plant SMEs.
The web-based dashboard also show-
cases financial KPIs, such as daily total
margin and margin per million standard
cubic feet (MMsft3) of feed gas. Other
information, such as safety days, can be
linked from associated data sources.
A user can drill down from this sum-
mary display to view a block diagram and
operating KPIs for each individual gas
plant in a specific region, such as NGL
and residue gas production rates, ethane
and propane recoveries, as well as C1/C2
and CO2/C2 component ratios (FIG. 2).
FIG. 2. Plant block diagram showing different gas plant units and operating KPIs. By selecting a block, a process flow dia-
gram (PFD) of the unit with real-time
process values can be viewed.
Since the display shown in FIG. 3
is referencing an amine unit that uses
an underlying “no-code” digital twin
template,b the user can easily configure
this dashboard for one amine unit and
then reuse it for all other amine units
in the asset portfolio without modifica-
tion. This capability significantly reduc-
es smart display creation and manage-
ment workloads.
This display also shows environmen-
tal excursion events, specifically when
the outlet H2S concentration from the
amine contactor exceeds 4 ppm, which is
an emissions limit. These environmental
FIG. 3. Process display of an amine unit with environmental excursion events.
excursion periods can be automatically
34MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

created by defining a rule-based start and portfolio performance and take appro- system vs. optimizing a single gas plant.
end event analytics. Another powerful priate actions. Several gathering and processing op-
capability is “backcasting” these event erators have reported an increase in super
analytics (or any expression) on high- Creation of a gathering and process- system effective capacity by more than
fidelity historical data to enable insight ing super system. Once the portfolio 3%, enabling the idling of low-efficiency
into when the defined event occurred in of gas plants has near-real-time optimiza- gas plants or the ability to secure addi-
the past. These events can automatically tion, the same strategy and methodology tional gathering and processing volumes.
trigger notifications to the operators, can be extended to pipeline gathering as- This integrated super system can now
SMEs and other relevant parties or work- sets, including associated systems, such be utilized to holistically monitor and
flows to external systems, such as work as compressor stations and meters, to optimize the entirety of a midstream op-
order creation. build a smart pipeline system. erator’s asset portfolio. The super system
For maintenance personnel, equip- The smart digital replica of the gas helps maximize production and financial
ment-centric views into all heat exchang- plants and the digital replicas of the as- returns, minimize costs and ensure safe
ers, air coolers, compressors and pumps in sociated gathering systems can be com- and reliable operations, leading to opti-
a gas plant can be developed. When an as- bined to form an integrated, intelligent mum gas volumes and routing from the
set class, such as a heat exchanger, is select- gas gathering and processing super sys- gathering network to high-efficiency gas
ed from the list in FIG. 2, a display listing all tem (FIG. 6). By leveraging the super sys- plants based on spot prices. In addition,
relevant operating KPIs for each exchang- tem optionality, such as gating a gath- based on this super system, management
er can be configured with exception-based ering system to the most optimal gas decisions can be made to either sell or
reporting rules to visually indicate which plant, the gathering and processing op- idle under-performing or low-efficiency
exchangers need attention (FIG. 4). erator can gain as much as 1.5 times of plants that are not needed based on gas
The gas plant digital twin becomes in- financial performance across the super demand and present contract pricing.2
creasingly “smart” when integrated with
a robust plant process simulation tool
that has validated models of all necessary
plant units. Model intelligence is further
enhanced by bi-directionally integrating
real-time plant DCS/sensor data from
a historian as inputs to the simulation
model and historizing the simulation
results to perform real-time compari-
sons between simulation and operating
parameters or validating the model. The
display (FIG. 5) illustrates ethane and pro-
pane recovery comparisons from both re-
al-time and simulated data. The live link
between the operating and engineering
models, coupled with financial data (e.g.,
ethane and propane spot pricing), en-
ables real-time, recovery-based financial FIG. 4. Exception-based equipment reporting display for all heat exchangers in a gas plant.
performance optimization to be imple-
mented in the smart gas plant.

Portfolio and fleet-wide gas plant

business intelligence. Once this re-
covery-based financial performance op-
timization methodology is developed
for a single gas plant, it can then be ap-
plied throughout the plant portfolio in
a midstream company. Fleet-wide busi-
ness intelligence (BI) dashboards can be
developed by streaming this data in real
time to tools such as Microsoft Power BI,
Tableau or Spotfire.
Users can quickly view these recovery
values vs. model-validated targets for all
plants in a central display, taking advan-
tages of features such as slicing and dic- FIG. 5. Comparison of C2 and C3 recoveries from operating and simulated data, with recovery-
based financial performance optimization.
ing in these BI platforms to understand
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202135

scale and struggle to address the anoma-

lies of physical assets that have variabil-
ity in vintage, make, model and level of
instrumentation. Furthermore, real-time
operational data and asset metadata (i.e.,
static information like equipment model
and location) typically reside as tags in
control systems, as well as in other da-
tabases and platforms, with accessibility
issues and lack of naming standards limit-
ing access to critical data that could po-
tentially be leveraged to gain insight.
However, one operations-focused
FIG. 6. An integrated, intelligent gas gathering and processing super system, combining smart digital twin technologyb has access to
gas plants with digital pipelines.1 this required data with the ability for the
SMEs to configure replicas of their gas
plant components, such as columns, heat
exchangers, pumps, compressors and
air coolers in an agile, evolutionary way.
These no-code digital twins rely on digital
asset templates and can be combined like
LEGO blocks to form a comprehensive
digital representation of physical gas plant
and gathering and processing system, us-
ing drag-and-drop capabilities (FIG. 7).
The digital operational infrastruc-
ture can enable asset anomaly detection
by empowering the SME to create or
modify anomaly expressions and then
test the expressions by backcasting—i.e.,
running the expression back into the op-
erational history. Once satisfied with the
FIG. 7. A smart gas plant configuration from digital twin asset template building blocks. expression, the SME can then forward-
cast this modified expression or event
detection algorithm to other assets that
Real-time operational data infra- • Use of a “layers of analytics” utilize the same digital twin template.
structure. The real-time operational framework and strategy providing This powerful capability enables con-
infrastructurea is an agnostic, open, scal- the analytics foundation via tinuous improvement of calculations, ex-
able and reliable technology specifically descriptive, diagnostic and simple pressions and event analytics over time,
designed for critical operations. It enables predictive analytics. as well as comparison of similar expres-
several key functionalities: sion results, KPIs or events as part of the
• Secure integration of time-series No-code digital twins. A digital twin is diagnostic process.
operational data from DCS, a replica of a physical asset, such as a heat To be able to address the variances in
supervisory control and data exchanger, a pump or a compressor com- equipment type, make and vintage, the
acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial prising attributes, calculations, KPIs, em- digital twin templates must contain sub-
Internet of Things (IIoT) systems pirical correlations and models of varying templates or derived templates to capture
• Abstraction of diverse tag complexity. Contrary to the present hype, these deviations from the base template.
and asset names into a digital twins have been around since the In the digital twin templates, the attributes
standard company lexicon 1960s. However, today’s operationally fo- are placeholders for the actual, asset-spe-
• Integration of metadata, including cused digital twins are dramatically more cific values that are mapped once when
engineering data and the robust and sophisticated in their ease of the template is applied to an actual asset.
maintenance management system use, approach and capability to develop, A real-world data infrastructurea with
• Normalization of units of measure, evolve and leverage in a smart gas plant. no-code digital twin technologyb now
time zones and descriptions Most digital twins require informa- operates across DCP Midstream, one of
• Configuration of traditional tion technology (IT), data scientists, the largest midstream operators in North
operational applications, machine learning, model integration and America. DCP Midstream has numerous
such as energy management, coding. They also have a limited ability to gas plants, fractionation units and other
environmental compliance deal with data volume, velocity, variabil- midstream assets, including thousands
and KPI-driven dashboards ity and anomalies. They are difficult to of associated heat exchangers, pumps,
36MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

and compressors. DCP Midstream’s engi-

neers have configured more than 400 no-
code digital twin templates in an evolu-
tionary, agile way to form an operational
digital twin of their entire enterprise, with
more than 11,000 digital twin instances.

“Layers of analytics” strategy for gas

plants. Terms such as advanced analyt-
ics, machine learning, big data and arti-
ficial intelligence (AI) appear pervasively
in marketing literature today, but they
can lead to confusion, failed projects and
significant lost-opportunity costs.
The most successful gas plant opera-
tors achieve value from analytics by first
FIG. 8. A “layers of analytics” strategy—disciplined evolution of analytical layers to deliver value.
defining an analytics framework and the
types of analytics required, and then
selecting fit-for-purpose technologies. erational and market challenges that in- framing that enables configurable event start and
end times with event analytics; and a configurable
They use a layers of analytics strategy, hibit their ability to achieve optimal oper- notification engine to trigger alerts via SMS, email
which considers incremental cost vs. in- ating and financial performance. Leading or work order in a maintenance management system.
cremental value as they move to more gathering and processing companies are
complex analytical methods. The costs responding to these challenges by ag- LITERATURE CITED
include not only the technology, but also gressively adopting digital technologies 1
Hill, J., “DCP update on the use of the PI System,”
the costs associated with lost time to that enable agility, flexibility, operational PI World Conference, March 2019, San Francisco,
value, scalability, configuration, sustain- excellence and proactive decision sup- 2
Johnson, W., “DCP Midstream—Enabling business
ment and risk of attainment. port to optimize performance through transformation with the PI System: The DCP 2.0
The foundation of this layers of ana- the development of smart gas plants and journey,” PI World Conference, April 2019, San
lytics approach (FIG. 8) relies on the use gathering and processing super systems. Francisco, California.
of an operational data infrastructure to The overall benefits of this optimized
enable SMEs—not IT—to configure natural gas gathering and processing su- Systems Engineer and the
real-time descriptive, diagnostic and per system can be significant in terms of Midstream Oil and Gas Industry
simple predictive analytics using formu- lower operating and maintenance expens- Champion at OSIsoft. He has
las, empirical correlations and rule-based es, increased reliability and asset utiliza- 12 yr of experience in the oil
and gas industry, specifically data
expressions. These lower-level analytics tion, higher-value product recovery rates infrastructure with the PI System,
form the foundation for more advanced resulting in $1 MM/yr per gas plant, and analytics, visualization, process engineering, plant and
predictive, prescriptive and adaptive increases in effective gathering and pro- pipeline modeling, operator training, 3D visualization
and virtual environments. He is passionate about
analytics that use machine learning and cessing system capacity by as much as 3%.
operational performance optimization for the process
other methods and require collaborative Adopting an operational data in- industries through utilization of data infrastructure
support from data science teams. frastructure with no-code operational and simulation software tools. He holds a PhD in
These foundational analytical layers digital twins based on a layer of analytics polymer science from the University of Akron in
Ohio and a BS degree in chemical engineering
generally provide more than 80% of the strategy, as well as building smart dash- from Michigan State University in East Lansing.
value for about 20% of the cost vs. more boards, are the keys to a successful digi-
advanced analytical layers that use only tal transformation. The enablement of CRAIG HARCLERODE is a Global Oil
technologies such as machine learning. SMEs to develop, configure and evolve and Gas and HPI Industry Principal
at OSIsoft. He focuses on digital-
Once higher layers of analytics are utilized, these no-code digital twins with minimal
enabled business transformation
it is imperative to feed back the results of IT support is the secret to the smart gas addressing the dimensions of
these advanced layers to the lower-level plant of the 21st century. GP people/culture and process
layers as forecasts or targets to operation- reengineering leveraging the
PI System in the areas of IIOT/edge computing,
alize the advanced analytical output. This NOTES PI AF digital twins, layers of analytics, and big data to
is key to the development of the smart gas a
The PI System functions as a real-time operational deliver transformative business value. Mr. Harclerode’s
plant, as results from the integration with data infrastructure for critical operations and enables 40-yr career has included engineering, operations
process simulation optimization models SMEs to configure no-code digital twins to create and automation in supervisory, executive management
self-serve access to contextualized operational intel- and consulting roles at Amoco Oil, Honeywell IAC
and financial data for real-time gas plant ligence and support a layer of analytics strategy. and Aspen Tech. He holds a BS degree in chemical
financial optimization are fed back to the b
No-code digital twins refer to the PI System’s Asset engineering from Texas A&M University in College
operational data infrastructure. Framework (AF) that includes an integration, Station and an MBA degree from Rice University in
abstraction and contextualization layer via data ref- Houston, Texas, and he is a former Project Management
erences to other data sources; a portfolio of 110 Professional. He has numerous publications to his
Takeaway. Natural gas gathering and analytical functions optimized for time-series data credit and is a regular thought leader presenter at
processing operators face numerous op- that leverage a wizard capability for ease of use; event conferences and events globally on “going digital.”

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202137

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Process technologies for LNG production

L. MICUCCI, Siirtec Nigi, Milan, Italy

LNG is purified natural gas converted Process technologies for LNG. Once for peakshaving purposes, for example,
into liquid form. In this physical state, natural gas has been pretreated to reduce the liquefaction plant does not operate
NGL takes up 1/600th the volume of gas the impurities to trace levels—i.e., wa- on a continuous basis and the capacity is
in its natural form, making it economical to ter to 0.1 ppm, CO2 to 50 ppm and Hg small. In these cases, the focus is on CA-
be stored in large-volume containers and to less than 10 ng/Nm3—LNG is lique- PEX rather than high efficiency, and the
transported over long distances via tanker. fied and subcooled by cooling the gas to refrigeration cycle may be based on an in-
The English scientist Michael Faraday –162°C (at 1 bar abs). verted Brayton refrigeration (BR) cycle.
first developed a way to liquefy methane Natural gas liquefaction requires a In the BR cycle, refrigeration is supplied
in 1820. However, LNG first made its way significant amount of refrigeration. Since by expanding a single-component fluid
to commercial application in 1959 when the adopted refrigeration cycles dif- (N2) without fluid phase change. For
the first LNG tanker, the Methane Pioneer, ferentiate the commercial liquefaction medium to large production plants where
sailed from Lake Charles, Louisiana, U.S. processes, the most widely used refrig- high efficiency is important, a compres-
to Canvey Island, UK, where the govern- eration systems in the LNG industry are sion refrigeration cycle (CRC) with re-
ment wanted to convert coal to natural outlined in the subsequent sections, fol- frigerant phase change is used.
gas following the Great Smog of 1952. lowed by the commonly used LNG pro-
LNG international trade followed with duction technologies. Inverted Brayton cycle. In the basic
LNG export from Algeria to the UK in BR cycle, the cooling duty is provided
1964. Soon after, France imported LNG Refrigeration cycles. The refrigerant by expanding nitrogen through a Joule–
from Algeria, and Spain and Italy im- fluid can be a single-component fluid Thomson valve, or through an expander,
ported LNG from Libya. Today, the LNG (N2, for instance) or a mixture of light without causing a change in the fluid
industry has become the catalyst for the hydrocarbons, generally termed as mixed state. The pressure of N2 is raised from
transformation of the global gas sector. refrigerant (MR). point (1) to point (2) and cooled at con-
The LNG industry consists of three In the latter case, the MR speciation stant pressure to point (3) (FIG. 1A). In
main processes: liquefaction and storage, can be varied to accommodate changes in the following isentropic expansion to the
ocean transportation via tankers, and the operating conditions. For example, in pressure P4 < P3, the temperature ideally
storage and regasification. As an alterna- locations characterized by strong seasonal drops to T4 , as per the formula shown
tive to land-based projects, the liquefac- variations in ambient temperature, the in Eq. 1, providing the cooling stream
tion, storage and regasification steps can MR composition is varied to accommo- against which natural gas can be cooled
also take place on vessels, which include: date these changes. and liquefied:
• FSRU: Floating storage and The selection of the refrigeration cy-
regasification units cle is driven by the LNG production pat- T4 = T3 × (P4 ÷ P3)^[(k – 1) ÷ k] < T3 (1)
• FLNG: Floating LNG vessels tern. When the LNG is to be produced
• FPSO: Floating production,
storage and offloading systems N2
• FPS: Floating production systems (2) N2
• FSO: Floating storage and
offloading systems (2)
Compressor Expander Compressor

• FSU: Floating storage units. (1) (4) Expander

In addition to the traditional uses of (3) (1) (3)
natural gas, and for its reduced environ-
mental impact relative to coal and other NG LNG NG LNG
fossil fuels, LNG has become popular Enthalpy BAHE BAHE
as a clean energy vector in the maritime (A) (B) (C)
and transport sectors. This trend has also
stirred interest in small-scale LNG plants. FIG. 1. N2 expansion refrigeration cycle.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202139


Simplicity of design and ease of im- ternal utility or to a heat sink within the intercooler. The pressure of the liquid
plementation are the main advantages process, or to another refrigeration sys- phase withdrawn from the economizer is
offered by the BR cycle. However, since tem (cascade refrigeration). The sim- reduced by means of a second throttling
only sensible heat is transferred, the BR plest refrigeration closed cycle entails a valve and sent to the evaporator, where it
cycle may be economically advantageous sequence of evaporation (heat extraction provides the refrigeration duty by evapo-
only for micro- and small-scale LNG at low pressure), compression, condensa- rating at low pressure.
production, as increasing the cooling tion (heat rejection at high pressure) and The thermodynamic transformation
duty would result in an increase of N2 expansion. “Closed cycle” means that the taking place in this refrigeration cycle is
flowrate and a disadvantageous increase working fluid of the refrigeration system illustrated in the right side of FIG. 2. The
in plant dimensions. is permanently contained within the me- power required to transfer heat from the
N2 is not flammable, nontoxic, easy to chanical system. evaporator to the condenser is given by
procure and does not need storage facili- In the context of the LNG industry, the the enthalpy (H) difference between
ties. For these characteristics, the BR cycle thermodynamic efficiency of the basic points (5) and (2). If the pressure were
is often considered for offshore application closed cycle can be improved by increas- raised with only one compression stage,
where safety is a major issue. Moreover, it ing the number of refrigeration stages or the final state of the gas would be in the
is not affected by wave-induced motion. by using more than a single working fluid position (5*). Since ΔH(5-2) is less than
(refrigerant) in a cascade arrangement. ΔH(5*-2), the power requirement of the
Compression refrigeration cycle. In FIG. 2 shows a dual-compression, du- two-stage compression is less than the
the CRC, heat is extracted from a process al-expansion refrigeration system. The power required by a single-stage com-
stream by evaporating, at low pressure, refrigerant vapor stream (5) at high pres- pression system.
the refrigerant fluid in a kettle-type heat sure is cooled and expanded in a throt- It should be noted that if the throttling
exchanger and rejecting heat by con- tling valve. The resulting two-phase flow valves are replaced with expanders, the
densing the refrigerant vapor at relatively is separated in the economizer. The vapor efficiency of the refrigeration is further
high temperature. is recycled back to the second stage of the increased because the expansion across
The rejection is accomplished by compressor after having been mixed with a process expander provides additional
transferring the extracted heat to an ex- the outlet stream from the compressor cooling and power recovery. In most
LNG facilities, the precooling of natural
gas is accomplished with a tri-stage pro-
Two-stage pane refrigeration cycle.
(6) Condenser
compressor In the cascade arrangement, two or
more refrigerant fluids (generally pro-
(9) (3) pane and ethane) are used in two distinct
Throttling (6) (5) refrigeration cycles. The low-temper-

(7) (9)
ature cycle provides the cooling in the
Intercooler (8)
Economizer (7) (4) (3) evaporator and rejects heat to the other
cycle by means of the evaporator/con-
(8) denser heat exchanger. This latter is com-
Throttling Evaporator (2) mon to both cycles. FIG. 3 illustrates the
valve (1)
process setup for a cascade refrigeration
(1) (2) Enthalpy cycle. The cascade refrigeration concept
was used in early LNG plants.
FIG. 2. The dual-compression, dual-expansion refrigeration cycle.
Mixed refrigerant. A single refrigerant
Condenser fluid must be compressed and expanded
(8) (7) to pressures low enough to reach a tem-
perature colder than the process stream.
Throttling The lower the gas liquefaction tempera-
Evaporator ture, the larger its duty, and generally
(5) (6) the more complex the refrigeration sys-

(8) (5)
tem becomes.
(4) (3)
Since natural gas is a mixture of com-
(4) ponents, its condensation curve—the
Condenser (3)
valve (5) (6) plot of temperature against specific en-
Evaporator thalpy ( J/kg) or cumulative heat rate—
(1) (2) (2)
(1) is a monotonic function that decreases
Process stream
Enthalpy over the entire enthalpy domain. An in-
herent loss of thermodynamic efficiency
occurs when attempting to match the
FIG. 3. Cascade refrigeration cycle.
discrete single-refrigerant temperature
40MARCH/APRIL 2021 |

levels with the condensation curve of

process streams.
The selection of a specific LNG production plant
On the contrary, the boiling curve of is driven by the feed composition, plant capacity,
a designed mixture of refrigeration fluid location, ambient conditions, safety and energy
can better approach the natural gas cool-
ing curve. In doing so, less external work cost … Although comparatively less efficient, the N2
is required for the liquefaction. MR used recycle process and its modification account for a
for liquefying natural gas generally con-
tains methane (40%), ethane (48%), pro- large share of production plants in operation today.
pane (9%) and nitrogen (3%). It should
be emphasized that the actual MR specia- Moreover, the multiple expansion allows transfer area. The heart of a baseload
tion used in a specific plant depends on for an increase in LNG capacity from 0.5 plant is the main heat exchanger (e.g., a
the natural gas composition and other metric MMtpy to 1 metric MMtpy. spiral-wound heat exchanger, or SWHE).
project constrains, including environ- In a recent development, the efficien- The SWHE consists of pressure vessels
mental conditions. cy is improved by combining an N2 cycle containing a number of tubing bundles
with a CH4 cycle. The former cycle is for fabricated with a large number of long,
Production plants. The selection of a supplying precooling and liquefaction aluminum tubes helically wound around
specific LNG production plant is driven duty, while the latter is for subcooling the a mandrel or a central core. Numerous
by the feed composition, plant capac- produced LNG. tube layers are formed in the radial direc-
ity, location, ambient conditions, safety tion. Each layer is separated from adja-
and energy cost. As a short reference, Single mixed refrigerant (SMR). Fur- cent layers by spacers.
TABLE 1 provides a list of the main com- ther improvement of efficiency is attain- The SWHE comprises a warm ex-
mercial processes segmented according able by replacing N2 with an MR that has change zone and a cold exchange zone.
to plant capacity. an adjustable composition to “simulate” Together, the tubes clustered in the
Although comparatively less efficient, the cooling of natural gas from ambient warm/cold zone constitute a single, coil-
the N2 recycle process and its modifi- to cryogenic temperature. The SMR com- wound bundle. In the multi-tubes shown
cation account for a large share of pro- bines the simplicity of the plant configu- at the left of the warm zone in FIG. 4,
duction plants in operation today. The ration with operational flexibility while the feed gas is cooled and partially con-
simplest system comprises a brazed alumi- enhancing the overall plant efficiency by densed against a vaporizing refrigerant
num plate-fin heat exchanger, a compres- 10%–15% relative to the N2 recycle plants. on the shell side of the bundle. The re-
sor and an expander, as shown in FIG. 1B. In the baseload LNG industry, the sulting two-phase flow is directed in the
The circulating N2 is compressed with most commonly used process configu- bundles of the cold zone, where it is fur-
a reciprocating, multistage compressor ration is a combination of propane pre- ther cooled and extracted as LNG.
(for micro- and small-scale plants). The cooled and mixed refrigeration (C3MR) The refrigerant in the shell side is
warm, compressed gas is cooled to 150K– processes. Generally, the propane cycle a mixture of light hydrocarbons. After
175K by means of an external utility and includes a three-stage refrigeration sys- being cooled and partially condensed
auto-refrigeration (i.e., by heat transfer tem where propane is boiled at three dis- in the MR refrigeration loop, the two-
to the cold, low-pressure N2 stream) and tinct temperature levels and the boiling phase flow is separated in a knockout
expanded in a Joule–Thomson throttling curve forms three distinct steps. drum. The liquid from the knockout
valve or through a gas expander. Large production plants are arranged drum is subcooled in the tubes circuit,
The thermodynamic efficiency of this in multiple trains with parallel compres- shown at the right of the warm bundle,
scheme is very low; the specific power sors and relevant drivers. The size of each and then throttled and mixed with the
required to liquefy natural gas can be train is increased to the maximum possi- refrigerant flowing downward from the
greater than 1.5 kW/kg of produced ble to pursue economies of scalea so that cold area. The MR flows downward over
LNG. The efficiency of this cycle can be the unit cost—i.e., the CAPEX/t of pro- the outside of the spool bundle. By va-
improved by allowing the circulating gas duced LNG—is as low as possible. porizing and warming while flowing
to condense so that the latent heat of N2 Since a large flowrate of gas must be downward, the MR provides the refrig-
can provide part of the refrigeration duty. cooled from nearly ambient tempera- eration for cooling the feed gas and sub-
In this case, the basic N2 recycle evolves ture to yield LNG at –162°C, the high cooling the liquid phase extracted from
into the process diagram shown in FIG. 1C. heat transfer required entails a large heat the knockout drum.
Other modifications have been intro-
duced to the basic scheme to improve the TABLE 1. Commercial liquefaction plant capacity selection
overall efficiency of the N2 refrigeration
system. One modification consists of ex- Scale Capacity, metric MMtpy Process technology
panding N2 in three expanders, with each Micro 0.03–0.1 N2 expander
serving the cooling duty of an individual Small 0.1–0.5 N2 expander, SMR
step (precooling, liquefaction and sub-
Medium 0.5–2.5 SMR, DMR, C3MR, AP-LNG
cooling) of natural gas liquefaction, there-
by achieving a split-pressure arrangement. Baseload > 2.5 C3MR, DMR, AP-X

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202141


also the greatest equipment count, com-

LNG plexity and multiple refrigerant handling.
The cascade process is an alternative
Cold zone
Spiral-wound technology. In this process, natural gas
heat exchanger
precooling is carried out in an evaporator/
refrigeration condenser that is common to the high-
closed loop Scrubber and low-temperature refrigeration cycles.
Since each refrigerant circuit is controlled
Warm zone separately, this technology does not need
Raw gas to adapt the refrigerant composition to
natural gas. The most well-known com-
C2+ mercial cascade process is ConocoPhil-
Compander lips’ Optimized Cascade LNG process. It
Multi-stream cascades three pure refrigerants: propane,
heat exchanger
ethylene and methane.
It should be noted that plant compo-
MR loop nents in cryogenic service are installed
MR compressor inside cold boxes. These boxes are creat-
ed of a structural framework closed with
FIG. 4. Propane-precooled SMR liquefaction technology. steel plates, generally painted white, and
filled with insulating material like perlite
to avoid heat exchange with the surround-
The refrigerant vapor from the knock- In a more recent enhancement, the ing environment.
out drum is cooled in the warm zone and C3MR has been integrated with an N2 Finally, the modularization concept is
passes through the tube circuit in the cold recycle refrigeration cycle in the rear the emerging approach to economies of
zone, wherein it is liquefied and possibly end of the process. In doing so, the LNG scale for baseload plants. Modularization
subcooled. After pressure reduction, it subcooling duty is shifted from the cold entails multiple parallel, standardized, in-
flows downward on the outer side of the zone of the SWHE to the N2 recycle dependent, small-scale LNG plants. In this
spool bundle and evaporates, thereby cycle, and the capacity of a single LNG way, new, identical production lines (mod-
providing the refrigeration duty to both train can be as much as 8 metric MMt- ules) can be added as the market expands.
the feed stream and the refrigerant va- py–10 metric MMtpy, if the dimensions This enables cost savings and capital bud-
por coming from the knockout drum. are left unchanged. This plant configura- geting over a longer span of time. GP
The refrigerant flowing downward in the tion licenses AP-X process technology.
SWHE becomes totally vaporized upon In arctic regions, where the tempera- NOTES
reaching the bottom. ture can vary from –40°C to 30°C, the By increasing the size of the plant, the CAPEX
increases less than proportionally with the plant
The exchange configuration previ- propane cycle becomes a bottleneck in capacity (Q ), according to the generally used esti-
ously described is known as “top cold.” the process because it is not possible to mate of 0.67. That is, CAPEX1 = CAPEX0 × (Q1/
The opposite arrangement is “bottom fully utilize the power from the compres- Q0) × 0.67, where CAPEX0 is the investment cost of
a plant of capacity Q0 < Q1.
cold.” In the latter configuration, LNG is sor over the wide temperature range. In b
This process was discussed in the Back to Basics
withdrawn from the bottom rather than replacing the propane refrigeration cycle article, “Natural gas phase separation and mercury
from the top. with an MR, the maximum utilization removal,” published in the July/August 2020 issue of
Note: The vaporization of the MR flu- of power available from the compressor Gas Processing & LNG.
id gradually flowing downward increases, drivers can be attained while maintain- LORENZO MICUCCI is a Senior
and the heat transfer mechanism changes ing efficient refrigerant compressor op- Director at Siirtec Nigi SpA.
from two-phase boiling heat transfer at eration over the wide temperature range. He has more than 30 yr of
experience in the engineering
the top of the warm zone to single-phase In these cases, the MR is constituted by and contracting industry, most
vapor heat transfer at the bottom. Howev- a blend of ethane and propane. Increas- of which have been spent in the
er, the geometric data (e.g., coils diameter, ing the proportion of propane creates natural gas sector. In 2001, he
tubes outside diameter, radial tubes spac- a heavier mix suitable for summer op- joined Siirtec Nigi in Milan, where he directed the
process design and operations department and the
ing, tubes pitch and winding angle) are of- eration, while increasing ethane yields a research and development department. During his
ten kept constant throughout the bundle, lighter mix for winter usage. time as R&D head, three patents have been granted
meaning that the thermal design of these to Siirtec Nigi, two of which have been implemented
systems is the result of a tradeoff among Dual mixed refrigerant (DMR). The on an industrial scale. At present, he is the Senior
Director of the technology and marketing
the various heat transfer mechanisms. process where the precooling duty is sup- departments. Mr. Micucci also worked for Saipem
Aluminum is the material of construc- plied by an MR heavier than that used (Snamprogetti) as a Plant Designer for integrated
tion used for the SWHE and BAHE; for liquefaction and subcooling is known gasification combined cycle and gas-to-liquids
plants. He holds an MS degree in chemical
therefore, a mercury removal unitb must as dual MR (DMR). The DMR process engineering from the University of Bologna in
be installed in the conditioning section provides the highest thermal efficiency Italy and is enrolled as a Qualified Engineer
of the processing facilities. in severe environmental conditions, but in the Register of Milan Order of Engineers.

42MARCH/APRIL 2021 |
A. BLUME, Editor-in-Chief

Air Control Entech Novatek, Nuovo Pignone partner on CO2 reduction

launches optical Novatek and Nuovo Pignone, part of Baker Hughes, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at reducing
CO2 emissions. According to the agreement, the companies intend to cooperate in developing electrical and
gas imaging drone gas turbine solutions for natural gas and LNG production, as well as solutions for reducing CO2 emissions.
Remote inspection technology The companies will also commence implementing a project to convert gas turbines to an H2-based fuel gas
specialist Air Control Entech mix. Baker Hughes is a main equipment supplier for Novatek’s Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 projects.
has developed a lightweight,
optical gas imaging inspection
system for use in global oil and
Baker Hughes debuts Onshore Composite Flexible Pipe
gas inspection. Weighing less Baker Hughes recently
than 5,000 g, the unmanned launched its next-generation
aerial vehicle (UAV) is less than Onshore Composite Flexible
half the weight of other optical Pipe to address the corrosion and
systems, allowing pinpoint visual cost-of-ownership challenges
accuracy of gas leak locations with conventional steel pipe for
in challenging and previously the energy, oil and gas, and
inaccessible areas. It can also industrial sectors.
visually scan vast areas quickly. The flexible, lightweight
The UAV’s camera, with digital reinforced thermoplastic pipe
zoom capability and real-time data (RTP) offers an economic
transfer, provides high-definition and environmentally friendly
gas imaging to accurately detect alternative to resource-intensive
leaks beyond the scope of normal onshore steel pipes, for optimizing
human vision. Color-coding helps the core structure of flowline and
identify gases. The system can oil and gas pipeline networks.
spot leaks from more than 100 A key feature of the pipe is its
m away and can be used in a spoolable design, making it easier, faster and 20% more cost-effective to transport and install vs. steel pipe.
variety of upstream, midstream The pipe offers an economic solution for the transport of CO2 and H2, as well as the conversion of existing
and downstream environments, infrastructure to carry gases. In addition, the pipe’s non-corrosive materials can withstand contaminants
including refineries, process plants without requiring chemical inhibitors, corrosion monitoring and inspection, or disruptive repair work,
and decommissioning projects. thereby reducing OPEX.

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Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 202143

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